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Aliens Vs Predator 3 in 1 pack (Avp Gold, Avp 2 + Primal Hunt) C




Games PC


Aliens Vs Predator 3 in 1 pack (Avp Gold, Avp 2 + Primal Hunt) C




2008-06-11 (by ThePri3st)


The Priest is back with Aliens vs Predator 3 in 1 Pack Notes: Ripped: Nothing Cracked: Yes Programms req for decompression: 7-Zip 4.58. It will not work with lower version. Instructions: Just double-click on the 7-Zip SFX files. You can extract in Any order. Enjoy. Please, ppl, help me seed, I have a bad internet connection.

Files count:



787.00 Mb




ThePri3st (2008-06-11)

Includes Alien vs Predator Gold Edition
180 MB compressed - 280 extracted
Aliens Vs Predator 2 - 418 MB compressed - 1.2 GB extracted
Aliens Vs Predator 2 Primal Hunt Expansion Pack
188 mb compressed - 543 MB extracted
Have fun playing.
NOTE : Aliens vs Predator Gold Edition does not work with the latest drivers. I read that on devileyse nfo. You need the oldest drivers for you vedeo card.
Users with an old computer (GeForce 2) should not have problems.

PaddenJunior (2008-06-12)

Ill give it a try, also seeding

ThePri3st (2008-06-12)

I swear I tested them and they work perfectly.
If you like fps games, I am working on a top 10 fps games full rip pack.
10.Battlefield 1942 + Standalone Addon
9.Doom (1) + Doom (2)
8.Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (1998)
7.Unreal Tournament
6.Halo Combat Evolved
5.Half-Life (with high res pack)
4.Counter Strike (1.6)
3.Duke Nukem 3D
2.GoldenEye 007 (N64 Rom)
1.Quake (1)

Daviejones (2008-06-13)

How does this work? If I run the avp2.exe, the only option is to install, and that doesn't work. :(

EvilCharles (2008-06-14)

Yeah, How do you install. The Avp2 launcher will not install.

anatolykorenchkin (2008-06-18)

could you please tell us how to install this? can't seem to get it to run.

anatolykorenchkin (2008-06-18)

never mind... got it working. for thos having the same problems i had: you need to setup the registry somehow. i did this by downloading another crack that included a "RegSetup.exe" file.

darklynx489 (2008-06-19)

I'm going to need some help, the Gold Edition won't install, after I click the .exe it does nothing, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
The second one tells me to go to the control panel to install and configure stuff, but I have no clue of what it's wanting me to do. It should just install from the install screen!

ThePri3st (2008-06-22)

Sory, I forgot to put a reg file.
I don't have the game installed anymore, so I hope you will find a reg entry.
You should search gamecopyworld or gameburnworld.
A mini image might get it working.

bla_help (2008-06-23)

SEED !!!!

rogf (2008-06-24)

where can i find a reg file?

porstar1911 (2008-06-25)

I've made a Primal Hunt Reg File :

porstar1911 (2008-06-25)

Thanks, Pri3st for this upload.

porstar1911 (2008-06-25)

7Monolith Games RegEntry including AvP 2
Blood 2
Nolf 1
Nolf 2

ThePri3st (2008-06-26)

Thanks, Porstar1911 for helping me.
Now my rip morks !!!

Maggot_0330 (2008-07-08)

er kinda noob here wat do i do with the reg file?
or where can i get a CD image PLZ!!

Maggot_0330 (2008-07-08)

plus gold crashes after the fist cutseen
btw i hav vista

avp2help (2008-07-24)

wtf why post this if it not work. wen ever i go to avp2.exe and open it install comes up, i click it and, it says go to control panel and configure your settings. i need help

steelflame (2008-08-17)

This is copy of his installation. I dont understand how can anyone be so stupid to share this. Learn to create toorents!

Alex2501 (2008-09-30)

Dude, I need a CD Key for AVP2 to go online. I tried one Keygen, but it only had 2 CD Keys for whatever reason. I can't find any other keygens. Can someone help me out?

hockeyhead (2008-10-01)

please seed more

Eklund5 (2008-10-12)

Why doesn't it work, It's says that i have to "go to control panel to install and configure your settings." I don't know what to do, please help me!?
Ps. Why doesn't thoose people who figure it out help the other ones by telling how to do instead of telling them "It's ok, i fixed it."?

Rixxz (2008-10-27)

I've got the same problem. "Go to control panel bla. bla bla"
I downloaded the regfile, the fuck am I supposed to do with it? And it annoys the hell outta me when people says "Ok, fixed it." Without telling how they did. Argh.

leon_katarn (2008-11-06)

Great games all 3 of them. Those of you who whine about everything in the torrent should read the comments before bitching. Although it would be nice with some more links for regfixes.

Jokkson90 (2008-11-07)


Jokkson90 (2008-11-08)

SEED!!! Change your upload speed from 1 KB/s to unlimited instead... if your going to have a torrent.. SEEEEEEEED GODDAMIT!!!

Jokkson90 (2008-11-08)

This game FAILS!! it wont even work, and those who gets (they can lie) it to work, wont even share a file or webbsite where u can get it, where it really WOOOORKS!!! FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAILLLLLLLLL!

leon_katarn (2008-11-16)

For you with vista and XP, use compability mode and set it to Win 95/98 and then run avp 1 gold edition. Also: SOME REGFIXES WOULD BE NICE, NOW WOULD'NT IT!?

nekoboy (2008-12-14)

Add these entries to the registry entry you download:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Monolith Productions\Aliens vs. Predator 2]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Monolith Productions\Aliens vs. Predator 2\1.0]
"Save Commands"=dword:00000000
"Disable Hardware Cursor"=dword:00000000
"Disable Joysticks"=dword:00000000
"Disable Movies"=dword:00000000
"Disable Music"=dword:00000000
"Disable Sound"=dword:00000000
"Disable Triple Buffering"=dword:00000000
"Num Launcher Runs"=dword:00000004
"InstallDir"="E:\\Games\\Aliens vs Predator 2"
rentVersion\App Paths\C:]
rentVersion\App Paths\C:\AVP2]
rentVersion\App Paths\C:\AVP2\AVP2.EXE]
"Path"="E:\\Games\\Aliens vs Predator 2"
@="E:\\Games\\Aliens vs Predator 2\\C:\\AVP2\\AVP2.EXE"
That will fix the issues, these entries are missing in the Monolith Registry Entry

Rick88 (2009-01-07)

nekoboy, i dun really understand tis part
rentVersion\App Paths\C:]
rentVersion\App Paths\C:\AVP2]
rentVersion\App Paths\C:\AVP2\AVP2.EXE]
"Path"="E:\\Games\\Aliens vs Predator 2"
@="E:\\Games\\Aliens vs Predator 2\\C:\\AVP2\\AVP2.EXE"
Are we suppose to cr8 a new key or smth?

Rick88 (2009-01-10)

ok, i manage to get AVP 2 working by following neko's instruction. :D But..............., for primal hunt I hv no idea how to get it working. It keeps saying go to control panel bla bla bla. Wheres that reg entry for primal hunt?

Norvine (2009-03-17)

I have a similar problem as Rick88, every time I try to install avp 2 (Not Primal Hunt) with the launcher it says I need to go to my control panel to install and configure system components, can someone help?

piratexue (2009-05-31)

I'm trying to install the patch, but it's saying that the game (AvP 2) is not installed on my system. Well duh, since you uploaded the game files in a way that we don't actually install the game. Any remedy to this? I NEED to install this patch (for modding purposes).

raven_juggalo420 (2009-11-30)

I cant get any of these games to work and where is the regisrty part neko?? I would love to have avp2 over the gold and I have tried running gold in windows 95 mode and 98 and neither work its loads up loads the profile and when the game is about to start it sends me back to my desktop some help would be nice

raven_juggalo420 (2009-11-30)

panel to install and configure system components explain this on AVP 2 and Primal Hunt plus still having the issues with Gold also help plz

tomb_reaver (2009-12-05)

Hello, The Pri3st. I noticed that with most of the comments posted, everyone says that this game will not install properly on their computers. Even though the comments were posted more than a year ago, have the files been fixed yet? Also, is there a CD key included with your files. Or since you mention that this game has been cracked, no CD keys are required to play? I'm kinda interested in helping you seed if I know the game will work. CYA

NINgod (2009-12-13)

Dude, you are a douche. You make a torrent, tell people "oops, try these sketchy websites... or something". Fuck you. And fuck you to the people who figured it out and said "Got it to work, thanks". Thanks for not telling us, the un-enlightened ones.

raven_juggalo420 (2009-12-23)

Hey priest Got AVP 2 To work with the registry thing explained earlier but I cannot get ACG 1 Gold to work or Primal Hunt to work if you can explain it would be nice I am using XP SP3 if that helps

darkmessiah456 (2009-12-28)

i cant get avp 2 working!!! PLZ Help Me!!

Orclovzor (2010-01-06)

I cant install any game when i double click on the AVP2 icon in the avp2 map and press install it just say that i need to put in disk 1 but there is no disk in any map! What shall i do??

Kevin481 (2010-01-06)

gold edition doesnt work well u get in the menu and start tintro then it crashes.

book_32 (2010-01-12)

Got AVP gold edition to work on XP with nvidea 9400GT: Also had the problem that it ran until you started a game and crashed after intro videos. Had to revert to the oldest NVIDEA drivers that supported my card to solve this problem. ver 178.13

stmn (2010-01-23)

same here Norvine " control panel to install and configure system components" blh blah blah...not 1 fucking version of AVP in and versions of it works from here on P.B. !!!! anyone know anyone that has AVP anything that works? w/o fuckin around with my video card drivers???????????????

Bloss (2010-01-23)

okay reg nubs, heres wut you do, first your gonna open notepad, second you are gonna put this in notepad
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Monolith Productions\Aliens vs. Predator 2]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Monolith Productions\Aliens vs. Predator 2\1.0]
"Save Commands"=dword:00000000
"Disable Hardware Cursor"=dword:00000000
"Disable Joysticks"=dword:00000000
"Disable Movies"=dword:00000000
"Disable Music"=dword:00000000
"Disable Sound"=dword:00000000
"Disable Triple Buffering"=dword:00000000
"Num Launcher Runs"=dword:00000004
"InstallDir"="E:\\Games\\Aliens vs Predator 2"
rentVersion\App Paths\C:]
rentVersion\App Paths\C:\AVP2]
rentVersion\App Paths\C:\AVP2\AVP2.EXE]
"Path"="E:\\Games\\Aliens vs Predator 2"
@="E:\\Games\\Aliens vs Predator 2\\C:\\AVP2\\AVP2.EXE"
then your gonna save ass the file
click the box that says .txt or wutever and your gonna set it to ALL FILES
the name it like avp.reg or something along the likes.
double click, bam you got avp 2 working, as for the mods IDK about reg info

Bloss (2010-01-23)

btw put the files on a disk

Bloss (2010-01-23)

Fuck it get a no cd crack this shit isn't cracked

TarkinMX (2010-02-07)

OK, everyone knows that the games in this torrent aren't working properly so I've taken it upon myself to find fixes for each of them. NO registry files are needed WHATSOEVER. Plus, the registry entries mentioned here DID NOT work for me in Vista64. So then, on with my little tutorial. I shall also give credit where it's due.
AVP Gold: To get this working I found a forum talking about what needed to be done here.

But if you want to skip the reading simply download two things and put them into the AVP Gold folder. Exe Here -

New binkw32.dll (fixes sound probs) -

BTW, if you have any problems with running the game don't forget to try compatibility mode. I'm assuming you won't need it bc I didn't.
OK, for AVP2 and Primal Hunt, this is very simple and no reg files or installs involved. You need to make a bat file in their main folders
For AVP2 copy the following to a bat file.
------Start Paste------
lithtech.exe -windowtitle "Aliens vs. Predator 2" -rez AVP2.rez -rez sounds.rez -rez Alien.rez -rez Marine.rez -rez Predator.rez -rez Multi.rez -rez AVP2dll.rez -rez AVP2l.rez -rez custom -rez AVP2p.rez -rez AVP2p2.rez +DisableMusic 0 +DisableSound 0 +EnableTripBuf 1 +DisableHardwareCursor 0
-------End Paste-------
For Primal Hunt you need to change to your game folder e.g. C:\avp2\Aliens vs Predator 2 Primal Hunt\
------Start Paste------
lithtech.exe -windowtitle "Aliens versus Predator 2: Primal Hunt" -rez "AVP2.rez" -rez "sounds.rez" -rez "Alien.rez" -rez "Marine.rez" -rez "Predator.rez" -rez "Multi.rez" -rez multi.rez -rez "AVP2dll.rez" -rez "AVP2l.rez" -rez dialogue.rez -rez avp2p.rez -rez avp2p1.rez -rez avp2x.rez -rez custom +DisableMusic 0 +DisableSound 0 +EnableTripBuf 1 +DisableHardwareCursor 0
-------End Paste-------

TarkinMX (2010-02-07)

OK, ignore the part about Primal Hunt. I have to do it over again bc the comments section here didn't make it show up the way I wanted it to so here the correction:
For Primal Hunt you need to change c:\AVP2 GAME FOLDER\ to your game folder e.g. c:\avp\Aliens vs Predator 2 Primal Hunt\
------Start Paste------
lithtech.exe -windowtitle "Aliens versus Predator 2: Primal Hunt" -rez "c:\AVP2 GAME FOLDER\AVP2.rez" -rez "c:\AVP2 GAME FOLDER\sounds.rez" -rez "c:\AVP2 GAME FOLDER\Alien.rez" -rez "c:\AVP2 GAME FOLDER\Marine.rez" -rez "c:\AVP2 GAME FOLDER\Predator.rez" -rez "c:\AVP2 GAME FOLDER\Multi.rez" -rez multi.rez -rez "AVP2dll.rez" -rez "AVP2l.rez" -rez dialogue.rez -rez avp2p.rez -rez avp2p1.rez -rez avp2x.rez -rez custom +DisableMusic 0 +DisableSound 0 +EnableTripBuf 1 +DisableHardwareCursor 0
-------End Paste-------
OH, and don't forget to run AVP2 and Primal Hunt from the bat files you just created.

bartus386 (2010-02-15)


TheHelpingHand (2010-05-04)

Priest, you're either an asshole or my virus protection is
Object name C:\AVP 2\Alien Versus Predator 2\PatchFX.exe Size 65895 Reason probably a variant of Win32/TrojanDownloader.Agent trojan Count 1
Object name C:\AVP Gold Edition\Alien Versus Predator Gold Edition\ Size 67642 Reason probably a variant of Win32/Agent trojan
anyhow it works great so thanks

TheHelpingHand (2010-05-04)

well well well, it dosen't work
great just great thanks a lot

TarkinMX (2010-05-05)

It's disappointing to see ppl say something like what you said and not give a reason why. So why does it not work? Did you even bother reading the comments here? I posted a while back how to make batch files to get it to work, it's worth the read.

Merse123 (2011-04-03)

you now, everybody is complaining, but with me it worked perfectly. its an old game so its no problem for your pc.
Now before you start complaining and being angry TRY BETTER!!

Ieatpeopletoo (2011-09-22)

of course im the one who cant get it working b/c of lithtech... it wont install when installing the game help plz

DonTheDog (2011-10-07)

Send us the link then, please!


1. Aliens Versus Predator 3 in 1 Full Pack/Aliens Versus Predator 2 Primal Hunt.exe 188.26 Mb
2. Aliens Versus Predator 3 in 1 Full Pack/Aliens Versus Predator 2.exe 418.17 Mb
3. Aliens Versus Predator 3 in 1 Full Pack/Aliens Versus Predator Gold Edition.exe 180.56 Mb