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Dino Crisis 1 and 2 (PSX PS1) (Similar to Resident Evil) (ePSXe)




Games Playstation


Dino Crisis 1 and 2 (PSX PS1) (Similar to Resident Evil) (ePSXe)




2011-02-24 (by FuCtUpPuNk )


Use an Emulator to run the games. Recommended: ePSXe 1.6 or 1.7 I have also uploaded the emulator to run this game on the following link: ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ DINO CRISIS 1: GAMEPLAY: Dino Crisis is best described as a Panic Horror game, with the focus of the game not on action, but high suspense, and often puzzle based gameplay. There is of course, times when resorting to using weapons in your only hope of survival but weapons and ammunition are often hard to come by, but this can be aided by creating your own forms of darts. The game's storyline is carried out exclusively at night, aiding the eerie and often disturbing feeling of the game. The music also contributes to the sense of isolation in the facility, and there is often no warning as to when a dinosaur may ambush the player. Dino Crisis' weapons include a Handgun, Shotgun and a grenade launcher, with varying forms of ammo found in the facility, including tranquillizer darts that can be modified using various substances into deadly poison darts. Generally, the larger the enemy, the more firepower is required to kill them, with therizinosaurs and pterandons being the hardest animals to kill. The game integrates a range of puzzle solving into the storyline, with various disks and password keys needed to open doors. Other puzzles involve logistics, such as moving pipes and crates in the right sequence to allow gameplay to proceed. During puzzle solving, there are generally no dinosaurs to harass Regina. Also, whenever a DANGER sequence occurs, the player has to hit all control buttons (excluding the Start, Select, and Analog buttons as well as sticks). CHARACTERS: * Regina (Stephanie Morgenstern) - The player's character; an intelligence and weapons expert, specializing in weapons maintenance. * Rick (Alex Karzis) - The third member of the team and an expert computer hacker. He believes the lives of the team are more important than the success of the mission. He carries a sniper rifle. * Gail (Richard Yearwood) - A veteran spy, and the leader of the team. He is well known for his cold demeanor. He believes that the success of the mission is more important than the lives of his team, as well as his own. He carries an assault rifle. * Dr. Edward Kirk (Adrian Truss) - The genius behind the Third Energy Theory. He was approached by the Borginian Republic who were interested in the properties of Third Energy as a weapon, and promised him all the funding, facilities, researchers and equipment he needed. To that end, he staged his death and moved to Ibis Island, to where a Third Energy research facility had been set up for him. During the course of the game he eludes the dinosaurs as well as the player, and even kills some of his researchers to cover his tracks. He shows no remorse for the consequences of his actions, and only cares about his work. * Tom (Bino Tautorrez) - An agent of SORT, who has infiltrated the Ibis Island facility to investigate the reports of a new type of weapon being researched. He is wounded by a Pteranodon, and later killed by a Velociraptor to save Rick. * Cooper - The fourth member of the extraction team. He is blown off course at the start of the mission and eaten by a Tyrannosaurus. The rest of the team never learns this, and he is declared MIA. * Pilot (Robert Tinkler) - He brings the four agents to the island in the helicopter. He is later contacted by Regina after the team finds Dr. Kirk. She orders him to scrap the original plan and pick them up immediately. However, as he is about to land to pick up Regina, Rick, and Dr. Kirk (Gail is absent when he shows up), the T-Rex attacks and destroys the helicopter, presumably killing the pilot. Because he was in the air when the team parachuted down, it is possible he saw the T-Rex kill Cooper. * Mike A guard found dead in a control room close to the end of the game. It is presumed that he was killed by a Velociraptor or Therizinosaurus, since he had a communicator on him. After his corpse is found, he is identified by name as a surviving guard (who is later killed by the T-Rex before it gains entrance to the base along with two other guards) calls him on the communicator telling him to meet up at the watercraft they were planning to use for escape. Because of this, it is presumed he survived for a while after the dinosaurs broke in. * Paul Baker Another researcher for Dr. Kirk. His corpse (minus his right arm) is found by Regina when she scours the base. He is identified by name on a memo on another corpse. Paul was presumably killed by a Velociraptor which then ate his arm before the team showed up, since his corpse signifies that. * Mark Doyle A researcher for Dr. Kirk. He is badly wounded by a Velociraptor during the overrun of the base. Regina finds him in a room leaning against a desk. She asks him where Dr. Kirk is, and he claims Kirk is a fool. He gives Regina his I. D. card, then succumbs to his injuries and dies. The T-rex then smashes through the window, drags his corpse out and eats it, before fighting Regina for the first time in the game. * Dr. Sherwood An old researcher. She is found dead in the rest station when Regina finds her. Only part of her is seen then, but other times her whole body is seen. Presumably killed by a Therizinosaurus, since there was one in the rest station CREATURES: * Velociraptor - The first encountered and most recurrent adversary in the game. Referred to as 'raptors,' their physical appearance is more like that of the Deinonychus. They hunt in packs, chase the player through rooms and are sometimes seen sleeping or on other occasions playing dead. The tougher blue-backed raptors are seen in the later stages of the game. * Tyrannosaurus - The main antagonist of the game, it is never killed directly by the player though it is fought on several occasions. It is believed that it is the same Tyrannosaurus each time and therefore may possibly be the only one on the island. * Compsognathus - A small group-hunting scavenger encountered around the facility, they are easily killed individually, but become challenging (even frustrating) when in larger groups. * Pteranodon - Flying reptiles that will take turns swooping down at the player, either knocking them down or picking them up to be thrown to their deaths. * Therizinosaurus - Tough and odd-looking dinosaurs seen towards the end of the game. Ironically now known to have been herbivores, in the game they are ferocious predators that take quite a lot of damage to beat. Normally found in pairs. STORY: The game takes place on a fictional location known as Ibis Island in the year 2009. The Secret Operation Raid Team (SORT) has sent an agent, Tom, to investigate a research facility. During the recon mission, he learns that Doctor Edward Kirk, a world-renowned scientist who was reported dead three years ago, is leading a secret weapons project within the facility. SORT sends four agents (Regina, Gail, Rick, and Cooper) to acquire Kirk and return him to custody. They arrive onto the island via parachute. Cooper is blown off course and lands in a jungle. A Tyrannosaurus rex appears and chases him a short distance before eating him. The other three agents, unaware of his death, proceed with the mission. Once inside the base, they discover the mutilated and partially devoured corpses of security personnel and scientists. Shortly thereafter, they discover that dinosaurs are the reason behind the bloodbath at the base. They evade and dispose of many dinosaurs. During this, they find Tom, badly injured. Rick takes him to the medical room, however a Velociraptor attacks them, and Tom sacrifices himself to kill it, saving Rick. Later, Regina and the team manage to locate Kirk and apprehend him. As they are preparing to leave via helicopter, the T-Rex returns and destroys the helicopter, forcing them to flee back into the base. Kirk escapes them during this time. After the T-Rex manages to enter the base after killing three survivors in the elevator, Regina and Rick locate keys to a watercraft, but find a vortex in the way of getting to it. Regina enters a passageway and is held up by Kirk,. He is about to kill her when the gun is shot out of his hand by Gail, and they arrest him again. Kirk reveals that the dinosaurs were brought to their time by an experiment he was running using his Third Energy technology. A rift in space was created and a pocket of the island from their time was exchanged with the same from the past, bringing dinosaurs back into their time. Kirk then tells them that if the reactors are set to overload, the energy coming from them and the vortex should cancel each other out if they come into contact. After Regina gets the stabilizer and initializer and uses them to overload the reactors, the energy shakes the base, causing a vent to fall on Gail allowing Kirk to escape again. Regina, Gail and Rick get to the control room branching off to the waterway to escape, but Gail says they still need to get Kirk. He starts to hobble away on his gun to go after Kirk, and orders Regina and Rick to leave without him if he does not return in twenty minutes. Rick informs Gail & Regina that they need an initializer and stabilizer in order to start the third energy generator. At this point, Regina is given the choice to either locate the completed initializer and stabilizer or gather the required parts, and the story takes one of three endings. ENDINGS: There are three possible endings based on choices made by the player. Near the end of the game, the player has the option to either go after Kirk or find their way off of the island. The first ending (chase Kirk) results in Regina and Gail capturing Kirk. As a twist, Gail reveals that the whole mission was a front and the government did not want Kirk, but instead wanted the Third Energy to use in warfare. Gail gives Regina a disk containing all the data on the Third Energy. Shortly afterward, Gail dies from injuries suffered when the vent fell on him. Regina, Rick, and Kirk, during their departure in a watercraft, battle with the T-Rex. Regina kills it using a remote explosive, and they escape. The second ending (escape the island) results in Regina, Gail, and Rick escaping without Kirk. During the final battle, Rick fires a rocket from a watercraft. The rocket hits a fuel tank, causing a massive overload in the Third Energy generator and completely disintegrating a portion of Ibis Island in the process killing the T-Rex and all of the other dinosaurs. The three agents escape safely, but the status of Kirk is unknown. The third ending is the "good" ending; it can be achieved by choosing to leave Kirk, but actually going after him. It can also be achieved by going after Kirk, but first finding the helicopter. Regina and Gail locate Kirk in a hangar, preparing a helicopter to escape in (which becomes their only way of escape because the T-Rex destroyed the hovercraft while she chased Kirk). Regina knocks Kirk out, and informs Rick of the situation. The T-Rex chases Rick to Regina's location. Then Regina, Gail and Rick board the helicopter and flee. During their escape, Rick drops a bomb from the helicopter onto the dinosaur, killing it. All three agents get out alive with Kirk. The game keeps track of how many endings the player has unlocked at the end of the game. In the American playstation version of the game the player can unlock "Operation: Wipeout", a minigame where the player must eliminate a set amount of dinosaurs in a certain time with limited ammunition, by completing the game once in under five hours. However in the PC and dreamcast versions, this minigame does not have to be unlocked and can be played without completing the normal game. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ DINO CRISIS 2: GAMEPLAY: Dino Crisis 2 is a third-person shooter meaning that the player controls characters in a third person view, yet the perspective changes with movement into new areas and fields of view as the game uses predetermined camera angles. The game also departs more from the survival horror of the first Dino Crisis and is more action-oriented, with more open areas, more items and less emphasis on puzzles. As players kill dinosaurs in succession, countering attacks and avoiding damage in areas, they can earn "Extinction Points" that act as a form of in-game currency that tally up as player moves between locations. Throughout the game the player can locate and use computer stations that act as save point where players can save and load games, along with spending Extinction Points on new weapons, upgrades, health packs and ammunition. There are also bandages that are used to prevent bleeding that occur when a player takes damage from certain attacks that results in slow draining of the health bar. There are two forms of weapons in the game, main and sub-weapons, meaning the player can only equip one of each at a time. Main weapons provide the most damage and are used for the majority of attacks, for example shotguns, flamethrowers and rifles whereas sub-weapons are used to get past obstacles, like the machete for cutting plant vines and the firewall gun that creates a temporary wall of fire against foes. Over the course of the game, players will switch roles between Regina and Dylan, who have different weapons, making some passages blocked for one but accessible for the other. Among the third person shooter gameplay are sections of on rails shooting, such as a chase where the player shoots at dinosaurs that are chasing an automatically driven vehicle and, like the previous game, several puzzles. Throughout the game, the player finds data files and documents that progress the story and give details of certain areas. Hidden "Dino Files" can also be found; these go into detail about each dinosaur in the game. Upon collecting all the available Dino Files, the player is granted unlimited ammunition for weapons on the next play through. EXTRA CRISIS: Upon completion of the main game, there is an unlockable mode known as Extra Crisis with two gameplay modes: "Dino Colosseum" and "Dino Duel". Colosseum is a survival mode where a chosen character with their own pre-set weapons fight off series of attacks by certain dinosaurs, the larger and more deadly being the latter. Upon completion the player is graded and awarded a trophy on how well they performed. Dino Duel is a mode that allows the player to take control of a dinosaur and battle another in the style of a fighting game. Completion of the game on harder difficulties allows more characters and dinosaurs to become available for purchase, using the final Extinction Points gathered from that play through. Dinosaurs can also be used in Dino Colosseum, however, must be unlocked by completing the game in normal or hard mode. CHARACTERS: The two main protagonists of the game are 1st Lieutenant Dylan Morton and Regina, with Dylan being new to the series and Regina reprising her role after the events of the first Dino Crisis. Dylan is a Tactical Reconnaissance and Acquisition Team (TRAT) commando who’s been sent back in time with the rest of the team in what was originally supposed to be a search and rescue mission. TRAT is an off record covert team of shady characters who were recruited from the army special forces. They focus on subversive activities like Terrorism, Jailbreaks, Assassination and Insurgency. Another prominent character is another TRAT member, David Fork. At the start he is separated from Regina and Dylan after enraging a Tyrannosaurus he shot with a rocket launcher but later saves them at Edward City from Velociraptors in an attack helicopter. Another recurring character is Paula, a teenage girl who is a part of the mysterious syndicate who are hostile to the main characters. The last crucial character of the game is Colonel Dylan Morton. The future Dylan has a very important role in the game, tying the whole story together and revealing the plot. Colonel Dylan tells Lieutenant Dylan to use the time gate to take the surviving children back and prevent them from making the mistake of trying to coexist with dinosaurs. DINOSAURS: Throughout the game, the protagonists encounter various dinosaurs that inhabit the whole jungle region, along with its waters and skies. Those that appear frequently include Velociraptor, Allosaurus, Oviraptor, Pteranodon, and Inostrancevia. Mosasaurus and Plesiosaurus also appear as a common enemy yet only during the Third Energy Facility level, most of which is underwater. Others like Compsognathus however act towards the game's puzzle aspect such as a segment where it steals the player's key card and Triceratops that appear in one of the on-rails shooting sections of the game. Among the recurring human characters, a number of dinosaurs also appear multiple times in the story. The first is the Tyrannosaurus Rex who attacks the main camp at the start of the game before having an eye shot out with a rocket launcher by David. It follows the team, appearing both on the first jungle island in a few instances and again in Edward City, which sits across a very large lake. Another recurring dinosaur is the Giganotosaurus, which is shown to be abnormally large and powerful (perhaps to make it seem more impressive or possibly a mutation). It is first encountered at the missile silo where it battles and quickly disposes of the T. Rex and is seemingly killed by Regina in the missile silo. Later, it mysteriously reappears inside a secret research facility as the game’s final boss where Dylan must keep it from killing him while he activates a laser from a satellite which obliterates it. PLOT: It's 2010: one year has passed since the events of Dino Crisis. Third Energy research continues, this time at the hands of a government agency. However, an accident has occurred: Edward City, an entire town devoted to the research, has completely vanished, and been replaced by a prehistoric jungle. A search and rescue operation is set underway by TRAT to travel back in time and recover the survivors and locate the missing Third Energy research data. In this team are soldiers Dylan Morton and David Folk, and intelligence operative Regina due to her experience from the last encounter. Upon landing on the island, the team sets up camp but is attacked by Velociraptors, with most of the team killed except for Dylan, Regina and David. Unexpectedly, the Velociraptors begin to flee in fear; a Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly enters the camp site from the jungle. Upon appearing, David shoots at it with an RPG, damaging its eye. The angered Tyrannosaurus then chases Dylan and Regina to a slope, where they both tumble to the ground below, and then go their separate ways. Regina heads back to their ship while Dylan heads off into the jungle where he is attacked by packs of Velociraptors. When Dylan reaches a military facility, the one-eyed Tyrannosaurus Rex attacks him; however, before taking shelter in one of the barracks he is shot at by unknown helmeted figures. Inside, he attempts to retrieve a key card but sets off a security alarm and is imprisoned. Back at the ship, Regina receives a distress call from Dylan and sets out to rescue him. Along the way she takes an alternate route towards the research facility. There she encounters more of the helmeted figures, but one fails to escape and is handcuffed by Regina. She removes the figure’s helmet, revealing the figure to be a blonde teenage girl who cannot speak. Regina leaves the girl there while she rescues Dylan back at the military base. She brings the girl from the research facility back to the patrol ship, but finds that it has been ransacked. Before he leaves to look for ship parts, Dylan handcuffs the unknown girl to the ship; strangely, she halts her struggles upon looking at him. Dylan recovers a ship battery at the research facility, which also houses human containment chambers and is overrun by Oviraptors. He arrives back at the ship to find the girl gone. They pilot the ship to an offshore under-sea base called the Third Energy facility where Regina turns the prime Third Energy reactor back on, evading attacks from mosasaurs and plesiosaurs that have taken residence in the underwater portions of the facility. She returns to the surface where she and Dylan get a distress call from David who claims to have found the survivors at Edward City. After being chased by a Triceratops they crash just outside the city into a field infested with Velociraptors: however, David saves them in a helicopter, but only to find that the dinosaurs have killed all the remaining survivors in the city. There Dylan encounters the Tyrannosaurus Rex once more and escapes in a tank. He is ambushed by yet another helmeted figure, but the figure is thrown off a bridge by the blonde girl before she leaves. Dylan recovers something in the aftermath of the struggle: a necklace worn by his dead sister, that the blonde girl had been wearing. Regina locates the missile silo and retrieves the Third Energy data disc. Just outside, she is attacked by the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Suddenly a Giganotosaurus attacks the Tyrannosaur and kills it after a brief fight between the two; despite that the Giganotosaurus shown in Dino Crisis 2 is much larger than it really was. The Giganotosaurus then follows Regina into the silo, which triggers a countdown. Regina fends it off by dousing it in flammable gas and igniting it. After she shuts off the missile, the Giganotosaurus gets back up and smashes the silo foundation, starting a fire. Outside David and Dylan are waiting, having opened the bay doors for their escape; but David is killed by an Allosaurus, which also knocks Dylan into the river, taking him away upstream. He wakes up in an unknown area where the blond girl leads him into a large base complex, where she shows him a recording that reveals the truth. After the incident in the first game, the humans decided to study the dinosaurs. Widespread Time Skewing was carried out, with disastrous results that threatened the end of the project when it became clear that dinosaurs and humans could not coexist. The military decided to transport all the dinosaurs three million years into the future, where they could thrive, before they were to be sent back to their own time when the Third Energy time gate was perfect; it was called the Noah's Ark Plan. However, the time gate overloaded and was destroyed, leaving both the team and dinosaurs trapped. Even though the survivors were killed by the dinosaurs, their children were brought to the safety of the habitat support facility, where they were kept in life support chambers, which protected them and allowed for growth and learning. The children learned how to survive around dinosaurs, and because of the nature of the Noah's Ark Plan, they were taught to protect the dinosaurs, but lost the ability to speak, becoming the helmeted figures. One of the members of the team that came to the future was Dylan himself, who made the recording, but much older and with a daughter Paula, the blonde girl. As a result of the overload, Edward City itself had been transported to the future. The future Dylan tells his past self there is a basic gate to take him, Regina and the children back to their time: however, they can only use it once. Dylan is attacked by another helmeted figure who has set off the base's self-destruct, before their fight is interrupted by the Giganotosaurus. Dylan manages to set off a satellite laser blasting the dinosaur, incinerating it completely. Regina turns up at the last minute, but Paula's legs are crushed by falling equipment. Unable to free her and with the building ready to explode, Dylan decides not to leave her and so sends Regina back through the time gate with the research disc, asking her to build a time gate to return and save them. Regina runs through the gate, promising to return. Both Paula and Dylan are about to be crushed by falling equipment but at the last split second the building explodes, unknown whether Regina was able to save them in time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELP ME SEED MY LOW-SEEDED TORRENTS SO I CAN UPLOAD MORE AND NOT WORRY ABOUT THE OLD ONES! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to snag a copy of my Land of the Dead torrent (you can play it online). I HAVE A FEW ONLINE PLAYABLE TORRENTS SO FAR: Land of the Dead Postal 1 and Postal 2 Share The Pain (All Mods) Sniper Elite Serious Sam: The First and Second Encounter Nexuiz Doom Collection (all the older doom games) NOTE: This Requires a mod to play online (skulltag), it's free, google it OTHERS CAN MOST LIKELY BE PLAYED VIA HAMACHI DOWNLOAD ALL MY TORRENTS HERE:


  1. ps1
  2. psx
  3. shooter
  4. action
  5. third person
  6. third person shooter
  7. 3rd person
  8. 3rd person shooter
  9. rpg
  10. shooter
  11. shooting
  12. horror
  13. scary
  14. resident evil
  15. playstation
  16. playstation 1
  17. playstation one

Files count:



517.14 Mb




1TWISTED (2011-02-26)

thanks,.. nice upload,... well done,.. ; )

NoNeX2 (2011-06-13)

Thanx i loved this game when i was a kid :D i think every one will agree who had and satill have psx (ps1) : )

Liqkrovel (2012-02-25)

Nice torrent man! Clean and everything. Will seed! P.S. Today it's this torrent's birthday :p

Timx91 (2012-08-02)

thank you so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

zokolad (2013-09-01)

I have a problem.
The cutscenes, when they come I can't see the characters. Literally, they're not there but I can hear the sound, the picture is there, I can hear them talking. At certain points I can see the characters but not 100%. When I enter the water level in the 3rd Energy Facility, I can't see Regina in her diving suit and I can't see the dinosaur the appears there. Any solutions to this?

cizao (2014-07-26)

WTF, fuck u bastard, i lost my time downloading this shit.


1. Dino Crisis 1 and 2 (PSX)/games/Dino Crisis 2.7z 311.08 Mb
2. Dino Crisis 1 and 2 (PSX)/games/Dino Crisis.7z 206.06 Mb
3. Dino Crisis 1 and 2 (PSX)/torrent downloaded from/Torrent downloaded from 59 bytes
4. Dino Crisis 1 and 2 (PSX)/torrent downloaded from/Torrent downloaded from 52 bytes
5. Dino Crisis 1 and 2 (PSX)/torrent downloaded from/Torrent downloaded from 46 bytes
6. Dino Crisis 1 and 2 (PSX)/A LIST OF ALL MY TORRENTS.txt 4.07 Kb
7. Dino Crisis 1 and 2 (PSX)/INSTALLATION.txt 1.73 Kb
8. Dino Crisis 1 and 2 (PSX)/contacting me.txt 1.36 Kb