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PGP 6.5.8 Encrypt Decrypt Sign Verify Win 98 2000 XP (others) Fu
PGP 6.5.8 Encrypt Decrypt Sign Verify Win 98 2000 XP (others) Fu
2008-01-28 (by seagines)
Esta semilla estar�¡ disponible durante todo 2008 y 2009 al menos
(pero mi computadora no est�¡ siempre conectada. Si aparentemente
no hay ninguna semilla esperen con su cliente abierto y la tendr�¡n
We are a community, remember to seed (this or other file) and wait.
PGP 6.5.8
Encrypt, decrypt, sign & verify files
with version in most Win plattformsPGP 658 Es una versi�³n freeware de PGP que proporciona la funcionalidad de encriptar y desencriptar archivos firmarlos y verificarlos.
Hago este .torrent a comienzo de 2008 porque buscando esta versi�³n
u otra que fincionase en windows 98 no la he encontrado facilemnte
disponible y es �ºtil para cifrar conversaciones por MSN y otras aplicaciones.
El archivo de firma (.sig) es original de esta versi�³n freeware que fue
bajada del sitio de Network Associates que era la empresa que lo comercializaba en ese momento.
Lamentablemente, no he visto aÃ?ºn la llave original de firma del producto en los servidores pÃ?ºblicos, pero habrÃ?Âa que probar en el servidor del MIT...
Esta versi�³n no viene con PGP Disk, sirve para Win 98, 2000, XP (y creo que win 95) Idioma Ingl�©s
Disfrutenla, compartan y siembren por favor. Yo lo hago porque mucho
he recibido de las redes P2P, y seguramente Uds tambien...
Mario, Montevideo; 2008 01 27
Be almost sure this seed will be available all 2008 and 2009
(but my computer in not always connected, if you want it ,
start the task and wait...You will have it !!!
We are a comunity, remember to seed (this or other file) for all of us!
PGP 6.5.8
Encrypt, decrypt, sign & verify files
with version in most Win plattforms
PGP 658 Its a freeware version of PGP with the functionality of encrypt decrypt sign and verify files.
I make this .torrent at the begining of 2008 because I was searching for a win 98 version and didn\'t foundit with ease. There are interesting applications you can run using this PGP version instead of the newer ones.
In example with other apps, you can have your MSN conversations ciphered! (And not with the newer versions of PGP)
The signature file (.sig) is the original of this freeware version downloaded from the Network Associates site. (I have found the CD in the bottom of my garage)
I didn\'t found in the public keyservers the signature of the issuer (perhaps you can try the MIT site); but if you found it you will know that its an original PGP
This version does not come with PG disk. Runs on Win 98, 2000, NT, XP, and newer
versions I think it also runs on Win95. Language English
Enjoy and also seed, this or other interesting files...
Understand we are a comunity...
Mario, Montevideo Uruguay 2008,01,27
If you download the torrent and the file is not avilable, please wait
because I expect to seed the file during all 2008 and 2009;
but my computer is not connected all the time! Please wait with the task open
and you will have it!
... SEED!!! SEED!!! SEED!!! SEED!!! ...
Files count:
7.79 Mb