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Ashampoo Cover Studio 2 v2 0-TE [BeLLBoY]
Ashampoo Cover Studio 2 v2.0-TE [BeLLBoY]
2009-07-29 (by room101bellboy)
Release: Ashampoo Cover Studio v2.0 (c) 2009 Ashampoo
Date: 07/29/2009
Cracked By: Twisted EndZ
Release Type: Registration/Serial Crack, Precracked
Now with LightScribe, New Themes and New Editor.
Ashampoo Cover Studio was already the easiest way to label your discs and create slick case covers and booklets to go with them
Now version 2 makes a great product even better, adding LightScribe burner support, direct scan for copying CD labels and
covers, a faster editor and many more powerful new features all without making the program any more complicated to use
You don t even need to do any designing because Ashampoo Cover Studio 2 comes with even more ready-to-use themes. You just
choose a theme, enter your text and print. It couldn t be easier Or you can create your own great designs and save them as
templates that you can reuse just like the built-in themes.
If you ve always wished you could produce discs with attractive labels then give Ashampoo Cover Studio 2 a try. If you can burn
a disc you can create great labels and covers with Cover Studio. The program guides you through every step of the process and with
the ready-to-use themes you just can t go wrong
New and improved features:
LightScribe support
LightScribe burners label compatible disc media directly with the burner s laser beam. You just turn the disc over in the
drive and print your label by burning an image onto the special surface.
Copy CDs and covers with direct scan
Import images directly into the editor from your scanner. This makes it amazingly easy to produce a quick copy of an existing
disc label or cover. You can also use images directly from the Internet, from files or from the Windows clipboard.
Create your own templates
Like themes, templates are designs for labels and covers that you just select and use for instant results. Now you can also
save your own designs as templates that you can then reuse quickly and easily.
Once-only printer calibration
You can calibrate your printout for your printer to align everything perfectly with your labels and other media. Ashampoo
Cover Studio 2 automatically saves and reuses your calibration settings for every printer, paper format and paper orientation
(portrait/landscape) you use. Just calibrate once, then forget about it.
New editor with new features and objects
Ashampoo Cover Studio 2 comes with a new editor that's much faster and adds many new features, including:
New geometric shapes with colors, gradients and transparency settings (rectangles, rounded rectangles circles, stars, trapezoids, parallelograms, triangles)
Free rotation of text and objects: In addition to 45 increments you can now rotate text and objects freely to any position by dragging with the mouse.
Group objects in the editor and manipulate them as a group.
Auto-scroll controls: When you are dragging an object.
auto-scroll areas at the borders of the window.
automatically scroll the main image.
Undo function in the table editor: Makes working with track list and data tables much easier.
New themes, printers and paper formats
The new version comes with even more themes (ready-to-use designs) and the database of supported printer and paper and label formats has also been updated
Other new features and improvements.
Artist name now included in the contents table, printing improved for high resolution printers, export projects as XML files. You can now print up to 4 labels on a single page
instead of 2 (for example 4 CDs).
Basic features and functions:
Supports all standard disc, case and booklet and label formats. You can design and print printable discs (DVD, CD, Blu-ray)
jewel cases, slim cases, Blu-ray cases and booklets.
Use modern direct-to-disc printers and LightScribe burners
Printing directly onto printable discs means no messy label alignment with special tools. If you have a LightScribe burner you can print your design on the disc directly with the
burner s laser or you use modern direct-to-disc printers that print color images directly onto disc media with a special printable surface.
Import your track data from your discs
Reads the track data from your discs directly into pre-formatted tables in your design. Gets the artist and track data online in seconds.
Point-and-click design with themes
For fast results just enter or import your title and track data, select a theme and print. That s all there is to it and the program comes with a set of great-looking themes.
Powerful and intuitive design tools
If you re feeling creative you can also create your own designs from scratch. Choose and use your own backgrounds, graphics and fonts, insert geometric shapes, create curved text and add data
and contents tables.
Operating System:
Windows XP, Windows Vista
As a user of Windows XP or Windows Vista you have to be logged in with full administration rights.
Any computer that runs one of the above operating systems at a reasonable speed, graphic adapter min.resolution 800 x 600 and 16-bit High color
CD/DVD/BD-Writer and Printer recommended
1200 MHz (or higher) x86 CPU
256 MB RAM, Recommended for best performance: 512MB RAM or
Hard Drive Space:
30 MB
Required to use Lightscribe:
LightScribe System Software and Microsoft .NET
Framework 2.0 with .NET Framework Service Pack 1
Languages (24):
German, English, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Russian, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Czech, Chinese (simplified), Japanese, Bulgarian, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Chinese (traditional), Korean, Arabic, Dansk, Croatian, Greek, Catalan, Slovakian.
For More Info on Ashampoo Cover Studio 2 Visit:
Installation notes:
Install ashampoo_cover_studio_2_200_sm.exe. Copy precracked exe from the Crack folder to the installed folder of Ashampoo Cover
Studio 2, making sure to overwrite the existing file. You now have a fully registered version of Ashampoo Cover Studio 2!
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▄███ Ì█¦ ▄ TE 2009 PRESENTS ▄ Ì█¦ ███▄
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▄▄▄███▄▄ ▄▄ ██▄▄▄██ ANOTHER FINE RELEASE ██▄▄▄██ ▄▄ ▄▄███▄▄▄
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Release: Ashampoo Cover Studio v2.0 (c) 2009 Ashampoo
Date: 07/29/2009
Cracked By: Twisted EndZ
Release Type:
[X] Registration/Serial Crack
[ ] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[ ] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[ ] Other
[ ] Loader Patcher [ ] Patch [X] Precracked [ ] RegFile
[ ] Keygen
â–„ â–„
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▀▀▓▓█▄▀▀██▄▄▄ ▄▄▄██ RELEASE NOTES ██▄▄▄ ▄▄▄██▀▀▄█▓▓▀▀
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Now with LightScribe, New Themes and New Editor
Ashampoo Cover Studio was already the easiest way to label your
discs and create slick case covers and booklets to go with them.
Now version 2 makes a great product even better, adding
LightScribe burner support, direct scan for copying CD labels and
covers, a faster editor and many more powerful new features û all
without making the program any more complicated to use.
You donÆt even need to do any designing because Ashampoo Cover
Studio 2 comes with even more ready-to-use themes. You just
choose a theme, enter your text and print. It couldnÆt be easier.
Or you can create your own great designs and save them as
templates that you can reuse just like the built-in themes.
If youÆve always wished you could produce discs with attractive
labels then give Ashampoo Cover Studio 2 a try. If you can burn
a disc you can create great labels and covers with Cover Studio.
The program guides you through every step of the process and with
the ready-to-use themes you just canÆt go wrong.
New and improved features:
LightScribe support
ò LightScribe burners label compatible disc media directly with
the burnerÆs laser beam. You just turn the disc over in the
drive and ôprintö your label by burning an image onto the
special surface.
Copy CDs and covers with direct scan
ò Import images directly into the editor from your scanner. This
makes it amazingly easy to produce a quick copy of an existing
disc label or cover. You can also use images directly from the
Internet, from files or from the Windows clipboard.
Create your own templates
ò Like themes, templates are designs for labels and covers that
you just select and use for instant results. Now you can also
save your own designs as templates that you can then reuse
quickly and easily.
Once-only printer calibration
ò You can ôcalibrateö your printout for your printer to align
everything perfectly with your labels and other media. Ashampoo
Cover Studio 2 automatically saves and reuses your calibration
settings for every printer, paper format and paper orientation
(portrait/landscape) you use. Just calibrate once, then forget
about it.
New editor with new features and objects
ò Ashampoo Cover Studio 2 comes with a new editor thatÆs much
faster and adds many new features, including:
À New geometric shapes with colors, gradients and
transparency settings (rectangles, rounded rectangles,
circles, stars, trapezoids, parallelograms, triangles)
À Free rotation of text and objects: In addition to 45░
increments you can now rotate text and objects freely
to any position by dragging with the mouse
À Group objects in the editor and manipulate them as a
À Auto-scroll controls: When you are dragging an object
ôauto-scrollö areas at the borders of the window
automatically scroll the main image
À Undo function in the table editor: Makes working with
track list and data tables much easier
New themes, printers and paper formats
ò The new version comes with even more themes (ready-to-use
designs) and the database of supported printer and paper and
label formats has also been updated.
Other new features and improvements
ò Artist name now included in the contents table, printing
improved for high resolution printers, export projects as XML
files. You can now print up to 4 labels on a single page
instead of 2 (for example 4 CDs).
Basic features and functions:
Supports all standard disc, case and booklet and label formats
ò You can design and print printable discs (DVD, CD, Blu-ray),
jewel cases, slim cases, Blu-ray cases and booklets.
Use modern direct-to-disc printers and LightScribe burners
ò Printing directly onto printable discs means no messy label
alignment with special tools. If you have a LightScribe burner
you can ôprintö your design on the disc directly with the
burnerÆs laser or you use modern direct-to-disc printers that
print color images directly onto disc media with a special
printable surface.
Import your track data from your discs
ò Reads the track data from your discs directly into
pre-formatted tables in your design. Gets the artist and track
data online in seconds.
Point-and-click design with themes
ò For fast results just enter or import your title and track
data, select a theme and print. ThatÆs all there is to it and
the program comes with a set of great-looking themes.
Powerful and intuitive design tools
ò If youÆre feeling creative you can also create your own designs
from scratch. Choose and use your own backgrounds, graphics and
fonts, insert geometric shapes, create curved text and add data
and contents tables.
Operating System:
ò Windows« XP, Windows VistaÖ
ò As a user of Windows« XP or Windows VistaÖ you have to be
logged in with full administration rights.
ò Any computer that runs one of the above operating systems at a
reasonable speed, graphic adapter
ò min.resolution 800 x 600 and 16-bit High color,
CD/DVD/BD-Writer and Printer recommended
ò 1200 MHz (or higher) x86 CPU
ò 256 MB RAM, Recommended for best performance: 512MB RAM or
Hard Drive Space:
ò 30 MB
Required to use Lightscribe:
ò LightScribe System Software and Microsoft .NET
Framework 2.0 with .NET Framework Service Pack 1
Languages (24):
ò German, English, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Russian, Polish,
Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Czech, Chinese
(simplified), Japanese, Bulgarian, Portuguese (Brazilian),
Chinese (traditional), Korean, Arabic, Dansk, Croatian, Greek,
Catalan, Slovakian
For More Info on Ashampoo Cover Studio 2 Visit:
TE Release Filename:
â–„ â–„
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▀▀▓▓█▄▀▀██▄▄▄ ▄▄▄██ INSTALLATION NOTES ██▄▄▄ ▄▄▄██▀▀▄█▓▓▀▀
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Install ashampoo_cover_studio_2_200_sm.exe. Copy precracked exe
from the Crack folder to the installed folder of Ashampoo Cover
Studio 2, making sure to overwrite the existing file. You now
have a fully registered version of Ashampoo Cover Studio 2!
Thats it! Enjoy.
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▄ Don't Hate The Hacker, Hate The Code ▀░
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â–‘ â–€
Files count:
31.65 Mb