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Der ewige Jude - The Eternal Jew (with english subs)(1940)






Der ewige Jude - The Eternal Jew (with english subs)(1940)




2009-01-26 (by red_gonzo )


This is the controversial and highly antisemitic nazi propaganda film Der ewige Jude - The Eternal Jew (1940) which assumes the central thesis of being the immutable racial personality traits that, according to Nazi doctrine, characterize the Jew as a wandering cultural parasite. Done in the style of a documentary it consists of feature and documentary footage combined with materials filmed shortly after the Nazi occupation of Poland. At this time Poland's Jewish population was about three million, roughly ten percent of the total population. Its title in german is Der ewige Jude, the german term for the character of the "Wandering Jew" in medieval folklore. A British film of the same name had been produced in 1934 but unlike the later Nazi film, it portrayed the Jews in a favorable light as the victims of unjustified persecution throughout history, by the likes of the Inquisition. The later Goebbels film appears to be have been intended as a violently anti-Semitic version of this previous British film. Throughout the movie Aryan men are shown to find satisfaction in physical labor and the creation of value and Jews are depicted as finding pleasure in money and a hedonist lifestyle. While members of the Aryan race live healthily, rich Jews are shown as living in bug-infested and dirty homes, even though they could afford better. The footage to convey this was actually captured in ghettos, where living conditions were very poor and unsanitary surroundings were virtually inevitable. While Germanic/Nordic man has an appreciation for Northern culture and imagery, Jews are alleged only to find satisfaction in the grotesque and decadent. Many things that run contrary to Nazi doctrine are associated with Jewish influence, such as modern art, cultural relativism, anarchic and socialist movements, as well as sexual liberation. The film criticizes Jewish religious practices and criticises kosher slaughtering (shechita) in which animals bleed to death, as inhumane, contrasting it with Nazi laws requiring that animals be anaesthetized prior to slaughter. One of the shots early in the film shows a pack of rats emerging from a sewer, juxtaposed with a crowd of Jews in a bustling Polish street. Close-ups of individuals show sickly, malformed facial features. The narration explains how as rats are the vermin of the animal kingdom, Jews are the vermin of the human race and similarly spread disease and corruption. Unlike rats, however, the narrator continues, Jews have the uncanny ability to change their appearance and blend into their "human hosts." A scene depicts four bearded men in traditional Jewish costume, then shows them shaved and in modern business suits, while the narrator explains that only a "trained eye" can distinguish their Jewish features. Jews were filmed as they actually lived and worked in Poland in 1940. Jewish history, religion, society, cultural tendencies and business practices are explored. Their ritual-slaughter section has some of the most horrifying scenes ever filmed. 65 min. Note: English subtitles are hardcoded into the movie. Video specs: Video codec: divx, 736x560, 1501 kbps Audio codec: mp3, 48kHz, Stereo

Files count:



781.28 Mb




netweasel (2009-02-22)

so .. why did you post it here? Maybe for all those Nazi-Bitches who need some Images to wank with?
No one should watch this .. because this Kind of Propaganda is still working in many (Dumb) Heads.
And it is NOT the TRUE!!
Just burn this Movie!
Shalom my Friends

netweasel (2009-02-22)

For German Eyes only ...
Der Rassismus den Ihr lebt, begründet sich wie folgt:
Zurückführen lässt sich das auf einen Minderwertigkeitskomplex.
Ihr sucht nach etwas, das Ihr für noch minderwertiger haltet als euch selbst!
Ihr seid unzufrieden mit euch selbst.(verständlicherweise)
Deshalb projeziert Ihr euren Selbsthass auf alles was euch fremd ist.
Lernt, euch selbst zu lieben und mit euren Fehlern und Unzulänglichkeiten zu leben!
Dann lösen sich eure Psychosen in Luft auf ... und der Rassismus verschwindet wie von selbst.
Ich hoffe, ich konnte euch helfen.
Shalom meine Freunde.

tetragrammon (2009-03-07)

to: netweasel
f*ck u you jew bastard, dont download it if you dont like this kind movies. watch the walküre and eat your f*cking foreskin soup.
shalom wanker.

Sven the swede (2009-04-05)

I think movies such are these are very important to bring knowledge about the nature of the Jew. Not everyone today are even aware of the Jewish problem. Many people have been deceived by zionist agents. No longer can any nation claim to be free of zionist agents, working for the cause of zionist occupation. All around the world, there is the clear danger of zionism. In particular, this movie can show how skillful Jews are at cloaking themselves. Jews and their zionist agents might look and act like anyone. Like a spider, the jew is constantly spinning his web of lies, deception and falsehood.
I downloaded Der Ewige Jude posted here earlier, but it seems like this version is in much higher quality. So for anyone who had the earlier one, it might be a good idea to download this one now.

cantarel (2009-04-14)

Thanks for posting this, although anyone on either side taking this seriously needs their head checked.. it contains many misrepresentations, as explained in the torrent description. As a true Aryan myself, I hate to think what it would feel like to have a hate group organised against me. If you feel you are better than everyone else, be content with that!

teloculos (2009-04-30)

This film is an excellent example of political/religious (anti-religious actually) propaganda. Plus it has historical and cultural relevance to the Holocaust/Shoa. I therefore think that destorying this film would be a crime - same as the Nazis committed in their many book burnings. This film should serve as a warning to people as to the power of mass communication and how 'evidence' can be twisted to one's own ends. This film contains very little by way of truth, what truth is present is misrepresented and is a good example of how to construct biased political documentaries which claim to address topics in a logical and reasoned fashion even if admitting it's bias (it's not exactly hidden after all). Anyone who actually believes anything in this film does require their head examining or an education covering years 12.5 ish billion BCE - 2009 CE. Not one from 3154 BC - 2009 AD. Race is a human construct

peer8ship (2010-01-01)

@cantarel : "If you feel you are better than everyone else, be content with that!"
You totally missed the point of the whole documentary. The filthy kikes think they are better than everyone else, it's hardcoded into their filthy lice-ridden heads from the day they were born from their Talmud.
I see no problem with making a propaganda movie with racial undertones. Why?? Because the filthy parasitic kikes do it as well to this very day. Why else do you think these himey vermin monopolize the news/media/movie/entertainment industries.
That part where they brutally tortured animals according to their filthy Talmud on how to make something kosher was a real eye opener. Their filthy cousins the sand nigger muslim vermin do it as well only they call it 'halaal'.
The only point of dispute in this documentary was the part where they said these kikes were oriental. That's pure BS. These filthy kikes are of mid-eastern descent and have no place in Asia proper.

peer8ship (2010-01-01)

Every piece of so-called 'fiction' has a kernel of truth. In this case it just happens to be a field of corn we're seeing here. Think about it people, the Germans didn't just one day get up and say, "Okay, today I'm going to start killing a bunch of kikes!" or "Hitler sez the kikes are evil, that's good enough for me".
Nope. Most of the kikes brought the hatred upon themselves. They are manipulative sacks of feces who prey upon conflict. Whether it is communism, and ideology thought up by the filthy kikes (Marx is a filthy kike btw), WW2 again with the kikes, the farce that is religion (primitive form of brainwashing/mind control) particularly judeo-christian BS and all the wars therein that stem from religious superiority, to the unequal distribution of wealth among the nations (again the filthy kike is at the top of all financial institutions of the world).
There are plenty of reasons to hate kikes. This not only applies to the white aryans, but to all non-kikes/non-muslims as well. It's in your best interest to see your nation free of the infernal meddlings of these filthy kikes, to find your true identity as a people and as a nation. To gain your true sovereignity. To free yourself from the racial baiting these kikes have been using particularly in politics as well as in the form of media propaganda. The first step is to know your enemy and that group of filthy subhuman vermin are the kikes. Get that through your head.

catalin_dla (2010-08-12)

thank you for the posting, i think every man on earth needs to see this video and reconsider about the germans, take a closer look, maybe what you think you know is just zionist propaganda bullshit

Sven the swede (2010-08-20)

The quality is horrible! I've seen movies from the 20's with superior quality. It is still important to watch this documentary as all the other torrents have even worse quality.

mikimegacar (2011-01-12)

Thank You....Great movie.....

Baba0booey (2011-01-15)

Being of german heritage this is interesting to me, the people who are interested in WWII propeganda are not all modern day nazis, some of us have a historical interest in the content, and i applaud the UL for making this pivitol piece of cinematography avaliable to the masses.
I spent 2 years in university studying the nazi regime and appriciate this film, the first time i saw this film was in a specialized history/philosophy class. I was intrigued to say the least, as my ancestors migrated from germany and the ukraine during WWII to escape.......well I dont need to go into the details, but thanks a million either way, I wish there was a way I could send you some cash for this UL as it has added to my propeganda collection!!!

SS-Lindh (2011-02-26)

Good Work, the world Need to know the truth about the Evil Sionist!
Many thanks from Sweden!

EndFED (2011-04-10)

Excellent movie. P.S. if you are a jew don't bother commenting on this film because you are biased and you piece of shit. Only independent people should comment on this to assure it neutrality.

ulikes (2011-08-10)

I only want to watch it for it's example of Nazi propaganda. It's a piece of WWII history, nothing more. I don't in any way consider this a film to be of value for it's facts.

sunman11 (2011-08-18)

A great book people would be interested in would be the book,
Basic Training For Revolutionaries. It was once in hard copy format and then it was banned. You can read more about it here.

MerseaParadise (2011-10-24)

Excellent stuff. As true now as it was then!

Viciously (2012-06-10)

Thanks. Much appreciated.

kbilek (2012-11-14)

It's great from "educational" perspective (more about Nazis than about Jews)
But please, PLEASE no one takes this seriously as a documentary.

Lydbokami (2012-12-13)

I wanted to see this film for ages, not that I'm a Nazi sympathizer, but just for educational purposes. Nothing pisses me off more than some political correct cunt trying to forbid me to watch whatever I want.

sorasbestfriend (2013-01-30)

I knew nothing of jews, israel or politics before I saw this documentary, to this day it is very much relevant information and despite the documentary being 70 years old, perhaps even more….they mention our timeline, 21st century and I can see that nothing has changed, just jews being jews and they’re basically in every country on this planet, heck even the poorest of countries. They really are parasites. Thanks for the up OP, it’s sad that we won’t be seeing movies or documentaries like this in a good long-long while…

wrekincru989989 (2013-02-15)

Thanks red_gonzo for the up, I'll share this with all my friends.

rubco (2013-06-18)

Well, all the aryan, nazis, jew-haters supporters here are right.
Jews do think they are superior. Why? Well, because we are. Thats all. Keep on eating your shit while we enjoy success and the best things in life.

rubco (2013-06-18)

I consider this an important document, so that we do not forget what blind stupid hate, solely based on ignorance, can do. A lot of other groups have been targetted and massacred like that, not just the jews. I am jewish but I do not forget that genocides keep on happening, long after the Holocaust ended.

rubco (2013-06-18)

So, you're going to keep on removing my posts here....why?....because I'm jewish?.....other posts here are insulting and least justify yourself....I emailed earlier, have the guts to respond.

evilfoundnation (2013-06-29)

Good Shit

RatSalad (2013-10-10)

Thanks for the upload. I am not antisemitic, i am just curios and trying to find out why is forbidden to suspect in existence of holocaust. In some European countries it is even against the law to just say opinion like that. Why?

luciusverus (2014-03-08)

I'm not a Nazi either, but this movie reminds us who the jews are: parasites of the society and mafiosi. They don't give a shit about other people, whom they consider animals. All they do, is try to benefit from all of us and destroy us.

luciusverus (2014-03-08)

A good movie to have in your collection and spread it.

YayArea (2014-04-14)

At least 3 kikes (jews) killed today in america brothers and sisters! Rejoice!

fatbatcat (2014-05-08)

wonder why didnt nazis reveal the jewish bolsheviks who killed ~30 million different people in soviet shitland before 1933? and it went up to 60+ million until 1960s... which brings up a weird statistic that they killed off 1 million each year? since 1905...

fuckyourbullshit (2014-10-12)

Actually most of what is in this film is true and much is relevant today i.e. Rothschilds, Control of media & finance, destroying the concept of nationhood etc.
...but they do lose some credibility with statements like "The 'relativity' jew Albert Eistein who masked his hatred of germans behind his obscure pseudo-sciences"


1. Der ewige Jude - The Eternal Jew (with english subs)(1940).avi 781.28 Mb