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Camtasia Studio 7.0.0 + Serials & Keygen - DivXNL-team




Software PC


Camtasia Studio 7.0.0 + Serials & Keygen - DivXNL-team




2010-06-13 (by Koedje)


Camtasia Studio 7 Camtasia Studio 7 van Techsmith is de screenrecorder voor het opnemen van handelingen met geluid van de Windows desktop, waarna deze worden opgeslagen als AVI-film of als HD-streaming video. Camtasia Studio 7 bevat alle gereedschappen voor de zakelijke en educatieve sector om deze video’s professioneel te bewerken voor gebruik bij interactieve training, technische ondersteuning, product demonstraties, verkooppresentaties, opnemen van lessen en online cursussen. Wat is er nieuw in versie 7 1. Eye-grabbing media assets – De nieuwe bibliotheek ziet vol met professioneel ontworpen intro’s, titels, animaties en muziektracks van Digital Juice 2. Sketch motion callouts - Geanimeerde vormen die lijken te zijn geschetst op de video – een geweldige manier om aandacht te “trekken” voor belangrijke details op het scherm! 3. Assets library – Teams kunnen eigen elementen maken, delen en hergebruiken -- binnen een serie van video’s of binnen een gehele organisatie 4. Copy and paste – Hergebruiken van overgangen, zooms en andere effecten—kopiëren en plakken naar een andere plaats op de tijdlijn of toevoegen aan de bibliotheek 5. Precision volume controls - Het volume van een audio track hoger en lager stellen op elke willkeurige plaats op de video, door eenvoudige controls op de tijdlijn 6.upload - HD-kwaliteit video’s maken en uploaden naarzonder Camtasia Studio te verlaten Omschrijving Camtasia Studio is de meest complete professionele oplossing voor het opnemen, bewerken en delen van hoge kwaliteit screenvideo's op het web, CD-ROM en draagbare mediaspelers, including iPod. Op een eenvoudige manier opnames maken van het computerscherm, PowerPoint presentaties, meerdere geluidstracks, en webcam video's om boeiende training video's, screencasts, en presentaties te maken van achter uw bureau. Met de kracht van interactieve Camtasia Studio video's, levert u hoge kwaliteit content af op elk willekeurig moment, naar elke willekeurige plaats op de wereld. reach anyone, anytime (graphic)Opnemen, bewerken en delen! Met Camtasia Studio blijft u bij in de mobiele wereld door het publiceren van video's en MP3-bestanden voor iPod en andere mediaspelers. Uw marketing boodschap, screencast, of just-in-time training video bereiken uw publiek practisch overal – in de trein, in een coffeeshop, of bij het joggen. Camtasia Studio video's zijn eenvoudig weg gemaakt om te delen. Systeemvereisten Windows XP, Vista en Windows 7 DirectX 9 of hoger 1 GB RAM ( 2GB RAM of meer aanbevolen) 500 MB vrije ruimte op harde schijf voor installatie Officiële Camtasia site:


  1. camtasia studio 7.0.0 koedje

Files count:



165.73 Mb




jmcbride1983 (2010-08-15)

Works great. Thanks.

ZeRaWaKH (2010-08-16)

This is the real deal alright. Anyone know of a better program though? The non-low-level approach of this software disgusts me thoroughly. It seems to be impossible to bypass the temp folder and capture directly into the destination file. And even though I had 7 GB on my System drive (where the Temp folder is also located) and I used another HD (4 GB free) for saving the final capture file, it complained about insufficient disk space after capping 2 minutes of huffYUV 628x512@30 FPS with 44,1kHz/16bit stereo PCM audio. Two minutes of that does NOT take 4 GB.
I'd use VirtualDub but defining a custom capture area by drawing a rectangle is a really useful feature. If they only added a magnifier for further inspection about whether or not every pixel that needs to be included will be included.

youngbloodzz__ (2010-08-18)

werkt perfect ;) bedankt

peacemaster (2010-08-18)

You could also try hypercam

Lucky_Luke007 (2010-08-21)

Is this english?

AFinalDate (2010-09-27)

Hypercam is terrible imho. Thanks for the upload.

JVoco. (2010-09-30)

Great torrent, thanks a ton, completely legit

montrel (2010-10-06)

Great torrent. works fine and clean.

pixelperu (2010-10-17)

@ ZeRaWaKH en 2010-08-16 14:02 CET:
download this from

Have a nice time

Tony_28wl (2010-10-28)

downloadin now, hope it works. man, hypercam FAILS!

Tony_28wl (2010-10-29)

i try and open it and it wont open. why?

lowojames (2010-11-06)

because you want to not open it and then it opens :D

Straydog1st (2010-11-14)

Keygen and keys no longer work. And why repeat the keys of the keygen on a separate file? What for?

Vb08H4x (2010-11-20)

So does this still work ?

dawe10 (2010-11-26)

Thank you! This program is great!

AlexVance (2010-12-03)

Can anyone please instruct me on how to install this in English..? everything is in German and I can't understand what to do!
Please help!

gravufo (2010-12-05)

Thanks a lot for this, works great!

gravufo (2010-12-05)

Thanks a lot, works great!

telecomsearch (2010-12-06)

First KeyGen serial number generated worked! Thank you!
You might also download most recent English version from TechSmith/Camtasia web site (currently 7.0.1) and then input KeyGen serial number into Trial/Purchase window that immediately displays upon opening program.

telecomsearch (2010-12-06)

This language is Dutch. You may convert to English by using Yahoo! Babel Fish at
Additionally, if this version of Camtasia is in Dutch, simply download trial version from TechSmith web site. Generated KeyGen serial number will work just as well.

iepurasulbugs (2010-12-08)

thanks Koedje.. works like a charm :)

shipwrecks (2010-12-12)

Super! great torrent thanks

Meh98 (2010-12-19)

Thanks, this is the best torrent i've seen ;D

imapiratetoo (2010-12-30)

it works..idk why people are having problems lol

srdjansoc (2011-01-02)

Thanks a lot! Works great!

brendan91 (2011-01-21)

Great Fast Download.
Not in english, though anyone with half a brain can figure out that the file "Instructies + Serials" contains instructions and serial numbers. Basically you just copy the serial number and use it when asked for while installing the program.
The program itself is in english if any of you are wondering.
Thank you.

Ratmanslim (2011-02-04)

Well, to all the doubters out there: It works perfectly

sjur_kv (2011-02-13)

Thanks! works great!

w.wiggins (2011-02-20)

can anyone tell me the name i should use. my AV keeps deleting the keygen (not a virus, just a false positive).

AsnN1gga (2011-02-22)

1. Install Camtasia when prompted for a serial use the keygen or any of the following serials:
2. After he is done you can start right away!
Note that the program is in English!

Hackers_inc (2011-03-20)

This better work man!

Hackers_inc (2011-03-20)

This shit better work man!

diehard3j (2011-04-04)

1. Install Camtasia when prompted for a serial use the keygen or any of the following serials:
2. After he is done you can start right away!
Note that the program is in English!

Frailty2008 (2011-04-05)

Whoa Faastes Download ive ever seen And look it just finished (:

NuggetHax (2011-04-18)


azer000 (2011-04-18)

I'm stuck at 'installing library assets', it won't do anything after that,even though the time remaining is 0 seconds, help plz.

Driehoek (2011-04-27)

Great torrent!
Works exellent!

lilmikkey (2011-05-02)


devilboy155p (2011-05-15)

lol english version please?
works great though, didn't even use the keygen.exe just poped in the CD key

devilboy155p (2011-05-15)

it works fine... but it doesn't record my desktop. just records my system sounds with a black screen.... may be a graphics card issue, seeing as how i have a chipset and a gaming card

Kenji1926 (2011-05-19)

Thanks for seeding, i've downloaded this in 2 min and 23 s (avg. 1.2mb/s)
Thanks a lot, i will be seeding for a time!

Kelvinboy (2011-05-28)

Help !!!The Instalation Stuck When 2 Seconds Remaining ....Anyone know ? HELP Me Please !!

Kelvinboy (2011-05-28)

Help !!!The Instalation Stuck When 2 Seconds Remaining ....Is Anyone know ? HELP Me Please !!

PeJosKi (2011-06-03)

My torrent working camtasia latest version and new keys

fiorejerry (2011-06-16)

Great job!

jabwoy (2011-06-23)

Works great.. Instructions is not in English but program is in English.. Thanks..

Sasmariozeld (2011-07-09)

programs like this should come with windows

darkyslay (2011-07-14)

Another easy solutions is
1. goto
and download camtasia
2. when installing use any of the following serials and use any name u want

jawsmtv (2011-08-30)

thanx.... working flawless.... :-)

zCaptain (2011-09-06)

Thanks a lot for this torrent! But I can't record the sounds from my speakers because my audio driver wont support it!
Could you please upload Screen Recording Suite??

myared (2011-09-14)


Donnybob (2011-09-26)

Darkyslay my god you are a genious. I want your babies, even though science would say that it is impossible due to my lack of a uterus or any female reproductive organs for that matter.
Use darkyslay's post, the man or woman is a GOD

Kadanz (2011-10-03)

gay marriages aren'g illigal anymore donnybob :P you can adopt babies now too :D

ItsPete (2011-10-27)

PERFECT. The serials and instructions from darkyslay are right on. Cheers!

kamikazeR21 (2011-10-31)

thanks man.. i really need this and if its not free, my mom will kill me :)

anybloodyid (2012-01-22)

Still working with Darkyslay serials !

t-bone7of9 (2012-01-29)

The serials in the read me file are the same as darkslayer's. They work with any name!
Many thanks to the uploader! This software is exactly what I was looking for!!! and more! AWESOME!

anu24592 (2012-02-01)

does it work with windows 7??? plz reply

sexbagelsk8er (2012-02-26)

Works great! Just so you know notepad files are NOT in Spanish, but in Dutch... But overall the key generator and program all work as expected (:

MarticCRO (2012-02-26)

dont download have wirus Trojan pls!!

Miggle101 (2012-04-17)

You sir are a god amongst men, That worked like a fucking charm. Thanks dude, you kick ass.

PirateEm (2012-05-21)

Thanks darkyslay for the keys.
Due to the Camtasia creators giving out the full program as a trial, you might as well DL from there and just use a key/ keygen.