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Games PC






2007-03-26 (by azidtrip)


F.E.A.R ISO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As there is so many torrents that dont appear to work I decided to seed one meself. This package includes following.: 1: Full game F.E.A.R Retail 2: Full 1.08 patch (fear_update_engb_100-107_108.exe) 3: SP crack F.E.A.R.V1.08.ENG.MACIOZO.NOCD.ZIP 4: MP crack F.E.A.R.ALL.IND.PUBLICSERVERFIX.ZIP 5: A couple of trainers. (Not tested if it works on 1.08) Install: 1: Mount in daemon or any other virtual disc software and use provided serial. 2: Install the patch, then crack with provided exe (backup original). 3: Fire the shit up and have fun.

Files count:



4595.52 Mb




salmonizer (2007-03-27)

Well I´ll see how it´s going and if I get it downloaded I´ll seed as much as possible :-)

drys (2007-03-31)

sorry AZIDTRIP but where is cdkey

drys (2007-03-31)

ok found em, they dont show when opening in daemontools.

Apollo Tloc (2007-04-02)

how do i crack once i install it?

Apollo Tloc (2007-04-03)

every time i try to copy and paste the crack overtop the game exe in the program file it says:
error: insert original CD into drive E:

Tinface (2007-04-09)

(Sniff) THATS RIGHT IM CRYING!!! This works (Well the install works) I am installing it and I hope that this scary shit works. I am on the first installation (Not the patch) And do not know if it is working or not. Will comment again...

Tinface (2007-04-09)

K ya it works, but I cant remeber which of those extra files you ACTUALY NEED!

IronCrux0 (2007-04-24)

Hurray for the 30k/s download...I am not going to ask for a seed, because the people who actually take the time to read this, probably do. Thank you for being alive.

thimiesama (2007-05-01)


ndolino (2007-05-02)

e' in italiano

blablahej (2007-06-06)

can someone seed this please im stuck in 5 kb/s

blablahej (2007-06-10)

thanks for the game!!

Yestias (2007-06-28)

the firts installation doesnt work, it´s "error" and i don´t know what´s wrong.
i have deamon tools and så what is wrong?

Enigma-x (2007-07-30)

Great game so thanks for the torrent.
However, the SP crack installation triggered a key logging anti-virus warning so you are warned!

StarfishTrooper (2008-02-06)

Thanks azidtrip. Pretty straightfoward install. Works fine.

Umsterz (2008-03-14)


pokernod (2008-03-18)

Well that was a waste of 2 days. All I get is the Black Screen. I can hear everything fine, DUH, But I cant see shit, just the mouse arrow. Searching the net, it seems to be a common problem (ofcourse). Fucking Game Dicks need to get theyre shit straight and stop experimenting. First PixShd 2.0.....everyone goes and buys new cards.....4 mo later PixShd your card is everyone buys new cards.....4 mo later PixShd 4.0.....again your cards are worthless....Im quite suprised some kid hasnt had a breakdown yet and walked into an EA or Sierra building with an AK and just started poping heads. These days, if you cant afford dual $500 graphic cards and a 1000 watts of power, the Game geeks will just turn theyre backs on you, and after all the support weve given them. Piss on theyre fucking heads!
Well, thanks anyway azidtrip.

stukov4321 (2008-03-20)

Okay it installed fine, I replaced the .exe with the cracked version but whenever i try to load the game it gives me one of those error messages that you get when like a game has crashed, I dl'd the trial and it worked perfectly fien (demo had all features on it) anyone have any ideas on how i can resolve thsi and enjoy this fantastic game?

Toribor (2008-03-22)

Damn... I'm only getting 30kbs I hate my internet here. (When I'm back at college I get gigabit... Woo!)

Jdoggmcblunt (2008-03-29)


DanzigDanne (2008-04-01)

I got the same problem as Yestias and stukov4321...
It´s just an "ERROR" when I start it.

Jdoggmcblunt (2008-04-01)

Hi. I am new at this completely... can someone tell me how to mount this onto a dvd via daemon?

OnHeavensWings (2008-04-07)

Jdoggmcblunt if you have daemon tools (you can download it from their site if you dont) click on its icon in the bottom right of your screen and you should see something like Device 0: [F:] Empty. You should get a file select box, open up the games download folder you and double-click the FEAR.mds file. Hope that helps you out.
Does anyone know what the trainers are for? I cant read the german install instructions so i dont know what it is or how to install. Thanks

guarana_fiend (2008-04-13)

Works great, thanks! Had that same problem with the black screen and hearing things, but just hit escape a few times to get past the production company and all the logos, and then it gets to the game and all is well.

SEEDITFORME (2008-05-14)

SEED you greedy cunts!

TehCho (2008-05-15)

Thanks for allowing me to download the 1.08 patch.
I've bought this game already, I just can't seem to be able to download the patch from any site since my internet seems to like to cut out when it's halfway completed. With this torrent, I'll just get the patch, then I'll upload the patch for whoever wants it.

SEEDITFORME (2008-05-20)

OK... WTF???
I downloaded this game, have been playing for about 4 days (seeding at the same time I might add) but since today everytime I go to play it, after about 20 seconds of play either the screen freezes or everything goes black except for the ammo left on the gun...
Everything still plays, except I'm either looking at a screenshot, or I'm looking at a number.
How can I fix it? (I haven't downloaded anything since)... Some one help please, because I am SICK of faulty torrents... If you're going to upload something, do it right or not at all.

KebabPizzaN (2008-05-29)

Do i have to download a CD-Key or something..?

ilovethisshit123 (2008-06-05)


renzzy (2008-06-15)

dude.. hoW to instAll the patch???..ehe help..

renzzy (2008-06-15)

hAha!! i knoW now..mistake

zedra09 (2008-06-17)


toughluck (2008-06-20)

I'm getting the error, black screen then the error, ran the patch, then crack.. STILL NOT WORKING.. any help?

lolozao (2008-06-24)

hey wats the diff between the mp crack and the sp crack

ArchonASV (2008-06-26)

im writing up a proper installation instruction thingy for this torrent, to get it working up to date with patch 1.08 and the nocd patch. i think azidtrip didnt know that this was version 1.00 . idk anyway, but the instructions should be up tonight.

ArchonASV (2008-06-26)

I took the time to write out the exact instructions on how to install this properly. After the tiresome amount of time this took to download, I figured out myself how to install it. (please god damn seed for new ppl)
Anyways here are the steps:
1. Download this torrent. I reccommend not to download the multiplayer crack as you can't
play multiplayer with the files provided in this torrent. Those of you who got it working,
congrats have fkn fun. If you desire to play online then you must go to
and register to get the CDKEY, once you have that, download the game files for F.E.A.R.
Combat. It's pretty much the same thing just a different name and from a different place.
2. Download PowerISO from their site ( It is a free trial/evaluation copy so you will have to get a serial from ( if you want the full version. If you dont want the full version - (although it is better to have it) - just skip this
registration step. First find out the version of your ISO program, then type "PowerISO" in
the search bar in, find your version in the list, click it and type the username
and password in PowerISO's registration window.
3. Open the ISO file with PowerISO and extract the ALL the files to a folder of whereever
you choose on your hardrive. I recommend making a folder in your 'My Games' called
'FEARinstallfiles' and extracting it there. Once completed extraction hit the setup.exe
from the folder and install the game. Remember when the installer asks you for the serial for the game, you have to get it in your folder with all the install files.
4. Alright, lets do a check test.
a) Downloaded this F.E.A.R. torrent?
b) Registered to, got the CD Key and downloaded and installed F.E.A.R. Combat?
c) Downloaded PowerISO?
d) Got the full version of PowerISO by getting the serial from (optional)
e) Used PowerISO to extract the installation files and then installed the game using the
setup executable file?
5. With both the multiplayer and singleplayer installed, you now have to update the game to
version 1.08 to get rid of all the bugs and shit you may experience playing on version 1.00
you have installed as of this moment. To do this, this requires alot of downloading of
patches. And yes, you have to install every patch in order from 1.01 to 1.08 or it will not
Before this step you need Winzip or WinRAR. I dont see why anyone wouldnt have it, its
one of those programs everyone has. To get it, google it. Then YOU find the serial, im
pretty sure you'll know how after step 2.
***NOTE: The game you have installed is the UK version, not the US version. HOWEVER, I dont know why but these following steps are mixed with US and UK patches, dont worry and dont care, it works. If it doesnt work for you, you could have screwed up a step, or youve got a problem with your computer, but im pretty sure not one that'll cost you money so its not serious (could just be a update problem or setting or I have no clue really, do your best to figure it out yourself). If you think you screwed up on a step, just uninstall and reinstall from the folder I told you to make using obviously the setup.exe file.***
6. Go to this

Choose your location and hit download. Once downloaded, install the update to your system.
You now have version 1.01 of FEAR.
7. Go to this

Follow the same step as explained in step 6 to download and install it.
8. Now, go to this

9. Once at the new page scroll down til you find the updates that look like this:
fear_update_engb_###_###.exe. The (engb) is the UK version. The (en) is the US version.
10. You have to download the updates in o

danieljackson (2008-06-27)

Thank you ArchonASV, its good to see somone that will take the time out of their day to write up and fix the problems of the community here at TPB. Your tutorial on the install is greatly appreciated may you continue to prosper in the world of torrents :)

danieljackson (2008-06-27)

Gentlemen we need more seeders, currently the tracker is showing 68 seeds, 256 leaches at a download rate of 79kbps/ on a 4 and half gig file that is horrendous please when you finish the download make sure you keep seeding afterwards.

sadlerrr (2008-06-29)

please seed for at least two weeks. we need this game.

sadlerrr (2008-06-29)

does this work on vista?

Demonsoul98 (2008-07-06)

Thanks, ArchonASV. I haven't finished downloading this yet, as a matter of fact I just started, but your guide will definitely help. I would've most likely figured it out eventually, but when people put fucked up torrents on here, it gets annoying. Again, I thank you. Also, people complaining about 80kb/s downloads, what the fuck do you expect? I'm sitting here downloading at 30kb/s and uploading at 80kb/s, so quit whining and thinking you're better and deserve a faster download. Go buy the fucking game if you're going to complain.

Demonsoul98 (2008-07-06)

I forgot to add, Sadlerr, yes F.E.A.R. will work on Vista. IF it doesn't work for you put it in compatibility mode with XP Service Pack 2.

ArchonASV (2008-07-10)

No problem danieljackson + Demonsoul98, I agree 100% with Demonsoul98. It gets stupid annoying sometimes when there are retarded torrents, and also when people complain about there speed, yeah, go fucking buy the damn thing. Anyway, FEAR is kickass, and from the sites provided in the drop list in utorrent when you search, ive searched all of them and this one is the one with the most seeds, so I wrote a instruction thingy for it. Im currently downloading the other two expansions. Im exited !!! :] haha, anyway, yourwelcome.
PS: I love, commas. hahaha

Hex73 (2008-07-11)

Just wanted to thank the uploader and the person who took the time to write the guide on the updates etc.
One thing, I got a CRC error during installation (before updates). I clicked retry several times which seemed to work and then I'd get another CRC error (something about a corrupt installation file). Eventually I clicked IGNORE and the game seemed to install fine.
Not sure if thats what the updates are meant to fix or not but I thought I'd let everyone else know that I got some errors during installation. This may be totally normal.
Currently installing updates so I will see in a minute if the game works or not.

Hex73 (2008-07-11)

Yep works %100 fine so far. Thanks again.

Sqyazz (2008-07-18)

What about adding the instructions to the actual Torrent?

ArchonASV (2008-07-19)

i cant, its not mine...when you download it, just copy and paste the instructions in a notepad, then youll have them.

SeedLeechPirate (2008-07-26)

just read the readme file.. its 3 steps to install.. works fine for me, ty for uploadin!

knok44 (2008-07-28)

like someone else said, black screen = out of date/not good enough graphics card
go to to check, just choose the game from the dropdown menu.

mitcjase (2008-08-04)

lolozao: You're kidding, right? Singleplayer and multiplayer, dumbass.

Java723 (2008-08-14)

plz seed! thanks a lot for the game btw!

Oldermaze (2008-08-25)

lolozao; I dont know :)
But anyway, seed please. It would be great if it could go faster than 17 kB/s

Oldermaze (2008-08-25)

Thx for seeding. Much better speed now :)

Oldermaze (2008-08-26)

No need to do all the things ArchonASV is telling you. Works fine anyway.

Oldermaze (2008-09-02)

seed for my friend please.

opaleg (2008-10-07)

ArchonASV's comment instructions works 100%. Azidtrip, the uploader, does not give accurate instructions or really a complete torrent.
It's disappointing.

BabelonKing (2008-10-31)

To knok44:
Thanks for the heads up on the black screen situation, as that is the exact problem I have with this game. I have this game for the 360, but due to the 3rod situation, I can't play it. Looks like it's time to upgrade the ol' pc.

PakkisPakkis (2008-11-19)

Seed plz.. 97%
With 12 kb/s -_-

darkriku15 (2008-11-30)

An ISO file!
Thanks ArchonASV for putting this up!

darkriku15 (2008-12-06)

......actually. I need help setting it up.
I installed the game and patch.
Now what?
I tried running the game, but it tells me to remove disk from drive and insert the orginal disk.

Mahiney (2008-12-07)

God you guys are idiots, Archon DIDN'T UPLOAD THE TORRENT D:< Stop saying he did. :/
Anyhow I find it funny how the people complaining about how the people complain about their slow speeds are MUCH faster than mine. I'm getting 5 kb/s. QQ and gtfo if you are gonna complain.

Mahiney (2008-12-07)

Meh seed? Been downloading for 3 days and it's only 82.6%. Only 4 people are seeding. I'm going to seed for 2 weeks.

mc91 (2008-12-11)

I got the same problem... do u manage to run the game now?:P

tuvan0 (2008-12-12)

plz seed =) i really want this game

Silver404 (2009-01-03)

thanks for the up!
oh, the autorun popup says that it's the Directors Cut version, which is even better. Well worth the wait for it!
NO-CD works fine, runs on vista ultimate x64 perfectly.
Oh, and a little known fact:
Go to
to get a free cd-key for the multiplayer.
That key unlocks the whole game, so use that to install it. Works a charm.

mrpresident2002 (2009-01-09)


1stmatejohn (2009-01-14)

Thanks to azidtrip for a first-class torrent! Thanks to the seeders (48/139) for a d/l in 8 hours at an average of 170 kB/s [it pays to maintain a 3.?? ratio!]. And many thanks to PirateBay for keeping this torrent around for two years!!

SGL1001 (2009-01-29)

works fine, thanks !

vinetu75 (2009-02-01)

Adware-url.gen file tried to run on install! my antivirus stop it...i hope that was the only one :>>
otherwise the install went fine..

Mentalproblem (2009-02-07)


Mentalproblem (2009-02-07)


Mentalproblem (2009-02-07)


pickledsausage (2009-02-12)

Seeeed please!!!! Please for the love of gamming seed this game! seed it not for your self but seed it for your fellow man!

tristanguy (2009-02-16)

No-CD failed. EXE instantly crashes.

tristanguy (2009-02-16)

Nervermind. I got it to work. Thanks!

Dhatz (2009-02-23)

what a shame i downloaded dopeman's version,this one must be complete, unlike his.

Shadow5656 (2009-03-14)

Damn the file is larger than I thought... I will have to go and get better discs later and than download this.

Shadow5656 (2009-03-15)

What parts of this game are REALLY important and which ones can I go without

piratealvhi (2009-03-19)

got the dopeman version and this one.
from the dopeman version, the music and some of the ingame videos are missing, but the core of the game is there. still really good and fun.
this one is full nothing missing.
scary as hell.

incangold (2009-04-05)

The crack doesn't work. All it says when you try to unrar it, is that "failed to instalize clinet - unable to load game resources." Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.

eniox1 (2009-04-20)

I am at 85% and is only 30kb,up and 8k down

FX5200-312Mhz (2009-04-21)

azidtrip, if this workz, im gonna love you forever.

sabledragon3 (2009-04-22)

okay sorry im a noob at this an all do you get this to work? I did all the extracting and stuff, installed the game, extracted the crack and pasted in the game thing, updated the game, and when i try to play from the crack is says unable to load resources or something....WTF?!

sabledragon3 (2009-04-23)

kk thx dude ill let you know what happens

sabledragon3 (2009-04-23)

oh, and do i only copy the crack program or the program AND the system info file or whatever?

sabledragon3 (2009-04-23)

omg nevermind i was doing the wrong thing the whole time thanks so much for uploading and thanks dude for helping

FX5200-312Mhz (2009-05-11)

Ok, update:-p. This works 100% percent, no viruses, trojans ect. this release is 100% PERFECT, am playing as I write.

CreamFeeder (2009-06-02)

Its a load of bollox

CreamFeeder (2009-06-02)

SCRATCH THAT!!! figured it out all good

Pitpaw (2009-06-05)

I'm sure this works torrent works great and the game is amazing. Thanks!
Remember to seed, please.

Bearface6 (2009-06-07)

Hey is anyone else getting sound issues? I'll be playing, and right when I enter combat all sound goes out...Any way to fix this?

FX5200-312Mhz (2009-06-08)

Just install it EXACTLY as the instructions say. It's a bit complicated but works 100% fine. Will keep seeding until hell freezes over :p

KidPhazon (2009-06-12)

Alright, so I got everything up and working, but when I start the game, my guy leaves the car prematurly and I end up stuck behind the car and dumpster :

emonquente (2009-06-21)

.iso .mds who bloody cares daemontools lite runs any known CD image fine.

tony_day (2009-07-04)

I downloaded it yesterday,for how many more days should i seed.

ClaudiuTTTVenom (2009-07-13)

i enter and i just see black screen....afther i press Ctrl Alt Delete and i see its 'not responding'...

ClaudiuTTTVenom (2009-07-13)

well i fixed that but now it crashes when i enter a multiplayer server

Ungue (2009-07-16)

I've tried to do this multiple times. I've downloaded it off utorrent perfectly fine, and have it sitting in my box. I burnt the .iso onto a disc and the disc works fine. Except for the fact that after I install it, whenever i try to play it there's a problem. Either FEAR stops running (encountered a problem and is closing), or doesn't recognize or "authorize" the disc.
methods done:
1: w/o any patches
2: w/ patches up to 1.02
3: w/ 1.08 patch (inside the folder itself, no other patches)

HacKZoR1 (2009-08-18)

This 1 sucks, should me a serial and crack with it, but there isnt, so dont download it!

c4rrion (2009-11-12)

Avast said has a decompression bomb... never heard of it before till now. However it seems okay. Should I be concerned?

data_err0r (2009-11-15)

How are people having trouble with this? If you have a decent computer(Drivers updated, goodish card, pretty much any mid level set up) this game works perfectly. I cant believe how many people dont understand how to install pirated games are in this torrents comments. Just follow the instructions, works completly fine. 7/10 rating for the game

data_err0r (2009-11-16)

To all those having trouble:
Use this for a crack after patching. Works better.!rar

And get a cd key from the link posted earlier if you want your online play to work.

bilbolainen (2009-12-08)

Works 100% fine!! Just follow instructions and be prepared to get scared!
No virus etc has been detected on this torrent=awzum!

Enso95 (2009-12-09)

Works like magic!
I'll seed it for long time

Enzo03 (2009-12-15)

One time I complained about a low download speed on a torrent saying "It is a sad thing when your upload speed is faster than your download speed", but as a joke...
...didn't think it'd actually happen, especially while seeding three other torrents as well.
Please seed more. I would like to have this game before the 3 years, 11 weeks the download time claims to be.

Marko_Undead (2009-12-30)

Seed ffs,seed!

Enzo03 (2010-01-03)

Finally got it downloaded but the patch doesn't do anything. I'm going to download a different patcher to see if it will work but if anyone can help me out, thanks.
I am using Windows 7 Home Premium x64.
I have tried all compatibility modes that could possibly work. Nada.

Enzo03 (2010-01-03)

Never mind. I think I did the same thing azidtrip here did and thought that the filename meant it would patch any version, when in fact it only patches 1.07 to 1.08.

Enzo03 (2010-01-06)

Actually, his patch doesn't work at all.
I accidentally went and deleted it, so... I think I'm SOL on seeding. Sorry. :<
I'm not going to wait another 2 weeks to dl it again just to seed. This time everyone else is gonna have to do that job.

Enzo03 (2010-01-06)

I also went and deleted the trainers, which I am definitely NOT going to replace (why the hell do we need stupid trainers?! Play the game normally you stupid fucks.) so you all better seed after you download this.
I'm still seeding Halo 2 and Spore and some PSX games, anyway... >_>

nikodhemus (2010-01-19)

I have tried mounting it in Daemon tools, in PowerIso and extracting it with WinRar, but a cd-key or crack is not to be found. Wtf?
Any tips on what to do/where to look?

melodeath82 (2010-01-28)

Thanks works great!!
The crack is in the "F.E.A.R.V1.08.ENG.MACIOZO.NOCD.ZIP"

tomi2k9 (2010-02-01)

Nice speed - thx 4 upload

FudgeSociety (2010-02-22)

Works perfectly, down at 500kbps.

Vixx (2010-03-02)

It works but it crashes sometimes, often at checkpoints :( A bit sucky, but I got pretty far before it happened the first time, and it doesn't happen too often. But you might lose 20min of playing like I did, if you haven't saved manually just before. So save away!

L0rd_3m0k1ll (2010-03-11)

seed plx seed

anlsh (2010-03-16)

The updates for this torrents do not work, they are for US version, the torrent here is an UK version
Download this, it updates to latest version(its an UK patch):

Freemacgamer (2010-04-21)

okayy no one has been made the better installation help here so i help you out.
sorry it's a bit long but it's more detailed.
1: download the torrent (you may notice you got only a bunch of stuff, not an ISO file)
2: download and install PowerISO
3: open the PowerISO and press the ''mount'' button (you may need to make a new virtual drive with poweriso)
4: choose whatever you want, G: drive, H: drive or whatever and select ''mount image''
5: search the folder you have downloaded, and select the .mdf file
6: now you should have a splash screen, so press ''install'' then.
7: let it install
8: extract the F.E.A.R.V1.08.ENG.MACIOZO.NOCD rar file
9: move the crack icon (what you've extracted now) to the C:>program files>sierra>FEAR and replace the original one
10: use the update you got in the torrent folder
11: double click the FEAR icon
12: fap fap fap

badtrooper13 (2010-05-09)

wow this works but....the other expansions no one seeds them in different torrents and i want to play them!!!!

lbj00123 (2010-05-16)

Can anyone help me, i've fully downloaded the game, installed as per the last install instructions, now it keeps telling me when i try single player mode, "Original disc could not be found or authenticated." and in multiplayer mode game loads fine just when i'd like to join a server tells me "Cd key verification failed" how do i get this game running?

Woutterr (2010-05-18)

Well it does not work for me.
I have mounted it but when i click on instal it says
"unable to launch the installer F:\setup.exe"
so yeah what now?

sl1pk44 (2010-06-07)

So I tried using the crack and it wont work. it keeps saying it cant find the resources. And anytime i try to play the game it says insert the correct cd, and i have the image mounted.

tunikovski (2010-06-07)

seed please

mss32.dll (2010-06-11)

Thanks for the upload. Installation worked flawlessly just by following instructions, had a couple of crashes while playing but nothing that stopped me from finishing the game. Would buy it.

Mr_Gamer (2010-06-12)

Downloading it now. At 700kbps I'll have it in no time, then i'ts up for testing!
If it works, there will be no second post from me.
Thanks for the upload, azidtrip!

JewsusCrawst (2010-06-28)

How do you play Multiplayer, every time I try... it says cd key validation failed.

HumanError (2010-06-30)

i downloaded this. i can play in multiplayer, but everytime i try to switch to singleplayer, it tells me to please insert the write disk. what do i do?

sdnl1j2 (2010-07-02)

copy the crack and replace it with the original file for singleplayer(there are two multiplayer and singleplayer cracks)

bors0 (2010-07-08)

Yeah works cool but i got same problem than Vixx. i got to play for quite some time but then it crashed at a checkpoint. kinda annoying

soularmy (2010-08-02)

umm wtf? my single player keeps asking for the disk. but the multiplayer works just fine.
anybody have a solution?

JnF47 (2010-08-14)

Come on people seed!!
"Seed for thy neighbor."

steelfist (2010-09-01)

sooo wait... how do u get multiplayer to work ? cuz single works fine.. but multi says "invalid cd-key' or something ? help please /

mart2181 (2010-09-02)

I have a problem, might just be my mouse but it seems to auto fire, zoom melee and toss grenades randomly, maybe this is because ive set them to my mouse? anyone help?

tilston15381 (2010-09-03)

I have the same situation as soularmy. Ive followed instructions to the 'T' and I now have two icons on my desktop. FEAR singleplayer and FEAR multiplayer. Multiplayer works. Single player asks for the disk!
Anyone have any idea what ive done wrong and how to correct it?

Rexoh (2010-10-03)

I can't install the game, when i tried to open the setup using autorun, it sais " can't find setup.exe" D:! then i read about copy and paste all the files in the iso uin a folder but then again, i can't copy all the files D:! what the heck do i have to do?? D:

ddrkreature (2010-10-09)

downloaded, installed, patched, extracted crack, antivirus goes nuts saying it's trying to alter system files and mess with internet preferences. Should I be concerned or is it a false accusation? I am using Webroot if it helps

Nwester (2010-10-25)

o the fuck is whit speed 42 seed and 5 kb/s fuck man fuck fuck

Terror-Freaker (2011-01-02)

I've installed it and it works perfectly. So thanks for this awesome upload!

Thunder_Crypt (2011-01-14)

This one works so when your finished downloading dont give up if it dosnt work immediately. i spent like 3 hours literally trying to get it to work.. but its just basic thingz that caused my problems. follow "freemacgamers" instructions(located his comment) exactly, and it should problem was that when i extracted both cracks, i was running other programs that caused them to be corrupt so dont make that mistake(if you do just extract them again). i almost deleted the entire thing because of that lol. and by the ways, the two original files that are to be replaced are "engineserver.dll" and "fear.exe".

LeechSlug (2011-01-22)

Keep seeding yo! When it finishes I will seed. :)

severed1314 (2011-04-18)

i followed Freemacgamer's instructions and it still asks for the original disk. A little help anyone?

funkifreshstylee (2011-04-21)

Took apprx 3 days to DL, but finally have the game up and running.
@severed1314, & anyone with similar problem-
on the second page of comments ArchonASV gives nearly perfect instructions. Seeing as this torrent is going on three years old, some of the links given are no long working but if you do some searches on the missing patches and follow his directions step-by-step it should solve any problems. Takes a bit of time but is well worth it. Hope this helps future downloaders~

djRedwire (2011-05-07)

Ok so, I downloaded this torrent about 2 years ago, at the time, everything worked great since. About a week ago, I decided to start playing it again, but when I opened it up, some of the elements were missing, such as loading bars, certain icons, and the video feed for multi-player, and in-game video. I have not the installation configuration since I originally installed it. I Googled my problem but have yet to receive a straight answer from anyone. Help please?

pyro3138 (2011-06-10)

Jesus fuck people, Seed! That was the longest 5 gig download I've ever had! Averaging 8kb/s? Horrible!
But onto the good news, love the game, tons of jumpy moments, hella fun to play, and overall a bad ass game.
I'm seeding to help people not suffer the same fate as I did... 4 day download...

prohank (2011-06-14)

I can just see a black screen and nothing else but the sound is heard.Don't know what could be the problem.Please suggest if you guys know something about it.thanks

prohank (2011-06-15)

Sorry!I didn't know this game required pixel

ifartedandshatmyslef (2011-06-21)

ok so i'm going to dl it and install it and after i do all i will fire this shit up and have a couple of clean pairs of under wear lol

azxo (2011-06-21)

I haven't seen a 'F.E.A.R ISO'
... I have such high hopes
Never played F.E.A.R
So, going to give them ago

henrilouis (2011-08-02)

Work 100% Thx man! Love you >F.E.A.R.V1.08.ENG.MACIOZO.NOCD)
5.Have FUN!!!!!!

ATARI_MUSIC (2011-08-07)


kazoo321 (2011-08-23)

But don t work on windows 7 ??

deadroleguy (2011-09-16)

Is this game works on windows 7?

deadroleguy (2011-09-18)

Well after finish download and install,this game does not support windows 7 even after set compatibility to xp or vista,tried everything and it'll give the "original disc could not be found or authenticated" error.Too bad

deadroleguy (2011-09-19)

I take it back,finally i can play for some reason =/

jkilluh (2011-09-19)

I downloaded and followed the directions, but when I run it, it goes to a black screen for a fraction of a second and then stops. And that's it. I've only done a few ISO games so I don't know what's up. Help?

cool03 (2011-11-14)

Don't bother with the second page instructor.
I just made it worked with this the easiest patch.
Check the site and download the link hidden. Have fun!

SADJBEAR (2011-11-26)

This is a bullshit torrent, i think the SP mite have worked, but as soon you install the MP patch shit goes down! Computer froze, i couldnt unistall the programme, gave some error, must have been some virus, so fuck you uploader!

flure (2012-04-16)

how do you make the shadows lighter?

XxXlR2010 (2012-09-03)

I need help! at the moment of mounting a virtual drive it says that i have to restart my computer in order add a virtual drive... any sugestion??

kuske93 (2012-10-01)

It works on Win7 32 bit,thanks a lot man.

AtraxSRB (2012-12-28)

I am downloading from 300 up to 450kb/s. This is great, and I will give seed at least 1:1 (:

Nix_Urens (2013-03-23)

4 Win 7 users:
-Mount ISO.
-Go to My Computer, right click F.E.A.R icon and click open.
-Fing "Setup.exe", right-click it, and set compitability to Windows XP (Service pack 2).
-Set compitability.

lagerhose (2013-05-17)

Why is there an additional crack?
Not the Maciozo one.

VoidSpawnX (2013-12-18)

The damn thing keeps saying I'm missing a file even after unzipping everything.

Muchamore321 (2014-10-29)

well, this torrent is 7 years old now, and i believe no one will answer me. nevertheless, i have a windows 8.1 system, will this work here ?


5. F.E.A.R ISO/FEAR.mdf 4290.59 Mb
6. F.E.A.R ISO/FEAR.mds 37.76 Kb
7. F.E.A.R ISO/fear_update_engb_100-107_108.exe 299.33 Mb
8. F.E.A.R ISO/fearclone.sfv 2.02 Kb
9. F.E.A.R ISO/serial.txt 24 bytes