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Zumba the complete package/3xDVD5/Retail/DD5 1




Video Movies


Zumba the complete package/3xDVD5/Retail/DD5.1[NLUPPER]


Video/Movies DVDR


2010-03-06 (by NLUPPER)


Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD'S Bevat: -Zumba Basics -Zumba Cardio Party -Sculpt and Tone Zumba De revolutionaire Zumba is geÃ?nspireerd door de Latijns-Amerikaanse dans en is een vetverbrandende, spierverstevigende workout. Met Zumba heeft u nooit het gevoel dat u bezig bent met een workout, omdat het zo leuk is! De effectiviteit van Zumba is bewezen door een onafhankelijke universiteit. Uit het onderzoek is naar voren gekomen dat u met Zumba tot wel 1000 calorieÃ?n per uur verbrandt. Het geheim is een revolutionaire trainingstechniek genaamd ?Ritmeprogressie?. Met elke swingende Zumba workout beweging werkt u aan uw onderlichaam, uw buikspieren, middel en uw bovenlichaam. U verbrandt in alle drie de gebieden tegelijk. En het mooiste van alles is dat de ?ritmeprogressie van Zumba een snel en gemakkelijk te leren techniek is. U verbrandt direct vet en calorieÃ?n vanaf het moment dat u eraan begint. Begin uw Zumba workout met ?Zumba Basics?. Beto en zijn toptrainers geven u een leuk en een simpel te volgen instructie van de populaire Zumba bewegingen. De ?Zumba 20 Minute Express? is een leuke calorieverbrandende workout van slechts 20 minuten. Deze workout is ideaal als u weinig tijd hebt of als u snel calorieÃ?n wilt verbranden. Tevens ontvangt u de ?Zumba Cardio Party? workout met Beto?s exclusieve ?Rhythm Refresher?. Elke beweging wordt stap voor stap uitgelegd en dus voor iedereen, ongeacht uw niveau, te volgen. U ontvangt ook de ?Sculpt and Tone? workout. De workout om uw lichaam mooi en strak af te trainen. De probleemgebieden zijn in no time geen probleemgebieden meer! Met de Zumba Total Body Transformation handleiding hebt u altijd een steuntje in de rug. Deze bevat een gepersonaliseerde workoutkalender, een stap voor stap uitleg van de Zumba bewegingen, de beste afslanktips van toptrainers, trucs om in moeilijke tijden door te blijven gaan en nog veel meer! Weblink: INFO Formaat : DVD-5 Bron : Retail Geluid : Engels 5.1 DD Ondertitels : Nederlands ( instelbaar ) Zumba the complete package! 3 DVD'S Contains: -Zumba Basics Cardio-Zumba Party -Sculpt and Tone Zumba The revolutionary Zumba is gea? Inspired by the Latin-American dance and is a fat-burning, muscle toning workout. With Zumba, you never feel you're in a workout, because it is so fun! The effectiveness of Zumba is proven by an independent university. The investigation has shown that you are up to 1000 calories with Zumba? N hours per burn. The secret is a revolutionary training technique called? Rhythm Progression?. Each exercise has a swinging Zumba workout on your lower body, your abdominal muscles, and using your upper body. You will burn in all three areas simultaneously. And best of all is that? Rhythm progression of Zumba a quick and easy to learn technique. You instantly burns fat and calories? N from the time you start it. Begin your workout with Zumba? Zumba Basics?. Beto and his trainers provide a fun and easy to follow instructions from the popular Zumba moves. The? Zumba 20 Minute Express? is a great calorie-burning workout in just 20 minutes. This workout is ideal if you have little time or calories quickly? N want to burn. Also you receive? Zumba Cardio Party? workout with Beto? s exclusive? Rhythm Refresher?. Each move is step by step and thus for everyone, whatever your level, to follow. You also receive? Sculpt and Tone? workout. The workout for your body nice and tight to train. The areas are no problem any more time! The Total Body Transformation Guide Zumba you always have one helping. This includes a customized workout calendar, a step by step explanation of the Zumba movements, the best slimming tips from top trainers, tricks to keep going through difficult times and much more! INFO Format: DVD-5 Source: Retail Audio: English 5.1 DD Subtitles: Dutch (adjustable)



Files count:



9638.86 Mb




 ctang (2010-04-07)

so are these dvd ntsc or pal?

 ctang (2010-04-17)

ya its Pal...i am just curious how someone that is considered a VIP on TPB doesnt put whether his upload is PAL or NTSC...nothing personal towards you NLUPPER, bc as formula_agents said i should of realized it since it had Dutch subs but i just get tired of seeing so many DVDRs uploaded that dont say whether they are NTSC or PAL
as for a constructive comment...i got these downloaded for the girlfriend and she just uses them on her computer since we only have an NTSC ps3 to play our dvd's on...the quality is ok (not bad but its for not 100% quality) and is worth the download...thanks NLUPPER

lemonxtree (2010-05-11)

How do you play it without Dutch subtitles? I want to hear English

lemonxtree (2010-05-12)

Ok much easier than I expected. In VLC you go Audio > Audio Track 2. Lol >.>

jxsilicon9 (2010-05-14)

Here are the instructions if you want to convert the dvds from pal to ntsc.Go to the link and follow the instructions of post #5.Worked perfectly

sjoega (2010-05-15)

thank you for the upload!!

orjanmac (2010-05-20)

The sound is off when playing through ps3server

lemonxtree (2010-05-28)

The cardio's 3rd and 4th video are a repeat of the basics 1st and half of the second. Is it suppose to be like this?

smartchick_95 (2010-05-29)

I found this to be a RAWR file. when converted there was no sound.

Rubin93 (2010-05-31)

Pls can some1 post english subtitles

rahmeltov (2010-07-19)

seed seed seeeeed.. please and thankyou!!

iceb33r (2010-08-10)

Power DVD automatically plays it in english. Can someone tell me how to burn it in english, tried nero but before burning when i play the preview it plays in dutch :(. Can somone help me out please....

Ldeskaldo (2010-08-15)

hi, can someone tell me how can i burn it on dvd
best regards

murrambingi (2010-08-21)

thx for the upload NLUPPER, it works great on both dvd player and vlc media player :) but i have a slight problem which i need fixed fast, i accidently deleted the empty zumba sculpt folder because there were 2 of them, how can i get the torrent to continue seeding, i have already seeded 2.5GB but now i cant seed anymore because 1 stinking empty file is missing, its not in the recycle bin and i even did a search with a restore program and cant find it is there any suggestions as i dont want to download everything all over again because of 1 empty file plz help..

murrambingi (2010-08-21)

use this for burning
it works great, remember to select all the files in one dvd at a time, 1 dvd=basics, 2 dvd=cardio, 3 dvd=sculpt etc.. meaning when using ConvertXtoDvd you must select all of the video and vts files that are in 1 dvd and then burn, if you only choose the video file you will end up with some sort of config problem like no sound etc.. hope that helps..
PS: Nero is shit, lol :)

iceb33r (2010-08-31)

@MURRAMBINGI..thx for reply.. i used IMGBURN and it worked fine.. just have to chnage the language when playing it on dvd player...

murrambingi (2010-09-01)

np m8, but i just found out after finishing seeding alot that the ends of all dvd's are missing a little towards the end of all dvds 1,2,and 3 it's a shame but still they are good quality, although i am lookin for the complete package.

xXExcaliburXx (2010-10-03)

if you want to burn this torrent to disc with only the english Launguage just open .vob file's in dvd shrink and deselect the german audio then just back up the file's a vola only english and ready to burn to disc ;)

s.sharma (2010-11-16)

not able to download pls help

khan_sana (2010-12-17)

great work u guys!! really apreciate it =) my dvd player plays all WMP files except for this one I mean its plying on my laptop but that...and what would be a good app for burning dvds and how would I burn this one I've tried many free apps but nothing really works...I mean it does but wouldnt play on a normal player unless i pay for one :(
[email protected]

DiMeo (2011-01-07)

Altijd de nieuwste Films met Nederlandse ondertiteling :

iluvyou92 (2011-01-25)

hi how do u burn on to dvd nd how do u set to english??????please let me no

bbakal (2011-01-29)

Hi y'all! I figured out a way to burn these files easily to DVD. The files are already prepared for the DVD but you just need to create a file directory similar to that of a DVD so that any normal DVD burning program can recognize it.
So to do this, you need to the following:
1) create a VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folder in the Zumba Basics folder
2) Afterwards, move all the files in the Zumba Basics folder (excluding the AUDIO_TS folder, of course) into the the VIDEO_TS folder.
3) So in the Zumba basics folder there will only be a VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folder (Note that the AUDIO_TS folder will be empty)
4) Do the same steps 1 to 3 for the remaining Zumba cardio and Zumba sculpt folders.
4) You are now ready to burn so plug in a blank DVD and open any DVD burning software. (I used Power2Go by Cyberlink. This was standard software that came with the laptop)
5) Ideally the DVD burning software that you choose should have an option "Burn from Existing DVD Folder". Select this option and choose the "Zumba Basics" folder first.
6) Once you are done, burn individual DVDs for the "Zumba cardio" and "Zumba sculpt" folders.
There we go! I hope it works for you! Good luck!

nickie1801 (2011-02-01)

can someone confirm there is really a *dutch* subtitle included? Whatever i tried, didn't find them. Only English and German language, but no subs at all. Or do i something wrong? please, help....

dolphinsmarlins1 (2011-02-01)

Video and audio is of good quality. Thanks for sharing! Wish there was an easier way to play the English audio upon opening the file on VLC... than manually changing to audio option 2 every time file is opened.

 bubanee (2011-02-11)

If these were ripped from DVDs to the computer and all files are intact.. i would just use dirty old DVDSHRINK! to burn them to a DVD!

devilsadvocate80 (2011-02-28)

converted to avi format english

DiMeo (2011-04-21)

Altijd de nieuwste Films met Nederlandse ondertiteling :

rudidas (2011-04-29)

How can I burn these files onto a DVD that will work on DVD players? (Using a Mac.)
On a Mac, this DID NOT WORK:
I created a VIDEO_TS folder, moved the files from a DVD into that, and created a disk image of it using Disk Utility, I then burnt it to a DVD which plays in my computer (and is recognized as a DVD), but in DVD players it just says error, and/or ejects it.
How do I make it work? What did I do wrong?

Snapperhead1 (2011-06-18)

On a Mac, this DID NOT WORK:?
You must not have a REAL Mac........
All my Mac owning friends all tell me I am a moron because I run Windows/Linux. They all say MAC JUST WORKS. ALL OF THEM SAY THIS.
Fact is, there probably is a way of running this on a Mac. I just dont know how because these discs worked fine on my Windows PC. And actually they worked fine on my Ubuntu PC also. but realize this........90% of the world runs on Windows. And in the Pirate Bay world its probably 95%+. If you run a Mac, you arent trying to save money. And odds are you arent a techie. You have the money. Go out and BUY the DVD. The Bay is generally for people who are technically saavy and dont freak out when the software doesnt work right out of the box. No offense........ and not being a hater. just keeping it real.

helmohhe (2011-08-03)

Hey! Thnx a lot! :-)
But I'm a teacher and need some material. Can you also get JUST the music.....? :-)

mrshutcherson (2011-12-30)

zumba is actually really fun...its a good way to exercise and have a laugh at yourself aswell as dancing

April25 (2012-09-18)

Does a hog like Hogzar not realize that when he's sitting there LOLOLing like some retarded chucklehead just how stupid he looks? He probably is sitting in his mother's basement, picking his boogers and thinks the transgenders on Jasmine actually are interested in him. What a gross turd he is.


1. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/Torrent downloaded from 58 bytes
2. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
3. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/Zumba basics/VIDEO_TS.BUP 8.00 Kb
4. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/Zumba basics/VIDEO_TS.IFO 8.00 Kb
5. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/Zumba basics/VTS_01_0.BUP 66.00 Kb
6. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/Zumba basics/VTS_01_0.IFO 66.00 Kb
7. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/Zumba basics/VTS_01_0.VOB 57.68 Mb
8. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/Zumba basics/VTS_01_1.VOB 1024.00 Mb
9. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/Zumba basics/VTS_01_2.VOB 1024.00 Mb
10. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/Zumba basics/VTS_01_3.VOB 1024.00 Mb
11. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/Zumba basics/VTS_01_4.VOB 453.84 Mb
12. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/Zumba basics/VTS_02_0.BUP 18.00 Kb
13. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/Zumba basics/VTS_02_0.IFO 18.00 Kb
14. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/Zumba basics/VTS_02_0.VOB 32.00 Kb
15. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/Zumba basics/VTS_02_1.VOB 14.00 Kb
16. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba cardio/VIDEO_TS.BUP 8.00 Kb
17. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba cardio/VIDEO_TS.IFO 8.00 Kb
18. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba cardio/VTS_01_0.BUP 90.00 Kb
19. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba cardio/VTS_01_0.IFO 90.00 Kb
20. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba cardio/VTS_01_0.VOB 59.44 Mb
21. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba cardio/VTS_01_1.VOB 1024.00 Mb
22. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba cardio/VTS_01_2.VOB 1024.00 Mb
23. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba cardio/VTS_01_3.VOB 1024.00 Mb
24. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba cardio/VTS_01_4.VOB 853.37 Mb
25. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba cardio/VTS_02_0.BUP 18.00 Kb
26. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba cardio/VTS_02_0.IFO 18.00 Kb
27. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba cardio/VTS_02_0.VOB 32.00 Kb
28. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba cardio/VTS_02_1.VOB 14.00 Kb
29. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba sculpt/zumba sculpt/VIDEO_TS.BUP 8.00 Kb
30. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba sculpt/zumba sculpt/VIDEO_TS.IFO 8.00 Kb
31. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba sculpt/zumba sculpt/VTS_01_0.BUP 40.00 Kb
32. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba sculpt/zumba sculpt/VTS_01_0.IFO 40.00 Kb
33. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba sculpt/zumba sculpt/VTS_01_0.VOB 57.94 Mb
34. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba sculpt/zumba sculpt/VTS_01_1.VOB 1024.00 Mb
35. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba sculpt/zumba sculpt/VTS_01_2.VOB 987.95 Mb
36. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba sculpt/zumba sculpt/VTS_02_0.BUP 18.00 Kb
37. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba sculpt/zumba sculpt/VTS_02_0.IFO 18.00 Kb
38. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba sculpt/zumba sculpt/VTS_02_0.VOB 32.00 Kb
39. Zumba het complete Pakket! 3 DVD S/zumba pakket/zumba sculpt/zumba sculpt/VTS_02_1.VOB 14.00 Kb