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Medieval 2: Total War [2006 Rus SoftClub]




Games PC


Medieval 2: Total War [2006|Rus|SoftClub]




2008-05-28 (by RoadTrain4eg)


God vypuska: 2006 Zhanr: Strategija Razrabotchik: Creative Assembly Izdatel'stvo: Soft Klab Platforma: PC Sistemnye trebovanija: Pentium 4/Athlon XP 1.5 GGc 512 Mb pamjati 3D-uskoritel' so 128 Mb pamjati 9 Gb na vinchestere Rekomenduemye trebovanija: Pentium 4/Athlon XP 2.4 GGc 1 Gb pamjati ( ot sebja 1 malo ) 3D-uskoritel' s 256 Mb pamjati 9 Gb na vinchestere Tip izdanija: licenzija Jazyk produkta: polnost'ju russkaja versija Tabljetka: Prisutstvuet Opisanie: Esli odnazhdy utrom vy ponjali, chto v vas pogibaet velikij polkovodec, ne vpadajte v unynie. Vse skrytye talanty pomozhet realizovat' Medieval 2: Total War. U vas net vojska? Zaplatite naemnikam! Soberite ogromnye armii i razgomite vraga. Otberite u nego zemli, vojdite v doverie k ego podannym, kaznite ego samogo! No smotrite, chtoby kto-to drugoj ne postupil tak s vami? Shag za shagom, po lokot' v krovi, v okruzhenii vrazheskih gosudarstv projdite smertonosnoj kosoj cherez vsju Evropu, stan'te ee edinovlastnym pravitelem! Medieval 2: Total War ? kvintjessencija vsego luchshego, chem znamenita serija Total War. Armii stali bol'she, vojska ? raznoobraznee, srazhenija ? ozhestochennee, a vrazheskie polkovodcy ? umnee i hitree. Davno zahvachennye vami territorii ne prevrawajutsja v spokojnyj tyl. Chastye vosstanija i bunty, razzhigaemye inozemnymi agentami, ne pozvoljat pravitelju rasslabit'sja. Odnako polkovodcheskij talant i umelaja diplomaticheskaja rabota v konechnom schete vozvedut vas na edinyj evropejskij prestol! O lokalizacii igry Perevod Medieval 2: Total War na russkij jazyk stal odnim iz samyh masshtabnyh lokalizacionnyh proektov kompanii «Soft Klab». Obwij ob#em perevedennogo teksta v Medieval 2: Total War prevysil 1,4 mln. simvolov. Pomimo perevoda v igre ozvuchen tekst ob#emom svyshe 635 tysjach simvolov. 120 kljuchevyh personazhej Medieval 2: Total War govorjat golosami 23 professional'nyh akterov, a obwee kolichestvo golosovyh fajlov v igre ravno 13,5 tysjacham! Ob#em tekstovyh, graficheskih i zvukovyh resursov Medieval 2: Total War okazalsja stol' velik, chto igra smogla pomestit'sja tol'ko na 2-h nositeljah formata DVD, chto javljaetsja svoeobraznym rekordom dlja komp'juternyh igr.

Files count:



7451.74 Mb




tom4226 (2008-08-03)

MED2TW2.mdf file doesn't works...

sefcx8 (2008-08-06)

33 seeds at 300 kb/s. My Torrents run slow but this is awesome

sefcx8 (2008-08-08)

This torrent is worthless. I installed and ran the game and it blue-screened me.

spectre_sr (2008-08-18)

i cant find cd key

spectre_sr (2008-08-18)

Gaastra_NAC (2009-03-02)

i hope this game is in english

Hogar313 (2009-03-07)


Hogar313 (2009-03-07)

It works perfectly BTW.

Yakman93 (2009-04-20)

y'know, its says russian in the title..... so why do you keep asking if its in english?

RikardRikard (2009-06-04)

I downloaded the game, I launched it in Alcohol 120 %, I installed it. When everything is ready I click on the icon on the desktop and it says that I have to insert the correct cd-rom. I can't open the file in alcohol 120% either. What should I do?

blytzkry (2009-06-12)

nice! torrents are slow most of time but this one!
realy fast :) 11000 kb/s ore 1.1 mb/s
nice job!

blytzkry (2009-06-12)

RikardRikard i dont know it of course...
because i didn't downloaded yet
try to download the crack i think coul help you out

RikardRikard (2009-06-13)

I've tried that it doesn't work. Does it work for you?

tehMungLefleur (2009-07-24)

need some seeders! started off at 350kb/s now its at 20 and decreasing. im on 50%, and really love strategie games pllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzz seed!!! plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i will pay you in sex :P:P loloolololololololol

tehMungLefleur (2009-07-24)

SEEDERS! c'mon!!

idep16 (2009-10-04)

it ask me for a key? Does any one know how to help at this point or no where to get a keygen thanks.

poglyferal3 (2010-04-18)

where is the f**ng KEY???

kakutokarate (2010-07-11)


hairlija (2010-09-15)

you fu**ing russian shits i've just wasted 2 days of downloading because od your fu**ing language and i cant play the game like a man!!

bobbigman (2010-09-16)

for hairlija
pidor ebanuy v glaza chto li ebeshsy napisano dly osobo odarenyh language-russish
fat americaner pig

cannabissss2404 (2010-11-12)

to hairlija
Dear friend, in this case profanity is superfluous.
In other words: suck my huge russian cock, until your mouth is torn to bloody pieces, so that you would never insult my language and my Motherland.
P.S. Learn how to read, you retarded swearing maggot!!!

djwelcome (2011-03-31)

Привет русский.
Скажи, а что в архиве и файл.ехе ?
ЗЫ:С какого ты города ?

djwelcome (2011-04-26)

спасибо за релиз.

phaner (2013-07-07)

hairlija , you are a total dickhead,if the game title contains RUS (and not ENG) , also the description is written in russian language(but with arial font), couldn't you realize that game is in fucking russian language and not in english?