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PMDG 747 For FSX 2.10 crack






PMDG 747 For FSX 2.10 crack




2009-03-28 (by bungunner)


I've been running PMDG's 747X version 2 for FSX a few days just fine, and then I installed PMDG's MD11 for FSX and suddenly 747 stopped working. I expanded someone elses idea for the reg fix and the modification of the aircraft.cfg. I created a reg key for simplicity sake. Double click the reg key and it will automatically import the needed info into the appropriate place for your PMDG 747X. Then you must insert that key below into your aircraft.cfg of the 747-400 and 747-400f. After you do this You can then update your PMDG 747 to 2.10...Sweet!!!! NO MORE BLACK SCREENS!!! Put the PMDOptions.DLL file in main FSX/PMDG/dlls [AFDSAuth] <--------------YOU WILL ALREADY HAVE THIS SECTION IN YOUR CFG ---BEGIN SHA1--- 6C5C0C61209E5C8B6C49C0CBCD2526CD2A526C28 <--------PUT THIS KEY IN JUST LIKE YOU SEE HERE ---END SHA1--- Like I said I just expanded on the idea from someone else...I'm just doing what I can to help the scene. My gaming computer is not online, so I do not know if the program does online checks for blacklisted keys. I also took someone elses advice on the forums to put a fake email, user, and password when installing...I also used 21 random numeric characters for password. Sylas

Files count:



295.66 Kb




1sh1g4mi (2009-03-29)

Sorry I don?t get it.
You are able to update and install any livery from the PMDG homepage as long as you do not add the key to your aircraft.cfg and registry otherwise afaik the updates will nuke your Flight Simulator.
If someone already added the key and registry entries he just need to delete them and add them again after finishing the update.
The key is usually supplied with the pirated copy alongside the same instructions as you give.
To sum it up: What is the point in your stand alone solution?

1sh1g4mi (2009-03-29)

OK got it now.
You got a new dll for the 2.1 Update.
Ah oh well I'm only using the FS9 version and there is no problem in updating to the latest version of this one from the homepage.
Sorry for being silly.

Puyolll (2009-04-01)

where you get your pmdg 747 and md-11 ?
because that crack don`t work for me, I don`t know why don`t work , I do like you said but don`t work. maybe if I install the same aircraft,your crack could work for me.
my md 11 keep work but the 747 = black screen :(

Puyolll (2009-04-02)

Can you send me the link ?
I do all steps like you said!
I installed 2.10 update for the 747X after I do the required steps.
please help me !
send me the links please !
thanks .

asdf567 (2009-04-03)

Thanks a lot!
The DLL doesn't work if you have MD11 update installed though

Puyolll (2009-04-05)

I need fsuipc ? to that crack work ?
or don`t need it ?

Puyolll (2009-04-05)

asdf567 where you get your md-11 and the 747 pmdg ?
send me the link pls

Puyolll (2009-04-06)

i replace the xx for ra but don`t work ,
the link are these

I do the download and make all steps again but doesn`t work !

Capt.Jambo (2009-05-04)

Hello, Would like to thank you for this precious info, I does work for me, I did a 1h flight and all went well.
What I did was.
1-Install from scratch PMDG747X
2-Followed the instructions that bungunner suggested, apart "I also took someone elses advice on the forums to put a fake email, user, and password when installing...I also used 21 random numeric characters for password."
That's it guys!

plnks (2009-05-14)

747 and MD-11 works fine but do not update MD-11 otherwise FSX will crash

1sh1g4mi (2009-06-05)

Maybe you can help me.
I installed the 747 and MD-11 from PMDG with the registry method known from FS9 into FSX.
I noticed that the serials supplied with the FSX and FS9 version of the cracked 747 are the same, so the licenses must be valid for both versions.
I basically installed the 747, updated it to the latest version, installed any livery I want and added the registry entry and serial to the cfg. All that works perfectly fine, like it does in FS9.
After a test flight I then removed the serial and reg entries to install the MD-11 and did there the same. Install aircraft, update and install liveries. When I finished installing I added the registry entries and serials for both aircraft and tried them.
They both basically work. The 747 works perfectly fine but one single larger problem occurred with latest version of the MD-11: The PFDs, MFDs and ED of the MD-11 do only show a green cross instead of the gauges.
I?m pretty sure it got something to do with the PMDOptions.DLL but I am a noob at this so I can?t figure it out.
Would be nice to find a solution to update both planes to the latest versions and fly them.
I have not tried to leave the MD-11 update out and only use the release version, my test was to see whether it was possible to run a updated MD-11 and a updated 747 together which I partly succeeded in. The only thing left is to get the gauges back?

a040608 (2009-06-17)

@ bungunner:
can you please put that update in a torrent by himself? thankyou
Renzo Hub Manager @

WSmoker (2009-06-24)

After a lot of hours of going crazy, now i have the 747 running.
1. install the pmdg 747 without update. At the installation progress, insert a pseudo mail, oder number and password. (I wrote, order123456789, pw 123456789) Then click validate and en error of validation came up. Start enablebutton with adminrights (for vista). And click the "ok" from the validatefailure away and click "next".
If the installation progress is done, only use the 2.1 regkey from "bungunner" (thx 4 this reg :).
Then start installing the update 2.10. After installation, start FSX and play :)

keithwired (2009-07-04)

Ok well I tried the cracking procedure at least 4 times now, full uninstall and reinstall 2.0 with fake information. Replace the key with the one provided and install 2.1, have tried using the pmdgoptions.dll that the 2.1 installer installs and the one provided in this crack and in both cases after about a minute the displays go black.

parkho1 (2009-07-08)

Hi. I'm trying to download this torrent using LimeWire and somehow it says it can't find anybody to have file. Can anybody tell me how I can get his torrent?!

IG0R.G1 (2009-07-15)

absolutely amazing, here how it works:
1 installed plane (put order123456789, pw 123123123123123123123 (21 digits)
2 went to the aircraft.cfg and changed the thing to

3 used the registry file which downloaded here.
4 then i installed update and everything works 100% perfect

meskalamdug (2009-09-17)

meskalamdug (2009-09-17)

Very important for Vista 64 users:
That .key file imports authorization string to this path:
But for Vista 64 it is the right path:

meskalamdug (2009-09-17)

So you may want to use this file:


Lalo1996 (2009-10-17)

I almost got this working. I have Vista 64 and fsx acceleration. I already had the pmdg md11 and 737 ng installed. What i did was this
1. Download a registry cleaner like from flight 1. Clean the fsx registry
2.Install the plane
3. put the code into the aircraft.cfg of both planes. run the registry cleaner
3.install the update
I had the plane working great except somehow the gauges turn black after a minute.

Ventu5 (2009-10-24)

check what meskalamdug wrote, worked for me on Windows 7.

sciencepilot (2009-11-24)

meskalamdug, the link is dead :/ DAMN i need to find the registry for 64 bit users...anyone PLEASE ???

tlhelp32 (2009-12-31)

It works nice for PMDG 747-400 2.1

Inkfile (2010-01-18)

Win7 64bit Fix: Just edit the reg file by changing it to a 747fix2.1.txt then put in the new reg location which is
then save it. Then change it back to a .reg file then execute it.

FSVA (2010-02-10)

I used to run the PMDG ´perfectly in Windos Xp. recently i got Windows 7 and now the Enable Button to validat installation doesn't work for me. Any suggestions?
Thanks in Advance

roume1 (2010-02-10)

This is for FSVA I was having the same problem. You just have to leave it for a minute and it should work it. Thats what I did and it work for me...

FSVA (2010-02-11)

roume1, Thank you very much for the prompt response. i will give it a try and see if it works. Thanks again!!

johnnie47 (2010-03-21)

Hej FSVA, you should run the Enable Button As Administrator and it will work.

qantaspilot (2010-06-20)

hey guys were do u find this reg key and extract etc i can get the panel half working with red lines going through it im 64 bit

qantaspilot (2010-06-20)

hey guys can any one help i fuked with this um i dunno were to find or how to create reg keys i try puting some codes in adn they come up with red lines through the pfd display or it just turns off like normal so if any one is able to help im 64 bit os win xp so give me more detail on how to change things thanks

qantaspilot (2010-06-20)

hey guys this is a bullshit plane i cant get no fuking hkey loacal machine to create a fuked up reg key to i can inly use 1 fuked code which keeps panel on but changes to ils l not gps 3 and puts red line through my pfd display a -8000FT altitude and cant fly on course if any of u people get wat im saying plz put more detail in to how to install the best fsx addon ever

scheung35419 (2010-08-21)

On Window 7, Simply run the Enable Button As Administrator and it will work. Cheers!

saraivapug124 (2010-12-24)

hey guys. I've tried to install this add-on many many times, but i always have the same problem with the black screens. So far I couldn't take them off, and I've already tried many different installation steps, and I think the error is the way I'm using the .reg file. Anyway, I would really appreciate your help. My e-mail is If someone can help me, please send me a message or add me on the messenger.
I've Windows XP 32-bit

bop239 (2011-07-08)

i use win7-64bit , but still can't use it ... still black screens. i already change .reg and .dll , and aircaft.cfg ... i don't know how can i do now , ,,,

jaime2psp (2011-08-13)

Thanks so much for this dude! It actually worked! :D

pedzio755 (2011-08-21)

bungunner - what do you mean 'with the others'?

K3nnyize5 (2011-09-05)

i can put any Fake email and ID And password?

pakster (2011-10-18)

Thank you BUNGUNNER !!! IT WORKS ON WIN7 64BIT !!! 100%
bungunner at 2011-05-15 07:22 CET:
Ok fellas....this works as is if you are on a 32 bit Windows system. If you are on 64bit like I am now, you will change some things on the reg file that is included. Right click the reg file and select "edit" then you will add \Wow6432Node right after "software" and before "Abraxis" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Abraxis] ...becomes...
....and so on with the others. Then save your reg file and execute it and you will be good to go. This has probably already been explained by others, but I was clarifying it.

irshadreym (2011-10-19)

it keeps the panels but my panels are now messed up and the altimeter and ils is not working and has got red lines all over
someone PLS HELP!!!

irshadreym (2011-10-19)

Its okay fixed the prob just had to edit the registry as mentioned by @bungunner

pakster (2011-10-19)

@ Bungunner
So now it is working in Win7 64bit can I update it too 747-8x ?
I didn't try upgrading with 747-8x if some one did and its working.... can some one has any suggestion.

alexsig (2011-10-28)

You sir are a great man. Thank you very much! :D

dwayne299 (2012-01-13)

Thanks bungunner & vincentmoy

acars762 (2012-02-04)

For those with Windows 7 64-bit where the panels show up black in the virtual cockpit, follow these instructions:
1. Install the Plane from

2. put the code from the instructions.txt file in this torrent into the aircraft.cfg files for the PMDG 747-400 and 747-400f (FSX Directory\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400 and ...\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400f)
3. copy the PMDGOptions.dll file to FSX Directory Folder\PMDG\dll
4. right-click on the registry file from this torrent after extracting and edit. Replace the line
with just [HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node] then save it (making sure it is still a .reg file) then double click on it.
5. run the update to version 2.10 from the torrent linked above. and you should be good to go.
If you did any steps out of order and updated before copying the dll, or editing the registry, or anything, you have to go to control panel and uninstall it and start over. This also doesn't get the 747-8x working, just the 747-400 and 400f, I haven't been able to get that to work yet. Hope this helps :)

acars762 (2012-02-04)

The Registry line in the comment above is actually short. Like bungunner's instructions, the Wow6432Node should go after ...\SOFTWARE\... and before ...\Abraxis\...

uplaabura (2012-03-31)

It works!!Thanks for acars762, your procedure works! I have tried so many ways and finally found the working one. Thanks so much.

Preenarcho (2012-08-20)

i am doing exactly what acars762 wrote, but i still have the same problem. After 1min, the gauges goes black. what i'm doing wrong?
i install the PMDG 747X from the link
then i open the aircraft.cfg and paste the code
i copy the PMDGOptions.dll from THIS link and paste in the correct folder
then i edit the registry file, and paste
with [ ]
and finally i install the update 2.10 from the same torrent

bop239 (2012-09-04)

To: Preenarcho
Try it , this let me get work already Long time, 64bit Win7


pawel311 (2012-09-25)

I need your help because I do not go to install the PMDG 747-8i done as above only works 747-400 please help and how to install the 747-8i :(

Magi2000 (2012-09-26)

Windows 7 Home 64bit users
Instructions for PMDG 747-400X. I have not testet 747-8.
Download this 2 filesfrom TPB:
- FSX - PMDG Boeing 747-400X + 747-8X (No Emulation, Easy Install)
- PMDG 747 For FSX 2.10 crack
1. Open "FSX - PMDG Boeing 747-400X + 747-8X (No Emulation, Easy Install).rar" and run "PMDG 747-400X.exe" as Administrator.
2. Open "EnableButton.exe" as Administrator.
3. Install 747-400X.
4. After installation close EnableButton.
5. Open "PMDG 747-400X UpdateV2.10.exe" and install.
6. Go to FSX Main root Directory....SimObjectsAirplanesPMDG 747-400 and ...AirplanesPMDG 747-400f). Open aircraft.cfg files for the PMDG 747-400 and 747-400f
7. Search this line in each two Aircraft.cfg:
---BEGIN SHA1---
---END SHA1---
replace it with:
---BEGIN SHA1---

---END SHA1---
8. Now open "PMDG 747 For FSX 2.10". Right click on 747fix2.1.reg and click edit. Replace all lines with this:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




9. Close and Save.
10. Now double-Leftclick on 747fix2.1.reg , if it is asking something click yes... yes... ok.
11. copy the PMDGOptions.dll from ( " PMDG 747 For FSX 2.10 ") file to FSX Directory Folder...PMDGdll and overwrite.
thats it.
P.S. to see LCD display in your 747Freighter, first load 747Passenger, open PMDG Options and change Displays to LCD.

Dcam13 (2012-12-28)

Dude when i open PMDG Options it comes a bunch of signs and writings
(P.S i opened it with notepad)

Dcam13 (2012-12-28)

Magi2000 do u have Team Viewer 8?
If u do u can email me your id and password at so that you can fix the thing so that l can see the lcd display...
If you dont you can find it

then click on the download latest button on the right

ItayD (2013-01-17)

FSX - PMDG 747-400 Working 100%

kkj_2348 (2013-04-01)

@Magi2000 : how about the 747-8i/f ? can i just use the enablebutton to bypass the email and install and use it with no black screens?


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