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{PS3} Heavy Rain PS3 JB PSoC










2010-11-14 (by Crowly42)


********** ********** **********PSoC********** ********** ********** Heavy Rain for the PS3------ No files over 4gb ---- Can be played or transported on an external Hard Drive fomatted fat32 Tested on Payload PL3 from kakaroto on OpenManager v1.17.2 using PSfreedom for iphone 3g Files: 66x300mb RAR If you would like to know how to Jaibreak your ps3 using ab iphone 3g look for this torrent PS3.Jailbreak.for.Iphone.3g.PSfreedom.ALLn1.and.GUIDE.PSoC it has a step by step guide as well as all the files you will need to jailbreak the PS3 with the iphone. ONLY WORKS WITH 3g INSTALL NOTES: Unrar the game into the GAMEZ directory on your external Hard drive..... thegame folder is the folder named BCUS-98164 ....... PS3 games are not labled by there names, they are labled like this so do not put the Heavy Rain directory on your Hard Drive. You can also transfer the files using PS3ftp and a program called firezilla look it up on google if you want to know how. There are other methods for getting files to you ps3, remember GOOGLE is your friend THANKS TO EVERYONE IN THE PS3 JAILBREAK SCENE - PSFREEDOM DEVS - IDROID DEVS - REDSNOW - KAKAROTO - HERMES - AND EVERYONE THAT PUT THEIR TIME AND EFFORT INTO ALL OF THE GREAT PROGRAMS WE USE AND THE GAMES WE PLAY.

Files count:



19585.38 Mb




Crowly42 (2010-11-14)


anilpiggy (2010-11-19)

can i play it without ps-move i dont have 1 pls say smthing i really need to play this game

anilpiggy (2010-11-19)

how to play it without ps-move can u tell me pls

Kotapo (2010-12-02)

This game existed long before ps-move

Mr_Duck (2010-12-10)

17 Seeders, 154 Leechers.
are you fucking kidding me?!
torrenting is going downhill, i see shit like this all the time. i really wish tpb would start banning ip's that do that shit.

nyflyguy (2010-12-23)

Didn't work for me. Just locks up my ps3 and goes back to xmb after asking if i want to update to latest version. Doesn't matter if I select yes or no.

sevendayss (2011-01-15)

game works great first it got stuck at 0% then i went out of the game removed all updates from xmb game data for this game
the used backup manager loaded the game and worked very nice
hope this helps great game thank you uploader

badeye (2011-01-23)

anyone has tried this with the 3.55 cfw?
I just have a black screen whenever im running it

ANT_787 (2011-01-25)

great torrent. worked with kmeaw CTW and loaded it up with multiman manager. also the update works with it so no need to bypass it.

WWEthebest (2011-01-31)

when i start it a black screen appears and nothing more! PLZ HELP!

arcadepcnut (2011-02-01)

Hello. i signed up because im sharing this file and decided to give it a go. it doesnt work for me just as others have expressed. I get a black screen with the loading origami in the lower right corner. it freezes at that point. im using the crappy psbreak v1 and the standard manager that works with this dongle. 3.41 firmware and im kinda new to the ps3. however i do have 6 other games working off my external usb fat32 harddrive but not this one. serverdayss says "i went out of the game removed all updates from xmb game data for this game " but im not sure what he is talking about. anyone had this problem and fixed it and care to explain what to do and educate those of us having problems?

mrwho (2011-02-05)

it's very simple guys..those that are getting a black screen, it needs a disc to play. put one of your bluray games in there and after you choose the game in your manager, click on the disc next that says heavy rain..enjoy. :)

arcadepcnut (2011-02-05)

Lol at mrwho. thanks. but thats too simple. we have all already tried that obvious solution. i waited two days for that solution? Heres what you need to do to play this version.
Make sure you have an ftp program on your ps3. i used ps3 ftp server 1.2
Download the update files only from this torrent and install them.[PAL][PS3][Spanish][]

You only need the folders 00000001 and 00000002 update 1.01 and update 1.02 from the torrent. dont download the eboot.
Once you downloaded only the updates use your ftp client on your ps3 navigate to the folder on your ps3 harddrive called /dev_hhd0/vsh/task an delete the folder 00000001 and copy the two folders 00000001 and 00000002 from the torrent you downloaded. Back up your current eboot.bin file. its in your gamez folder whether that be on a external usb or internal. go to ....gamez\BCUS-98164\usrdir and backup your eboot.bin file in there.
Reboot without enabling ps3 dongle and go to your games menu. you will see two new items. one to install update 1.01 and one to install update 1.02
Install both updates in order 1.01 first then 1.02
now reboot again this time enabling dongle.
ftp back in your box and overwrite the eboot.bin with the one you backed up. the updates put on a new eboot.bin file that wont work with the jailbreak.
Now load your game manager and play the game!

mrwho (2011-02-05)

arcade..honestly. i had same problems of the black screen. i just popped in another bluray game was was able to launched it that way. it asked me to update the game to 2.0 and i chose yes. then started playing..maybe some others can try that

wiloh (2011-02-07)

any gotten it to work on kmeaw 3.55?
if i start the game with internet it wanst me to update but then it freezes during the update, so i disconnect from the internet and the game gets stuck on a loading symbol.

arcadepcnut (2011-02-17)

Yes it works on kmeaw 3.55 thats what im using. along with gaiamanager. just make sure you put it on local internal HD as it wont work on the external drive even though there are no files over 4gb

tonnyco (2011-02-19)

thanks mrwho, you're the man. So guys just put a bd game and it will work. I using kmeaw.

me127 (2011-03-08)

can anybody plz help me , teach me how to jailbreak my ps3 ??
i brought ps3 on 5th march 2011 , and updated , now my version is 3.56 , how do i jail break ?? , i want to copy the games directly to harddisk and play them , plz help plz help :(

Ml2tal (2011-03-13)

Is this an uncensored version where there is nudity too?

chosen3000 (2011-03-14)

@Me127, you are screwed for the update, the only thing you can do is return it immediately and get another one, you should have 90 days to do that.

LG23 (2011-03-16)

Copy to INTERNAL HD and it will work!!!

Stormeah (2011-03-27)

This game does NOT need MOVE. It is not even compatible. Where did you even get that idea?

chosen3000 (2011-03-29)

I copied from external to internal. Works now.

Zastupnik (2011-04-08)

please people i'm getting old dl this it is taking too long i heard the game is great, set your upload speed to max, and those of you that did a hit n run come back and reseed please. i'm downloading this for a week now and only 47% frustration is the word

ps3_Jawbreaker (2011-04-16)

Hey Crowly42 can you upload games like lair, heavenly sword?(if its not asking too much)
just bought a ps3 in the past week...........

R.Jonnys (2011-04-19)

Possui audio em Português?
It has audio in Portuguese?

pdfermat (2011-04-29)

Guys, if you want to update the game it's ok, but YOU DON'T NEED IT IN INTERNAL HD, If you're locked at black screen with the origami you just quit the game and do this: everytime you choose it in multiman don't press X, instead press SELECT+X then play the game

jblinman (2011-07-07)

Is there a way to run this with Multiman without putting in a disc? My Bluray drive is busted and won't read anything, hence the reason for jailbreaking. If anyone has had any such luck, please tell me your steps.

spykodi (2011-09-27)

hi guys
i am new in the dawnload world i know howe to danwload and burn mount imange fore pc whit deamon tools

but not fore PS3 howe to get it work and some on knows howe to dawnload the new MAP pak fore COD black ops ??
pls help my
my Email is

6oxtynin9 (2011-12-28)

@Stormeah - There IS a MOVE Edition, however, this is not it. The MOVE Edition is only available in European version "BCES00797". I have both version so I should know.
This games works on both 3.41 & 3.55 (Kmeaw) - INTERNAL only!!!! For External use on 3.55, you MUST first install the game data from the ORIGINAL disc, then you can boot from external. The game CANNOT be booted discless, meaning YOU HAVE TO HAVE a bluray disc in the drive both 3.42 & 3.55!!!!
@jblinman, in the case that your optical drive is busted, you're shit out of luck with this game.

6oxtynin9 (2011-12-28)

EDIT from above - on both "3.41" & 3.55 Kmeaw.

hot_coolio28 (2012-03-06)

please seed people

cristophermary (2012-03-17)

esta solo en ingles no esta en español???

sarthak7 (2012-03-21)

This torrent is great. Will upload till 30GB
This is how I made it work -
-Copy it into the internal HDD of PS3.
-Run it on CFW.
It'll work
Important Notes
-Will not work on external
-There are files which may look like split files but they are not. Just copy to internal and it'll work.

bobdylan8 (2012-03-25)


bobdylan8 (2012-03-25)

you can run it discless I've done it

bobdylan8 (2012-03-25)

I'm trying to post the fucking link but comment shit doesnt let me so I'm going to show you how in short bursts

bobdylan8 (2012-03-25)

http://psx-scene dot

bobdylan8 (2012-03-25)

proof: http://psx-scene dot

FIRST download this pkg:
http://rapidshare dot com/files/44259661...1122223333.pkg
SECOND LOAD it to your Kmeaws 3.55 firmware XMB PS3
THIRD use multimanager to make a shadow copy of the game.
FOURTH load the game through multiman and when it sends you to XMB run the PKG and your all set to run discless on a new PS3
FIFTH DONT UPDATE TO V2.00 i haven't cuz it will probably f*ck it all up

karan1234 (2012-04-08)

hey anyone tried this on external HDD?my ps3 have no space left.
and for update problem.. delete PS3- update folder.plz tell me anyone who can play it from external.
crowly42 says that this can be played or transported on ext HDD.respond

coleix (2012-08-14)

Shit, it froze on me right before the fbi guy was going to get into the car, just after the first time that he shows up, kinda cool that thing with the glasses.
Maybe there is an update for this? going to search for it just in case, and I thought the controls would be kinda boring but I liked the fight scene with the p.i.

coleix (2012-08-18)

I updated to 2.0 and it was the move update so I had to change the settings to wireless controller so I could use the DS3. Already finished the game the first time and it was great but kinda short, I'll probably play it a couple more times to get the other endings and more trophies.

harikanchan (2012-10-01)

work great on my 3.55 version ps3 and iam running this game from external HDD cool game worth downloading... thanks Crowly42

hedelkan (2012-11-12)

has audio portuguese Brasil?

gxfjlvg (2013-01-17)

Thanks, I'll keep seeding. Works great on INTERNAL hdd, no disc needed. Tested on 3.55 cfw.

HOV4RD (2013-05-02)

can i play this with ePSXe ?

Vaare (2013-05-27)

I put this on my seedbox and will seed for the next couple weeks at least.

KurdishMusician (2013-07-19)

Does anyone know if this will work with a PS3 emulator on my iMac! OS X 10.8.4
3.1GHz Intel Core i5 16GB RAM
AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB - Graphics Card

Athan485 (2013-10-09)

No, this will not work with epsxe. Epsxe is for psx (psone) games only.
@ KurdishMusician
A legit ps3 emulator doesn't exist, and most likely won't for a great number of years.

cmilanelo (2013-10-23)

Works fine for my:
CFW 4.50 Habib v1.03
Multiman 4.50
Dead Bluray
Don't work for me in external HD. Just copy to HDD and be happy! o/

Bashr (2013-11-25)

It is running great for me on multiman, except one issue i keep running into. During gameplay at any given moment (usually about 7-10 apart) a update msg displays and says to update to ver2.0 of the game software???
not that big of an issue but is pretty irritating! :D

imtiaz786 (2014-04-25)



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