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2008-01-10 (by Pornek )


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(c) WoltLab GmbH ?? ??? ????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ????? ???? ?? ? ???????? Release Infomation ??? ? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ? ???? Supplied by : TEAM GYSN ???? ? ?????? ?? ?? Nullified by : TEAM GYSN ?? ?? ??? ???? Packaged by : TEAM GYSN ???? ??? ???????? ???????? ??????? Release Date : 11/24/2007 ??????? ????????? Disk / Size : 01x3.00MB ????????? ???? ?? Script Genre : Forum System ?? ???? ???? ???? Script Type : PHP/MySQL ???? ???? ???? ? ???? OS / Version : Unix, Linux, WinALL ???? ? ???? ???? ? ??? Protection : strange stuff! ??? ? ???? ????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ???????? Overview ??? ??? ?????? ??????? ??? ??? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ??? ? THiS MULTi-LANGUAGE RELEASE ? ??? ??? ? CONTAiNS THE FOLLOWiNG LANGUAGES: ? ??? ??? ? - GERMAN - ENGLiSH - iTALiAN - ? ??? ??? ? - TURKiSH - FRENCH - ? ??? ??? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ??? ??? ??? The next generation of the discussion ??? ??? board software Burning Board is ??? ??? unveiled and can be purchased now! The ??? ??? new version sets several new standards ??? ??? and distinguish itself by a modern and ??? ??? secure technical implementation as well ??? ??? as a user-friendly user interface. ??? ??? ??? ??? WoltLab Community Framework ??? ??? ??? ??? The backbone for Burning Board 3 will ??? ??? be WoltLab Community Framework (WCF). ??? ??? The framework will be the basis for all ??? ??? future products from WoltLab in the ??? ??? area of community development. It is ??? ??? completely object orientated ??? ??? programming using PHP5, and includes ??? ??? support for module packages. The first ??? ??? product to make use of these functions ??? ??? will be Burning Board 3. The forum ??? ??? software will be comprised of smaller ??? ??? packages to be able to integrate into ??? ??? other programs at a later stage. ??? ??? ??? ??? WCF will have a function that can run ??? ??? automatic updates of installed ??? ??? packages. Included is a process to ??? ??? update installed packages / modules ??? ??? from the originator (e.g. WoltLab) into ??? ??? the package database, thus creating a ??? ??? live update system for future versions. ??? ??? You will be able to have update ??? ??? packages automatically download and ??? ??? install. It will also be possible to ??? ??? manually search for updates and install ??? ??? individual packages / updates. A larger ??? ??? selected package will automatically ??? ??? download and install any smaller ??? ??? packages that it requires in order to ??? ??? function. You will be able to ??? ??? individually uninstall any particular ??? ??? package, so long as it is not in use by ??? ??? another larger package, commonly know a ??? ??? "Dependency Packaging" and can be ??? ??? achieved with the click of a mouse button. ??? ??? ??? ??? Documented API and interfaces ??? ??? ??? ??? One of the most important aspects of ??? ??? developing Burning Board 3 is the ??? ??? users' ability to adapt the program to ??? ??? their own specific needs. The forum ??? ??? software has a detailed API ??? ??? documentation and an event interface. ??? ??? This interface allows alterations of ??? ??? the software at basic levels without ??? ??? having to directly alter the source code. ??? ??? ??? ??? A new accessible standard style ??? ??? ??? ??? In the development of Burning Board 3 ??? ??? the coding will have new and improved ??? ??? standards. The HTML edition of the ??? ??? software will contain pure semantic ??? ??? source code. The design will be created ??? ??? completely by using CSS, overcoming ??? ??? previous restrictions imposed by styles ??? ??? that have been coded in other ways. ??? ??? Through CSS modification, users are ??? ??? provided with extreme control over the ??? ??? visual aspect of their forum. More ??? ??? changes will be possible without any ??? ??? template modification. As a result of ??? ??? the new coding style, a completely new ??? ??? standard style will be developed. Among ??? ??? these changes will be simplifying ??? ??? certain areas of the user interface. ??? ??? Hopefully this will make using the ??? ??? forum easier, especially for new and ??? ??? inexperienced users. ??? ??? ??? ??? Use of standards ??? ??? ??? ??? The forum software will naturally use ??? ??? templates for the HTML edition. The ??? ??? template engine used will already be ??? ??? included into the Community Framework. ??? ??? We have decided to use an engine based ??? ??? on that of Smarty. Smarty already ??? ??? offers a number of reliable programs ??? ??? and is a known developer within the ??? ??? community. ??? ??? ??? ??? With Burning Board 3 we want to ??? ??? continue supporting the use of ??? ??? standards that have been set for such ??? ??? development. In addition to XHTML and ??? ??? CSS, we will aim to import and export ??? ??? data using XML. ??? ??? ??? ??? Through better use of caching, Burning ??? ??? Board 3 will drastically reduce the ??? ??? number of database queries used. The ??? ??? start page of the forum can be produced ??? ??? in the same time frame as now, but only ??? ??? using 4 queries. Simultaneously the ??? ??? load of a single query would be ??? ??? considerably diminished through the ??? ??? optimization of the database structure. ??? ??? ??? ??? Multi-language support ??? ??? ??? ??? Burning Board can be run with multiple ??? ??? languages. Users may choose a language ??? ??? for writing messages in, or for ??? ??? filtering content. At this time, you ??? ??? can choose three different languages ??? ??? for the user interface (German, ??? ??? English, Italian). Further languages ??? ??? will follow. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???????? Release Notes ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 1. Unpack ??? ??? 2. Read ... ??? ??? 2.1 readme.html -> English ??? ??? 2.2 liesmich.html -> German ??? ??? 3. Enjoy! ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ??? ? GYSN IS A WEB-BASED GROUP AND DOES NOT ? ??? ??? ? ALLOW ANYONE TO REDISTRIBUTE OUR ? ??? ??? ? RELEASES OR ANY PARTS OF THEM ? ??? ???? ??? ? IN THE 0DAY SCENE OR OTHER NETWORKS! ? ??? ???? ??????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ??????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ???????? Group Contact ??? ???? ??? ??? ? ?? ?? ? ??? ???? ???? WebHQ : ???? ???? ??? ?????? E-Mail : [email protected] /* */ ?????? ??? ??? ?? ????? IRC : ask nicely ;) ????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ???????? vBulletin Underground ??? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ??????????? ??????????? ???? ??? ????? ????? Providing the best nulls, hacks, ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? skins and support since 2005! ???? ?? ??? ???????? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ????? Visit: ????? ????? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ???? ???? phx^CiP ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?? ? ? ?? ??? ? ? ? ? ?? ??

Files count:



2.13 Mb




DaversFTW (2008-02-10)

OMMFG...This is SO sweet! Easy to install and works perfect...Thx VERY much!

noerbom (2008-02-20)

Hi DaversFTW! Can you get this to Work ? My installations stops with 67% :-(

Reisti (2008-04-09)

Is this just languages or the whole forum?

DaversFTW (2008-04-25)

Noerbom: Sorry...Didt saw your comment, and I don't think you'll see this :P
And Reisti: Its the whoke forum :)

AlloveR (2009-06-24)

someone seed please!

ThomasSps (2010-01-12)

doesnt work... any help? stucking at packages step
Fatal error: WCF::initDB() [function.require]: Failed opening required ''
in /tmp/acbcc99e_WCF.class.php on line 225