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Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (about 260 roms )
Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (about 260 roms )
2008-01-16 (by anthony0013)
Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set is the best romset for Neo-Geo fans. It includes every game and system file from the latest datafile (20080101) by Logiqx. This romset was checked with RomCenter and ClrMamePro to be sure that it contains no errors. The set is torrentzipped with TorrentZip for easier updating and ratio saving.
List of roms and additional files
Games (263 files in total)
+ 2020 Super Baseball (Set 1) 2020bb
- 2020 Super Baseball (Set 2) 2020bba
- 2020 Super Baseball (Set 3) 2020bbh
+ 3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex 3countb
+ Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2 sonicwi2
+ Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3 sonicwi3
+ Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku aodk
+ Alpha Mission II / ASO II: Last Guardian alpham2
+ Andro Dunos androdun
+ Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken aof
+ Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (Set 1) aof2
- Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (Set 2) aof2a
+ Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting: Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden aof3
- Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior (Korean Release) aof3k
+ Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuki bakatono
+ Bang Bead bangbead
- Bang Bead (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) bngbeadn
+ Basebal Stars Professional bstars
+ Basebal Stars 2 bstars2
+ Battle Flip Shot flipshot
+ Blazing Star blazstar
+ Blue's Journey / Raguy bjourney
+ Breakers breakers
- Breakers Revenge breakrev
+ Burning Fight (Set 1) burningf
- Burning Fight (Set 2) burningh
+ Captain Tomaday ctomaday
+ Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz marukodq
+ Crossed Swords crsword
+ Cyber-Lip cyberlip
+ Digger Man (Prototype) diggerma
+ Double Dragon doubledr
+ Eight Man eightman
+ Far East of Eden: Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou: Shin Den kabukikl
+ Fatal Fury: King of Fighters / Garou Densetsu: Shukumei no Tatakai fatfury1
+ Fatal Fury 2 / Garou Densetsu 2: Arata-naru Tatakai fatfury2
+ Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (Set 1) fatfursp
- Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (Set 2) fatfursa
+ Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3: Haruka-naru Tatakai fatfury3
+ Fight Fever (Set 1) fightfev
- Fight Fever (Set 2) fightfva
+ Football Frenzy fbfrenzy
+ Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors galaxyfg
+ Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki ganryu
- Ganryu (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) ganryun
+ Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Set 1) garou
- Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Bootleg) garoubl
- Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) garoun
- Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Prototype) garoup
- Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Set 2) garouo
+ Ghost Pilots gpilots
+ Ghostlop (Prototype) ghostlop
+ Goal! Goal! Goal! goalx3
+ Gururin gururin
+ Jockey Grand Prix jockeygp
+ Jyanshin Densetsu: Quest of Jongmaster janshin
+ Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite karnovr
+ King of the Monsters (Set 1) kotm
- King of the Monsters (Set 2) kotmh
+ King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing kotm2
+ Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle / Fu'un Super Tag Battle kizuna
+ Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman: Gekka no Kenshi, The (Set 1) lastblad
- Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman: Gekka no Kenshi, The (Set 2) lastbldh
- The Last Soldier (Korean Release of The Last Blade) lastsold
+ Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman: Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi, The lastbld2
+ Last Resort lresort
+ League Bowling lbowling
+ Legend of Success Joe / Ashitano Joe Densetsu legendos
+ Magical Drop II magdrop2
+ Magical Drop III magdrop3
+ Magician Lord (Set 1) maglord
- Magician Lord (Set 2) maglordh
+ Mahjong Kyoretsuden mahretsu.zup
+ Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon matrim
- Matrimelee (Bootleg) (Non-MAME) matrimbl
- Matrimelee (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) matrimnd
+ Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001 mslug
+ Metal Slug 2: Super Vehicle-001/II mslug2
+ Metal Slug 3 mslug3
- Metal Slug 3 (Not Encrypted) mslug3n
- Metal Slug 3 (Not Encrypted P, Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) mslug3nd
- Metal Slug 6 (Metal Slug 3 Bootleg) mslug3b6
+ Metal Slug 4 mslug4
- Metal Slug 4 (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) mslug4nd
- Metal Slug 4 Plus (Bootleg) ms4plus
+ Metal Slug 5 (JAMMA PCB) ms5pcb
+ Metal Slug 5 mslug5
- Metal Slug 5 (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) mslug5nd
- Metal Slug 5 (Set 2) (Non-MAME) mslug5h
- Metal Slug 5 Plus (Bootleg) ms5plus
+ Metal Slug X: Super Vehicle-001 mslugx
+ Minnasanno Okagesamadesu minasan
+ Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger miexchng
+ Mutation Nation mutnat
+ NAM-1975 nam1975
+ Neo Bomberman neobombe
+ Neo Drift Out: New Technology neodrift
+ Neo Mr. Do! neomrdo
+ Neo No Panepon (20021005, Non-MAME) neonopon
- Neo No Panepon (20020707 #1, Non-MAME) neonopon1
- Neo No Panepon (20020707 #2, Non-MAME) neonopon2
- Neo No Panepon (20020822, Non-MAME) neonopon3
+ Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf turfmast
+ NeoGeo Cup '98: The Road to the Victory neocup98
+ NeoPong (v1.1, Non-MAME) neopong
- NeoPong (v1.0, Non-MAME) neopong10
+ Nightmare in the Dark nitd
- Nightmare in the Dark (Bootleg) nitdbl
- Nightmare in the Dark (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) nitdn
+ Ninja Combat (Set 1) ncombat
- Ninja Combat (Set 2) ncombath
+ Ninja Commando ncommand
+ Ninja Masters: Haoh-Ninpo-Cho ninjamas
+ Over Top overtop
+ Panic Bomber panicbom
+ Pleasure Goal / Futsal: 5 on 5 Mini Soccer pgoal
+ Pochi and Nyaa pnyaa
+ Pop 'n Bounce / Gapporin popbounc
+ Power Spikes II pspikes2
+ Prehistoric Isle 2 preisle2
- Prehistoric Isle 2 (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) preisl2n
+ Pulstar pulstar
+ Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Set 1) pbobblen
- Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Set 2) pbobblna
+ Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move Again pbobbl2n
+ Puzzle De Pon! puzzledp
- Puzzle De Pon! R! puzzldpr
+ Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid joyjoy
+ Quiz Daisousa Sen: The Last Count Down quizdais
+ Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo / Quiz Daisousa Sen Part 2 quizdai2
+ Quiz King of Fighters quizkof
+ Rage of the Dragons rotd
- Rage of the Dragons (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) rotdnd
+ Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken ragnagrd
+ Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu rbff1
- Real Bout Fatal Fury (Set 2) (Non-MAME) rbff1a
+ Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special rdffspec
+ Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers / Real Bout Garous Densetsu 2: The Newcomers (Set 1) rbff2
- Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers / Real Bout Garous Densetsu 2: The Newcomers (Set 2) rbff2h
- Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers (Korean Release) rbff2k
+ Riding Hero (Set 1) ridhero
- Riding Hero (Set 2) ridheroh
+ Robo Army (Set 1) roboarmy
- Robo Army (Set 2) roboarma
+ Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits samsho
+ Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits: Haohmaru Jigokuhen samsho2
+ Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits: Zankurou Musouken (Set 1) samsho3
- Fighters Swords (Korean Release of Samurai Shodown III) fswords
- Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits: Zankurou Musouken (Set 2) samsho3a
+ Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits: Amakusa Kourin samsho4
+ Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (Set 1) samsho5
- Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (Bootleg) samsho5b
- Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (Set 2) samsho5h
- Samurai Shodown V (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) samsh5nd
+ Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (Set 1, Uncensored) samsh5sp
- Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (Set 2, Censored) samsh5sh
- Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (Set 3, Less Censored) samsh5sn
- Samurai Shodown V Special (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) ss5shnd
+ Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku: Kakutou Sousei savagere
+ Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (Set 1) sengoku
- Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (Set 2) sengokh
+ Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2 sengoku2
+ Sengoku 3 sengoku3
- Sengoku 3 (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) sngoku3n
+ Shock Troopers (Set 1) shocktro
- Shock Troopers (Set 2) shocktra
+ Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad shocktr2
- Lansquenet 2004 (Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad Bootleg) lans2004
+ Soccer Brawl (Set 1) socbrawl
- Soccer Brawl (Set 2) socbrala
+ Spin Master / Miracle Adventure spinmast
+ Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner: GI Kinzen Seihae no Michi stakwin
+ Stakes Winner 2 stakwin2
+ Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream strhoop
+ Strikers 1945 Plus s1945p
- Strikers 1945 Plus (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) s1945pn
+ Super Dodge Ball / Kuino no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu sdodgeb
+ Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou ssideki
+ Super Sidekicks 2: The World Championship / Tokuten Ou 2: Real Fight Football ssideki2
+ Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory / Tokuten Ou 3: Eikoue no Michi ssideki3
+ SvC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom (JAMMA PCB) svcpcb
- SvC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom (JAMMA PCB, Set 2) svcpcba
+ SvC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom svc
- SvC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom (Bootleg) svcboot
- SvC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) svcnd
- SvC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom Plus (Set 1, Bootleg) svcplus
- SvC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom Plus (Set 2, Bootleg) svcplusa
- SvC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom Super Plus (Bootleg) svcsplus
+ Syougi No Tatsujin: Master of Syuogi mosyougi
+ Tecmo World Soccer '96 tws96
+ The Irritating Maze / Ultra Denryu Iraira Bou irmaze
+ The King of Fighters '94 kof94
+ The King of Fighters '95 (Set 1) kof95
- The King of Fighters '95 (Set 2) kof95a
+ The King of Fighters '96 (Set 1) kof96
- The King of Fighters '96 (Set 2) kof96h
+ The King of Fighters '97 (Set 1) kof97
- King of Gladiator (The King of Fighters '97 Bootleg) kog
- The King of Fighters '97 (Set 2) kof97a
- The King of Fighters '97 Plus (Bootleg) kof97pls
+ The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98: Dream Match Never Ends kof98
- The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98: Dream Match Never Ends (Korean Board) kof98k
- The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98: Dream Match Never Ends (Not Encrypted P) kof98n
+ The King of Fighters '99: Millenium Battle (Set 1) kof99
- The King of Fighters '99: Millenium Battle (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) kof99nd
- The King of Fighters '99: Millenium Battle (Earlier) kof99e
- The King of Fighters '99: Millenium Battle (Non Encrypted P) kof99n
- The King of Fighters '99: Millenium Battle (Prototype) kof99p
- The King of Fighters '99: Millenium Battle (Set 2) kof99a
+ The King of Fighters 2000 kof2000
- The King of Fighters 2000 (Not Encrypted) kof2000n
- The King of Fighters 2000 (Not Encrypted P, Decrypted C) (non-MAME) kof2knd
+ The King of Fighters 2001 (Set 1) kof2001
- Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (The King of Fighters 2001 Bootleg) cthd2003
- Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus (The King of Fighters 2001 Bootleg) ct2k3sp
- Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus Alternate (The King of Fighters 2001 Bootleg) ct2k3sa
- The King of Fighters 2001 (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) kof2k1nd
- The King of Fighters 2001 (Set 2) kof2001h
+ The King of Fighters 2002 kof2002
- The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary (The King of Fighters 2002 Bootleg) kof10th
- The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (The King of Fighters 2002 Bootleg) kf2k5uni
- The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (The King of Fighters 2002 Bootleg) kf10thep
- The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus (Bootleg) kf2k2mp
- The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus II (Bootleg) kf2k2mp2
- The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (Set 1, Bootleg) kf2k2pls
- The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (Set 2, Bootleg) kf2k2pla
- The King of Fighters 2002 (Bootleg) (Non-MAME) kof2002b
- The King of Fighters 2002 (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) kof2k2nd
- The King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 (Non-MAME) kofse2k4
- The King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 (The King of Fighters 2002 Bootleg) kof2k4se
+ The King of Fighters 2003 (Japan, JAMMA PCB) kf2k3pcb
+ The King of Fighters 2003 (World / US, MVS) kof2003
- The King of Fighters 2003 (Bootleg, Set 1) kf2k3bl
- The King of Fighters 2003 (Bootleg, Set 2) kf2k3bla
- The King of Fighters 2003 (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) kof2k3nd
- The King of Fighters 2003 (Set 2) kof2003h
- The King of Fighters 2004 Plus / Hero (The King of Fighters 2003 Bootleg) kf2k3pl
- The King of Fighters 2004 Ultra Plus (The King of Fighters 2003 Bootleg) kf2k3upl
+ The Super Spy superspy
+ Thrash Rally trally
+ Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy (Set 1) tophuntr
- Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy (Set 2) tophunta
+ Top Player's Golf tpgolf
+ Twinkle Star Sprites twinspri
+ Ultimate 11: The SNK Football Championship / Tokuten Ou: Honoo no Libero, The ssideki4
+ Viewpoint viewpoin
+ V-Liner (Set 1) vliner
- V-Liner (Set 2) vlinero
+ Voltage Fighter: Gowcaizer / Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer gowcaizr
+ Waku Waku 7 wakuwak7
+ Windjammers / Flying Power Disc wjammers
+ World Heroes (Set 1) wh1
- World Heroes (Set 2) wh1h
- World Heroes (Set 3) wh1ha
+ World Heroes 2 wh2
+ World Heroes 2 Jet (Set 1) wh2j
- World Heroes 2 Jet (Set 2) wh2jh
+ World Heroes Perfect whp
+ Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok zedblade
+ Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix (Hack / Bootleg) zintrckb
- Zintrick (Neo CD Conversion) (Non-MAME) zintrkcd
+ Zupapa! zupapa
- Zupapa! (Decrypted C) (Non-MAME) zupapan
New sets added:
Metal Slug 5 (Set 2) (Non-MAME) mslug5h
Real Bout Fatal Fury (Set 2) (Non-MAME) rbff1a
The King of Fighters 2003 (Set 2) kof2003h
Additional files (5 files in total)
+ GameGenie BIOS v0.45 (Non-MAME) (not sure on how to run it) gg-bios
+ Neo-Geo (you need this one badly; it's BIOS) neogeo
+ NeoGeo CD (Non-MAME) (for Neo-Geo CD emulation) neocd
+ SystemCheck v1.0b (Non-MAME) (any emulator to run it?) syscheck
+ UNIVERSE BIOS (v1.0 to v2.2) (Non-MAME) (alternative BIOS; I believe you need the original one, too) uni-bios
"+" denotes a parent rom, "-" denotes that rom is a clone and is unplayable without respective parent rom.
Non-Mame denotes that this rom is not emulated by MAME.
Decrypted C denotes that the rom was decrypted with WinKawaks or NeoEncrypter FrontEnd.
Screenshots added
will be seeding for a few day's, please seed that too.
Like this stuff? Please post "thank's" to me :-)
Files count:
4060.05 Mb
toofan (2008-01-16)
Thanks alot for this :)anthony0013 (2008-01-16)
sorry guys, but i don't know why i'm seeding this so slow (~8-10 kB/s). by connection is 2m/2m so i should upload with 200-240 kB/sif it will no change in hours i will stop seeding this, because it's without any sense to upload almost 4 GB in 9 kB/s speed
my download is normal 230-240 kB/s but there is a problem with upload, i don't know....
uTorrent 1.7.5 b4602
anthony0013 (2008-01-18)
connection fixed, now i'm uploading in max speed :-)BitTorrent 6.0
sometimes i'm not seeding, but be patient, i will seed for few full downloads
blofuk (2008-01-23)
What is the emulator program? cant play any games.lethal_kim (2008-01-23)
Hi, can somebody tell how to install the games?Thanks
Kirach (2008-01-24)
Hi,thanks for the up.
I suppose we need the additional files to play the roms. but i always problems when trying to do so, and most of the times roms dont even appear in the emulator i'm using. by the way, where to download those additional files?
Kirach (2008-01-24)
all additional files are to make them work it's another thing.
placing all the roms in the rom folder of the emulator it's a start...
anyone that knows how to play these fantastic neogeo game collection, please share!
thanks anthony0013! outstanding set!
bigvagsaski (2008-01-26)
i have 100% and will seed for a while if some one tells me how to play themdefcomexperiment (2008-02-02)
ok to get this to work is pretty easy:1. go to
and get kawak 1.59...2. extract kawak to a folder somewhere...
3. copy your roms directly to the roms folder in the winkawaks folder... do not unzip them or change anything about them
4. run WinKawaks.exe File>Load Game (it will automatically detect what games you have, double click whatever you want to play and enjoy...
pcl_bahia (2008-02-13)
Thanks for this great torrent, but plz which emu do you use to run them. i tried mame, neogeo 5, and winkawaks, but nothing works.nonameform (2008-02-14)
This is a torrent I did for Underground Gamer. It's good to see that you can find it on open trackers too.MAME will run most of the games. Some hacks will run only in Nebula or WinKawaks. In my description there were links provided to the sites where you can download emulators.
I'm constantly updating this torrent when new ROMs are released and added to Logiqx's datafile. If you're looking for a specific game, check the full description with pictures.
Dark_Sinigami (2008-03-05)
will this do at NeoRageX 5.0? or Only Kawaks,Nebula? OR WHAT?nonameform (2008-03-05)
This one won't work in NeoRAGEx. NeoRAGEx uses different ROMs.dukeofurl (2008-04-25)
In what way are they different?romanxxii (2008-04-29)
These ROMs don't work with NeoRAGExiljutz (2008-05-01)
I think these roms are only for MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator.I like to use MAME Plus! @
A Neo-Geo BIOS-file is required to play any of these games. That file is already included in this release (
Any ways, if anyone is more interested in emulators, join @
Thanks, anthony0013, for this release. :)
iljutz (2008-05-01)
God damn it, only 42kb/s. Come on! Seed, ffs!SteRipper (2008-05-21)
The Best Emulator to play these files is called Final Burn Alpha. The Latest release was in April 2008 and is version fast, it's easy to use and feature-rich.
And you can get it here:
I also plan to seed this, for all use lazy guys and gals out there. Keep a look out for it soon.
shinobiung (2008-05-24)
anyone willing to seed this again?Dark_Sinigami (2008-08-01)
why do i get this problem in Kawaks"Cannot find l0l0--.lo" something
plz help
sdfghgn (2008-09-06)
you need the neogeo bios
sdfghgn (2008-09-06)
and also can use finalburn alpha
neelava (2008-09-28)
Hi i've got winkawaks159 and downloaded mameROMs for it but it doesnt find neogeo in loading window. can anyone help please..ChuckemuHaven (2008-10-22)
Whats up Anthony!This is a cool Torrent and I have read everyone's comments about it.
There are some main questions that you need to clear up here, and its making us confused here!
What Emulator are these Romsets for?
(1)MAME? and What version of Mame?
(3) NeorageX
(4) Nebula
(5)Final Burn Alpha
You see what we are dealing with here?
There is really no straight answer here, and if you could please repond and tell us all which emulator are these Romsets are for, because this is making me crazy!
Please respond to this last question.
Thank you in Advance.
codyzap (2008-12-01)
my download speed is only 15-16kb/s..Aww Crappy!gonna take me weeks to download these.thanx 4 the torrent.will write another comment bt after downloading..which will take a month at my slow is Cruel!lolmjapmarce (2008-12-22)
is this for playstations? or something else?SwedenBomber (2009-01-14)
Its not working with mame, winkawaks or final alpha burn...I have tested everything you all said but it still not working. What is wrong?2muchspl (2009-02-08)
i could never get this to work with kawaks 1.60, i did seed to 3.2 @ 500kbps for other NG fansvikorex (2009-03-11)
These roms definitely DO NOT work on:-Mame 32, Mame plus
-WinKawaks 1.60
-FinalBurn Alpha
-Callus (an older one)
Each looks for some .rom files, but the games I've dloaded include .bin only. I have no more idea how to open them.
vikorex (2009-03-11)
Could someone please tell us what to do? Or just an emulator name?vikorex (2009-03-11)
Here's how to load these games1. look for (or neogeo BIOS) on google, dload, rename it to
2. load it in mame 32 in BIOS section
3. load the game
DoorBalm (2009-05-15)
So far so good, all games work so far! For those of you having trouble with Winkawaks:You need to place all these ZIPPED rooms in your root:winkawaks160\roms\neogeo\ directory
Place the in your root:winkawaks160\roms\ directory.
Also, inside sometimes the sfix.sfix file is sometimes misspelled as sfix.sfx, just rename it to sfix.sfix (without unzipping)
CarlosAnderson (2009-06-06)
Hi guys,I'd like to know if I download it, it will work with a Playstation 2 controller. Thanks!
KOF[FST] (2009-07-06)
How about just uploading a emulator with it..KOF[FST] (2009-07-06)
This is for Carlos Anderson...don't worry about the ps2 pad because it might not just work unless you do some heavy tweaking on it and I mean modifying all kinds of crap inside the ps2 pad.Just take a short trip to your nearest electronics store and buy your self a "Logitech" Dual Action Pad which can connect via usb on your pc..I run windows Vista I don't know what you run but they should work on XP google it and you will see.
All you have to do is plug it in to your usb port and wait a few seconds so that it can install the drivers and boom you're ready to play^^ for some more advice feel free to PM me.
oh and you can purchase that logitech gamepad at BestBuy if you live in the states..or here
KOF[FST] (2009-07-06)
Hey Carlos just buy your self a Logitech Gamepad at best buy if you live in the states.. or here
much cheaper... the ps2 pad will work but only modifying it and it would take too long... much easier Logitech Gamepad connect via usb and boom ready to play...KOF[FST] (2009-07-06)
sorry about the double post... it was the stupid retarded connection...slick7194 (2009-11-25)
For people who don't know this by know..Neo Geo roms don't seem to be working on kawaks 1.59 or 1.60 i suggest downloading a older one 1.58 perhaps that is what works for me on windows vista/windows 7 im not sure about xp yet..
adambomb93 (2010-03-22)
This torrent is dead. Please seed.skulldragon (2010-10-27)
New MAME emulator 0.139 is out!Also, new custom NeoGeo BIOS has been released. Its new size is 1.36Mb and it supports all Metal Slug games.
You can download that here:
vampzcore (2012-12-04)
1. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.80 Mb
2. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 172.15 Kb
3. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 171.94 Kb
4. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 7.28 Mb
5. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.07 Mb
6. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.71 Mb
7. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 9.59 Mb
8. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 6.30 Mb
9. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 11.75 Mb
10. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 226.05 Kb
11. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 16.30 Mb
12. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 165.25 Kb
13. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.40 Mb
14. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 19.61 Mb
15. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.79 Mb
16. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 20.60 Mb
17. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.49 Mb
18. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 13.21 Mb
19. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 8.62 Mb
20. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.11 Mb
21. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.51 Mb
22. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.23 Mb
23. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 158.54 Kb
24. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.60 Mb
25. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 25.36 Mb
26. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 25.45 Mb
27. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 25.35 Mb
28. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 5.53 Mb
29. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.14 Mb
30. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 363.60 Kb
31. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 9.12 Mb
32. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.80 Mb
33. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 213.00 Kb
34. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 10.77 Mb
35. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.87 Mb
36. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 7.61 Mb
37. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 18.65 Mb
38. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.95 Mb
39. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 5.97 Mb
40. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 242.25 Kb
41. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.20 Mb
42. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 313.43 Kb
43. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 10.18 Mb
44. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 18.44 Mb
45. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.91 Mb
46. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 77.23 Mb
47. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 36.77 Mb
48. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 22.12 Mb
49. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.00 Mb
50. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 36.65 Mb
51. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 32.02 Kb
52. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.15 Mb
53. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 4.66 Mb
54. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 12.00 Mb
55. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.54 Mb
56. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 888.44 Kb
57. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 4.46 Mb
58. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.34 Mb
59. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 16.79 Mb
60. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 974.73 Kb
61. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 11.52 Mb
62. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 6.75 Mb
63. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 41.25 Mb
64. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.95 Mb
65. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.32 Mb
66. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 371.94 Kb
67. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 373.74 Kb
68. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 38.03 Mb
69. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 40.11 Mb
70. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 90.79 Mb
71. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 40.12 Mb
72. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 38.05 Mb
73. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 41.05 Mb
74. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 15.99 Mb
75. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 41.61 Mb
76. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 77.81 Mb
77. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.60 Mb
78. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 76.16 Mb
79. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.98 Mb
80. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 78.71 Mb
81. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 26.22 Mb
82. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 80.46 Mb
83. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 65.38 Mb
84. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 23.60 Mb
85. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 24.26 Mb
86. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 23.32 Mb
87. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 39.17 Mb
88. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 24.13 Mb
89. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 12.18 Mb
90. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 15.40 Mb
91. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 724.41 Kb
92. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 22.48 Mb
93. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 330.49 Kb
94. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 27.41 Mb
95. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 302.58 Kb
96. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.36 Mb
97. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 38.57 Mb
98. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 86.15 Kb
99. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 408.34 Kb
100. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 75.20 Mb
101. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 689.38 Kb
102. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.33 Mb
103. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.38 Mb
104. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 22.26 Mb
105. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 22.22 Mb
106. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 39.17 Mb
107. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 17.18 Mb
108. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.82 Mb
109. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 5.25 Mb
110. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 164.48 Kb
111. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 28.37 Mb
112. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 25.09 Mb
113. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 30.88 Mb
114. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 262.82 Kb
115. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 264.66 Kb
116. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.53 Mb
117. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.51 Mb
118. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.78 Mb
119. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.51 Mb
120. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 8.15 Mb
121. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.71 Mb
122. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 189.21 Kb
123. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.87 Mb
124. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 4.23 Mb
125. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 78.52 Mb
126. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 31.87 Mb
127. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 17.29 Mb
128. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 5.10 Mb
129. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.00 Mb
130. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.56 Mb
131. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 27.12 Mb
132. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 72.92 Mb
133. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.47 Mb
134. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 12.56 Mb
135. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 16.66 Mb
136. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 76.73 Mb
137. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.11 Mb
138. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.68 Mb
139. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 21.41 Mb
140. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 60.46 Mb
141. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 13.56 Mb
142. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 77.41 Mb
143. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.15 Mb
144. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 13.52 Mb
145. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 27.17 Mb
146. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.58 Mb
147. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.88 Mb
148. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.91 Mb
149. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 199.53 Kb
150. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.20 Mb
151. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 5.96 Mb
152. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 209.65 Kb
153. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 9.54 Mb
154. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 8.18 Mb
155. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 260.03 Kb
156. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.53 Mb
157. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 22.69 Kb
158. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 15.63 Kb
159. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 14.14 Kb
160. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 14.11 Kb
161. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.92 Mb
162. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 499.55 Kb
163. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 17.18 Mb
164. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 17.05 Mb
165. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 4.78 Mb
166. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.55 Mb
167. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 11.69 Mb
168. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.52 Mb
169. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 8.17 Mb
170. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.34 Mb
171. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 94.11 Kb
172. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 6.91 Mb
173. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 20.23 Mb
174. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.89 Mb
175. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 19.32 Mb
176. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 52.13 Mb
177. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.80 Mb
178. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 17.89 Mb
179. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 154.52 Kb
180. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 750.72 Kb
181. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.34 Mb
182. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.97 Mb
183. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 8.25 Mb
184. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 21.80 Mb
185. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 23.00 Mb
186. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 190.37 Kb
187. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 29.49 Mb
188. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 337.98 Kb
189. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 337.99 Kb
190. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 23.72 Mb
191. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.42 Mb
192. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 162.18 Kb
193. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 209.66 Kb
194. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.94 Mb
195. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 73.05 Mb
196. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 11.77 Mb
197. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 73.78 Mb
198. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 14.32 Mb
199. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 22.90 Mb
200. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.16 Mb
201. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.15 Mb
202. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 79.36 Mb
203. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 7.96 Mb
204. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 13.81 Mb
205. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 16.73 Mb
206. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.13 Mb
207. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 21.62 Mb
208. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 79.41 Mb
209. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.34 Mb
210. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.21 Mb
211. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 12.64 Mb
212. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 6.88 Mb
213. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 160.51 Kb
214. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.39 Mb
215. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 5.04 Mb
216. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 42.73 Mb
217. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 27.38 Mb
218. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 272.82 Kb
219. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 18.76 Mb
220. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 7.74 Mb
221. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 102.34 Kb
222. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.00 Mb
223. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 5.29 Mb
224. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 8.90 Mb
225. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.85 Mb
226. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 23.04 Mb
227. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.10 Mb
228. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 6.53 Mb
229. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 9.41 Mb
230. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 13.01 Mb
231. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.21 Mb
232. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 10.29 Mb
233. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 4.46 Mb
234. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.08 Mb
235. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 79.44 Mb
236. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 40.76 Mb
237. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 24.64 Mb
238. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 87.54 Mb
239. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 78.66 Mb
240. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 41.05 Mb
241. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 39.60 Mb
242. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 41.34 Mb
243. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 12.41 Kb
244. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 384.05 Kb
245. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 6.64 Mb
246. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.59 Mb
247. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 2.74 Mb
248. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 8.90 Mb
249. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 8.65 Mb
250. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 5.86 Mb
251. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 396.51 Kb
252. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.86 Mb
253. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 194.10 Kb
254. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 34.57 Kb
255. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 12.98 Mb
256. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 4.58 Mb
257. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 331.79 Kb
258. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 363.39 Kb
259. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 8.61 Mb
260. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 10.36 Mb
261. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 6.40 Mb
262. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 14.30 Mb
263. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 3.85 Mb
264. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 4.92 Mb
265. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.99 Mb
266. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 1.15 Mb
267. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 17.11 Mb
268. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/roms/ 5.51 Mb
269. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) [Misc. Genres1990]/Screenshots.rar 5.62 Mb