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City Navigator North America 2008






Garmin Mapsource City Navigator North America 2008




2007-11-21 (by Burkao)


City Navigator North America 2008 File

Files count:



2596.46 Mb




1sh0t1kill (2007-11-22)

So is this one going to require a "unlock code" too?

Burkao (2007-11-22)

Yes, all City Navigator products do.

PreDeadMan (2007-11-23)

an unlock code what do you mean to the file or something? i'm looking to buy one of these tomorrow at circuitcity will this TOTALLY update it and explain the unlock code thing thank you

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-24)

We've been down this road... the unlock code for the "PC" is "DEMO"... which only allows you to mess around with it on your computer. If you upload any 2008 maps to your GPS unit, it will disable the "GPS" portion of your unit.... at least, it disabled the GPS on my C330 when I upgraded it.
With that said, this is a torrent site, we're not partiicipating in this site to make you or Marketman1 or whatever his name is rich.
I'd buy this program before I'd ever consider giving you a penny.

enkiridu (2007-11-24)

Hey 1shot1kill,
What do you mean when you say it locked up the GPS portion of your c330? I just bought one today and wanted to use this to upload new maps and whatnot, but you have me worried. Were you able to fix your unit? Also, I noticed that on the yellow piece of paper that came with the GPS, there is the serial, reg code and unlock code for the unit. When I went to to register, they put that unlock code under the MapSource section, saying:
MapSource® Product
City Navigator North America NT v8 Limited- Deluxe
City Navigator North America NT v8 Limited, Deluxe All Regions, Apr 06
I would assume from that, that it is saying that I am authorized to use that version Limited through Deluxe. Did you try using the unlock code that came with your unit in this program? Thanks.

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-24)

I don't have an answer for you in your recent purchase because I haven't been in that situation. However, I did DL the Garmin NT 2008 from here. In the instructions it says to use "DEMO" as the code to unlock the NT 2008 in order to access it on your PC computer. "DEMO" is exactly that, it lets you play with it on your computer and when you go to "upload" it to your unit, it asks if you want to upload in "DEMO" mode. I said "yes". I did this and apparently part of the set up is to "disable" the GPS. I had an SD card in my unit and I believe my NT 2008 maps loaded to that. As soon as I took out the SD card, my GPS began working again. Had me worried for a little bit, but removing the card, fixed my issue.
If you have City Navigator V8, that's what all C330's come with (I think). If you do indeed have V8 (like I have on my unit) that is the older maps. NT 2008 (this download) is essentially V9 (version 9).
I messed with the yellow pieces of paper I have from 2, C330 units and my 60CSx. Nothing unlocked the NT 2008 maps. I even looked into:

to see if this program can do a work around with the maps. I was unsuccessful at getting them to load into my C330, however, I was successful at getting some older maps to load into my 60CSx and provide very accurate routing, which I was having trouble with before using the program at the above link.
I just wish BlueBeaver would be cool and hook some people up instead of trying to get rich off of Garmin's product. It's one thing to "acquire" some software, it's another thing to make $$ off of Garmin's product.

saskapoon (2007-11-25)

predeadman.... if your buying a gps new from the store you can contact garmin and they're send you your first update free. hope this helps

wvy (2007-11-25)

I only need a number to use it on my PC (non GPS use). I don't need "DEMO" ..
So, who post a unlock to use this program on PC??

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-26)

I got mine to work for free. Found someone who gave me the code and didn't charge.

ultravista (2007-11-26)

1sh0t1kill, can you hook me up with the person that helped you? I would like an unlock code also.

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-26)

make some bogus email address and post it and I will send you the contact info to that address.

Burkao (2007-11-26)

Could you send this to me?
I am/was only aware of the ones that require a fee.
bogus email: qjvancl@googlemail

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-26)

I sent you an email.

chrisjust98 (2007-11-26)

Can you hook me up to?
[email protected]

eatmyshorts101 (2007-11-26)

Hi - I gather by reading these posts i need some sort of unlock code to use these maps on my Garmin 550. COuld someone possibly give me info on how to get it unlocked. my email is eatmyshorts101 hotmail co uk

Rock-it Man (2007-11-27)

Has anybody bothered to try changing the unlock in the gpsmapsupp.img file? All you would need to do is replace the fake unlock with yours then transfer it to your SD card. Would believe you have a different map than the actual data.

Rock-it Man (2007-11-27)

actually, there is a keygen floating around. I can try to generate some codes but there's a good chance they will not work. I also need the map ID to do anything.

atv (2007-11-27)

Hi everybody!
Why don't u use Metroguide instead of City Navigator? I unstalled V9 on my etrex CX (with other Topo maps) and it runs very good! adresses, poi, all u need. I've also a GPS phone with TomTom6 and this 1 is not better!
Certainly I don't know if Metroguide runs on real car GPS units like nüvixxx, but on Etrex, 60Cx and so on it's perfect!
No matter to fill this duck Bluebeaver...
urs atv

Rock-it Man (2007-11-27)

keep getting database error every time I submit a message.. test 1 2 3

Rock-it Man (2007-11-27)

go to ipmart dash forum dot com
thread id
tpb is having issues today

Rock-it Man (2007-11-27)

just uploaded it as a torrent here, uncompressed version. enjoy! search apps for garmin and it should come up now.

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-27)

sent emails to those who posted.

screwblueballs (2007-11-27)

could you send me a code at screwblueballs at googlemail dot com?

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-27)

for those who have left their email addresses. A code can only be generated off of your GPS Unit ID #. Just an FYI.
Today is the last day that I will provide codes... after that, you'll have to search and find it like I did.
Good luck.

jerzee_boy (2007-11-27)

[email protected]

jay1972 (2007-11-27)

Please send it to me !!!!!
jimmto2000@google mail dot com

taobi (2007-11-27)

please send it to me too!
[email protected]

plutino (2007-11-27)

Please link me to that nice person. Actually someone here gave me a code last year, but I have just upgraded my unit and I lost his contact.
[email protected]
Thanks you!

afscoots (2007-11-28)

could you please give me a code
afscoots@gmail dot com

ikjan77 (2007-11-28)

1sh0t1kill, could you please send me a code at [email protected]? thanks

grimmy311 (2007-11-28)

can i get a key please! grimmy311 at gmail dot com
I really appreciate you keeping it free like it should be 1shot

red72373 (2007-11-28)

can you PLEASE send me one at red72373 at gmail

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-28)

You can lead a horse to water.... but you can't make them drink.
And I'm not sure who "Shareall" is... my guess is that he's using 2 names... and one of them posted an email address. But none-the-less, he seems like a nice enough guy. Others who are able to get thier maps working will probably say so soon. Just my guess though.

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-28)

Somewhere in all of this, I told you that I appreciated you uploading maps.
The problem everyone has is that you wanted to make $35 off of each code. I've easily directed 50 people to the free source. If you would have gotten $35 from 50 people.... that's $1750. That is why people were upset with you.
Keep up the good works with the maps. But don't try and make money off of us just because you had "access" to the keygen.
And what's up with this "aXXo" threat? Threats don't get respect.

eduardonygma (2007-11-28)

Could you please help me? I've been looking everywhere.
[email protected] Thanks a lot.

eduardonygma (2007-11-28)

Please help me. I haven't been able to find the codes for free.
eduardo.nygma at g mail dot com

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-28)

For those of you who don't know "aXXo" removed all their torrents from the PB because of a dispute.
Eduardo, you've got mail.
BB, you asked "What happens after 2 days?" I'll try and help people out the best I can.... however, I'm pretty dang busy and I can't spend every evening all evening checking this to send people info on how to get codes.

jbwjim (2007-11-28)

Please Email Key Gen. Thanks....... jbwjim at comcast dot net Thank you

acnyc2000 (2007-11-28)

possible for key? thanks -
[email protected]

pimp-boy (2007-11-28)

1sh0t1kill, can you provide a key to [email protected]?

mapletree (2007-11-28)

Hey 1sh0t1kill could you send me info to [email protected] Thanks.

chad5871 (2007-11-28)

1sh0t1kill - Please send me the contact info for the free keygen to [email protected]

pirate_2007 (2007-11-28)

1sh0t1kill - can you please provide a key to [email protected]? many thanks!

jbwjim (2007-11-28)

1sh0t1kill - I never received an Email? jbwjim at comcast dot net. Thanks in advance...... JIM

alexandrow (2007-11-29)

Can I kindly ask for more info? Thanks - [email protected]

CyberFuel04 (2007-11-29)

1sh0t1kill ive noticed you are quite the popular person on this torrent. If you wouldn't mind I would be quite obliged if you could send that info to:
Account.Wes at gmail dot com
Thank you very much!

george000 (2007-11-29)

thanks in advance, please send to george000 at hotmail dot com.

jerzee_boy (2007-11-29)

Does the j-mouse kg wrk with C320 or C330? It does not seem to work? Is the j-mouse kg for certain devices? Thanks in advance..

jerzee_boy (2007-11-29)

Does the j-mouse kg only work with certain devices? I tried it on the c320 and c330 and it does not work with the unit sn.
Thnx, [email protected]

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-29)

I'm not familiar with the J-mouse KG. I haven't messed with it. I let the "brains" do all the work.
I emailed the latest emails. Sorry for missing you jbwjim.

Dodge9 (2007-11-29)

1sh0t1kill - can you please provide a key to [email protected] ? many thanks!

jerzee_boy (2007-11-29)

Can you send me the info also. Seems like I am out of luck with the j-mouse kg.
Thank you,
[email protected]

manicsub (2007-11-29)

Someone not charging $50 - $100 for a key? 1sh0t1kill please Email trinich92 at

DENelson83 (2007-11-29)

My e-mail is [email protected], and I would like access to this key.

ultravista (2007-11-29)

1sh0t1kill - man, I missed your reply on the first page. Anyhow ... please send to
cl AT ultravista DOT com
By the way. Does this work for all Garmin units? I've got the 60CSX.

bluebo (2007-11-29)

1sh0t1kill, please send me the info also. Thanks.
[email protected]

viruz5 (2007-11-29)

[email protected]
Thank you sooo much man

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-29)

60csx will work... I have it loaded on my 60csx along with my C330. Let these guys know that it works when you're all set up... I emailed you the info... along with everyone else that's posted an email address.

kolsyra5 (2007-11-29)

1sh0t1kill: Please help me too.
[email protected]

kolsyra5 (2007-11-29)

Please send it to me too
[email protected]

GPScodeME (2007-11-29)

Dude! That's so cool of you. Hooking up people w/ the GPS code. Can you hook me up w/ the GPS KeyGen? Thanks!
My e-mail is: GPScodeMe at yahoo dot com

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-29)

Just want to clarify. I'm not sending KeyGen's nor am I sending codes.
I'm providing information for you to access a website where the codes are available upon request.
The trick is... this information provided FREE codes.

GPScodeME (2007-11-29)

Sorry. Can you send me info to this website?
Thanks man!
My e-mail is:
GPScodeMe at yahoo dot com
[email protected]

AllShare (2007-11-29)

The forum offering free unlock codes is

eduardonygma (2007-11-29)

1sh0t1kill, is a completely genuine guy. He's already helped me find codes and find a better installer (had trouble with Thanks again.

ultravista (2007-11-29)

1sh0t1kill - sorry but I didn't get an email from you.
it is cl@ultravista DOT com
I have the J**M**** keygen but cannot get it to generate a valid key for the 60CSX.
Are you sure the codes aren't validy ONLY for the PPC devices?

ultravista (2007-11-29)

AllShare - you should not have posted the link. I hope an admin can remove it.

1sh0t1kill (2007-11-30)

Well, that's the link I was providing... so one of the cock suckers that I hooked up just posted it in a public forum.
All I know is that the people that run that forum aren't the ones to mess with. And Allshare is stupid for posting the link.

Burkao (2007-11-30)

WOW, 82 comments.
I can confirm that the keygen works.
I guess now, rather than posting an email click the link, so much for getting a new post record.
Speaking of axxo I think not being able to delete comments is one of the reasons he left.

1sh0t1kill (2007-12-01)

Where the hell were you 8 days ago.... ?

dsnider_420 (2007-12-01)

I have downloaded the keygen and I am not having any luck. I pulled my info from the gps and then put it into the keygen. I tried every code that it gives. I was a little confused when they started repeating. Can anyone help me out? Please email me at dsnider 420 at ma dot rr dot com. Thanks alot. I really appreciate any little bit of info I can get.

1sh0t1kill (2007-12-01)

You need to read over this whole post. Don't "F" with the keygen.... there are other ways to get a code. Not to be a jerk, but if you can't figure it out, you don't deserve it.
Some people will never learn. I prefer to have someone just give me a code... it's ... uhhhh... a lot safer.

threeiees (2007-12-01)

If you could please send me directions on creating a prduct key for Garmin Mapsource City Navigator North America NT 2008 to go on a Nuvi 350.
Send to threeiees @ hotmail dot com

restpon (2007-12-02)

Would love it if you could help out.
[email protected]

dsnider_420 (2007-12-02)

I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you need to watch your mouth, son. If I had anything to say to your punk a$$, I would have addressed you directly. Now go tell your mommy to change your diaper and have a nice warm bottle. If I can't figure it out I don't deserve it? HAHAHA. I'm not the idiot that's gunna pay some douche bag to take my money. You think I trust that shit? Think again. Now, if anyone else would like to help out, I would appreciate. As long as you aren't a cocky prick. If so, don't even bother.

1sh0t1kill (2007-12-02)

Hey you dumb mother fucker... read in the comments on this page from "ALLSHARE"... he gives the exact link to where you can get an unlock code for free. This is the same link I gave to a BUNCH of people and asked that they not post it on here, but ALLSHARE chose to share it here.
So did you fucking figure it out yet GENIUS??? This is why I said if you can't figure it out then you don't deserve it... but you're such a dumb piece of shit that you can't fucking read one page of comments to get the fucking LINK.
The whole reason anyone in this area got free unlock codes is because of me !!
Fuck you and your "watch your mouth son" bullshit.. you're probaby a little fucking pussy that sits behind your keyboard and plays the role as a piece of shit keyboard warrior. Go put some more clearasil on your face and play some world of warcraft, loser.

KissMyBlack (2007-12-03)

Hi 1sh0t1kill: if you're still providing the link to go to for free unlock codes, could you also send to me?:
kissmyblackbehind at
Thanks very much.

hittinem (2007-12-04)

I see that ,like me, most people seem to have unlocked the maps now (thanks for the help) but i cant install it onto my streetpilot 330 with mapsource or the garmin mapinstall programs. i cannot seem to find any help on this anywhere. i want to replace the factory map on my unit with the new city navigator nt (which ive read is the proper version gor my unit) any help would be greatly appreciated

288-10 (2007-12-04)

Hi 1sh0t1kill: if you're still providing the link to go to for free unlock codes, could you also send to me?: zarf at thank you

Phatsacks (2007-12-05)

Late to the scene...
Hope that asshat didn't screw it up for everyone else.
1sh0t1kill: If you're still helping, I'd appreciate some my way.
phatsacks @ g m a i l

mikimik111 (2007-12-05)

HI 1sh0t1kill
Could you please send me the kegen
Thanks man!
My e-mail is:
mikimik111@yahoo DOT ca

fshgrind (2007-12-05)

I cant hold my tongue any longer. I read all these comments and I am getting more dumb by the second. All these people asking about the keygen....and not just this thread, other threads as well
Please read the comments of the thread before you post. You will find what you are looking for a lot easier, I see this all the time on here. All you need to do is a little searching and your golden. I created an account on piratebay just so I can post this comment. I don't understand why people give their email addresses out expecting them to magically receive a message with the answer. Someone please explain to me why this happens?
With that being said, search is your friend - "Learn it. Know it. Live it."

goodbuy (2007-12-05)

ok, ok I get it....
I asked for the link in the other thread, but I found it.
a few things, though.......
the xt gen doesn't work for regular units, correct? (like gps v)?
testprogram you have to email "you know who", but the mailto doesn't work.
any thoughts?

1sh0t1kill (2007-12-06)

Page 4 of this comment section. "Allshare" provides the link I was giving to people privately. Just go to the link he posted (even though he shouldn't have) and read up.
I never had a keygen, all I did was followed the link that is the second post down on page 4 comments.
I've never provided codes to anyone. I just gave them the info to find it. Please do not post any more email addresses asking for me to email you an "unlock code".

left123right (2007-12-09)

The link doesn't work for me, can someone help me with unlocking city navigator north america NT? email me at [email protected]

Newb787 (2007-12-10)

^ ditto. Link
is invalid.

stonersmurf (2007-12-12)

Getting a cab error on, anybody wanna help me out. Please e-mail me at [email protected]

KellyC (2007-12-12)

i am trying to upload city navigator americas nt 2008 to a c330. The link's dead, and the kg doesn't work with the unit. could some1 please help me out. kellycooper79 at thx a lot

1sh0t1kill (2007-12-14)

Hmmmm .... imagine that, the site doesn't work anymore. See what happens when an asshole posts the link up... he ruins it for everyone.
Oh well.

ghegal1822 (2007-12-14)

1sh0t1kill. The link is dead and the kg I have doesn't work. Could you, pls, send me copy of JM kg FIXED version? Thx very much.
My e-mail: [email protected]

yqren (2007-12-15)

I tried the code from this site. The CODE does unlock the map for Mapsource on PC. But I can't tranfer the data from PC to UNIT (street polit C320)
Error Message: " The map havn't been unlocked for your GPS"
Then, I transfered the data to a SD card and insert in my Unit following the instruction on the website. Still doesn't work.
Maybe the solution doesn't work for regualr GPS UNIT?
Any suggection?
Thanks in advance.

gtwest26 (2007-12-15)

1sh0t1kill site link is down. If you can send me link or information how to unlock it I will appreciate it thanks [email protected]

vegas77 (2007-12-17)

1sh0t1kill if you could point me in the right direction to getting this unlocked I would greatly appreciate it. Why an asshole would publish a link like that is beyond me. There is one in every bunch. [email protected]

pturc (2007-12-18)

1sh0t1kill can you help me finding a way to unlock the maps. l also have a error [email protected]

Burkao (2007-12-18)

stonersmurf & pturc
Download this torrent, and not the old, now deleted one with the error by bluebeaver.

eric89074 (2007-12-18)

Thank you for this torrent. I got a nuvi for my sister and I hope I can get this working on it before christmas. If someone can please help me in getting an unlock code I would appreciate it. [email protected]

pturc (2007-12-21)

What is the map code? Is it 244 like the NT version?

AxlMyk (2007-12-29)

OK people. Here is how things work.
1. Register your Garmin GPS at
2. City Nav. NA 2008 is a map UPDATE only.
3. IF you have a registered Garmin GPS and a key for this file, your GPS must be connected to the computer to install it to the GPS. It will only update Mapsource that is already installed to your computer. It WILL NOT install software to your computer if you don't have it now.

ChazInMT (2007-12-29)

Don't be discouraged by Axlmyk, his knowledge about this is a bit limited. You do have an option here other than paying Garmin but it does take some perseverance to put all the pieces together.
Pay Garmin, or, hack yer GPS using the tools here and elsewhere for free.
Thats how it works. :P
BTW Jets Kg Ver 1.1 isn't working for this, go fish.

ChazInMT (2008-01-03)

I suppose now that the "mouse" is out of the bag, Kg1.3 which has recently been released will make this work well. Unlock the maps in Mpasource and then upload them to your gps. In the case of my c330 I have not yet figured out how to hack the internal maps since they don't show up as a USB drive in XP, or vista from what I've read. I can get these maps on my c330 if I have a blank SD card in the slot. But SD's run $20 and for me, it isn't worth the scant amount of new information I'd be getting in place of the maps that are already in there.

SunyJim (2008-01-05)

Thanks superpickle, that's all i needed was the mapid, was looking and looking with the hexeditor and just kept coming up with different numbers for this map. once i had that, generated a code, and just went through the unlock wizard twice, once with the gps code, (etrex legend cx) the other for the map code
Can you message me with what you saw to id that hex in the map file?

SunyJim (2008-01-07)

Ok the non-direct to the card.
I've done this with North america 2008, and bluechart 9.5 so it works.
i have an etrex legend cx.
I installed the maps to my computer. Use the reg cracks when there are ones to fool it into thinking that you are just updating.
Then once it's in... the computer says you must unlock. Use the Jetmouse 1.3 crack with map id, and your device id, run the unlock wizard twice, once to enter the device serial, the other to enter the map serial. Then that's it, you can choose sections to upload, even parts of one and parts of another, just like unlocked maps.

Yetties (2008-02-24)

This map file works! Thanks for sharing, Burkao!
I transfered it (Navigator North America 2008) to my c330 successfully by using JetMouse 1.3.
Thanks a great, JetMouse, you rock!
For those can't transfer the map from PC to unit (ex: c3X0), there's a trick that putting a SD into the unit instead of trying to overwrite it, then it will work. Don't try to overwrite to your unit because c330 can't be recognized by Windows as a USB device. Only for those units can be recognized by Windows as a USB device, then you can overwrite it.

mikatravels (2008-02-28)

This does the thing! Just run "all.bat" file and all your maps on your system will get unlocked to use on any device of your choice. No hassle with *.unl files anymore. Worked with all bluecharts, city navigator 9, etc....

FishV12 (2008-02-29)

Is this the NT 2008 full and not the update? If not where can I find it?
Thanks in advance!

bootbux (2008-03-15)

Yea, is this the full or the update? Plus is it the NT version or not?
Garmin breaks its maps into NT(compressed) and Regular (non compressed).
And Full Version or updating version only (if you have a 2007 installed, you can buy the updated version)
But they must both be either NT or Regular.

bootbux (2008-03-16)

wont load onto my Colorado 400t. "Can't unlock maps" is what pops up on bootup of my garmin. damn. ive tried everything.

epaltee10 (2008-04-02)

found an unlock code generator for the folowing GARMIN products :
City Navigator North America NT 2008
City Navigator North America 2008
City Navigator North America NT v8
City Navigator North America v8
City Navigator Australia 2008
City Navigator Australia v7
City Navigator Mexico NT 2008
City Navigator Europe NT 2008
City Navigator Europe NT v9
City Navigator Europe v8
City Navigator Europe V6
City Navigator Middle East v4
City Navigator Middle East v3
City Navigator New Zealand v3
City Navigator South Africa v6
City Navigator Taiwan v8
Mapsource BlueChart Americas 2008
Mapsource BlueChart Americas 9.5
Mapsource BlueChart Americas v9
Mapsource BlueChart Americas v8
Mapsource BlueChart Pacific v9.5
Mapsource Bluechart Pacific v9.0
Mapsource BlueChart Pacific v7.5
Mapsource BlueChart Atlantic V9.5
Mapsource Bluechart Atlantic v9.0
Mapsource BlueChart Atlantic v8.5
Mapsource TOPO Austria
In the address:

epaltee10 (2008-04-03)

Sorry i forgot the password for Unlock Code Generator GarmKeyGen_v_1_1.rar : baader@uhltd
The presentation of GarmKeyGen is in

and i thought that you could take it from there.

epaltee10 (2008-04-06)

There is a new version of GarmKeyGen v1.1.1
go to the address

snowman11 (2008-07-02)

Just use this
as stated before. You just sit back and watch the maps unlock on this program and many others. Anyone know if there is an update to the maps on this program? I saw a disc strictly for updating maps for Garmin in Walmart. Anyone seen anything like that here? OR the 2009 Mapsource (not the NT version)?

retuor (2008-11-05)

Hi! Please seed after your d/l completes! My share ratio is now over 1.0 and I'm only at 36% :-(

retuor (2008-11-06)

Got it! Thanks TPB!