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Splinter Cell Chaos Theory PC Fr par Snake
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory PC Fr par Snake
2005-04-04 (by gamesnake)
Language : FR + ENG
Format : PC
Suport : DVD 4,13 Go
Protection : Starforce 3
Alcohol 120% Image
Release 05/04/2005
For the crack exist crack mini-image but i m not tested that.
And Starfuck , Starforce Nightmare for desactive protection.
Files count:
4248.24 Mb
tedy (2005-04-05)
this is fake don't download itPC version not out !!!!!
mikemike (2005-04-05)
PC version is out according to but I can't find it anywhere..I don't want the frensh version, don't speek it so well:P
But thanks for uploading it!
squishsquash (2005-04-05)
Gonna say,i bet the pc version hasnt been develpoed yet!so what is it then?
Lyrisius (2005-04-05) may be fake but the PC version has been out for quite a while now.But calling the French version fake? hehe...ookeey
speedsky (2005-04-05)
on gamespot release date for Chaos Theory is 28 march 2k5, but hell no i don't wanna french wersion :/mikemike (2005-04-05)
Is it possible that this game has multilanguage?? Only the uploader can tell.. Hope he reads this and helps out!!
toonwolf (2005-04-05)
think the release posted on nforce was a april fool's joke"Reason: 1st Of April :D " don't you think that if someone released a real rip it would be posted already?
mikemike (2005-04-05)
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (c) UBISOFTGroup: HOODLUM
Section: PC Game ISOs
Nuked: Yes
Reason: 1st Of April :D
Rls Date: 2005-04-01
Size: 94x50
squishsquash (2005-04-05)
sounded like cold fear game!Gonzule2 (2005-04-05)
yeah, i also think it was an aprils fool joke.The game was supposed to be released on al platforms on march 30 or 31. In many videogame pages theres already a review for the PC version of this game, and, according to the game was ripped or wathever. But i've been looking on almost every torrent site that i know for the pc version but i cant find it. I've also tried looking for it in p2p programs like e-mule but havent suceeded.
downloads (2005-04-05)
Previous versions were french&eng, but I guess they were Canadian. Was it developed by UBI Montreal or some other division. And cracked or "to be mounted"?splur (2005-04-05)
It was released. But it was nuked, for reasons unknown to me. If you wanna play Splinter Cell in French, be my guest and try it out :PMortibus (2005-04-05)
To "gamesnake"Spécifiez s'il vous plaît votre téléverser
avec plus de renseignements, est cela la multilangue ou non,fait il contient la langue anglaise?
Well this at least i could do with on-line translator,hopes he will understood cause i don't speak french at all ;-)
Jakut (2005-04-05)
I dont trust files with no nfo file -.-Stekarn (2005-04-05)
is it playable??????????? or just shit? or for xbox/ps2?? speak to me...ciaspook (2005-04-05)
There is no PC rls of SC:CT yet. It has StarForce3 (not latest version, but newer version then Silent Hunter III) protection so it takes alot of time to crack it...So your are gonna have to wait a few more days.HonoDelLoce (2005-04-05)
Yeah, you could wait. .. But if you're too impacient, try buying the game and support the developers ?I'm no saint, I've downloaded tons inhere - but when i've downloaded a game, if I like it, I buy it ...
But this game - I don't have to try :) I know I will loooove it :) Am installing right now :) Rauuw...
downloads (2005-04-05)
@ciaspook The same version of SF on silent hunter& SCCT= 3.4.7 Besides it's about time for it to be cracked, i mean it usually takes about a week+ to do so, wich means it should be or nearly-be-here.saduhora (2005-04-05)
It's look that it is the multilanguage... in the description, look!downloads (2005-04-05)
Well, let's go for it. Bit where is THE seed ;)downloads (2005-04-05)
opps, sorry HERE is THE seed :)Mortibus (2005-04-05)
if this guy didn't include cd key for install then he's gonna have big laugh when we all will stuck at the "enter your cd-key part"Mortibus (2005-04-05)
To "gamesnake"a fait vous incluez la clé de disque compact pour l'installation?
postez plus de renseignements cela pourrait être très l'aide
Mortibus (2005-04-05)
faites nous devons installer et attendre avant que quelqu'un ne le fasse craquer comme avec Toca 2 ou pouvons nous actualy jouer si oui disent comment s'il vous plaît?cfish78 (2005-04-05)
men snälla nån, se till att få hit det där skitspelet.cfish78 (2005-04-05)
if i was a thousandaire like honodelloce, i would go out and buy it. :DGrayman (2005-04-05)
Mmmmm is this really playable? :Dsaduhora (2005-04-05)
please seed!Quaddro (2005-04-05)
FAN va bra äntligen kom den upp fan i helvet a seegt de måste vart att få fram denna thnx anyway!!zeelo (2005-04-05)
Är detta en fransk version eller vadå ?downloads (2005-04-05)
what's the image format? ISO or MDS/MDF or what?Mortibus (2005-04-05)
Merci pour le numéro de série gamesnakeet pour le jeu aussi
It's .MDF
saduhora (2005-04-06)
DETTA ÄR MULTILANGUAGE!Capon3 (2005-04-06)
Hahahahaha. Lol. Are you guys still looking for the cd-key? Try looking in the Description written above.:Dbitye (2005-04-06)
This is an Alcohol Clone releaseMultilangual
DVD 4,13GB
Release 05/04/2005
Other : Crack no inclued (use alcohol 120%)
Thanks man, the Hoodlom is FAKE, this is not!
Some LAMA said that not released, FAKE?
I played DOOM3 a week before release, and a lot of other games MOHPA, FarCry, etc....
piNkified (2005-04-06)
själv köpte jag spelet idag, och är nöjd. :Dsaduhora (2005-04-06)
SEED FOR CRIST SAKE!jamesbond007 (2005-04-06)
What Happend to the seeder??????tojocurri (2005-04-06)
Seeda!saduhora (2005-04-06)
thanks for seeding. i hope you'll do it the whole night.rollaj (2005-04-06)
I found a mini-image on eDonkeyed2k://|file||29160|11E4FC990E0602A7E24762A1A51A58A0|h=YJ2AM4L2T257LIR2AG5ABXODNPZAS2OZ|/
I don't know if it works or not, so test it out.
jayway (2005-04-06)
bara så att alla vet så kommer denna inte fungera utan en usb dvd spelare.Gabry (2005-04-06)
So It's multilanguage or just French ?!bobchese (2005-04-06)
is it just me, or are there NO SEEDS?blacktower (2005-04-06)
Im not so sure about this one, no nfo but the pc version has been out for around a (2005-04-06)
Ikke kast bort tiden på dette gutter visst dere ikke har en ekstern USB drive eller en intern SCSI DVD rom. Det å brenne denne på en DVD og kjøre den via mye mikk makk på en av disse to er den ENESTE måten å få denne clonen til å fungere, det garanterer jeg deg.Sjekk ut forumet på så ser dere at det stemmer.
Vi må nok vente litt til, og en ting til .... Når den ekte releasen er ute vil det også stå på (En god regel er, visst det ikke er på nforce eller isonews, ikke last det ned.)
d-gril (2005-04-06)
stfu, there is no1 who have downloaded the whole file yet so no1 except snake can seed.cyXor (2005-04-06)
This will most surely not work. I would suggest people wait for a proper scene release that will inlcude a crack, AND WILL WORK on any computer.saduhora (2005-04-06)
this is a clone. it'll likely work if you use the right kind of crack or mountable image.cyXor (2005-04-06)
This MIGHT work with starfuck. I will never ever download a non scene game though, waste of bandwith since it will most surely not work.cfc2005 (2005-04-06)
Can't see this release on anywhere so im gonna avoid it like the plague coz 99% chance it wont work...jonas_j (2005-04-06)
varför skulle inte det fungera....kan inte tro att den här killen skulle seeda en sån här stor fil bara för att fejk shera...och jag vet att den har släppts och ska vara ute i sverige denna vecka...downloads (2005-04-06)
Gentelmen! Creating an image of SF protected game requires cleaning SF drivers, but even if it wasn't done the MDF will be correct, only the MDS won't be. The MDS can be downloaded from forum.And that shold be enough. Do you really think you need to call yourself RELOADED to make an image?
picard77 (2005-04-06)
Please, remind me again, what is MDS and MDF?Do one use starF***er first when you want to remove the game or after intallation or....?
What problems EXACTLY can starforce give?
What am I looking at here... (confused)
Gabry (2005-04-06)
So what must be done to make the game work ?1) Install the game
2) Mount mini image
3) Use starfuck to disable optical unit
4) Play the game
mGoLos (2005-04-06)
"This MIGHT work with starfuck. I will never ever download a non scene game though, waste of bandwith since it will most surely not work."Got that right ... I'm waiting for a nice RELOADED or Deviance release myself, until then I have like six other games I haven't gotten around to trying yet. Stolen, Constantine, Snowblind, Punisher etc.
Zer0ne (2005-04-06)
hmm... 1 seedare och 3623 leecher.minapengar (2005-04-06)
2 questions1. I have starfuck 0.82 is there a newer one out that is neccessary?
2. how do you "superseed" with azureus ?
w4llin (2005-04-06)
seeda va fanw4llin (2005-04-06)
de funkar inte en seedanillle2000 (2005-04-06)
Reason: 1st Of April :Daprillskämt??
blacktower (2005-04-07)
Yea, I might stop it but I have plenty of time to let this download and see if it works...this starfuck stuff, is it going to screw up the other cracks on my system? is it a spyware thing?downloads (2005-04-07)
Starfuck&Starforce nightmare are sth. like debuggers. If they are logged in before SF drivers, then SF can't verify if the gameis fake. And no info about game being fake=original.It's more complicated, but that's more or less how it works. Anyway it's not spyware & it works only when activated so it affects only currently run SF-protected game. Won't harm any cracks ;)
Krutfarfar (2005-04-07)
har lyckats spela alla Starforce spel hittills så jag hoppas jag lyckas knäcka detta med (det har inte varit lätt) men om jag lyckas så tar jag o skriver hur jag gjorde...perzebrant (2005-04-07)
vad är Starfuck , Starforce Nightmare????vill veta!!!
HAMPA (2005-04-07)
Is this really realits nobody who seeds and there nothing about it on
Vattholma (2005-04-07)
LOOL!! de lär ju inte gå snabbt för alla dessa leechers.. en ynka som seedar å över 4000 som leechar:P jäääpiNkified (2005-04-07)
Såvitt jag vet, så är Starfuck och Starforcenightmare två olika "crack-program" som gör att man kommer förbi StarForce skyddet på CD/DVD spel.jamesbond007 (2005-04-07)
jippii... två seedare nu!!Mortibus (2005-04-07)
I saw 2 seeders just now,hope they will maintane there presents so we caan all finish this flustrating download & at least try it even if it won't workMortibus (2005-04-07)
I saw 2 seeders just now,hope they will maintane there presents so we can all finish this flustrating download & at least try it even if it won't workpaulbrannan (2005-04-07)
is this for real,,as the guy said its not on nforce yet,,anyone post and say pls? tykolama (2005-04-07)
I don't think anyone of the 4000+ people downloading this will get it working... at least not many... download at your own risk.Molte (2005-04-07)
Mooahaha :D :D4383 gamar på 1 seedare, går det fort?
Mortibus (2005-04-07)
lol dlding for like 3rd day already realy stupid,every time i'm opening & when it says 0 seeds me whants to stop & delete it but gotto have patience cause it's free anywayssaduhora (2005-04-07)
FUCK EVERYBODY THAT SAY THIS DON'T WORK! have you download it? have you even tryed this rel? stupid people say nothing work! FYI!downloads (2005-04-07)
Now it's slow. I may not make it by november :(mikebauta (2005-04-07)
Finns det några seedare på denna?weijung (2005-04-07)
Can the guys running this site assure that at the moment someone confirms this is a hoax will ban the crap out o fthis guy for having 4000+ ppl downloading it?Or at least does someone can confirm it is for real??
Cause it's true this little snake haven't even come forward to defend his seeding
TPCrew (2005-04-07)
OK, Everyone is talking about this seed and are saying stuff like "it´s not real" and "i have'nt seen it on nforce site", but can't we just wait with the "i dont know crap talk" and decide that thouse who finish there download can test it and tell us if it works... dose not that sound lika a good idea? (Sorry for my extreamly bad english) :Straxen (2005-04-07)
Yupp, I'm all for it... waiting for the collective scream from everyone ... ;PAnjunaMoon (2005-04-07)
"Fuk it i stoped dlding cause found another source & it's TLF"Meaning what? If you have something productive to say about current torrent - say it! Yeah I downloaded a CD from DC yesterday, aint I the cool guy.
Mortibus (2005-04-07)
u want productive ok i'll give u that=>use isohunt,i can give a link but it won't help cause everything there is chinese
but u can try to find it trough ,i did ;-)
Gabry (2005-04-07)
Are u sure that tracker DVD chaos theory by TFL is not for XBOX ?Mortibus (2005-04-07)
it says dvd clone & there is sn.txt (unlike in this one )in it so i doubt xbox using serial number & it same sizeSplinter.Cell.Chaos.Theory.DVD.Clone.TLF
4.19gb 90*47mb 5 hours to go :-)blacktower (2005-04-07)
the dvd clone on isohunt has 0 seeders as well...blacktower (2005-04-07)
0 seeds 1823 leechersseems like we lost a couple thousand people...I might just stop now instead of leaving it running overnight.
blacktower (2005-04-07)
0 seeder(s), 3152 leecher(s) = 3152 peer(s) totaltweird, just said 1823 a minute ago...
Rolando (2005-04-07)
I'm at 68,1% now, anyone gotten further?And yes, I agree that we shouldn't be flaming the seeder like this.
Mortibus (2005-04-07)
U can bitch ppl all u can while i enjoying my Splinter Cell Chaos Theory :ras:Keep up with dld this one maybe u will finish it when game will cost less than electricity u used to dold it
Btw TLF release works u just have to know how
Mortibus out
mattepatte (2005-04-07)
Jag kan seeda när jag tanktar ner det jag tankar ner det från en annan sida förstår ni ;)krutan (2005-04-07)
Det här är inte en fungerande version, för enligt nforce så finns det bara en release och det va ett aprilskämtTurambar (2005-04-07)
Ni som gillar Splinter Cell kan ju alltid kolla - Splinter Cell. På svenska
Rolando (2005-04-07)
bara för att denna inte finns på nforce så betyder det inte att den är "fungerande"asdasd123 (2005-04-07)
Err.. Starforce? Går det ta bort efter man crackat skiten? Skulle aldrig falla mig in att KÖPA ett spel med ett crackskydd som är så "tungt" att det ska behövas drivrutiner, som dessutom skapar lässvårigheter och nedslöning på ens cd-rom.Franqquito (2005-04-07)
Alltså allvar nu funkar den här ja eller nej? så enkelt är snackar i massa data språk som ingen fattar....så om nån kan svara på min fråga helt ärligt tack så mycket!alcapone_ (2005-04-07)
lastet ned dette spillet, funker som bare det, anbefales! spillet er helt fett! holder på å runne den.blääääää (2005-04-07)
är den fake eller inte?alcapone_ (2005-04-07)
den är inte fake.. regner med at du ikke forsto norsk...alcapone_ (2005-04-07)
du må huske å patch'e den på svensk..alcapone_ (2005-04-07)
Hyvä peivä norjalainen! godt å se nordmenn her oxo!Rolando (2005-04-07)
76.1 % nu/now :)alcapone_ (2005-04-07)
hva? laster du ned det der??? shønner ikke du at det der e F-A-K-E!!??Rolando (2005-04-07)
hur vet du det? ingen har ju laddat ner denalcapone_ (2005-04-07)
ja er det så rart at ingen laster den da??? FAKERolando (2005-04-07)
Ok då, men jag väntar gärna och ser för mig själv :)Habbeliha (2005-04-07)
Helt otroligt en seeder till, vikken skillnad :)Rolando (2005-04-07)
Ahhhh 2 seeders!!! :Dalcapone_ (2005-04-07)
gunda123: det finnes flere sider man kan laste ned spill vettuWaje (2005-04-07)
Ja e förvirrad som faen!Funkar det lr inte?
Iam Confused like hell
Does this work or not?
alcapone_ (2005-04-07)
it's fake like a pig with wings..BruceDick (2005-04-07)
Where is the other Seeder ???could he tell us if it's real or not ???
78% and counting ...
fujji (2005-04-07)
this isn't fake! i can promise you that. i'll laughf in your face when the download is finished.Theewok (2005-04-07)
Peers[Se hela listan] 1 seeder(s), 5592 leecher(s) = 5593 peer(s) totalt. HAHA
niklas_o (2005-04-07)
its it good?? :D:D tell me please:):):):):):)BruceDick (2005-04-07)
fujjiWhy don't you buy it so on ... u should neighter be here if u don't believe in the uploaders, every torrent it's true until someone nuke it ... don't have anything better to do then bother us ??? ... go on and buy it ... i will if i like it ... if i don't i won't buy it ... and if i buy it or not ... it's not your Business shitcrawler :P
i will laught too if this release is true because up to now it is :P
Rolando (2005-04-08)
oj oj 3 seeders, 8000 peers och 20,7% kvar (enligt bitcomet :) )piNkified (2005-04-08)
Fujji, the only thing you seem to be doing here at TPB, is going around and tell everyone that everything is fake, and so on.Last time I saw you, you were blaming that the swat 4 release was fake, that it couldn't be on 2 cd's. Well, next time, download it, after that you can judge if it's fake or not.
Sorry to say, but you're pathetic.
alcapone_ (2005-04-08)
hvis dere syns systemkravet på dette spillet er for høyt, så sett svensk-patch på spilletLaRZonE (2005-04-08)
min kusin viktor vill att ni ska seeda!LaRZonE (2005-04-08)
victor mena jagKimm3rn (2005-04-08)
er dette en fake? men hvorfor vil noen legge ut en fake?? dette må jo være noe,siden størrelsen er på 4.15 gigRolando (2005-04-08)
Kimm3rn: Vi får vänta på att lite fler laddar ner spelet... Innan dess föreslår jag att du inte lyssnar på någon utan fortsätter att "tanka" - ingen förlorar på det.LarsonsKUSIN (2005-04-08)
Skulle uppskatta om de var folk som seedar. Har väntat nog länge nu... Men den som väntar på nått gott väntar aldrig förlänge!!!Garkan (2005-04-08)
He looks mad...Rolando (2005-04-08)
with so many people bitching, he has a reason :)minapengar (2005-04-08)
howtha fuck u upload at 500 kb, I got an 8mb cable and my upload rarely go over 150 kb.Firemasterx (2005-04-08)
I'm on a t3 line that's how I can upload that much. did I not mention the 4 other torrents I have running? Obviously I don't pay fer my nt or i'd have no reason to pirate. not to mention as I said earlier I was uploadin at 3megs a second. I limited mine at 500 kb/sec lol :P total of about 900 kb/sec up and down right now.Artex_ (2005-04-08)
Har seedern ett 56k modem eller? ingen får ju ner spelet! Själv så skiter jag i det!!! :Pkalwin85 (2005-04-08)
kom igen 1 seedare och 5000 peers. kom igen ni som får hem spelet kan väl sida lite längre?saduhora (2005-04-08)
jag tror nog downloaden är färdig imorgon kl. 18 när jag jobbat färdigt hos muhammeds livs.gabbe666 (2005-04-08)
Nån som fått ner den? Funkar den? Ja ja tack iallafallsourcemonkey (2005-04-08)
Hey everybody,For us poor bastards that only speak english... if someone figures out what the verdict is on the fake / not fake issue is, but it's not in english.... would some one please translate and let rest of the less linguisticaly skilled (such as myself) know about it...
Thanks !!!
kalwin85 (2005-04-08)
all you people that is saying "dont download it it´s a fake" an so on. what makes you so sure? have you downloaded and tried it?because if you havn´t then theres no fucking way you could now.
sourcemonkey (2005-04-08)
that's why I said if someone did figure it out... but I couldn't read it cause I am multilingualy challenged... to please be a sport and let me know... :)Mortibus (2005-04-08)
can you mount it with daemon tools?adsl_master (2005-04-08)
Ok people here is the REAL deal with this release and ALL other Splinter Cell 3 releases CURRENTLY on the net.The ONLY way they will work is if you have an EXTERNAL USB dvd drive (i know not many people do)
The image needs to be burnt with latest Alcohol DPM and then the dvd-r needs to be played via the EXTERNAL USB dvd drive.
As of now that is the only way to play a backup of SC3.
I read somewhere that deamon tools are working on a new release of their software that may be able to help all the people that dont have an external usb dvd drive.
Also their are some so called MINI images of this game on some sites these DO NOT work.
Thats it simple as that i can personally verify this information as i do own an external usb dvd drive.
Nforce forums have a thead going about this and most recent info can be found their.
sourcemonkey (2005-04-08)
humm.... that is the wierdest thing I have ever heard of....Is it like some kinda new copy protection joke that game studios decided to play on us?? You have to have a USB DVD Burner???
Thanks for the info either way!!!
downloads (2005-04-08)
About that USB thing it may be true but there's a cheaper way for the rest of us- IDE-USB converter. Costs 'max 15$ and it may be the only solution for some time with SF.As for the missing MDS- i don't know about it (got only 50%) but as i wrote earlier- MDS for european version can be downloaded from forum (SC thread) So don't cry over those missing (or not) 10KB
sourcemonkey (2005-04-08)
wow... I wouldn't wish a 4GB DVD Burn over USB on anyone...That would suck pretty bad....
blacktower (2005-04-08)
So for those 1 or 2 people that have completed downloading, did you get it to work like they said earlier?88%...yay moved 4% today :D
sourcemonkey (2005-04-08)
I think that might suck just as bad as having to burn it over a USB...sourcemonkey (2005-04-08)
ok so.. let me get this straight... you don't have to burn it with USB... and you can't mount it with daemon tools... you just have to somehow burn it.. without a USB burner.... then play it on a USB DVD drive???sweet jesus I hope that's wrong :P
sourcemonkey (2005-04-08)
AH HA!!!!Check this out
sourcemonkey (2005-04-08)
please confirm that says what I think it says...sourcemonkey (2005-04-08)
yeah... 88.6 here... and I guess about 1.5 days into the DLblacktower (2005-04-08)
some idiot probrobly snuck a virus into gamecopyworld...Jakut (2005-04-08)
err 0 seeds >_>watstogo (2005-04-08)
ok ... so i'm at 84% ... i'll wait till some folks get up to 100% to continue dlif someone does get it to work ... let me know
by the way ... let me know if using starforce and daemon tools will make the game work ...
thx =)
Rolando (2005-04-08)
92.8 %... I guess we'll soon (or I will :D) find out if this works or not. Oh, and stop bitching please.watstogo (2005-04-08)
hopefully people will seed once they reach 100%by the way ... does anyone have a serial for alcohol 120%?
thx =)
blacktower (2005-04-08)
92.8% also, Snake needs to show up and seed the rest of the torrent.jamesbond007 (2005-04-08)
I have 93,9% now... seeda please!!!Chrille2004 (2005-04-08)
Kan det inte gå snabbare! den som blir klar, snälla seenda. skulle upskatta det!Rolando (2005-04-08)
94! :Dhezt_katt (2005-04-08)
haha nej.. 95.5 % sitter man å lökar på.. orket! seeda!!Kimm3rn (2005-04-08)
Rolando: oki!:DRolando (2005-04-08)
96.7... Sams anda nalkas! ;PBluntMan_Bob (2005-04-08)
Could someone upload the exe file for crackers who are waiting for the full DVD so they can crack it while they wait.Just an idea!
troligt (2005-04-08)
1 seeder(s), 6357 leecher(s)hahaha
blääääää (2005-04-08)
är den fake eller inte? en enkel fråga baramossberg (2005-04-08)
asså... blir ju vansinnig... håller på o laddar nu, o jag har hålt bra koll på laddningen. Folk som har tankat klart slutar shara. Antingen dissar snabbt som fan eller tar bort filen som share, hur jävla osmakligt är inte det ? Det är okej att tanka själv men dela med sej är en annan sak eller ? kanske skulle gå bättre om alla hjälptes åt !lemmartswan (2005-04-08)
Come on some of you. You download a game for free and you complain about... what? It´s like expecting good service when you don´t pay anything. Morons.Go buy the game then...
And learn how to make things work. Most of the times the releases are fine, it´s the idiots that download them that ain´t.
jamesbond007 (2005-04-08)
det går framåt.... 97,2% nu!h01hasba (2005-04-08)
SEED pleasekibret (2005-04-08)
seriöst kolla hur många ni e som ska ha spelet ha lite tålamod, stoppa dl och låt folk bli klara så får ni hem spelet snabbare.Puttrik_84 (2005-04-08)
97.8% =) ^^Rolando (2005-04-08)
Jäklar puttrik, jag ligger efter! ;P 97.6gUZTE (2005-04-08)
4167,67Mb av 4248,24MB, SEEDA ;Dmorizzy (2005-04-08)
Jag vill utbringa ett SKRATT till alla som frågar om det är fake lr folk visste att det va fakr, så skulle man ju inte ladda ner det....HAH!blääääää (2005-04-08)
97.8%BlackTiger (2005-04-08)
kom till 98% sen tvärstop:)BlackTiger (2005-04-08)
håller med dig morizzy, tvivlar på att ca 6500 pers skulle ladda en fake fil:)Rolando (2005-04-08)
Yay, 98.2Rolando (2005-04-08)
Nedladdningar 0 time(s)Jag antar att TPB släpar efter en hel del...?
had0c (2005-04-08)
min är klar om 3timmar då sätter jag 20st 100megabitare på att seeda :) .. då kommer ni nog att skrika TJOHO!ChillNowBill (2005-04-08)
Voi vittu! detta blir braRolando (2005-04-08)
h4d0c - JAG VILL OCKSÅ HA! :DChillNowBill (2005-04-08)
min har stoppat på 98,4% :\ponta82 (2005-04-08)
seeda plzz stannat på 98.4%morizzy (2005-04-08)
Folk har väl inte mer än så, men tat lungt, det kommer, tar bara lite längre tid...spnkr (2005-04-08)
Snälla seeda någon! har 2% kvar!Rolando (2005-04-08)
98.5 here aswell :)Nic-1990 (2005-04-08)
98,5 % :OSmirnovevil (2005-04-08)
Lol @ 98.5%freknemuff (2005-04-08)
98,6 då stannade det, va faan. jag lovar att jag kommer seeda dagen ut när jag får hem detravenass (2005-04-08)
98,6 :D:D:D laddar i 2kb nu :) tackarblääääää (2005-04-08)
jag har också 98.6 men jag laddar i 3kb/sekstjarnljus (2005-04-08)
seeda, snällaBlackTiger (2005-04-08)
98,6 och laddar inte allsQuaddro (2005-04-08)
jippi går i 10kbps nu kommer snart att vara ner (kan mamn ju hoppas)nukec (2005-04-08)
d0h this is not real game :rolleyes: stupid fakers...myunus (2005-04-08)
is this game for real??? release date was 1st April.... can someone confirm this? :)morizzy (2005-04-08)
Jag ligger på 98.7 nu, kommer inte va hemma när den blir klar så jag seedar till mitt i natten nån gång, fast jag har ju iofs bara adsl, men ändå :PQuaddro (2005-04-08)
0 kbps :(Frezie (2005-04-08)
Haha, kul med 2 seedare och nästan 7000 leechare =) lycka till grabbar =)Rolando (2005-04-08)
98.8 :DChillNowBill (2005-04-08)
oj nu jävlar.. 30 kb/secRolando (2005-04-08)
Vad jag har kvar:Part
48 - 95%,
50 - 85%,
51 - 95%,
52 - 90% och...
53 - 75%
piNkified (2005-04-08)
Det snabbaste sättet är ju att köpa spelet. :) Man får lätt ihop 449 kr på en dag för att kunna köpa.Jakut (2005-04-08)
Freekin 99.0% done -_- and still didnt find a seedQuaddro (2005-04-08)
ojojoj nu rullar de på igen!!! :Dblacktower (2005-04-08)
why does pirate bay always say theres a seed but my BT program never sees him?ChillNowBill (2005-04-08)
99,7% .. 1 kb/secChillNowBill (2005-04-08)
jag är också lite skeptisk den här releasen..Rolando (2005-04-08)
Äh, det har varit kul att sitta och titta på TPB iaf ;)jayway (2005-04-08)
det ska bli kul att se alla som har blivit blåsta när de ser att den inte fungerar. hoppas att många av er har usb 2.0 dvd rom annars är ni körda.alee (2005-04-08)
stuck at 98.8% somebody seed this please!Nic-1990 (2005-04-08)
Stuck at 99,8 PLZ SEED.. :Opaas_haazs (2005-04-08)
99,8% and downloading at an astounding 0,0000004kb/s or something like that :(the last 0,2% doesn't exist or what?
Rolando (2005-04-08)
yay connected to 3 seeders :DChillNowBill (2005-04-09)
Well. I'm in the installation process of Chaos Theory now.. so far, so good.G_A_M_E_R (2005-04-09)
Sådäja, nu är det väl ett par som har tankat klart det (inklusive mig). Så seedningen kmr väl att börja nu då :) Nu återstår bara att testa om skiten funkar :Dkuuken (2005-04-09)
hur ska jag göra med en .mdf fil?ChillNowBill (2005-04-09)
Går inte att köra spelet. Mounta det via Deaom Tools.. allt gick bra i installationen, men när jag skulle starta kom det up et lite fönster . Där måtte jag skriva in key. Efter det står det bare: "I doesn't work to run the game. I mountet it via Deamon Tools. everything was okey, men when i double click the shortcut a new window appears where i have to type the key. Now i get this "error" (still mounted):
Insert Splinter Cell Chaos Theory PC DVD into another drive, then press retry.
Any clues or suggestions?
Quaddro (2005-04-09)
skrev du in cdkeyn da??Gabry (2005-04-09)
HOW TO DO THE GAME WORK ?!Firemasterx (2005-04-09)
woo 100% complete. I'll have to kill my seed for about an hour till I can verify the ability to use this. that and it would never install tryin to do both :PQuaddro (2005-04-09)
99,9 :Phehe nån som fått de funka än da??
Rolando (2005-04-09)
All we need now is a crack :)G_A_M_E_R (2005-04-09)
Yes, I have the same problem, no idea how to fix it. Don't dare to say anything either, then some idiots tell me I'm a noob :) But a crack or another serial maybe can fix it, or it's the damn protection that's stopping :pRolando (2005-04-09)
The mini-image from gamecopyworld doesnt seem to work. Time to try starfuck and after that google :)Quaddro (2005-04-09)
2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7Fserialen om någon missat de!!!
jayway (2005-04-09)
Only using a USB 2.0 DVD rom drive with starforce nightmare works at this time.frankie2000j (2005-04-09)
Does it work?Please tell the rest of us if it works. Is it mutlilangual (English)
Firemasterx (2005-04-09)
for those who can't read. in order to use the mini-image on gamecopy world you need to run starforce nightmare and mount the image as well. Why are people saying they are going to try starforce nightmare when it said very clearly that you NEED BOTH.jayway (2005-04-09)
"Mini Image posted on GCW is the same I created few days ago posted via P.M. to few users on this forum.It doesn't work mounted with Alcohol or Daemon Tools, and any trick for inhibit starforce protection suddenly fails.
The only way for playing is to use the .MDS file included in the mini-image zip file (.MDS is the DPM or RMPS file) and the .MDF of the game (4.15 Gb), and burning it with Alcohol (latest version) enabling RMPS writing at 1x on any dvd media, and then putting copied dvd into any DVD-ROM SCSI or USB2.0 (I suggest to use any ide to usb 2.0 converter or external box).
I hope this could solve any issue."
Quote from the guy who originally made the mini image. Have fun USB 2.0 dvd rom owners (the lucky 0,000000001% of the peers)
Rolando (2005-04-09)
IDE -> USB converters should be pretty cheapDstream (2005-04-09)
It says that i have the wrong serial..Quaddro (2005-04-09)
how to do with the fucking mini iso?? can some body give an exact explanation how to install?deluzions (2005-04-09)
kan nån säga en bra förklaring på hur man installerar detta ? .tack i förhand.gamesnake (2005-04-09)
2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7Fuse this serial
ChillNowBill (2005-04-09)
tessettesttestChillNowBill (2005-04-09)
I mounted the mini-image from gamecopyworld into daemon tools and used starforce nightmare to disable my dvd device.. still didnt workgurkan83 (2005-04-09)
Va fan ska man ha serial till?Dstream (2005-04-09)
I get mine to check the dvd.. but it returns that i have the wrong serial..blacktower (2005-04-09)
LMAO from 2 seeds to almost 2000! :Dpaas_haazs (2005-04-09)
isn't there a crack or anything i can use? this starforce nightmare crap doesn't seem to work, now does it...Gabry (2005-04-09)
WE NEEED A CRACKK !!!deluzions (2005-04-09)
Fan varför lägga upp sån här skit när han inte ger nån förklaring hur man installerar det (2005-04-09)
Jag går bet på att få det att funka.. Serial funkar för mig och jag har testat Starforce men skit i en panna att det inte funkar ändå... Tips, tips och åter tips behövsFiremasterx (2005-04-09)
well this is quite odd. I get the error saying the cd-key is wrong. I've got it so it thinks I actually have a disc in using the image contained here but it just don't like the cd-key.blacktower (2005-04-09)
anyone know where the starfuck killer is?gamesnake (2005-04-09)
when the box tell the serial enter that not - and not -2Q4PLS4YXNQSULHVR53SSNH7F
gurkan83 (2005-04-09)
Hur bytar man CD key om man redan har testat en annan??blacktower (2005-04-09)
how do you get around the checkdisc that pops up after you input the serial?Quaddro (2005-04-09)
sådär !! nu tar någon och berättar!!! har fått ner nightmare och mini iso skiten och har testat allt men hur i helvete funkar skit check disken??------------------------------------------------------------------------
then! now somebody tell the story!! have downloaded nightmare and the mini iso shit and i had tried everything but how in hell do i gett passd check cdkey ??
ChillNowBill (2005-04-09)
"when the box tell the serial enter that not - and not -
You wrote that.
Did that work?
blacktower (2005-04-09)
I think this was a waste of time...were those guys right when they said you need to use a usb dvd drive to play the game?lame :( I'll just leave the game sit on my hard drive and wait and see if a crack or fix pops up.
Dawa (2005-04-09)
Just wait for the crack?WHATISIT (2005-04-09)
somebody have a link to the mini iso think at gamecopyworldjayway (2005-04-09)
yes we were rightadamedge (2005-04-09)
just a show-offno working crack for Starforce 3 at the moment
be patient guys, i mean ...girls !
Th3DoC (2005-04-09)
Well... this fuckin sucks. I doubt the external USB drive thing will work. Now... where in the hell is a crack? Or even just a DECENT mini image like they one for Sims 2? Links anyone?!Semerci (2005-04-09)
help me guys the fileSplinter_Cell_Chaos_Theory_pour_PC_par_Snake.part53
is corrupt can someone send it to me plz my e mail is[email protected] if you use msn add me to your list and send it plz i need help
kalwin85 (2005-04-09)
have anyone got the game working?Dead-Inside (2005-04-09)
Well my game certainly doesn't work. At all.jayway (2005-04-09)
OK GUYS!this game will not work until
A. new version of starforce nightmare
B. new version of alcohol 120%
C. crack by some group
D. some crazy solution some guy ivents
or if you have a USB drive you can go ahead and play right now
adamedge (2005-04-09)
SO WHAT IS STARFORCE?Unfortunately, a reason for me to avoid some otherwise good games.
The problem is that it can conflict with other software in your system, i.e. cd buring programs and similar, so that you could have annoyances trying to play the game. Another huge problem is that it stays in your system after you uninstall the game, causing potential problems in the future. Often times the only way to totally remove it is to reinstall Windows. Trying to uninstall it manually could lead to even more problems and could significantly damage your system. Many people haven't had any problems with Starforce, but a lot of others have.
Firemasterx (2005-04-09)
semmerd if it's corrupt then just delete it and redownload it off the torrent. why the fuck should we waste our effort to send it to you? Also I wonder how high the chance is that you are working for some company trying to get rid of people like us. Most likely either a fraud or just a complete idiot. either way no one e-mail him part53.rar. he'll have to get it off torrent if he wants it -_-Nupkekz (2005-04-09)
Man.. its not a goddamn fake you PUTZ !its a normal rip by some normal guy..
and people without USB dvd drives will shit their pants when they Dl this game..
thats all.. Cheers :D
Semerci (2005-04-09)
no sorry can you explain to me how i download it again sorry i am a noob the error says! CRC failed in
The file is corrupt! C:Splinter cell chaos
Unexpected end of archive! CRC failed in
The file is corruptcan someone help me out sorry guys i am not working for some one i am just a gamer like all of you gamers that wants to pla splinterceel chaos theory
Rage120 (2005-04-09)
If u can't play the game mount mini image in latest Deamon Tools with all emulation enabled, it should work fineadamedge (2005-04-09)
i recommend you don't install this shiton to your hard drive for God's sake
wait a few months for some proper crack
and.. don't ever buy this game LoL
ChillNowBill (2005-04-09)
rage120:How do you know? Does it work for you?
It certainly didn't work here..
downloads (2005-04-09)
can't you fuckin' read? "newest" Daemon is old now.Maby DT 4 comes up with anew soution, but SF doesn't work with DT or A120 virtual drives for a while now.
How do you think, why everybody is talking about SF nightmare or USB drives?
Nupkekz (2005-04-09)
man , i love reading this thread..this may actually be better then the game itself..
carry on chaps !
BTW: dont tell people "this should work" when you have not tried this yerself.. spare us from alot of sweat and tears here, ya bastard !
adamedge (2005-04-09)
Starforce Professional 3.xx became a very powerfull protection system for games and other multimedia content.But nobody knows a back side of this "powerfull protection" - after game (product) is uninstalled, Starforce leaves their drivers in active state in your system.
Starforce drivers, installed in your system, grants ring-0 (OS core) privileges to any code from ring-3 (user level) - in this case any virus or trojan can get OS privileges and totally control you on your system.
You know, why Win95.CIH virus cannot execute in Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server? Because this Windows line have enhanced technology for increasing security level - but with Starforce Professional 3.xx drivers you must forgot about your privacy and safety! Chernobyl's virus can return by Starforce backdoor! Be carefull!!! Your PC and any resources, including BIOS could be under attack!
21.10.2004 Protection Technologies have a celebration - 1000th multimedia product was protected by Starforce Professional....
Do you know, why some Protection Technologies (and similar) ignore your conventions about safety and trusted code for execution in system level (ring0 )? They even modify ntoskrnl.exe (SwapContext function, for hooking system scheduller) . Look for evidence in their code - what you think, why they did'nt sent their drivers to Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL)? One answer: their code ignore any safety and quality policy on operation system level (including granting system privileges to any user-level process). After crashes user says: Windows is not quality's warranty (but it caused by intrusion in normal Windows working)....Or Microsoft have confidential conventions with Protection Technologies? Who can answer?
mattepatte (2005-04-09)
hallå var fan finns cracket????? WHERE THE HELL IS THE CRACK?adamedge (2005-04-09)
it's coming..ChillNowBill (2005-04-09)
Fuck the fucking fuckers.Don_T (2005-04-09)
ge oss en cd-key som funkar förfan...adamedge (2005-04-09)
After you uninstalled "Splinter Cell Chaos Theory PC Fr par Snake", in Windows, just go to:
START --> Run --> Regedit
Edit --> Find --> type in "Starforce"
and see what you get...
good luck with your new Game.
ombre_42 (2005-04-09)
If I had it working, I'd be playing it, not telling anyone what I did to make it workMuhahahahaa
svedman (2005-04-09)
adamedge (2005-04-09)
The tool advertised by star-force to remove starforce drivers does not work for most people, and - even when you remove the drivers the damage already has been done. System instabilities and driver issues may not appear earlier than just a few days after you tried to delete StarForce.UBI said in the future ALL their damn games will have Starforce.
I like that, for that way I will save a lot of money.
Don't support scrap like this. Don't buy games like this. The only thing legal custumers can do is to avoid buying games from these companies... and give those games back when discovering it. Low sales numbers are the only language companies do understand.
Anybody doing somthing even half serious with his computer should beware of this kind of viral and intrusive piece of buggy software that puts to risk your system's integrity, stability and safety, in the name of "protection".
str1cken (2005-04-09)
I don't think that "crack" works. I've tried it, and I can't get it to work. It asks me for a cd key, and I've used the one listed above, and still - nothing.adamedge (2005-04-09)
here you go:It installs special drivers for its functional purpose. After digging through information, the drivers use IDE-interface channels (not sure if they add/change anything to them) for its ability to detect if the cd/dvd is actually in a real physical drive and not running through a virtual-drive with a mounted image. Also unlike other games, cdkey's are used by starforce to unlock the .exe and its always validating the cd/dvd whenever you start the game. This is why some starforce games actually had same cdkeys for everyone.
uninstallation of "Splinter Cell Chaos Theory PC Fr par Snake" that put StarForce on our pc does not cause the Starforce drivers to be uninstalled. After, uninstalling them from Device Manager, they came back after reboots.
You can only see them in Device Manager when you select **Show hidden devices** in the View menu.
Then they appear under **Non-Plug and Play Drivers** ::
StarForce Protection Environment Drivers (version 1.x)
StarForce Protection Environment Driver v6
StarForce Protection Helper Driver
StarForce Protection Environment Driver (version 2.x)
StarForce Protection Environment Driver v2.x
StarForce Protection Synchronization Driver (version 2.x)
StarForce Protection Synchronization Driver v1
loads of shit when you start windows man
ChillNowBill (2005-04-09)
hmmChillNowBill (2005-04-09)
For those who needs the european patch for splinter cell 3, it can be found here:
Try it out and let us know how it went!
adamedge (2005-04-09)
:DRolando (2005-04-09)
Language : FR + ENGMust be hard to read ;)
blacktower (2005-04-09)
this game seems to be more of a nuisance than anything else...starforce is some really insane shit thoChillNowBill (2005-04-09)
Yeah.. we'ree agreeing a lot of stuff we don't know.. but still, it's no good.anyway.. i suppose we just have to wait for the starforcebullshit stuff to get cracked.. it's been over a week since release though.. maybe it's impossible
adamedge (2005-04-09)
ubisuck: no i did not install this gameactually i have the box, but i will not touch it until a proper crack method appears to disable the starforce plague
ps: there is no listing of any form of "copy protection" anywhere on the box
blacktower (2005-04-09)
if this becomes to norm for all pc games I might become a console only gamer...this starfuck shit is way over the line of what a game should do with your pc...Good4you (2005-04-09)
ok I am not bitching but asking why there are about 8 peers who are 100 % but they dont seem to be downloading or uploading how come?????I am at 39.1 % really want to get to 50 % by end of today.
tom_tom88 (2005-04-09)
600+ seedare o jag tankar bara i 30k/s vad e felet ?jag uploadar i 80-100 kb/s :'(
Kobalt (2005-04-09)
is there a way to make this fucking site english ffs?GPBROWN (2005-04-09)
Hi guys,Please (In English...) Can someone tell me how to get this game working?
Im really stumped, and dont have a clue. I tried using the key provided, but it just said you have the incorrect disc in the drive :(
Many Thanks
dhakbar (2005-04-09)
Check out GameCopyWorld. They say to use Starforce Nightmare in conjunction with the provided mini disc image.Black_Mage (2005-04-09)
People please read all the comments here before asking stupid questions that have been answered 500 times!!!there is NO crack yet!!! patients!!
you can try messing around with starfuck, but thats it, there is NO confirmed crack yet!
read the damn comments before asking questions!
adamedge (2005-04-09)
Forget about external USB drives too. Wait for a proper group release.Boycott this game. Starforce 3 sucks.
StarForce 3 users report that the software gobbles up computing cycles, slows CD drive read-times, creates CD-R read errors, system instablility and security issues even after removal, and is responsible for a number of device conflicts - particularly with external USB drives. Users who have tried to remove the product manually have often damaged their systems to the point of needing a fresh OS install.
If you are not irritated by the system issues, the unannounced installation, or the privacy implications of this program, you are usually bothered to learn that the drivers are not removed when a user removes the host application. Even after removing them with starforce's advertised removment tool, users often encounter many problems.
Users also aren't alerted to the hidden driver installation and system modification techniques by the end-user license agreement present in most of the games that employ this protection tech shit.
Stekarn (2005-04-09)
ANYONE who has a NOCD crack?? :( please give me one!! i realy whant to play..terco (2005-04-09)
Has anyone tested the miniimage and StarForce Nightmare on gamecopyworld????Zodux (2005-04-09)
Listen to adamedge!Boycot this friggin game!
Grayman (2005-04-09)
Think i'll wait for a proper release....;)diol (2005-04-09)
The mini image up now at gamecopyworld was created for another game with an older version of sf:(It is Trackmania Power Up Expansion Pack :: StarForce
Splinter cell chaos theory par snake installs :: StarForce
it doesn't work...
blääääää (2005-04-09)
vart kan man hitta crack och cdkey??xxhulk (2005-04-09)
Är det någon annan som har problem med splinter cell 3Rolando (2005-04-09)
blää och xxhulk : läs och skådablääääää (2005-04-09)
läs och skåda vad?Sn4k3Eye (2005-04-09)
I just got wrong cd key :PRolando (2005-04-09)
Quality over quantity :Pdebichu (2005-04-09)
*The Disc key you entered does not correspond to the disc in the drive. Make sure you use the correct Disc Key.*Anyone in with a key that works?
diol (2005-04-09)
that's funny man :)so all we need is a working keygen to breech star-force..
stop playing such a dumb-ass-fuck
HappyC (2005-04-09)
To debichu: CD key is ok but now all i need is a kracked Exefile. Game says that i need to enter the CD-dvd in the dvd
quoi (2005-04-09)
Hi all :)If you wanna play the game, you just have to unplug your CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drives while installing and playing.
You need to mount a mini-image (coming soon i hope) on a virtual drive....and let's play :D
Pour jouer au jeu, il vous ffit de débrancher physiquement vos lecteurs CD/DVD lorsque vous installez le jeu, et surtout lorsque vous y jouez. Ensuite vous devez monter l'ISO du jeu, ou un mini-iso avec un lecteur virtuel (alcohol 120% ou DeamonTools), et ensuite y'a plus qu'a jouer :D
Duflont (2005-04-09)
hur får man en CD Key? jag hittar do i get a cdkey? i dont find any...
Rolando (2005-04-09)
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory PC Fr par SnakeLadda ner denna .torrent
Language : FR + ENG
Format : PC
Suport : DVD 4,13 Go
Protection : Starforce 3
Alcohol 120% Image
Folk har svårt att läsa :P
blääääää (2005-04-09)
finns crack?Rolando (2005-04-09)
ingen ännu, tyvärrblääääää (2005-04-09)
tack nu vet jag! har frågat den frågan tre gånger men har inte fått något svar tills nu...mGoLos (2005-04-09)
Splinter.Cell.Chaos.Theory-RELOADEDWill circulate by tomorrow or maybe even sooner. Don't download this crap, wait for a proper release.
jorihills (2005-04-09)
FUC.... Starforce...:thumbsdown:Rolando (2005-04-09)
And how do you know this?Dont you have anything better to do than running around and saying that everything is crap? The only thing missing is a crack.
jorihills (2005-04-09)
STARFORCE IS to wait for a new release of the game...
jorihills (2005-04-09)
Has anyone tried out .torrent search programcalled eXeem...can be downloaded from here..
timmey (2005-04-09)
Ha inte kört de själv men då alla säger så hehe :D
manoteno (2005-04-09)
Esta porcaria de Starforce não deixa o jogo rodar. O crack que existe até agora para este jogo é uma merda. Temos que esperar por outro mesmo...manoteno (BRAZIL)
Gabry (2005-04-09)
I found Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Reloaded via isohunt :
It's the good one ?
Slash_Snakez (2005-04-09)
Well it would be a good one possibly but it isn't working for me... or it can't connect to any peers...Rolando (2005-04-09)
lets see if we can leech the crack and get it working with snakes "release" :)Rolando (2005-04-09)
the reloaded at isohunt is prolly fake, its only 1,15 gbReaction_now (2005-04-09)
So if i install that starforce crack, is it possible that my dvd-roms stop working, or what? somebody how knows when the real crack comes?diol (2005-04-09)
you don't need a crack for that boyjust install the legit game and your CD /DVD will stop working
thanks to StarForce team and UBI
Slash_Snakez (2005-04-09)
I installed the game and my CD/DVD drive works fine....diol (2005-04-09)
well if you installed the legit game then yours stopped working least for 30 seconds LoL
kokotnik (2005-04-09)
And with the starforce uninstaller + snake crack (soon i hope) - it will be good or not ? :)hexfiles0 (2005-04-10)
i bought i from direct2drive since the previous splinters have been great i thought that i might aswell buy before try wich i have never done before whne it comes to software, well not in the last 13 years atleast, but i always buy what i like, i consider "piracy" as a way to get an extended demo since 99.99% of released games and software rarely is worth the price.well these were my misplelled 2 cents.
mickyfinny (2005-04-10)
ive played a bit of the game by going to program folder and clicking on this icon(C:Program FilesUbisoftTom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos TheoryVersusSystem}SCCCT Versus. If that helps anyone who has gone to the trouble of downloading this gameFootballFan (2005-04-10)
This whole Splinter Cell is for me very very strange. I don`t want to be rude or something but why this guy snake uploaded not working game, he even uploaded on other site "crack" which is mini image and starforce nightmare WHY ??? And what will happen if somebody will crack this game but you will need to dl another 4gb not only CRACK, what will happen Mr. Snake ?(retoric question) And I have question to all you "experts"- Do you really believe that this game will be cracked soon ? Cause i`m loosing my faith in quick solution.Schlingel (2005-04-10)
Boys & GirlsSplinter Cell 3 RELOADED is out on FTP :D
darkmajinleo (2005-04-10)
FTP?please tell us the link
FootballFan (2005-04-10)
Which FTP, what are you talking about, any links or smth ????Slash_Snakez (2005-04-10)
yeah dark, could you be more specific? We are just trying to get a proper release of Splinter Cell Chaos Theory....Slash_Snakez (2005-04-10)
Oops, I meant SchlingelDstream (2005-04-10)
You will get a proper release in time.. just wait.diol (2005-04-10)
good graphics, but not superb..the controls in the game are clunking and out of place,
storyline is just ok nothing special
even if you like chaos theory with starforce 3.4 its not even worth spending 50 or more dollars on it just to reinstall your os, so i recommend that you girls do yourself a favor and stay away from this game :-)
Rolando (2005-04-10)
The only thing you (should) need is a crack - this (and the "FLT") "release" works fine otherwise. I hope :Pdarkmajinleo (2005-04-10)
GOD DAMN! WILL YOU GUYS STOP SAYING "FTP" "FLT" "OMG" "FUCKTHISSHIT" "BE-A-DICK" !!!Geez... give the link and that's that!!
kokotnik (2005-04-10)
Please tell us link to reloaded edition!Schlingel (2005-04-10)
Sorry , It´s too early because too much people try toconnect there.
My INFO means only YOU get in few time Your Crack !!
I´m also have to wait !!
blacktower (2005-04-10)
well when you get it make a torrent and put it up here :)bogo24dk (2005-04-10)
Schlingel : What about a .nfo `?Slash_Snakez (2005-04-10)
Yeah, that's a wise idea....diol (2005-04-10)
Girls, i will just wait for Snakehe is working on a proper crack i'm sure..
and our russian coder master fellas at
starforce, they are testing a new mini image
that they will put up on gamecopyworld
wwon't take long !!!
Keep waiting.
saduhora (2005-04-10)
snake isn't a reverser, neather a cracker yaa little pussy!diol (2005-04-10)
here you are the nfo GIRLSRolando (2005-04-10)
But SCCT "uses" starforce, not securomdiol (2005-04-10)
then it's a fake !!don't download it
Schlingel (2005-04-10)
Please Understand !! I`m a Fox to connect on each FTP-Server but I also need lot of time and luck. I only saw all data but details can be read only if I`m connected. I`m not shure It`s an STRO that allows flashing data .Actually I saw only one FTP protected by Userlimit !!
It`s realy Stress - for that reason I change to TORRENT
and wait in peace
diol (2005-04-10)
sorry but the nfo here is for the xbox version which used securom7and i guess the ftp files that you can see somewhere on a hidden faraway chinese server they must be the xbox version too..
keep waiting GIRLS
bogo24dk (2005-04-10)
Well when the crack comes i wouldent have to wait to download 4 gb. I can just download a crack on a couple mb's.tom_tom88 (2005-04-10)
there isnt any Crack folder on the DVD ffs >_<GamergodGold (2005-04-10)
the NFO shown on the comments area isnt the one for this dvd release. in fact, there is no nfo file with this release. there is only the dvd mds/mdf files. for the mini image mentioned in the torrent info, you have to search for the separate torrent.ThompZen (2005-04-10)
Just face it ppl: None have managed to crack the game yet. Be patient.nytebyte (2005-04-10)
I've had major trouble with Starforce and it has screwed my system up more than once. It's was a pain in the ass to manually remove all their crappy "drivers" just to get my system stable again.Ever since then, I vowed to NEVER purchase another game with Starforce. That crap will never be on my system EVER again. It's a shame too because I really wanted to play Chaos Theory.
Oh well. Another game ruined by Starforce. Damnit...
svulst_mongo (2005-04-10)
Fucking spanish torrentsFucking french torrents
This place is going down the shithole
svulst_mongo (2005-04-10)
And learn how to spell godamnit.svulst_mongo (2005-04-10)
Wait for a frigging proper release if you've got the brains godamnitduceyaj (2005-04-10)
me so orny. me love you long time.blacktower (2005-04-10)
diol seems like a 13 year old...GIRLS wtf is that?!anyways just keep waiting for the crack, shouldnt be too much longer if people are even working on it.
mito2005 (2005-04-10)
greetings!!!I'll wait for an official and confirmed release...
idmmao (2005-04-10)
Svulst_mongo, you might as well use proper punctuation if you're going to complain about spelling.Isn't flaming fun?
kokotnik (2005-04-10)
and than after cracking the game i can uninstall stupid fuck1n STARFORCE?? I hate starforce and i don't want to have it on my computer..AceRola (2005-04-10)
StarForce is crap, its a virus!!! and cant wait for a class action lawsuit to be filed against it's makers. I'll sign on instantly.slemfitta (2005-04-10)
Varför släppa ett spel utan fungerande crack? Jävla trams!mikemike (2005-04-10)
is it not possible for norton to block the starforce files?? maybe a dumb question, I don't know..However I hope a group releases the crack seporated from the main iso, cos' download 4 gigs again is much..
ENDTIMEX (2005-04-10)
Just to let you people know, cracks are now out. You can find them on irc. do a search at Apparently, you need the Crackfix by DEVIANCE, and the NOCD fix by TECHNIC. They should both be available in the same channel.FootballFan (2005-04-10)
I don`t know where do you see this cracks for Chaos Theory on I see only cracks for Pandora Tomorrow.ENDTIMEX (2005-04-10)
Yeah, sorry about that. In the excitement, I thought I'd finally found a crack, and jumped the gun. I'm really sorry about that.FootballFan (2005-04-10)
No problem, but next time check something you find two times, cause people might be very angry when they see it isn`t something they were looking for days/weeks/ months :Dkalleanka_98 (2005-04-10)
I have now tried with Starforce Nightmare 1.12, Daemon Tools 3.47 and the mini image. After SC checks the disc for about 1 ½ minute I get the message: "The Disc Key you entered does not correspond to the disc in the drive. Make sure you use the correct Disc Key."When I enter a invaild key it starts complaining right away, but not with the 2Q4PLS4YXNQSULHVR53SSNH7F key. Instead it starts a long check that hangs the SC application.
And when I tried to apply the patch from UBI soft for the US version it did not like the installed version. But the european version patch worked fine.
So to me it sounds like the serialnumber is not for this version.
Reaction_now (2005-04-10)
can you please upload that crack?FootballFan (2005-04-10)
Where have you found it ? Is this crack a exe file or what ? And the game still don`t work ?:)mikemike (2005-04-10)
I have also tried it. It dosen't work.. opens a little black window then closes.. Don't think its real..Serious.swe (2005-04-10)
where did you find the crack plz anwserBruceberry1 (2005-04-10)
That crack is probably some sort of dialer/virus/crap. This has to be the most irritating torrent ever. I watched it creep from about 80% to 100% over about 6 hours, to find that it doesn't even come with a crap and that Starforce was messing with my machine. You'd think that gamecopyworld would remove thier 'crack' images because they cleary don't work. We'll just have to hope that Daemon tools 4.00 will have a Starforce emulator or that demonoid or deviance or that find a crack - but that doesn't look likely. I'm sure Ubicrap have tried and tested loads of stuff before releasing the game so it's going to be difficult and people will end up buying the damn game. I don't even know if its worth the money and I'm not paying £35 for something if I don't know what's in it.Is there any way to get this translated into English (this site) because I have trouble reading Swedish/Svensk :|
AceRola (2005-04-10)
Software games are becoming the new hype of the decade.Wait a few years and all this will be a thing of the past,
most of these games are just fucking eye candy, colorful big ballons with fancy images but really nothing more than just a bunch of stolen and swapped up code inside, with an increasingly alerting number of gaming "professionals" trying to always throw the "latest" virtual experience at us. In the eighties and nineties we lived as sort of emotional slaves of superstars and megastars, just because a whole industry (and more) was built up on getting our attention and taking as much money from peepole as possible - while giving back the least or nothing, or worse, even manipulating us, while we gave too much attention to their false propaganda - with maybe some few exceptions.
Let's hope that this gaming hell will settle down soon and those "professional" opportunists who try to take our money without offering much value in exchange, but a well prepared and pre-organised emotional hype.
Making a fool of peepole is protected by copyright law, which is a theoretical concept and does not exist in pactical reality. Everyone is a fucking criminal in the modern world. Even your grandma made copies of casette tapes when that was the actual hype. I hope this copyright madness will come to an end. The sooner the better..
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-10)
Well said, Well said. When my parents stop being taxed 40% on their earnings then we may consider purchasing games. The governments are shooting themselves in the foot - figuratively.mikemike (2005-04-10)
Here it is: I can't make it work, so dont complain!
Slash_Snakez (2005-04-10)
Freestuff, no offense but that file sounds like a virus or something... and I recommend everyone not to download that file if you even can't delete it.... only in safe mode, sounds like a virus to me....Freestuff (2005-04-10)
Yeah I know, it will be deleted shortly. Reset your computers to an earlier date and you should get rid of the "crack" ;)Bruceberry1 (2005-04-10)
Tracker is down :'(I bet there's something simple we can do to C:Program FilesUbisoftTom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos TheorySystem udmlib.dll and it will then stop asking for CDs.
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-10)
You don't need to go into safemode to delete the dodgy crack. Just open task manager and stop the svchost.exe which is using the most memory. Then it will delete. Still, I don't know what else it does :SBruceberry1 (2005-04-10)
My torrents have stopped downloading!BluntMan_Bob (2005-04-10)
When we get a working mini-image, will it work if I disable my DVD drive in device manager?I don't want to open up my PC every time I want to play.
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-10)
No that doesn't work I'm afraid - tried and tested. We'll just have to play the waiting game... though they'll porbably use starforce for that one day :@jorihills (2005-04-10)
This fucking game is just bullshit...DON'T waste time downloading it....BUY the game instead...then you can play online too...assholes...
jorihills (2005-04-10)
:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:jorihills (2005-04-10)
if you don't are smart enough to use a sort of "recovery" of your PC....I personally use Norton problem if PC secure your PC...crash how often you problem...just reset with Ghost...:)diol (2005-04-10)
jorihills: i might buy a few games but defenitely NOT thisone, asshole :)Starforce is a criminal group in my own opinion, just like any company supporting such crap. They ARE stealing money from us!
Andosia (2005-04-10)**&p_li=
BluntMan_Bob (2005-04-10)
I may have found something that could help. If you click on the information button after a failed cd check and then view the report you see 2 codes. One is title 'code', the other is 'key'. Or some thing like that. This is in the error section at the start of the report. I think this ma help cracking I'm not sure.morizzy (2005-04-10)
Nu ska vi inte gnälla allt för mycket, ta hem nåra kompisar å kör på lan, det funkar bra, inget cd key behövs, ingen cd heller typ ;)kokotnik (2005-04-10)
This i have found on one FTP :Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory *DVD* Alcohol Clone - PiZZaHUT
1 - Unpack
2 - Burn it with alcohol 120% 1.9.5 b2802 (profile: starforce 1/2/3)
3 - Install the game
4 - Disable all your IDE-CD/DVDROM (dont use sfnightmare or tools like that)
5 - Put the burned dvd into a USB interface DVD-ROM
6 - Run the game, and enter this CDKEY: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
7 - Enjoy
but i couldn't download it..
FootballFan (2005-04-10)
There is no news about crack so I wanted to ask all of you a simple question- Do you really believe this game will be cracked(soon) ? I`m waiting for this game for almost two weeks and i`m loosing my faith that it will be cracked, in fact im starting to think about buying dvd player and this game(I don`t have money so it won`t be soon..) What`s your opinion :)kokotnik (2005-04-10)
Sun Apr 10 15:02:25 2005 553 Permission Denied: not allowed to download from this directory!picard77 (2005-04-10)
Its not a question of buying the game instead of complaining, is it? The shit get installed on your puter eighter way...Capon3 (2005-04-10)
Okey people, I managed to crack this game easily enoughusing Starfuck. It might not be to easy the first time you
use it but here is an explanation on how I did it:
STEP 1:Unpack and install game mounted on newest
daemon tools.Start game:
Game will then ask you to reboot to install the protection
system. Do as asked and reboot.
STEP 2:In the patch folder there are 3 files.
Run sfdrvrem.exe but do not reboot yet.
Then run sfdrvup.exe which will give you an error 1072.
Finally run the sfdrvpatch.exe on the file located in
Windows/System32/Drivers.Should tell you it is cracked.
Now reboot.
STEP 3:Click game icon and again it will ask to to reboot to
install protection system. I know, I know, you've already
done this but you have to do it again (reboot).
STEP 4:Finally download Starforce nightmare from
Run the SFNightmare.exe and(a) disable cd (b) disable
node and (c)
disable ch2(depending on what IDE cable your cd drives
are on).
Now the cd protection-system will be gone and there is
only one problem remaining. To type in the correct cd-key.
The key given here on this page is not the correct key for
the cd. I've tested this game and it works with me. Good
luck to you all.
Capon3 (2005-04-10)
Sorry, misspelling. I said I used Starfuck, but I used SFNightmarekokotnik (2005-04-10)
and after that, did u play it?Bruceberry1 (2005-04-10)
Where is this "patch folder" ?Bruceberry1 (2005-04-10)
Hello? Where is the "Patch folder" you referred to? Its not on the CD so is it on a site or torrent or something?dx266net (2005-04-10)
Mr Capon3, hello!Do you work for StarForce, UbiSoft or both of them?
Because you speak of a "crack" that does NOT exist
and you then tell us that the only remaining problem is having the correct CDkey.
All right then why don't you give your key in this forum?
I challenge you to provide a CDKey valid with this torrent we are discussing about and to give info about your so-called "crack". Then why don't you smoke it, your "crack"?
I have to admit this SCCT cliffhanger is one of the best orchestrated Internet spoofs ever organised.
Truly over the last 7 days we have seen "mysterious" people dumping Alcohol 120% images of the SCCT DVD on newsgroups, IRC, BitTorrent and eMule but none of them works. I'm pretty sure all of these sources are the same one and come from UbiSoft and/or StarForce with a special DVD that will never gonna work.
Rolando (2005-04-10)
The serial from the FLT archive:GQAKD-SGHKD-XUYLE-M2A8G-7JMAW
Give it a try...
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-10)
"STEP 2:In the patch folder there are 3 files.Run sfdrvrem.exe but do not reboot yet.
Then run sfdrvup.exe which will give you an error 1072.
Finally run the sfdrvpatch.exe on the file located in
Windows/System32/Drivers.Should tell you it is cracked.
Now reboot."
WHERE IS THE "PATCH FOLDER" ? please and thanks
dx266net (2005-04-10)
What is the FLT archive?Rolando (2005-04-10)
I took it from a torrent over at a Chinese tracker. Same problem with it though, there is no crack :(Rolando (2005-04-10)
And yes, if Mr. Capon3 please could explain where this magical "patch" folder is I would be very greatful :Pdx266net (2005-04-10)
Yep I have a tehnical comment to do!!All RETAIL DVDs of SCCT are the same. Do you imagine a vendor pressing a special DVD for each customer? It does not work this way.
So there is no technical need to enter the serial "matching" the DVD you have. All DVDs are the same with the same insane protection mechanism.
Either :
-this stupid ISO is a total fake coming from UbiSoft/StarForce
-the StarForce protection mechanism gets cracked and any serial will work
Cause I've tried with a test machine the various "solutions" and at best you always get the error "serial entered does not match the serial of the DVD" which is NONSENSE because of what I said a few lines earlier.
Black_Mage (2005-04-10)
Capon3 posted information about how to crack Second SightNOT Splinter Cell!!
diol (2005-04-10)
CLOWNGPBROWN (2005-04-10)
ffs....Sgt_RW (2005-04-10)
Weeeee i want a comment too :D muhahahaBruceberry1 (2005-04-10)
Its a bloody SPCT torrent so don't make me out to be stupid.slemborg (2005-04-10)
Well.... Ive been reading almost everything about this torrent, and i mustadmit, right now, im laughing, cause NOONE is forcing u to dl a goddamn sjiit, and if u cant wait for a proper release, then suit ur self, but please stop whining like a bunch of small kids, this is FREE, so dont complain, give some respect to P-Bay for letting u type all kind of bull..So bottomline is:
If ur unsure of things u where gonna dl, then DONT dl it, wait for a confirmation, or a proper rls from a rls group u know, cause the way this is going, u gonna make alot of people laugh...
Big UP to P-Bay and everyone whos running this site..
slemborg (2005-04-10)
Side note for all who was saying i wasnt finnished yet:Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Publisher: Ubisoft Developer: Ubisoft Genre: Action Release Date: 03/28/2005
FootballFan (2005-04-10)
slemborg, what for did you gave link to review of SCCT ?ekmanpeter (2005-04-10)
Does anyone have a working cd-key, I have already tried 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F aswell as GQAKD-SGHKD-XUYLE-M2A8G-7JMAW but I can´t get it to work.Sh4d0w (2005-04-11)
fotballfanto prove that its been released maybe ...
diol (2005-04-11)
sounds like a CLOWNdon't listen to slemborg LoL
he also wants us to lick ass and im not going to do that
maybe piratebay needs our love and support?
and imho i think big ups to all the other guys too who make it so special
maciejas666 (2005-04-11)
this is FAKE FAKE FAKE ;/ not working :(Andosia (2005-04-11)
@FootballFanThere is always a hole/bypass in every protection, becuase it´s made by "people". And people always lieing-cheating-stealing from each other!! (Like Eddie Guerrero in WWE)!!! =)=)=)=)=)=)=)
GPBROWN (2005-04-11)
According to someone i spoke to over MSN earlier, apparently Championship manager has been setup with starforce, and that has never been cracked.Maybe SCCT will go down the same path?
slemborg (2005-04-11)
By diol at 2005-04-10 20:26:09 GMTsounds like a CLOWN
don't listen to slemborg LoL
he also wants us to lick ass and im not going to do that
maybe piratebay needs our love and support?
and imho i think big ups to all the other guys too who make it so special..
WTF are u talking about?
Guess ur just a dumbass or maybe u missunderstood my post, well ur choice..
Capon3 (2005-04-11)
Sorry about that folks, but the way of cracking Second Sightworks perfectly with SCCT to. That is why the mix up. The
patches folder I'm talking about is one that I got from the
game Second Sight, and it it also the one I used to make this
game work to. (2005-04-11)
Nån som kan förklara på svenska hur man gör fattaar inte:Sjag har tankat hem det,,
cfish78 (2005-04-11)
im gunna play swat 4, you ppl figure this out.diol (2005-04-11)
slemborg: no offence man i was just reading you called us whining small kids so that we should shut up and be thankful to piratebay "for letting u type all kind of bull..."markild (2005-04-11)
lol! just what I was thining ;) I'll check up on the issue in a week or so. nice if you guys got it fixed :PAceRola (2005-04-11)
You know what, i just cant wait for the new Half-Life 2 Expansion by Valve which is on the make.And i WILL definitely BUY it. Maybe even if it installs Starfoce 6.9 :)
Who knows.
alan_pirlo (2005-04-11)
what is alcohol 120%???? :SRolando (2005-04-11)
Too bad there doesnt seem to be a "patch" folder for scct so his version is pretty hard to try out...Black_Mage (2005-04-11)
Capon3 i've got the patch folderso i will try you're method tommorow
i hope it works, if it really we should make a torrent for it put it up for other to download
to all the other, if anyone else ahs second sight please try the crack on splinter cell the more people that test it the beter
Capon3 could you pm me a working key pls?
Rolando (2005-04-11)
So you need second sights patch folder?Rolando (2005-04-11)
right, trying capon3's method nowRolando (2005-04-11)
well, I've tried with both cdkeys w/o any luck...Gabry (2005-04-11)
It tells that anyway u need a SCSI or USB 2.0 Drive like we have already read here 200 timesravenass (2005-04-11)
Thanks Xar666 for the translation.I'm just curious, have ANYONE got the game to work? I'm sitting here with "Splinter Cell Chaos Theory PC Fr par Snake" but i aint touching it before someone knows how to disable this StarForce thing that does nasty things with your computer.
I'm still counting on you crackers :) I know you WILL crack this game sooner or later.
Good Luck ! :P
Epsilon9 (2005-04-11)
Well, I just tried Capon3's method and no luck. Try it for yourself: You can find the patch for Second Sight on gamecopyworld.After I did everything Capon said, it still said : Insert the Splinter Cell Chaos Theory PC DVD disc into another drive then press "Retry"
stjarnljus (2005-04-11)
It is moments like these you realise how much we depend on that the crackers. They spend there time and energy on making cracks without any money involved. Just so we don't have to pay for the games etc.Love to all you crackers!
tor88fg (2005-04-11)
I totaly agree! Thank you all crackers! You are wort it all and we apreciate you!And i've also tryed this copy with all possible cracks, mini-images and methods i've found on this fucking net.
Well, not the one with a usb-dvd rom beacouse i dont have one. And it's pretty easy to remove starforce if you download the starforce remover and search for it in regedit.
CrazyHarij (2005-04-11)
Have you guys never considered buying the game?It's definitely worth it.
tor88fg (2005-04-11)
Well.. Even if it's worth it i like to check it out first. And the IF it really IS worth it AND you have the money you might go and buy it.Thats how i want to do, but i never do it :(
rollaj (2005-04-11)
Theres no way I'm buying it b/c if you by it, then you still have the starforce shit on there and it fucks up your computer and drives. I want a crackso I can play the game and have NO starforce. :)I would also like to share my apreciation to all the crackers, without you, I would have to pay for my games and software :O!!!
tor88fg (2005-04-11)
But roolay. It's pretty easy to take away starforce after you've finished and uninstalled the game..rollaj (2005-04-11)
I don't want to be vulnerable and wreck my drives while i'm playing the game tho. I'd rather have NOTHING to do with starforce if anyway possible. Thats why i love crackers :)tor88fg (2005-04-11)
Well. Im with you there. But if there by some reason is impossible to play this game without having starforce in, im ready to offer it. Beacouse i loved the other 2 games so much and i think this is at least as good!//Knoppigu!
tor88fg (2005-04-11)
Well Lozip. Fun for you!!!But not to fun for everybody that has no money and knows that xbox sucks in every way, especially the gameplay (compared to pc)!
(Im fooling around, no offense) ;P
blacktower (2005-04-11)
yea, if I seriously wanted to play this game bad enough I would just get a xbox and mod it to play burned games.mama (2005-04-11)
This torrent DOES work.1) download torrent
2) unzip and mount the image (I'm using alchohol)
3) install, and enter the cd-key above
4) download starforce nightmare
5) press disable cd
6) play!
blacktower (2005-04-11)
dont know how you got it to work mama cause people have tried that before with no luck.Ramon (2005-04-11)
Oh ohoh, I had waited so long for this game to come up here. And what for? A french SUCKrelease. Please! Why can't someone else upload this blockbuster?!a yank, brit, dutch, kraut; WHATEVER PLZ :(
ENDTIMEX (2005-04-11)
This image isn't just french, but also English, German, Italian, and Russian. I already have this image burned to dvd. Just waiting for the crack just like everyone else.etis (2005-04-11)
What is this STARFORCE????? Is it dangerous????And if the PROG. STARFORCENIGHTMARE is safe?????
Stekarn (2005-04-11)
"This torrent DOES work.1) download torrent
2) unzip and mount the image (I'm using alchohol)
3) install, and enter the cd-key above
4) download starforce nightmare
5) press disable cd
6) play!"
OK but what button shall i press on? in Starforce Nightmare :( what button shall i press??? :(
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
I got it working, except the CD-key bit :( I also disabled Ch2 so it would work.Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
COuld UbiSoft be f***ing with us?diol (2005-04-11)
yes of courseits a game eh?
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
grrBruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
Every new release will be starforce now. we'll have to grin and bear it.diol (2005-04-11)
lets go and buy it then
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
How about..... no!Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
ok, what?Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
That ranslated to: SELF IS A CATS DEVOID TAILBruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
Yeah, people have been using USB 2.0 DVD drives from the outset, but for those who don't have a USB DVD drive, we still can't get it working :(Is there any glmour of hope of this being cracked normally?
XJC (2005-04-11)
Bruceberry : Yes there is a glimmer of hope that this will eventually be cracked .. Scrapland also use Starforce protection and it was cracked in a few months time ;)I was able to play that game with a miniimage though..
This game will so far only work if you have a usb-CD or DVD drive .. which sucks , because most people do not.
Also "JAG ÄR EN KATT UTAN SVANS" Translates correctly to "I am a cat without a tail" , which is a weird thing to say, but he still said it.
While we wait for a working crack I suggest you read the Splinter Cell comic :
It's pretty funny :)
..and watch the training videos in /Data/Video/ - I suggest you dont watch the ingame movies (the ones with numbers in front of them) as you might spoil your gamingexperience.
The movies are all in Bink format so you can use Bink to play them .. get it from :
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
Thanks alot!I can't wait a matter of months. I might be reduced to buying this game which goes against my principles. But thanks for being so imformative and unjudmental! ;-)
diol (2005-04-11)
tho its a new version of sf but don't you worry much boys, here is the list ::Silent Hunter III - StarForce (Reloaded)
* * * Tom Clancys Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - StarForce * * *
Second Sight - StarForce (Carbon)
The Fall : LDoG - StarForce
Mortyr II - StarForce (Reloaded)
GTR-FIA GT Racing - StarForce
Scrapland - StarForce (Nogroup)
Colin Mcrae Rally 2005 - StarForce (Ultima)
Xpand Rally - StarForce (Ultima)
D-Day - StarForce
Codename: Panzers, Phase One - StarForce (Reloaded)
Obscure - StarForce (Reloaded)
The Suffering - StarForce (votd)
Soldiers: HoWW2 - StarForce (ncryso)
TOCA Race Driver 2 - StarForce
Trackmania - StarForce
Prince of Persia SoT - StarForce 3
Pro Rugby Manager 2004 - StarForce
as you can see sf is not very professional..
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
I downloaded Sands of Time (which is not nealry as good as Warrior Within) and that only needed a no CD crack so maybe SF is not as great as it seems. Just out of interest, how do you go about making no CD cracks?CrazyHarij (2005-04-11)
Seriously... Starforce doesn't wreck or damage your computer, your DVD-drive or anything. That's just bulltalk as far as I'm aware. Thousands of people have bought the game and not a single one have had any problem with their computer and starforce, or with any other game containing Starforce. Do you really think UBI and other developers would release games that actually were dangerous to your computer? Heh.You should also consider the fact that EA is gaining more and more influence over developers, and are trying to buy up UBI, which they most probably will succeed with if UBI loses their profit. I personally think we should support these guys.
I'm not against warez and filesharing, but I just think people need to get some sense into their heads and realise warezing is somewhat of a threat to various industries, above all the gaming industry.
Anyway, this is just my 2 cents.
You may think you don't affect much alone, but together with others who have the same mindset as you, you can affect quite alot. It's like with the TV stations who consider one persons opinion representative of almost 10,000 peoples opinions, since people are similar in thinking. Thus you can be positive there's a whole lot of other people deciding the same thing you do now.
Happy warezing people, but at least reconsider supporting the developers you like.
"The gaming industry is a democracy and you vote with your money."
AceRola (2005-04-11)
nice wordsstill i am voting NO for starforce
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
It's undemocratic if money is involved.Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
Nah, Warrior Within has some great fighting gameplay. Sands of Time feels too restricted and the people have an English accent. My main CRiticism of PoPWW is that there is some fighting action, a few obstacles in a hallway, more fighting action, more obstacles. That can become a bit boring.XDaemonX (2005-04-11)
Är detta det riktiga SLINTER CELL CHAOS THEORY.....Varför har den bara 2 stjänor ? ?Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
What does that mean? anyone?markild (2005-04-11)
Bruceberry1: He want's to know why it's rated 2 starsand the answer to that is clearly the lack of a way to play it without having usb dvd-drive and a lot of time trying and failing
Henrik_666 (2005-04-11)
Fan så tregt det går......:DBruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
thanks markild. Can i have a translation of the above please?st1n5y (2005-04-11)
Okej hmm men hur fan får man igång spelet sen när man installerat måste ju ha SCCT Key"Enter a Disc key for the disc labelled SCCT."
för Protection system.. hmm nån som har key.. lr vet hur man kommer runt det?
qasaz (2005-04-11)
I'm trying to access the forum but i cant log in .Is not the same registration of piratebay.i mean if i'm logged here do i have to do another registration for the forum?????Hexy (2005-04-11)
Du är fan bäst att ta tiden att seeda såhär... HEIL GAMESNAKE!Xeinon (2005-04-11)
This only works if you have an external USB 2.0 DVD drive....sucram_p (2005-04-11)
Är det nån som har någon lösning på detta. Skulel vilja lira det där spelet, e ju grymt coolt. Har rovat Starnigtmare, men jag har ingen usb dvd. Hur fan ska man göra då. Har brännt skivan. Vad menas med mini image, och vart finns domdiol (2005-04-11)
i heard that RELOADED already have the cracked the game but ubi contacted them and asked to wait a little with the release because they want to make some money from the gamemito2005 (2005-04-11)
LMAO!!!diol (2005-04-11)
:)Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
Nah, Reloaded would take request some cash for that pleasure. I'm scepticle of that.Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
Sorry, I have temporal Dyslexia todayFootballFan (2005-04-11)
So what is going on ??? Capcon3 method works or not ? Or everything is ok except cd-key, or maybe we still need usb dvd burner to make this f.... game working with capcon method ???FootballFan (2005-04-11)
And one more thing, diol in my opinion what you said about UBI and RELOADED is unrealistic. They knocked to RELOADED group doors and said: Please, we are begging you, don`t rls this game now, wait a while cause we want to make some money, pleaaaase :) If they would knew good contact to RELOADED guys from this group would be already in JAIL :)Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
Law doesn't say that making crack is illegal if they're for backup purposes, and if Ubi can prove that the crack is being used illegally, then they can take legal action. I don't see how Ubi and Devience (or Demonoid, whatever) could contact each other. I'm sure the crackers don't have their home address on their website you know.As far as i know, the only way to get this release working is with then USB 2.0 DVD drive. Unfortunately, we'll all have to wait and wait.
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
^ Sorry, it was RELAODED you were refferring to. All these crackers confuse me.swebarb (2005-04-11)
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-11)
You're so cool. I wish I was you.Joxer3399 (2005-04-11)
If the serial matched, id be a happy man.WHATISIT (2005-04-12)
thanks opiantsi got the game working with a usb dvd :-)
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-12)
I know. What's the deal with that?Martino__13 (2005-04-12)
Why is this game so freaking hard to crack? Is this the worst "Nightmare" for crackes? (or whatever they are called)Black_Mage (2005-04-12)
Capcon3's method works!!only thing we need now is a working serial...
FootballFan (2005-04-12)
I can`t understand few things. How can you know that capcon method works if there`s no working serial number and how can people with usb dvd play the game IF THERE`S NO WORKING SERIAL NUMBER ?!?!?! Because of this whole Splinter Cell shit i`m going MAD.binarysins (2005-04-12)
That explains why I could play Obscure...I have a firewire DVD-RW.Any word on if this one actually works? BitTorrent kills my Internet connection on occasion, and I don't want to hear my fiance complain about the cable going out if I can avoid it.
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-12)
You don't have, by any chance, a Scientific Atlanta DPX100, DPX110 or DPX2100? I had a a DPX110 cable modem and bittorrent used to kill my connection meaning that I'd have to unplug and replug the modem. I bitched to my ISP and they gave me a brand spanking new motorola beast. All is well now.Stitched (2005-04-12)
First - Why are we still talking about this? I mean, the crack works for 10% of the community. So as far as a "release" goes, we are talking about a very obscure niche. But, hey, at least they were First. ;)Second - why is this torrent still here if it doesn't work for the remaining 90% (the rest of us)? I know that PB tries to provide but if it's gone, maybe someone will upload a working version (oh, please for the love of DoG !!!)
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-12)
Some really good, well thought-out points there, AceRola. A++Why don't governments and larger organisations like the UN and EU not intervene with torrent sites because they are providing (in a way) billions of dollars worth of software, music and ebooks?
krutan (2005-04-12)
Bruceberry1: I don't know if you are familier with the swedish Anti Piracy Agency, they stormed an ISP called Bahnhof and took servers that were marked with Pirate logos on the case, the rumor is that APA planted the servers there to storm in and collect there tresure.May god curse the swedish Anti Piracy Agency!!!!!
diol (2005-04-12)
copyright in its present form is a madness that needs to endit is stealing from people
stealing their attention their emotions and their money
and we all now that most of the money paid goes really in to other pockets not the creators'.
who is the original "artist" that is another difficult question
look at the music industry it is ridiculeous, almost any kind of beat or tune is already copyrighted
popular stars frequently use indian and oriental melodies
listen to beatles songs, or madonna..
who is to be paid for that?? no one
Coca_Cola (2005-04-12)
need a quick answer bcuz i dont wanna read anymore, geez.Question: Is this playable?
watstogo (2005-04-12)
man ... i tried using starforce to disable my drives and mounted using both Alcohol 120% and daemon tools (tried both) but it says CD-key does not correspond to disc in drive ... i give up until another solution is foundwauwsy (2005-04-12)
the only thing what i need is a working crack, because this dutch man is going nuts!!!AARGGHHHH!!
i wanne play this game!! te buy this game will sucks..!!
kuuken (2005-04-12)
Where can i get the patch??dx266net (2005-04-12)
OK THIS METHOD WORKS:"This torrent does work!!! I have been using it for days!
Here is what I did:
1. download torrent
2. download mini-image
3. replace the mds file in the torrent with the mds file of the mini-image folder ( the mdf and mds filename must be the same)
4. Burn the image using the latest version of Alcohol 120% with the RPMS option enabled. Use the slowest burn speed possible ( the RPMS option must be enabled to produce a CLONED SCCT DVD )
5. Install the game
6. Disable all IDE CD/DVD drives ( mine works without disabling them)
7. Insert the Cloned SCCT DVD in a DVD USB Drive
8. Start Alcohol 120% and turn on the RPMS emulation
9. Run the game
( use this serial: 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F )
I'm currently playing with patch 1.01 installed.. Glad this trick still works with the latest patch version
watstogo (2005-04-12)
damn you people with USB drives =)wish i had one ... it'll be ages before a crack is released ... i'm sure of it ...
watstogo (2005-04-12)
quick question ... where do u get the mini image?if i use that and try to play the game ... it may work
let me know where i can find it ...
shooter1976 (2005-04-12)
but i need thecd key, and the ones i got didn't work, please help peace StevOraggedjagged (2005-04-12)
Oh goddamnit just work!!!Rolando (2005-04-12)
Try kicking it, right in the side!Martino__13 (2005-04-12)
Ubisoft must have a good laugh reading all thisinformant (2005-04-12)
you people dont listen, the serial is VALID.. all those methods mentioned DO NOT WORK unless you have an external USB dvd.... works fine on mine, checks my dvd for 5 seconds and says its valid... on the 3rd level now great game so i said the SERIAL is valid stop asking for others, theres no way to play this game currently unless you have external usb dvd, wait for a proper crack release or go buy the game.markild (2005-04-12)
lol.. I'm going to end up buing this game just as I did with the last one. I have to give Ubisoft credit for making a pretty rock solid copy protection. Though the best thing vould obviously be a crack ;)Slash (2005-04-12)
it is starfoce3 so you could just unplug all your drives and mount the mini-image in daemon tools and change the emulation options to something and it will work, just unplug all the dvd-players you have :P (damn i hate starforce3)mito2005 (2005-04-12)
there's another scct torrent... is it cracked?mito2005 (2005-04-12)
oops, just realized the other torrent is a plain dvd image with no cracks included...Bruceberry1 (2005-04-12)
ROFLOL! @ "Rocket Surgery" :PHow entertaining.
Yes, I take all your points - you are right on all of them. A crack is needed... end of story. (unless you have the USB 2.0 drive.
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-12)
Just one more thing: When will we have any indication of when the crack will be available. We're all sitting in the dark here. Can anyone shine a light in our dark worlds?diol (2005-04-12)
or you can go and buy an ide-usb2.0 converter for $30 for your dvd playripp3l1 (2005-04-12)
Or what if not?!diol (2005-04-12)
well if you get one cable you will be able to play other games released with sf 3.4 toobetter investment than supporting sf by buying this game
diol (2005-04-12)
so remember: if you buy this game you are supporting Starforce and not UBIUBI have enuf money, at least they have more than i do
so F.O.
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-12)
Yeah, I like Ubi but I won't support them whilst they use StarForce. Also, what's the point in buying a USB DVD drive if it costs the same as the game?diol (2005-04-12)
Corporate Facts:Activity: Ubisoft is a leading international developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment products.
Worldwide Headquarters: Montreuil-sous-Bois, France
Sales FY2003-04: 508 million euros
Net Income FY 2003-04: 9 million euros pro forma
Staff: 2,600 permanent collaborators worldwide, of which 1760 are dedicated to production
Ubisoft studios:
Annecy - Austin, Texas (Wolfpack) - Barcelona - Bucharest - Casablanca - Düsseldorf (Blue Byte) - Milan - Montpellier - Montreal - Morrisville, NC (Red Storm) - Paris - Shanghai
Office Locations: Austria, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Morocco, Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, Spain, UK, US
Facilities: In 21 countries
Distribution: In more than 55 countries
Portfolio: over 1000 titles
Worldwide best selling series:
The Rayman® range: more than 15 million units sold
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell®: 9.7 million units sold
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®: 12 million units sold
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®: more than 8 million units sold
Myst®: more than 11 million units sold
Prince of Persia®: almost 5 million units sold
Chessmaster®: more than 5 million units sold
Settlers®: over 5 million units sold
Ranking: 3rd independent European publisher
7th US publisher (source: NPD first quarter 2004)
Second largest in-house development staffing the world
Portal: attracts 3.5 million unique visitors each month
sEka_3000 (2005-04-12)
By the way angelfire don't allow direct linksso copy and paste the link in ur address bar.
grega72 (2005-04-12)
so can anybody say now sc is working with this patch or not,AceRola (2005-04-12)
funy funy LoLsEka_3000 (2005-04-12)
i already posted the link...copy & paste it in ur address bar..sEka_3000 (2005-04-12)
any luck with this crack ?Bruceberry1 (2005-04-12)
Thanks, got it working now (y)sEka_3000 (2005-04-12)
u mean the game or the link ? lolAceRola (2005-04-12)
i wouldn't trust an mysterious exe fileeven if its an archive
AceRola (2005-04-12)
thanks for the mysterious mini image again and the instructions too :)7.Insert DVD in a DVD USB drive and use this serial 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-12)
I got the LINK working not the game. Sorry for that.The NFO that is included in the package says:
ß ÜßßÜ Üß ²ÜÜ ÜßßÜ ² ² ÜßßÜ ÜßßÜ ²ÜÜ Üßß Üß
ßßßßßßßßßß Û Û ² ßßßÛ Û Ü Ûßß² Û Û Û ² Û ² Û Ü ²ß Ü ßßßÛ ßßßßßßßßßß
ß ß ßß ßßß ß ßßß ßßß ß ßß ßßß ßßßß ßß
1.Install game.
2.Unpack Tom.Clancy's.Splinter.Cell Chaos.Theory.exe
3.replace the current mds file with the one that comes with this package
4.Burn with latest version of Alcohol 120% with RPMS enabled
5.Turn on RMPS emulation in Alcohol 120%
6.Disable IDE CD/DVD drive using SFnightmare
7.Insert DVD in a DVD USB drive and use this serial 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F
USB DVD required :'(
sEka_3000 (2005-04-12)
i scanned it..and found no viruses...hope it might workssEka_3000 (2005-04-12)
sorry for that...i was just trying to help :/Rolando (2005-04-12)
"Component 'MSWINSCK.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid"And It just sent a message somewhere. Looks like a virus.
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-12)
I've had no luck. People have been successful with USB 2.0 DVD drives from the start... why are these people making an even more comlicated version of the same idea?sEka_3000 (2005-04-12)
It's a Keylogger basically, When you let this program past your firewall it logs a key of the game you installed. Meaning he gets a key and you don't. Do NOT let this by your firewall, you can tell this is a fake because the .exe is only 56kb, when it should be more around the 8-10Mb area.anyway sorry i was trying to help
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-12)
Clever. Windows Firewall never detected anything. Besides, this bloke is just going to get a few hundred of the same CD-key - the one that we're sick of hearing/seeing.diol (2005-04-12)
благодарю вас очень!merci beaucoup
diol (2005-04-12)
one little piece of advice: never ever click on a .exe file especially not on to on e from a mysterious "angelfire" serverjesus
so you can simply unpack this exe file, as it is an archive, by using winrar - so just rightclick on it an select whatever you want to do with it. i suggest you delete it before unpacking tho
jockiboy (2005-04-12)
wee .. the torrent isn't worth the effort (or the $$$ ). So i'll stick to the allmighty duke 3d until someone releases a working crack.good luck with this one though, u'll need it !
barbapappa30 (2005-04-12)
seeda då plz!!KalleKofot (2005-04-12)
barbapappa30 idiot? över 300 seedare.AceRola (2005-04-12)
part II. : Our LeadersUBI
negativeions (2005-04-12)
People, please calm the fuck down. Many posts ago someone said that you don't have to be called RELOADED to make an image and he's right. Instead of putting all your stupid efforts into trying to get this game for free, why don't you just buy it if you really want it that bad otherwise wait for a proper release. You know why it wasn't released on the internet a week before it was released in stores? Because they arrested most of Fairlight a while back...diol (2005-04-12)
when money becomes the purpose and the reasonbut not the means...
then we are fckd big time
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-12)
Making the same comment twice doesn't make you sound clever either.diol (2005-04-12)
clever or not, thats what i think boyFootballFan (2005-04-13)
Shit, even that I know that there is no crack yet I decided to finish dl this game. And after about week of downloading i finished.... and now when I`m trying to unpack this F.... game winrar in 97% gives me message:Not enough disk space! Write error: only NTFS file system supports files larger than 4 GB
I don`t have f.... ntfs partition only fat32 with 7gb of free hard disk space, there must be something I can do to bypass this error, pls help me :((((((((((((
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-13)
Hi FootballFan.You can try burning the rar files on to a CD and unpack them on another computer. Then make the CD with the mds and mdf on that computer and install on your FAT32 PC.
Alternatively, you can insatall Windows XP which will make your hard drive NTFS which can cope with larger files. Besides, if your computer is FAT32 it probably isn't up to date enough to cope with the game.
Let me boast:
Inter Pentium 4 Northwood 3.00GHz
1024MB Sanyo RAM PC2700
Radeon X800XT 540/540
FootballFan (2005-04-13)
My OS is XP Professional and all my partitions are FAT32 i know that I can for example make another NTFS partition with partition magic and extract this file there but I heard that it is possible to convert FAT32 patition to NTFS but don`t know how safe it is. Oh and I think that on Athlon 3000+ 512 Ram and Radeon 9800PRO this game should run fine...Bruceberry1 (2005-04-13)
Parition Magic messed up my friends computer. WEar protection whilst using it - figuratively of course :Pboomba (2005-04-13)
you have to press "extract to" and then were you want it.. otherwice winrar place a copy in disk Cchoppernom1 (2005-04-13)
also another thing, versus mode works, i think they made it accesible so we would get it into our veins and buy the full thing...ChillNowBill (2005-04-13)
FAT32 can't handle that huge files. Only NTFS can :TheRaspberry (2005-04-13)
Reformat your drive as an NTSF.choppernom1 (2005-04-13)
If your downloading this game, like i did, you will either still be messing around with starfuck, alcahol, daemon etc.. or you went out and bought yourself a usb drive for this game and future games using it! well maybe a crack will come out, most definatly it will, why else would you be able to download it? What pisses most of us off(those without usb drives) is that this game is in our hands, and we cant even play it! but im not going to tell you to go out and buy this, although it is a game that is acually worth the money you pay for it... Then again, we didnt steal anything, we are merely sharing with eachother something that is meant to be, is there an acuall limit your allowed to share something with your friends anyway? i doubt it. So remember what doesnt kill us makes us stronger, and this will definatly make us stronger!!Shalimar (2005-04-13)
Attn: Bruceberry1 & FootballFanQuote:
By Bruceberry1 at 2005-04-12 22:13:38 GMT
Hi FootballFan.
You can try burning the rar files on to a CD and unpack them on another computer. Then make the CD with the mds and mdf on that computer and install on your FAT32 PC.
Alternatively, you can insatall Windows XP which will make your hard drive NTFS which can cope with larger files. Besides, if your computer is FAT32 it probably isn't up to date enough to cope with the game.
Let me boast:
Inter Pentium 4 Northwood 3.00GHz
1024MB Sanyo RAM PC2700
Radeon X800XT 540/540
and quote:
By FootballFan at 2005-04-12 22:18:32 GMT
My OS is XP Professional and all my partitions are FAT32 i know that I can for example make another NTFS partition with partition magic and extract this file there but I heard that it is possible to convert FAT32 patition to NTFS but don`t know how safe it is. Oh and I think that on Athlon 3000+ 512 Ram and Radeon 9800PRO this game should run fine...
Bruceberry1 - 1st off if you cannot actually answer someone's question in the 1st place w/o making random guesses then do NOT even try.. it does them no good at all. Also installing XP does not necessarily make your system NTFS at all (and when NTFS is chosen it is actually NTFS5 not NTFS). XP supports NTFS, FAT32 & FAT16 as well as a few other more obscure file systems.
It would be more appropriate to ask what OS they use 1st off. Especially since XP is hardly the only OS/FS capable of file sizes larger than 4GB.
Also assumption of someone's system being "low" so to speak based on their file system alone screams you're a newb..
Advice from an old timer.. unless you actually have something valueable to say that will help or make a constructive point/question then it would be far better to keep your mouth shut.
Afterall far better to perhaps not say anything and maybe look stupid than to open your mouth and prove such beyond any doubt.
Your system is quite capable of handing the game in quetion to a reasonable degree. As for the file system issue assuming you have a partition large enough just do a quick conversion from fat32 to ntfs5. I warn you though this is a ONE WAY IONLY conversion (using XP's built in utils).
Conversion instructions will be added to the next post
FAT32 to NTFS(5) File system conversion on the fly.
startt button -> run -> CMD ->
in the command prompt box (looks like a dos box) type the following:
convert drive letter: /fs:ntfs
ie: convert e: /fs:ntfs
assuming you want to convert E drive.. etc
This is an on the fly operation unlike a format so your files on the drive in question will be kept.
Ohh and while I am a tech/consultant anyone with any common sense can find this info via google in about 30 seconds or less.
Lastly advice for both of you... ATI sucks.
(After working with them for longer than most ppl have even used a computer for believe me ATI sucks is being nice and polite about their products. The software/firmware more specifically)
Shalimar (2005-04-13)
ps: ignore the "Conversion instructions will be added to the next post" since it all fit in one posting..I also do not check for replies as a rule.. so if u want to contact me msg me don't just reply.
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-13)
You have issues, Shalimar. I am a bloody Newbie, and I only had intentions to help so you can come right down off of your soap-box. Once you said you had the 9800Pro and all that, I understood that I was wrong so take a chill pill. Sorry for any inconvenience. Jeezo.Bruceberry1 (2005-04-13)
ATi are fine these days. The Radeon 8850XT PE has better clock speeds than the NVidia Gforce 6800GT Ultra and its a good bit cheaper. I have't had any problems with ATi hardware, software or firmware n the past. Why do you have such a low opinion of ATi? (Just out of interest?)AceRola (2005-04-13)
2B honest we have an ATI Radeon 9000 Pro in one of our pc's with windows (PIV 2.6, 2GB RAM) and its cooling fan stopped working 2 years ago. We didn't bother to change it, yet it runs perfect with the most demanding games w/o any problems.betty (2005-04-13)
Använd Starforce Nightmare läs readme försteinaR. (2005-04-13)
Är det en fejk eller inte?neej
intel Pentium 4 3,4ghz
1536 ddr ram
ati radeon x800xt
2 tb space ;D
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-13)
It's my birthday today so I might buy it. Forgive me people. :-(dymphie (2005-04-13)
I dont think it's a good idea to go buy a usb dvd drive because the people of starfuck will have that ''bug''fixed verry soon so that would be verry stupid!!!!!!!FootballFan (2005-04-13)
I know that I can convert partition from FAT32 to NTFS with this method but I heard there is a danger that files after conversion might be corrupted, is this true or is this safe ? I don`t want to loose 20 gb of stuff cause i wanted to unrar Splinter Cell which at the moment doesn`t even work :)Regarding to ATI, my 9800PRO is in my opinion great card and much better than most of Nvidia 5xxx series :)
FootballFan (2005-04-13)
One more thing, this Splinter Cell "case" looks for me like the begining of the end. I don`t remember other big game that was so hard to crack, If they figure out how to "disable" the usb dvd method this game will be uncrackable, and Starfuck will protect every new game, and what then. At the moment it doesn`t look like all the "elite groups" are able to crack it :)weep (2005-04-13)
Oh my god, we are doomed! Doomed I tell you!blodigeln (2005-04-13)
QUOTE,One more thing, this Splinter Cell "case" looks for me like the begining of the end. I don`t remember other big game that was so hard to crack, If they figure out how to "disable" the usb dvd method this game will be uncrackable, and Starfuck will protect every new game, and what then. At the moment it doesn`t look like all the "elite groups" are able to crack it
Big_foot89 (2005-04-13)
Kan någon förklara vad det där nightmare är som alla snackar om och vad kan jag ladda ner det?Vill spela:)
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-13)
I bought the game today. Graphics are all right but the game doesn't seem that great though I haven't had a good enough evaluation.McKack (2005-04-13)
I just bought the game as well today. I wanted the co-op and mp anyways.Bruceberry1 (2005-04-13)
The graphics resemble those of Half Life 2 I think. The textures are like real-life images of things which have been superimposed into the game. I can't be bothered reconfiguring the controls on multi-player. Who uses W, A, S, X and D to move around?!mk555 (2005-04-14)
OK, I´ve downloaded tha game, installed it but WHERE is theMINI-image???
Can´t get the game to work otherwise? Anybody, help?
Stitched (2005-04-14)
How about a USB connected iPod (20 GB) or does it need to be formatted differently? :)ipp3l1 (2005-04-14)
Okay, evrybody. Calm down now, All you can do is wait. But I can tell you, there's at least one crack coming up :
And I'm sure that several real groups are working on it too. Tough, only group that knownly can crack newest starforce is RELOADED, so when I see their crack, I'm happy.
Please be patient, the game is really hard to crack and it's size will propably be quite big, because it will contain big files like launcher, maybe even some core files and *.dll:s.
So stay calm and hang out there _o/
Aop.Beirut (2005-04-14)
crack`??ipp3l1 (2005-04-14)
Okay I dunno bout that, but I'm pretty sure, that RELOADED is working on the crack...The are the only known people who can do cracks for starforce 3 protections...Bockens (2005-04-14)
hur fan startar man spelet när man har installerat det...???E en noob... tacksam för alla svar...!
tor88fg (2005-04-14)
Ja Bockens. Till att börja med så läser man åtminstodne några sidor bakåt i alla forumtrådar man postar i. Om man gör det så slipper man irritera alla andra och man slipper framstå som en idiot OCH man får reda på att man änsålänge inte kan spela detta spelet än om man inte har en extern dvd-läsare eller köper spelet eller har en jävla tur..//Knoppigu!
ChillNowBill (2005-04-14)
men läs kommentarer, idiotCaine_Gbg (2005-04-14)
ipp3l1 - Right, like Reloaded are the only one who could crack StarForce protection? What about Ultima then? They cracked XPand Rally and Colin 2005 (DVD version), which neither Reloaded nor Hoodlum or any other group managed to do.nytebyte (2005-04-14)
It is not only Reloaded. All groups keep trying their best.Different people with different skills and attitudes, but they
propbably all rely on people's nature to support companies
if they think their products rock. Groups rely on help from
people that they can trust, they will not post to forums,
they won't hang out in public, and usually they can smell
a rat before it gets too close... but who knows when those
plutocrats of evil will come raiding your door?
So think about it.
Starforce is becoming more of a nuisance than a challenge.
Silent Hunter III has been cracked. Why do you think that
SCCT is any different for a group who could do that?
There are other reasons, not just protection..
Also, not everyone agrees on invading the scene to release
something only because it is protected by starforce...
Software developers realize that their products gonna be
cracked and released, if not by Reloaded, then some other
warez crew. The question remains: When? By delaying the
release by a few weeks companies can sell something
before the warez version is out.
Yup, most large companies pretend that warez teams don't
exist. Small companies need to sell but can't get publicity.
Sometimes warez is a good way to improve software
companies reputation, or corrupt it too, and make people
aware of their products...
If the industry thinks they lose a lot of money because of
warez, it is their own fault! Not anyone else's. This is a myth
that some of the big companies claim. They are plutocrats,
not much more than oppressive, groomy money making
machines, whose games smell bloody sweat and strict time
schedules that couldn't be met. Is that what we are supposed
to pay for? Apparently not. There are some excellent games.
And we all know when there is one.
If a company loses money its only because they have a
worthless product with a high price. So if u like it, buy it.
Warez is an opportunity to try before you buy. Keep that in
mind every time you download and install one of the releases.
Greetz to all people who read this, Thanks to Piratebay, and the many groups.
Thanks for all the games.
wurmparasit (2005-04-14)
hicannot repack the archives....I have an crc fautl..what to do?
blääääää (2005-04-14)
har det kommit någon crack än?pHeerB (2005-04-14)
Nej det har INTE kommit någon crack ännu.. Om folket bara kunde sluta fråga efter cracks hela tiden, jag är säker på att release grupperna håller på med någon slags crack just nu.. CHILLA lite och sluta fråga.. Ett hett tips är ju att kolla några kommentarer bakåt och se ifall det kommit någon crack. TACK!Bruceberry1 (2005-04-14)
That serial at the top of this page ^ definately works by the way. I bought the game and used that serial, proving that the serials are not linked to each individual game.sEka_3000 (2005-04-14)
any ideas about :Splinter.Cell.Chaos.Theory.DVD.Alcohol.Clone-PiZZaHut
is it fake or not?
XDaemonX (2005-04-14)
Jag har en fråga....Är det någon mening att ladda ner detta spel eller inte?Några säger att det är fake och nadra inte. Kan man får ÉTT ärligt svar på om detta spel fungerar.
Vill inte ligga och tanka i flera dygn till ingen nytta!!!
ipp3l1 (2005-04-14)
Hey guys, while waiting for proper crack, the versus mode is playable! You can play it at least in LAN, nut have no idea where to get the serial for internet play...well, half of the world is waiting =)InsaneGalne (2005-04-14)
Jag har ett problem, när jag håller på att ta hem grejer. I för sig är det nu när jag håller på att ta hem The sims 2 student liv men i alla fall det kanske kan hända me vilken ner laddning som helst. Det kommer upp en error textoch sen slutar den ladda hem.Kolla länken och se om ni kan hjälpa mig:
InsaneGalne (2005-04-14)
Kan du förklara vad en klient är tack. ede dem som lägger ut torrenten?SeZq (2005-04-14)
Så här är det...Man kan bara spela spelet om man har en USB DVD-läsare annars tar den inte skivan.
Och det går inte att mounta i daemon tools heller.
Man får helt enkelt vänta tills en crack släpps eller köpa en usb dvd-läsare.
Garkan (2005-04-14)
InsaneGalne: Om du inte vet vaden klient är, då är det illa. Men: En klient är en person som under längre tid får hjälp av fackman.En klient kan också vara det program du använder när du tankar ned, t.ex i ditt fall något vid namn burst!
Testa något annat, t.ex BitTornado, vilket jag använder och har aldrig direkt krånglat. Däremot rekommenderas BitTornado inte att användas om man laddar ned flera saker sammtidigt, eftersom då får man ha flera fönster öppna och det kan sluka enormt mycket minne.
alexander867 (2005-04-14)
liksom, jag använder Bit Tornado och när jag försöker ladda ner filer så står det alltid problem to tracker - timout exceeded och hur ser jag hur mycke % jag har utav filerna? /[email protected]Emwyn (2005-04-15)
Men kommer det inte en annan piratad version av spelet? alltså ett version som funkar som piratade andra spel?Reaction_now (2005-04-15)
måste bara fråga... värför funkar spelet bara i extern läsare och inte i vanlig intern?MrSandman (2005-04-15)
okej jag ska inte finns det verkligen ingen som fått tag i en annan bättre "mindre problemfri" version av detta spel?? det är ju inte direkt okäntJust asking ;)
frankie2000j (2005-04-15)
Hur många av er kidz kan läsa?Bara undrar för samma frågor repeteras om och om igen. Är det ingen av är som har gått ut skolan?
"AAAAHHHH hur gör amn för att spela?", "Vad är starforce?", "Finns det ingen crack?".
Man blir så otroligt less!
frankie2000j (2005-04-15)
Det har sagts otaliga ggr. Du kan inte spela spelet om du inte har en USB-DVD spelare. Det är helt omöjligt. Det är ca 30 pers som har påtalat detta gång på gång.Du har väll inte läst några poster över huvudtaget, eftersom detta står på VARJE sida.
Det finns en mini-image men den funkar inte om du inte har en USB-DVD spelare, det finns serials, men det funkar inte om du inte har en USB-DVD spelare.
Varför det inte funkar....STARFORCE!
googla på det så får ni reda på varför ingen lyckast cracka spelet ÄNNU!
Karmst (2005-04-15)
Har har.... NOT AMD 800Xt....ATI 800XT...Sorry for the typo.
GPBROWN (2005-04-15)
erm... back on topic fellaz.... we any closer to a crack?sargon3 (2005-04-15)
Håller på frankie2000. Med dom smarta frågorna som dyker upp här så borde man införa körkort för att få ladda ner piratsaker. Är man så j.. skruvad så att man inte orkar läsa frågor som ställts innan utan bara skriva..var e cracken?? kan man spela detta?? då ska man fan inte få ladda ner iheller utan få gå och köpa skiten istället. fattar inte hur det kan vara snart 800 frågor om en sak som står klart å tydligt i nfo.ogjose (2005-04-15)
det virker ikke uten en usb cd/dvd rom!!!MansioN (2005-04-15)
alla vet nog om den sidan så det spelar ingen rollzouron (2005-04-15)
Till er alla som e mer insatt än andra!!
shugatraaluukeSlashZapplineSlashluukeGabrySpiTTermelinomito2005baldwinReaction_nowChillNowBillMadOnionDKSpiTTerMadOnionDKfilisSmokey999PineanasJakutdiolgrega72kokotnikkokotnikkokotniknerooonerooojustjooSlashFootballFanReaction_nowFootballFanReaction_nowdiolDehehihohuTernimator07morizzyDehehihohut0bdiolDehehihohusEka_3000Sug_MinBruceberry1MrStarrkMrStarrkrogerpeBruceberry1invisible9rogerpekokotnikBruceberry1crowman24invisible9clapperd-grilcrowman24DehehihohuSlashinvisible9pluppen_2pluppen_2Martino__13kokotnikpluppen_2kokotnikPlingPlongpluppen_2pluppen_2Slashjotor_87lumba89invisible9mischiloopiumipp3l1pluppen_2rogerpeShimzzebranArcticFoxArcticFoxDehehihohuRoxpacet0bENDTIMEXSevX1invisible9EdyForzenArcticFoxForzenFEvEFEvEUnclemoeinvisible9invisible9sIR-BloNdEvane505sIR-BloNdEGarkansargon3XDaemonXmikemikeXDaemonXmikemikeSerious.sweSmokey999ZolidZolidbustedimikemikeGEOwarriorRoxpacequicksilvrSmokey999nudelseinaR.Henrik_666XDaemonXG_A_M_E_Rpluppen_2Psy_Loverkolaman1xonSantyMrStarrkDuude99McKackmito2005TheSneaktamagamiTheSneakRolandosEka_3000kaffejonasTonyrw22monkiiking_Robinerix87kolamakugkugpertSKTheSneakMrStarrkKimm3rnFreestuffTouchpadTheSneakFootballFaneriksundlingMrStarrkPyr0DehehihohusEka_3000blacktowergreenthingnudelssteff1000nudelsTheSneakTonyrw22FootballFanMrStarrkpluppen_2djfantazysaduhorabogo24dkkokotnikkokotnikpuzzasaduhoraDehehihohuBengtstureBengtstureGEOwarriorTonyrw22justjooBrottstaRolandoBrottstaBengtstureHei_på-degBrottstaBrottstaslokiller22ShyguyEagleSHBrottstamarkus18djfantazyBrottstaBrottstasaduhoramarkus18BrottstaBrottstamarkus18Brottstasaduhoramcspiffmarkus18markus18mcspiffBrottstaLeo_48639mcspiffnudelsnudelsLeo_48639czepcwnudelsRaudungsaduhoramikemikeLeo_48639TouchpadLeo_48639TouchpadLeo_48639rrlbvarollajHighlander35MarfereMarfereGEOwarriorrollajLeo_48639GEOwarriormito2005NeoZ1NeoZ1RolandoLeo_48639GarkankobgadtercodojjjaDon_TFootballFanNeoZ1GEOwarriorboffa86pRob3Reaction_nowarepare1GabryPyr0CroNolmGalthartoxytGaltharGaltharkokotnikGarkanmorizzytamagamitedyGaltharMrStarrkGabryw4llinoer88oer88Wyzard45oer88Caine_GbgSPQR3TouchpadmizoSirius007apanbortCaine_GbgDarthalonalcapone_blacktowerjohnnoidBigSuShibevtecblacktowerFuNkYgAmErkokajinsatoemoGabryFanstygcrowman24Contra89Darthalonbruker232ZymixminapengarravenassGyokuranPyr0dhakbarIcarismikemikeEagleSHmikemikejohnnoidGEOwarriorSPQR3dhakbarGarkanPasta-Manb3nNeoZ1Reaction_nown0b0dyronso90witchdocterhmhkamiloGEOwarriorhusky913n0b0dyDarthalonMs.Viktoriadr0wnagedr0wnagedr0wnageGEOwarriorRobin80Robin80Robin80TranceAzZclooakjackderiptamagamiDarthalonJiVeMaNJiVeMaNmaple_leafmaple_leafJiVeMaNmito2005Tonyrw22sargon3Darthalonmaple_leafXdreamnoobidooDarthalonTalkaboutDarthalonSGTpwhmhkamilomaple_leafjohnnoidDarthalonDarthalonhusky913hmhkamiloPyr0szapeboyDarthalonPippenPyr0vampthevampKlorin1kokotnikSGTpwathacfish78skybakmoenfr33rsami_wh0anelka9EagleSHhaffamomoshadowshackkokotnikBruceberry1alba_92Bruceberry1oer88shadowshackshadowshackDarthalonDarthalonszapeboysyseRivelDarthalonlanz637pertSKBruceberry1Leczashadowshackshadowshackkokotniktimpan14JARXFreestufftor88fgBrottstaFreestufftor88fgaffe889xidexryan17delosantoleonardo1985delosantoSevX1TomtenizzepertSKGabryXarkoredmohicanHolabadolajockethekingSayunikyCh!MæRafranchyKeelManm-momrlancers815AntonBAntonBDazedAndConfusedchain-gang23haggerd182blaze7blaze7nicke1991FrimerGyokuranNooouabiggie18zangggbiggie18zangggTomtenizzebiggie18mad000deanfowkesogUrghost_2darkMichaelCorleoneThe_Techno_LoverHednoizeBloodwolf808HednoizeYAC3KacefecooHitmanJustinEvil NemesisBaltimore DankArkinosGammazoni SmoothCriminal_x-z3r0Hugo hagmanigorsssfloyd2CoolizJakorDraticFadeofShadowsFadeofShadows (1970-01-01)
Nu är de så här va att jag är ny här och är brutalt galen efter Splinter Cell!! Jag skaffade pogramet jag var tvungen att ha och den har börjat tanka (tror jag) men filerna är uppdelade i vardera 80mb .rar filer. Hur fan gör jag sen då? Plus att jag förstår inget av programet. Om någon känner för att hjälpa mig så kan ni väl skicka ett mail till mig med det jag BÖR veta mest.Tackar på förhand
([email protected])
de här är ju löljigt... stannar ju på 99.9 % går inte o få hem spelet.. går inte zippa up filer e corupted... har tankat hela natten 6gig nu.. allt som allt o har inte lyckats få den till 100% tankar i 100kbs typ.. ligger lixom på 4244mib av 4248.. o så fort den går upp till 4248 så hoppar den tillbaka till 4244!? wtf ? va e de för skit ni lägger up !?
luuke för mig funkar det, fast inte att spela spelet, måste vänta på crack
står 250 seedare och ändå så laddar jag bara ner i ca 10KB/s någon som kan svara på detta
det tar sin lilla tid, jag drog ner i 300Kb/s kan också bero på att du inte har öppnat portar osv.
asså har ni testat o bränna spelet i DVD decrypter har alltid funkat o ta bort kopierings skydd me det för mej...
The patch link for starforce doesn't work.....
Hur ändrar med cd-key och sånt da? Hitter inte det :S
seeders please.
yawn.... zzz...
provade Starforce Nightmare och nu får jag inte igång cd- och dvd-spelarna. Hur fan löser man detta?
hahaha,vilken klant
Anyone did what PQED sayd and made it work? Tell me..
Need Keygen for activation. If keygen is made the activation with the 1450-sp-patch will work.
ChillNowBill: Diden't work for me :/
ChillNowBill and SpliTTer:
The 1450-sp-patch works when a keygen is made. The problem with the 1450-sp-patch is that a new activation code is generated every time you start splintercell. The user who privided the 1450-sp-patch got the activation code BBTZS-EEMFD-3M59L-QW5VY-BGDCF and only for that activation code will the serial ADU9LF8-MADZ3Z3-ET2RFU4-UHX4XHS work.
We now just need a keygen to generate serials for all the different activation codes people get with the 1450-sp-patch.
Hopefullly a keygen will be out soon.
all i have now when i have downloade the game is .rar files what shal i do whit them??
Can Anyone Recommend a Swedish Translator so the rest of us can read what the other half of the people are saying?
HEy guys! I downloaded this but somehow lost the nfo file. What is the cd key for this release? So i can use it with this starforce activation website:P
Pineanas are u mentally challenged in some way >_> just read the comments >_<
mentally challenged LoL
i know its offtopic but can anybody seed IN MEMORIAM, please,thanks
can you send me that patch ? Thank you ... [email protected]
Please upload somewhere that patch .. i want to try the serial tip from the forum which was posted on later..
does it works for anyone else?
and did it work for you too??
Det är en aktivering av starforce man gör ju^^
Could someone tell at beginning how this game get working? Need starforce nightmare, mini-image and correct key, what more?
Anyone got any clue how i could activate my starforce thingy, my hardware code is Z64HA-99FDJ-9KAYD-QBXTQ-P6XUP
Hmmm i haven`t even installed SCCT and i have no dvd usb writer :) But I`m thinking about installing this game ahd i`m wondering when i install the game is there any method i could try to make this game work without this usb dvd ? Even if there`s 1% chance to make this game working i could try :)
read the cooments first, asshole
Reaction_now asshole ? Say things like that to someone else bitch !!! I`ve read comments but i wanted confirmation to decide what to do. If you want to write stupid things like this SHUT THE FUCK UP cause i don`t want help from ppl like you.
go suck pig dick, asswipe
This forum ... Hm, :)
The nervousness of the wait...
Calm, the keygen it will arrive soon!
When will the damn keygen come??????
Stop asking when it will work, or when the keygen will come, U WILL KNOW WHEN PEOPLE GET IT TO WORK!!!!
I found this keygen by DeVIANCE...
It will be reliable?
f*n då:
nån som vet?
anyone know what to do?
its 4 bytes man
hey peapole pls stup posting bullshit :)
Also why it was only 1Kb I was doubtful :(
Second Sight Cracked By Reloaded ! :)
check out :
Protection : StarForce 3
That gives us a little hope huh ;)
wait for the proper release guys
Guys, don't download that KeyGen... it's fucked up and I'm afraid I've got some virus on my comp now. It opens a DOS window and shit and sends error messages. Wait for an authentic release.
I've started to like this game quite a bit *rubs it in*. Graphics are amazing.
I don't recommend trying any of the methods people have posted up to this point anyways (besides the external USB/SCSI thing) as this is the only response I recieved on the patch/manual activation deal:
From: "StarForce Support, Lev Boiarsky" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book
To: "Mr Starrk"
Subject: SFSupport:[TRACK-0000005487] RE: Chaos Theory?
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 11:33:43 +0400
It is impossible to run the game without DVD.
Best regards.
Lev Boiarsky
Customer Support Group
StarForce Technologies
What kind of an idiot does he take me for? I've been getting pirated stuff since my uncle gave me Wolfenstein 3D and Doom back in the day. Impossible..I'm sure. :P Soon as I have any idea what I'm doing I'll be cracking the things myself, but this computer programmer/analyst crap at the college here is weak..They haven't taught us anything but html so far. :P
Good call on the second sight crack finally appearing, I noticed that just before I checked here myself actually. I'm trying to find it but I'm not having much luck. I don't feel like downloading the game just for the crack, any thoughts?
is fake, but not virus. Think a little, it's 4 bytes and hex is 1 .. ;)Hopefully we get a working keygen soon :)
Can someone fill me in as to why a keygen is required? Thanx.
hi. does anyone know a person who succeeded in registering his sc:ct version via the manual product activation after downloading the patch i know that a new hardware code is created every time one starts the application, however, one can change the code in runtime with the help of a debugger. so can anyone paste his hardware code and his activation code in here if he has a valid one (it doesn't work with the codes provided by PQED)?
Bruceberry, read the comments from the previous pages.
I've played its multiplayer right now :) its funny but if i want play online it is writing me ehat my key is already in use :( has anybody another multiplayer keys?
Phybre just told it how it is. He/she is 100% right. I bought the game and used the serial that came with this and it worked fine, though I have to use my own for multiplayer which I won't share and nobody else will. As with Pandora Tomorrow, you cannot play it without a valid serial unless there is some sort of no-server-scheck patch or something like that. There is no reason for you to look for a keygen or any codes because you have everything except a crack. As Phybre said, the keys are fine and you can only play it with a USB 2.0 DVD drive. Amen.
Mission Complete with Usb2 dvd-rom works great but i have a problem with all the starforce3 games. I don't have sound only sound fx no music no speech only fx.Can anyone help to solve this problem.
@phybre: i take it for granted that the key provided with the release works IF you have an usb-dvd device.
i also know that all the "cracks" currently available are fake (since i tried most).
however, the one patch which is alledgedly distributed by starforce itself contains a new splintercell3.exe and a new udmlib.dll file (which is even a newer version of starforce, according to a-rayscanner). when starting the game now there is a new screen which generates a hardware code and asks in the next step for an activation key that you should receive from starforce. i assume that these files are REAL, not fake, and that it should be possible to build some sort of keygen (that is why i've asked for a proper set of keys in a previous post)
Do u mean that it doesnt work with a "regular" DVD-RW player??
Im loosing my mind!!! ;)
HAHAH lol i never understood why i didnt got a cd-key "asker" up before the instalation. Now i saw that it came when i tried start it:
"Please insert a disc-key for SCCT" or something, :P i thougt they wanted me to put in the cd hehe
Can anyone help with no sound in starforce 3 games. I have only sound fx no music and no speech why? Can anyone help please.
A easy way to convert a IDE cd-dvd rom in a USB device:
there must be some program that can mount .iso files so the computer thinks it is a usb device :P
what key?
i need a cdkey and help my hotmail adress is [email protected] but you can still write here to
im from sweden so you can talk swedish too me
I just bought this game (I wanted to play it online) and i can tell you that mulityplayer sucks. I mean its cool and everything but to get into a "game" takes about 20min!!! That REALLLY annoying! So i would rather wait now if i would now this would happen :s
please place here your cd key :)
need a cdkey and help my hotmail adress is [email protected] but you can still write here to
im from sweden so you can talk swedish too me
yes please!!! HELP US!!!
invisible9: Ett dåligt försök att sno folk's cdkeys?
have some1 a cdkey too me?
please can someone say a cd key to me i need one and then some already have one can well deal to as all im from sweden so you can talk swedish to me
Thxsen: nej, det är bara en image fil :P som funkar som nocd, men du måste ha en usb cdrom för att få spelet att funka före du kan använda den
Jag hittar fan inte cracken på sidan.. kan någon hälpa mig att ta reda på vat den finns.. t.ex. han eller hon som sa att den fanns på den sidan...
finns det nån crack till spelet elr??
Shikatsu: i'm using windbg
the 32-bit version). after attaching it to the executed splintercell3.exe, i search for the created hardware code (without the hyphens) and overwrite it. then i have a new one... but without a valid activation code i can't get any further.I found this some pages back:
Your Serial Key is: 5FND4AP-E5XLEV6-CSXTAXG-S888KSH
Your Multiplayer CD Key is: SC3-XTJH-MTQW-BP8M-F80P
Your Serial Key is: ADU9LF8-MADZ3Z3-ET2RFU4-UHX4XHS
Your Multiplayer CD Key is: SC3-2CTW-HXJ8-JPH0-2E
Invisible9: o download the patch from ... you have to click on the "free" button at the bottom of the page. then you are transferred to another page, where it says again at the botton "Bitte 30 Sekunden warten" (something like this). you have to wait until the time is elapsed, then the download link is displayed. left click with mouse (left mouse click is important, save target as won't work!), and the download will start."
Yeah right. Only fools do this to get a trojan installed, why dont you post the crack - simple. Ban this fucko on IP i say.
dymphie, yeah right you are working at starforce. You can then call me prince charles or whatever...
it stand .Activation failed. This Serial Number cannot be activated by users located in Sweden. what means whit that?
pluppen, use a USA anymous proxy.
And the cdkeys in this forum are banned, so if u haven't got some other keys, you cannot activate.
I have unrar then burned the image into a dvd then installed entered the key provided in the forum and then restarted the computer, when i loaded the game it gave an error in checking the disc.
Then used starforcenightmare to disable all drives and loaded the image using daemon but it gave me the same error saying that it was a valid key but not valid liscence.
Behöver en valid Cd key får efter att ha gjort som det står här medelandet :
• Activation failed. This Serial Number cannot be activated by users located in Sweden.
Så behöver ett nytt serial number!
Invisible9, i have hardware id and corresponding activation code that i got from starforce, but i recently had to swap my mobo out so my new hardware id doesnt match the old activation code.
If its of any use to you i can give you the old hardware id and matching code.
just tried that debug program, dont have a fecking clue what im doing
I will wait for the crack... sure I do not buy it! ;)
Har bättre för mig än att läsa samtliga 920 inläggen, men jag har en USB läsare så det funkar för mig, har inte alla tillgång till sån nuförtiden ? ;)
how do i get my hardware id?
I gotta question. What would happen if the exe from the full version was replaced with the exe from the demo? I've never tried it before, so I wouldn't know.
jag har inte läst något :P , men crack e crack , har man crack så behövs ingen usb skit :P
@ArcticFox: yes, please post your hardware code and the matching activation key in this forum!
Ni är ju störda, läs allt så fattar ni.
Såvida ni inte lagt in spelet på era datorer och fått det att fungera med de crack som finns ute. (utan usb-dvd)
Isof, skulle jag gärna veta hur. lol
asså det komemr upp "insert the splinter cell chaos theory pc dvd disc into another driver the press retry" vad sk aman görA?!?!?
Activation: 7CYJU-MVNS2-Z6V5D-U7M5H-FTMQT
okej.. haja inte av det där...
I downloaded this release to my computer, installed it and tryed to crack the exe. After just 1 day my computer was messed up! The system where unstable, i couldnt open exe files, defrag my harddrive, nothing! After 3 days of work (reinstall & format) i managed to save my computer. I have had big! problems with just the partitions, and 130gb crashed! (my new 250Gb Sata) Something had got it to my bios, and hidden files in my drive, think i reinstalled Windows XP 10 times to get it work.
Now i have flashed my bios, so that works, and fixed my harddrive, this where the biggest fucking pain job i everdone! This release messes up you computer BIG TIME! The worst error/bug/virus i ever exp.
I forgot that this happens when you are trying to "DELETE" this release, uninstall it etc. So if you have installed it, let it be there on youre harddrive! It messes up you computer more if you delete it.
Det här går alltså inte att få och fungera än, eller?
too bad.
with the keys of ArticFox i've stumbled across another problem.
every time you create a hardware code, this code is also saved in your registry under
Cell Chaos TheoryKeys" that contains a number of "hardware profiles". these hardware profiles have to match with the activation key, but the code in the registry is in some way decrypted...i mean encrypted, of course...
and i think that the registry key has to correspondend with the hardware code that was created by the application - and since i overwrote this code, it doesn't match any longer when the application determines if the activation key is valid.
hur fan installerar man mdf filer till pc
MDF/MDS fungerar perfekt med nya versionen av daemon. Gå in på och tanka det. Annars bränn med Alcohol 120% (Fungerar inte med nero)
aa det gick att installera med hur fan får man spelet att funka sen då?..den frågar ju om cd skivan..äre bara vanligt crack man ska ha lr?
sIR-BloNdE: Men snälla söta pucko. Du borde ta och läsa föregående kommentarer. Men för att göra det lättare för dig: Du kan inte spela det än, om du inte har en DVDrom med USB2.0, annars, ställ dig i kö och vänta som vi andra puckon...Å hoppas på en fungerande crack...I framtiden.
Jag har ett förslag! Jättesmart förresten. Om en eller flera frivilliga skriver ett inlägg vid vart 21 vad som gäller avseende detta spelet. typ måste ha usb spelare etc. etc så ser väl alla idioter som skriver samma frågor gång på gång vad som gäller. smart va? så slipper vi typ 90% av idioterna hoppas jag. Alla har vi ju börjat på noll, men nog fan har jag för mej att man läste på lite innan man börjar skrika typ vad mdf är för ngt etc. eller typ frågan "spelet startar inte vad gör jag för fel?" Orkar fan inte översätta till engelska det får nån annan göra...förresten vilket mezz blev nu detta?? satan 993..
Finns det någon som kan ''göra'' en crack till spelet, eller det kanske inte går???
låter jättebra!! Som sagt, kanske det inte behöver bli flera 1000 inlägg med samma innehåll.
Bra initiativ!
Finns det någon som kan ''göra'' en crack till spelet, eller är det krågligare än så???
tveksamt du om det är så enkelt. Men du får gärna försöka själv
Till er alla som har tänkt eller har tankat hem detta spelet släng skitet för den funkar ändån inte om man nu inte har en sån berömd extern CD/DVD läsare för jag har nu laddat ner crack och serials och annat sånt skit som förhoppnings viss skullle fixa mitt spel men nej jag fick bara över 200 spyware av allt letande så vänta på en proffs version så får ni det att funka utan massa problem
Does anyone know of a translator that will convert Swedish so that those of us who don't speak Swedish can still understand what the rest of the posts are talking about?
Om man stoppar i mdf -filen i Floppydriven så lurar man starforce att encryptera exe-filen så spelet startar.
mdf in disk drive trick won't work, and I tested to put the mini image to usb drive as well. so both myths busted.
@ ZolidZolid
kan du förklara exakt steg för steg hur du gjorde? verifieringen bad mig sätta in discen i en annan enhet.
Är det bara otrevliga lågsinta djur här inne ?
Vad är det för fel att kräva översättning från Svenska till Engelska, maila SysTrans ( Altavista Babelfish ), de har Svensk databas redo för detta men vill hellre ta betalt vilket de inte gör för Franska, Tyska och flera.
here's one which does...found after spending a while on's not very accurate...but atleast u get the gist of it.
Good enough for me.
Thank you for the link.
nice translation :)
kolla här nu har ja kommit å långt att ja ska ange nån slags "disc key" och då är frågan, var får jag tag på den?
Fins det ingen vanlig crack til splinter cell chaos theory eller???
Hur gör man en crack....tänkte att någon datasnubbe kunnde fixa fram en!!!
Läs vad alla har skrivit ffs. Det kan DRÖJA månader innan ett crack dyker upp. Ni får helt enkelt vänta.
den här jävlarna som gör cranarna kan ta och slänga sig i väggen samma me starforce
Jag måste fråga. Pallar inte läsa igenom alla 1000 inlägg här.
Jag tankade Starforce nightmare och avaktiverade alla devices, mountade mini mdf:en och allt.
Sen skrev jag in min nyckel, den som står här ovan, sen säger den att den inte är valid.
vad e de då som e fel??
Psy Lover and all others who still think they can get this to work:
You don't need to read the nearly 1000 messages, you only need to read this: the only ones who can get this working is people with an external USB DVD drive. No one else has got it working, and no one else will, unless a proper crack is released. That is all you need to know (if you don't happen to be one of the lucky 0,1% with an external USB DVD drive).
Någon annan som har problem med att BitTorrent säger
Problem connecting to tracker - (11001, 'getaddrinfo faild'). Om det bara är jag, kan någon hjälpa mig få det att funka. Är rätt n00b när det kommer till att confa clienten...
Tack på förhand!
Hey guys, I was just wondering if it was posible to make a program that would simulate the USB DVD rom. Just wondering sinc it is the only one working!!
Go Cracker GO crackers GO!!!
My pc was around 2x as good as recommended specs for Pandora Tomorrow roughly, and it was still choppy as hell. I couldn't even play it half the time because the framerate dropped so bad every time I saw a moving shadow :P If I can't play a game on a p4 2.5 ghz w/512 ram and a radeon AIW 9600 256mb that runs completely smooth on an Xbox (what're they like p3 700mhz?) I'll be damned if I'll buy the crap. anyone who says "go buy it" obviously didn't buy most of the games that have been released since 2002 (I can think of maybe 4 in the last 3 years worth actually paying for)
Seeda för allt vad i helvetet är värt!
Trackern er nede tulling!
yawn... :yay:
I got a activation key that seems to DISABLE the Deamon tools prottection.
I can play the game with it bind on Deamon tools :D
There is hope.
10dollars tells me your lying.
I cant say anything else other then you owe me 10 bucks.
Well then shareth it with us!
yea share it with us !
if u r not lying :/
hello...i have a quastion..can you guys download something to day..I cant?? I have test to download whit bittorrent and bitlord but it wont work??
same here i get an ADDRNFO error or something like that
ooh, snart så är det 1000 kommentarer ;)
kom igen 1 mer comment
Nej, nuuuuu är det 1000... om räknaren på framsidan stämmer vill säga, bläddringsräknaren där nere verkar ha stannat på 995, kanske har den andra slutat på 999?
hej. tar det lång tid innan någon fixar en riktig crack till detta spel??
wiee. ja äger er. nu är det 1000 kommentarer-!
to start download add tracker
I wrote the code down 3x now already, but some how the post gets deleted ?
I want to believe you as much as anyone else but not only is your claim improbable and unsubstantiated, its also completely stupid.
kan noen legge ut et spill som fuuuuuuunker:P har ikke dvd extern crap å alt det der!!!
All swedes are able to play it ;)
Ok only those with extern dvd players but hey, who didnt know that ;)
And what you wrote about making sure your comment is posted, does that include messages? If so I've had the problem when sending about 60% of my replies :(
snälla ta bort speed limit tankar från 2 pers i 4 kb/s
I keep thinking about posting it but then Retards like "MrStarrk" jump in and start talking shit.
I dont wanto share my findings with losers like them...
TheSneak if you really got the code and you can play your game, pleeeease try post it until you will do it... :( Or maybe you could try send this code to me through private message ? Hope you will do it
check this out so funny :P
TheSneak, you are nothing but an immature and politically incorrect ignoramus if the best you can throw at someone is "Retard". You don't have any code, you are a liar and you have been called on it. If you can't supply any proof of your idiotic claim then who is the "retard"? Find elsewhere to act a fool child.
it's here too, passworded tho.
Is a archive protected by unknown password that contain 3 files:
Seem to be a fuck...
I'm just wondering, if this is real crack & keygen...why the one who uploaded this file would protect it by a password. Its really weird...i'll say its fake...hope its not though.
I havent looked for a crack for about a week...please tell me theres been some progress?
this game has just been sitting on my hard drive about 3 days after this torrent was uploaded.
passworded arkives, the password is usually the web address of the web site it original was on, eg
I think this is fake!
- first of all i have never heard of a crackgroup called privacy
- if it was a crackgroup called privacy who had tried cracking it and succeed or fail it would be annunced on the as a crack or nuked dox release
- No known serius crackgroups password there files
cool Game...Just dont give a fuck
steff1000, why post then?
You are still the retard, and the loser, i got that key directly from Starforce after a few slick mails.
I was thinking about sharing, but you kiddy ass paranoid self fucked that up.
You lose, i win...aint nothing new.
they say that it works on an ide drive. when you burn it on an +rw disc.
Football he doesn't have anything useful to begin with. If he has anything at all its just the serial they sent him to correspond with his hardware key. Its useless to anyone but him anyways. Kid probably doesn't even know what he's talking about. Just wait for RELOADED to release a crack, its the only thing you can do.
dvd+rw or dvd-rw?
1: laste ned denne torrenten (done)
2: laste ned ny .mds fil... fra den sia di
3: brenne splinter cell med den nye .mds fila på en dvd+rw
er det sånn?
no. burn the game WITHOUT RMPS. If you did wrong you can just burn it again (hey, it's a +RW) :P
Well i cant get it to work :(
"no. burn the game WITHOUT RMPS. If you did wrong you can just burn it again (hey, it's a +RW) " I've tried it .. It has to be burned with RMPS .. and you can install it from "normal" mds (without mini image) - just for burning you have to use MINI image mds and than burn with RMPS on speed 2.4x ...
4x - anybody tested??
sorry i thin without
can someone else confirm it REALLY works on a dvd+rw????
kokotnik: with or without RMPS?
i try but no way :(
dvd+rw tdk
drive lg gsa 4163b
image burn at 2.4x without rpms by alcohol 120%
Now i trying with rpms...
Burn without rmps with this mds --->
i did it as it said, used RiTEK DVD+RW, speed at 2, when installed it gived ERROR:something DOESN"T match. Restarted and when asked to type SERIAL-WRONG one, any coments?
use Memorex DVD+RW or Philips DVD+RW .
works here on fine on Philips.
What is RMPS?
So.. u guys mean that this game doesnt work to play with DAEMON TOOLS?? do u really have do burn it to a DVD-RW.. if soo.. ill test it right on :)
+RW for some reason
i have burned it to a DVD-rw and i have tested it with DAEMON TOOLS and nothing works! it says that i have to place the cd in a nother cd-rom player! what am i doing wrong!?
+rw they said not -rw... doesn't work with -rw
something fishy about this game, nobody seems to be able to install it.
well.. firs extrct all the files.. and burn it out on a real DVD.. not-RW?... and the install? correct? will it work for me then?
sry.. i ment +RW... but i doesnt work!!
So.....what do i must burn, images (files) or burn as usual (installer)???
Ok.. The dvd+rw is being initialized now.. hope it will work...
DVD TDK+RW will be work?
am i sopused to extrct the files before i burn the DVD+RW?.. cause i have done that and it doesnt work :(
I burn on Memeorex 1x-4x with Speed 2,4x without RMPS in alcohol but it dosent work ! :( when game load i wait, wait, and wait and program check CD.
My burner is liteon 1633.
What i doing bad :( ? HELP
i havent been paying much attention to this topic.. but i wanna know 1 thing.. what are the cdkey 4 the par snake release? i have posted how to make it work.. and there is only 1 thing i have problems with.. its the cdkey.. anyone have the cdkey 4 that release?
hahahaha!! are u searching for tha cd-key!? if u read in the top where u can read about who added this torent.. there u find it :)... if not here is it:
one more there any crack to this game? cause i havent found it... plz help me :)
If you'll do it right it'll work:
1. Download this mds image
and rename the mdf file to the same file name as the mds.2. Burn with Alcohol 120% (version on a DVD+RW with RMPS disabled and LOW SPEED BURN selected.
It shall work then.
i do it everithing !!! Burn od DVD+RW Memoerex, disable RMPS, @2,4x, and mds from
and splinter dont work !!!WHY ?!??!?!
HELP ME !!!!!!! My burner is Litwon 1633S
What im doing now ? help.. :(
ok.. well.. for the first.. what the fuck i RMPS??? and witch program are u guys using when u burn the game? i jusing NERO.. PLZ HELP ME!!
If you'll do it right it'll work:
1. Download this mds image
and rename the mdf file to the same file name as the mds.2. Burn with Alcohol 120% (version on a DVD+RW with RMPS disabled and LOW SPEED BURN selected.
It shall work then.
I have done exctly as u say.. when i burn it.. am i sopused to add both the files? the one u linked and the one i extract??
I have done exctly as u say.. BUT DONT WORK PLEASE HELP !!!!
is it checking cd for u to??
the mds don't need to be the one i linked (to the facts that you DISABLE RMPS so you can use every mds you want) so hypotheticaly you just need to burn the mdf image.
I keep getting the 'incorrect disk key' message. is this due to an honestly incorret key or simply a bad burn? I have tried twice.
Alcohol 120% version 1.9.5 build 2802
dvd-burner HL-DT-ST DVDRRW GWA-4161B(1:1)
using memorex dvd-rw burned at 2.4x
yes it checking cd check, check and check and dont started .
yes it checking cd check, check and check and dont started and for end write about wrong CD_KEY :(
Perhaps its due to the mds file linked to?
what do u mean with linked to? u know when u have extrcted all the rar-files.. u get one MDF-fel.. and then u also get a MDS-files... u mean that im sopused tp change the name to theon i get or what?
Jag har problem, jag har brännt det med MDS filen som är länkad jag har stängt av RMPS jag brände på en TDK DVD+RW skiva på 2.4x hastighet men när jag har installerat så frågar den ändå efter CD-KEY, har testat flera cd keys men ingen funkar. Det är meningen att den inte ska fråga efter CD-KEY. HJÄLP. Har en NEC ND3500AG brännare.
I´ve a problem with this shit. I burn the game and i replace the MDS file with the one that is linked i change the names on both MDF and MDS and i burn with alcohol without RMPS on a TDK DVD+RW and i burn on 2.4x speed. And when i install and want to play it asks me for a CD-KEY WHY, i have tried several keys but none works. It´s not supposed to ask me for a CD-KEY when you burn it this way, WHATS WRONG. I have a NEC ND3500AG burner.
Vad ska jag göra kan nån leda oss alla som behöver hjälp.
What am i to do. Can some one tell us all who need help what to do.
I give up with this game till a crack comes out
I dont get it why ppl still asking for help that has been explained 50 times earlier in this thread!, you dont have to go to many pages back to get the info you need, so stop asking stuped question!!!
and for thoes lame asses that types in swedish, if you dont can write och read english, then you probebly wont understand the game eather, course it is in english!!!
efterblivna idioter
Read the page before this one and go to the bottom. I wrote that. And i am asking you PLEASE HELP just tell me why it wont work. Do i need a special CD i am using a TDK DVD+RW without RMPS, 2.4x speed and burning it in my NEC ND3500AG burner. Just tell me what i need to do. And just cause you got the game working that means that you can´t help others. We also need help, we would have helped you. Why do you got it working and not me and everyone else.
Tested on Pioneer 109 at Verbatim dvd-rw 4x but doesn't work :((
marrow stfu will you!, my spelling its not perfect or the grammatiks, but atlest I try you stuped fucking retard
Varför försöker du? Det här är faktiskt en svensk tracker.
Get it? Okey.
Of course you need the .mds file, that's the file you replace with the original file.
I hope you mean the .mdf file (4GB+)!!!
Everyone can help themselves but when people need help everyone shuts up. Is it so hard to answer some questions. Read the previous posts and see. They are on this page and the one before. COME ON.
humm ok någon som fått detta och funka och som kan förklara för mig hur ni har gjort??
jag börjar tvivla på om någon ens har fått det att funka. För har testat flera ggr men inte en enda gång har det funkat. Dem säger att Starforce inte installeras när man bränner det här. Jag av installerade det innan Starforce alltså. Sen så brände jag spelet som alla säger och installerade in det. När det var klart så stod det '' Installation succesfully restart your computer for complete installation''. Och jag har frågat runt och dem säger att det är Starforce som installeras. Dem har rätt för jag avinstallerade spelet och installerade igen och då startades ej datorn om. så om ingen hjälper oss FUCK OFF
får bara detta felet hela tiden =/
[Error Information]
Key: 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F; 3120; ES:101,103,103,113,102,102,102,0
Thanks for the words man. I do not need a reason why it doesn´t work can someone just write down every step of the process (what i need to do). Every single. PLEASE. And tell me what DVD burners you have and what cd´s you have used. PLEASE.
umm did you people actually read the info from that uploaded .mds file? Here it is from
Dateityp: MDS
Uploader: LeatherFace
Hinweise: funktioniert perfekt mit aktiviertem rmps.
Spielregion: DE
Datum: 01.04.05 13:52
[english: functioned perfectly with activated rmps.]
for those who got it to work, how long did it take for it to recognize the disc was "real"? Mine chuggs for like 15 min b4 it spits out your disc is fucked with the key.
Svenska subs till dom flesta filmerna på nätet
På franska? :S
main takes 3 minute until it gives to me -WRONG.
i gona try ALL emulators ON.
burnt with gsa 4082b drive on a maxell dvd+rw with rmps ON and OFF still no luck....
shitty. I tried.
now i tried with RMPS it takes 2 seconds until it checks the cd-key and it says '' Please put the disc in to another DVD drive and press retry'' what the hell is wrong with it PLEASE HELP
yes, same to me.
Var fan får man CD KEY
hey Leo_48639 can i have the cd key
yay I got my usb adapter today :)
2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F is my cd-key, NeoZ1.
It is the only one i have found on the internet.
Marfere: Jo, jättebra, men vadå, finns det subtitle till Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (duh?)
Måste man ha extern DVD-enhet???
Tryck inte på undertext länkarna!!! Det är en tävling kolla här...
Men hjälp! hur får man det att funka det står bara: Insert the Splinter Cell Chaos Theory PC DVD into another drive then press "retry". så, vad ska man gör ni som har fått det at funka?
Klicka på den här länken om ni är snälla.. behöver en brännare..
I`ve downloaded what gunda123 posted and its two files SCCT.mdf and SCCT.mds and there`s readme:
Mount with Daemon-Tools v.3.47
Make sure to turn all emulation options ON ...
// Crypton
So i installed the game from snake release and after that mounted scct.mds in daemon, then i used key from this site and it still says that the key doesn`t match with the disk in drive. Am i doing smth wrong or this image is only for usb dvd method ?
Jag hittar aldrig nån Crack till Spelet Snälla berätta om ni hittar. i never find a crack to the game Plz tell me if you find 1.
Now PUPIES we need?
People are going to crazy here!
wtf are u talking about HWiZaRd do u really believe that someone gives you 1 dollar a day ? if yes then congratulations i think youre the dumbest person who really thinks that a spywarebombed site is gonna give u a dollar a day.
Crack to this game.
Where is the crack? cant find it :( Any one why has gotten the game to work?
Where is the crack ?
will you guys PLEASE stop posting links to a usb dvd writer
När jag ska "ladda ned denna torrent" står det " C:documents and settings"my name"lokala inställningarTemporary internet filesContent.IES...torrent"
fattar inte ett dug...
Är det någon som kan hjälpa mig??
Blir så vad jag än försöker ladda ned :-(
so 1100 comments an non of u moroons can understand that clone version is working only with USB EXTERNAL DVD DEVICE!!!! And for thoose who told here its work.. F@ck U LIERS
why would it work only with a USB EXTERNAL DVD DEVICE? weird that there are many dummieimages on the internet which should work too and none of them works. For me it's probably the same thing as for everyone else. If I just install the game and run it with the cd it says "insert the splinter cell chaos theory PC DVD disc into another drive then press "retry"". If I follow every step here and use starforce nightmare then it checks the disc for about a minute and then says the cd-key doesn't match with the disc inserted. Why could this have anything to do with a USB EXTERNAL DVD DEVICE? tell me that and I will be pleased! :P
As far as I know starforce protection based on IDE devices. Newest version of starforce in that case 3 is patched for that devices... USB is a differend type of device so It's work on it.. But don't be so happy. Splinter Cell is now on 1.02 or 03 version ( I don;t remember) If groups crack version 1.0... Starforce gonna be 4 version or more and then forget about patching game. newer version of starforce gonna be implemented for 100 %...
Splinter cell starforce 3
Psychotoxic starforce
Psi-ops the mindgate conspiracy starforce
TrackMania Sunrise starforce
Domination starforce
1944: Battle of the Bulge starforce
Cossacks II: Napoleonic starforce
Creature Conflict: The Clan Wars starforce
still life starforce
toca 2 starforce ?
Soldiers: Heroes of World War II
These are games that are non patched yet... STARFORCE IS REALLY a PROBLEM for STUFF COMUNITY,,
fuck off noob
where can I get the crack then?.......hehe, just kidding....
I'd guess in about 1-2 months we'll have a crack... not many people able to crack a starforce3 game have the time and will to...
amen to
By phybre at 2005-04-25 22:34:19 GMT
excellent said
you forgot "NOW STFU EVERYONE" :P
1200 comments and I dont belive it!!!! They understand it? holy shit.. .WOW!!!
I've just been coming here to read the new posts while I drink my morning coffee. Beats Garfield.
Hi, i just downloaded this game but i NEED A NO CD CRACK !!!!!
it works well... gg,m8 ty a lot ;)
i still get the message insert the dvd into another drive and press retry :'(
hang on... i just get the message the key doesn't correspond to the one labeled on dvd :P
I burned the image with alcohol to a DVD.
Put the disc into a USB 2.0 drive of my notebook, installed it. It asked for registration, i denied. It asked for validation serial-number, i gave it the one supplied with the image. It checked and checked.
Finally the answer: wrong number.
So, whats' wrong now?
what was the key supplyed with the image?!??! please tell
phybre - You really shouldn't open your mouth if you don't know what you're talking about. Several people have played this game with regular IDE drives - granted, it doesn't work with all drives, but here's how you do it:
Use Alcohol
Use the mds from
Burn with a DVD+RW (Memorex DVD+RW is confirmed)
Burn @ 2,4x _without_ RMPS and with lowest speed. Now you have a 100% Starforce 3 clone
No need for USB, Starfuck, Starforce Nightmare, any EMU's with Daemontools or Alcohol or anything like that.
It doesn't work with all drives, but I know it works with an LG GSA 4082B with the latest firmware.
I don't have a DVD-burner, but my friend lends me it tomorrow for 2 days, or a bit more. It is Plaxtor, that's all I know.
So if I buy a Memorex DVD+RW will I be able to play the game with my regular DVD-reader? Or I can only start the game in the burner I burnt the DVD with?
Could any1 please try - who could succesfully got the game working - if it works in another DVD reader too? I would be grateful :D If it doesnt work I think I have to play the game through in 2 days. :D
I have the right version on alcohol 120% but I can't chose 2,4x speed I can only chose 1x,2x,4x,6x... what speed should I chose??
Why can't you guys just BUY the fucking game?!
That's what I did.. And it was worth it!
It costs like 50 EURO! Are you guys really that poor? OMG! Get a job (life) :P
Well-.- it´s hard to find a good job that wont collide with school when ur 14 =P
I just cant believe all you idiots who are buing a usb2.0 dvd just to play this game! its just a matter of days (if its not done already) before sf patches the usb2 bug.
anyway, besides all that, im just waiting for the crack like everybody else... so the interesting thing to know right now is; when is it gonna come out?
mizo - Well, some people don't like the idea of spending 50 euros on a game that they might not be able to run because Starforce fucks up certain DVD-players and stuff.
who are making that crack i just want to ask why it takes so long to make it what's wrong with you?
i hate thease now protections...
omg! buy the game and stop whining!
could you use an external enclosure with an internal drive?
with one of these if you dont understand my question:
Hi I have an external USB 2 box (I can put a dvd, cd or hard drive in it). I have followed the instructions for installation using an external dvd rom but still doesn,t work. When Itry to install the game from my external dvd I get "CRC error The file c:gamesubisofttom clansy's splinter cell chaos theorysplintercell3.utx doesn't mach the file in the setup's .cab file" Do I get this massage because I need a normal external dvd drive and not a box or because I burn the dvd in a wrong way. (dvd medium: platinum DVDR+, dvd:TOSHIBA) Thanks for any help
muahahah to hell with the crack.. just won the game in a UBI contest.. .. anyway i'm with u, guys .. the crack's on its way and, well.. patience is a virtue, isn't it?!.. yeaaaa wtf of course it is ..
This Download does not ***WORK***
--- Bevtec ---
get your fucking referral links out of here cocksuckers.
Omfg for cracks there isn't a release date like with games or something..... the releasegroups will release a crack when they've cracked it. If you keep complaining about how long it takes and stuff, crack it yourself
By Caine_Gbg at 2005-04-26 13:21:47 GMT
phybre - You really shouldn't open your mouth if you don't know what you're talking about. Several people have played this game with regular IDE drives - granted, it doesn't work with all drives, but here's how you do it:
Use Alcohol
Use the mds from
Burn with a DVD+RW (Memorex DVD+RW is confirmed)
Burn @ 2,4x _without_ RMPS and with lowest speed. Now you have a 100% Starforce 3 clone
No need for USB, Starfuck, Starforce Nightmare, any EMU's with Daemontools or Alcohol or anything like that.
It doesn't work with all drives, but I know it works with an LG GSA 4082B with the latest firmware.
I did it but it's not working.
My drive is a liteon dvdrw ldw-451s
The cdkey provided here IS working with this release.Starforce somehow blocked the dvdr reading from ide and virtual dvdrom drives.You need the USB dvdrom with SFN to play the game.I can play the game without any RMPS emulation at all.You can use the IDE to USB converter found here
that costs only about USD18(at my place) to convert any IDE devices to USB.Hopefully the new SFN version will have an updated 'disable node' function that could bypass this new starforce blacklist method. lol
holy crap! 1180 posts... How many have got this game to work? I haven´t... SF sucks monkeydick!
It says I haven´t got the right cd key...:-(
Hey motherfuckers the game rocks with a usb2 dvd-rom i have plextor so fuck off any of you who said is not working.But i dont have sound only sound fx and the same in the others starforce fucking games any idea.
haha :D.. STARFUCK SUX.. My cd roms dosent work any more :( butt i´ll will wait for a crack.. it comes ich promise :P.. men men så är de ibalnd..
stfu all lets just wait for crack... i hope it comes some day :D
I have this i don't have crack or a working CD key this sucks
Hahah mina cd roms funkar inte heller efter att jag har pillat me starfuck :P Heheh
vAFAan KUksUGgar, väntat i tva månaderr på denna cRacken, dem JÄvla företagssatan StoppaR mIn rät att ladda ner upphovsrättsskyddat material asen. Detta är ett av få bra dataspel nu och jag vill bara ha skiten alltså.
Nån som vet vilka grupper som arbetar på att lösa detta problem?
du har nog hört det förut men jag säger det igen: om du så gärna vill ha spelet så köp det eftersom det inte är tillgängligt piratkopierat. sorry men så är det. hade också hoppats på en crack som dödar starforce3, men det verkar som man får lov att köpa spelet, även om jag är VÄLDIGT emot att köpa spel.:/ Så för dem som tycker att detta spel är värt att spela men som inte har råd att köpa spelet, men som ändå har tålamod, så tycker jag att ni skall tanka denna release och låta den vara tills starforce3 är eliminerat :)
Strange, my comment wasn't posted, wtf.
I'll try again, more vague this time - guys there *is* a crack for this *version* of SF, it's in another game. All you need is the 3 sf patches and sfn.
[quote]By Gyokuran at 2005-04-28 02:28:05 GMT
Strange, my comment wasn't posted, wtf.
I'll try again, more vague this time - guys there *is* a crack for this *version* of SF, it's in another game. All you need is the 3 sf patches and sfn.[/quote]
have you actually tried this?
i hope it works.
For fuck's sake, is this game ever going to be cracked?
yeah this isnt a good "introduction to cracking" .. so I am out on the crack- it- myself method... grp crack needs to happen.
Don't think you can use a SF crack that was cracked for another game, to work with SCCT.
Many gamedevelopers will for sure use SF 3.x so all we can do is to wait for a group release.
Or you can buy a USB-IDE adapter, but it cost around 3-400 SEK and that's the price for the game *lol*.
But beware - the next game will probably have a "USB-fix"...
Just my oppinion..
StarForce haven't USB-FIX. make a 'fix' is impossible.
So if I buy a USB-adapter then I could play all the SF 3.x game I want? Today and "forever"? I think many of us are thinking of buying this USB-adapter but don't know if it's worth the cost due to a possible "usb-fix".
But when you say its impossible then maybe its worth the money.
Maybe all games wil be SF protected in the future, or maybe just the "great" games... Ubisoft now.. EA, Sierra, Vivendi, MS, Atari etc. tomorrow?
this adapter is expensive to buy in Sweden, but if anyone know foreign wenshops that ships to sweden, please tell me.
I solved the problem with my external dvd and the game works perfect. I am glad that I bought an external USB2 box than the game simply because the box was cheaper than the game. Then it's a piece of hardware that can use whenever I need it and not just another game that most probably I ll finish in 2-3 evenings. So fuck Ubisoft and Starforce....basically the game is cracked since the USB 2 solution is much cheaper than the game. :)
Yes, you are right, F*CK UBISOFT(FRA) and
they are BROTHERS.
Fuck only Starforce, Ubisoft is goood. :D
DrNic: You, sir, are a retard.
Read previous comments, dumbass.
Hey, have you noticed that all scct you see out on tbp and places like that and also serialspages, there always the same cdkey... :-O
why?! are there really one cdkey?
When SC tells you you got the wrong serial, it means the starforce check failed for the key you have got, even if the key is right it will still produce this error if the starforce check fails for instance if you downloaded and emulated/burnt the game.
There is probably only one serial cos only one guy wanted his to be blacklisted.
V fan hjälp till och hitta crackar! gå och sök på nå jävla sidor och kolla om dom har nå crackar. Hjälp till lite :) ( om ni inte gör det.)
Hi! i have a problem
I har burned and installed the game from my Usb 2.0 drive.
I used starf*** to patch blacklist and disable cd-drives.
the game worked perfectly. But now after a simple restart of the machine, the game doesn't work. I am told the my key does not match the cd in the drive.
What am i doing wrong ?
I don't get it to work :S The key is not fitting to the cd
I have tried Alcohol 120% and SF Nightmare. Can anyone help me? plz?
to nobody
after you have restarted your machine you must run starforce nightmare again to turn of you cd's..
hey tnks 4 uploadin this game but i wanna ask somthin how do i activate the game i can deal with the emulation but still i need an activation code to play the game if u can find it plz ?
yes, my adress is UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Let see why will F**K another.
you can get a usb to ide adapter in denmark for 200 danish kroner. about half of the price for the game. and it might be used for other games in the future this is that I found out. It's not because of the restarting of my machine that I can't play the game. After a complete reinstall of the game I found out that I can only start the game 1 time. after exiting the game I can't get into the game again. So this time I havn't restartet or anyting else. Just exit the game and try to enter the game again.
crappy starforce....
this sucks naybe i just buy the game!
i think that they dont even try to do any cracks
OMG Can people stop post earn money stuff?
I had to create an account just so I could post here and let you know that you guys are the biggest idiots on the entire internet. LMAO you fools keep downloading this even though there is no way to get it to work without using the USB method. Morons like DrNic asking for key generators, all you idiots asking for a working key like that is the reason it isnt working. Christ you people are god damned stupid. You should kill yourselves, you morons.
By hmhkamilo at 2005-04-29 22:22:23 GMT
hey tnks 4 uploadin this game but i wanna ask somthin how do i activate the game i can deal with the emulation but still i need an activation code to play the game if u can find it plz ?
^^^ a god damned idiot.
everytime someone makes a stupid post in here I am going to do this.
And shame on PirateBay for letting this torrent stay up here. Retards just download it without realizing it won't work without using the USB method. idiots.
"By ronso90 at 2005-04-29 21:44:40 GMT
I don't get it to work :S The key is not fitting to the cd
I have tried Alcohol 120% and SF Nightmare. Can anyone help me? plz?
a god damned idiot. HEY MORON IT DOESNT WORK. You retard.
guys , take it easy, ALL CD IMAGES just works for USB
DVD's YET, i don't know after. Crack doesn't comed out
YET too, but i hope VERY SOON we will MAKE them.
Until it just watch the news.
Vafan sämsta crack jag har sätt, jag gör som det står det kommer bara error stoppa skivan in i dvd rom... Gör en bättre crack man ska göra tusen grejer för att starta ett skit spel... Driver ni med folk eller? skitiga ryss program man ska ladda ner de bara skit...
Vafan sämsta crack jag har sätt, jag gör som det står det kommer bara error stoppa skivan in i dvd rom... Gör en bättre crack man ska göra tusen grejer för att starta ett skit spel... Driver ni med folk eller? skitiga ryss program man ska ladda ner de bara skittttt.
Vafan sämsta crack jag har sätt, jag gör som det står det kommer bara error stoppa skivan in i dvd rom... Gör en bättre crack man ska göra tusen grejer för att starta ett skit spel... Driver ni med folk eller? skitiga ryss program man ska ladda ner de bara skit... kom på nåt bättre crack... har nån bättre crack?
I had to create an account just so I could post here and let you know that you guys are the biggest idiots on the entire internet. LMAO you fools keep downloading this even though there is no way to get it to work without using the USB method. Morons like DrNic asking for key generators, all you idiots asking for a working key like that is the reason it isnt working. Christ you people are god damned stupid. You should kill yourselves, you morons.[/quote]
cant find any crack tell me where i can find it and a cdkey
hur fan crackar man ett spel pleeez help pleeezzzzz
there IS no crack, workaround or prayer that will get this game working for you anymore.
wait for a couple of months and maybe someone will release something, but don't hold your breath, now, don't post the same questions over and over.. please!
ei ole kaikki kohdallaan... crack
Det e Ganska Grymt i LAN!
Det funkar iallafall Online för mig :)
er det noen som GREIER å få til detta? sitter fyllesjuk som f, å vil spille!
cmon cmon u can do it!
and for all you dumb fucks that dont understand norwegian:
Im hungover as Fuck, and all i wanna do is to ease my pain by escaping into sam's wild adventures in splinter cell:)
kick someone in the ass and make them make a crack or somethin'!
Anyone who have downloaded this game can play it at LAN without Crack or Cd-key... Just so you know
what the fuck is the problem with these spammers?
we don't want to make money assholes , we just pirate everything :D
You stupid asholes that keep telling us about how to make money. go fuck yourself and keep the lines free
maybe you just make that crack please :P
if i could make the crack myselv, then i wouldnt be sitting around here bitchin' now would i?
Men sluta säga "KÖP SPELET" FFS!! Ingen är här för att köpa nåt!
Titta där
Play Instructions:
Install the game - Full Installation.
Disable any CD-ROM/Writers and/or DVD-ROM/Writers using StarForce Nightmare.
Mount the SCCT.MDS CD-Image in Daemon Tools v3.47 or the latest Alcohol 120%.
Play the Game!
this were in gamecopy world maybe that works?
or maybe not... ..-.-/../
Well I don't think there's a way to get it to work without usb 2.0 drive, or are you the only one person who knows how to do it. I haven't found anything on the inet. I think if there would be something like that, pages like gamecopyworld would already describe how to do it. please crack this thing ..-.-/../
DrNic you are really pathetic. Your frustration is so big, you really think there are retarded people here who believe your childish bullshit. Go buy some candy dude.
hey guys i got it with enabeling the emulation options try them it might work i didnt get wich ones but try then when it works i ll tell u whick tnx all
hehe SGTpw
well said!
run and suck on yo mommas tit!
Just go and buy an external USB 2 box...It costs around 20-25 USD and that's it...Cheaper than the game or less blowjobs to dymphie :)
how that usb cable work?
if that crack isent out in next week i will buy that game... how sad
well after countless tries it finally worked. i have tried most anything. and only one thing works. usb drive. installed my dvd-rom in an external usb drive box, and presto. one working version of splinter cell. it appears that nothing else works, including all the socalled cracks out there.
so people. get a usb box, or buy the game. it seems to be the only options.
This is my second attempt to post!!
Has anybody tried mounting the mini image in a ram drive?
The ramdrive method doesn't work.
damn i am going to france and i cant buy this game after my vacation i will come and buy this game if there is no crack till that
Let me see if I understand you right. You're complaining because the game developers made the game protection so effective it's almost impossible(?) to crack, so that you cannot (illegaly) download the game and (illegaly) play it!? What the fuck!? I mean, I too download a lot of illegal stuff, but that's normally when I can't get my hands on a legal copy because the local shops don't sell the things I'm after... Mostly anime and other rather "unkwown" games. But when someone makes sure that noone can crack their product. you go mad!? What is wrong with you guys!? Buy the fucking game and shut up!
i HAVE a retail version, yes i went out and bought the game.
i just want to be able to play without my original disc
Master_c3 wrote:
"Hur får man igång spelet? Det står "Error. Insert the Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory PC DVD disc to another drive then press "Retry". Vad ska kag göra?"
Haha, im dying of laughter! There´s 1200+ posts about this not working, and that it will only work with an USB drive, and youve missed it? Are you stupid or what?
Please people, read the previous posts before posting anything, its just annoying with the same questions over and over again.
I mean, look at these comments. 1200+ posts, and about 1198 of them ar just full of crap.
We all know that no crack is out, why keep asking?
We all know that it´ll work with an USB drive, and there´s intructions on how do get it work, so why keep asking?
We dont need 1200+ posts for this.
So please, stop being stupid and stop complaining. A crack will come when it comes.
Yep, as others have reported I can confirm that the USB-Drive solution works 100%. I got my drive today, I will not support releases that uses protections like this so I bought an USB external box instead. It was actually cheaper then the game itself and I needed one for other stuff as well. You can put both HD's, cd-rom drives and DVD-drives in it.
omg you are lame
master c3 ther are 4 options for you:
-Don't use anything technical
i prefer option 4 in your case
man how many comments. for nothing. wait for the crack or just read the posts. but, hey! who can read 1200+ posts. i wouldn't. that's for sure. and i wouldn't if this was the best game in whole gameuniverse.
stop commenting comments about comments. okthx?
Now everybody!
This game is hard to crack, okey i KNOW! Fuck!
If anybody is so lucky that they manage to crack it, post a freakin' comment! In the meantime, everybody else, just wait! Stop discussing other peoples comments, and go do sports! fucking noobs...
The 1260+ comments are actually more fun than the game itself :)
seed got damn
yes 1200+ of worthless claims.
The usb drive (external or internal) works only if you 'had' installed the game (original DVD) on the particular operating system/machine before. Using the backup wont be a problem.
But for machines which are totally new to SCCT, the backup isnt gonna work. How do i know this? Proof says it coz none of the solutions here works on almost 18 (counting 2+) PCs i have tried. All with no starforce software inside prior to installation.
Followed strict instructions of how to burn the 'darn' DVD (wasted 32++ counting DVD+Rs) and still none of them work at all. US key/ UK key, US game iso, UK game iso. None of them work. Simple.
stupid assholes! work ONLY on USB device.
it take longer to read the 1200 comments than to finish this game!!!
Well... You could play the Versus Mode while waiting, because that part isn't protected by starforce...
And yeah I know... You need a Online-key to Play over the Internet... But hey, the LAN-Play doesn't need that key... So you people could use that...
And while you're at it, you could also play a bit with GIT :D
(For the NooBz: GIT= Gamer's Internet Tunnel)
are there any "NO CD KEY requires" server? Or it is playable only throught internet (official servers ) and lan?
BTW: I've been playing throunght internet for a while (at 11 PM) - and it works .. in other time ( a day) you won't be able to play it because there are many users with the same CD -= key .. But if you are lucky you could try it at night ..
Good Luck,
JUST BUY IT! I don't work for Ubi or any of that crap but it's only about $40/£30. Besides the game is so short you'll be finished in no time and you'll be over this obsession - I am. Once you have it you'll have all the online and multiplayer crap.
I would say its worth the money on acount of the gameplay and graphics but not the length.
är det nån som har fått det till att funka?
By the way... Ubi are probably loving these forums because they are tonnes of free publicity. So if you are really against Ubi then shut up and buy the damned game.
how can I find out if i have an usb drive?!?! :P
With Gamer's Internet Tunnel, you can connect to your buddy's LAN (if set-upped right), so the LAN-play in splinter cell (or other games) can be used to play online
(part of the readme file of GIT:)
How does it work?
GIT puts your ethernet adaptor into promiscuous mode in order to sniff all
ethernet packets and analyze which ones are part of your network game traffic.
GIT then sends these packets to another instance of GIT running on the
opposite LAN, which will receive the packet and broadcast it onto that LAN
as if the two were physically connected.
Only one computer in each LAN needs to be running GIT for the entire LANs to
be linked together.
/End of Quote
So you can at least play with some buddy's... and you don't even have to install the whole thing... just copy the Versus folder to where you want it
You can find the program at :
it can be that the URL is blocked in your HOSTS file, because Norton internet security or Spyware Search and destroy added the url to it... the Kazaa-clone Morpheus was on that site some time ago, so they classified it as bad, and let it stay that way.
Just delete the from your hostfile and you can acces the site.
I got here some forum URL's about Pandora Tomorrow's Versus mode, which work also with the Chaos theory part, only i used a 7770-8888 and a 40000-50000 range at "Forward which TCP/UDP ports" (just to be sure ;) )
I Tested the whole thing, and next to a few seldom crashes (at my side, this PC must be reinstalled at some time. When i used another clean pc, it had no crashes) it works like a charm... Played for several hours with my brother ;)
oh yeah...
The best version of GIT you can use is the .99 beta 4 version... with the .96 version we couldn't get it running, with the beta we immediately had a connection using the settings described in the forums. You can play with the advanced configuration settings, but do not use Zlib Compression (that doesn't work with it :) ).
Next to that, the networks of your buddy's have to be in the same range for instance 192.168.1.x and they mustn't conflict with other ip-adresses in all networks(Because of the Forward ARP setting).
is that usb 2.0 memory stick or what?
i looked that in store but i dont know what that is... :P
tell me
now i got really question to you guys!
i just bought this game from store but it still says mistyped cd key and wrong. i formated my c: (where was my windows xp) so what a HELL i do now
Please Help...
press shift, double click on the game icon and type in the correct code. That's it!
går det att spela med GIT???
Var finns det servrar?...
Har aldrig använt GIT så jag vet inte...
Är det någon som fått igång spelet eller??
Min kompis har det till PS2 o säger att det e skitcoolt!
Vill ha detta spel!!
Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in
on line 16Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in
on line 17Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in
on line 19what is this it comes in piratebay
i bought the game :D and its goood
I've got it!
Just download xfire from and launch it from this gaming tool.
It will bypass all the starforce 3 defenses and get you to the game.
I'm almost done with the training part.
This game rocks!
Judas Priest still rocks!
By lanz637 at 2005-05-14 03:44:31 GMT
I've got it!
Just download xfire from and launch it from this gaming tool.
It will bypass all the starforce 3 defenses and get you to the game.
I'm almost done with the training part.
This game rocks!
I've got it!
Just download xfire from and launch it from this gaming tool.
It will bypass all the starforce 3 defenses and get you to the game.
I'm almost done with the training part.
This game rocks!"
"I'm almost done with the training part."
There isn't a training part of the game. Are you sure you aren't on the multiplayer because that has a training part but nit doesn't require the CD.
can you tell the cd-key plz? i would like to play this
Hi, Me again...
I discovered an easy way to make sure you don't conflict with your buddy's networks in Windows XP.
Let's say the buddy who hosts a session is on a 10.0.0.x network, and you are in a 192.168.1.x network...
Go to the settings of your network adapter, and select tcp/ip and then properties, then select alternative configuration and there you have to put an ip-adress like, with a submask of
This will give your network adapter your normal ip, AND the ip.
(this trick is also usefull when you are directly linked to the internet)
When you've done with that, go into GIT's advanced configuration, and fill in the selected 10.0.0.x ip in "Alter IP source (for NAT)" as the From Hostname(Internal), and fill in your external ip (the one you got from your ISP) into the "To Hostname (external)".
it works off course the other way round too (buddy 192.168.1.x, you 10.0.0.x) just as long you make sure nobody else got the same ip-adress
I maybe would post a torrent with the GIT application, plus a standard configuration for use with Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Versus Mode, but only if you guys want to...
Allready posted it... look to it, download it, and have fun ;)
still no motherfucking crack...
Hej jag behöver hjälp. nu har jag laddat klart spelet som tog 3-4 dar. Men hur får man de att funka. om jag går in på: mina dokument å klickar på SCCT så kommer de bara upp massa parts. typ part 1 part 2 å enda till part 54. d.v.s. att de är 54 ikoner oxå. så hur faan gör jag för å spela de?
zipa up det
och zipa upp fil ett ,sen kan du instalera det, fast sen måste
du deactivata satrforce tror jag, men det vet inte jag hur man gör, så om du vet hur man gör så säg gärna till mig
Now even i bought this game, only 249kr (34$) :P
Where did you bought it that cheap?
does anyone know where i can find a crack to this game!?
tor88fg: PC City, ny butik som hittills bara finns i Sthlm och Jönköping ;)
Freestuff: Ok.. Synd de.. Jag får la hitta det på annat ställe då.. Om det inte kommer ett crack snart. Något säger mig att ubi har tjänat rätt mycket mer på dett spelet än vanligt..
ngn som vet hur den jäkla cracken funkar?
Does anyone know where i can find my Serial key ? or how i can get one , i dwld the game its finsihed i just need the cd key ... is it in a game file??
works on my sony usb 2.0 external dvd burner! no need for starfuck or anything else.. i destroyed about 5 different dvd discs before successfully burned the game.. burning speed 1x.. RMPS enabled.. daemon tools enabled.. alcohol emulation enabled.. all game patches installed.. works great now.. one more thing.. i used sony dvd-r ... damn im so fookin happy :)
well i bought it today for 79.90zl [less than 25$]
im sure im gonna get it free next year when i upgrade my videocard.. hehe
wtf 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F dosent even work :S
No crack yet ??
as moby sing:
"Player talking, take us so far, take us so far,..."
and i say:
"and we are wainting, take it long time, take it long time,..."
i wanna play :(
I'm waiting for crack too but now i think that a crack never will be out....
Reloaded or anything else game releaser aren't so good cracker indeed...
i just can't stand having starforce installed om my computer! i rather open my firewall and post my admin rights on this forum! sadly silent hunter 3 is a really really good game. if it was sold as a downloadable in sweden i'd be thrilled (since then i guess starforce can't be included?)
i never got hooked on splinter 1 so this one i can live without at least
still waiting for the crack to be crack no download
We can't let big industries take over with their corrupt minds, crack this game or all will be over! :)
har någon fått detta spel att funka!? hur gör man??
There isn't any cracks for StarForce protected games yet, as far as I know. You'll have to burn a 1:1 copy of the original CD or use Starforce Nightmare and mount the crack image.
some1 send me a serial coz the 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F serial dont work it jus loads for a long time and dont do shit so some1 please help me email me at [email protected] pleasee i really wana play this game
I know all you guys want to play this game. I also wanted to, but the point is, this game has Starforce 3 protection, and, it's quiet a lot of work to make an working crack and key. So, the thing I did, was buying it in the store. I know this is stupid, but when you bought it, it feels really good, because you have a lot more options enabled. So, all the people who want this game, buy it in the store, it's really worth it! Or you can wait till someone cracked it...
Man I still can't this game working. Have people really been able to play this downloaded version.
Don't wanna have to buy it especially since it has StarFuck!! It costs like 550baht here, that's like almost $14USD!!!
ban people like HWiZaRd
who spam or look for the fast money!!
every post your code so taht way everyone can get fast cash and could somoen tell me where my code is for a friend cause i cant find it.
kan någon hjälpa mig med att få igång skiten
please help me with this
Unusable due to starforce, I spent a long time trying to find a crack but they're all so complicated and involve things like disabling your CD/DVD drives and arent really worth it.
Heres the crack..if you want it..!!!>>>
Should be 8 hours till I write a detailed guide to get this working. I'm getting best speeds with 19Kb/s up and max up set to 21.
New Daemon Tools release early August. In this new release are many surprises! Backups driving you mad? Well they won't soon!
thanks blaze7
I don't get this one work =/ blaze7 when shall you write the guide to get it working?
blaze7, your alcohol trick doesn't work either. Even if it's combined with sfnightmare.
Have you actually tried this ?
would you be so nice that "give" me some seeds??? :) please! thanks!
we have to deal with the starforce or else we have to buy the games in the future..I HATE STARFORCE we have to get rid of it!
Don't worry about StarForce, the DT4 will take care of it when it's released in a week or 2.
zanggg:is it better than the worthless startfuck we have now?
It'll get around any current Starforce protections... so yes :)
Is there any cracks yet? =)
good! because the current starfuck when u have to disable cdroms and shit dossent work!!
i downloaded splinter cell chaos theory and installed it, but then it wanted a disc key, so i downloaded it from somewhere. It keeps telling me that it's the wrong key even though all the keys i've searched are the same. What do i have to do
Stop the cocksucking please.
How to play SCCT: 1. Download this image. 2. Instal the game (next reboot etc.). 3. Unplug cddvd-drives. 4. Instal ONLY USAmerican 1.05 Patch. 5. Download other mds file (38322 bytes) from torrent. 6 Use 2Q4PLS4YXNQSULHVR53SSNH7F. 7 PLAY!
those who have a nforce 3 motherboard are lucky {myself included :)} once the game instaled mount it with dt 4 (all emulation on) and just use starforce nightmare to disable secondary master (or on whatever is the dvd/cd/writer/rom) and play!!!!
no removing of ide cable required
How come there still is no working crack for this? Prince of Persia (made by the same come as Splinter Cell - UBISOFT) has a working crack. How long until it becomes available?
WTF n00bz
hm ? o have same problem with my PoP T2T
1.but if you use the deamon tools 4.00 deamon tools 4.00 on google
dowload... 3.but don't be angry if is not work...
and 4. install this game with deamon tools 4.00
...5. and i think it's need a crack too... but don't be angry if is not works
I mounted with daemontools, quit daemon tools, rebooted to bios, disabled secondary IDE controller (just disabling the cdrom should do fine too), booted up windows, started the game. It did'nt work the first few times, then it started working everytime I launch. Have not tried multiplayer yet though.
help please!!! I burnt this onto a DVD instead of mounting. Then It checks the disk and it passes then when i put in the cd key provided it scans it for a while and it says error with the cd key... Please help =)!
I did almost* same as ogUr who commented just before me. I can run singleplayer and versus. Coop does not work.
*instead of dissconnecting cdrom i disabled it in my bios
all you need to do is instal ( demon 4)...unplug cddvdrw drives...and enter cd key GQAKD-SGHKD-XUYLE-M2A8G-7JMAW it is a good serial for thic mds and mdf files but eventually you need to enter it 5 6 times or it could just work imidiately(sory for my english)
it's not working
and it's never will
ill seed after im done for about a week or so, just bought a new modem the old one got water in it somehow...
I can give u guys working mini image with serial number but all I need a 100$. Don't think I'm joking I'm damn serious.
fail on cracking....and gj on protection...unhooking my drives or disabling drives in my bios; i'm not that motivated...serious hassle....calling on serious crackers to get this crackalating....
i would be really greatfull if you guys could seed a little. that would be good :)
Well, I have downloaded this game in US version but it doesn't work. Now I downloading next 4,15 Gig. I have found on (like an cd-key (from photo) to this version. ITS ORIGINAL, but I'm not sure that it will works:
but I'm not sure that was 'U' or 'V'...
I has unplug my cd drives but game dont work. It say "The disc key entered does not correspond to the disc in the drive. Make sure you use the correct disc key." What i need to do? Can someone help me? (Sory my bad english) Ps. My serial is 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F
It's work for me now =D
I can help everyone with get this game working. But online if u wanna play coop with me over hamachi :D
I also can't play the game.
I downloded the game from here:
but it not work, if someone know how to fix this problem for this game, from where i downlodad it or from this torrent that will talk with me in my ICQ: 237759716.
Ladda inte ner detta!!!!
Fejk alltihop, inget funkar!
Will someone please explain to me how to use this? Do I just download burn n' play? Or do I have to use 120% Alchohol to mount it? I am simply downloading this because my old disc is scratched to hell and I don't want to buy something I already own. And I will seed if someone helps me, provided they explain how to seed. Do you just leave it own Bittorrent?
Just to be sure, this is the American version of Chaos Theory, correct?
I've been trying to "LAN" through Hamachi with my friend, but I have a European version and he has the American one. It doesn't want to find our games. Theres no problem with Hamachi, we can connect to anything else just fine, so I'm assuming the American and European versions can't intertwine.
Thus my second question, if this isn't the American version, can somebody point me in the right direction? I've been searching for about a week now.
Also, I hope I can connect. It's been 10 minutes (Yes, I'm impatient :P) and I've got nothing. I'll leave it on and see what happens, but I don't wanna be waiting for another week just to play COOP with my friend.
You'd think it would be a matter of me ripping the image from his DVD, but he's 4 hours away. It's not happening any time soon...
In reply to JakorDratic, I've personally forgot the step by step instructions on how to get this to work, but for starters, I wouldn't burn the image. I'd mount it with Daemon-Tools. If you don't know what it is, just google it.
Also, your going to have to use StarFucker or Starforce Nightmare to deactivate some things. I think it's supposed to deactivate your secondary IDE drives or something. Maybe it was primary. Whatever. I'll post again once I've got the game and figured it out.
After 25 minutes I'm going a steady 20 bites per second. XD
luuke (2005-04-15)
de här är ju löljigt... stannar ju på 99.9 % går inte o få hem spelet.. går inte zippa up filer e corupted... har tankat hela natten 6gig nu.. allt som allt o har inte lyckats få den till 100% tankar i 100kbs typ.. ligger lixom på 4244mib av 4248.. o så fort den går upp till 4248 så hoppar den tillbaka till 4244!? wtf ? va e de för skit ni lägger up !?Slash (2005-04-15)
luuke för mig funkar det, fast inte att spela spelet, måste vänta på crackZappline (2005-04-15)
står 250 seedare och ändå så laddar jag bara ner i ca 10KB/s någon som kan svara på dettaSlash (2005-04-15)
det tar sin lilla tid, jag drog ner i 300Kb/s kan också bero på att du inte har öppnat portar osv.luuke (2005-04-15)
asså har ni testat o bränna spelet i DVD decrypter har alltid funkat o ta bort kopierings skydd me det för mej...Gabry (2005-04-15)
The patch link for starforce doesn't work.....SpiTTer (2005-04-15)
Hur ändrar med cd-key och sånt da? Hitter inte det :Smelino (2005-04-15)
seeders please.thanks
mito2005 (2005-04-15)
yawn.... zzz...baldwin (2005-04-15)
provade Starforce Nightmare och nu får jag inte igång cd- och dvd-spelarna. Hur fan löser man detta?Reaction_now (2005-04-15)
hahaha,vilken klantChillNowBill (2005-04-15)
Anyone did what PQED sayd and made it work? Tell me..MadOnionDK (2005-04-15)
Need Keygen for activation. If keygen is made the activation with the 1450-sp-patch will work.SpiTTer (2005-04-15)
ChillNowBill: Diden't work for me :/MadOnionDK (2005-04-16)
ChillNowBill and SpliTTer:The 1450-sp-patch works when a keygen is made. The problem with the 1450-sp-patch is that a new activation code is generated every time you start splintercell. The user who privided the 1450-sp-patch got the activation code BBTZS-EEMFD-3M59L-QW5VY-BGDCF and only for that activation code will the serial ADU9LF8-MADZ3Z3-ET2RFU4-UHX4XHS work.
We now just need a keygen to generate serials for all the different activation codes people get with the 1450-sp-patch.
Hopefullly a keygen will be out soon.
filis (2005-04-16)
all i have now when i have downloade the game is .rar files what shal i do whit them??Smokey999 (2005-04-16)
Can Anyone Recommend a Swedish Translator so the rest of us can read what the other half of the people are saying?Pineanas (2005-04-16)
HEy guys! I downloaded this but somehow lost the nfo file. What is the cd key for this release? So i can use it with this starforce activation website:PJakut (2005-04-16)
Pineanas are u mentally challenged in some way >_> just read the comments >_<diol (2005-04-16)
mentally challenged LoLgrega72 (2005-04-16)
i know its offtopic but can anybody seed IN MEMORIAM, please,thankskokotnik (2005-04-16)
can you send me that patch ? Thank you ... [email protected]kokotnik (2005-04-16)
Please upload somewhere that patch .. i want to try the serial tip from the forum which was posted on later..does it works for anyone else?
kokotnik (2005-04-16)
and did it work for you too??nerooo (2005-04-16)
Aktiveringnerooo (2005-04-16)
Det är en aktivering av starforce man gör ju^^justjoo (2005-04-16)
Could someone tell at beginning how this game get working? Need starforce nightmare, mini-image and correct key, what more?Slash (2005-04-16)
Anyone got any clue how i could activate my starforce thingy, my hardware code is Z64HA-99FDJ-9KAYD-QBXTQ-P6XUPFootballFan (2005-04-16)
Hmmm i haven`t even installed SCCT and i have no dvd usb writer :) But I`m thinking about installing this game ahd i`m wondering when i install the game is there any method i could try to make this game work without this usb dvd ? Even if there`s 1% chance to make this game working i could try :)Reaction_now (2005-04-16)
read the cooments first, assholeFootballFan (2005-04-16)
Reaction_now asshole ? Say things like that to someone else bitch !!! I`ve read comments but i wanted confirmation to decide what to do. If you want to write stupid things like this SHUT THE FUCK UP cause i don`t want help from ppl like you.Reaction_now (2005-04-16)
go suck pig dick, asswipediol (2005-04-16)
LoLThis forum ... Hm, :)
Dehehihohu (2005-04-16)
The nervousness of the wait...Calm, the keygen it will arrive soon!
Ternimator07 (2005-04-16)
When will the damn keygen come??????morizzy (2005-04-16)
Stop asking when it will work, or when the keygen will come, U WILL KNOW WHEN PEOPLE GET IT TO WORK!!!!Dehehihohu (2005-04-16)
I found this keygen by DeVIANCE...ed2k://|file|Tom%20Clancy's%20Splinter%20Cell%20Chaos%20Theory-KEYGEN-DeVIANCE.exe|4|7EFE391353873B55ABDDA624E34C131B|/
It will be reliable?
t0b (2005-04-16)
f*n då:
nån som vet?
anyone know what to do?
diol (2005-04-16)
its 4 bytes manhey peapole pls stup posting bullshit :)
Dehehihohu (2005-04-16)
Also why it was only 1Kb I was doubtful :(sEka_3000 (2005-04-16)
Second Sight Cracked By Reloaded ! :)check out :
Protection : StarForce 3
That gives us a little hope huh ;)
wait for the proper release guys
Sug_Min (2005-04-16)
Guys, don't download that KeyGen... it's fucked up and I'm afraid I've got some virus on my comp now. It opens a DOS window and shit and sends error messages. Wait for an authentic release.Bruceberry1 (2005-04-16)
I've started to like this game quite a bit *rubs it in*. Graphics are amazing.MrStarrk (2005-04-16)
I don't recommend trying any of the methods people have posted up to this point anyways (besides the external USB/SCSI thing) as this is the only response I recieved on the patch/manual activation deal:From: "StarForce Support, Lev Boiarsky" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book
To: "Mr Starrk"
Subject: SFSupport:[TRACK-0000005487] RE: Chaos Theory?
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 11:33:43 +0400
It is impossible to run the game without DVD.
Best regards.
Lev Boiarsky
Customer Support Group
StarForce Technologies
What kind of an idiot does he take me for? I've been getting pirated stuff since my uncle gave me Wolfenstein 3D and Doom back in the day. Impossible..I'm sure. :P Soon as I have any idea what I'm doing I'll be cracking the things myself, but this computer programmer/analyst crap at the college here is weak..They haven't taught us anything but html so far. :P
MrStarrk (2005-04-16)
Good call on the second sight crack finally appearing, I noticed that just before I checked here myself actually. I'm trying to find it but I'm not having much luck. I don't feel like downloading the game just for the crack, any thoughts?rogerpe (2005-04-16)
is fake, but not virus. Think a little, it's 4 bytes and hex is 1 .. ;)Hopefully we get a working keygen soon :)
Bruceberry1 (2005-04-16)
Can someone fill me in as to why a keygen is required? Thanx.invisible9 (2005-04-16)
hi. does anyone know a person who succeeded in registering his sc:ct version via the manual product activation after downloading the patch i know that a new hardware code is created every time one starts the application, however, one can change the code in runtime with the help of a debugger. so can anyone paste his hardware code and his activation code in here if he has a valid one (it doesn't work with the codes provided by PQED)?rogerpe (2005-04-17)
Bruceberry, read the comments from the previous pages.kokotnik (2005-04-17)
I've played its multiplayer right now :) its funny but if i want play online it is writing me ehat my key is already in use :( has anybody another multiplayer keys?Bruceberry1 (2005-04-17)
Phybre just told it how it is. He/she is 100% right. I bought the game and used the serial that came with this and it worked fine, though I have to use my own for multiplayer which I won't share and nobody else will. As with Pandora Tomorrow, you cannot play it without a valid serial unless there is some sort of no-server-scheck patch or something like that. There is no reason for you to look for a keygen or any codes because you have everything except a crack. As Phybre said, the keys are fine and you can only play it with a USB 2.0 DVD drive. Amen.crowman24 (2005-04-17)
Mission Complete with Usb2 dvd-rom works great but i have a problem with all the starforce3 games. I don't have sound only sound fx no music no speech only fx.Can anyone help to solve this problem.invisible9 (2005-04-17)
@phybre: i take it for granted that the key provided with the release works IF you have an usb-dvd device.i also know that all the "cracks" currently available are fake (since i tried most).
however, the one patch which is alledgedly distributed by starforce itself contains a new splintercell3.exe and a new udmlib.dll file (which is even a newer version of starforce, according to a-rayscanner). when starting the game now there is a new screen which generates a hardware code and asks in the next step for an activation key that you should receive from starforce. i assume that these files are REAL, not fake, and that it should be possible to build some sort of keygen (that is why i've asked for a proper set of keys in a previous post)
clapper (2005-04-17)
Do u mean that it doesnt work with a "regular" DVD-RW player??Im loosing my mind!!! ;)
d-gril (2005-04-17)
HAHAH lol i never understood why i didnt got a cd-key "asker" up before the instalation. Now i saw that it came when i tried start it:"Please insert a disc-key for SCCT" or something, :P i thougt they wanted me to put in the cd hehe
crowman24 (2005-04-17)
Can anyone help with no sound in starforce 3 games. I have only sound fx no music and no speech why? Can anyone help please.Dehehihohu (2005-04-17)
A easy way to convert a IDE cd-dvd rom in a USB device:
Slash (2005-04-17)
there must be some program that can mount .iso files so the computer thinks it is a usb device :Pinvisible9 (2005-04-17)
what key?pluppen_2 (2005-04-17)
i need a cdkey and help my hotmail adress is [email protected] but you can still write here topluppen_2 (2005-04-17)
im from sweden so you can talk swedish too meMartino__13 (2005-04-17)
Hi.I just bought this game (I wanted to play it online) and i can tell you that mulityplayer sucks. I mean its cool and everything but to get into a "game" takes about 20min!!! That REALLLY annoying! So i would rather wait now if i would now this would happen :s
kokotnik (2005-04-17)
please place here your cd key :)pluppen_2 (2005-04-17)
need a cdkey and help my hotmail adress is [email protected] but you can still write here toim from sweden so you can talk swedish too me
kokotnik (2005-04-17)
yes please!!! HELP US!!!PlingPlong (2005-04-17)
invisible9: Ett dåligt försök att sno folk's cdkeys?pluppen_2 (2005-04-17)
have some1 a cdkey too me?pluppen_2 (2005-04-17)
please can someone say a cd key to me i need one and then some already have one can well deal to as all im from sweden so you can talk swedish to meSlash (2005-04-17)
Thxsen: nej, det är bara en image fil :P som funkar som nocd, men du måste ha en usb cdrom för att få spelet att funka före du kan använda denjotor_87 (2005-04-17)
Jag hittar fan inte cracken på sidan.. kan någon hälpa mig att ta reda på vat den finns.. t.ex. han eller hon som sa att den fanns på den sidan...lumba89 (2005-04-17)
finns det nån crack till spelet elr??invisible9 (2005-04-17)
Shikatsu: i'm using windbg(,
the 32-bit version). after attaching it to the executed splintercell3.exe, i search for the created hardware code (without the hyphens) and overwrite it. then i have a new one... but without a valid activation code i can't get any further.mischi (2005-04-17)
I found this some pages back:2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F
Your Serial Key is: 5FND4AP-E5XLEV6-CSXTAXG-S888KSH
Your Multiplayer CD Key is: SC3-XTJH-MTQW-BP8M-F80P
Your Serial Key is: ADU9LF8-MADZ3Z3-ET2RFU4-UHX4XHS
Your Multiplayer CD Key is: SC3-2CTW-HXJ8-JPH0-2E
loopium (2005-04-17)
Invisible9: o download the patch from ... you have to click on the "free" button at the bottom of the page. then you are transferred to another page, where it says again at the botton "Bitte 30 Sekunden warten" (something like this). you have to wait until the time is elapsed, then the download link is displayed. left click with mouse (left mouse click is important, save target as won't work!), and the download will start."Yeah right. Only fools do this to get a trojan installed, why dont you post the crack - simple. Ban this fucko on IP i say.
ipp3l1 (2005-04-17)
dymphie, yeah right you are working at starforce. You can then call me prince charles or whatever...pluppen_2 (2005-04-17)
it stand .Activation failed. This Serial Number cannot be activated by users located in Sweden. what means whit that?rogerpe (2005-04-17)
pluppen, use a USA anymous proxy.And the cdkeys in this forum are banned, so if u haven't got some other keys, you cannot activate.
Shimz (2005-04-17)
I have unrar then burned the image into a dvd then installed entered the key provided in the forum and then restarted the computer, when i loaded the game it gave an error in checking the disc.Then used starforcenightmare to disable all drives and loaded the image using daemon but it gave me the same error saying that it was a valid key but not valid liscence.
zebran (2005-04-18)
Behöver en valid Cd key får efter att ha gjort som det står här medelandet :Attention!
• Activation failed. This Serial Number cannot be activated by users located in Sweden.
Så behöver ett nytt serial number!
ArcticFox (2005-04-18)
Invisible9, i have hardware id and corresponding activation code that i got from starforce, but i recently had to swap my mobo out so my new hardware id doesnt match the old activation code.If its of any use to you i can give you the old hardware id and matching code.
ArcticFox (2005-04-18)
just tried that debug program, dont have a fecking clue what im doingDehehihohu (2005-04-18)
I will wait for the crack... sure I do not buy it! ;)Roxpace (2005-04-18)
Har bättre för mig än att läsa samtliga 920 inläggen, men jag har en USB läsare så det funkar för mig, har inte alla tillgång till sån nuförtiden ? ;)t0b (2005-04-18)
how do i get my hardware id?ENDTIMEX (2005-04-18)
I gotta question. What would happen if the exe from the full version was replaced with the exe from the demo? I've never tried it before, so I wouldn't know.SevX1 (2005-04-18)
jag har inte läst något :P , men crack e crack , har man crack så behövs ingen usb skit :Pinvisible9 (2005-04-18)
@ArcticFox: yes, please post your hardware code and the matching activation key in this forum!Edy (2005-04-18)
Ni är ju störda, läs allt så fattar ni.Såvida ni inte lagt in spelet på era datorer och fått det att fungera med de crack som finns ute. (utan usb-dvd)
Isof, skulle jag gärna veta hur. lol
Forzen (2005-04-18)
asså det komemr upp "insert the splinter cell chaos theory pc dvd disc into another driver the press retry" vad sk aman görA?!?!?ArcticFox (2005-04-18)
Activation: 7CYJU-MVNS2-Z6V5D-U7M5H-FTMQT
Forzen (2005-04-18)
okej.. haja inte av det där...FEvE (2005-04-18)
*WARNING!*I downloaded this release to my computer, installed it and tryed to crack the exe. After just 1 day my computer was messed up! The system where unstable, i couldnt open exe files, defrag my harddrive, nothing! After 3 days of work (reinstall & format) i managed to save my computer. I have had big! problems with just the partitions, and 130gb crashed! (my new 250Gb Sata) Something had got it to my bios, and hidden files in my drive, think i reinstalled Windows XP 10 times to get it work.
Now i have flashed my bios, so that works, and fixed my harddrive, this where the biggest fucking pain job i everdone! This release messes up you computer BIG TIME! The worst error/bug/virus i ever exp.
FEvE (2005-04-18)
I forgot that this happens when you are trying to "DELETE" this release, uninstall it etc. So if you have installed it, let it be there on youre harddrive! It messes up you computer more if you delete it.Unclemoe (2005-04-18)
Det här går alltså inte att få och fungera än, eller?invisible9 (2005-04-18)
too bad.with the keys of ArticFox i've stumbled across another problem.
every time you create a hardware code, this code is also saved in your registry under
Cell Chaos TheoryKeys" that contains a number of "hardware profiles". these hardware profiles have to match with the activation key, but the code in the registry is in some way decrypted...invisible9 (2005-04-18)
i mean encrypted, of course...and i think that the registry key has to correspondend with the hardware code that was created by the application - and since i overwrote this code, it doesn't match any longer when the application determines if the activation key is valid.
sIR-BloNdE (2005-04-18)
hur fan installerar man mdf filer till pcvane505 (2005-04-18)
MDF/MDS fungerar perfekt med nya versionen av daemon. Gå in på och tanka det. Annars bränn med Alcohol 120% (Fungerar inte med nero)sIR-BloNdE (2005-04-18)
aa det gick att installera med hur fan får man spelet att funka sen då?..den frågar ju om cd skivan..äre bara vanligt crack man ska ha lr?Garkan (2005-04-19)
sIR-BloNdE: Men snälla söta pucko. Du borde ta och läsa föregående kommentarer. Men för att göra det lättare för dig: Du kan inte spela det än, om du inte har en DVDrom med USB2.0, annars, ställ dig i kö och vänta som vi andra puckon...Å hoppas på en fungerande crack...I framtiden.sargon3 (2005-04-19)
Jag har ett förslag! Jättesmart förresten. Om en eller flera frivilliga skriver ett inlägg vid vart 21 vad som gäller avseende detta spelet. typ måste ha usb spelare etc. etc så ser väl alla idioter som skriver samma frågor gång på gång vad som gäller. smart va? så slipper vi typ 90% av idioterna hoppas jag. Alla har vi ju börjat på noll, men nog fan har jag för mej att man läste på lite innan man börjar skrika typ vad mdf är för ngt etc. eller typ frågan "spelet startar inte vad gör jag för fel?" Orkar fan inte översätta till engelska det får nån annan göra...förresten vilket mezz blev nu detta?? satan 993..XDaemonX (2005-04-19)
Finns det någon som kan ''göra'' en crack till spelet, eller det kanske inte går???mikemike (2005-04-19)
låter jättebra!! Som sagt, kanske det inte behöver bli flera 1000 inlägg med samma innehåll.Bra initiativ!
XDaemonX (2005-04-19)
Finns det någon som kan ''göra'' en crack till spelet, eller är det krågligare än så???mikemike (2005-04-19)
tveksamt du om det är så enkelt. Men du får gärna försöka självSerious.swe (2005-04-19)
Till er alla som har tänkt eller har tankat hem detta spelet släng skitet för den funkar ändån inte om man nu inte har en sån berömd extern CD/DVD läsare för jag har nu laddat ner crack och serials och annat sånt skit som förhoppnings viss skullle fixa mitt spel men nej jag fick bara över 200 spyware av allt letande så vänta på en proffs version så får ni det att funka utan massa problemSmokey999 (2005-04-19)
Does anyone know of a translator that will convert Swedish so that those of us who don't speak Swedish can still understand what the rest of the posts are talking about?ZolidZolid (2005-04-19)
Om man stoppar i mdf -filen i Floppydriven så lurar man starforce att encryptera exe-filen så spelet startar.bustedi (2005-04-19)
mdf in disk drive trick won't work, and I tested to put the mini image to usb drive as well. so both myths busted.mikemike (2005-04-19)
@ ZolidZolidkan du förklara exakt steg för steg hur du gjorde? verifieringen bad mig sätta in discen i en annan enhet.
GEOwarrior (2005-04-19)
Är det bara otrevliga lågsinta djur här inne ?Vad är det för fel att kräva översättning från Svenska till Engelska, maila SysTrans ( Altavista Babelfish ), de har Svensk databas redo för detta men vill hellre ta betalt vilket de inte gör för Franska, Tyska och flera.
quicksilvr (2005-04-19)
here's one which does...found after spending a while on's not very accurate...but atleast u get the gist of it.
Smokey999 (2005-04-19)
Good enough for me.Thank you for the link.
nudels (2005-04-19)
nice translation :)einaR. (2005-04-19)
kolla här nu har ja kommit å långt att ja ska ange nån slags "disc key" och då är frågan, var får jag tag på den?Henrik_666 (2005-04-19)
Fins det ingen vanlig crack til splinter cell chaos theory eller???XDaemonX (2005-04-19)
Hur gör man en crack....tänkte att någon datasnubbe kunnde fixa fram en!!!G_A_M_E_R (2005-04-19)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!Läs vad alla har skrivit ffs. Det kan DRÖJA månader innan ett crack dyker upp. Ni får helt enkelt vänta.
pluppen_2 (2005-04-19)
den här jävlarna som gör cranarna kan ta och slänga sig i väggen samma me starforcePsy_Lover (2005-04-19)
Jag måste fråga. Pallar inte läsa igenom alla 1000 inlägg här.Jag tankade Starforce nightmare och avaktiverade alla devices, mountade mini mdf:en och allt.
Sen skrev jag in min nyckel, den som står här ovan, sen säger den att den inte är valid.
vad e de då som e fel??
kolama (2005-04-19)
Psy Lover and all others who still think they can get this to work:You don't need to read the nearly 1000 messages, you only need to read this: the only ones who can get this working is people with an external USB DVD drive. No one else has got it working, and no one else will, unless a proper crack is released. That is all you need to know (if you don't happen to be one of the lucky 0,1% with an external USB DVD drive).
n1xon (2005-04-19)
Någon annan som har problem med att BitTorrent sägerProblem connecting to tracker - (11001, 'getaddrinfo faild'). Om det bara är jag, kan någon hjälpa mig få det att funka. Är rätt n00b när det kommer till att confa clienten...
Tack på förhand!
Santy (2005-04-20)
Hey guys, I was just wondering if it was posible to make a program that would simulate the USB DVD rom. Just wondering sinc it is the only one working!!Go Cracker GO crackers GO!!!
MrStarrk (2005-04-20)
My pc was around 2x as good as recommended specs for Pandora Tomorrow roughly, and it was still choppy as hell. I couldn't even play it half the time because the framerate dropped so bad every time I saw a moving shadow :P If I can't play a game on a p4 2.5 ghz w/512 ram and a radeon AIW 9600 256mb that runs completely smooth on an Xbox (what're they like p3 700mhz?) I'll be damned if I'll buy the crap. anyone who says "go buy it" obviously didn't buy most of the games that have been released since 2002 (I can think of maybe 4 in the last 3 years worth actually paying for)Duude99 (2005-04-20)
Seeda för allt vad i helvetet är värt!McKack (2005-04-20)
Trackern er nede tulling!mito2005 (2005-04-20)
yawn... :yay:TheSneak (2005-04-20)
I got a activation key that seems to DISABLE the Deamon tools prottection.I can play the game with it bind on Deamon tools :D
There is hope.
tamagami (2005-04-20)
10dollars tells me your lying.TheSneak (2005-04-20)
I cant say anything else other then you owe me 10 bucks.Rolando (2005-04-20)
Well then shareth it with us!sEka_3000 (2005-04-20)
yea share it with us !if u r not lying :/
kaffejonas (2005-04-20)
hello...i have a quastion..can you guys download something to day..I cant?? I have test to download whit bittorrent and bitlord but it wont work??Tonyrw22 (2005-04-20)
same here i get an ADDRNFO error or something like thatmonkii (2005-04-20)
ooh, snart så är det 1000 kommentarer ;)king_Robin (2005-04-20)
kom igen 1 mer commenterix87 (2005-04-20)
1000kolama (2005-04-20)
Nej, nuuuuu är det 1000... om räknaren på framsidan stämmer vill säga, bläddringsräknaren där nere verkar ha stannat på 995, kanske har den andra slutat på 999?kug (2005-04-21)
hej. tar det lång tid innan någon fixar en riktig crack till detta spel??kug (2005-04-21)
wiee. ja äger er. nu är det 1000 kommentarer-!pertSK (2005-04-21)
to start download add tracker
TheSneak (2005-04-21)
I wrote the code down 3x now already, but some how the post gets deleted ?MrStarrk (2005-04-21)
I want to believe you as much as anyone else but not only is your claim improbable and unsubstantiated, its also completely stupid.Kimm3rn (2005-04-21)
kan noen legge ut et spill som fuuuuuuunker:P har ikke dvd extern crap å alt det der!!!Freestuff (2005-04-21)
HWiZaRdAll swedes are able to play it ;)
Ok only those with extern dvd players but hey, who didnt know that ;)
And what you wrote about making sure your comment is posted, does that include messages? If so I've had the problem when sending about 60% of my replies :(
Touchpad (2005-04-22)
snälla ta bort speed limit tankar från 2 pers i 4 kb/sTheSneak (2005-04-22)
I keep thinking about posting it but then Retards like "MrStarrk" jump in and start talking shit.I dont wanto share my findings with losers like them...
FootballFan (2005-04-22)
TheSneak if you really got the code and you can play your game, pleeeease try post it until you will do it... :( Or maybe you could try send this code to me through private message ? Hope you will do iteriksundling (2005-04-22)
check this out so funny :P
MrStarrk (2005-04-22)
TheSneak, you are nothing but an immature and politically incorrect ignoramus if the best you can throw at someone is "Retard". You don't have any code, you are a liar and you have been called on it. If you can't supply any proof of your idiotic claim then who is the "retard"? Find elsewhere to act a fool child.Pyr0 (2005-04-22)
it's here too, passworded tho.
Dehehihohu (2005-04-22)
Is a archive protected by unknown password that contain 3 files:keygen.exe
Seem to be a fuck...
sEka_3000 (2005-04-22)
I'm just wondering, if this is real crack & keygen...why the one who uploaded this file would protect it by a password. Its really weird...i'll say its fake...hope its not though.blacktower (2005-04-22)
I havent looked for a crack for about a week...please tell me theres been some progress?this game has just been sitting on my hard drive about 3 days after this torrent was uploaded.
greenthing (2005-04-22)
passworded arkives, the password is usually the web address of the web site it original was on, eg www.torrentfiles.comnudels (2005-04-22)
I think this is fake!- first of all i have never heard of a crackgroup called privacy
- if it was a crackgroup called privacy who had tried cracking it and succeed or fail it would be annunced on the as a crack or nuked dox release
- No known serius crackgroups password there files
steff1000 (2005-04-22)
cool Game...Just dont give a fucknudels (2005-04-22)
steff1000, why post then?TheSneak (2005-04-22)
MrStarrkYou are still the retard, and the loser, i got that key directly from Starforce after a few slick mails.
I was thinking about sharing, but you kiddy ass paranoid self fucked that up.
You lose, i win...aint nothing new.
Tonyrw22 (2005-04-22)
they say that it works on an ide drive. when you burn it on an +rw disc.
FootballFan (2005-04-23)
Football he doesn't have anything useful to begin with. If he has anything at all its just the serial they sent him to correspond with his hardware key. Its useless to anyone but him anyways. Kid probably doesn't even know what he's talking about. Just wait for RELOADED to release a crack, its the only thing you can do.pluppen_2 (2005-04-23)
dvd+rw or dvd-rw?djfantazy (2005-04-23)
1: laste ned denne torrenten (done)2: laste ned ny .mds fil... fra den sia di
3: brenne splinter cell med den nye .mds fila på en dvd+rw
er det sånn?
saduhora (2005-04-23)
no. burn the game WITHOUT RMPS. If you did wrong you can just burn it again (hey, it's a +RW) :Pbogo24dk (2005-04-23)
Well i cant get it to work :(kokotnik (2005-04-23)
"no. burn the game WITHOUT RMPS. If you did wrong you can just burn it again (hey, it's a +RW) " I've tried it .. It has to be burned with RMPS .. and you can install it from "normal" mds (without mini image) - just for burning you have to use MINI image mds and than burn with RMPS on speed 2.4x ...4x - anybody tested??
kokotnik (2005-04-23)
sorry i thin withoutpuzza (2005-04-23)
can someone else confirm it REALLY works on a dvd+rw????thanks!!
saduhora (2005-04-23)
kokotnik: with or without RMPS?Dehehihohu (2005-04-23)
i try but no way :(dvd+rw tdk
drive lg gsa 4163b
image burn at 2.4x without rpms by alcohol 120%
Now i trying with rpms...
Bengtsture (2005-04-23)
YES IT WORKS!!!:DBengtsture (2005-04-23)
Burn without rmps with this mds --->
GEOwarrior (2005-04-23)
i did it as it said, used RiTEK DVD+RW, speed at 2, when installed it gived ERROR:something DOESN"T match. Restarted and when asked to type SERIAL-WRONG one, any coments?Tonyrw22 (2005-04-23)
use Memorex DVD+RW or Philips DVD+RW .works here on fine on Philips.
justjoo (2005-04-23)
What is RMPS?Brottsta (2005-04-23)
So.. u guys mean that this game doesnt work to play with DAEMON TOOLS?? do u really have do burn it to a DVD-RW.. if soo.. ill test it right on :)Rolando (2005-04-23)
+RW for some reasonBrottsta (2005-04-23)
i have burned it to a DVD-rw and i have tested it with DAEMON TOOLS and nothing works! it says that i have to place the cd in a nother cd-rom player! what am i doing wrong!?Bengtsture (2005-04-23)
+rw they said not -rw... doesn't work with -rwHei_på-deg (2005-04-23)
something fishy about this game, nobody seems to be able to install it.Brottsta (2005-04-23)
well.. firs extrct all the files.. and burn it out on a real DVD.. not-RW?... and the install? correct? will it work for me then?Brottsta (2005-04-23)
sry.. i ment +RW... but i doesnt work!!slokiller22 (2005-04-23)
So.....what do i must burn, images (files) or burn as usual (installer)???Shyguy (2005-04-23)
Ok.. The dvd+rw is being initialized now.. hope it will work...EagleSH (2005-04-23)
DVD TDK+RW will be work?Brottsta (2005-04-23)
am i sopused to extrct the files before i burn the DVD+RW?.. cause i have done that and it doesnt work :(markus18 (2005-04-23)
I burn on Memeorex 1x-4x with Speed 2,4x without RMPS in alcohol but it dosent work ! :( when game load i wait, wait, and wait and program check CD.My burner is liteon 1633.
What i doing bad :( ? HELP
djfantazy (2005-04-23)
i havent been paying much attention to this topic.. but i wanna know 1 thing.. what are the cdkey 4 the par snake release? i have posted how to make it work.. and there is only 1 thing i have problems with.. its the cdkey.. anyone have the cdkey 4 that release?Brottsta (2005-04-23)
hahahaha!! are u searching for tha cd-key!? if u read in the top where u can read about who added this torent.. there u find it :)... if not here is it:CD-KEY: 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F
Brottsta (2005-04-23)
one more there any crack to this game? cause i havent found it... plz help me :)saduhora (2005-04-23)
If you'll do it right it'll work:1. Download this mds image
and rename the mdf file to the same file name as the mds.2. Burn with Alcohol 120% (version on a DVD+RW with RMPS disabled and LOW SPEED BURN selected.
It shall work then.
markus18 (2005-04-23)
i do it everithing !!! Burn od DVD+RW Memoerex, disable RMPS, @2,4x, and mds from(
and splinter dont work !!!WHY ?!??!?!
HELP ME !!!!!!! My burner is Litwon 1633S
What im doing now ? help.. :(
Brottsta (2005-04-23)
ok.. well.. for the first.. what the fuck i RMPS??? and witch program are u guys using when u burn the game? i jusing NERO.. PLZ HELP ME!!Brottsta (2005-04-23)
If you'll do it right it'll work:1. Download this mds image
and rename the mdf file to the same file name as the mds.2. Burn with Alcohol 120% (version on a DVD+RW with RMPS disabled and LOW SPEED BURN selected.
It shall work then.
I have done exctly as u say.. when i burn it.. am i sopused to add both the files? the one u linked and the one i extract??
markus18 (2005-04-23)
I have done exctly as u say.. BUT DONT WORK PLEASE HELP !!!!Brottsta (2005-04-23)
is it checking cd for u to??saduhora (2005-04-23)
the mds don't need to be the one i linked (to the facts that you DISABLE RMPS so you can use every mds you want) so hypotheticaly you just need to burn the mdf image.mcspiff (2005-04-23)
I keep getting the 'incorrect disk key' message. is this due to an honestly incorret key or simply a bad burn? I have tried twice.Alcohol 120% version 1.9.5 build 2802
dvd-burner HL-DT-ST DVDRRW GWA-4161B(1:1)
using memorex dvd-rw burned at 2.4x
markus18 (2005-04-23)
yes it checking cd check, check and check and dont started .PLEASE HELP WHAT I DOING :(
markus18 (2005-04-23)
yes it checking cd check, check and check and dont started and for end write about wrong CD_KEY :(PLEASE HELP WHAT I DOING
mcspiff (2005-04-23)
Perhaps its due to the mds file linked to?Brottsta (2005-04-23)
what do u mean with linked to? u know when u have extrcted all the rar-files.. u get one MDF-fel.. and then u also get a MDS-files... u mean that im sopused tp change the name to theon i get or what?Leo_48639 (2005-04-23)
Jag har problem, jag har brännt det med MDS filen som är länkad jag har stängt av RMPS jag brände på en TDK DVD+RW skiva på 2.4x hastighet men när jag har installerat så frågar den ändå efter CD-KEY, har testat flera cd keys men ingen funkar. Det är meningen att den inte ska fråga efter CD-KEY. HJÄLP. Har en NEC ND3500AG brännare.I´ve a problem with this shit. I burn the game and i replace the MDS file with the one that is linked i change the names on both MDF and MDS and i burn with alcohol without RMPS on a TDK DVD+RW and i burn on 2.4x speed. And when i install and want to play it asks me for a CD-KEY WHY, i have tried several keys but none works. It´s not supposed to ask me for a CD-KEY when you burn it this way, WHATS WRONG. I have a NEC ND3500AG burner.
Vad ska jag göra kan nån leda oss alla som behöver hjälp.
What am i to do. Can some one tell us all who need help what to do.
mcspiff (2005-04-23)
I give up with this game till a crack comes outnudels (2005-04-24)
I dont get it why ppl still asking for help that has been explained 50 times earlier in this thread!, you dont have to go to many pages back to get the info you need, so stop asking stuped question!!!nudels (2005-04-24)
and for thoes lame asses that types in swedish, if you dont can write och read english, then you probebly wont understand the game eather, course it is in english!!!efterblivna idioter
Leo_48639 (2005-04-24)
Read the page before this one and go to the bottom. I wrote that. And i am asking you PLEASE HELP just tell me why it wont work. Do i need a special CD i am using a TDK DVD+RW without RMPS, 2.4x speed and burning it in my NEC ND3500AG burner. Just tell me what i need to do. And just cause you got the game working that means that you can´t help others. We also need help, we would have helped you. Why do you got it working and not me and everyone else.czepcw (2005-04-24)
Tested on Pioneer 109 at Verbatim dvd-rw 4x but doesn't work :((nudels (2005-04-24)
marrow stfu will you!, my spelling its not perfect or the grammatiks, but atlest I try you stuped fucking retardRaudung (2005-04-24)
Varför försöker du? Det här är faktiskt en svensk tracker.saduhora (2005-04-24)
mikemike (2005-04-24)
Of course you need the .mds file, that's the file you replace with the original file.I hope you mean the .mdf file (4GB+)!!!
Leo_48639 (2005-04-24)
Everyone can help themselves but when people need help everyone shuts up. Is it so hard to answer some questions. Read the previous posts and see. They are on this page and the one before. COME ON.Touchpad (2005-04-24)
humm ok någon som fått detta och funka och som kan förklara för mig hur ni har gjort??Leo_48639 (2005-04-24)
jag börjar tvivla på om någon ens har fått det att funka. För har testat flera ggr men inte en enda gång har det funkat. Dem säger att Starforce inte installeras när man bränner det här. Jag av installerade det innan Starforce alltså. Sen så brände jag spelet som alla säger och installerade in det. När det var klart så stod det '' Installation succesfully restart your computer for complete installation''. Och jag har frågat runt och dem säger att det är Starforce som installeras. Dem har rätt för jag avinstallerade spelet och installerade igen och då startades ej datorn om. så om ingen hjälper oss FUCK OFFTouchpad (2005-04-24)
får bara detta felet hela tiden =/[Error Information]
Key: 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F; 3120; ES:101,103,103,113,102,102,102,0
Leo_48639 (2005-04-24)
Thanks for the words man. I do not need a reason why it doesn´t work can someone just write down every step of the process (what i need to do). Every single. PLEASE. And tell me what DVD burners you have and what cd´s you have used. PLEASE.rrlbva (2005-04-24)
umm did you people actually read the info from that uploaded .mds file? Here it is from
Dateityp: MDS
Uploader: LeatherFace
Hinweise: funktioniert perfekt mit aktiviertem rmps.
Spielregion: DE
Datum: 01.04.05 13:52
[english: functioned perfectly with activated rmps.]
rollaj (2005-04-24)
for those who got it to work, how long did it take for it to recognize the disc was "real"? Mine chuggs for like 15 min b4 it spits out your disc is fucked with the key.Highlander35 (2005-04-24)
Svenska subs till dom flesta filmerna på nätet (2005-04-24)
På franska? :SMarfere (2005-04-24) (2005-04-24)
main takes 3 minute until it gives to me -WRONG.i gona try ALL emulators ON.
rollaj (2005-04-24)
burnt with gsa 4082b drive on a maxell dvd+rw with rmps ON and OFF still no luck....shitty. I tried.
Leo_48639 (2005-04-24)
now i tried with RMPS it takes 2 seconds until it checks the cd-key and it says '' Please put the disc in to another DVD drive and press retry'' what the hell is wrong with it PLEASE HELPGEOwarrior (2005-04-24)
yes, same to me.mito2005 (2005-04-24)
yawn,.,,NeoZ1 (2005-04-24)
Var fan får man CD KEYNeoZ1 (2005-04-24)
hey Leo_48639 can i have the cd keyRolando (2005-04-24)
yay I got my usb adapter today :)Leo_48639 (2005-04-24)
2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F is my cd-key, NeoZ1.It is the only one i have found on the internet.
Garkan (2005-04-24)
Marfere: Jo, jättebra, men vadå, finns det subtitle till Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (duh?)kobgad (2005-04-24)
Måste man ha extern DVD-enhet???terco (2005-04-24)
Tryck inte på undertext länkarna!!! Det är en tävling kolla här...
dojjja (2005-04-24)
Men hjälp! hur får man det att funka det står bara: Insert the Splinter Cell Chaos Theory PC DVD into another drive then press "retry". så, vad ska man gör ni som har fått det at funka?Don_T (2005-04-24)
Klicka på den här länken om ni är snälla.. behöver en brännare..
FootballFan (2005-04-24)
I`ve downloaded what gunda123 posted and its two files SCCT.mdf and SCCT.mds and there`s readme:Mount with Daemon-Tools v.3.47
Make sure to turn all emulation options ON ...
// Crypton
So i installed the game from snake release and after that mounted scct.mds in daemon, then i used key from this site and it still says that the key doesn`t match with the disk in drive. Am i doing smth wrong or this image is only for usb dvd method ?
NeoZ1 (2005-04-24)
Jag hittar aldrig nån Crack till Spelet Snälla berätta om ni hittar. i never find a crack to the game Plz tell me if you find 1.GEOwarrior (2005-04-25)
People are going to crazy here!
boffa86 (2005-04-25)
wtf are u talking about HWiZaRd do u really believe that someone gives you 1 dollar a day ? if yes then congratulations i think youre the dumbest person who really thinks that a spywarebombed site is gonna give u a dollar a day.pRob3 (2005-04-25)
Crack to this game.
Reaction_now (2005-04-25) (2005-04-25)
Where is the crack? cant find it :( Any one why has gotten the game to work?Gabry (2005-04-25)
Where is the crack ?Pyr0 (2005-04-25)
will you guys PLEASE stop posting links to a usb dvd writerCroNolm (2005-04-25)
När jag ska "ladda ned denna torrent" står det " C:documents and settings"my name"lokala inställningarTemporary internet filesContent.IES...torrent"fattar inte ett dug...
Är det någon som kan hjälpa mig??
Blir så vad jag än försöker ladda ned :-(
Galthar (2005-04-25)
so 1100 comments an non of u moroons can understand that clone version is working only with USB EXTERNAL DVD DEVICE!!!! And for thoose who told here its work.. F@ck U LIERStoxyt (2005-04-25)
why would it work only with a USB EXTERNAL DVD DEVICE? weird that there are many dummieimages on the internet which should work too and none of them works. For me it's probably the same thing as for everyone else. If I just install the game and run it with the cd it says "insert the splinter cell chaos theory PC DVD disc into another drive then press "retry"". If I follow every step here and use starforce nightmare then it checks the disc for about a minute and then says the cd-key doesn't match with the disc inserted. Why could this have anything to do with a USB EXTERNAL DVD DEVICE? tell me that and I will be pleased! :PGalthar (2005-04-25)
As far as I know starforce protection based on IDE devices. Newest version of starforce in that case 3 is patched for that devices... USB is a differend type of device so It's work on it.. But don't be so happy. Splinter Cell is now on 1.02 or 03 version ( I don;t remember) If groups crack version 1.0... Starforce gonna be 4 version or more and then forget about patching game. newer version of starforce gonna be implemented for 100 %...Galthar (2005-04-25)
Splinter cell starforce 3 starforce
Psi-ops the mindgate conspiracy starforce
TrackMania Sunrise starforce
Domination starforce
1944: Battle of the Bulge starforce
Cossacks II: Napoleonic starforce
Creature Conflict: The Clan Wars starforce
still life starforce
toca 2 starforce ?
Soldiers: Heroes of World War II
These are games that are non patched yet... STARFORCE IS REALLY a PROBLEM for STUFF COMUNITY,,
kokotnik (2005-04-26)
fuck off noobGarkan (2005-04-26)
AMENmorizzy (2005-04-26)
where can I get the crack then?.......hehe, just kidding....tamagami (2005-04-26)
I'd guess in about 1-2 months we'll have a crack... not many people able to crack a starforce3 game have the time and will to...tedy (2005-04-26)
amen toBy phybre at 2005-04-25 22:34:19 GMT
excellent said
you forgot "NOW STFU EVERYONE" :P
Galthar (2005-04-26)
1200 comments and I dont belive it!!!! They understand it? holy shit.. .WOW!!!MrStarrk (2005-04-26)
I've just been coming here to read the new posts while I drink my morning coffee. Beats Garfield.Gabry (2005-04-26)
Hi, i just downloaded this game but i NEED A NO CD CRACK !!!!!:D
w4llin (2005-04-26)
it works well... gg,m8 ty a lot ;)oer88 (2005-04-26)
i still get the message insert the dvd into another drive and press retry :'(oer88 (2005-04-26)
hang on... i just get the message the key doesn't correspond to the one labeled on dvd :PWyzard45 (2005-04-26)
OK,I burned the image with alcohol to a DVD.
Put the disc into a USB 2.0 drive of my notebook, installed it. It asked for registration, i denied. It asked for validation serial-number, i gave it the one supplied with the image. It checked and checked.
Finally the answer: wrong number.
So, whats' wrong now?
oer88 (2005-04-26)
what was the key supplyed with the image?!??! please tellCaine_Gbg (2005-04-26)
phybre - You really shouldn't open your mouth if you don't know what you're talking about. Several people have played this game with regular IDE drives - granted, it doesn't work with all drives, but here's how you do it:Use Alcohol
Use the mds from
Burn with a DVD+RW (Memorex DVD+RW is confirmed)
Burn @ 2,4x _without_ RMPS and with lowest speed. Now you have a 100% Starforce 3 clone
No need for USB, Starfuck, Starforce Nightmare, any EMU's with Daemontools or Alcohol or anything like that.
It doesn't work with all drives, but I know it works with an LG GSA 4082B with the latest firmware.
SPQR3 (2005-04-26)
I don't have a DVD-burner, but my friend lends me it tomorrow for 2 days, or a bit more. It is Plaxtor, that's all I know.So if I buy a Memorex DVD+RW will I be able to play the game with my regular DVD-reader? Or I can only start the game in the burner I burnt the DVD with?
Could any1 please try - who could succesfully got the game working - if it works in another DVD reader too? I would be grateful :D If it doesnt work I think I have to play the game through in 2 days. :D
Touchpad (2005-04-26)
Caine_GbgI have the right version on alcohol 120% but I can't chose 2,4x speed I can only chose 1x,2x,4x,6x... what speed should I chose??
mizo (2005-04-26)
Why can't you guys just BUY the fucking game?!That's what I did.. And it was worth it!
It costs like 50 EURO! Are you guys really that poor? OMG! Get a job (life) :P
Sirius007 (2005-04-26)
Well-.- it´s hard to find a good job that wont collide with school when ur 14 =Papanbort (2005-04-26)
I just cant believe all you idiots who are buing a usb2.0 dvd just to play this game! its just a matter of days (if its not done already) before sf patches the usb2 bug.anyway, besides all that, im just waiting for the crack like everybody else... so the interesting thing to know right now is; when is it gonna come out?
Caine_Gbg (2005-04-26)
mizo - Well, some people don't like the idea of spending 50 euros on a game that they might not be able to run because Starforce fucks up certain DVD-players and stuff.Darthalon (2005-04-26)
who are making that crack i just want to ask why it takes so long to make it what's wrong with you?i hate thease now protections...
alcapone_ (2005-04-26)
omg! buy the game and stop whining!blacktower (2005-04-27)
could you use an external enclosure with an internal drive?with one of these if you dont understand my question:
johnnoid (2005-04-27)
Hi I have an external USB 2 box (I can put a dvd, cd or hard drive in it). I have followed the instructions for installation using an external dvd rom but still doesn,t work. When Itry to install the game from my external dvd I get "CRC error The file c:gamesubisofttom clansy's splinter cell chaos theorysplintercell3.utx doesn't mach the file in the setup's .cab file" Do I get this massage because I need a normal external dvd drive and not a box or because I burn the dvd in a wrong way. (dvd medium: platinum DVDR+, dvd:TOSHIBA) Thanks for any helpBigSuShi (2005-04-27)
muahahah to hell with the crack.. just won the game in a UBI contest.. .. anyway i'm with u, guys .. the crack's on its way and, well.. patience is a virtue, isn't it?!.. yeaaaa wtf of course it is ..ahem..
bevtec (2005-04-27)
This Download does not ***WORK***--- Bevtec ---
blacktower (2005-04-27)
get your fucking referral links out of here cocksuckers.FuNkYgAmEr (2005-04-27)
Omfg for cracks there isn't a release date like with games or something..... the releasegroups will release a crack when they've cracked it. If you keep complaining about how long it takes and stuff, crack it yourselfkoka (2005-04-27)
By Caine_Gbg at 2005-04-26 13:21:47 GMT
phybre - You really shouldn't open your mouth if you don't know what you're talking about. Several people have played this game with regular IDE drives - granted, it doesn't work with all drives, but here's how you do it:
Use Alcohol
Use the mds from
Burn with a DVD+RW (Memorex DVD+RW is confirmed)
Burn @ 2,4x _without_ RMPS and with lowest speed. Now you have a 100% Starforce 3 clone
No need for USB, Starfuck, Starforce Nightmare, any EMU's with Daemontools or Alcohol or anything like that.
It doesn't work with all drives, but I know it works with an LG GSA 4082B with the latest firmware.
I did it but it's not working.
My drive is a liteon dvdrw ldw-451s
jinsatoemo (2005-04-27)
The cdkey provided here IS working with this release.Starforce somehow blocked the dvdr reading from ide and virtual dvdrom drives.You need the USB dvdrom with SFN to play the game.I can play the game without any RMPS emulation at all.You can use the IDE to USB converter found here
that costs only about USD18(at my place) to convert any IDE devices to USB.Hopefully the new SFN version will have an updated 'disable node' function that could bypass this new starforce blacklist method. Gabry (2005-04-27)
lolFanstyg (2005-04-27)
holy crap! 1180 posts... How many have got this game to work? I haven´t... SF sucks monkeydick!It says I haven´t got the right cd key...:-(
crowman24 (2005-04-27)
Hey motherfuckers the game rocks with a usb2 dvd-rom i have plextor so fuck off any of you who said is not working.But i dont have sound only sound fx and the same in the others starforce fucking games any idea.Contra89 (2005-04-27)
haha :D.. STARFUCK SUX.. My cd roms dosent work any more :( butt i´ll will wait for a crack.. it comes ich promise :P.. men men så är de ibalnd..Darthalon (2005-04-27)
stfu all lets just wait for crack... i hope it comes some day :Dbruker232 (2005-04-27)
I have this i don't have crack or a working CD key this sucksZymix (2005-04-27)
Hahah mina cd roms funkar inte heller efter att jag har pillat me starfuck :P Hehehminapengar (2005-04-28)
vAFAan KUksUGgar, väntat i tva månaderr på denna cRacken, dem JÄvla företagssatan StoppaR mIn rät att ladda ner upphovsrättsskyddat material asen. Detta är ett av få bra dataspel nu och jag vill bara ha skiten alltså.Nån som vet vilka grupper som arbetar på att lösa detta problem?
ravenass (2005-04-28)
du har nog hört det förut men jag säger det igen: om du så gärna vill ha spelet så köp det eftersom det inte är tillgängligt piratkopierat. sorry men så är det. hade också hoppats på en crack som dödar starforce3, men det verkar som man får lov att köpa spelet, även om jag är VÄLDIGT emot att köpa spel.:/ Så för dem som tycker att detta spel är värt att spela men som inte har råd att köpa spelet, men som ändå har tålamod, så tycker jag att ni skall tanka denna release och låta den vara tills starforce3 är eliminerat :)Gyokuran (2005-04-28)
Strange, my comment wasn't posted, wtf.I'll try again, more vague this time - guys there *is* a crack for this *version* of SF, it's in another game. All you need is the 3 sf patches and sfn.
Pyr0 (2005-04-28)
[quote]By Gyokuran at 2005-04-28 02:28:05 GMTStrange, my comment wasn't posted, wtf.
I'll try again, more vague this time - guys there *is* a crack for this *version* of SF, it's in another game. All you need is the 3 sf patches and sfn.[/quote]
have you actually tried this?
i hope it works.
dhakbar (2005-04-28)
For fuck's sake, is this game ever going to be cracked?Icaris (2005-04-28)
yeah this isnt a good "introduction to cracking" .. so I am out on the crack- it- myself method... grp crack needs to happen.mikemike (2005-04-28)
Don't think you can use a SF crack that was cracked for another game, to work with SCCT.Many gamedevelopers will for sure use SF 3.x so all we can do is to wait for a group release.
Or you can buy a USB-IDE adapter, but it cost around 3-400 SEK and that's the price for the game *lol*.
But beware - the next game will probably have a "USB-fix"...
Just my oppinion..
EagleSH (2005-04-28)
StarForce haven't USB-FIX. make a 'fix' is impossible.mikemike (2005-04-28)
So if I buy a USB-adapter then I could play all the SF 3.x game I want? Today and "forever"? I think many of us are thinking of buying this USB-adapter but don't know if it's worth the cost due to a possible "usb-fix".But when you say its impossible then maybe its worth the money.
Maybe all games wil be SF protected in the future, or maybe just the "great" games... Ubisoft now.. EA, Sierra, Vivendi, MS, Atari etc. tomorrow?
this adapter is expensive to buy in Sweden, but if anyone know foreign wenshops that ships to sweden, please tell me.
johnnoid (2005-04-28)
I solved the problem with my external dvd and the game works perfect. I am glad that I bought an external USB2 box than the game simply because the box was cheaper than the game. Then it's a piece of hardware that can use whenever I need it and not just another game that most probably I ll finish in 2-3 evenings. So fuck Ubisoft and Starforce....basically the game is cracked since the USB 2 solution is much cheaper than the game. :)GEOwarrior (2005-04-29)
Yes, you are right, F*CK UBISOFT(FRA) andStarVODKA(RUS).
they are BROTHERS.
SPQR3 (2005-04-29)
Fuck only Starforce, Ubisoft is goood. :Ddhakbar (2005-04-29)
DrNic: You, sir, are a retard.Garkan (2005-04-29)
Read previous comments, dumbass.Pasta-Man (2005-04-29)
Hey, have you noticed that all scct you see out on tbp and places like that and also serialspages, there always the same cdkey... :-Owhy?! are there really one cdkey?
b3n (2005-04-29)
When SC tells you you got the wrong serial, it means the starforce check failed for the key you have got, even if the key is right it will still produce this error if the starforce check fails for instance if you downloaded and emulated/burnt the game.There is probably only one serial cos only one guy wanted his to be blacklisted.
NeoZ1 (2005-04-30)
V fan hjälp till och hitta crackar! gå och sök på nå jävla sidor och kolla om dom har nå crackar. Hjälp till lite :) ( om ni inte gör det.)Reaction_now (2005-04-30) (2005-04-30)
Hi! i have a problemI har burned and installed the game from my Usb 2.0 drive.
I used starf*** to patch blacklist and disable cd-drives.
the game worked perfectly. But now after a simple restart of the machine, the game doesn't work. I am told the my key does not match the cd in the drive.
What am i doing wrong ?
ronso90 (2005-04-30)
I don't get it to work :S The key is not fitting to the cdI have tried Alcohol 120% and SF Nightmare. Can anyone help me? plz?
witchdocter (2005-04-30)
to nobodyafter you have restarted your machine you must run starforce nightmare again to turn of you cd's..
hmhkamilo (2005-04-30)
hey tnks 4 uploadin this game but i wanna ask somthin how do i activate the game i can deal with the emulation but still i need an activation code to play the game if u can find it plz ?GEOwarrior (2005-04-30)
yes, my adress is UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.Let see why will F**K another.
husky913 (2005-04-30)
you can get a usb to ide adapter in denmark for 200 danish kroner. about half of the price for the game. and it might be used for other games in the futuren0b0dy (2005-04-30) this is that I found out. It's not because of the restarting of my machine that I can't play the game. After a complete reinstall of the game I found out that I can only start the game 1 time. after exiting the game I can't get into the game again. So this time I havn't restartet or anyting else. Just exit the game and try to enter the game again.crappy starforce....
Darthalon (2005-04-30)
this sucks naybe i just buy the game!i think that they dont even try to do any cracks
Ms.Viktoria (2005-05-01)
OMG Can people stop post earn money stuff?GET A REAL JOB!
dr0wnage (2005-05-01)
I had to create an account just so I could post here and let you know that you guys are the biggest idiots on the entire internet. LMAO you fools keep downloading this even though there is no way to get it to work without using the USB method. Morons like DrNic asking for key generators, all you idiots asking for a working key like that is the reason it isnt working. Christ you people are god damned stupid. You should kill yourselves, you morons.dr0wnage (2005-05-01)
By hmhkamilo at 2005-04-29 22:22:23 GMThey tnks 4 uploadin this game but i wanna ask somthin how do i activate the game i can deal with the emulation but still i need an activation code to play the game if u can find it plz ?
^^^ a god damned idiot.
everytime someone makes a stupid post in here I am going to do this.
And shame on PirateBay for letting this torrent stay up here. Retards just download it without realizing it won't work without using the USB method. idiots.
dr0wnage (2005-05-01)
"By ronso90 at 2005-04-29 21:44:40 GMTI don't get it to work :S The key is not fitting to the cd
I have tried Alcohol 120% and SF Nightmare. Can anyone help me? plz?
a god damned idiot. HEY MORON IT DOESNT WORK. You retard.
GEOwarrior (2005-05-01)
guys , take it easy, ALL CD IMAGES just works for USBDVD's YET, i don't know after. Crack doesn't comed out
YET too, but i hope VERY SOON we will MAKE them.
Until it just watch the news.
Robin80 (2005-05-01)
Vafan sämsta crack jag har sätt, jag gör som det står det kommer bara error stoppa skivan in i dvd rom... Gör en bättre crack man ska göra tusen grejer för att starta ett skit spel... Driver ni med folk eller? skitiga ryss program man ska ladda ner de bara skit...Robin80 (2005-05-01)
Vafan sämsta crack jag har sätt, jag gör som det står det kommer bara error stoppa skivan in i dvd rom... Gör en bättre crack man ska göra tusen grejer för att starta ett skit spel... Driver ni med folk eller? skitiga ryss program man ska ladda ner de bara skittttt.Robin80 (2005-05-01)
Vafan sämsta crack jag har sätt, jag gör som det står det kommer bara error stoppa skivan in i dvd rom... Gör en bättre crack man ska göra tusen grejer för att starta ett skit spel... Driver ni med folk eller? skitiga ryss program man ska ladda ner de bara skit... kom på nåt bättre crack... har nån bättre crack?TranceAzZ (2005-05-01)
[quote=dr0wnage]I had to create an account just so I could post here and let you know that you guys are the biggest idiots on the entire internet. LMAO you fools keep downloading this even though there is no way to get it to work without using the USB method. Morons like DrNic asking for key generators, all you idiots asking for a working key like that is the reason it isnt working. Christ you people are god damned stupid. You should kill yourselves, you morons.[/quote]
clooak (2005-05-01)
cant find any crack tell me where i can find it and a cdkeyjackderip (2005-05-01)
hur fan crackar man ett spel pleeez help pleeezzzzztamagami (2005-05-01)
DAH,there IS no crack, workaround or prayer that will get this game working for you anymore.
wait for a couple of months and maybe someone will release something, but don't hold your breath, now, don't post the same questions over and over.. please!
Darthalon (2005-05-01)
ei ole kaikki kohdallaan... crackJiVeMaN (2005-05-01)
Det e Ganska Grymt i LAN!JiVeMaN (2005-05-01)
Det funkar iallafall Online för mig :)maple_leaf (2005-05-01)
åh, HÆLLVETTE!er det noen som GREIER å få til detta? sitter fyllesjuk som f, å vil spille!
cmon cmon u can do it!
maple_leaf (2005-05-01)
and for all you dumb fucks that dont understand norwegian:Im hungover as Fuck, and all i wanna do is to ease my pain by escaping into sam's wild adventures in splinter cell:)
kick someone in the ass and make them make a crack or somethin'!
JiVeMaN (2005-05-01)
Anyone who have downloaded this game can play it at LAN without Crack or Cd-key... Just so you knowmito2005 (2005-05-01)
what the fuck is the problem with these spammers?Tonyrw22 (2005-05-01)
we don't want to make money assholes , we just pirate everything :Dsargon3 (2005-05-01)
You stupid asholes that keep telling us about how to make money. go fuck yourself and keep the lines freeDarthalon (2005-05-02)
maybe you just make that crack please :P..-_-/../
maple_leaf (2005-05-02)
if i could make the crack myselv, then i wouldnt be sitting around here bitchin' now would i?Xdream (2005-05-02)
Men sluta säga "KÖP SPELET" FFS!! Ingen är här för att köpa nåt!noobidoo (2005-05-02)
Titta där
Darthalon (2005-05-02)
Play Instructions:Install the game - Full Installation.
Disable any CD-ROM/Writers and/or DVD-ROM/Writers using StarForce Nightmare.
Mount the SCCT.MDS CD-Image in Daemon Tools v3.47 or the latest Alcohol 120%.
Play the Game!
this were in gamecopy world maybe that works?
or maybe not... ..-.-/../
Talkabout (2005-05-02)
Well I don't think there's a way to get it to work without usb 2.0 drive, or are you the only one person who knows how to do it. I haven't found anything on the inet. I think if there would be something like that, pages like gamecopyworld would already describe how to do it.Darthalon (2005-05-03) please crack this thing ..-.-/../SGTpw (2005-05-03)
DrNic you are really pathetic. Your frustration is so big, you really think there are retarded people here who believe your childish bullshit. Go buy some candy dude.hmhkamilo (2005-05-03)
hey guys i got it with enabeling the emulation options try them it might work i didnt get wich ones but try then when it works i ll tell u whick tnx allmaple_leaf (2005-05-03)
hehe SGTpwwell said!
run and suck on yo mommas tit!
johnnoid (2005-05-03)
Just go and buy an external USB 2 box...It costs around 20-25 USD and that's it...Cheaper than the game or less blowjobs to dymphie :)Darthalon (2005-05-03)
how that usb cable work?Darthalon (2005-05-04)
if that crack isent out in next week i will buy that game... how sadhusky913 (2005-05-04)
well after countless tries it finally worked. i have tried most anything. and only one thing works. usb drive. installed my dvd-rom in an external usb drive box, and presto. one working version of splinter cell. it appears that nothing else works, including all the socalled cracks out people. get a usb box, or buy the game. it seems to be the only options.
hmhkamilo (2005-05-04) (2005-05-04)
This is my second attempt to post!!Has anybody tried mounting the mini image in a ram drive?
szapeboy (2005-05-04)
The ramdrive method doesn't work.Darthalon (2005-05-04)
damn i am going to france and i cant buy this game after my vacation i will come and buy this game if there is no crack till thatPippen (2005-05-04)
Let me see if I understand you right. You're complaining because the game developers made the game protection so effective it's almost impossible(?) to crack, so that you cannot (illegaly) download the game and (illegaly) play it!? What the fuck!? I mean, I too download a lot of illegal stuff, but that's normally when I can't get my hands on a legal copy because the local shops don't sell the things I'm after... Mostly anime and other rather "unkwown" games. But when someone makes sure that noone can crack their product. you go mad!? What is wrong with you guys!? Buy the fucking game and shut up!Pyr0 (2005-05-04)
i HAVE a retail version, yes i went out and bought the game.i just want to be able to play without my original disc
vampthevamp (2005-05-04)
Master_c3 wrote:"Hur får man igång spelet? Det står "Error. Insert the Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory PC DVD disc to another drive then press "Retry". Vad ska kag göra?"
Haha, im dying of laughter! There´s 1200+ posts about this not working, and that it will only work with an USB drive, and youve missed it? Are you stupid or what?
Please people, read the previous posts before posting anything, its just annoying with the same questions over and over again.
I mean, look at these comments. 1200+ posts, and about 1198 of them ar just full of crap.
We all know that no crack is out, why keep asking?
We all know that it´ll work with an USB drive, and there´s intructions on how do get it work, so why keep asking?
We dont need 1200+ posts for this.
So please, stop being stupid and stop complaining. A crack will come when it comes.
Klorin1 (2005-05-05)
Yep, as others have reported I can confirm that the USB-Drive solution works 100%. I got my drive today, I will not support releases that uses protections like this so I bought an USB external box instead. It was actually cheaper then the game itself and I needed one for other stuff as well. You can put both HD's, cd-rom drives and DVD-drives in it.kokotnik (2005-05-05)
omg you are lameSGTpw (2005-05-06)
master c3 ther are 4 options for you:-playstation2
-Don't use anything technical
i prefer option 4 in your case
atha (2005-05-06)
man how many comments. for nothing. wait for the crack or just read the posts. but, hey! who can read 1200+ posts. i wouldn't. that's for sure. and i wouldn't if this was the best game in whole gameuniverse.cfish78 (2005-05-06)
stop commenting comments about comments. okthx?skybakmoen (2005-05-06)
Now everybody!This game is hard to crack, okey i KNOW! Fuck!
If anybody is so lucky that they manage to crack it, post a freakin' comment! In the meantime, everybody else, just wait! Stop discussing other peoples comments, and go do sports! fucking noobs...
fr33r (2005-05-06)
The 1260+ comments are actually more fun than the game itself :)sami_wh0 (2005-05-07)
seed got damnanelka9 (2005-05-07)
yes 1200+ of worthless claims.The usb drive (external or internal) works only if you 'had' installed the game (original DVD) on the particular operating system/machine before. Using the backup wont be a problem.
But for machines which are totally new to SCCT, the backup isnt gonna work. How do i know this? Proof says it coz none of the solutions here works on almost 18 (counting 2+) PCs i have tried. All with no starforce software inside prior to installation.
Followed strict instructions of how to burn the 'darn' DVD (wasted 32++ counting DVD+Rs) and still none of them work at all. US key/ UK key, US game iso, UK game iso. None of them work. Simple.
EagleSH (2005-05-07)
stupid assholes! work ONLY on USB device.haffamomo (2005-05-07)
it take longer to read the 1200 comments than to finish this game!!!shadowshack (2005-05-08)
Well... You could play the Versus Mode while waiting, because that part isn't protected by starforce...And yeah I know... You need a Online-key to Play over the Internet... But hey, the LAN-Play doesn't need that key... So you people could use that...
And while you're at it, you could also play a bit with GIT :D
(For the NooBz: GIT= Gamer's Internet Tunnel)
kokotnik (2005-05-08)
are there any "NO CD KEY requires" server? Or it is playable only throught internet (official servers ) and lan?BTW: I've been playing throunght internet for a while (at 11 PM) - and it works .. in other time ( a day) you won't be able to play it because there are many users with the same CD -= key .. But if you are lucky you could try it at night ..
Good Luck,
Bruceberry1 (2005-05-08)
JUST BUY IT! I don't work for Ubi or any of that crap but it's only about $40/£30. Besides the game is so short you'll be finished in no time and you'll be over this obsession - I am. Once you have it you'll have all the online and multiplayer crap.I would say its worth the money on acount of the gameplay and graphics but not the length.
alba_92 (2005-05-08)
är det nån som har fått det till att funka?Bruceberry1 (2005-05-08)
By the way... Ubi are probably loving these forums because they are tonnes of free publicity. So if you are really against Ubi then shut up and buy the damned game.oer88 (2005-05-08)
how can I find out if i have an usb drive?!?! :Pshadowshack (2005-05-08)
Hi,With Gamer's Internet Tunnel, you can connect to your buddy's LAN (if set-upped right), so the LAN-play in splinter cell (or other games) can be used to play online
(part of the readme file of GIT:)
How does it work?
GIT puts your ethernet adaptor into promiscuous mode in order to sniff all
ethernet packets and analyze which ones are part of your network game traffic.
GIT then sends these packets to another instance of GIT running on the
opposite LAN, which will receive the packet and broadcast it onto that LAN
as if the two were physically connected.
Only one computer in each LAN needs to be running GIT for the entire LANs to
be linked together.
/End of Quote
So you can at least play with some buddy's... and you don't even have to install the whole thing... just copy the Versus folder to where you want it
You can find the program at :
it can be that the URL is blocked in your HOSTS file, because Norton internet security or Spyware Search and destroy added the url to it... the Kazaa-clone Morpheus was on that site some time ago, so they classified it as bad, and let it stay that way.
Just delete the from your hostfile and you can acces the site.
I got here some forum URL's about Pandora Tomorrow's Versus mode, which work also with the Chaos theory part, only i used a 7770-8888 and a 40000-50000 range at "Forward which TCP/UDP ports" (just to be sure ;) )
I Tested the whole thing, and next to a few seldom crashes (at my side, this PC must be reinstalled at some time. When i used another clean pc, it had no crashes) it works like a charm... Played for several hours with my brother ;)
shadowshack (2005-05-08)
oh yeah...The best version of GIT you can use is the .99 beta 4 version... with the .96 version we couldn't get it running, with the beta we immediately had a connection using the settings described in the forums. You can play with the advanced configuration settings, but do not use Zlib Compression (that doesn't work with it :) ).
Next to that, the networks of your buddy's have to be in the same range for instance 192.168.1.x and they mustn't conflict with other ip-adresses in all networks(Because of the Forward ARP setting).
Darthalon (2005-05-09)
is that usb 2.0 memory stick or what?i looked that in store but i dont know what that is... :P
tell me
Darthalon (2005-05-11)
now i got really question to you guys!i just bought this game from store but it still says mistyped cd key and wrong. i formated my c: (where was my windows xp) so what a HELL i do now
Please Help...
szapeboy (2005-05-11)
darthalon:press shift, double click on the game icon and type in the correct code. That's it!
syse (2005-05-12)
går det att spela med GIT???Var finns det servrar?...
Har aldrig använt GIT så jag vet inte...
Rivel (2005-05-12)
Är det någon som fått igång spelet eller??Min kompis har det till PS2 o säger att det e skitcoolt!
Vill ha detta spel!!
Darthalon (2005-05-13)
Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in/var/tracker/www/include/
on line 16Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in
on line 17Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in
on line 19what is this it comes in piratebay
i bought the game :D and its goood
lanz637 (2005-05-14)
Eureka!I've got it!
Just download xfire from and launch it from this gaming tool.
It will bypass all the starforce 3 defenses and get you to the game.
I'm almost done with the training part.
This game rocks!
Judas Priest still rocks!
pertSK (2005-05-14)
By lanz637 at 2005-05-14 03:44:31 GMTEureka!
I've got it!
Just download xfire from and launch it from this gaming tool.
It will bypass all the starforce 3 defenses and get you to the game.
I'm almost done with the training part.
This game rocks!
:(Bruceberry1 (2005-05-14)
"Eureka!I've got it!
Just download xfire from and launch it from this gaming tool.
It will bypass all the starforce 3 defenses and get you to the game.
I'm almost done with the training part.
This game rocks!"
"I'm almost done with the training part."
There isn't a training part of the game. Are you sure you aren't on the multiplayer because that has a training part but nit doesn't require the CD.
Lecza (2005-05-14)
can you tell the cd-key plz? i would like to play thisshadowshack (2005-05-14)
Hi, Me again...I discovered an easy way to make sure you don't conflict with your buddy's networks in Windows XP.
Let's say the buddy who hosts a session is on a 10.0.0.x network, and you are in a 192.168.1.x network...
Go to the settings of your network adapter, and select tcp/ip and then properties, then select alternative configuration and there you have to put an ip-adress like, with a submask of
This will give your network adapter your normal ip, AND the ip.
(this trick is also usefull when you are directly linked to the internet)
When you've done with that, go into GIT's advanced configuration, and fill in the selected 10.0.0.x ip in "Alter IP source (for NAT)" as the From Hostname(Internal), and fill in your external ip (the one you got from your ISP) into the "To Hostname (external)".
it works off course the other way round too (buddy 192.168.1.x, you 10.0.0.x) just as long you make sure nobody else got the same ip-adress
I maybe would post a torrent with the GIT application, plus a standard configuration for use with Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Versus Mode, but only if you guys want to...
shadowshack (2005-05-14)
Allready posted it... look to it, download it, and have fun ;)Greetz,
kokotnik (2005-05-15)
still no motherfucking crack...timpan14 (2005-05-15)
Hej jag behöver hjälp. nu har jag laddat klart spelet som tog 3-4 dar. Men hur får man de att funka. om jag går in på: mina dokument å klickar på SCCT så kommer de bara upp massa parts. typ part 1 part 2 å enda till part 54. d.v.s. att de är 54 ikoner oxå. så hur faan gör jag för å spela de?JARX (2005-05-15)
zipa up det www.ultmatezip.comoch zipa upp fil ett ,sen kan du instalera det, fast sen måste
du deactivata satrforce tror jag, men det vet inte jag hur man gör, så om du vet hur man gör så säg gärna till mig
Freestuff (2005-05-16)
Now even i bought this game, only 249kr (34$) :Ptor88fg (2005-05-17)
Where did you bought it that cheap?Brottsta (2005-05-17)
does anyone know where i can find a crack to this game!?Freestuff (2005-05-17)
tor88fg: PC City, ny butik som hittills bara finns i Sthlm och Jönköping ;)tor88fg (2005-05-17)
Freestuff: Ok.. Synd de.. Jag får la hitta det på annat ställe då.. Om det inte kommer ett crack snart. Något säger mig att ubi har tjänat rätt mycket mer på dett spelet än vanligt..//Knopig!
affe889 (2005-05-18)
ngn som vet hur den jäkla cracken funkar?xidex (2005-05-19)
WTFryan17 (2005-05-19)
Does anyone know where i can find my Serial key ? or how i can get one , i dwld the game its finsihed i just need the cd key ... is it in a game file??delosanto (2005-05-20)
works on my sony usb 2.0 external dvd burner! no need for starfuck or anything else.. i destroyed about 5 different dvd discs before successfully burned the game.. burning speed 1x.. RMPS enabled.. daemon tools enabled.. alcohol emulation enabled.. all game patches installed.. works great now.. one more thing.. i used sony dvd-r ... damn im so fookin happy :)leonardo1985 (2005-05-20)
well i bought it today for 79.90zl [less than 25$]delosanto (2005-05-20)
im sure im gonna get it free next year when i upgrade my videocard.. heheSevX1 (2005-05-23)
wtf 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F dosent even work :STomtenizze (2005-05-24)
No crack yet ??Damn...
pertSK (2005-05-25)
as moby sing:"Player talking, take us so far, take us so far,..."
and i say:
"and we are wainting, take it long time, take it long time,..."
i wanna play :(
Gabry (2005-05-25)
I'm waiting for crack too but now i think that a crack never will be out....Reloaded or anything else game releaser aren't so good cracker indeed...
Xarko (2005-06-03)
i just can't stand having starforce installed om my computer! i rather open my firewall and post my admin rights on this forum! sadly silent hunter 3 is a really really good game. if it was sold as a downloadable in sweden i'd be thrilled (since then i guess starforce can't be included?)i never got hooked on splinter 1 so this one i can live without at least
redmohican (2005-06-05)
still waiting for the crack to be crack no downloadHolabadola (2005-06-06)
We can't let big industries take over with their corrupt minds, crack this game or all will be over! :)jocketheking (2005-06-10)
har någon fått detta spel att funka!? hur gör man??Sayun (2005-06-12)
There isn't any cracks for StarForce protected games yet, as far as I know. You'll have to burn a 1:1 copy of the original CD or use Starforce Nightmare and mount the crack image.iky (2005-06-15)
some1 send me a serial coz the 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7F serial dont work it jus loads for a long time and dont do shit so some1 please help me email me at [email protected] pleasee i really wana play this gameCh!MæRa (2005-06-17)
I know all you guys want to play this game. I also wanted to, but the point is, this game has Starforce 3 protection, and, it's quiet a lot of work to make an working crack and key. So, the thing I did, was buying it in the store. I know this is stupid, but when you bought it, it feels really good, because you have a lot more options enabled. So, all the people who want this game, buy it in the store, it's really worth it! Or you can wait till someone cracked it...franchy (2005-06-17)
Man I still can't this game working. Have people really been able to play this downloaded version.Don't wanna have to buy it especially since it has StarFuck!! It costs like 550baht here, that's like almost $14USD!!!
KeelMan (2005-06-19)
ban people like HWiZaRdwho spam or look for the fast money!!
m-momr (2005-06-20)
WHERE DO I FIND A CRACK THAT WORKS?lancers815 (2005-06-23)
every post your code so taht way everyone can get fast cash and could somoen tell me where my code is for a friend cause i cant find it.AntonB (2005-06-24)
kan någon hjälpa mig med att få igång skitenSNÄLLA
AntonB (2005-06-25)
please help me with thisshit
DazedAndConfused (2005-07-08)
Unusable due to starforce, I spent a long time trying to find a crack but they're all so complicated and involve things like disabling your CD/DVD drives and arent really worth it.chain-gang23 (2005-07-22)
Heres the crack..if you want it..!!!>>>
haggerd182 (2005-07-27)
Should be 8 hours till I write a detailed guide to get this working. I'm getting best speeds with 19Kb/s up and max up set to 21.blaze7 (2005-07-28)
New Daemon Tools release early August. In this new release are many surprises! Backups driving you mad? Well they won't soon!nicke1991 (2005-08-02)
thanks blaze7Frimer (2005-08-04)
I don't get this one work =/ blaze7 when shall you write the guide to get it working?Gyokuran (2005-08-05)
blaze7, your alcohol trick doesn't work either. Even if it's combined with sfnightmare.Have you actually tried this ?
Noooua (2005-08-06)
would you be so nice that "give" me some seeds??? :) please! thanks!biggie18 (2005-08-07)
we have to deal with the starforce or else we have to buy the games in the future..I HATE STARFORCE we have to get rid of it!zanggg (2005-08-07)
Don't worry about StarForce, the DT4 will take care of it when it's released in a week or 2.biggie18 (2005-08-07)
zanggg:is it better than the worthless startfuck we have now?zanggg (2005-08-07)
It'll get around any current Starforce protections... so yes :)Tomtenizze (2005-08-08)
Is there any cracks yet? =)biggie18 (2005-08-08)
good! because the current starfuck when u have to disable cdroms and shit dossent work!!mad000 (2005-08-08)
i downloaded splinter cell chaos theory and installed it, but then it wanted a disc key, so i downloaded it from somewhere. It keeps telling me that it's the wrong key even though all the keys i've searched are the same. What do i have to dodeanfowkes (2006-01-04)
Stop the cocksucking please.ogUr (2006-01-07)
How to play SCCT: 1. Download this image. 2. Instal the game (next reboot etc.). 3. Unplug cddvd-drives. 4. Instal ONLY USAmerican 1.05 Patch. 5. Download other mds file (38322 bytes) from torrent. 6 Use 2Q4PLS4YXNQSULHVR53SSNH7F. 7 PLAY!ghost_2dark (2006-01-08)
those who have a nforce 3 motherboard are lucky {myself included :)} once the game instaled mount it with dt 4 (all emulation on) and just use starforce nightmare to disable secondary master (or on whatever is the dvd/cd/writer/rom) and play!!!!no removing of ide cable required
MichaelCorleone (2006-01-20)
How come there still is no working crack for this? Prince of Persia (made by the same come as Splinter Cell - UBISOFT) has a working crack. How long until it becomes available?The_Techno_Lover (2006-01-22)
WTF n00bzhm ? o have same problem with my PoP T2T
1.but if you use the deamon tools 4.00 deamon tools 4.00 on google
dowload... 3.but don't be angry if is not work...
and 4. install this game with deamon tools 4.00
...5. and i think it's need a crack too... but don't be angry if is not works
Hednoize (2006-01-28)
I mounted with daemontools, quit daemon tools, rebooted to bios, disabled secondary IDE controller (just disabling the cdrom should do fine too), booted up windows, started the game. It did'nt work the first few times, then it started working everytime I launch. Have not tried multiplayer yet though.Bloodwolf808 (2006-01-31)
help please!!! I burnt this onto a DVD instead of mounting. Then It checks the disk and it passes then when i put in the cd key provided it scans it for a while and it says error with the cd key... Please help =)!Hednoize (2006-02-01)
I did almost* same as ogUr who commented just before me. I can run singleplayer and versus. Coop does not work.*instead of dissconnecting cdrom i disabled it in my bios
YAC3K (2006-02-01)
all you need to do is instal ( demon 4)...unplug cddvdrw drives...and enter cd key GQAKD-SGHKD-XUYLE-M2A8G-7JMAW it is a good serial for thic mds and mdf files but eventually you need to enter it 5 6 times or it could just work imidiately(sory for my english)EnjoY...>>>
acefecoo (2006-02-02)
it's not workingand it's never will
HitmanJustin (2006-02-16)
ill seed after im done for about a week or so, just bought a new modem the old one got water in it somehow...Evil Nemesis (2006-02-20)
I can give u guys working mini image with serial number but all I need a 100$. Don't think I'm joking I'm damn serious.Baltimore Dank (2006-02-24)
fail on cracking....and gj on protection...unhooking my drives or disabling drives in my bios; i'm not that motivated...serious hassle....calling on serious crackers to get this crackalating....Arkinos (2006-02-25)
i would be really greatfull if you guys could seed a little. that would be good :)Gammazoni (2006-03-01)
Well, I have downloaded this game in US version but it doesn't work. Now I downloading next 4,15 Gig. I have found on (like an cd-key (from photo) to this version. ITS ORIGINAL, but I'm not sure that it will works:ML8FC-L54JW-DZFZX-QBUKY-CWTCM
but I'm not sure that was 'U' or 'V'...
SmoothCriminal_ (2006-03-05)
I has unplug my cd drives but game dont work. It say "The disc key entered does not correspond to the disc in the drive. Make sure you use the correct disc key." What i need to do? Can someone help me? (Sory my bad english) Ps. My serial is 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7Fx-z3r0 (2006-03-12)
It's work for me now =DHugo hagman (2006-04-18)
I can help everyone with get this game working. But online if u wanna play coop with me over hamachi :Digorsss (2006-04-25)
hi.I also can't play the game.
I downloded the game from here:
but it not work, if someone know how to fix this problem for this game, from where i downlodad it or from this torrent that will talk with me in my ICQ: 237759716.
floyd2 (2006-06-07)
seedCooliz (2006-06-23)
Ladda inte ner detta!!!!Fejk alltihop, inget funkar!
JakorDratic (2007-05-11)
Will someone please explain to me how to use this? Do I just download burn n' play? Or do I have to use 120% Alchohol to mount it? I am simply downloading this because my old disc is scratched to hell and I don't want to buy something I already own. And I will seed if someone helps me, provided they explain how to seed. Do you just leave it own Bittorrent?FadeofShadows (2008-02-06)
Just to be sure, this is the American version of Chaos Theory, correct?I've been trying to "LAN" through Hamachi with my friend, but I have a European version and he has the American one. It doesn't want to find our games. Theres no problem with Hamachi, we can connect to anything else just fine, so I'm assuming the American and European versions can't intertwine.
Thus my second question, if this isn't the American version, can somebody point me in the right direction? I've been searching for about a week now.
Also, I hope I can connect. It's been 10 minutes (Yes, I'm impatient :P) and I've got nothing. I'll leave it on and see what happens, but I don't wanna be waiting for another week just to play COOP with my friend.
You'd think it would be a matter of me ripping the image from his DVD, but he's 4 hours away. It's not happening any time soon...
FadeofShadows (2008-02-06)
In reply to JakorDratic, I've personally forgot the step by step instructions on how to get this to work, but for starters, I wouldn't burn the image. I'd mount it with Daemon-Tools. If you don't know what it is, just google it.Also, your going to have to use StarFucker or Starforce Nightmare to deactivate some things. I think it's supposed to deactivate your secondary IDE drives or something. Maybe it was primary. Whatever. I'll post again once I've got the game and figured it out.
After 25 minutes I'm going a steady 20 bites per second. XD