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Alan Wake [XBOX360] [MULTI9] [REGION FREE]




Games X-Box


Alan Wake [XBOX360] [MULTI9] [REGION FREE]




2010-05-04 (by thenoobish)


Abgx 360 picture: http://s40 radikal ru/i089/1005/b4/28904ed259cf.jpg (put . between the spaces) Fill the shoes of one Alan Wake, a man who makes his living from the terror of others as a best-selling suspense novelist. Trapped in the deceptively peaceful Washington town of Bright Falls, where he came to escape the trauma of losing his fiancée, Alan must piece together a mystery to prevent himself from being trapped inside a nightmarish world forever. An intense psychological thriller from Remedy, the creators of Max Payne, Alan Wake looks to raise the bar for future games, creating a true cinematic experience. Explore an expansive world filled with missions, unique puzzles, intense combat, and horrifying enemies. Dig into a twisting and multi-layered story filled with suspense, engaging characters, and shocking revelations.

Files count:



7475.57 Mb




manuuu2 (2010-05-04)

Is this the real thing?

ReaL_BadMaN (2010-05-04)

Yep this is legit.

neoandrew (2010-05-04)


mills007 (2010-05-04)

Does it work?? :P

dario1414 (2010-05-05)

thank man it work 100% and it took less then 2 hour to download

parth5800 (2010-05-05)

is the game good ? please tell fast

dario1414 (2010-05-05)

the game look great and sound good but the suck
for me

WhiteKnight841 (2010-05-05)

Ridiculously slow download speeds averaging 1kb a second due to lack of seeders and infinate amounts of leechers, although this is probably legit.

WhiteKnight841 (2010-05-05)

extremely slow download speeds averaging 1kb a second, looks legit though

Mamba4ever (2010-05-05)

It is on ABGX but says it is nuked

Varish88 (2010-05-05)

Works great for me. The gameplay is really creepy some times.

WaIIIIE (2010-05-05)

There is no autofix for this yet. It said stealth was still uncertain.

geo0160 (2010-05-05)

I have been waiting to play this game before the Xbox 360 was even released & now that its out....It better be AMAZING...

dario1414 (2010-05-05)

the download for me was 500kb per sec

xiIix (2010-05-05)

Fuck, it's times like this I wish I chipped my box. This is in-fucking-sane. I remember back in the day when we could get DVD screeners like two months before it hit theaters, but this game is quite the vaporware legend, and I can't believe it's leaked this early - nay, here AT ALL. How long was this in the pipeline for, again? It took them forever to develop this, and I remember at first it was going to be for PC. I remember a demo they put on showing it running on a pre-fab quad to show the engines' support for multi-core processing. The one thing I remember most about that demo was the tornado, it was crazy. It was destroying/sucking up fences, cars and houses.
Then, out of nowhere, I check to see what's up with Alan Wake and all of the sudden it's an Xbox exclusive. I was pissed, but nonetheless it's here, and I'm definitely interested. Even if I do have to run it on my Xbox. Maybe it'll hit PC in a year or so. It'd be nice to see that engine hit the modding community.

Oztheboss (2010-05-05)

xiIix - it's pretty fucking nice :)

samljer (2010-05-05)

Playing this on a non-banned box is going to get it banned. playing any game before release is down right stupid as shit.

Denzil (2010-05-05)

Yeah playing this game now is pretty much inviting Microsoft to ban you. A day or so? Maybe, some stores break the street date and they'd have to jump through some hoops to prove it's illegit.
But a week before release date, mere hours/days after it's leaked? Yeah you're going to get fucked.

benjaminajacobs (2010-05-05)

Pro Tip: Don't play it while online.

xXxEddyxXx (2010-05-05)

I'm busy downloading and will be seeding for 24 hours.
I have a xbox 360 flashed with the latest firmware and have been playing copy games I buy from a friend for months now. Is there a tutorial anywhere on how I can burn this game ?
Thanx a lot...

xXxEddyxXx (2010-05-05)

Thanx a lot Dimmis80 . Looks good , Will give it a try when its finished downloading.
Thanx again....

Fr1k (2010-05-05)

not working for me
when i went to extract, i got an error "files not found"

ganjacooliman (2010-05-05)

can you play the game without getting banned, if you never play it on live?
the next time you go online, (without the game), your xbox won't get banned????

ganjacooliman (2010-05-05)

unpack the game
use IMGburn and drag/drop or open de .dvd file,
burn it 2.4x or 4x speed.

philmngan (2010-05-05)

does anyone know what wave this is?

ganjacooliman (2010-05-05)

all new games are wave 4

mortenmhp (2010-05-06)

lol :D all new games are wave 6 so far.. so I would guess this is too.

ppeku (2010-05-06)

Here's the deal: My Xbox decided to show me three lovely red lights so can't play with it. I have another xbox with Toshiba-Samsung drive. The drive has IX 1.61 firmware. As far as I know, 1.61 doesn't run the newest games, am I right? So is it possible to run this game with iXtreme 1.61 using activate disc or something?
Help is appreciated!

WaIIIIE (2010-05-06)

Stealth status is uncertain
Starting Verification
Looking for 42A0D7DEF79C4BE2.ini in the online verified database
There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
Verification failed
Starting AutoFix
Looking for Xex_F79C4BE2.ini in the online verified database
There is no verified rip of Xex CRC F79C4BE2 in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex
AutoFix Failed, Stealth is still uncertain
Is there someway around this, if so how do I fix it, or do I just have to wait for it to be verified on the database.

Damasterix (2010-05-06)

This version with Russian subtitles?

soro22 (2010-05-06)

got a disc error in 78,8..
so tryind someone else...

benjaminajacobs (2010-05-06)

I jsut wanted to come back after completing my first playthrough on normal difficulty. This game was amazing... immediately after finishing the playthrough, I went on amazon and preordered the LE. Guys seriosuly... if you like games that you play, please show the developers your love from within your wallet. Remedy deserves the money for this in my opinion.

PepitaK (2010-05-06)

Fails Abgx-check :(

ganjacooliman (2010-05-06)

use the active iso disk

ganjacooliman (2010-05-06)

its 100% working on my lite-on 838 ixtreme 1.6 with the active iso disk

PepitaK (2010-05-07)

Well, not working for me at all :(
Congrats to all who got it working :) Can't wait to play this!

ppeku (2010-05-07)

Thanks, got it to work!
This is the real deal guys, it definitely works. Still remember to support Remedy by buying the game.

zekks666 (2010-05-07)

still downloading....cant wait lol

mikels12 (2010-05-07)

hi can i just burn this with imgburn without any of the stealth checking etc i dont go xbox l;ive or owt so would it be just a case of flashing my xbox ?

wijie1993 (2010-05-07)

People please help me,
I have an unbanned xbox360 and I wanted to know that whether i would get banned if i play through the burned games without it being connected to live and then going live without using burned disks? I played through a couple of games this way and still safe, but it was before Micro$oft staarted banning like hel......

ganjacooliman (2010-05-07)

stealth check fails and its not able to patch it yet, so just burn it with img burn, if you want to play it now.
you need a flashed 360 for every game you download.

ganjacooliman (2010-05-07)

if you play it offline before the release.
then if you connect after the release without this game you get banned
i heard they can see something like save game date's or other stuff, don't now for sure. but i'll take that risk.

wijie1993 (2010-05-07)

so it's cool if i play offline after release?

ganjacooliman (2010-05-07)

yes you can play it offline safe after release, for online you have to stealth patch it first, with acgx.

WhiteKnight841 (2010-05-08)

The game loads and plays fine. A tip for anyone having trouble playing wave 4 games with older i xtreme firmare is to remove your consoles hard drive at the side and use a smaller 30mb memory card to save your games with. disconnecting the hard drive will skip ixtreme security checks and stop error messages that often say "disc is unreadable" and prevent you from loading the game.

bejace (2010-05-09)

I'm hoping to see the CE disc on here at some point.

cinogen (2010-05-09)

How can anyone be sure that this is not a review copy that MS has relevant data in.
This way, people will play it, no matter what abgx says, and they will ban you.
Isn't abgx updates and verifies from copies such as this?
This way it will verify this copy which MS knows about and will potentially cause bans!!
Am i wrong?

Raulitium (2010-05-09)

FOR F***K SAKE SEED GUYS !!! this is insane, i am downloading this game at 10kb/s !!!! and i have a 10Mb/s internet conection !!!

wijie1993 (2010-05-09)

thanx for te help

ladybugga (2010-05-09)

Oh come on! SEED guys, SEED. Nobody is getting this torrent this speed until christmas!

egozi44 (2010-05-09)

so there is someone here who finish the whole game so far and not get banned as well ? : P just so we know that everything allright
through i dont really care about the ban case i have iextreme 1.7 LT and all so far working for me :P
and i not use live anyway xD

egozi44 (2010-05-09)

so there is anyone here who finish the whole game and everything work for him?
and not get banned too?
well actually i not care about the ban thing case i not use Live anyway xD
and i have ixtreme 1.7LT so everything allright : )

newfie_pride (2010-05-10)

works perfect, thanks uploader.

ganjacooliman (2010-05-10)

i finished the game 2 days ago, awesome game.
didn t set the calander to 14th of may
or delete the save game.
i did not get banned, i play other games on live every day.
i'll delete my save game today,
if you check the game list you don't see any date of games. don't know if M$ can see the date.
i will post it here 14th of may,
banned or not banned for playing this backup offline before release.

fossil79 (2010-05-10)

Hello everyone,I have ixtreme and Lost Planet 2 is ok ssv1 version, Alan Wake is ssv2 version ,after the first chapter or (half an hour) when need to load disk error appears,what must I do please help

jahem1980 (2010-05-10)

I'm new to the games, what kind of disc do I have to burn this to? Where's the best place to get'em, and what kind of burner do I use and in what mode? I have aone movie maker and cheetah dvd burner and windows dvd maker.

fossil79 (2010-05-11)

Thanks Dimmis80 dvd is ok.2 dvd Alan Wake and do not go.I had problems with Bad Company 2. What all do I need to after dawnload Alan Wake before recording the game once again thanks

anansc83 (2010-05-11)

please help!
I've downloaded the game, written it with ImgBurn, everithing was ok, but when i insert the DL into 360, the game doesn't work.
It appears on the screen XBOX 360
This is the first time it happens to me, to not work! :((

zekks666 (2010-05-11)

yaaa man.....working 100%....thnx alot..will seed..bcuz sharing is good!!!!!!!!11

zekks666 (2010-05-11)

@ didnt fail man....i was playing this game from last week

meatheadrhino (2010-05-11)

10/10 , Thanks dude awesome!!!!!

hwaire (2010-05-11)

come on bring on the red dead retribution

iGrant (2010-05-12)

I'm getting the real copy of this tomorrow, its gonna be fucking awesome.

r0ckizta (2010-05-12)

help burned a copy of this iso but when i try to play it it freeze on microsoft logo

enyceexdanny (2010-05-13)

If your friend is selling you burned games, he's not really your friend.

enkoo (2010-05-13)

cant get this one to work guys, what am i doing wrong?? how do i burn this on a mac?? please help..

amarrulz (2010-05-14)

thnx for the it done in 3 days at an avge speed of 30 will seed for atleast 2 weeks...
is someone kind enough to plz tell me how to update x box 360(go pro)...cauz as i try to play some games in it , it only shows logo of xbox 360 and shows an option to play dvd....
plz do tell complete procedure on how to update the same...

jkidd89 (2010-05-14)

Hey guys, A couple of questions.
I have a banned console, has latest FW. I've never downloaded a game for torrent. I pay someone to download the games and do it for me.
Since my console is banned, Do I skip the step to stealth check it? Do I just burn the .dvd file onto the DL? any tips will help.

enkoo (2010-05-14)

yes i did, do i have to stelth patch the game to? to witch wave??

Nebbles (2010-05-15)

can someone give me the 411 on how to put these on disc so i can play them on the xbox.
plz and ty

marisdark (2010-05-15)

man im trying to dowload this fking nice game, but nobody is seeding -.-
cmon connect all so i can get this lovely game ! :)

marisdark (2010-05-15)

hmm 2kb dowload -.-

amarrulz (2010-05-15)

sorry to say uploader but it didn't work for me...even when written at 1x speed...

marisdark (2010-05-15)

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmm this game is the shiiiiiiiit of da shiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt
i love it
thanks brooooooooooooooooooooooo

trulsp0r (2010-05-16)

Okey, i cant understand this thing : !!!
I have mod my x360. I have a dvd burner that i know working and i have burn many hundred games before. i use DVD+DL (dual layer) x8 verbatim to burn the game. I have downloaded many games, before its working 100% prosent and now i do the same and it will not working!:( i unpack the rar file and burn the dvd.file with img.burn or clone cd. the layer breaker code is the right number and after i have burn a game and i put it in my x360 it just like a empty dvd. can somebody PLEASE tell me what its wrong? it is the cd`s or what? I will be so thankful if somebody help!! i will pay money to the man that help me with this problem! please write

trulsp0r (2010-05-16)

Okey, i cant understand this!
I have mod my x360. I have a dvd burner that i know working and i have burn many hundred games before. i use DVD+DL (dual layer) x8 verbatim to burn the game. I have downloaded many games, before its working 100% prosent and now i do the same and it will not working!:( i unpack the rar file and burn the dvd.file with img.burn or clone cd. the layer breaker code is the right number and after i have burn a game and i put it in my x360 it just like a empty dvd. can somebody PLEASE tell me what its wrong? it is the cd`s or what? I will be so thankful if somebody help!! i will pay money to the man that help me with this problem! please write

trulsp0r (2010-05-16)

I also write with 2,4x. can anybody please tell me what its wrong??? :)

ElectroRob (2010-05-16)

Is it german?

marisdark (2010-05-16)

ok i tested it in my xbox 360 flashed and no error, really nice game tho, nice efects, i think its better than final fantasy 13.
thanks the noobish u are really kind of giving us a nice game like this.

marisdark (2010-05-16)

trulsp0r, did u cheeck the ping number in img burn to write for xbox 360 dual dvd?

marisdark (2010-05-16)

btw i ll seed for 1 or 2 weeks
cya guys

trulsp0r (2010-05-18)

marisdark: what u mean with ping code? do you mean layerbreaker? and yes the layerbreaker is 1913760.

trulsp0r (2010-05-19)

Okey, i cant understand this!
I have mod my x360. I have a dvd burner that i know working and i have burn many hundred games before. i use DVD+DL (dual layer) x8 verbatim dvd`s to burn the game. I have downloaded many games, before its working 100% prosent and now i do the same and it will not working!:( i unpack the rar file and burn the dvd.file with img.burn or clone cd in wrigth speed 2.4x. the layer breaker code is 1913760, and after i have burn a game and i put it in my x360 it just like a empty dvd. can somebody PLEASE tell me what its wrong? it is the cd`s or what? I will be so thankful if somebody help!!! please write

freshtorrents (2010-05-19)

Okay so I downloaded all these files but what do I do now?

trulsp0r (2010-05-19)

thank u for answer bujaaaa. games i downloaded in 2009 workin fine, but after 2010 nothing had worked. so maybe it is the firmware? can you tell me how i update it? :) is this job easy?

condim (2010-05-20)

Thanks for upload! Great game, works perfectly, burned with imgburn @ 4x with imation disc

freshtorrents (2010-05-20)


freshtorrents (2010-05-20)

no it is not possible this is for xbox 360, the only way i can think about u playing it on a pc is if you get an xbox 360 emulator for ur pc

condim (2010-05-20)

freshtorrents - you are the biggest idiot of the week, possibly the month.

WatermanInk (2010-05-20)

Buy it.

meccs (2010-05-22)

Game partition CRC does not match the verified ini!

BdoggRAY (2010-05-22)

is your firmware able to play new wave games, or you need the activate disc to play them or your gonna have 2 convert the game to 3rd wave in order to play it

chatz69 (2010-05-24)

i unzip the 40 files and then appears an 7.3gb zip files...It includes 3 new files but i can't find the iso...What sould i do?

L4TERALUS (2010-05-28)

for everyone that is unclear on what to do...
1. mod your xbox - of course you have to do this, no copied games will work without this step.
2. unzip the 40 files or whatever by using winzip or 7zip or whatever. (you have to unzip the ...part01.rar or the one that ends in rar if there are a bunch that dont end in rar)
3. now you have an iso and a .dvd file. use a program called abgx360 on the iso. (this makes the game stealth so you can play on xbox live without getting caught)
4. use a program like imgburn to write it on a DL DVD-R* (write at a slow speed to avoid errors)
*DL DVD-R is important. it is a Dual Layer dvd. the game wont fit on a regular dvd-r

gameFunner (2010-05-30)


jogfsovt (2010-06-01)

Game works 100%. Thanks, thenoobish. Your downloads are always good.
-- Note to new downloaders --
Just run it through abgx360 for SSv2 and DMI like any other game. YES, you need to flash your Xbox before you can play this or ANY backup game. If you don't know how to mod your Xbox, search Google or read the Jungleflasher tutorials. It's a bit more complicated than someone could tell you in a comment box.

DjIpalo (2010-06-01)

works perfect! thx

TheLihiZ (2010-06-03)

thanks! game is awesome!

aaaaa34 (2010-06-08)

I'm having a problem with this game, it shows up in the dashboard but when I'm going to play it freezes. Screen is black.
I also tried to install it on the HDD but it said it couldn't read the disk once it reached at 50%.
I think did everything right. Why is this happening?

meatheadrhino (2010-06-10)

Awesome as always 10/10 !!!

beerswagger2007 (2010-06-12)

wrked great burned it with img burn on a cheep ass memorex dvd+r dl thanks

freshtorrents (2010-06-17)

error in winrar
! H:\AlanWake\Alan Wake.part01.rar: Packed data CRC failed in Alan_Wake.iso. The volume is corrupt
! H:\AlanWake\Alan Wake.part02.rar: The archive is either in unknown format or damaged

freshtorrents (2010-06-17)

Nevermind I figured out the problem, the torrent is good. Thanks uploader

radarghost (2010-06-17)

my first burned DVD did not work actually when i put DVD into device ,xbox shows xbox logo and dvd player controller. so I decided to patch it from Waves4 to Waves3. since my xbox never had problem with Waves3 game and i don't care if my xbox get banned. and after patching and burning that it WORKED. :))))))
used the following patcher on piratebay:

and finished the game in 3 days. one of the best games i ever played.
thanks to uploader.

radarghost (2010-06-17)

and... if i had money i would definitely bought this game to support 2 years art of work by Remedy.

partyhardyboy (2010-06-28)

Could someone please seed this! i am downloading at 7.8Kb/s.....

KungFuKane (2010-07-09)

Little help for a rookie please. What kind of dvd do I burn this to and will Nero work or do I need another program?

jyndo (2010-07-18)

Can i use the TDK DVD+R DL to burn this game ??
(my english is bad)

jyndo (2010-07-18)

Can i use the TDK DVD+R DL to burn this game ??

broker209 (2010-07-25)

ok - duh - tpb newbie here. can i play these games on my xbox or does my xbox need to be hashed/modified?

Lionuser1 (2010-07-27)

thenoobish congratulations!! Very good torrent.

SamuDeAur (2010-07-29)

Damn, this is among the best! i bet you play this game at Midnight! =3

mizZy216 (2010-08-03)

Answer to Most Questions:
Q: Do I Need a Moded/Flashed Xbox 360 to play this?
A: Yes you will need one of these
Q: What Can I Burn this On?
A: DVD+R DL Disc, I recommend Verbatim.
Q: What Program Can I Use to Burn this?
A: I Recommend ImgBurn which is free. Press the first button on it and put the Write Speed at 2x to get the best working burn. Burn/Write the .DVD File not the ISO with ImgBurn.

y4944060 (2010-08-07)

seed plz
1.3kb/s with

drunknecro (2010-08-08)

this is ridiculous please seed turn up your upload speed people this is supposed to be a sharing site if eveyone turned down there upload speed like you people we wouldnt have shite for weeks ! i used to be able to get a game in 7 hours now it seems to take 2-3 days seems to be the norm now

drunknecro (2010-08-08)

this is a sharing site turn your upload speeds up ! if everyone turned there down we wouldnt have shite .i used to be able to download at 400-500 kb now it seems to go at 1-50 kb absolutely ridiculous.please everybody do there part and turn it up

drunknecro (2010-08-08)

thank you now getting 300 kb much better

drunknecro (2010-08-08)

thankyou getting 300 kb now much better

drunknecro (2010-08-08)

come on 350 kb back down to 10 please seed and turn your settings up, i do

drunknecro (2010-08-08)

seriously people upload and seed please , turn your settings up,this is not supposed to be like this was getiing 350 kb earlier now getting 20 with all these seeders and leechers should be going quicker !!!!

salazar_g92 (2010-08-09)


beerswagger2007 (2010-08-19)

this games isnt very good.

shorterhawk (2010-08-27)

Can someone help me out?
I used abgx and then used imgburn to burn the game. The game was playing fine when the screen went black. It does this at different times of the game. Did I do something wrong.

LULZ_RJ (2010-08-28)

is this stealthed correctly? Don't wanna get banned. =]

TheTriib4l (2010-09-15)

GUYS PLEASE SEED IT UP BIG its going pretty slow thanks

TheTriib4l (2010-09-16)

great download all works fine

tauro202 (2010-10-27)

TO ALL NOOBS!! If you have any question about any part of how to burn, patch or extract xbox games, or about modding the console why not google it. Even you tube has very helpful step by step guides. You can find out aeverything you need or want to know right on the spot. WHY THE FUCK annoy others filling up the the comment section with questions that have nothing to do with the game. The vids you will find on YouTube were made ESPECIALLY JUST FOR YOUUUUUUU!!!!! oh for you noobs thats and since you must not have known....

mastakilta (2010-11-29)

I've already wasted 2 dvds on this. Checked it with abgx360, everything turned up fine, then while burning I get an burning error at the end, so the DVD is unreadable for the xbox :/ I used CloneCD for burning. Any clues?

nesquikac (2010-12-17)

It is not downloading even 100kbps

fmlydde101 (2011-02-15)

Alot of people who download from this site dont seed..if you want speed on your torrents and are willing to seed then just join a private tracker.

mrnexus (2011-02-27)


sami8519 (2011-03-22)

I downloaded the game but unfortunately both part 39 and 40 are empty. Please help me how to fix that. Thanks.

hongsydney (2011-05-10)

Guys, please let me know if i can play this game on PC with any Software Emulator such as CXBX,Xenon. Thanks

konicus (2011-07-05)

seeeeed pls

babbleM (2011-10-06)

this works. thanks!

berrics1337 (2011-10-22)

flash to at leat 1.9 (XBL safe?)
buy some damn dual layer discs ($20)Verbatim
head over to if you need any damn help
enjoy your free games fuckers

fallengun04 (2012-01-19)

Game works properly guys. My console is NTSC. :D

TheNemmy (2012-02-15)

PC version has been released.

boleplissken (2012-03-23)

Thank you very much! keep up the good work.

P_Greezy (2012-11-04)

This game works perfectly on lt 3.0!

punkfreak123 (2013-07-14)

They are still watching this game, got a copyright notice the next day after downloading by Comcast


1. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part01.rar 190.73 Mb
2. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part02.rar 190.73 Mb
3. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part03.rar 190.73 Mb
4. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part04.rar 190.73 Mb
5. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part05.rar 190.73 Mb
6. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part06.rar 190.73 Mb
7. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part07.rar 190.73 Mb
8. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part08.rar 190.73 Mb
9. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part09.rar 190.73 Mb
10. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part10.rar 190.73 Mb
11. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part11.rar 190.73 Mb
12. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part12.rar 190.73 Mb
13. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part13.rar 190.73 Mb
14. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part14.rar 190.73 Mb
15. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part15.rar 190.73 Mb
16. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part16.rar 190.73 Mb
17. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part17.rar 190.73 Mb
18. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part18.rar 190.73 Mb
19. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part19.rar 190.73 Mb
20. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part20.rar 190.73 Mb
21. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part21.rar 190.73 Mb
22. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part22.rar 190.73 Mb
23. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part23.rar 190.73 Mb
24. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part24.rar 190.73 Mb
25. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part25.rar 190.73 Mb
26. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part26.rar 190.73 Mb
27. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part27.rar 190.73 Mb
28. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part28.rar 190.73 Mb
29. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part29.rar 190.73 Mb
30. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part30.rar 190.73 Mb
31. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part31.rar 190.73 Mb
32. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part32.rar 190.73 Mb
33. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part33.rar 190.73 Mb
34. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part34.rar 190.73 Mb
35. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part35.rar 190.73 Mb
36. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part36.rar 190.73 Mb
37. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part37.rar 190.73 Mb
38. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part38.rar 190.73 Mb
39. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part39.rar 190.73 Mb
40. AlanWake/Alan Wake.part40.rar 36.91 Mb