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20111003-Freedom Watch.Fox Business Network.CF




Video TV


20111003-Freedom Watch.Fox Business Network.CF.avi


Video/TV shows


2011-10-04 (by skJGZV6z)


---------- Judge Andrew Napolitano's Freedom Watch Fox Business Network 2011, October 3, Monday Xvid/MP3 AVI - Transcoded from a medium-quality ReplayTV stream. ----------


  1. Andrew Napolitano

Files count:



353.98 Mb




pirateradiorocks (2011-10-05)

Thank you!!
You've heard Beck, guns, bullets, food and a plan! Look into black powder revolvers for a simple backup solution.

Don't laugh too loud, using a replica 1858 Remington New Army .44cal you have the stopping power of a .45ACP, able to hit targets at 75m with a little training.

 skJGZV6z (2011-10-06)

Heh, I just watched a program on the Outdoor Network talking about the break-action S&W model 3 and similar, and how if things had been just a little different historically, that type could've been the "gun that won the west" rather than a pistol like the New Army, which normally gets that kind of credit.
I'm a firearms neophyte, but it's neat stuff. I think I'm gonna turn out to be more a handgun afficionado vs. rifle or long-gun type of collector.
Lots of demands compete for my cash $$$, but among them are the desire to own a handgun or many, get schooled and permitted, and simply carry one every place I can, if for no other reason than just to exercise my freedom to do so (rights never used get rusty and liable to infringements).
Firearms aficionados are some of the nicest people you could ever meet, it's been my experience.

pirateradiorocks (2011-10-07)

Yup, those top breaks like the Star and later the S&W Models and Webley were and still are good fast reloaders. Uberti makes modern replicas of the Smith top breaks using .38spl, .44-40, .45long colt and .44russian and they are fun and very accurate to 75 yards. Star did a dbl action blackpowder revolver during the Civil War, but had to make a simpler single action version available for Union Army cavalry contract, but you can open it, remove the empty cylinder and put in a fresh loaded cylinder real fast. Sorta like using half and full moon clips with the Smith & Wesson 1917 and Colt New Service .45acp revolvers during WWI. Before there were revolver speed loaders, there were moon clips to use on those big swing out cylinder revolvers. Course you can use .45auto rim in those two, but ease of use and ammo availability works for you with the .45acp in the moon clips.
Now, Uberti also has some replicas that are conversions where the steel frame blackpowder revolvers were modified for blackpowder cartridge (cowboy load) use, like the 1851, 1860 Colt open tops and the 1858 Remmie top strap. I always liked the look of the open top Colts, but the Remmies with the top strap and later under sail are stronger and the cylinders switch out faster.
AZ, has Constitutional open or concealed carry no permit required. Just gotta be old enough, a real live U.S. Citizen [sorry Illegals], not a nutjob [sorry progressives] and can not be not a felon or under current indictment for a felony [again sorry progressives]. There are 4 states now that have Constitutional carry: AZ, AK, VT and WY so far and I believe it is on the 2012 schedule in 12 more states to amend state constitutions.
If you go to Cabelas you can get starter kits, blackpowder, caps and a revolver or rifle to play with on weekends with no BATFE crapola (Pre-1898 black powder designs) for less than $300USD delivered to your door (depending on your local and state laws). Modern smokeless post 1898 design, gotta go through a FFL dealer. Course there is always the local gun show, buying from a private citizen or friend. I find the gun shows are great when you find the old guys (like me) there and they are willing to take the time to show the ins and outs of the weapons. Col Conway, USA-Ret. has some neat stuff be brings to the shows from his days at the US Army sniper school for display only. Plus, with a private sale from a good old boy, he'll be the one deciding if he likes the way you feel to him to make the sale. When those hairs stand up on the back of your neck-you know the feeling-better than a background check to decide if you wanna sell to somebody.
If you can, go to your local Gun Club and most members will be happy to help you out.

pirateradiorocks (2011-10-07)

check etorrents msgs