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9 of the 10 most cited math papers in 2007 [MYRIAD]






9 of the 10 most cited math papers in 2007 [MYRIAD]




2009-06-09 (by base3)


## ## ###### #### ## ## ## #### ###### ###### ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ###### ###### ## #### The 10 most cited mathematical papers in 2007 [Incomplete] MathSciNet gives a list of the top ten most cited math papers in 2007. MYRIAD WAREZ is proud to present 9 of them. We are missing number 5 on this list: MR0709644_(84h:35059) Brézis,_Haïm; Nirenberg,_Louis Positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations involving critical Sobolev exponents. Comm._Pure_Appl._Math. 36 (1983), no. 4, 437--477. (Reviewer: Wei Ming Ni) 35J65_(35B99) If you can get hold of this paper, please pass it on to MYRIAD WAREZ at [email protected] /* */ We can convert your file to pdf and remove publisher's watermarks (if there are any) so you won't be identified as the downloader. The 9 papers which are included here are as follows: MR1118699_(92j:35050) Crandall,_Michael_G.; Ishii,_Hitoshi; Lions, Pierre-Louis User's guide to viscosity solutions of second order partial differential equations. Bull._Amer._Math._Soc._(N.S.) 27 (1992),no._1, 1--67. (Reviewer: P. Szeptycki) 35J60_(35B05_35D05 35G20) MR0916688_(89c:46055) Simon,_Jacques Compact sets in the space $Lsp p(0,T;B)$. Ann._Mat._Pura_Appl._(4) 146(1987),65--96. (Reviewer: James Bell Cooper) 46E40_(46E30) MR0370183_(51_#6412) Ambrosetti,_Antonio; Rabinowitz,_Paul_H. Dual variational methods in critical point theory and applications. J. Functional_Analysis 14 (1973), 349--381. (Reviewer: D. E. Edmunds) 46G05_(35J20_58E99) MR0965860_(89h:80012) Osher,_Stanley; Sethian,_James_A. Fronts propagating with curvature-dependent speed: algorithms based on Hamilton-Jacobi formulations. J._Comput._Phys. 79(1988),no._1, 12-- 49. 80A25_(80-08) MR0848568_(87g:65064) Saad,_Youcef; Schultz,_Martin_H. GMRES: a generalized minimal residual algorithm for solving nonsymmetric linear systems. SIAM_J._Sci._Statist._Comput. 7(1986),no._3, 856-- 869. 65F50_(65F10) MR0625600_(82h:49026) Hutchinson,_John_E. Fractals and self- similarity. Indiana_Univ._Math._J. 30 (1981), no. 5, 713--747. (Reviewer: F. J. Almgren, Jr.) 49F20_(00A69_28A12_58C27) MR0026286_(10,133e) Shannon,_C._E. A mathematical theory of communication. Bell_System_Tech._J. 27, (1948). 379--423, 623--656. (Reviewer: J. L. Doob) 60.0X MR1484478 Bosma,_Wieb; Cannon,_John; Playoust,_Catherine The Magma algebra system. I. The user language. Computational algebra and number theory (London, 1993). J._Symbolic_Comput. 24(1997),no._3-4, 235--265. 68Q40 MR0544879_(80h:35043) Gidas,_B.; Ni,_Wei_Ming; Nirenberg,_L. Symmetry and related properties via the maximum principle. Comm._Math._Phys. 68 (1979), no. 3, 209--243. (Reviewer: È. M. Saak) 35J25_(35B50) MYRIAD FAQ: *What is MYRIAD? MYRIAD is a nontraditional warez group specialising in making mathematical research papers available for all. *Why? Mathematical research should be freely accessible, so research does not need to be duplicated unnecessarily. Mathematicians write, referee and edit journal articles for free, which are then sold back to the community by commercial publishers and universities. *But $JOURNAL now has a free access policy.. We are targeting those journals for which this is not true. We will remove papers from our distributions on request if they are accessible to all online from either the publisher or the author. *Do you have $PAPER? We are trying to build a large collection of papers in electronic form, from which the publishers' watermarks have been removed. So far we only got to papers/journals which are very well known. This will change - we are planning ftp servers, irc bots etc. *How can I help? By seeding, by downloading papers which meet our criteria and passing them on to MYRIAD if you have institutional access, by handing over logins so we can use your institutional access, by helping us if you have technical skills that could be useful, or by letting us know which papers in your field are important and should be made available. *Contact? [email protected] /* */


  1. math
  2. maths
  3. myriad
  4. mathematical research
  5. math journal
  6. mathscinet
  7. math research

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11.22 Mb

