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AVG Antivirus Licence Untill 2018 (reup)-Kuttootta
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AVG Antivirus Licence Untill 2018 (reup)-Kuttootta
2011-05-16 (by kuttootta)
AVG Antivirus Licence Untill 2018 (reup)-Kuttootta
AVG 2011 includes the latest threat prevention technologies. Find out more about how we keep millions of people around the world safe.
Detection methods
AVGΓΓé¼Γäós efficiency in detecting infected files and exploits is driven by multiple layers of protection. Files are pre-processed and areas deemed unnecessary for virus analysis are excluded to enable faster scanning.
* Signature-based detection
This technique attempts to match files to known virus signatures - a sequence of bytes known to be characteristic of a specific virus. Detailed analysis is then performed to identify the exact infection.
* Polymorphic-based detection
This is a common method for detecting known viruses and it is used to determine new variants of recognized viruses. Polymorphic detection looks for sequences typical of certain viruses. Such sequences usually don't change within the virus when it is modified, even if the behavior of the new variant is different. This method is effective especially in the detection of macro-viruses and script-viruses.
* Heuristic-based analysis
The third layer for detecting viruses is heuristic analysis, which looks at a way software behaves in order to identify whether it is malicious. This allows it to detect a virus which is not included in the internal virus database. Two primary methods are employed:
o Static heuristic analysis looks for suspicious data constructs
o Dynamic heuristic analysis emulates code within the protected environment of a virtual computer inside AVG
* Behavior-based analysis
The fourth layer for detecting viruses is behavior analysis. This patent-pending technology looks at what the software does during execution. Using various classifiers and advanced algorithms, this technology determines the hostile behavior of files and prevents their execution.
Protective Cloud Technology (NEW)
In AVG 2011, Protective Cloud Technology uses multiple scanning engines and behavioral detection simultaneously to identify emerging and previously unknown threats. Once Protective Cloud Technology identifies threats, solutions are developed and AVG clients around the world are updated in near real time.
AVG Community Protection Network (New)
AVG Community Protection Network acts like a neighborhood watch for the online world, helping everyone in the online community to protect each other. Information about the latest threats and AVG product performance is collected from customers who choose to participate in the product improvement program. This information is then analyzed and shared with the AVG community to make sure everyone receives the best possible protection.
AVG Social Networking Protection (New)
AVGΓΓé¼Γäós Social Networking Protection is patent-pending technology that is new AVG 2011. Links that are exchanged within Facebook and MySpace are automatically checked in real time so that people, computers and networks exposed to social networks are safe.
AVG Social Networking Protection is activated automatically when AVG is installed and does not require any specific account or application settings.
AVG LinkScanner® (Enhanced)
AVG LinkScanner® is cutting edge patent pending technology. Surf-Shield actively checks web pages in real time. This ensures protection from web-based attacks that may only be present on websites for a few hours, before moving on to others.
LinkScanner® also features Search-Shield which works with popular search engines (including Google, Yahoo! and Bing) and social sites to show safety ratings within search results. Ratings are both color-coded and labeled with icons to illustrate which sites are safe and which are dangerous.
AVG Firewall (Enhanced)
AVG Firewall protects against malicious attacks by examining communications on each network port. It immediately blocks all unauthorized access attempts and now includes smart intrusion prevention capabilities to keep home and work networks ΓΓé¼ΓÇ£ be they wired or wireless - even more secure. AVG Firewall also protects against both inbound and outbound attacks, whereby malicious software takes control of your computer and attempts to cause damage to other people.
Firewall consults a database of trusted applications every time it detects an attempted connection. It will allow communication to take place if it determines the application is trusted, reducing interruption from pop-ups. Conversely, it automatically blocks all communication if it detects a threat. This significantly reduces the chance of any information leaking before the threat is quarantined. With AVG 2011, the firewall advisor will recommend what action should be taken if the AVG applications database is not being used.
The key advantage of using Firewall is that it is heavily integrated with the other components within the AVG suite, meaning they work together and learn from each other to provide the most complete protection.
AVG Email Scanner
Email scanning is supported either directly through application plug-ins (including Microsoft Outlook and The Bat!) or through a personal email scanner. AVG Email Scanner works at POP 3 and SMTP protocol levels and can also protect email communications of all other email clients.
* AVG Email Scanner filters attachments by their extensions or by their content
* The solution at the POP 3/ SMTP protocol level is independent of the email client used
* It is possible to protect multiple email accounts and to check multiple email servers
* SMTP authentication is supported
* Secured (SSL) communication is supported
AVG Resident Shield
The AVG Resident Shield protects whenever the operating system is running. It works in the background and scans when files are executed, opened or saved. If a virus is detected, the shield blocks the opening or running of the infected file. AVG Resident Shield also stores information about files it has checked, eliminating the need to re-check them if no modifications have been made.
AVG Online ShieldΓΓÇ₧ó
The AVG Online Shield works in the same way as Resident Shield but for network traffic. Network traffic is intercepted and the data is passed into several scanning engines. AVG Online Shield also checks files that are exchanged through Yahoo! Instant Messenger, ICQ and MSN chat sessions.
AVG Smart Scanning (New)
Smart Scanning allows scans to run in high-priority mode when you are away from your computer and switches to low-priority mode as soon as you use your computer (i.e. a mouse is moved or key is pressed). AVG 2011ΓΓé¼Γäós scans are faster as trusted files or files that were already scanned but did not change are skipped.
AVG Smart Anti-Rootkit (Enhanced)
AVG Smart Anti-Rootkit technology detects malicious programs that try to hide deep within systems. The user-level view of the file system and processes are analyzed with the operating systemΓΓé¼Γäós kernel and any discrepancies are reported as the possible presence of a rootkit.
Works with....
AVG Internet Security 20111
AVG Internet Security Business Edition 2011
AVG Antivirus 2011
AVG Antivirus Business Edition 2011
Install Notes
1. Download any AVG security product from
2. Use any serial key when the time of install.
3. Existing users can just apply the serials.
4. That's all ...
Files count:
1,006 bytes
kuttootta (2011-05-16)
stacycatmom (2011-05-25)
WORKS! thanks alot!jcf9 (2011-05-26)
ultimate ............ thanx a lotSecks4rmlwd (2011-05-29)
Thanks!!! Works great!I already had the avg on my pc so it was super fast!
m8cet (2011-06-05)
Brilliant...Thanks to the uploader...Got it till 2018....Gave +1...fekta (2011-06-11)
Good Work =) Thank you very much. Seedingscorpionking1 (2011-06-14)
Really works~~ Thanks buddy!!!quietcity (2011-06-19)
Works just as advertised!Very nice torrent, great job mate!
skrooge (2011-06-21)
im not getting it. i downloaded the software from their website, now when i click download over here its just bringing me to a page with the serial number rubbed out. please helpphantomflock (2011-06-26)
Spectacular! 2018 License Key for AVG 2011!DLing AVG Internet Security 2011 right now...
will check back after i used the key and see if it works.
scoot6729 (2011-07-01)
Fantastic!!! Works a treatkuttootta (2011-07-21)
@allYou can also use avg free edition to convert avg internet security, when you put the serial on free edition it turn into AVG INTERNET SECURITY AUTOMATICALLY and licence valid untill 2018....
Thanks for supporting me..
SirSupreme (2011-07-23)
is it ok to update with this?kuttootta (2011-07-24)
@SirSupreme 101% OK..Buddha3j (2011-07-26)
It wont work for me, just tells me that it is invalid or whatever and asks if i want help......what am I doing wrong??? None of the codes workedBuddha3j (2011-07-26)
why wont they work for me? i did exactly what you said and it keeps telling me that they are not registered licenses i need your help pleasekuttootta (2011-07-27)
@Buddha3jEvery key is working perfect here license expire in 02-06-2018 on AVG Internet security 2011 version 10.0.1153. I don't know what is your exact problem is..
Try to Reactivate the licence Go to Help > reactivate > Put any name and apply the serials again, you need to restart the programe after apply new serial. I hope its works..
nturibz (2011-08-05)
works seamlessly! Thanks uploader!estherbgm (2011-08-06)
great. works. thxLIMESTONE081 (2011-08-10)
hey guys i'm new at this what does seeding and leeching mean?kuttootta (2011-08-10)
@LIMESTONE081Seeds have the complete file (100% of the data) and are actively sharing ... peers are downloading the file and have part of it and usually are sharing pieces also ...When a peer obtains 100% of the data, that peer automatically becomes a Seed.... high numbers of each are best for speed ... low numbers of seeds and high peers will make it slow .. low numbers on each will make it slow ......
fastrider (2011-08-12)
Thanks so much! If i could kiss you i would.LIMESTONE081 (2011-08-13)
@kuttoottaThanx! I got it now. thanx again!
shylpa (2011-08-25)
U works!!! thanksMarkstern (2011-08-28)
Awesome, though one would think it would be easier just to ctrl-c+ctrl-v the serials into the description of the torrent, then you'd not even have to trouble yourself downloading at all. Oh well, thanks anyhow. :)davegurn101 (2011-09-11)
Awesome torrent! Thanks kuttootta.....Just downloaded "avg internet security 2012" and im licensed till 2018 lol
Thanks again
springw (2011-09-24)
Does work when I tried to install it it sayplease specify your proxy settingsCan someone help me please
springw (2011-09-24)
Does not work when I tried to install it it say please specify your proxy settingsCan someone help me please
bad-boy83 (2011-10-07)
works like a charm!!! installing AVG 2012 right now, &am talking premium baby :P hehe...thanks a million Dude, salute!fgarci02 (2011-10-18)
Bravo! Bravisimo.. Thanks a bunch kuttootta, works like a gem!samp127 (2011-10-18)
Thanks a lot man!leecox1000 (2011-10-19)
Life saver thanks kuttootta THIS WORKS!!!!! :)ilovedl13 (2011-10-31)
can i use avg premium security 2012ilovedl13 (2011-10-31)
or should i just get avg internet security 2012tripto (2011-11-03)
thanks for this!vitor89 (2011-11-23)
Work just fine with 2012 versons as well. One huge problem, everything was fine until Internet explorer stop working, I dont know if is the Avg problem or something with the key. I had to uninstall try everything. Use it but carefull!M4V88 (2011-12-01)
Thanks these work a charm, also found these work too if u wanna add them to the list:8MEH-RF4BZ-FHATO-VRV3A-4H3EP-DEMBR-ACED
LaughsAtownjokes (2011-12-24)
Any chance we get one for AVG tune-up?crowb14 (2012-07-10)
omg thanks mv488 u are the bestpdi (2012-08-16)
the keys doesnt work anymore buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuTheMXL (2012-10-08)
Thanks!buszter84 (2014-06-29)
for me this works with 20148MEH-RF4BZ-FHATO-VRV3A-4H3EP-DEMBR-ACED