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Dance Hits Of The 70s & 80s Boogie Nights 4CD Boxset @320 kbs




Audio Music


Dance Hits Of The 70s & 80s Boogie Nights 4CD Boxset @320 kbs




2010-06-03 (by neon )


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03.Sly And The Family Stone - Family Affair 04.Titanic - Sultana 05.Ballin' Jack - Found A Child 06.The O'Jays - Back Stabbers 07.The Three Degrees - Dirty Ol' Man 08.The Isley Brothers - That Lady (Part 1) 09.The Trammps - Love Epidemic 10.Intruders - She's A Winner 11.Billy Paul - Thanks For Saving My Life 12.Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes - Satisfaction Guaranteed 13.LaBelle - Lady Marmalade 14.People's Choice - Do It Any Way You Wanna 15.Tina Charles - I Love To Love 16.Esther Phillips - What A Diff'rence A Day Makes 17.Cliff Nobles & Co - The Horse 18.Gary Toms Empire - 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (Blow Your Whistle) 19.Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music 20.MFSB - The Zip 21.Johnnie Taylor - Disco Lady 22.Brick - Dazz CD2 '77 - '80 01.Joe Tex - Ain't Gonna Bump No More 02.Boz Scaggs - Lowdown 03.Deniece Williams - Free 04.Bruce Johnston - Pipeline 05.The Jacksons - Blame It On The Boogie 06.Cheryl Lynn - Got To Be Real 07.Pockets - Come Go With Me 08.Heatwave - The Groove Line 09.Earth, Wind & Fire - September 10.Herbie Hancock - Tell Everybody 11.Dan Hartman - Instant Replay 12.The Emotions - I Should Be Dancing 13.The Isley Brothers - It's A Disco Night 14.Nolan Sisters - I'm In The Mood For Dancing 15.Patti LaBelle - Release 16.Billy Ocean - Are You Ready 17.Rodney Franklin - The Groove 18.Gladys Knight & The Pips - Taste Of Bitter Love 19.The Reddings - Remote Control 20.Dan Hartman - Relight My Fire CD3 '81 - '85 01.The Jacksons - Can You Feel It 02.Earth, Wind & Fire - Let's Groove 03.Time Bandits - Live It Up 04.Deniece Williams - It's Your Conscience 05.Johnny Mathis - Gone, Gone, Gone 06.Luther Vandross - Never Too Much 07.Cheryl Lynn - Shake It Up Tonight 08.Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing 09.The Quick - The Rhythm Of The Jungle 10.Rose Royce - Best Love 11.George Duke - Shine On 12.Tyrone Brunson - The Smurf 13.KC & The Sunshine Band - Give It Up 14.Mtume - Juicy Fruit 15.Dee C. Lee - Selina Wow Wow 16.Peter Brown - They Only Come Out At Night 17.Rebbie Jackson - Centipede 18.The Limit - Say Yeah 19.Ivan - Baila 20.Eddie Murphy - Party All The Time CD4 '86 - '89 01.Full Force - Alice, I Want You Just For Me 02.Nicole - Don't You Want My Love 03.Gregory Abbott - Shake You Down 04.Spagna - Call Me 05.Tony Terry - Lovey Dovey 06.Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam - Head To Toe 07.Surface - Happy 08.The Pasadenas - Tribute (Right On) 09.Bill Withers - Lovely Day (7" Sunshine Mix) 10.Pia Zadora - Dance Out Of My Head 11.Johnny Kemp - Just Got Paid 12.Eight Wonder - I'm Not Scared 13.Earth, Wind & Fire - Thinking Of You 14.Teena Marie - Ooo La La La 15.Malcolm McLaren And The Bootzilla Orchestra - Something's Jumpin' In Your Shirt 16.Liza Minnelli - Losing My Mind 17.The Chimes - 1-2-3 18.Flame - On The Strength (Duet With Tony Terry) 19.Five Star - Treat Me Like A Lady


  1. dance
  2. 70s
  3. 80s

Files count:



704.62 Mb




VioletMoons (2013-07-10)

Thank you! :-)