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Mac OS 10 6 Snow Leopard Retail 5072210 TPB
2009-08-29 (by Crackin85)
Retail Version of OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard===
This torrent is full of viruses and will make your sister pregnant, don't download it!!!
I installed it and my computer is doing crazy things, like working like it is supposed to!!!!
What the hell is an MD5!!!!!
Buy a PC!!!!!
Files count:
6424.78 Mb
Crackin85 (2009-08-29)
It is now being seeded...Dr.Pepper (2009-08-29)
Nothing happening here, doesnt download. 1 leechertomh2o (2009-08-29)
just go buy it, its only $30stamula (2009-08-29)
Full or upgrade?Crackin85 (2009-08-29)
Full Version.Current stats show 15 uploads to 42 peers.
Upload speeds averaging over 400K
xxneolithicxx (2009-08-29)
How do we know if this is official or not, no offense but it seems to be your first upload. Does anyone have an MD5 for an image known to be official?Crackin85 (2009-08-29)
@xxneolithicxx, whatever, don't download it then...and it is not official it is a pirated version of the retail DVD...Einstein.
Dr.Pepper (2009-08-29)
Weird! I had huge problems lately with torrents.jorejk (2009-08-29)
Nice one, tnx. DL working fine at least at the moment (appx. 600 KB/s)paulosaopaulino (2009-08-29)
Hey guys, if you need speed add me as a friend at Vuze, my user is paulo_montenegro =)xxneolithicxx (2009-08-29)
can someone post the md5 for this torrent once u finish downloading it. Thanksad123b (2009-08-29)
is this an image of the legitimate retail version released today or is it just build 10A432 from a while ago re-posted?virgilaug (2009-08-29)
@ad123bYep. I would also like to know if this is the retail version released today. Unfortunately I dont know how that could be done since build 10A432 is the Goldmaster. I tried to see if SL 10A432 had an expiration time by setting the clock to 2011 and nothing happened so i guess 10A432 = Retail released today.
hitekalex (2009-08-29)
"is this an image of the legitimate retail version released today or is it just build 10A432 from a while ago re-posted?"@ad123b - the two are one and the same. I don't know why people keep reposting this, as if somehow "retail disk" is miraculously different from 10a432.
ad123b (2009-08-29)
@hitekalex-I may be wrong, but i thought that there were certain things in the dev. preview version of 10A432 like certain preferences and plugins that were going to be added later to the retail version. Just wanted to double check if this is the absolute final release and not just the developer preview, because i believe there is a difference.
Crackin85 (2009-08-29)
what part of RETAIL did you not understand...
god your all a bunch of fucking whiners...
here is proof fuckheads...
ad123b (2009-08-29)
@Crackin85-thank you
stamula (2009-08-29)
Crack is that what the full version box looks like?Or is that the upgrade?
latin2c (2009-08-29)
Guy i'm sure most of us here are eligible for the upgrade..i just order my upgrade from mac for 10 bucks ( my macbook pro qualified for the up to date ) and even if i had to pay the 30 bucks i would.bigquest (2009-08-29)
Thanks Crack!angelflor (2009-08-29)
est ce que c'est la version multilanguageis this the multilanguage version
ajocali18 (2009-08-29)
When I install this will it restore my computer to like when i 1st got it??? Like out of the box all my programs/other stuff will get deleted???xalmon (2009-08-29)
@Crackin85Great upload!!! you are the man!!!!!!
alifun (2009-08-29)
:) thanks for upload, and guys lets just seed to get it quicker. Crackin85 how do you like it so far?robertobmm (2009-08-29)
Hi everybody. Thanx Crackin85 for your upload. Could you say me some indications to install (or update) from 10.5.8? I never installed after Mac OS myself.Thanx again.
m9o (2009-08-29)
@ P.O.Bi don't get what you mean by:
"this is an edited image.. =) lol
you built in a backdor... nice one..
therefor i won't seed.. use the GM instead"
would it be better to try this one?
and for everyone asking about the installation process, don't worry about anything, just go for it and follow the instructions given by the installer.
stevesuomi (2009-08-29)
@Crackin85Thank you for uploading this, I appreciate it. As someone who just wants to try this out before buying (and also when I can afford it, which won't be long), I appreciate the opportunity.
exdes (2009-08-29)
Downloading has stopped on 72 %LFC_SL (2009-08-29)
Why are you guys wasting DL-DVD,you can burn(mount) the image onto a external Hard drive,
roughly need 8/9GB,
its quick and easy,
use disk ultility,
click on restore,
point to the snow leopard image,
then in the 2nd box point to which external drive you want to mount onto,
and click erase and restore,
once done shut down your mac,
hold 'ALT'
at the boot option click on snow leopard your external hard drive,
and install...
t_saarinen (2009-08-29)
1174 seeders,
2264 leechers,
ad123b (2009-08-29)
@m9o-who said this is an edited image
rdowty (2009-08-29)
Why are this DMG and the one in the box set different sizes?m9o (2009-08-29)
@ ad123di feel stupid. I'm sure someone (P.O.B.) wrote that, but his comment isn't here any more. also he had written on the box set torrent.. disappeared as well....
it seems like no one wrote that..
i'm not saying anything about this copy, havent tried yet. but i have the same question as rdowty. why does this image has a different file size?
masslingur (2009-08-30)
Has anyone checked the build on the final version?Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
@masslingurthis is the final build you idiot, it is the RETAIL version.
lrlr0099 (2009-08-30)
anybody else having trouble with this? I can't restore dvd or burn it.Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
Test burning in toast right now...will let you know if I have problems. This was an image created direct from Disk Utility, should not have any problems. Remember it's a DVD-DL, over 6gb's...lrlr0099 (2009-08-30)
yeah, i'm running the GM right now, and toast is crashing on launch so...disk utility, won't let me restore it gives me an error disk must be "image scanned", except when I try to image scan for restore both in disk utility and in terminal, it gives me an invalid argument error.
mac store here i come.
lchtangen (2009-08-30)
hi, LFC_SL! I have done everything you said, but i don't understand what you mean with:"hold 'ALT'
at the boot option click on snow leopard your external hard drive,
and install..."
Because of when i open the "Install Mac OS X" file from the External Hard Disk it says: The Application "Install Mac OS X" cannot be used from this volume.
What should i do??
Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
Just finished test burn in toast, works fine. Not sure what issue you are having. Sorry.Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
@lchtangenyou can't restore to your main disk. You have to restore to an external disk.
Burn a copy of the DVD-DL, or go pay $30...
lchtangen (2009-08-30)
I already restored it to an external hard disk. can someone explain what do do from the start? I don't have enough space on the DVD's I have. So i heard that i can install it from an external hard disk?Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
sorry guys, need to reboot real quick...lchtangen (2009-08-30)
Viruses for mac? Do you mean that I have virus? :PTrojan-X (2009-08-30)
Thank's Man ... I'm seeding both of
lchtangen (2009-08-30)
Are you there Crackin85??Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
back up and runningCrackin85 (2009-08-30)
lchtangen (2009-08-30)
Crackin85. do you have msn messenger? can i add you. need some help with installing snow leopard.lchtangen (2009-08-30)
are you there Crackin85??Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
sorry dude tech support is not my game...lchtangen (2009-08-30)
okey, but can you say what i need to do when i have installed mac osx snow leopard?Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
I am now seeding three separate copies of this...granted it's all over my 5Mb FIOS connection. but I am getting over 600K UL
Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
@lchtangenI don't understand?
lchtangen (2009-08-30)
oh, sorry! I mean, what do i do when i have downloaded snow leopard? can you explain how i install it? it says cannot install from this volume?Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
you need to burn the image to a DVD-DL and then install from the DVD...Do you have a Mac now or is this a hackintosh?lchtangen (2009-08-30)
I have a MacBook with Leopard. But I don't have DVD-DL. Can i do it from an external hard disk?Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
I don't think so, it needs to install from a DVD...You can try and INSTALL it on the external HD and then Boot from that...Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
lchtangen (2009-08-30)
ok. How much does a DVD-DL cost?Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
I don't know, you need an external burner and the disks probably $100 busk is the states. If you in the U.S. just buy the software...lchtangen (2009-08-30)
ok, so why doesn't everyone just buy it ? $30. I'm from NorwayTrojan-X (2009-08-30)
@Crackin85you're the man
Jack_Napier (2009-08-30)
!!! VERY IMPORTANT !!!The computer you are going to install Snow Leopard on MUST be setup with the GUID partitioning scheme. The external HDD can be anything as this is just booting for the install, but the actual drive in which you are installing Snow Leopard onto must be setup with the GUID partitioning scheme.
!! Instructions External HDD Method !!
Tested and Works
* On your external USB or Firewire HDD, create a 10GB Mac OS X Extended partition, format this partition and leave it blank. You will need this later on.
* Mount the .DMG file
* Using Disk Utility, Select the RESTORE Tab
* Right Click on the "Mac OS X Install DVD" and select it as the SOURCE
* Right Click on your USB/Firewire 10GB Partition and select it as DESTINAION
* Check off "Erase Destination"
* Click Restore
* Wait for Restore to complete
* Once restore is complete, you will notice that your 10GB Partition name is called "Mac OS X Install DVD"
* Unmount the Disk Image
* Restart your Mac and hold the Option Key to get the startup disk menu
* Select the External HDD, Labelled "Mac OS X Install DVD"
* Booting from the External HDD works and it's fast!! Anytime you want to install Snow Leopard on any Intel Mac Computer, all you need to do is bring your External Drive, connect it, reboot and install.
Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
there you go...bigquest (2009-08-30)
Am at 50% download using Vuze and am seeding, and will do so for however long is necessary.Although I'm slightly concerned about some comments the disk image could have been messed with, inserted trojans or whatever. So I hope knowledgeable people check it out after downloading. Anyway, thanks Crackin85 for the download! I hope you can understand how some people are nervous about possible malware.
Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
Then why are you downloading pirated software from the internet.Can someone that has completed the download please comment on the quality so these people stop bitching about it!.... as they download it...
camist2 (2009-08-30)
Thanks for sharing. Downloaded fine, in toast it couldn't burn one file, (.file) which I evidently need since when it goes to reboot to continue the installation it just hangs at the grey screen with the icon spinning. When I force quit and reboot without the dvd in, it still shows me at 10.5.8.Ray11208 (2009-08-30)
Thank You So Much Crackin85 , this is perfect ! using it on my Gibabyte EP45-UD3R MOBObigquest (2009-08-30)
dude I wasn't bitching about the download. I asked if someone knowledgeable could speak to the issue of trojans hidden in Apple software..Isotaloo (2009-08-30)
First of all, big thanks for Crackin85.Also, could anybody tell me if installing from external hardrive gives the same install options as doing it from DVD?
camist2 (2009-08-30)
I had trouble installing from dvd, so I tried the external hd suggestion and it installed fine. I thought it hung up around 31 minutes, but I waited (and waited) and then it went on and finished eventually. To me, the install is very slow, but I do see a noticeable faster difference so far on some apps. If I recall correctly.... installing from external gave no choices. You boot from it and it just runs.Trojan-X (2009-08-30)
SEED !Japppppppy (2009-08-30)
Works very well. Burned it on DL-DVD with Disk Utility, and installed with no problem.Thanks a lot Crackin!!!
Crackin85 (2009-08-30)
Hey, how about some quality votes!SEED
SEED (2009-08-30)
So many thanks for this great torrent Crackin85...Its really good to know that some people still buy this amazing operative system with a full working non-cracked-need-OS on PirateBay...
Apple did a very good job on this and with a wonderful price...!!
killerzip (2009-08-31)
If I burnt this to a DVD±R DL, would it be an exact replica of the original Snow Leopard I would I be able to use it to install boot camp drivers and boot from it to use disk utility etc...
Do I have to use another disk image for boot camp drivers?
gygabyte (2009-08-31)
Well I was planning on trying out your torrent but considering it's moving so god damn slow I decided to just say fuck it. Especially since I was planning on buying it anyway, so I guess i'm just gonna wait until I can afford it.Thanks for the upload anyway considering you're like one of the only folks who decided to upload the 'actual' retail version instead of the stolen reproduction copy. So thanks anyway but sorry it's just too damn slow for me.
golfpro (2009-08-31)
Took me about 8 hrs....depends whether you class that as slow..which it isn't. Also worked fine.stales89 (2009-08-31)
Come on people SEED!I shall be seeding for one week non stop 24/7. I will leave my mac turned on for one whole week once this downloads but only if you people who have it SEED!
ukodrag (2009-08-31)
Maybe someone can help me.When I'm booting from DL-DVD i get a grey crossed circle.
When I'm trying to make install it gets to the point when there are about 50 mins to finish the installation and then computer reboots and comes to the login window (no installation is done). I've been checking the log and it seams to load all the packages and then writes something like *******Install Mac OS X******** some few more lines with the info about dvd and then restarts as I've said previously.
There is one more problem: when I choose a Utilities option on the SL DVD and it restarts, it comes to the login window. As far as I understand it needs to start from DVD but fails I don't know why.
Any ideas, help?
ukodrag (2009-08-31)
Wow I've managed to save log.The end messages were like this.
***************************** Setting Startup Disk *****************************
****** Volume: Mac OS X Install DVD
****** Path: /Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD
******Disk Identifier: disk1
****** OF Device Path: /PCI0@0/SATA@B/PRT1@1/PMP@0/@0:0
Bless on Mac OS X Install DVD failed
Couldn't bless the installation disk: disk1
maybe this provides more information
Crackin85 (2009-08-31)
I have been seeding this file nonstop since 8-29 averaging 600k UL.YOU NEED TO SEED AS WELL!
Crackin85 (2009-08-31)
@ukodragyou need to re-burn the disk. Use Toast, I have verified that it works.
Are you on a Mac or a hackintosh?
ukodrag (2009-08-31)
@Crackin85I'm updating MacBook Aluminium from 10.5.8.
I've burned dvd using toast 10
Maybe there's something bad with my bootloader, cos I had some problems with booting from disc warrior cd, but on the other hand i can boot form Leopard licensed DVD with no prob
Crackin85 (2009-08-31)
@ukodragdid you use the "copy>image file" on toast? I have toast 8 so I am not familiar with 10. Other than that, I am not sure what to tell you. It sounds like toast is not creating a bootable DVD. Try Disk Utility...
callumbaillie (2009-09-01)
Can someone please explain... If i download this file and install it from a DVD-DL will that be it or do i need to enter a serial or register it? Does this have any type of security?ukodrag (2009-09-01)
Cool! It worked. I've installed it from 8GB USB Flash Drive.Now to find how to run 64x on macbook
callumbaillie (2009-09-01)
an you just update your existing mac osx leopard by mounting it from a datapen or is it a fresh install?lchtangen (2009-09-01)
SEEEED!!!! SEEEEED!!! NEED IT NOW!!killerzip (2009-09-01)
Everyone: seed it until you see 'ratio: 5.0' and then it's guaranteed to work!hehe...
m9o (2009-09-01)
ok, finished downloading....burned with disk utility, mounted, followed the instructions and in less than half hour later the OS was up again, now showing 10.6
all my files where i left them!!
thanks Crackin85!
killerzip (2009-09-01)
Could someone who has got this working please post the md5 for this. I'd give you a demonoid invite if you want it! :)Japppppppy (2009-09-01)
Hey, the md5 checksum is: ebd2b5bb4013c09cdf2a378ecc44326fWould love an invite to demonoid. Pls send to:
Trojan-X (2009-09-02)
My Download is complete and I will seed 72 hours.CHEERS!
Crackin85 (2009-09-02)
who is the fuckhead who rated this down. Just because you're an idiot and can't get it working is not my fault. Learn to use a computer dickweeds.I am also tired of all these assholes asking for a MD5, if your a pussy don't download it. Fuck
teladoy (2009-09-02)
I am done 12 hours>seedingThank you Crackin85
horsse (2009-09-02)
Guess I wait for a more reliable share, from an uploader who doesn't curse and has a bit of a rep. .teladoy (2009-09-03)
Crackin85 I have read all the comment and I feel for you Thank Brother keep cursing some people don't deserve less.Back you ask for someone to check for malware.
I close my side of mac and open XP using ESET check the files one by one results:
Scan completed successfully: 2 minutes 39 seconds
Numbers of scanned objets 57906
Numbers of infected files 0
Numbers of cleaned files 0
Keep cursing when you right curse is valid.
Long live the pirates
WMM38Z (2009-09-06)
when burning on macbook, i wasted 20 dollars. went out to get the DL dvd- 5 o them. this does not work when burning in disk utility it stops 1/2 and constantly says writing track. then i get this!!!! Unable to burn "mac OSX Install DVD.dmg"(the device failed yo calibrate the laser power for this media.) WHAT!!! i could have spent 9 more dollars and had a read dvd copy with a nice image. :-(hamelin (2009-09-07)
once installed, do i have to install all the programs again ? for example ilife ore thirdpard programms, games etc ?Trojan-X (2009-09-07)
I prefer You do a clean installILife is not present in this retail dvd.
But it works nice.
so fast on my black macbook :)
demogog (2009-09-08)
I am installed this release, but... Hmm, I am having some strange behavior. Sometimes my macbook won't wake up after sleep.Photoshop is runnign extremely slow. Apps crash randomly. Sometimes I get "grey screen of death" (when you need manually to restart you mac).
I will wait until an update and see if it gets better.
whybother- (2009-09-08)
I downloaded this torrent and installed it just fine. The only thing I'm suspicious about is that at the initial setup procedure after the upgrade, it asked me to enter my login keychain password, even before logging in. Is that okay?? Can I trust this DVD? Thanks.And cracking, spare your cursing, this is a legitimate suspicion.
Crackin85 (2009-09-09)
@WMM38Zkind of dumb on your part...Learn to use your computer...
Crackin85 (2009-09-09)
@whybother-your stealing software on the internet and you're offended by my cursing?
fuck off.
Crackin85 (2009-09-09)
@demogogfunny, I am not having any problems.
Crackin85 (2009-09-09)
don't you people think that if this torrent had malware or trojans or fleas or herpes, that these comments would have been FLOODED by people warning you?Right now it's just idiots that don't know how to use the internet or their computers...
by the way, my seed ratio for this is 23:1 now:
DRWAM (2009-09-09)
Thanks Crackin.To all. You do not need a DVD burner or External drive. You can partition your hard drive into two, using the Disk Utility in the Utilities folder in the Application folder. In the Help section, learn to create a 2nd 12 GB partition, without deleting the old of course. Then use "Restore" to this disk image as the source and the new partition as the destination. Restart booting from the new partition and install Snow Leopard. That's what I did. Worked fine.
bigquest (2009-09-10)
Crack, you're a fucking loser. Did you know that? You're a half brained bully that who can't seem to read very well, let alone talk.People have valid concerns, not that you would understand why. I've had this copy installed for a week now and just noticed Software Update isn't working properly, it takes a long time to analyze if it needs to update and then does't come up with anything. And this is when I KNOW there are updates available. So it's be pretty cautious with this copy, at the same time it *could* be fine.
In any case, I've done a trojan scan and came up with nothing. but who knows.. we need someone who's not biased and can really check this out.
Until then, get a fucking life "Crackin85"
DRWAM (2009-09-10)
My software update worked fine. Had to reinstall Office 2004 though, but that's not Crackin's fault. Snow Leopard be workin fine bro!teladoy (2009-09-11)
bigquest I have install this into 76 mac already I post my virus result I am biased your moron you don't like Crakin85 because he is real and you are funny and you did check it. So what are you doing here anyway?bufftbone (2009-09-11)
bufftbone (2009-09-11)
I tried to burn this but it says "Not a valid win32 application." what is that? how do i play a dmg video on a psp? winamp won't convert for my leopard prints.Frozen-ice (2009-09-13)
Hey crack,after i install the snow leopard, will all my apps, like games and video converters, be gone? Will it become like when i first got my mac?
dlpoole (2009-09-14)
thanksHeWillSeeTheBigBoard (2009-09-18)
hey crack, or anyone reading this, i finished downloading it, thank you, im seeding now, and i burned the .dmg file to a double layer dvd in toast 10 and all went fine. however, when i restart the computer, it doesnt boot from the dvd!!! what am i doing wrong? thank you in advance!MacEnstein (2009-09-29)
BOOOO Fucking Hoo! You dumb asses need to learn how to use a computer. Or a least Google and Wiki.Don't eve ask how to load this on a PC YOU FUCTARDS.
We're hard core MAC GUYs we don't give a fuck about you Piles of Crap (PC) Users
If you wanna know if it works YES YES
Take your HacinTosh to the Apple store and ask the to burn it on a disk for you and install it for you.
They load OS's for people all day long .... LOL
MacEnstein (2009-09-29)
BOOOO Fucking Hoo! You dumb asses need to learn how to use a computer. Or a least Google and Wiki.Don't eve ask how to load this on a PC YOU FUCTARDS.
We're hard core MAC GUYs we don't give a fuck about you Piles of Crap (PC) Users
If you wanna know if it works YES YES
Take your HacinTosh to the Apple store and ask the to burn it on a disk for you and install it for you.
They load OS's for people all day long .... LOL
james6989 (2009-10-08)
it works very well I install with the dsdt bootcd and my motherboard (GA x48 DS5) and it works it has the same size as the original sold in stores thank you;) seed seed seed all
> intervertir
UncleGluk (2009-10-24)
mmm.. This image for PC (x86) or Mac - computers?shadow_cabinet (2009-11-05)
I like ur style Crackin!!!!!!!!!!!shadow_cabinet (2009-11-14)
I have a legitimate question 4 u m8, im runnin logic 8 wiv shtloads of plugins is it likely to fuk anythin up upgrading to snow leopard? cheersbeto51 (2009-11-24)
Crackin85 you are THE SHIT men!!! Thanks for this great upload, works like a charm, installed from an external hd, 30 minutes later snow leopard was installed on my intel macbook. Nothing wrong with this, in this precise moment I'm downloading a few updates so no problems there neither. All my files and dozens of programs like adobe cs3, filemaker,merlin,transit,office 08, iwork 09,aperture, parallels still work with no issues.Thanks a lot men.
Cheers from Tijuana, México!!!
NobiteR (2009-12-21)
Is it support my compaq ? """
i wanna try'in ^^ i guess it's cool
brovius (2009-12-27)
Just asking, but how do I put this onto my 16 GB USB thumbdrive?Disk Utility > Mount DMG > Restore DMG to HFS+(journaled) 16GB partition?
Will it boot?
monkyharris (2010-01-20)
nice 1 for the upload bro, works fine - if your ever local we'll hook up for a kabbab and a pint.ajangel (2010-10-29)
Thank You! Works perfectly and didn't even erase my data! Awesome.doth3dew (2011-10-20)
WOW OK the majority of people downloading and trying to install this have no idea how MAC OS X works let alone are computer dumbasses. I work for Apple, I have worked for Apple for over 6 years and I use this image on a thumb drive, two external hard drives, created an image to distribute amongst my Mac Server and BURNED IT TO A DVD-R DL! Not to bigquest at who posted on page 5 about..."Crack, you're a fucking loser. Did you know that? You're a half brained bully that who can't seem to read very well, let alone talk.
People have valid concerns, not that you would understand why. I've had this copy installed for a week now and just noticed Software Update isn't working properly, it takes a long time to analyze if it needs to update and then does't come up with anything. And this is when I KNOW there are updates available. So it's be pretty cautious with this copy, at the same time it *could* be fine.
In any case, I've done a trojan scan and came up with nothing. but who knows.. we need someone who's not biased and can really check this out.
Until then, get a fucking life "Crackin85"
You are an even bigger idiot. If you are having issues with updates from mac or the operating system then you have other software related issues either from the install or you are one of the idiots trying to run this on a PC. To the guy who asked about LOGIN-KEYCHAIN WHENEVER YOU INSTALL SOFTWARE ESPECIALLY OPERATING SYSTEMS IT ASKS YOU FOR A PASSWORD BEFORE YOU INSTALL THE SYSTEM. HE DIDN'T MAGICALLY PUT A KEYLOGGER TO SPOOF KEYCHAINACCESS! Wow what will you people think of next. Fuck the majority of you are the retards I have to listen to every day because their computer won't boot up and they don't know where the power button is. If you don't know how to use DIsk Utility, boot up into single-user mode and run fsck to check for any system file corruption or do an inplace OS reinstall to fix various OS issues... HELL GO OUT AND BUY THE SNOW LEOPARD UPGRADE FOR $29.99 YOU POOR FUCKING RETARDS. Then I suggest you stop bitching and whining about something you know NOTHING ABOUT.
And to that mental retard bigquest who did a trojan scan... he would have to be a pretty fucking good coder to install a trojan into a MAC OS X Installer and have the "trojan" install into the entire Mac OS which has a unix kernel and all your data is SECURE is so many different ways. Idiots whining about a bad OS install and saying the tooth fairy let a Unicorn infect their computer but no it was the gnomes.
People this download is clean, I have it working in so many ways just to support a guy trying to help you guys out. You can purchase this upgrade from
but god forbid you spend $29.99 on software that you know will be virus and malware free but who knows MAYBE Bill Gates knew when he was going to die and installed a beyond the grave trojan putting his ghost in the machine! WOOOOOO idiotsdoth3dew (2011-10-20)
Oh by the way thanks crack for uploading this, got a nasty scratch on my OEM disc and was unreadable this was perfect. Anyways I am willing to help people who are not self-righteous retards...10.6 can only be installed on certain computers and certain models of MacBook computers. The system requirements are for:
Any Mac with an Intel Processor (if you have a PowerPC computer or PowerPC processor this will NOT WORK)
Minimum of 1GB of RAM
An optical drive that can read a dual-layer DVD
9 GB of hard drive space
If you try to install it on a PC because you have an Intel processor it's not that simple because Apple used only SELECT Intel processors that it will only install on without any modification to the actual installer or installing it another way. So if this doesn't work on your PC, it's not supposed to. If you are having any issues with the OS after the install take this into consideration:
Did you go to Disk utility - > Erase - > Reformat the disk and the reinstall Snow Leopard? Snow Leopard does an "in-place" install which installs ontop of Leopard. Leopard could be working just fine but something can get corrupted by upgrading. If you have any previous issues with the OS they will appear in Snow Leopard because you didn't reformat the drive and the problems get worse. If you do not have important data or if you have a Time Machine backup it is highly advised to erase your hard drive with Disk Utility (When installing click on the utilities menu option on the top of the screen then click on "Disk Utility" -> Click on the top hard drive not the volume and click on the "Erase" tab -> select OS X (extended journaled), name your volume and erase).
rubycanoe (2011-10-31)
How easy is it to install updates, or is there anything different I should be doing when I install them? I'm one of those computer morons, sorry guys.Bolerophon (2012-02-29)
I'm on a pc and have no acces to Disk Utility so i have to convert this dmg to iso with ultraiso. But i can't, when i select the file and try to start the conversion i get the error: Invalid or unknown image format.. WTF? I've done it before with the same sorta *.dmg file and it went ok.Anyone?
platonios (2012-08-22)
@ doth3dew : you were working for apple ? what are you doing here ? you should have 1.000.000 disks with os from apple and other apps...very strange
p.s you should know that ALL OP SYS can be installed on ANY Comp. Machine if you know how to do it. This p.s is the answer for this part of your huge comment ---> f you try to install it on a PC ...blah blah blah .-
try to be more polite with people and believe it or not some of us can NOT afford to pay for this.
p.s /2 @people : trojan is very difficult to be found on a mac system (but yet not imposible)
platonios (2012-08-22)