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Rosetta Stone V3 - Japanese (L1, L2, L3) (ISO)
Software PC
Rosetta Stone V3 - Japanese (L1, L2, L3) (ISO)
2009-04-14 (by Library.Source )
Rosetta Stone V3 - Japanese
L1, L2, L2 (ISO)
======== Note ========
These are ISO files, not executable applications.
Some people download these files with no idea how to run them.
An application (separate) is required to use these data files.
Also, this is not a bulletin or blogging site. Please make your comments
relative to the posted torrent.
For Windows OS: Suggest using MagicISO's MagicDisc (Freeware)
Files count:
1657.74 Mb
rooroo109 (2009-04-20)
WT?? it went straight to an image which i could burn on cdr or dvdr what they only ended up has files and nothing useful at that is there a step im missing here because i couldnt autoplay them either ?? thnxs they are virus free thokammi666 (2009-04-27)
uh...any idea what i do for activation code?kammi666 (2009-04-27)
thanks btw works just fine. as a note, you need to install the actual rosetta stone application plus the update (im on a mac, got the mac version) in order to run thisCoolgamer (2009-04-29)
So where do I get the actual application? What all do I need to run this?garadark (2009-05-11)
Since it is an ISO i would use a Virtual Drive to emulate the CD instead of burning it to an actual CD. By doing this, the program runs faster and it is not on Physical CD.However, i do not know. i am still downloading.
i will post some tips if i can get it to work alright?
Rastvoff (2009-05-30)
to use these files you need the actual application "Rosetta Stone V3" of which there are multiple torrents on on tpbthe RS application is rather poorly programmed and you'll just have to get used to its instabilities (like occationally having to delete your progress because the program has decided something in your database, which it made itself, is outdated), and if you're dedicated to learning the language i'd recommend the typical method, as you'll learn faster that way. I recommend you only use rosetta stone if you're bad at organising your studies, and lazy, like me, in which case the program is just perfect as it's all laid out for you.
carli_marie (2009-06-02)
activations codes?!?!?!?! can i bypass this?captjack702 (2009-06-08)
If I bought the legit version of rosetta stone in another language, will this torrent work on my system, or do I need the crack/patch to run this?stert (2009-06-11)
this program is great. just burned this to dvd's using the program nero and ran this program from here
THEN insert disc (there are instructions on the other download)stert (2009-06-18)
if my pc accidently connects to rosetta stone verification online and is locked out, what do I do. I have already uinstalled and reinstalled but it won't unlock the rest of lesson 1. do i have to reinstall my whole operating system to get this fucking thing to work?stert (2009-06-18)
ahhh i never took out the original exe when i put in the patch. it did clear up the problem for now, until my next major fuckup.daletucker (2009-06-20)
do the v3 languages work with the v3.3.5?pseudipto (2009-07-27)
Where can I find the activation code for this. And what is the patch you guys are talking about?reav5000 (2009-08-02)
excellent! :) could you please upload Polish (L1, L2, L3) (ISO)??zerro_shiiki (2009-08-05)
When i burned it onto a CD with Nero, there were no patches, exe. applications. Just folders that said data, languages, document, speech and they are full of RSD and PDF filesWhat's going on?
Renken1 (2009-08-07)
Very nice, every seems to be ok, great downloading speed, great amount of seeders. And like Rastvoff said awesome for lazy people (like me). thank you for making this. i will use my japanese for the good of humanity xD im prob gana sub animes with this :P. thanks againjayohesh (2009-08-20)
trying to activate japanese lv 1-3 i put in all the xxx's and hit ok after that i get a 8811 error code anyone know what the problem is? i have the application 3.2... w/e so the japanese is compatible i have run the patch and everything seems to be ok just when i try to activate i get the 8811?8811, 8811, 8811
The Activation ID was not recognized. Please verify your Activation ID and re-enter. If problem persists after multiple tries, please contract customer support.
is what it says.
Arg_the_pirate (2009-08-27)
Learn Japanese to sub animes?A lot of people learn Japanese for the wrong reasons in my opinion, but do what you will.
Great upload, by the way.
girugameshh (2010-01-05)
anyone know what to do about the activation code?L337ish (2010-01-06)
Thank you! Works great.Onna no kotachi wa tabete imasu!
see! :D
owby874 (2010-01-13)
It's completely useless if all you have is these language level iso. To use this first you must have the rosetta stone application. Just download that first and install it. I got mine from egydown dot com. Then either burn these iso onto a disk or mount them (i used deamon tool). The rosetta stone application will ask you if you want to install any language levels. If it's mounted or in the dvd drive it will install it after you tell it you want to install it. If you install the application as instructed, you will not need an activation code as you will not be asked for one. Hope that helped.Pheaton79 (2010-01-24)
Thank you Library Source, Spreading information is always a Noble cause. Wish I ULed more before my hard drive crashed but thanks to you and uploaders like you I will have my entire drive back more or less, and you can believe I am now a dedicated uploader, not just seeder. THANKS!chucctaylor808 (2010-01-25)
@Library.Source You think you can find and upload Latin L1 threw L3? I really want that one too man... thanks if you can manhammy420 (2010-02-11)
SEED PLZ!!!Anonmeous (2010-02-25)
Thanks for the upload! I'll write another comment when it's done downloading and tell you how everything goes.fish102 (2010-03-07)
L1 and L3 will not work with V 3.2. L2 seems corrupt and will not mount.Archy101 (2010-06-22)
Just to let everyone know you must MOUNT! and then !OPEN! Rosetta Stone. Then click Add Language. At least in windows 7, as there is no app.exe file to run.0rphen (2010-07-01)
so, i've downloaded and installed the latest version of rosetta and uploaded all three lessons. i followed all the instructions and wasn't asked for an authorization code when i installed the lessons, so everything seems to be working just fine.However, i did noticed that when i go into the lesson details themselves, that it states that an authorization code is needed in order to unlock the lessons and get the full content. My question is this: since it never asked for the code, and i had to go looking for it to even realize that it's not authorized, does that mean that i get demo like lessons instead of the full thing, or does it not really mean anything and i'm just looking into it too much?
blink3377 (2010-08-21)
Is says I am getting trojans. Are these false trojans?Ahhhmee (2010-08-30)
Um, when I try to install the language it just says "there was an error installing the language files" x_xhexenII (2010-09-04)
Mount image, install all 3 levels, already using it.Working fine on Win7.
Thanks a lot.
call_me_nobody (2010-09-07)
how the hell do i install this without a frickin .exe file?>_LiTtLeDizZyURiNe (2010-09-30)
ok ppl. there are ISO files NOT .EXE files. think of it as an intangible cd-rom. in order to install the language pack you MUST download a program like ISOBUSTER, VITURAL CLONE DRIVE or DAEMON TOOLS these programs act as a "HARDDRIVE" and allows you to mount the iso so the software can read the "CD-ROM"crushx02 (2010-10-08)
If I bought the legit version of rosetta stone in another language, will the .iso work within my program without needing an activation key, or do I need the patch? I seriously don't want to download another full version of RS if I can avoid it. is there a key crack w/o program that anyone knows about? please and Thank you a million times.crushx02 (2010-10-08)
nvm, I gotz it. off 2 duh kitchunz fo nomz. ^^nanna99 (2010-10-19)
Hallo folks,I got this running on Vista and did already some exercise, but now I see that you only get the first 2 levels of the first unit (there are totally 4 in each stage 1,2,3), the other units are completely locked. does anyone know how to crack the activation code? I really wanted to keep exercise with that, so thanks for quick help
nanna99 (2010-10-19)
Hallo folks,I got this running on Vista, but now that I've done some exercise I see that you`re only able to do the first 2 levels in the first unit (there are total 4 units in each stage 1,2,3), the others are completely locked. Does anyone know how to crack the activation code, please? I really want to keep up exercising, so thanks for quick help
nanna99 (2010-10-19)
does anyone know how to crack the activation code, cos otherwise u can only do the first 2 exercises? thxnanna99 (2010-10-19)
oops I'm sorry guys, I typed the same thing 3 times cos the site got stucked but please helpSeeker.iz (2010-11-28)
Finally! I got it working ^^. I had so much trouble figuring out what I did wrong. Make sure that whatever you do you do NOT update it. That casued me a lot of trouble >_Nano-kun (2010-12-19)
Managed to get it working, just going through the first level.I'll ask if there's any other problems.
alwayslie (2010-12-23)
hellomounted the iso file (and also burned the cd as its supposed to be a gift) but couldnt find any way to run the software... I guess there's another programm from Rosetta Stone needed to make this work?
The other comments mostly focused on mouting and weren't really helpful. sorry if i'm just being a stupid noob here - helpful advice would be much appreciated.
alwayslie (2010-12-23)
ok i figured it out. got an older version 2.x for japanese from another download and it works fine:
however its NOT compatible with the cds from this one! maybe theres another torrent but am too lazy to search it now^^
cancerlighter (2010-12-24)
Is the complete Rosetta Stone Version 2!. Is the simplest torrent for getting Rosetta Stone. All you SIMPLY need to do is download, mount/(burn if you like), and play. It comes complete with all languages (including Japanese). And works FLAWLESSLY. For those who are not computer geniuses or hackers.
mitchelllsk2 (2010-12-31)
Ok, sorry to sound like an idiot here, but I downloaded this torrent and IsoBuster and I opened the iso's, but all I got were some folders. From What I understand I need an application and all that? Not quite sure how to go about doing this. Can someone help?Dope. (2011-01-10)
Thanks a ton for this, really excited to use it :)arcael (2011-01-15)
After burning the Iso file ji can only see the datafiles how do I installed?boogoo (2011-01-29)
Can someone please upload Hebrew level 3 and English (British) Level 4 and 5 please? I can't learn American because the pronunciations and the spelling is all different...Other than that thx allot for Japanese :)Teranayu (2011-02-02)
Ty for the upload, forgot to install rosetta stone (silly me) working on that now. Also. Has been seededtoxicmax (2011-02-07)
Anybody have the activation keys for all three levels? I probably installed this wrong or did it not come with a bypass or a product key? Could someone let me knowtoxicmax (2011-02-07)
Is there a activation code for all three levels? or does this download not come with that or a bypass?Rosechu (2011-03-18)
Could someone please help, I have the rosetta stone app, I used daemon tools and mounted the isos to a virtual drive but RS is still telling me there is no disc in the drive, any idea what to do at this point?melissailene (2011-03-22)
I am informed that Rosetta Stone, in conjunction with my computer itself, cannot recognize any CD, please insert the disk and then click retry.Perhaps theres some crucial detail I have missed in the mounting process, perhaps I need to disconnect my physical disk drive, or perhaps it's my copy of Rosetta Stone. I am going to try and find out right now, because I have been dealing with this for about a month now, and I really want to start learning.
If anyone has any insight to offer me it would be greatly appreciated.
Kittyo.O (2011-04-07)
I figured this out...Download the Rosetta Stone V3 (One with a crack)
Download a mounting program. (A virtual disk drive)
Download the ISO, like the one listed above.
Mount the "zip/ISO" file to the virtual drive.
Run Rosetta Stone and select upload from disk drive and there you go! It's downloaded. :)
Hope it helped!
chrismanlol00 (2011-04-13)
chrismanlol00 (2011-04-13)
sir_oblivion (2011-04-28)
These files are successively being recognized and installed by Rosetta Stone v3.3.5. Download it here:
Note: Restart your computer after installing, otherwise the files won't be recognized by Rosetta Stone.
Dark_Laguna (2011-05-04)
Awesome, Great Torrent, I'm going to use my New found Skills to get a Nice Job Rebuilding Japan ^_^TheOneWhoAskes (2011-05-04)
You need the Rosetta Stone program to install the Japanese ISO. The Japanese ISO by itself is pretty much useless. On another note, what is the activation code?SecretReena (2011-05-24)
Works perfectly! Thanks so much!takiyagenji (2011-05-26)
Can we all seed :D domou arigato gozaimasu q;3KlasKlettermus (2011-06-17)
I have added Japanese L1 to RS, and it asked me if I wanted to update it. I clicked no, but I wonder, is it possible to run the update without breaking anything?VanDerDecken (2011-06-25)
Thanks for the upload.Please note that L2 contains a generic exploit virus that will not be picked up by most antivirus programmes.
This did not affect the installation of the language pack and is still usable.
8Yoshi8 (2011-09-06)
1. Open your Disk Utility application on your mac (program that comes on every Mac OS), click and drag each language pack .iso onto the left column of Disk Utility. Select your language pack .iso and click "Open" or "Mount", you can mount several .iso at once.2. Open Rosetta Stone, your language packs will pop up, select them and install and Voila! you now have $500 program for free. Follow each of these steps as described and this torrent will work for you.
On a more personal note, Rosetta Stone is a great learning tool, I finished all three levels of Japanese and am now a comfortable speaker, and can read and write basics- though for a fuller knowledge of a language, I HIGHLY suggest doing this program in conjunction with the Pimsleur program. You will be shocked at how much you will learn and retain if you practice both programs daily. If you're diligent, you can be fluent in a year.
Vega0 (2012-03-27)
im really hoping someone can help me. so i installed RS 3.4.5 and installed russian lvl 1 no problem. i then copied the same RS and put it on my mothers computer along with spanish lvl 1. still no problems. i then went to install this torrent onto MY RS and it said it couldnt find the dick (i use physical disks because why not) i thought it was the file but then i went to install the spanish i put on my mothers computer and i couldnt either, even tho we both have the same version of RS and it should work fine. please any help?WCSwinger (2012-05-02)
Okay, I've seen this question a lot, and I'd like an answer as well - how do you activate the lessons???I got everything loaded just fine, but it always asks for an activation code. Without the code I only have access to about 1/2 the full lesson.
Am I missing something?
korock (2012-06-03)
Hi, I tried these iso's with RS versions 3.3.5(someone in the comments said that it works with this version of RS) and 3.4.5(primarily installed) and they don't work with either version of RS. After starting the program and clicking on "add a language level" and "continue" on "insert language cd in cd-rom" page,it says that the cd wasn't found, after hitting "try again" it says there was a problem attempting to locate language cd,even though i mounted it on PowerISO image drive. If anyone got it working, please say how here in the comments, and please specify a version of Rosetta stone that you got it working on.korock (2012-06-04)
Hey, me again, I got it working with RS version 3.3.5 , like sir_oblivion said, but I initially forgot to restart windows after installation and cracking, restart fixes the error and now it works, and now I feel stupid.Belgarion_5 (2012-08-09)
can I update these? example: Japanese level 1 says it is a highly recommended update so I am assuming it will effect the quality of my learning.
Belgarion_5 (2012-08-09)
also to get this working you have to mount in on an SCII drive, I use daemon tools so I have no idea how to do it on anything else53R4 (2012-08-11)
Thanks~superjaid (2012-11-08)
does anyone know what is the activation code for this cause i could only access the first 2 lesson for each level. it would be a great help if you could tell me thanks!TheMXL (2013-01-13)
Thank you!DameGiggsy (2013-04-01)
Thank you SO much!! I've downloaded Portuguese and now Japanese from you. I really appreciate it.My buddy's Brazilian grandparents will appreciate me learning Portuguese, too. :) So thanks again!
lalabels (2013-05-13)
This works like a CHARM.... Sir Oblivion's link to the "base" Rosetta is so easy, I was laughing (not really... but im serious... Its easy). Obviously without THAT, none of these .iso's are gonna work sillies...SO go on over there. Download that (took like maybe 5 minutes to download... Id assume maybe 10-15 minutes depending on your net speed), then once its installed and you put the crack where it belongs, the menus will tell you to "install a language disc"... Which obviously means at that point you gotta mount the Level you wish you use.
I installed all three. Took about 20 minutes total. Im ending the first lesson now and its worked absolutely FLAWLESSLY!
SO HUGE thanks to the uploader.
lalabels (2013-05-13)
ALSO... to those freaking out saying "PLEASE HELP ME! WHERE'S THE ACTIVATION CODE!?!??!?!?!??!!??! I CAN'T GO FORWARD WITHOUT AN ACTIVATION CODE"YOU DONT NEED ONE!!! Just RELAX and hit "activate later". It'll still work!!! Now seriously go relax cause that sort of stress can kill ya! :P
taelor_Z (2013-06-06)
danke! i mean, ありがとう! >:)...xoxholic (2013-07-24)
I downloaded and installed all without a problem, but I still need the activation code.I'm currently on Level 1 and you can get through Lessons 1 and 2 by just clicking "activate later", but anything after and they require the activation code.
xoxholic (2013-07-24)
Never mind. Problem solved. If Rosetta Stone is asking you for an activation code, then you downloaded the original program wrong. You either forgot to crack it or something.I re-installed the cracked Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 and now it works perfectly. Does not ask for activation code anymore.
1. Rosetta Stone V3 - Japanese/Rosetta Stone V3 - Japanese L1.iso 538.32 Mb
2. Rosetta Stone V3 - Japanese/Rosetta Stone V3 - Japanese L2.iso 543.30 Mb
3. Rosetta Stone V3 - Japanese/Rosetta Stone V3 - Japanese L3.iso 576.12 Mb