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Operation Flashpoint Red River-RELOADED




Games X-Box


Operation Flashpoint Red River-RELOADED




2011-04-20 (by extremezone)

Description: Screens: Alternative: Operation Flashpoint Red River-RELOADED Operation Flashpoint: Red River (c) Codemasters Software 04/2011 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: SecuROM GFWL 1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Action Between Afghanistan and China, the world's next flashpoint is about to erupt The valleys, towns and mountains of Tajikistan will become bloody frontlines for the might of the People's Liberation Army, insurgent guerilla fighters and the United States Marine Corps.You and your fireteam can make a difference. How much is up to you. It's not the soldier with the most expensive gun or the biggest heart who wins on the battlefield. It's the smartest. Semper Fi, Marine Game features Go closer to the experience of the US Marines on campaign with the ultimate tactical infantry shooter Stand together with 4 player drop-in drop-out online co-op multiplayer in campaign mode and standalone Fire Team Engagements Become immersed in an engrossing narrative which unfolds over three acts in campaign mode Play as Grenadier, Scout, Rifleman and Automatic Rifleman classes, each with unique strengths and weaknesses for increased replayability Earn and spend XP on weapons, attachments and abilities for each of the fireteam's specialists Call in Combat Support such as Mortars, Howitzers and JDAMs, whilst AH-1Z Helicopters and A-10 Ground Attack Aircraft provide Close Air Support 2. Burn or mount the image 3. Install the game. Enter XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX when prompted for a serial number 4. Copy over the cracked content 5. Play the game using RedRiverLauncherc.exe (Yes, the one with the c 6. If you don't have a local profile for XLive do the following 1. Press Home 2. Select 'Create New Profile 3. Scroll down the text 4. Click 'create a local profile 7. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT Note:If you have something to offer as early releases,seedboxes, links,accounts,etc please contact us on torentz 3xforum ro Seed Stats: 20-400 GiB at aprox 10 MiB/sec/20 slots per torrent Operation Flashpoint Red River-RELOADED Torrent Free Download How To Get Your Maxspeed (uTorrent) Torrent Client - Preferences - Bandwidth - Number of connections - Set aprox. 500 for each Torrent Client - Preferences - BiTorrent - Protocol Encryption - Forced Bandwidth Allocation - High (Set download/upload limit - Unlimited) Stop Other Active Torrents - Start downloading and wait for connections. Enjoy and Seed for at least 1:1 ratio. Don't forget to say thanks/leave reviews. For more info,crack only,patch,serial,keygen,trainers,crackfix,updates, system requirements,cheats,NFO,gameplay trailers,news,free downloads, pc iso,demos,screenshots,visit some release sites or official web pages.


  1. Operation Flashpoint
  2. Red River

Files count:



4486.57 Mb




Reviewer (2011-04-21)

The last Operation Flashpoint wasn't shit. Multiplayer was one of the best tactical shooters around. You probably just got owned a lot.
Thanks for the upload, just wondering if this will in fact have multiplayer working as well ?

hairyassapeman (2011-04-21)

Thanks. Probably shit, but hell, it is free.

Casevil (2011-04-21)

Yes it's exactly the same shit. :)

iGrenade (2011-04-21)

it's even more arcadey than dragon rising. CM's going for that direction as an attempt to gain a stronger audience base.
i'm still gonna DL this, dragon rising was fun.

brutal_product (2011-04-21)

been waiting for this!
extremezone +1

berhem (2011-04-21)

Well done my man, and thank you reloaded!!!

daniel_selan (2011-04-21)

please seed, if my dl goes faster ill seed more !

Degtyarev (2011-04-21)

Reviewer it certainly was shit
They promised a massive open island, we got insane time limits and tethers to small areas, poor gameplay and outdated graphics...

udidwht (2011-04-21)

Please seed everyone.

The77s (2011-04-21)

Reviewer is clearly just joking, that or he has never touched ArmA or Flashpoint.

daniel_selan (2011-04-21)

please seed, i really want to be able to play tonight :/

iGrenade (2011-04-21)

the game won't start..
screen goes black for a few seconds, then pops me right back to my desktop with the launcher.exe and redriver.exe running.

xidio (2011-04-21)

Reviewer, you troll. Dragon Rising's server closed down, and the game was terrible, it had not even near 1000 players.
They promised big scale warfare, lots of vehicles and weapons. It had barely anything of that in the singleplayer or coop. Multiplayer was terrible.
And not to mention the visuals look like garbage.

RMJ13 (2011-04-21)

Codemaster has finaly ruined the series Dragon rising was a step down from the Origianl AMZING GAME But RED RIVER just removed everything that was good about Dragon rising I was gonna buy this TOO not now

Reviewer (2011-04-21)

All of you who think Operation Flashpoint was shit then why are you here downloading the second one ?
@xidio calling someone a troll for saying they liked the previous game doesn't fit the description of a troll. However arguing over the internet about someones opinion on a free game can be considered trollish.

seth0351 (2011-04-21)

crack wont work because its write protected and cant be copied.

dontlookinmyass (2011-04-21)

thx dude, btw stfu haters OPFP DR was good, if you dont like it keep plaing kindashit black ops

brutal_product (2011-04-21)

has anyone got this to work over LAN? still having troubles. OF:DR worked awesome, figured this would too. and fuck all you all who have nothing better to do than trash on what some people consider a good time (co-op). it's not a goddamn movie torrent, no one expects your "ratings". game works as fine as any other RELOADED/extremezone rls. no virus, no scam, no BS.

rickyw89 (2011-04-21)

When i start the game it says player1 has signed out and i cant move and the gun disappears :( Anyone else had this problem? What am i doing wrong? I am logged into my offline profile btw

brutal_product (2011-04-21)

@GratefulDead, looks like a driver problem, run the /redist folder from the mounted image, and update drivers, and/or reinstall, thats all that usually is.
having problems with GFWL. says 'connection to network lost'. only on one of two systems. any ideas? isnt a help at all. similar probs with gta4, but nothing yet.

Degtyarev (2011-04-21)

Reviewer I came to warn the numerous people who were asking if it was a good game or as awful as the last one.

100K (2011-04-21)

does not work on win 7 64, I get missing xlive.dll file error :(

john depp (2011-04-21)

The last OF was garbage. Soldiers were shooting green bullets out of their gun and AI was freaking dumb. I didn't know paid codemaster devs come here to advertise their own product. LOL
I'm giving this one a go since it's free but no high hopes.

kiwi810 (2011-04-21)


john depp (2011-04-21)

reviewer: so if first game is shit, second one is automatically shit? do you know a word, "improvement"? I hope your next post has some of that. Stupid fuck.

rickyw89 (2011-04-21)

In the menu it says my player is not ready, how to you change it to ready? Then if i start it says "player has left the session" WTF please help!!

fdxcd (2011-04-21)

Doesnt worked for me - couple seconds black screen, then throws me back to desktop, RedRiver.exe and RedRiverLauncher.exe hangs in processes without any activity

fdxcd (2011-04-21)

throws me back to desktop with hanging process

fdxcd (2011-04-21)

For everyone who gets black screen-> back to desktop: install older versionn of Games for Windows Live

fdxcd (2011-04-21)

For everyone who has black screen and throws to desktop - instal older version of Games For Windows Live!

minicoops (2011-04-21)

I'm having a problem...
1. successful installation. Copied cracked content into the OPFP folder (both files)
2. clicked the cracked "RedRiverLauncherc" exe file
3. get the error:
"Fatal Error" - 'The dynamic library 'rld.dlll' failed to initialize
SecuROM launcher has stopped working.
anyone else getting this/able to solve it??

himanshu23 (2011-04-21)

i think u forget to paste 'rld.dll'
file from crack folder to your installtion dirctory
thats why u r getting error

iGrenade (2011-04-21)

i have legit games that use GFWL, i'm not downgrading my version.
i'm just gonna wait for a more polished crack.
thanks for the help tho, fdxcd.

minicoops (2011-04-21)

as i said, i copied both files - including the rld.dll file - both into the Operation Flashpoint Red River folder.

minicoops (2011-04-21)

did i need games for windows live installed *BEFORE* I installed the game? at the moment i dont see any connection between the two on my system :s

Sir_Yellington_Noobwad (2011-04-21)

@john_depp your understaning of the military is garbage. THEY ARE CALLED TRACERS! look it up. Dont post shit you have no understanding of WHAT..SO...EVER!

keith28 (2011-04-21)

this game is asking me for a key for the game when i try to login with my windows live. I entered the x's b4 installation copied crack game installed i can play it but cannot save without being logged in with my windows id and it wants a key

uber09 (2011-04-21)

do NOT enter your windows live id. just create an "offline" profile
if u click create account on windows live screen then scroll down you will see the link for an offline profile

rugal2401 (2011-04-22)

@100K uoy must install games for windows live client

booster616 (2011-04-22)

Anybody played it yet? Is it good?

Harryojr (2011-04-22)

I dont know how people can be so stupid. Most of the problems are really dumb ass. Ive been doing this for a long time. Most of the problems are caused by people not following instructions or You machine just wont run it. I very rarely have problems with any game. It runs quite well on win 7 64 bit. Yes the original was crappy but it was still fun to play. Likewise for this one. Its free whats the problem?

SamAres (2011-04-22)

I'm having trouble with the sound ingame, when they talk about the mission in Tajikistan the sound is fine, but whenever I spawn next to the heli and are about to move out towards the shooting range my sound is totally gone. I tried plugging in speakers since I thought it could be the same story as with Crysis2; where you couldn't start the game when having plugged in a USB headset, but no luck with the speakers either. Anyone else having this problem/solution? Brand new drivers btw.

alem11 (2011-04-22)

I'm having the SAME problem minicoops
1. successful installation. Copied cracked content into the OPFP folder (both files)
2. clicked the cracked "RedRiverLauncherc" exe file
3. get the error:
"Fatal Error" - 'The dynamic library 'rld.dlll' failed to initialize
SecuROM launcher has stopped working.
anyone else getting this/able to solve it??

Skyrat70 (2011-04-22)

I have to confirm this is working. I have Win 7 64bit and followed instructions. Copied both files in crack folder to main game directory and launch using RedRiverLauncherc.exe shortcut. I think the game needs more polish which is likely by the time it comes out or after first patch, but it seems to run just fine. No viruses found. Good upload.

Doliko (2011-04-22)

extremezone..thats a serious question i would like to be answered: why do you say 1.Unrar as a first step in every of your realeses while there is an ISO document?

asder111 (2011-04-22)

Those who get the message:
"Fatal Error" - 'The dynamic library 'rld.dlll' failed to initialize, should not remove the original RedRiverLauncher. Copy in the crack content without removing anything from the game directory, that should make it work.

Reviewer (2011-04-22)

@john depp
next time you sign up to post comments on a site, I hope you improve your creativity when it comes to user names rather then showing your undying support for a male actor you faggot.
As for the game it works 100, already half way through. And the game is very good, just like the previous one. If you are getting in error when launching then you are not smart enough to read the instructions as it clearly states not to delete the original 'RedRiverLauncher', yet add the 'RedRiverLauncherc' and use this one to play the game. Any other problems and it is user PC related. So the haters can continue to troll on, because this game is great.

brutal_product (2011-04-22)

I finally got LAN option to work. GFWL was reading my network adapter as Tunngle (which I use alot), instead of my local connection. even after putting tunngle at the bottom of the list it still wanted to use it. fix: just disable tunngle network adapter in network settings.

brutal_product (2011-04-22)

@blitxxx the crack is in the image (after you mount it) in a folder called /crack. copy those files to your install directory

Reviewer (2011-04-22)

Can you please give detailed instructions on how you got LAN to work. Are you using hamachi, or the in game menu selection ? Do you have a link for the server list if there is one ? Thanks for any help.

john depp (2011-04-22)

@reviewer: That's my real name you asshole. Seriously, if you got nothing intelligent to come back with other than making fun of real name or internet name whatever the case may be... don't even try. It only makes you look stupid and despearte. Only stupid fuck like you enjoyed the first OF. That's the truth and I heard green bullets are back on this one. Ewwww and I will pass.

Reinfear (2011-04-22)

I get the "media 1" fail at during installation... "corrupted"
any solutions?
win 7 64 bit

Reviewer (2011-04-22)

@john depp
Your parents have deep seeded issues or you are lying to cover up your love for another man. Either way you are still mad about being called out for the faggot you are. No wait, you are right John Depp is a real common name....... fag.

brutal_product (2011-04-22)

install game as instructed in the .nfo file. launch game from redriverlauncherC.exe. create local account in GFWL. in GFWL options open network information and check your network adapter. it should say Local Area Connection. if it does then from the games main menu click Join Game. when it finds no servers, creat server. make sure its set to LAN. from there it will take you to main menu again, and choose game mode (campaign, firefight, etc.) game will start, other players Join Game and done.
my problem was the game wanted to use the Tunngle adapter(I dont use hamachi anymore, but i'm sure these steps will also work). moving it to the bottom of the adapter list didnt help (control panel, network and sharing, change adapter settings, advanced, advanced, click on tunngle arrow/move it to the bottom). make sure your Local Area Connection is at the top. if that doesnt work, then right click on all the OTHER adapters in adapter settings and disable them. restart game-possibly computer- and check the GFWL network info and now it should say Local Are Network. and that worked for me! to be safe I also installed the game on one system with all X's for the serial, and the other system installed with all 1's as the serial. i dont think that matters tho. keep in mind you should re-enable those adapters for normal computer use when done gaming. I also saw some sort of adapter/registry override on teknogods or something, but I don't mind having to switch adapter for all of 10 seconds at a time to play LAN in my house with like 8 ping.
oddly enough my other system did not require any additional setup. as GFWL choose the correct local area connection/adapter. and needed no ports forwarded.
sorry for long post, hope it helps! now hopefully tunngle will get some rooms up for this!

brutal_product (2011-04-22)

anyone who is getting 'media' corruptions, either un/re-install, and/or have your torrent client do an integrity check.

Reinfear (2011-04-22)

Got game to install but now when I click the cracked exe in the folder the screen goes black for a few seconds then returns to desktop...
In process mnger it shows that it is running (with minimal resources)
Any solutions?

Reinfear (2011-04-22)

Using the instuctions given I get a black screen on startup with the crack, then it goes back to desktop. Process manager says it is still running but I cant get it to show up.

Reviewer (2011-04-22)

@ Brutal_Product
thanks for your post. I am able to see servers in the LAN Lobby menu using Tunngle. They already have a network up with people working on this.
The problem: even though we can see each others servers, when we try to join the connection is lost and it says 'Joining session failed'. So were you able to actually join a server and play ? I was told that teknogods have to release a fix for this, but if you already have this working please let us know tunngle settings if you can please ? thanks again.

pyhunter101 (2011-04-22)

People getting black screen try one of your other windows live games.If they dont work uninstal windows live (may be 2 of them in list).Then re-instal an older version of winsows live (this was my problem anyway) thanks to fdxcd for this fix.

iKitty (2011-04-22)

is anyone having sound issues? I can hear cutscenes, but the menu and in-game sound doesn't work :( is there a fix?

Dimmis80 (2011-04-22)

First of all @extremezone VIP Dude thanks for this quick release.The game its working great for me.And there are impruvements and it looks and kinda play bettet than the complete failure Dragon Risign was.A better game this time around.Anyways some steps of what i have done it might help someone with problems running this game.1:I mounted the image with Daemons Tools lite.2:I install the game and when it prompt for the Serial i use-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX piece of cake/Reloaded Rules.3:I copied and then paste the two files from the folder Crack inside the games installation folder.4:I run it the game from the "RedRiverLauncherc" and then i created a new profile a local profile.5:In a point it asks for an E-Mail and a pasword and there u can just write everithing u like for the E-Mail a fantastic one and a pasword whatever u like.And TADA u can play the game.I can save my progres,Load my save games no black screens for me or weapons that disapears and other crazy stuff.If somene have some of the problems above try to update all your drivers VGA-Sound Card-Motherboard and stuff.I am running it with Win 7 64-Ultimate.Happy holidays/gaming.Cheers.

Krzywykzw (2011-04-22)

Well done extremezone !!hold so forth :D

miguel_d (2011-04-22)

The game works great , thanks to the uploader. But i'm having a problem with the GFWL. I can't find the network configurations on the marketplace client, already tried to download an older version but it doesn't let me log in till i update to the that version

miguel_d (2011-04-22)

i did all that, i created an account, though it didn't appear anywhere saying it was local, but after doing the log in in-game it asks for the serial key

miguel_d (2011-04-22)

i did all that, i created the account, though it didn't said anywhere it was local, but after i log in in-game it asked for the serial key

9knoxville9 (2011-04-22)


karlocool (2011-04-22)

The game works greats on win7 x64 but when i enter my xbox live profile, they ask me for a serial and XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX doesn't work
Any solutions please?

Dimmis80 (2011-04-22)

@miguel_D are u sure that u made a Local Pofile.?Did u give an E-mail and a pasword to go with it.?And finaly did u copy/paste the two cracks from the Crack folder incide the games folder.Also are u sure that u run the game from the "RedRiverLauncherc" exe.??And about the guys said about the weapon Disappearing and log out thing i don't have any problems there and i play the game.Anyways i have not play it for a long of time (Iam just in the first mission) and i don't know if the problems starts later on.I wish i could help more guys.Thats the bad thing with us PC gamers the game will work for some and the same damn game will not work for others and thats just very shame..

GodOfWar_1202 (2011-04-22)

no one seeds :(

john depp (2011-04-22)

@reviewer: I won't read your post anymore. It's boring.
By the way, you should just give up bothering people if you don't know how to work with servers. I know how but this game is piece of shit so I won't play it. Also I don't want to post how here because you are going to be reading it! LOL
You can suck my balls and my parents. Go buy the game faggot begging for help bitch. HAHAHAHA

rickyw89 (2011-04-22)

can nobody help me and 9knoxville9 out?
"AS SOON AS WE TRY TO PLAY, THE GUN DISAPPEARS AND THE GAME SAYS 'USERNAME' HAS BEEN LOGGED OUT" I have 8 games installed that require GFWL and they work? Please help us, what are we doing wrong?

72aven (2011-04-22)

I have windows 7 x64 and I have the same problem, when the first campaign start for 5 sec everything work fine then the message that username as been log out and the gun disapear. I think it have something to do with the crack I have try install older version of xlive ect.. but nothing work. Let hope there will be another working crack coming out soon.

9knoxville9 (2011-04-22)

@rickyw89, I know this may seem stupid, but I just ran the game as admin and gave my pc a restard, have you made a local account?

apple016 (2011-04-23)

just 4.38 gb lol to game...
hows its gameplay??

Dzeikobas (2011-04-23)

"just 4.38 gb lol to game...
hows its gameplay?? " It's ISO file, Dude ;]] That's why size is so small

ncdio453 (2011-04-23)

just logged in to my GFWL account with this game and this game is now showing in my games played and achievements list. does this matter? can microsoft see that its not a proper copy???

miguel_d (2011-04-23)

Yes i did all that. mounted the ISO, installed the game, copied the crack to the game folder, started the game using the "RedRiverLauncherc" and then it asked to create the account

Extrazuur (2011-04-23)

@ karlocool
I had the same problem with Xlive account.
They ask me the serial number.
You have made an online account, but you need a local account.
1. Go create a NEW account.
2. READ the the agreement (Scroll down)(CLICK on the first BLUE URL link!!
3. Type you Username

Extrazuur (2011-04-23)


FieroGT (2011-04-23)

Hey guys.. as for the weapon dissapearing and username logging out prob. mine started doing the same thing. everything was ok right after i installed the game, it played fine. then i quit, (yesterday). then now today i went to play and its having these issues alot of us are having. i'm also running windows 7 x64.
++++ But i fixed it! i'm not sure if this will work for everyone, and its probly just a temp fix. But all i did was reboot, and try again.. and now its ok. so to anyone having that problem, just give yer shit a quick reboot and see wat happenz.
i have a feeling that after a fresh boot, u can run the game once. then if u quit, and try to load it again, its fubar. like maybe sumthin is staying in mem or sumthin from the 1st run. i'm guessing this is also an issue with the crack... maybe sum1 needs to take a look at that.
Good luck guys!
/end long ass post

FieroGT (2011-04-23)

Hey guys.. as for the weapon dissapearing and username logging out prob. mine started doing the same thing. everything was ok right after i installed the game, it played fine. then i quit, (yesterday). then now today i went to play and its having these issues alot of us are having. i'm also running windows 7 x64.
++++ But i fixed it! i'm not sure if this will work for everyone, and its probly just a temp fix. But all i did was reboot, and try again.. and now its ok. so to anyone having that problem, just give yer shit a quick reboot and see wat happenz.
i have a feeling that after a fresh boot, u can run the game once. then if u quit, and try to load it again, its fubar. like maybe sumthin is staying in mem or sumthin from the 1st run. i'm guessing this is also an issue with the crack... maybe sum1 needs to take a look at that.
Good luck guys!
/end long ass post

destydesty (2011-04-23)

I'm also having a problem with the sound - cutscenes work fine, but any in-game or -menu sounds don't work at all :( any help? p.s i'm seeding at 250kb/s :P

Dimmis80 (2011-04-23)

Well i just played again the game for the second time and it asked me about serial and E-Mail.The XXXXX- serial did not work but i just closed the live thing and i manage to play the game and again no weapon disapear or Log out for me..!I think that something srange happens with the crack and we need a new one a better one..

Extrazuur (2011-04-23)

@ Dimmis80
You have made an online Xlive account instead of a Local.
When you have an online account the game will ask the serial again en the XXXX wont work.
Also when you play with an online xlive account you are not able to save games.
read my post on at 2011-04-22 23:50 CET: & 23:55 CET

irishboyblue (2011-04-23)

its fooked game install,s fine but when you play the gun disappears and it wont let u use the wepons create and keeps kicking you out of gfwl IN OFF LINE MODE new crack is needed so stop fidderling wiv drivers n re installs ect just wait for a new crack !

Extrazuur (2011-04-23)

YQVACRco9vw Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Windows Firewall with Advanced Security
mark Operation Flashpoint ®: Red River
Try this!

 Knaster (2011-04-23)

shit game codemasters are asswipes

CADETbrazil (2011-04-23)

Same problem, character doesnt move at starting point gameplay, just totally freezed and no more weapons... Any tip? Thanks

irishboyblue (2011-04-23)

AT LAST i got the wepons to work by using the compatability mode in win 7 run it in xp service pack 2 and its sweet no more kicking me out the game and all guns and ammo are working ty now lets see if its a good game or not ty up loader !

irishboyblue (2011-04-23)

forget my last post it still kicks ya from the game at lest i got the wepons working but its unplayable getting kicked every minite or so !

Behelith666 (2011-04-23)

There is a problem with the password system, i can't get it because i live in france. I get simple pop up instead of website where you need to actually register so i can't have the password, it's broken.
Please someone give the password :(

Behelith666 (2011-04-23)

If someone can give me the password by sending me a MP, it would be cool :>

Behelith666 (2011-04-23)

Just give me the password by sending me a MP if it's complicated, it would be so cool :>

Rayan1337 (2011-04-23)

SP is shit,torrent is fine

armyfan (2011-04-23)

I installed the game and it worked fine.but when I completed the first mission it crashed : " Program stopped running ".I rebooted and tried again but now i can´t even complete the training without that error.I tried uninstall but uninstall doesn´t work.Then i tried repair but it still crashes.

armyfan (2011-04-23)

I have nvidia geforce 8500gt
Windows xp sp2 home edition
Vertex Shader version 3.0
Pixel Shader version 3.0
video ram 512mb
cpu speed 2.4ghz
ram 3.2gb
cpu:Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz

armyfan (2011-04-23)

And I have the latest video card drivers.
(Sorry for bad english,I´m estonian)

Behelith666 (2011-04-23)

Please someone give me the password of the iso. t.t

rishad333 (2011-04-23)


xiIix (2011-04-23)

Whenever you have a problem with uninstalling/installing a game, use Revo Uninstaller Pro to remove it. It will remove every single trace of the program from your machine, unlike the built in uninstaller provided by the developers. I had to resort to Revo many times already due to issues with the catch 22 situation of not being able to uninstall a game in order to reinstall it.

armyfan (2011-04-23)

Thanks!Now i can uninstall some other games too that didn´t let me uninstall.

armyfan (2011-04-23)

Okey,now I´ve got a new problem.I uninstalled the game and then reinstalled.At first everything worked great, but then in the first mission after the training camp , I got an error " ...memory could not be read!".And the game closed again.

Ap4che (2011-04-23)

Wow. Easily one of the worse single player experiences ever. I understand the concept of the game is meant to be experienced through multiplayer, but holy shit... the AI in this game is just horrible. I can't go through a single mission without the AI from my fireteam randomly walking into the open to be shot in the head. Great torrent though. No problems with installing or loading game. Thanks extremezone!

Sir_Yellington_Noobwad (2011-04-23)

is anyone able to get co op working and if so it would be much appreciated if they could say how?

Behelith666 (2011-04-23)

Give me the password for the file please ! :(

Buck.Nasty (2011-04-24)

I hope a keygen comes out. I can't get passed the xLive sign up. After I log in it comes back with the question to enter a serial key. If I cancel that it wont safe my progress.

brutal_product (2011-04-24)

for home LAN, log into game and GFWL. check network info in GFWL, if it says anything but your local area network, disable all other network adapters (tunngle, hamachi, other networks) in control panel except that one . also make sure the network info page now also says 192.168.x.x:50015.
worked for me, but only on home LAN, still wont 100% work on VLAN like tunngle, or hamachi

Buck.Nasty (2011-04-24)

Nevermin my previous comment. I found the link to create a local profile.
@Sir_Yellington_Noobwad: Online play is not possible.

DannyB67 (2011-04-24)

the install worked fine but as i start the game up and come to the part where i have to press return it wont work why is this?

Sir_Yellington_Noobwad (2011-04-24)

ok yeah i read your previous post concerning that i just hoped someone got it working... i need vlan.. well will online play be possible in the forseable future? anyone cracking it so we can get hamachi running?

ankit2910 (2011-04-24)

MY installation is all good .. I even make a CREATE OFFLINE PROFILE
but after that It says SAVE FAILED, SAVE DATA CORRUPT
I can start the game but without the option to save
please help!!!

dragomix (2011-04-24)

Where to find day 1 patch?

dragomix (2011-04-24)

Where to find day 1 patch?????

armyfan (2011-04-24)

Forget my last post.That error disappeared but the game still crashes to desktop after I play a little ( 5-8 minutes ) .Are there any fixes or something?

armyfan (2011-04-24)

Try ENTER . It worked for me.

Esmad3 (2011-04-24)

@ armyfan: You don't meet the min. System reqs GeForce 8800 GTS 512MB

ankit2910 (2011-04-24)

MY installation is all good .. I even make a CREATE OFFLINE PROFILE
but after that It says SAVE FAILED, SAVE DATA CORRUPT
I can start the game but without the option to save
please help!!!

dragomix (2011-04-24)

Want to play MP with hamachi???

Da_pirate_guy (2011-04-24)

same problem with me, crash after playing for few minutes, and also NO SOUNDS, only cut schene have sounds, anyone know how to fix this? cheers!!

alltorrentfan (2011-04-24)

Thanks Reloaded for bring this game to us!
What i think about this games gameplay?
The gameplay is bullshit!
running on tri-sli GTX 580...shitty graphics...tho i like the bullet tracer....rating 1.5/5...well thats what i think...=/...dispointed in the game devs...could have done a better job.

armyfan (2011-04-24)

Minimum: ATI Radeon X1800 256 MB, NVIDIA GeForce 7800 256 MB
If this is wrong,then i have to wait until next month and i can buy it for ps3.

armyfan (2011-04-24)

The didn´t lag or anything.It played great,until the loading screen of mission 2.

Reviewer (2011-04-24)

A Multiplayer fix is already finished by Teknogods, but he need a little support before he releases it to the public, so help him out !!

ristovski (2011-04-24)

Hi there,
when i`am starting to install, entering the key XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX pressing NEXT and showing this error>
C:\windows\system32\MSISIP.DLL is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again and using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support.
Does anyone know what the problem is?
Also i was trying to install it from the Game.msi, the installation is finished but there is a problem with the xboxlive.dll.

 Ametz (2011-04-25)

The crack is "read only" so i cant copy the crack att all (Access is denied) tried explorer and total commander, it does not work to copy over the crack. And yes i have tried as administrator. it dosent work...

ristovski (2011-04-25)

Please help me about my problem :S

Rexxi95 (2011-04-25)

Works Perfect!!
THx again extremezone ;D
Its a wonderful game!
Very awesome fights!
The only thing thats bad is you FRIEND'S( AI )
THe AI's are kind off stupid the glich,lag and shit like that but beside that THE GAME IS VERY VERY AWESOME!!!

Reviewer (2011-04-25)

Just to let you pirates know that this game now works online for Co-Op missions using Tunngle and the NEW Teknogods 20 download found here :

1 -Download and install Tunngle and join the Operation Flashpoint Red River network to find other players. Move Tunngle to the top of your adapter list found in (Win7) Network and Sharing Center>Change Adapter Settings>Alt Key>Advanced and use the arrows to move Tunngle up to the top.
2 -Download and run Teknohelper.exe , highlight your Tunngle adapter in the list and click 'set adapterkey'
3 -Launch the game then click 'start injection' button in Teknohelper and let it finish. Before you search for servers hit F12 while in the game and you should hear a womens voice to confirm.
4 -Make sure you are in a LAN session and search for servers and join. Have fun !

thymine (2011-04-25)

@ Reviewer or any kind network expert
Hi, I read all the comments but i still cant get the LAN working. I cant see the game session on another computer.
I had the network info checked,Local Area Network is my only network adapter. I dont have hamachi or tungle installed, wireless are all disabled. My home network is connected through a router, do i need to port forward?
I had avg internet security 11, disabled and i still cant find the session. Can you help please?

-pexi88- (2011-04-25)

Working perfect Geforce 9600Gt but arma 2 dosent work good.. crysis 2 working strange.. this needs some patch

radpayne (2011-04-25)

Having some strrange issue, get passed the level human terrain, mission -03, and almost finished level 4 but when i quit and retarted the game its starts with level 3 again and have to play all over again, Any one having the same isuse pls help me as i cannt play through that level any more.

radpayne (2011-04-25)

get passed the level human terrain, mission -03, and almost finished level 4 but when i quit and retarted the game its starts with level 3 again and have to play all over again help

adyftwlol (2011-04-26)

i get a lot of frezees in game. does anyone know why?

Skyrat70 (2011-04-26)

@thymine. I had problems getting LAN to work, disabled all firewall-related options which didn't help. Finally I ended up opening up the Redist folder in the .ISO and ran the DotNet, GFWL, and DirectX installs (in that order) (didn't need the VC redist). Did this on BOTH PCs and Voila! Just started working. I believe it was the DotNet (which may have been broken on one PC), or the latest GFWL that must have fixed my connection issues. Now I can Host and LAN game from either PC which I couldn't before. Good luck, hope it helps!

therealtd_619 (2011-04-26)

installation all good, can play, only prob - guns missing, characters and blinking n goin missing, can only c shadow, cant collect ammo...
how do i solve tis pls help!
thx in advance to any1..

therealtd_619 (2011-04-26)

installation was fine, can play. prob - guns missing, characters blinking n goin missing, can only c their shadow, cant pick up ammo...
how 2 solve tis?
thx in advance!

Trollaaja (2011-04-26)

Guys who has the xlive.dll error, you have to download and intsall gfwlivesetup (gamesforwindows)

irishboyblue (2011-04-26)

therealtd_619 i got the same prob as u m8 and my rig can run this easy be nice if any one could help us !

HideousX (2011-04-26)

Im geting constant crshing to desktop evry 10 15 min i have updated all directx and graphics drivers turned off all background programs tried running with and without crossfire even tried running in compatability mode still no love
butt is still want it to work so badly RELOADED we need a patch or update SKIDROW whould have provided one by now

justren (2011-04-26)

Can anyone help me out here? As soon as I start the game I just get a black screen, and then after 5 seconds it crashes on me. I'm running windows 7 here, and AFAIK everything is up to date.
I mean, I ran Crysis 2 on Hardcore, so it couldn't possibly be a hardware error right? Does anybody know how to fix this?
I already tried to reinstall it, or run it as administrator, but that didn't work out. And someone suggested that I should install an older version of Windows Live. How do I do that? I found a 2.0 version somewhere online, but after installing that one, I just got a different error upon starting the game...

jvezirian (2011-04-26)

I am in the same boat as justren....
I have installed exactly per the instructions, I have Win7 64bit, even checked my system on can-you-run-it and it passes. Have 8 gigs ram, 4 gigs on my video card alone. I have Crysis 2, and a couple other Windows Games and they run just fine.
I copied the content in the crack as directed, launched from the launcher "C" version.
Screen go black like game is loading, then comes back to desktop, I then check task manager and RedRiver.exe is running and the redrive securerom is running, but no program or game on the screen. I'm thinking it may be a video setting, it there a way to access the settings prior to start.
I have received no errors or anything, just nothing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
[email protected]

HideousX (2011-04-26)

Are u both running it from the launcher "C" version inside the installation directory or from the crack folder
Installing older version of windows didn,t seem to make a diff for me i can runn the game butt it crash evry 15 min i also running win64 bit Ultemate
another thing if either of u running a ATI 5870 aparently there is a screen reselution problem

justren (2011-04-26)

@HideousX Yeah, I'm running it through the C version, I even tried some command prompt startups but that didn't seem to help either...
I have an Nvidia GTX275 graphics card, 4gb ram, Quad Core @ 3.0ghz. What's going on?

fillifantes (2011-04-26)

When i start the game it pops up a window saying i need a xbox live account. I made an account but then it asks for a serial number and it wont accept xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx..what do i do wrong? Plx respond this game looks awesome..!

nawfel185 (2011-04-26)

In the menu it says my player is not ready, how to you change it to ready? Then if i start it says "player has left the session" WTF please help!!
In the menu it says my player is not ready, how to you change it to ready? Then if i start it says "player has left the session" WTF please help!!
In the menu it says my player is not ready, how to you change it to ready? Then if i start it says "player has left the session" WTF please help!!

elaxloir3 (2011-04-26)


elaxloir3 (2011-04-26)


armyfan (2011-04-26)

The crack is in the iso file.
It´s a folder named Crack.

Kimovec (2011-04-26)

Works like charm!! Thanks Extremezone))

elaxloir3 (2011-04-26)

solved it, downloaded the crack somewhere else
the reloaded.nfo file didn't really help me

GodOfWar_1202 (2011-04-27)

nice game tho, thnx uploader

nawfel185 (2011-04-27)

When I start a game and go into the first mission, I get disconnected from the game. A box pops up saying " has left the session"
It's impossible to progress more than about 3 seconds into the game without this happening.
Could somebody please explain what's going on and how I can resolve it. Cheers.

nawfel185 (2011-04-27)

When I start a game and go into the first mission, I get disconnected from the game. A box pops up saying " has left the session"
It's impossible to progress more than about 3 seconds into the game without this happening.
Could somebody please explain what's going on and how I can resolve it. Cheers.
(disconnecting internet doesn't work for me )
Answer me here or email me : [email protected]
thanks in advance

justren (2011-04-27)

My issue still remains unsolved, anybody out there have a solution? The game just crashes after 5 seconds of starting it... Surely there must be a fix?

nawfel185 (2011-04-27)

@ justren :
install an other version of GFWL
and new directx updates ;)

xway (2011-04-27)


isokessu (2011-04-27)

When I launch the game there comes windows live shit, then I made offline-account and nothing happens in the game menu. There just reads "This game uses autosave. When the spinner appears don't turn off your pc." Does anybody have this bug that you get stuck in the menu and there's nothing to click? I have windows vista 32bit and somebody had win7 64bit so if it doesn't work for those then how does it even work and for what? -.-

HideousX (2011-04-27)

and any one els IF YOUR RUNNING WINDOWS 7 and geting constant crashing to desktop like i was set your theme to windows 7 basic it solved all my problems game runs fine now and i cant beleive it took me so long to figure out other game have given me same issue in past

nawfel185 (2011-04-27)

When I start a game and go into the first mission, I get disconnected from the game. A box pops up saying " has left the session"
It's impossible to progress more than about 3 seconds into the game without this happening.
Could somebody please explain what's going on and how I can resolve it. Cheers.
(disconnecting internet doesn't work for me )
Answer me here or email me : [email protected]
thanks in advance

HideousX (2011-04-27)

thats probably the only issue i havent had more details on your system specs would b nice
only other thin i can think of have u made offline profile

justren (2011-04-27)

Where can I download an older version of GFWL? I already tried searching, and installed 2.0, but it just gives me an xlive error if I start the game then.. I'll try to update my directX as soon as I get home, but I have low hopes...

ManicMedic (2011-04-27)

Great Reloaded youve done it again.
Just one point and that is i cant seem to save at the end of the mission sectors it shows completed but then next time you fire it up you are back to the start again any ideas anyone please?

radpayne (2011-04-27)

ManicMedic at 2011-04-27 12:28 CET:
Just one point and that is i cant seem to save at the end of the mission sectors it shows completed but then next time you fire it up you are back to the start again any ideas anyone please?
I am also having the same issue, i finished 4th level and when i rejoined it looped back to 3'rd level, seems like u cannt no longer save ur progress, so finish the game in a single run which i do not thing ucan unless u r a game psyhco, people do not try this game its such a waste of time.

mariocco84 (2011-04-27)

hey guys dont save the game please correct the problem this with upload save fix crack

Trollaaja (2011-04-27)

If you have problems starting the game, black screen and back to windows, i suggest to do as i did.
Delete all files and install again and before you start playing mount the iso file in virtual cd drive. I dont know if it helps but worked for me since.

erros46 (2011-04-27)

im stuck at 99.8%......

nawfel185 (2011-04-27)

@ HideousX :
i have a good pc
core 2 quad Q9550 8.83Ghz L2 12Mo
Asus P5 e3 Pro
4Go DDR3 1600Mhz
Gainward nvidia gforce 260 gtx cuda 1792Mb ddr3
i have an offline account, its'nt my first game cracked ;)
Look here (the first comment) :: >

the only fidderence i have cracked version lol

nawfel185 (2011-04-27)

When I start a game and go into the first mission, I get disconnected from the game. A box pops up saying " has left the session"
It's impossible to progress more than about 3 seconds into the game without this happening.
Could somebody please explain what's going on and how I can resolve it. Cheers.
(disconnecting internet doesn't work for me )
Answer me here or email me : [email protected]
thanks in advance
(sorry for spanning ut i need to play in this game lol)

Notaplayer (2011-04-27)

aaawh bollocks game wont work

faaip (2011-04-27)

it works, but game sucks ass

trolol_95 (2011-04-28)

Same thing happening. Stuck at 99.8%. More 8 MB left but I've downloaded more than 30 MB. I did manual hash checks too. Help.

leeman321 (2011-04-28)

Im running vista 64 and have 1gb graphics card that runs this game with everything set on full which looks great. i've given it some hammer and now on day 9 missions with no problems at all.
for those having problems saying they can't save, you can... When you boot game it will prompt you to create live account, create new account but click on local account, not online.
Now you can save your game and settings...

radpayne (2011-04-28)

leeman321 at 2011-04-27 23:17 CET:
Im running vista 64 and have 1gb graphics card that runs this game with everything set on full which looks great. i've given it some hammer and now on day 9 missions with no problems at all.
for those having problems saying they can't save, you can... When you boot game it will prompt you to create live account, create new account but click on local account, not online.
Now you can save your game and settings...
Dude i was able to play with out any issue until day 3 with the local profile, but after that unable to save my progress as the game loops back me to old stage, got any idea, help me then

leeman321 (2011-04-28)

RadPayne i don't know why it's causing your game to loop back.
All i did was install the game then copy the launch crack into the games folder and boot from the crack. You could try installing it again to see if it solves the problem. i see alot of people having probs with black screens and so on, this isnt down to the game, it's down to your systems which could be sound or graphic drivers,direct x or other missing files on system.

maki1999 (2011-04-28)

can you play this game online

nawfel185 (2011-04-28)

When I start a game and go into the first mission, I get disconnected from the game. A box pops up saying " has left the session"
It's impossible to progress more than about 3 seconds into the game without this happening.
Could somebody please explain what's going on and how I can resolve it. Cheers.

irishboyblue (2011-04-28)

it is down to the game our systems r fine the GAME is BUGGY as fook !

Gezulta (2011-04-28)

Hi, I have torrented ALOT of games in my time and I know how it all goes, but with this one Im having a very uncommon issue wich I have Never encountered before. when I try to copy crack/dll into the installation folder, the Operationflashpointc just vanishes out of thin air, I tried it many times but it just wont stay there, I see it pasting in, after 1 sec its gone, Anyone got a solution? cheers

raclofity (2011-04-28)

Im getting aloooot of virus warnings about Trojans. fake.. or?

Gezulta (2011-04-29)

@raclofity, I cant get thr game to work, but Im 100% sure there are no viruses, RELOADED - DOES NOT have virueses^^

vlaxopodas (2011-04-29)

if you cant connect to windows live use this windoes live account from resident evil

vlaxopodas (2011-04-29)

if you canot connect to windows live use this account from resident evil 5 it

vlaxopodas (2011-04-29)

use the windows live account from resident evil works

clark24 (2011-04-29)

for those of you who are having problems with the screen going black then going back to desktop
go into your "services" and make sure that Windows Live ID Sign-In Assistant is enable and running. This fix it for me, mine was disabled

Gezulta (2011-04-29)

Hi, I have torrented ALOT of games in my time and I know how it all goes, but with this one Im having a very uncommon issue wich I have Never encountered before. when I try to copy crack/dll into the installation folder, the Operationflashpointc just vanishes out of thin air, i think its because its a SECUrom file? I tried it many times but it just wont stay there, I see it pasting in, after 1 sec its gone, Anyone got a solution? cheers

inzane166 (2011-04-29)

@Gezulta Turn off your anti virus program.

Gezulta (2011-04-29)

@inzane166, I turned it off and it did copy and did no vanish, but it wont open, I will try to translate from norwegian to english
windows can not optain acces to the chosen unit, track or file. maybe you dont have accesrights to the objective.
I tried running as administrator but nope. got anymore solutions? thanks again man

BAARERBIER (2011-04-29)

Game DL'ed in less than 40 mins, installed and cracked no problem what so ever, thanks extremezone! always great uploads from you mate. Keep it up.
A little about the game. I was very dissapointed with Dragon Rising, waited so long for it only to find out that the game is so bugged that it was virtualy unplayable. However Red River has me impressed so far. They have gone for a more arcade style this time with weapon custumazation and ranks, this is not bad at all, but needs slightly more work in my opinion. Red River has sorted many glitches that Dragon rising had, for example the AI now actually try to do what u tell them and go over obsticales, unlike in Dragon Rising where your fireteam would get stuck and killed, this is a major improvement in the game and makes the game expireiance a lot more immersive. There are little to no graphical improvements in my opinion, I am still able to max out the settings on a 4 year old Machine, however that does not matter to me so much as the gameplay is what really matters and it has improved. Story line is also much better and immersive.
Red River should have been Dragon Rising, in my opinion. Anyhow thanks codemasters for a good release, and thanks exteremezone for a great upload as always.
Has anyone bought the game and played online? Would like to know how online play is, as this is a big selling point for me. If online is good i will buy it.

xambo (2011-04-29)

Works fine thanks again extreme....
Didnt like the game that much though, outdated graphics and linear gameplay.

levis_501 (2011-04-29)

Dont download. Game sucks baaaaad! Stone age graphics & no feeling whatsoever... No wonder ppl download instead of buying.

Skyrat70 (2011-04-29)

As I mentioned in a previous post, thank you extremezone and Reloaded for a great game post. Yeah the game isn't without some issues, but honestly the more I play it (even just the quick Fire Team engagements) the more I like it. To me it's much better then DR. I live in US and just couldn't wait to try it (June 7th release) so here I am. I consider this a demo for now, and plan to purchase when finally released here. I'm AM sorry that so many are having technical issues! Hopefully you'll get 'em worked out soon!

Gezulta (2011-04-30)

shut the fuck up about graphics.... graphics aint all, I havent tested the game but if the gameplay sucks, thats another cause, but if the graphics isnt all that good, so what the fuck what, Minecraft / world of warcraft as both extremely popular games, are the graphics good? no, are the games fucking epic? YEP!!

Rubie007 (2011-04-30)

Ik heb een probleem ik installeer het. Dan heb ik de crack gekopieerd in prog files ... En dan probeer ik het te openen en krijg een foutmelding (Deze toepassing kan niet worden gestart omdat xlive.dll niet kan worden gevonden.) Wat doe ik fout?

Emperor_Rosko (2011-04-30)

@BAARERBIER...There is no online for this game other than a 4 player co-op! Apparently they wanted it to be a "intimate co-op experience with friends". What a load of bollocks, i have a ton of friends on xbox live, but chances of me logging in at the same time as 3 mates, who are all up for playing red river at the exact same time are pretty damn slim! I think bringing a modern war combat game out with no multiplayer is insane, and it'll be in the bargain bins in no time and shelves will be bulging with traded in copies, and i hope it does, they should have had a set of balls and took Black Ops on!! Which is basically why they have left it out!

BAARERBIER (2011-04-30)

@Emperor_Rosko AHH what a shame about multiplayer. Its definatley one of the main features they should offer, and specificly focus on. Agree they should have had some balls and took on Black Ops, would have been awesome to have 128 player session. But only 4 player co-op? pathetic... Maybe there will be an expasion to the multiplayer with some patches?

kennethjohn (2011-04-30)

Thanks for this great upload Extremezone.
Game works fine ,the only thing is that it asks for a number wan I want to join live !!
But you have to do so much in set-up before U finally can play the game (not meaning install )
graphics are good, not like Medal of Honor 2010 but good ,the game play is fast (maybe to fast for me I'm getting old LOL )
I can also fly the helicopters in this one ?
In dragon Rising I was number 56 on the world rank list. I don't think I'll make it that far again in Red River .
Rubie 007 werkt het al ?
Thanks again .
How many off U played also Dragon ?And liked it better ?

Bl1zz4rd55555555 (2011-04-30)

How are all of you installing this without a key? As soon as I begin the installation it asks for a product key and there's no keygen in any of the folders..... what am I missing?

Ryan2808 (2011-04-30)

Hi guys, Would really appreciate some help.. I'm getting..
Load from RedRiverLauncherc.exe then it loads black screen then crashes (windows try to find solution then gives up) My computer is more than capable of running.. ATI Radeon 5770 graphics :/ clearly a software issue
Help please

lovingam (2011-04-30)

hey, can anyone plz tell me how to run this game offline?

CyberFlea (2011-05-01)

Hi could use a lil help, great torrent, and it installed and worked prefectly apart from a lil issue I had trying uninstall it but got passed that.
Any I bought a legit key but when I enter it in my live profile it says the key is invalid. It is definatly valid but was wondering if the xxx cd key is imprinted on the crack shortcut or something?
I also re-installed the game with the legit key also.
Cheers for any replies

Stainless_b2 (2011-05-01)

Sound problemts ! liek others no sound after cutscrene any fix or help is welcome thanks

Pyromaniac99 (2011-05-01)

Can someone help me? Everytime i try to launch the game it gives a "Fatal Error" "The dynamic library "rld.dll" failed to initialize" and a SecuROM Launcher error. What can i do?

kennethjohn (2011-05-01)

For all the ones that can't start the game ,it's your computer or lack of knowledge .
Try to reinstall.
Just download than put the ISO in Alcohol or Daemon (or what ever virtual drive you got )
than let it auto run .
Let it run ,that copy the crack into the Red River folder
That's it .
If I can do it (43 Years old,Well OK I've got a Doctors degree ,but still ) you can do it .
Regards Kenneth John

CyberFlea (2011-05-01)

Pyro you have to copy both the Crack and the Rdl.dll file over from the crack folder, then start the game with the exe that you copied over.

nawfel185 (2011-05-01)

When I start a game and go into the first mission, I get disconnected from the game. A box pops up saying " has left the session"
It's impossible to progress more than about 3 seconds into the game without this happening.
Could somebody please explain what's going on and how I can resolve it. Cheers.

Gezulta (2011-05-01)

hi, I know how to torrent games etc etc, and I can find the crack folder etc, but I cant copy it over, the dll works but the other redriverc doesnt work, I try to copy it but it just disapears, and sometimes its there it sais my pc doesnt have acces to that file etc etc. never had that issue b4 and I have downloaded ALOT of games. I know how this works but in this very case Im stuck, any help?

GodOfWar_1202 (2011-05-02)

stupid game!
bad controls, ok, it's realistic, i have 2 admit that fact, but other things make this game"not playeble" :(
battlefield bad Company 2
medal of honor...wayyyyy better then this one, COD Black Ops sux big time... it's wors then this one almost

Yenrock7 (2011-05-02)

I wonder if i can play this on Lan? thanks extremezone. No problems while playing.

aapb (2011-05-02)

Medal of Honor is a joke, shittiest game ever put on this earth, and as for BC2, sure it was fun. But it's not really a PC game, more opted for console which blows megahard d1ck.

GodOfWar_1202 (2011-05-02)

for aapb
dude, i respect u'r opinion, but, if u aks me, medal Of Honor is a god game...not realistic as this one, but nice graphics, missions, story, as I say, i'm lovin it, battlefield as well...

antonstd (2011-05-02)

@ Nawfel185
I got the same problem. Have you find anything that fix it?
Plz help us!
When I start a game and go into the first mission, I get disconnected from the game. A box pops up saying " has left the session"
It's impossible to progress more than about 3 seconds into the game without this happening.
Could somebody please explain what's going on and how I can resolve it.

Zipp900 (2011-05-03)

@antonstd, @ Nawfel185
Hi! I had the same problem with disconnected from the game. For me helped, create new offline account in Games for Windows LIVE, and turn of my internet connection. After that game works almost fine. On Radeon 5770 and QuadCore its goes not smoothly (AVG 22-26 FPS) on high settings in 1920x1200px and 2xAA. I have newest graphic drivers 11-4 and play on Windows 7 x64. Anyway, for me this game looks like Playstation 2 game in high resolution. I know graphic isn't most important but in 2011 it should be in high level. We buy expensive parts for PC and we should be demanding relatively high quality games.

cfitz94 (2011-05-03)

How do I get McAfee to stop auto deleting the crack when I try copying it over from the mounted .ISO?
I am able to temporarily play the game when I turn off Real Time Scanning, but I would rather have that on for safety purposes.
Any help would be appreciated.

BakusPT (2011-05-04)

Such a shitty game... this one is a joke compared to Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising...awful...i loved Dragon Rising...this one has NOTHING to do with that... just kept those great trailers...nothing else...

Atomik101 (2011-05-04)

Sorrry but im new please help
I am not sure what to do: i installed the game but when i run it it asks for a cd and i dont get how to use the crack

Atomik101 (2011-05-04)

How do you use the crack?

Atomik101 (2011-05-04)

I copied the crack and the rld.ddl to the operation flashpoint folder but when i try to run it it says
Exeception 0xC0000005 -> STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION

Showstrength (2011-05-04)


Showstrength (2011-05-04)

Just copy the crack to the installation folder, you don't need to overwrite.

Showstrength (2011-05-04)

Working perfectly on Vista 64!
Thank you very much from Brazil.

rocketman501 (2011-05-04)

disable your anti virus or uninstall it and get

Cedric (2011-05-04)

The game runs perfectly.
Sadly, it lacks all the content that made the original Operaion Flashpoint into a roaring success, such as modding abilities and custom maps.
At best worth a single playthrough.
I'm glad I didn't waste cash on this.

Atomik101 (2011-05-04)

I did copy it to the folder but when i tried to run it it gave me the exception messege again

david87654321 (2011-05-04)

I am having some problems. I have got the game loading fine but when I start a campaign some objects are very jumpy or disappear and i cant shoot. Also it seems to just finish missions and say they are complete without me doing anything. could this be the crack?

idaoffe (2011-05-04)

workes fine... thanx

Kogty (2011-05-05)

Maybe a dumb question, but when I start the game it asks again for a serial number and then it doesn't accept the X'es. I copied the files from the Crack folder into the Red River folder but I am stuck now... Plz help

Showstrength (2011-05-05)

You have to start the game with the proper file called "RedRiverLauncherc.exe", you see, there's a "C" before the extension, not the other file without "C". This file comes with the crack.

ukboss247 (2011-05-05)

wow this game is fking shittiest game ever suck the biggast balls of man kind. fucking niggar in the begining is full of shit and annoying.

zyyxir (2011-05-05)

Every crack i try and download its password protected and i cant get into it! HELP!!!!!

treborcracker (2011-05-05)

Wow this game is truly awful..I liked Dragon rising but this is like 10 steps backwards...the graphics are shit, they are a lot worse then dragon rising, the audio is just annoying and the AI sucks, anyways played it for like 20 minutes, hated it gonna uninstall it

irishboyblue (2011-05-05)

david87654321 got the same problem as u m8 been waiting weeks for a fix messing wiv compatability mode got me my weapons but not for long !!

AssCat (2011-05-05)

Bought a CD Key to play online, but crack seems to stop the game from updating. Help?

aleneen (2011-05-05)

I'm kinda new to this too and I've got a question.
What exactly am I supposed to do in step 4 (Copy over the cracked content)? Copy what over what? I have noticed the right launcher in the folder 'Crack' and now to copy...?
Please help, thanks.

aleneen (2011-05-05)

Nevermind, it has been fixed now (more or less).
The game works more or less fine, except for some errors I get because the local computer store keeps fucking up.
It's not a problem with the seed though, so thanks ^^.

Tooumas (2011-05-06)

I have strange problem. I start the game, made a local profile and it says press return. I press it and nothing happens, I'm stuck there.... please help!

david87654321 (2011-05-06)

looks like we aren't going to get any help. although by the sounds of it the game sucks anyway.

rugal2401 (2011-05-06)

work's fine on my windows 7 32bits

Cyro-Pulse (2011-05-06)

Open that folder. Highlight all of the options and then copy/paste them into the main folder. Accept any overwrites if prompted

nakos1983 (2011-05-06)

nice one m8! i liked a lot the thing with the serial :P

doper0 (2011-05-07)

This game sucks ass

artikal1 (2011-05-07)

some folks may have problems with playing the game online, otherwise it works
directx updates

artikal1 (2011-05-07)

problems occur when trying to play online,
or directx files missing, update at following link.
otherwise iso works fine.

bicbic999 (2011-05-07)

mine says
"the ordinal (sic) 5372 could not be located in the dynamic link library xlive.dll"
what does it mean?

bicbic999 (2011-05-07)

mine says:
the ordinal (sic) 5372 could not be located in the dynamic link library xlive.dll
what does it mean?

Kogty (2011-05-07)

Pretty nice game, just don't forget to put the graphics up in the main menu, because if you are already ingame and you are updating it, it's rubbish.

Mrpepperson (2011-05-08)

Alright guys, I picked up some Malware in the crack file with Comodo Firewall. Now, I'm not saying its actually there, but just warning you that it could be a possibility. Maybe try to download a different crack? Have fun, and hope you guys don't worry to much.

vittupaa1980 (2011-05-08)

Short game, cant play Online,

siempiehhhh (2011-05-08)

its stuck at the windows configuration screen

siempiehhhh (2011-05-08)

I installed it but it keeps on saying :
The dynamic library "rld.dll" failed to initialize
Can Anyone help me???
im running on Vista 32 Bit And as admin

AssCat (2011-05-08)

How did you get it to work online in the first place? I tried using a key I bought, but the update won't download

AssCat (2011-05-09)

"How did you get it to work online in the first place? I tried using a key I bought, but the update won't download"
"How did you get it to work online in the first place?"
"work online"

GrimMaggot (2011-05-09)

Umm...Isn't this game like not supposed to be out until...June? I am deeply confused...

AssCat (2011-05-10)

The US publisher, THQ, didn't want it competing with it's game Homefront, so it was delayed in the US until June 7. It's been out everywhere else for almost a month

mokaey (2011-05-10)

this game is really good!!!
but only after about 2 hours play time when you have got all the controls figured out...
this is NOT a run and gun game, this is a tactical gun game.
like splinter cell or ghost recon or rainbow six.
its realism mode in this game
if your shot 3 times your dead.
1 time your hurt
2 times your down
3 times dead
BTW. sniping in this game is very realistic you have to account for wind, temp, and distance,
and adjust your shots accordingly i had a tough time finding that out.

CyberFlea (2011-05-10)

Its not a bad game, I like the lil unlock weapons part and being able to choose the gear for my squad but as for realism Arma 2 with Ace mod still is top of genre. Take a look at Arma and and the new installments of OFP and you can see which company Codemasters or BIS did most of the developments for the old OFP.

RcHybrid (2011-05-10)

it wont let me start, i get to main menu and it says press return and i do but it doesnt work :/ any help would be appreciated

cool4you (2011-05-10)

i have the same problom as RcHbrid it says press return i even looked up in websits to check if i am roung and pressing the roung button but after i checked what is the return button it wont enter the game! PLS help me out here

SamAres (2011-05-10)

For those who are having trouble with the G35 headset and this game, listen up!
Logitech G35 is a good headset, but it will not let most games start (operation flashpoint red river, crysis2, call of juarez) and many others. I returned mine to the site i bought them together with a long ass letter of rage telling them to stop selling Logitechs peice of shit hardware.
The problem is in the drivers that comes with the headset. If you uninstall them, the games mentioned above will start normally. But not being able to have the 7.1 sound when you payed for it is like fucking with a condom.
The Logitech g35 is the worst peice of shit headset i have ever bought, and i'm not talking about the quality, but the functionality.

nauriceprivat (2011-05-10)

Didn't manage with the missing dll's and creating profile on xlive
thabks anyway, living this game, because cannot start it

bagfragr (2011-05-12)

It works, but the game sucks, games these days are less and less worth the money

HazmanTheRipper (2011-05-12)

Hey all,
Once again Extremezone and RELOADED excellent work, you guys are awesome. Nothing more to say.
For all the people getting the people disappearing no ammo bug try right clicking the patch and running it as an administrator, might only be a temp fix but its worked perfectly for me.
Let me know if this helps!

junk1man (2011-05-12)

thnx, extremezone & RELOADED
this game work. Lolve this game..... +1

jvezirian (2011-05-12)

Hey hoping someone can help me out. I am getting an error, hell right at the install, I input the code and then it gives me a cannot verify the files error.. hell it accepted the code.

vinnybotz (2011-05-12)

where is the product key?

Hitokiri1 (2011-05-12)

Stick to Arma games! this is just a pile of pussy ass shit

Zuca911 (2011-05-13)

TNX VERRY MUCH EXTREMEZONE! it's working perfectly! fast download and cool game :) tnx tnx tnx!
Little help
1. Download
2. Mount with Alcohol 120% or other mount program
3. Go to Mounted CD find icon "Game" instal from there
4. when finish go to folder where u instaled FORR and copy RedRiverLauncerc and rld.dll to FORR folder
5. start game with RedRiverLauncerc
6. And kill some talibans :D

xiIix (2011-05-14)

Wish there was a trainer for this. I'm stuck at a soft point without any ammo and no air support.

muzaffar0830 (2011-05-14)

this game is real fake

muzaffar0830 (2011-05-14)

FG Force how can u say the game is great
When it's asking for serial Key

muzaffar0830 (2011-05-14)

i have done every thing and try my best but i have not seen such Fake torrent

muzaffar0830 (2011-05-14)

So anybody new PLZ don't download this waste of 4.38 GB

MarcIntes (2011-05-14)

dude go to a morgue and buy a damn freakin brain.
Hope it helps. god bless.

kridane (2011-05-14)

Game works perfect, its not the greatest though... fun to play it's pretty realistic.

Rafo1996 (2011-05-15)

can't find xlive.dll can someone help me please

MarcIntes (2011-05-16)

for those having problems about xlive.dll
search games for windows live on google.
download and install it. then run the game again.

MarcIntes (2011-05-16)

for those having problems about xlive.dll
please refer to this site.
download and install it. then run the game again.

mordeth86 (2011-05-16)

@petesamprass where is bc vietnam you say? link?

pvt.db (2011-05-16)

do you guys get the return key problem? iv bashed every button aftr selecting an ofline profile but cant enter the game?

pvt.db (2011-05-17)

i was being a faggot! open the game launcher not the red river.exe will help those strugling with return key errors

LawnMowerKing (2011-05-17)

you lot are all SAD go buy the game like me for the 360 its much better and dont have to wait for it to download!!!

LawnMowerKing (2011-05-17)

and btw, id give a 8/10 gameplay and 10/10 for sitting in a car doing nothing!

sunnyp_343 (2011-05-17)

i m getting ordinal 5372 could not located in dynamic link library xlive.dll error........pls help me to solve this problem

Eifman (2011-05-18)

when I open the game all the instructions are in russian Help

Sevv (2011-05-19)

hi guys i have created a local profile and all though it keeps telling me once i want to ontinue after that, that the save file is corrupt therefore i cant save my progress i would really appreciate any help guys.
Thank you in adavance

S4NM4N (2011-05-21)

@ KarloCool If the serials you are using don't work always try all "0" (ZERO's not OH's) like:
0000-0000-0000-0000-0000 works for me 9/10 times!

damnken (2011-05-22)

McAfee, found a virus in the Crack folder....... I think it's a false positive, but i'm not confident...

damnken (2011-05-22)

Extremezone i'm sure you haven't posted a fricken trojan....... But would you be able to upload a OFRR, crack only??

Yukon867 (2011-05-23)

So i extracted and got media1 media2 and media3 .cab files , no iso , tried to extract the .cab files and got like 200 .fid files, so how do i get the iso ? do i have to convert or something ?Im not new to d/ling games , just never seen 1 like this with the .cab files. Would love it if someone could help me, thx in advance, googled my ass off and couldnt find any solutions

damnken (2011-05-23)

@petesamprass - Hahaha! Vein! hilarious.......
it's vain just btw...

Yukon867 (2011-05-24)

Whats with this day 1 patch ? i cant find a d/l for it anywhere, got the game installed but at the main screen it says Press Return, i pressed everything , nothing worked , then i seen the day 1 patch has a fix for it , so where do i get it ?

nastynacho (2011-05-24)

Whenever I click RedRiverLauncherc.exe
it starts to black screen then exits to desktop
tried GFWL 2.2 and GFWL 3.4 which one do I need

TodayTiger12 (2011-05-24)

When I try to start the game with RedRiverLauncherc.exe (after copyed the crack), it stands "5372 wasn`t found in the library of xlive.dll" or something like that.
Is that a big problem?

damnken (2011-05-26)

@Yukon867 I got the same problem bro, i finally got the crack to move over after Mcafee blocking it.... But now i launch the game and 'Return' doesn't work....

Viktor6665 (2011-05-26)

Where can i find a fucking keygenerator???

angry_black-man (2011-05-27)

The game sucks balls

ishijo (2011-05-28)

Wow, i love this game. Runs perfectly on my Win7 systems.

dad101 (2011-05-28)

i am new at downloading games on here and getting it to work. If some one could please help. What do you exactly mount? i have alchol program to mount with. so please help

griff4 (2011-05-28)

Top download, Thanks Mate!

dad101 (2011-05-28)

soo i have Mcafee and everytime i try to use or extract RedRiverLauncherE. it keeps erasing it due to Trojan. Does anyone know how to stop the Mcafee from doing so? if so please help

trazk1 (2011-05-29)

I got the game to work after having the same errors that everyone else did..
Install games for windows BEFORE installing OFRR. Reboot.
Use the "game" application and not "setup" to install. You won't be asked for a serial.
Copy over the included crack files from the CD and launch the game with the C one.
It took me 3 tries with the installer and Games for Windows, but it eventually worked.
Don't forget to reboot after installing games for windows. Then install OFRR.
Good luck.

kaam14 (2011-05-30)

Hey i am having a bit of an issue the framerate for me is extremely slow please if anyone knows how to fix this I would be very grateful. thanks alot.

Salimbo (2011-05-30)

Does multiplayer work?

kaam14 (2011-05-31)

Hey anyone know how to get rid of a slow fps? cause mines really slow for this game...

kaam14 (2011-05-31)

ok sorry to repost but I havnt gotten any response but I really really need help with the low fps if anyone knows what to do with this please let me know :) thanks.

thrilexz (2011-05-31)

I've downloaded this. But, it didn't work. You need something to play this without the 'CD'.

thrilexz (2011-05-31)

Thanks for this bullshit :)

sweeduo33 (2011-05-31)

i have a probabbly everything went well i mount the ISO in daemon tool and after installation i went to open codemaster and then run redriver.After running half way i got this error saying Operation flashpoint only can be excuted with redriverlauncher.exe so i click ok i went back into my game after loading and shit it came to the point they say this game has auto save so i waited for 10mins and nothing happend can someone tell me wat happend

WTF-3600 (2011-06-03)

got no sound... there is sound in the intro, but not ingame and in the menu. Is there anyone who can solve this problem? and yes, i have tryed to look in "options/audio" and its all maxed.

parmourson23 (2011-06-03)

Working fine on Windows 7 Ultimate x 64, even with DEP activated - nice 1 :)))

parmourson23 (2011-06-03)

Working fine on Windows 7 Ultimate x64,even with DEP activated- nice 1 :))

sar59 (2011-06-04)

Awesome game.. worked fine n smooth till some XP patch messed up my setup. Now I get RLD.DLL failed to initialize error what do I do. Wanna finish this game..

dichael502 (2011-06-05)

Am I the only derp who can't seem to find the crack within the downloaded files? :\
I only got the Image and .NFO file from this torrent.
Crack is nowhere to be found... Or do I just have to find it manually online?

dichael502 (2011-06-05)

*Double posts*
Sorry, I figured it out now!

TE5LA (2011-06-05)

@ thrilexz
You don't need a CD, you need to install the crack like the instructions state.
@ kaam14
Probably a better graphics card or lower the settings, especially anti-aliasing and shadows.

TE5LA (2011-06-05)

@ seth0351
Crack works fine. Have you tried removing the write protection? I didn't have to anyway.

TE5LA (2011-06-05)

Wow, hard to believe so many people try to play cracked games online through official servers and wonder why their key doesn't work. People, you have to play in offline mode or set up a LAN server. Try Tunngle.

thiefy (2011-06-06)

Someone Please send me the contents of the crack file at :
these are really small files wont take a minute.
[email protected]
I deleted the crack folder!! me dumb!!
thanks in advance

thiefy (2011-06-06)

My id: [email protected]

thiefy (2011-06-06)

Someone Please email me the contents of the crack folder at:
[email protected]
I dont have the original iso anymore. I dont want to download the whole thing again.
Please help.

DePony (2011-06-07)

im having problems with the sound ingame like many other people are having i see
is there any way to fix this?

firebirdude (2011-06-07)

Got it working.
Those with the rld.dll failure, you have to have both .exe's in the folder.
Those having troubles with the Windows Live shit. Click create new account (regardless if you have an account). Then scroll down and create a local profile. Block Flashpoint on your firewall.
Those that already know this and just hate on every single post every made... suck my nuts.

xNo0ne (2011-06-07)

I have this wierd thing going on!
I get to the start of the Game and after like 10 sec in the game i get Mission COmplete, Dont even get to fire anything .... Rly sux balls, Any one knows whats up?

datanomi1337 (2011-06-07)

I hit the "RedRiverLauncherc" then open window what say "The dynamic library"rld.dll" failed to initialize". what i have to do solve this problem asap?!

mikkomik (2011-06-08)


theamer (2011-06-10)

any one knw a where i can find cheats or trainers for this thing??

Spiky_porc (2011-06-11)

where is the crack located?

damnken (2011-06-14)

This is ridiculous... I've put the crack in, and it says xlive.dll is missing so i download that and replace it, and then it says "The original 5372 could not be located in the dynamic link library xlive.dll..... But I just copied it in....
What do I do?

godofwar270 (2011-06-15)

i did it all right but when i start it it sead something about the dill that comes with crack wth is going on???? and YESS i used the one with the (C)

firefox83 (2011-06-16)

Hey extremezone, or anyone else, I cant install the crack. I keep getting an error saying I need permission to install redriverlauncerc.exe. I have tried to extract it, mount it, everything, and it will not copy. Any ideas on this one?

fankyoudude (2011-06-17)

Really shit game anyway

l3lackitty (2011-06-17)

Anyway this can work online? I have a Gold Xbox Live membership. . just wondering if it'll work. . if not. .
Who wants to LAN co-op tomorrow? :D

MiroslavLalovic (2011-06-18)

to damnken : i found your solution here it goes: when you copy the crack it says you are missing a xlive.dll file so you download it (google it) paste it in your instalation folder .Then it says The original 5372 could not be located in the dynamic link library xlive.dll when you run the red river C.exe .Then cose that window and DELITE xlive.dll from instal folder and run red river C.exe it will work now ^^

Agnostos (2011-06-21)

Error code: 0x80096010 anyone know how to fix this?

Stavrosqq (2011-06-22)

All good working, i am in the part where it says "press return" for starting the game i guess.. I pressed all buttons in keyboard but nothing came out! Any replies?

jimmy000 (2011-06-23)

whoever made this game should be killed cos it is actully the worst game ever played id almost rather play cod black ops

juccool (2011-06-23)

its says i 'miss the cd if i will start the game?

Juka063 (2011-06-24)

Working :)

lovingam (2011-06-25)

is it possible to play this in offline mode? i mean if you don't have internet and ur not logged in games for windows u can't make any saves in the game

dumas1000 (2011-06-27)

There are 3 exe files: RedRiver.exe, RedRiverLauncher.exe, RedRiverLauncherc.exe. The game must be launched using RedRiverLauncherc.exe in order to play the game. Yes, the one with the c at the the end. If you attempt to play the game using RedRiver.exe, you will end up with the game saying "press return," but the game will not launch beyond the title screen. Launch the game using the proper exe and it will work.

kylekool (2011-06-27)

agh! im having an issue with this! so i downloaded the crack and when i start the game i cant press return i have read the thing above and it says there is a launcher that says redriverlauncherc.exe but it does not pop up in the folder. i tried everything! any suggestions?!

Andro87 (2011-06-28)

OK, I tried everything you wrote and it is not working.
I had a xlive.dll error, so I downloaded this dll and run LauncherC again.
Now I had a msidcrl40.dll error. I downloaded it too and had ...5372... error.
I deleted xlive.dll and now a have a xlive.dll missing error again...
And NO, I don´t delete launcher and YES I copied both files from crack folder.
Can U help me, please?

MiroslavLalovic (2011-07-01)

@ Andro87
sry bro but that worked for me anyway the game sucks and has crashes later on..............

soilido (2011-07-01)

really shit game... don't download...

MrMclainy (2011-07-03)

You need to actually install the Games for Windows Live client, not just download the dll.

coolix (2011-07-07)

///////Everybody needs to know that you have to have the Games for Windows Live client.\\\\\\\\

Mauler1 (2011-07-09)

Game works flawlessly cheers 4 the ul m8 ; P
Certainly 1 of the best fps I've played in a while, basically if u don't like this game ur a n00b or Anti-American : D

Krees_M (2011-07-09)

Downloaded, installed, cracked but it's not working.
Anyone care to help please?
The problem is I start the game, and the game like begins but only a black screen and then it returns to desktop. When I try to launch RedRiverLauncherc exe file it says rld.dll failed to initialize...
any solutions? I tried everything I know :(

Mauler1 (2011-07-10)

@Krees_M... Play the game using RedRiverLauncherc.exe (Yes, the one with the c)

Krees_M (2011-07-10)

Mauler1 I did but that's what happens every time I launch the game :/
I tried reinstalling the game but nothing.

MrFoxonfire (2011-07-11)

works perfect but I think the game is boring

D_A7 (2011-07-12)

Game is SHIT , played it for 5 minutes and now i cant even uninstall it :(

someguysname (2011-07-17)

I got the game to mostly work, every time I try to start the actual missions it says I've left the lobby.

LaVolpe (2011-07-19)

Great upload, works like a charm! Played through 4 missions now, and it works perfectly! No trouble installing, no crashes, no bugs! Thanks :D

TheHaT3Z (2011-07-31)

never seen this type of installation :O

croate123 (2011-08-04)

how to trow smokes?

haggisofdeath (2011-08-05)

Thx for the upload!
Great game. Even better coop with friends using tunngle.
Torrent works perfect depending on ur system spec. just follow instructions!
When are we getting RR valley of death?

bustagut (2011-08-07)

i am new to the torrent world, where do i copy the cracked folder...

Diablo76 (2011-08-13)

This game is fucking awsome.
Stupid Call of Duty pricks will never like it because this is the real deal...
Finhished 6 times and going for the 7th...
Only bad thing about this is that i cant install patch 1.02 because it says that i dont have this game installed... :(
Thank you RELOADED. I love you guys since your releases for the A500... :D

damnken (2011-08-21)

Thanks extremzone!
Works great...
Although bloody Mcafee gave me some "block and must restart" problems! -For anyone who has mcafee... simply turn off "real-time scanning" THEN copy over crack and dll, etc...
Poor graphics - I've got max settings and I wanna go higher! Am disappointed, gameplay is fine, pretty realistic, sighting in, is not sensitive enough, and when you sight out it's over sensitive, i thought they would have fixed that from the first one... Damage indication is another flaw..... AND SOOOO MUCH SITTING IN A CAR LISTENING TO THE BLACK DUDE COMPLAIN!!!
My God...
Thanks again extremezone.

azngung (2011-08-24)

really awesome torrent, thanks
I didn't really enjoy the game though, oh well I'll keep seeding

elpancake (2011-08-28)


razorzone (2011-08-28)

where to find the serial key

domba1414 (2011-08-29)


antagonist356 (2011-09-02)

for those who have a problem with the black screen issue, i started at right-click > properties > compatability > vista (simply because i was unaware of this games creation time and i usually do this with every game and work backwards...anyway) after u set it to compatibility that works best for you, right-click the taskbar, or however you prefer to get to task manager, and from there close any red river applications, beyond that set your virus scanners to inactive, gaming mode, real time shields down or whatever. than do the same with your firewalls. and i was then able to access the game, i hope this works for others out there!
- thanks to extremezone for the upload easy install bout to play the game now :D.

antagonist356 (2011-09-02)

domba^^ this should help u as all, cuz the black screen problem and ofp go hand-in-hand.

boomy96 (2011-09-04)

Download was quick and the install worked
first go (Win 7 64bit). Just follow instructions.
The game itself is a rush job, squad mates have sh*t pathing skills, dont follow orders, cant ID an enemy 3 meters away. Its another wanna be game rip off of Generation Kill.

sentimentalen (2011-09-05)

wtf bug at the last mission ... the Chinese wont come :(

spystyle (2011-09-06)

Her is my 2 cents, just an opinion. My review
I don't like rap music
I don't like government propaganda
I don't want to sign in to "Microsoft Windows Live" to simply save my game
The game starts with a government propaganda movie and it's delivered as if the expected target audience is retarded. It glorifies US presidents and demonizes US enemies, it's as if FOX news wrote it.
That movie was annoying because the Bush and Bin Laden families are buddies in the oil business and have been for years. The original Bush fortune was from Nazi laundering. 9-11 was a scam and Bin Laden certainly didn't mastermind it. See Alex Jones for more information if you want.
So the movie can be deleted, OK, not a big deal I guess.
Then I need to sign in to Microsoft Live to save my game ? Lame.
Then the actual game starts, a foul mouthed "gangsta" Staff Sargent is cursing and yelling and insulting the entire time. I got sick of it quickly.
The graphics are OK, the game play is very restrictive, you are not free to roam as you were in the previous game "Dragon Rising"
This was more in the style of COD and it's for people that love foul mouthed rappers, I don't like rap music at all.
I really enjoyed "Dragon Rising", it had a flaw that the grass was too tall and the AI could see through the grass but the player couldn't LOL, so while I enjoyed playing it so much I decided to try the squeal - big mistake for me.
I hate "Red River" - to enjoy it you must want a foul mouthed "gangsta" insulting you for hours, and you must believe the FOX news version of 9-11
What a piece of garbage this game is. A terrible stain on the Flashpoint legacy.

dumas1000 (2011-09-15)

I doubt this game is smart enough to spew propaganda in an intentional attempt to further some seedy, underground agenda. It's just full of lazy derivative stereotypes. The endlessly cursing sergeant is annoying. The game is repetitive as hell, the missions are way too long, and it all feels like a generally pointless exercise that drags on for an eternity. The sergeant repeats more or less the same crap mission after mission, like he's just rambling endlessly for hours on end. I don't see any plotline or a semblance of character development. It's brainless.
However, the Windows Live thing is cool if you have an Xbox Live account and you can double dip your achievements.
You don't have to pay anything to create a profile and earn achievements, by the way. Even on the 360 that service is free.
Anyway, you can play the PC game, earn achievements, then turn around, play the 360 version of the same game, and earn the exact same achievements a second time. It's awesome.
You guys do realize that you can gain achievements on Pirated PC games using a real profile while playing in offline mode, right. Anyway, this is a blowfest, pretty much.

tidusffx2 (2011-09-16)

i got 2 the menu thing after 1 cut scene.. it tells me to press "return" which button is that? i've been pressing every key on my keyboard but nothing works plz help me!:(

brutal_product (2011-09-24)

such an epic co-op game.
ty again extremezone.

gino1965 (2011-09-28)

Thank you again extremezone. Worked great!

SvenniR (2011-10-02)

why are there only two folders in the download. there's no crack file

Brcko4s (2011-10-11)

when i start the game, only shows black screen ...Why?? do i need ,,dragon rising,, ?

Kjbaran (2011-10-16)

How insulting. This game should be about the army, not the Marine Corps. 2 Iraqi tours bitches.

astronotbumi (2011-11-10)

I'm trying to run this game after install it as instructed. The game just won't works when I run it using the available crack.

JuYeon (2011-11-16)

Thank you extremezone!!!!! Your the best! Stay Nice always :)

Deog (2011-11-23)

spystyle,you outta your mind.Tou need a shrink bad.

Deog (2011-11-23)

spystyle,your outta your mind.You need a shrink bad.

wes5774 (2011-12-12)

can someone pliz help out with the minimum system requirements in a list.

kyleong95 (2011-12-25)

who can teach me how to install plzzzz

Sev1188 (2011-12-27)

thanks man!!!!

GeneralTso92 (2012-02-05)

How the hell is it a ripoff of Generation Kill?
What you meant to say is it's a ripoff of the original Operation Flashpoint, which was actually good.
You are fucking retarded.

netrek (2012-04-09)

I finally found out what was wrong, PRAISE GOD!
I spent 2 hours reading all 16 pages of comments, trying every suggested fix, nothing worked, spent more time googling and trying stuff, still nothing worked. Then finally I ran Process Explorer and noticed when RedRiverLauncherc.exe called RedRiver.exe it was sandboxing it due to my antivirus. So I went into Avast, disabled AutoSandboxing and now the game works perfectly! I am running Windows 7 Ultimate (x64). I hope this can save some of you the aggravation I went through!

netrek (2012-04-09)

Forgot to mention the symptoms I had. Would click RedRiverLauncherc.exe (after applying the files from Crack directory) and the screen would go black for a second or two and then the game would just exit back to desktop.

waffen55 (2012-04-15)

where the F*CK i can get GFWL 3 ???????

generalabuse (2012-04-17)

@spystyle : you are beyond retarded, if you believe every conspiracy theory you read, well that proves it even further. As far as references to "foul mouthed gangsta" - chillthefuckout dude! its a GAME - if you don't like, don't do! obviously yours is the only opinion that counts? you are a shitcunt

RichiiJm14 (2012-04-30)

Operation FagPoint thats how it should be.
It says ur a Noob in the first like FUk u

gamerfps (2012-04-30)

I installed the game and updated directx , .net .live and everything. But when i ran the game it showed a black screen then it crashed , when i tried to ran it for second time it showed "The dynamic library"rld.dll" failed to initialize" .. please Help me bro . It took 4 days for me to download using my slow connection... help me

RogueTalon (2012-06-22)

Installed Game
Copied both launcher and rld.dlll to install location
Launch game, gets error:
"SecuLauncher Error"

kiro144 (2012-06-25)

i download this game, then i install it, and run, But something happend, game started, appear black screen, and then back to folder, i click icon game again, it say "OFP is already running"
Someone help me

SonnyPLG (2012-09-28)

Stuck download at 70,6 % ... why ?????

ash_cha (2012-11-19)

fucking dump game.....wasted time for downloading this game..

ash_cha (2012-11-19)

dump game.....wasted time for downloading this game..

jagru (2013-06-22)

hey guys,im stuck at PRESS RETURN,what to do?

TestDummy825 (2013-07-01)

-DO NOT CREATE OR USE A LIVE/XBOX account you will receive the invalid product key error. YOU MUST CREATE A LOCAL PROFILE, it comes up after you select create new profile in game, you have to SCROLL down throw the text and you will see a hyperlink.
-To fix no xlive.dll error you need the latest version of "Games for Windows Live". You can find the latest version of GFWL here>>
No need to create or use your windows live/xbox live profiles as it will not work. You will create/log in your profile in the game.

indskab (2013-09-22)


indskab (2013-09-22)

Stop fucking whinning you ungrateful fools! It works fine! Just follow the instructions listed there! Unless you have another problem or something...FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!

j00ky (2014-03-31)

Obfuscated (encrypted) malware in the DLL in crack folder. Don't download. Whoever said "Piratepedia AKA extremezone is a piece of shit" is right. This uploader is a piece of shit. I'm never getting anything from him again.

BigMgamer (2014-04-05)

You can play this online... I'll post how to play it online tomorrow

BillyWillyNilly (2014-09-10)

Does this have the Valley of Death DLC included? Why is it called "Reloaded?"

magnum6764 (2014-09-27)

Reloaded would be the person that encoded the game probably and anti-virus programs normally dictate that the crack of something is a virus when its really not. Doesnt necessarily mean that it is bad for you; it is just part of the anti-virus scanning process that finds "unwelcome code" including programs that windows "shouldnt have".

Kruger999 (2014-10-01)

do i need to log in every time to GFWL. Is there a way to auto log in like the rest of GFWL type games like dragon rising, DS1 and RS5/6


1. Operation.Flashpoint.Red.River-RELOADED/reloaded.nfo 4.84 Kb
2. Operation.Flashpoint.Red.River-RELOADED/rld-ofrr.iso 4486.56 Mb