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WoW Zygor's Guide 1-80 (2/24/09 Update)






WoW Zygor's Guide 1-80 (2/24/09 Update)




2009-03-07 (by Archmaster0)


The wonderful leveling addon by Zygor. This is the 2/24/09 Update for both Horde and Alliance. Simply put the "ZygorGuidesViewer", "ZygorGuidesAllaince" and "ZygorGuidesHorde" folders into you WoW/Interface/Addons folder. Official Site: Forum Post for 2/24 Update: Please seed and keep the latest versions coming :D


  1. wow
  2. zygor
  3. leveling
  4. addon
  5. zygors
  6. wotlk
  7. update

Files count:



881.83 Kb




Archmaster0 (2009-03-07)

Please help seed guys, I can't constantly. It's small, so if anyone that already has alot of seeding stuff would like to help out, by all means do.
Also, if you can't get it downloaded, it's because my uTorrent or Computer is off, so just let it run, it'll come eventually :)

Archmaster0 (2009-03-17)

Yeah, so was I, yay Google :)

Felesar (2009-03-18)

I've seen a few torrents of this, and several of them mention Tom Tom. Will this mod work without Tom Tom? Do I need a mod for mapping like cartographer or gatherer? With all the mods I use (bartender, healbot, a few pieces of CTmod, ARChud, DBM, loot link, etc etc) I've never needed Tom Tom.
Anyone? Easy enough to find it I suppose curse has it..? But will the version there match this version of Zygor's?

x4theman (2009-03-20)

To Felesar, I downloaded an older version that had Tom Tom, and then i rewrote over the zygore files with these. It seems to work(zygore; work as in the zygore guide and map when i click m still have the quests, but then again I have quest helper too), but the Tom Tom's arrows no longer change :( and I really liked that

Archmaster0 (2009-03-24)

It will work without Tom Tom, but if you want the arrow thing pointing to the place, you need Tom Tom or Cartographer, otherwise it'll just tell you the coords and you have to find your own way there.

cfw34677 (2009-04-09)

I'll say. I have used this guide so far on a DK and its great. 55 to 61 in less than 24 hours /played time. I have 4 friends that use this guide also that I ogt from this torrent. We all love it. Thank you

Archmaster0 (2009-04-10)

Very welcome :). I used this to get myself from 57ish to 72 in about 2 and a half days /played time. Also got a friend's DK from 55 to 70 in about 3. As I hear of updates, I'll be sure to find them and upload them for everyone :)

Felesar (2009-04-15)

To x4theman: cheers, thanks. I ended up using it with Cartographer and it worked fantastic. I did a nice write up of it on my blog, hard to go back to playing without it now that 3.1 is out.
To vints22: there is nothing malicious in this. I don't know what Blizzard would say about it, but by itself it's fine. I'm wondering then how you could have found out your account got banned for life, if it got stolen..? Spend the 6 bucks on an authenticator, you account will never be stolen again.
And for everyone else: I hope someone catches the current release for this now that we're on 3.1 on retail servers. I would most certainly seed that for a long while.
Cheers, thanks again for the great torrent while its usefulness lasted

flyers7917 (2009-05-15)

5/5. great work by Zygor, i feel obligated to buy it now haha.

compton-124 (2009-06-02)

whn i downlload it, its not in a zip folder can anyone help me plz

darthnegate (2009-06-29)

is this 1-80 or just 1-70?

Archmaster0 (2009-07-26)

Sadly, this is still the latest version. Thank you all for helping out and seeding and such. :D

Turbomaniac_7 (2009-07-27)

To vints22 and all other users who are afraid to get their accounts stolen:
1. Never ever tell your password to your wow-account to anyone. This includes Blizzard!
2. Read this

3. No wow-addon can possibly log your password to your account. The addons are not even loaded, until you click the "Enter World" button at the chararacter selection page.
4. If your recive an e-mail that basically says: "Give us your password" or "Give us your Secret question + answer" and then tells you that if you do not, your account will be closed/suspended etc. etc....
They are lying. This mail is not from Blizzard. Ever. Never ever.
E-mail phising is still the no 1 cause to get your account stolen.
/Because there is no patch to human stupidity.

kitchenfamily1004 (2009-08-02)

How come the tom tom isn't working? What do I need to do?

VoidObject (2009-09-18)

Anyone using Zygor's Guides needs this file to patch Cartographer with for WoW verz 3.2.

Follow the instructions in the post, and if this verz comes with TomTom you're S.O.L. Go download a verz with Cartographer and patch to get your arrow working. Hope this helps.

djdizzy28 (2009-09-22)

I downloaded this torrent and my account was hacked as of this morning. Looked through this torrent with a few friends and there is a keylogger in this file.
I am 100% sure this was the reason for my account being hacked so if you get hacked after downloading this don't say you weren't warned!!!!

Archmaster0 (2009-12-27)

Where did you even manage to see a key-logger in there? there's no executable or DLLs for that matter. Just TXTs and XMLs. Smart one :P

MrDinnertime (2011-09-20)

Currently downloading at 300B/s - 3Mb/s o.o...
Will seed at around 476Kb/s once it's finished :3

MrDinnertime (2011-09-20)

Oh right o.o... Didn't see the date on it