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Empire Total War Special Forces Edition [RIP] by Synergy






Empire Total War [RIP] by Synergy




2009-03-09 (by Shroo)


Control the sea, command great armies, forge a new nation and conquer the globe. Empire: Total War takes the Total War franchise to the 18th Century and the Age of Imperialisma time of near perpetual war. This latest installation in the award-winning, multi-million unit selling Total War franchise introduces a host of revolutionary new features, including true 3D naval combat. RiPPeD: Nothin RiPPeR: Synergy PackeD: Razor1911 Installation: 1. Unrar with 7z or Winrar 2. Run setup.bat 3. Wait 4. Play the game NOTE: The game is still very buggy wait for a proper crack or a fix. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Campaign FIX Empire Total Wardatacampaignsepisodic_1 replace with one provided, this fixes the game crash/bug after ep1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- For map problem on Montreal and Quebec, here is the solution: 1. open the scripting.lua file in datacampaignsepisodic_3 with Notepad search for "shroud_3_hud_gone" (ctrl + f) there are some extra brackets and dashes around here that mess up the coding, all we need to do is remove them, they look like this: --[[ ]]-- The script encased between these brackets is not executed by the game, and often used to disable faulty code in order to debug it. Obviously a scripter forgot to re-activate the code and left the brackets in. After you're done the script should look like this: elseif event_message == 2 then scripting.ShowHUD(false) scripting.game_interface:stop_user_input(true) scripting.game_interface:add_time_trigger("shroud_3_HUD_gone", 1) scripting.game_interface:show_shroud(false) scripting.EnableFeature("list") scripting.HighlightComponent("button_lists", true) save the file after doing this, and redo the last objective that should trigger Montreal and Quebec coming available. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Minimum PC System Requirements: PC Processor Type Intel® processor, AMD processor PC Processor Speed 2GHz PC Operating System Windows XP, Windows Vista PC System Memory 512MB RAM PC Hard Drive Space 10GB SOUND FIX INCLUDED! SOUND FIX INCLUDED!SOUND FIX INCLUDED!SOUND FIX INCLUDED! SOUND FIX INCLUDED!SOUND FIX INCLUDED!SOUND FIX INCLUDED!


  1. Empire Total War

Files count:



7120.17 Mb




 Shroo (2009-03-09)

Have it your way, Here it is.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-09)

I'm sorry but i just can't wait any longer for the Razor 1911 version. It's taking too long. 8GB uploaded, 4GB downloaded. And it's been days!
So i came here. Hope to get some better speeds.
Thanks for the upload.

Rick78 (2009-03-09)

urgh it still has all the bugs ill stick with the copy at the back of my hd and wait for the fix good work tho m8 :)

Rick78 (2009-03-09)

And shroo I'm not having a goo and sorry for the double post but these are the comms u left
@gamesfromtorrentsru I appreciate your work, but I think it was bad idea to put, buggy release..
haven't you just done the same with this up?

 Shroo (2009-03-09)

yeah, I did.. I changed my mind, let em have it...

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-09)

"Have it your way, Here it is."
I think this answers your question Rick78 ;)

Rick78 (2009-03-09)

Like i sed i was not having a go but the game is dead buggy :( i dont think any crack of fix will help it

mutad (2009-03-09)

Finnaly proper realease from Synergy!Hope it will get all the way:)Thanks Synergy,you're the best of all

 Shroo (2009-03-09)

The crack should be here soon, definately someone is working on it.

 Shroo (2009-03-09)

Campaign FIX
Empire Total War\data\campaigns\episodic_1
replace with one provided, this fixes the game crash/bug after ep1

RevolutioNBegiNs (2009-03-11)

I know this won't make leechers seed but...I have to say it...
You idiotic damn selfish suckers!!Go download from other sites,don't use p2p,'cause what you are doing is certainly not sharing!!!!!!!Respect to the 34 seeders(And all of you who will seed after download),and let all the others go to hell.

VivaAmmar (2009-03-13)

Synergy how to apply "Empire : Total War cracked update patch released by RazorDox" on this rip?

BaisIsMe (2009-03-13)

omg help. it crashes during game loader!

BaisIsMe (2009-03-13)

any1 give me full walkthrough?

mustangboy101 (2009-03-13)

Can someone leave me the Serial I need to install?

Nickod777 (2009-03-15)

So does the game work? I just want to know before download

Nickod777 (2009-03-15)

also is there a cd key?

manoj_infos (2009-03-15)

did anybody downloaded n played??????how is it working????sharoo reply plzzzzzzz...........
seed plzzzzz....getting very slow download

RevolutioNBegiNs (2009-03-15)

I 've finished downloaded,unpacking and the game runs smoothly.How ever,it has no sound...I played a tutorial and had no sound.So,where is the "Sound Fix Included"?Thanks for the upload btw.

RevolutioNBegiNs (2009-03-15)

Excuse me for double post.The sound is ok now.I restarted the game and it seems to work.Sorry for plain stupidity.

piratealvhi (2009-03-16)

sound fix if needed

bverwaest (2009-03-16)

hey please people seed, im at 95,6% and my download is at 0,2kb/sec this is ridiculous

Hasselnot94 (2009-03-17)

I can't get this game to start, i think i've installed it and all, but when i try to start the game with shortcut, the screen goes black and a message pops up and says there is a problem and it must be closed...plz help,! i've waited hours for this game..

simen236 (2009-03-18)

anyone knows where to get patch 1 and 2 for this game?

mas111 (2009-03-19)

NICE! thanks man now i can complete the road to independence campaign

Lippern (2009-03-19)

can someone tell me what i can do cause when i start the game there is a messages that says it was a problem and it must be closed

mrComviq (2009-03-19)

I had the same problem, have you installed it on a extended hard-drive? That could be one problem, also make sure you've deleted the demo-version.

SeedTo (2009-03-20)

anyway to get a LAN(network) game going?

robby71a (2009-03-22)

any one else having campaign map problems?

_pirate_007 (2009-03-23)

Hi pls help. I downloaded the torrent and as i wanted to unrar it, the winrar found it damaged.
What have i done wrong? Do you know how can i unrar the downloaded files?

noxion (2009-03-23)

try unraring it again, if it still doesnt work, delete the malfunctioning files and redownload.

noxion (2009-03-23)

sorry, i thought it was .r00 files, a bit harsh to redownload huh...

_pirate_007 (2009-03-23)

thanks for your help but i could solve my problem. i downloaded 7z. The program is great.
thx for the torrent!!

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-24)

pirate 007 you have to associate all your .RAR files with WinRAR. Then extract.

qqq_qqq (2009-03-25)

is it just me or some one els!! this game has a crash!! i klick the game EXE!! i se the cinamatic and all that!! i choose a nation than when i want the game too start the campiang! i klick the button START tha it downloads first but when it is half of the download it just crashes it goes grasy up and down and fast i have waitet about 30 min and stil doesent show the campiangmap!! WHY?? plzz ANSWER!!

Ianp (2009-03-25)

Hi Shroo, you have great rips ,and always seem helful, can you give me a link to some advice please? I usually copy games with Alcohol, but how do rippers like you ,get around the Steam installer? I can copy this game, and FEAR 2, but it still has the rotten Steam setup. Any clues please? (2009-03-27)

I downloaded, unpacked and started the game and it crashes on startup, can someone help me please?

SirDuncalots (2009-03-27)

Hey so im really new to this site and torrents but my torrent is runnign really slow and ive noticed im not really downloading form any peers. can anyone start uploading? i think taht si how it works lol! sry if its not. thank you everyone:) :)

GreenMachine420 (2009-03-27)

is there an actual disk image in this?

L33ch3r1 (2009-04-01)

I've found that I could get Synergy's version working using this crack which fixed the random crashes and the road to independence crashes:

My computer is dual boot xp 32 and vista 64 and initially I couldn't get Empire working on vista 64 as it wouldn't make it past the first splash screen without a crash but it would play in xp 32. Anyway turns out it might be something to do with the bink videos causing the crash and I found updating my ati catalyst software from 9.2 to 9.3 allows you to start and play the game in vista.
With the patch from the link included the game seems to run stable in both vista and xp. I'm not saying there might not be anymore crashes but I've been playing a few days now and haven't seen any.

Ianp (2009-04-03)


tamarslay3 (2009-04-03)

I have a problem when I double click on the game the error says
This application has failed to start because d3dx9_40.dll was not found.
I can I solve this problem please help

L33ch3r1 (2009-04-03)

@ tamarslay3
I am guessing here but I reckon you need to update directx or your graphic card drivers (or both). You can find the directx update in the empire total war directory.

tamarslay3 (2009-04-03)

The directx won't even download

L33ch3r1 (2009-04-04)

If the directx update won't download its probably your firewall/antivirus blocking it and as you haven't got the update I think thats is what is causing the game to crash. Trying altering or disabling your firewall/antivirus temporairly and start the directx update again.

gratefulforthis (2009-04-05)

Buggy as hell...even with the various fixes provided elsewhere.
For's unplayable. But respect to those who bring us these things.

gadwin (2009-04-09)

downloaded been playing for 3 days now 0 crashs or bugs no problems dont know what people are talking about when i read comments time for a computer upgrade people? thanks alot for the upload great game

torrentsfromeu (2009-04-12)

works awesome, but:
the only BAD (HUGE perhaps CELESTIAL) problem of this game are:
-the AI is fucking stupid ( sry for bad language ), it creates big armyes but almost never attacks who ever the wage war with ( i have ~ 200 hours in total playing on campaign with diff countryes, the only actual conquests i saw where :
a) russia conquering krimean region
b) polland getting ass raped by prussia and austria
c) some northern regions of austria getting conquered by polland
d) marocco conquering the barbary states.
-the key to win every battle and conquer the world in this game is to wait untill:
a) u can have a 20x first-second rate ships of the line ( constant repairs refill the crew is needed )
b) u can have 2 armies that u use to destroy any army u find + conquer regions ( ~3 canon/howitzer, 2-4 heave/light horse formations, line infantery to fill the army + 1 genearal )
to keep this all u need to do is to get trade treaty with all the fractions u can ( pay those who won't accept with 10-20-perm land acces ), get protectorates ( they give some gold and ask u nothing, u can do this with most of low fractions ) once u got trade treaties, u need to go to afrika coast and capture the traderoutes, clear pirate fleets that block trade routes, clear all enemy navy that blocks trade routes or your trade ports. by doing this u'll conquer the production of ivory ( both afrika regions will provide u with ivory ), coast of brazil will give u sugar, and east indies will give u spices. just get the ivory market under your control + improve roads + comercial/happyness buildings, keep average tax rates and voila, u'll be able to get nuff money to sustain big armyes and an imba navy.
there are mods, on official forums, but u need to buy the game in order to make'em work. those mods ballance ingame issues, make it more realistic and enhance the AI.
so, if u wanna play this game and have fun while doing it, buy the game or .... buy the game. this rip is awesome, no bugs at all, except retail version bugs ( more like mistakes of creative assembly and sega ). they released a buggy game with a stupid AI, i could ask my mom to conquer the world with any fraction and she would need 1 day to learn how to use the damn mouse and 3 hours to conquer the world.
p.s. ty for the rip and torrent. now i need to buy the game

Don_V_Corleone (2009-04-12)

Iv Downloaded 2 empire rips now but the setup wont work on either of them it loads up to command prompt then says press any key then it says all done and nothing else

tommo8993 (2009-04-17)

you are supposed to extract it to another folder.

Augustoo (2009-04-28)

I have the file, but as soon as im goin to install it, it says that it had stopped working, and then it closes down..
whats the problem?
pls help

Augustoo (2009-04-28)

I have the icon in front of me, but when im opening it to start the install it just says it has stopped working?
what the problem, pls help!

mello06 (2009-05-18)

Do the razor updates work on this version? I'd really hate to have to download another damn version of this game.

DonPatch (2009-05-29)

Thank you so damn much for this!!! Works like a dream! Very few crashes during grand campaign and all you gotta do is save regularly and it seems to not crash I went through a entire game world conquest without a crash thank you so fucking much!! Anyone know how to play this online??? WITHOUT Steam?? or steam crack?? for fucks sake if we could afford to buy it we would lol hope someone replies to this with somethin positive! Want to play this online like a crackhead needs his rock!
Shroo and Synergy THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!! ITS BAD ASS!!!!!!!!!!! =) WORKS PERFECTLY! and im running it on lowest and it still runs like a dream!!!

BHT88 (2009-06-04)

needs to be reset on steam

Reeffer (2009-06-09)

Having problems with campaign map textures. Battles are fine, but the world map textures move around randomly when I scroll around the screen. This leads to bizarre scenes like Britain is half under water with horses travelling through water, and ships that sail through land masses.
I would be grateful if anyone knows what might be causing this and/or knows a fix for this. It's not my graphics cards or settings- tried that. The rest of the game plays fine.

Reeffer (2009-06-10)

Is anyone else having the problem I mentioned or knows what is causing it???? Anyone?

seirei1995 (2009-06-13)

i cant download the episode 1 fix on the link

seirei1995 (2009-06-13)

can someone plz gimmie new link for the episode 1 fix!

Theone09007 (2009-06-20)

hey when i clicked on the setup it gets done in 2 seconds and says enjoy but then nohting happens wat am i doing wrong?

Reeffer (2009-06-21)

Okay, figured my problem out a while ago but forgot to post solution in case someone else had the same problem with textures.
I downloaded the kaOs (5GB) version as I thought it there was something wrong this release (like the dodgy Razor one - don't rush things guys). However I got the same texture problems. So I was wrong.
In the end I simply had to updated my graphics drivers from the Nvidia site. I know what a dumb arse. Been using stock drivers since I got my rig.
Can't fully comment on Synergy release, as I had KaOs installed when I changed drivers. But I'm guessing it is just as good as I could play battles etc. with no crashes. The one difference is the KaOs one is ready to play without the extra fixes.
So if your can't play either release your are:
(1) Doing something wrong during install (which is hard as it's pretty much automatic).
(2) Non-optimised gfx drivers. Update your graphic drivers (if you have Nvidia card(s) this is pretty straight forward on their site + install is auto).
(3) Your computer is a bit dated and may need an overhaul (I've got laptop Nvidia 7950GTXs in sli=1GB - which are old cards now - and 2.66GHz core duo processor, and the game works perfectly- in ultra high settings: no joke!). If you're speced higher than this and have problems it's probably due to drivers, or anti-virus firewall or something like that.
(4) You're jerking off way too much and can't see the wood for the trees. Get out more.
Thanks to the uploader and the scence releasers. Long live the internet and piratebay.
Down with the NWO dark ones.

iwantmyfiftydollars (2009-06-24)


iwantmyfiftydollars (2009-06-24)


aiez08 (2009-07-07)


Derental (2009-07-24)

Hi guys, maybe you said the problem here but i still fix it. I have unrared it and installed and all but when i want to run it, it shows the first thing and then just black screen white screen and problem and i have to close it. Hasselnot94 had the same problem and i rly dont have any dome or some else but i still cant run it. Pls for any help, thx :)

Amenbrick (2009-07-31)

Will someone actually answer the 'Empire needs to close down' problem that a million people including me have come across?
I have downloaded into another folder and I not got the demo on my computer. Come on guys, answer me. It'll save me a lot of concussion from my head hitting the table.

Amenbrick (2009-07-31)

Applied the bug fix file found here. No luck. Please help.
getting this report:
AppName: empire.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.3520 Offset: 000294e7

Amenbrick (2009-07-31)

And also updated my drivers. still zilch. No help anyone?

broozteer (2009-08-08)

I also have the same problems as pretty much everyone else has, When i start the nothing happens can anyone plz help out i mean come on so many have complained about this problem and another thing wtf is that link to how do you use it
i would really appritiate if anyone could help out

Mesko2 (2009-09-08)

I can't install this game!
I open it with WinRar and it says file is damaged!

smokeimixgod (2009-10-04)

synergy you son of a bitch! i did run the setup and then... nothing happens..

kokoJocx (2009-11-03)

it crashes after loading what can i do about t?

Brishow (2009-11-24)

the game works fine! thx bro but is there a way to play online??

Brishow (2009-11-24)

ok ill tell everybody the way to make it work
1.) when download is finished make a file on desktop name it watever then open containing folder and right click on the winrar file labeled Empire total war go to extract file to the folder on your desktop
2.) once extracting is finished double click on the setup bat and let the game install icon will apear on desktop
3.) open game from icon and have fun :) hope this helps

29385729-Unknown (2009-12-06)

PERFECT. Nice Work. Very Nice.
** Acer Aspire 6930
** Intel Core?2 Duo Processor T5800 (2MB L2 cache, 2.0GHz, 800MHz FSB)
** Mobile Intel GM45 Express Chipset
** 3GB DDR2 667Mhz SDRAM
** Integrated Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD
Running Smooth, Low Settings, Very Nice Game.
Thank You Synergy, Have a Pleasant Holiday.
Flawless. Perfect Rip. TNX. +1
~ Ace

mathyous (2009-12-22)

Long live the seeders..when I complete I will seed...This game is a total beast. I've played it at my friends is SO FUCKING EPIC! I have been a long time Total War fan and this just takes the cake. Also Shroo thank you for the simple upload. I, being an experienced torrent-goer, know how to mount and unzip and unrar and such, but you certainly kept it extremely streamlined, props to you mate! LLS! (long live the seeders)

JrvUnleashed (2009-12-23)

Dude, your link to the episodic 1 fix doesn't work. It just links me to the front page of the file sharing site. Can you upload to a site that doesn't force you to pay?

robby71a (2010-01-01)

the CTDs that happen in-game are not caused by the download...they are caused by the shoody work that CA put into the game.

WIbigdog (2010-01-04)

So this game runs pretty good with those? I've got the same graphics driver, a gig more of ram, and a T6600 2.2Ghz core2 Duo, so it should run ok...that's great news!
Hey, if you guys want something to speed up your games, for the more low-end computers, try This is not an ad, I'm not associated with them, but it shuts down all the background crap windows does and frees up almost a half gig of ram...a very useful program!

BraveheartJMB (2010-01-29)

It says that the files are corrupt -.-

snappwogg (2010-02-07)

i downloaded the torrent, i extracted the file, but when you say to click on the startup.bat file i can not find it. All i see is a folder named dream and from there it takes me to a folder named CRACK and Original Files with a READ ME FIRST txt file. I know what all the files mean and i know what all of the files do, i am just confused on how to do the startup.bat file thing. can someone please help?! Its probly right in front of me but i cant find anything called a startup.bat file! I am very experienced with computers and computer terms, but i am relatively new to the torrent thing. PLEASE HELP!!! and thx in advance.

snappwogg (2010-02-08)

So pretty much i am asking... Where is the startup.bat file?

person117 (2010-02-14)

whenever i start a battle i just get a blank white screen and i have to shut down. nay solutions?

akastoppable (2010-02-24)

alright i created an account here to just say this because i really really wanted because after trying the other downloads for the empire i have to say that this is genuine i installed following the directions and the game worked! i'm so happy and excited i mean also the amount disk space is under 7 gigs compared to others running at 12 to 14 gigs i gotta say thank Shroo and Synergy you guys are the best folks in the world for doing this and this game f-ing rocks!! and fuck you steam for getting involved with Total war coming packaged with the game which i did buy btw bothered me so much i wanted to have a torrent copy. also this upload does work just adjust your graphics card or your too stupid to install it and get it right.. again thanks shroo and Synergy u guys are Gods!

DragonF.C.Porto (2010-03-20)

Thanks, again..

sukarestu (2010-04-01)

Those seeders... are rather weak
My download speed had an average of 90 mb/s
upload was half of that
Right now its an estimated 4-5 hours till im done
Sure i can wait but its been close a whole day, quite a pity to what i've seen in here
Thanks either ways
It is after all a great game

bazzilen (2010-04-03)

Hi nice torrent
But i cant enter the game just pop up... Game has stop working...
What to do?

bazzilen (2010-04-03)

Pleas help me! whene i try to launch the game it goes 5 seconds and it just pop up.. "Empire Total war has stopped working bla bla bla"
I have an
Acer Aspire 5720ZG
2gb DDR
1024mb Nvidia GeForce..
Is my computer to bad?
I can play Call Of Juraz Bound in Blood!

scottyboi12 (2010-09-06)

Great torrent. But Please repost the campaign fix other link does not work.

termite43 (2010-09-29)

Win 7 x64 3.4GHz AMD quad
Games crashes at boot. People says this works flawlessly? Liars. Or maybe I should get a less powerful computer - yeah that's it, my computer has too much power to play this game.

termite43 (2010-09-29)

Oh, Win7 is the problem. I should use buggy Vista for this buggy rip and THEN it will work flawlessly.

mcordell (2010-10-08)

How 'bout you guys stop being selfish, jew, bitches and seed?

1409 (2011-01-12)

Can someone help me with how to get multiplayer working? It says to have stem pulled up, but I launch Steam and logged in and it still said the same thing. Is multiplayer availible on this? Please someone, help!

gauravkhandwe (2011-02-02)

Hey man its show error like don't send that old one error what? should i do man help he out someone

gauravkhandwe (2011-02-02)

I have installed the game and after installing the game when i start the game after passing the logo image the white screen comes and show error like this Empire.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
What should i do now help me out guys someone

mannyxz (2011-02-02)

Hey can u upload a medieval 2 total war rip too? really like your games, saved me hundreds ^.^

gauravkhandwe (2011-02-03)

help me guyzzzz

matty2194 (2011-02-15)

Whats going on ONLY 16 SEEDS im downloading this at 30-40 kb/s come on people seed this game dont be so selfish and get the game without seeding it after. Once this has finally finished downloading im gonna seed for about 1-2 weeks just for other people.

gauravkhandwe (2011-02-16)

I have finally solved the problem the white screen problem just clear u r hard disk to 15 GB the will play very smothly

gauravkhandwe (2011-02-16)

Thanks Shroo and Synergy ur God the Saveer

Maxpheus (2011-02-28)

My game crashes when i'm loading a game... Any advice how to fix it? It worked perfect the last three days, but now I don't what the fuck happened... Please reply as quick as you can, I must play this awesome game.

sgt_oreoz (2011-03-05)

I unzip the game and run the setup.bat, and it brings up the command prompt and the synergy thing and after that does absolutely nothing. Someone please help me.

ellis631 (2011-04-03)

this game is the best of the best but the torrent needs seed...

ellis631 (2011-04-03)

soo when i load the game for example the tutorial when about at the middle in the loading bar it starts going back and forth and nothing happens nad it continues to do that 4 ever any help please?

banxii (2011-04-09)

each time i try to open link to the campaign fix it just leads me to the website where you upload and wont let me download. help please.

Navitori (2011-04-28)

Would you mind uploading the fix on this site or a free file charing site please. I don't have and don't want to create a Paypal accaount... Don't clamp down on me because of this -_-

mats989 (2011-05-07)

just run the setup.bat, then the synergy thing comes up, then the game should work ;)

skyfleks22 (2011-05-31)

thx sir this torrent works

Xkul (2011-06-03)

lol please seed. thank you Shroo!

Blavorn93 (2011-06-05)

This is a free file sharing site dude. You just download the Torrent and put on to your downloader and hey presto you have the game.

Blavorn93 (2011-06-11)

Hey I have a laptop that wants to play the game. It works and everything but the cutscenes are very very jumpy and don't want to run properly, I'm thinking it's jsut the laptops graphics chip. But if anyone else has had this problem on computers that are better then the game reconmends can you tell me how to fix it please? I have a computer that is better then the game needs if it doesn't work on that I'll need to know how to play it.

Helloww96 (2011-06-26)

Hello, when I try to install it, I push on Setup.bat and it's just showing a screen and after that screen it doesn't happen anything, and i really wanna play this game. Please help me.

Helloww96 (2011-06-26)

And it says 'All, done have fun' how can it be done when it doesnt work???

Helloww96 (2011-06-27)

Hello guys, now I can play Empire! And it runs so fcking good :D thank you Shroo for this upload. But I got one thing that is anoyinng.. "replace with one provided, this fixes the game crash/bug after ep1" what is it im gonna replace? cuz it's there it crashes! :/ so please help me :D

steinc210594 (2011-07-13)

the game crashes after the first battle from road to independence, is it normal?

trojanfootball32 (2011-07-16)

okay when i got to to download the road to independence fix, it just comes up as file droppers homescreen or something, and i dont have a credit card to make an account with them, can someone help me?

trojanfootball32 (2011-07-16) when i go to this page it just goes to can some one help i would really like to play road to independence

Thommie88 (2011-10-06)

hope it will work!!

wirama (2011-10-28)

to all of you who may ask: "is this thing work?"
the answer is" NO!
so gives yourself a time, and find another torrent

Triptroig (2011-10-30)

WTF! i run the Setup after extracting the file "Empire Total War", it does the crazy intro, the command prompt comes up, i hit any key, and then it doesnt work. PLEASE HELP!!

romi0101 (2011-10-30)

I downloaded this torrent and installed it. When i tried to play the game a white screen popped up and about a minute later my computer said: Empire Total War has stopped working. I do not know what the problem is, but i tried for over an hour to fix it. If someone has a solution please post it. Thank you.

romi0101 (2011-10-31)

What is wrong with the mss32.dll file, first it said that the file was not found, now it sais entry point_AIL_sample_volume_pan@12 could not be located in the dynamic link library mss32.dll. someone please help

pdeluna12 (2011-11-02)

seeed!!! Plz

pdeluna12 (2011-11-02)


Darkblade3000 (2011-12-01)

What Version Is This

RVG90 (2012-08-31)


blackestsheep (2012-11-06)

does this work or crash

simboyd (2012-11-24)

Which countries are out there? Which countries are ripped out of the original game?

RAMEN00DLE5 (2013-04-14)

Learn to read

gginferno (2013-05-28)

nope...its not working...fake...

gginferno (2013-05-28)

the game is not installing and there is nowhere Wardatacampaignsepisodic_1 file

gginferno (2013-05-28)

oh right i have to unrar first >.

Docpomus (2013-11-23)

I have read a lot about the game being 'buggy", I downloaded it and it works okay, both tutorials had no problem and started up a game with no problem, however when I play the American campaign I get stuck on the load screen every time. Anyone else have that problem?

bebebebeni (2014-05-15)

I'm having trouble installing the game. After unrar-ing all the files, I double-cliked on setup.bat than this annoying music with a box comes up about Synergy Rips. But it doesn't do anything. It only says Intro Credits and "Press Esc to exit from here". I don't know what else to do. Help please.

CeeGaLo23 (2014-09-28)

I ran the setup.bat and it tells me that it's done, but nothing is happening and I can't find a way to try and run the game. What do I do?

Revaro (2015-07-31)

Imma try this


1. Empire Total 7120.17 Mb