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Tom Cruise Scientology Home Videos






Tom Cruise Scientology Home Videos




2008-01-16 (by CoSFootBullet)


All of these were banned and blocked off YouTube by the Crazy Cult of Scientology. Will the internet or $cientology win???? Let the truth be known and the information be free!!!! These should all work with Media Player 10 or 11. Part 1: Intro - Cruise's doppleganger, David "The Dwarf" Miscavige does his best Dale-Carnegie Dance. EMBEDDED VIDEO #1: YANKED OFF A SERVER BY SCIENTOLOGY Part 2: The Biggest Movie Star In The World! Description: Certain statements stand out in this interview. "Why ask permission?" asks Cruise. "We are the authorities." This attitude puts a certain perspective on Scientology activities. After 9/11 Scientology disrupted rescue efforts by barging across barricades meant to keep the public out of danger at Ground Zero. In Beslan, authorities had to physically remove Scientology Volunteer Ministers that were harassing grief-stricken parents and teachers following a terrorist attack on a public school that left over 300 children dead. After the shootings at Virginia Tech, set up their yellow tent in the center of the campus and began trying to recruit the vulnerable survivors of this tragedy. There is a great deal of Scientology Hype surrounding 9/11. Tom Cruise and Scientology swiftly moved to take advantage of the tragedy, and there was a great deal of media coverage of his presence at the opening of the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Program. Unfortunately, the detox program introduced is scientifically unproven and a potentially dangerous process. This same program is used by Narconon -- another Scientology front-group targeting drug addicts and their families. EMBEDDED VIDEO #2: YANKED OFF SERVER BY SCIENTOLOGY Part 3: Tom Cruise: Scientology's Biggest Tool Description: "For once," says Cruise, "we have the whole track. We have the tools we can apply to ourselves and apply to others. You know the tech and you apply it correctly and it's KSW." This is an excellent example of Scientology's internal jargon - words that make sense only to another Scientologist. "Whole Track" refers to your entire history; not only in this lifetime, but all your past lives. However, Scientologists are not allowed to discuss this in public. It would be very awkward if two Adolph Hitlers were to meet each other in this lifetime. EMBEDDED VIDEO #3: YANKED OFF A SERVER BY SCIENTOLOGY Part 4: Tom Cruise on Psychiatry: "Go to guns!" Description: Cruise reserves his most vituperative prose for the mental health industry, and psychiatry in particular. In this clip, his speech turns violent, with references like, "crush these guys," and, "go to guns." "Go to guns" is a fighter pilot term. Tom Cruise is not a fighter pilot, but he did play one in a movie. EMBEDDED VIDEO #4: YANKED OFF A SERVER BY SCIENTOLOGY Part 5: Tom Cruise: "I am a Scientologist" Description: Okayyy.... EMBEDDED VIDEO #5: YANKED OFF A SERVER BY SCIENTOLOGY Part 6: Tom Cruise: In the Corridors of Power Description: A star-studded Worldwide Mission: Impossible EMBEDDED VIDEO #6: YANKED OFF A SERVER BY SCIENTOLOGY Part 7: Tom Cruise's Mind on Tom Cruise: Scientologist In this, the most mind-bendingly bizarre clip in the collection, you will notice the actor's most maniacal grin, reserved for his anecdote about being asked, "Have you ever met an SP?" He bares his over-sized teeth and expresses a yearning for the day when SPs are extinct. "SP" stands for Suppressive Person, and, if you are reading this, Tom Cruise wants you dead. EMBEDDED VIDEO #7: YANKED OFF A SERVER BY SCIENTOLOGY


  1. scientology

Files count:



110.00 Mb




tomcruise2 (2008-01-16)

Part 4 and part 7 are the same clip.

theholefiller (2008-01-21)

downloaded ok, but WMP kept crashing, anyone got them on .wmv?

theevildonkey (2008-02-29)

description sounds interesting. I'm downloading it now. If it's any good I'll host them on my webservers.

Madcatw (2008-12-10)

What an arrogant little pissant. Who does he think he is ... Landru?

metaliica (2009-02-16)

Tom criuse you could have been a good star, but o shit you are a fuck up!!

jrrox (2009-06-23)

Hey guys im new to this uploading stuff, but i have over 80 gigs of available music to upload and have no idea how to do it, now mind you they are all discographies, and i had the pleasure of downloading them but will not take credit for the work put into getting to the point of where they are at, so if someone could explain how to upload them that would be awesome