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Age of empires 2 Age of kings v2,0 + Conquerors
Games PC
Age of Empires II: Age of Kings v2,0 + Conquerors v2,1
2010-12-13 (by arebokert)
This is a self extracting exe file made in 7zip. Just click it and it will extract itself into the folder of your choice and you can start playing instantly, no install needed.
I actually uploaded the main launching exe file to jotti, just to show you that there is absolutely no virus inside of it!
There is the scan.
This has been tested online and works like a charm. For best multiplayer experience i recommend a program called gameranger. It makes you able to host online games as well as joining online games. It also eliminates any problems you may have when trying to play via LAN.
- age of empires
- age of empires 2
- aoe2
- aoe
- age of kings
- conquerors
- age of empires 2 age of kings
- age of empires 2 conquerors
- aok
- 2.0
- 1.0
Files count:
177.21 Mb
Mr-Mysterious (2011-01-01)
Just downloaded (is that the correct term) i am quite the noob at this stuff. However it is all working perfectly and i am having fun, the only thing that hasnt worked so far is the cutscene audio in the campaign. However, ALL other audio (voices, sound effects) are working fine.Will be seeding overnight :P
Pirat69xxx (2011-01-14)
Works perfectly on Linux with Wine.. Very nice upload.. Nice seeding time also! Great job people..Voltaire180 (2011-01-22)
Thanks for an easy hassle free download, appreciated :)arebokert (2011-01-25)
@roardo1When you start a game in aoe2 you have to turn off explorer.exe if you're running win7. Most people will probably tell you to dont do it, but it is still the only way. To turn off explorer.exe you just startup task manager and kill the process. When you quit the game you have to start it up again by going in to task manager and do file -> new task and type in explorer.exe and click enter.
EpicFishFingers (2011-01-26)
Worked without even installing. Everything extracted to my Program Files fine (make sure to run as admin on Vista). Brilliant torrent. One thing though - as someone else mentioned, there's no sound in the cutscenes. But other than that, everything works just as I remember. Great torrent, much appreciated. The last one I downloaded was an ISO file that didn't even work once I burned it to a disctompty (2011-01-27)
The only torrent I could find that had a good amount of seeders and seemed legit, will play it and tell you how I go! =)gustavsjo (2011-01-30)
i have two problems:first there is no background music
second: i cant play the expansion, how do i turn it on?
in the file age2_x1 there is a shortcut that starts the regular game with the expansion and backgroundsound but when im about to play it says: please put in the aoe disc, what do i do?
gustavsjo (2011-01-30)
?arebokert (2011-02-01)
@gustavsjoI don't know anything about the background music.
You should be able to start the expansion with the proper exe file, and if it doesn't work you could get a crack. you can find cracks all over the internet, so just search for it.
wakeupscreaming (2011-02-04)
Windows 7 as well. I have the screwed up colors. Turned off "Explorer.exe" and you can't click on the game to start it!arebokert (2011-02-11)
@wakeupscreamingDude, you have to start the game BEFORE you turn off explorer. You alt+tab out of the game and then you turn off explorer.exe
After you've done that you alt+tab into game again.
This is one of MANY guides you can quickly find on google:
baracas (2011-02-21)
aoe2_x1(conquerers lancher) is asking for cd. Guess I'll have to find a crack. Otherwise nice rip.chicalow122 (2011-03-04)
man i hope this works :) i will seed for a couple of weeks :) tnxAlexaLOTR (2011-03-08)
I cant play Conquerors, what crack should i download or whatever?retado (2011-03-11)
Age of Kings works nice, but Conquerors don't wanna run, tried 3 different cracks, all still asked me for the CD.Bottomline: don't download this if you're after AoE2+Conquerors expansion, otherwise have fun
CodaBrink (2011-03-18)
For those having a problem with the colors, I uploaded a torrent that fixes this. Just click my name.arebokert (2011-03-22)
Captain_seasick and retadoThis torrent contains ALL the files necessary to play both the expansions, so stop accusing me of not uploading proper rips!
If this torrent does not work for you, that means that it is either your own fault for doing something wrong, or your computer can't sort out the rip.
This is properly tested on a Windows 7 64-bit and i actually re-downloaded it after i saw your comments, and i can positively say that the torrent works like a charm.
arebokert (2011-03-22)
I have already said how you fix the color, and that is by turning off explorer.exeIf you want me to provide evidence of the actual gameplay, or giving you exact instructions on how to play it, then tell me and i will prove to you that it works!
footron (2011-03-24)
worked fine for me... windows xp pro, 32bit....haven't tried multiplayer...
thanks a bunch! classic strategy game.
werdbooty (2011-03-25)
Okay, so can you please explain to me why I need a crack to run the expansion? I mean, thanks for the upload, game runs great, but don't lead on that everything needed to play is there, cause it ain't.To join the choir: don't bother with this if you're looking for Conqueror's.
citywithnopity (2011-03-25)
torrent works perfect, despite what some morons may say. youll need a crack to run the expansion but thats easy enough to find. i ran this on win 7 64 bit, i had the colour issue only on the expansion and turning off the explorer.exe fixed it.gardner119 (2011-03-26)
To fix the color problems on windows 7 change color to 256 colors.eng442 (2011-03-27)
The Conquerors needed a crack to work.Age Of Empires 2 v2.1 - The Conquerors crack by FHCF worked for me
Running on Win 7 64bits the color problem was solved by turning off explorer.exe AFTER you run the game
Although it doesn't seem to have any background music, it's a good torrent.
Berzerked (2011-03-31)
Very good torrent dude, 2 mins it took me to download, coulda been less. If the sound/colour doesnt work or is odd, try compatibility mode or run as admin :) Seedingcnj.hic (2011-04-02)
does this work on multiplayer? i tried playing it with garena and couldn't get it to work...?redex501 (2011-04-02)
@cnj.hicUse GameRanger. My friend and I use it with this torrent and it works perfectly, like arebokert said in the description box.
mrfloyd2 (2011-04-02)
@Pirat69xxxHi!! ...Yeah it does work with Wine in Linux.
I have just one problem. My hotkeys don't work. Do you, or anyone, know how to fix this?
I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and Wine 1.2.2, if it helps to know.
Thanks !!
acc65 (2011-04-02)
this torrent + Aoe2Widesetup (widescreen patch) is the best.Im playing it on win7 64bit with 1920x1080 res, no bugs. you just have to shut down explorer.exe when playing to get real colours.
adichamp1 (2011-04-08)
works perfect :)Thnx bro :)
Had prob with the colors but after closing explorer its fine :) :) :)
ryanRtard (2011-04-14)
took 1 mins 30 secs to DL hopefully it works. if it does ill seed for a weekryanRtard (2011-04-14)
works perfectly. you can find the crack for the conquerors here -
this crack also fixes the color problem. ill seed for week now :D
Ayarrin (2011-05-04)
Thanks arebokert, everything turned out fine.For those not reading use the crack from:
...and follow the instructions to play conquers
smackeru (2011-05-04)
how to close exe.explorer?acehunter2 (2011-05-09)
lol that was sooo ez... i just opend the Empires II and it run'ed... i just like to build castels lol :) thanks for the awsome torent!!hobowithashotgun (2011-05-09)
It works with game ranger I'm sure.ArtK (2011-05-11)
This torrent is perfect, also works online with GameRanger. Thanks for the upload.bmart95 (2011-05-27)
If you just want the original AOE II with a patch head on over
Happyyesh (2011-05-29)
Hy mates, heres some serious problem and i cant extract this *.exe.. Whenevr i click that .exe it asks for user permissn as i have x32 win7, and a black window like cmdprompt appears for 1sec and disappears again.. Now please help i dont know whats going on here with me.. :(arebokert (2011-06-01)
@HappyyeshHave you tried to run it as an administrator? I guess it does that automatically as you said it asked you for permission.
Very well, i don't really know the problem here. Try to run it as an administrator, and if that doesn't help, try to run it in different compatibility modes.
Let me know if it worked :)
SuperKingJingaling (2011-06-03)
Nice torrent! BEST AOE TORRENT EVAR!dazzmand (2011-06-03)
this is going to be a dumb question but how do I make it widescreen?plantus (2011-06-09)
This sucks. I am running windows 7. I know how to fix colour problem. But there is no game sounds or music in Single Player. It plays music on start up and in select player mode screen but nothing else! What is going on here.I am running the crack prescribed.
motley666 (2011-06-15)
Can anyone confirm if the expansion is working? Because if it's not, it's the fault of the uploader, the golden rule is "upload a full torrent".peterplay (2011-06-26)
how do I install the latest patch? I've downloaded the patch but when I try to install is says the game isn't installed (which is true), is there another way?vegebetic (2011-06-28)
Because the game is supposed the background music from the cd, when there is no disc in the drive there's no background music. However, I accidentally discovered it plays the music it finds on any cd in the disc drive. I was surprised to hear the Ramones when I started the campaign...SPrince (2011-06-30)
*Yelling*No one says how to play Conquerors!
It says that I need the CD Crack,, wich .. I .. don't have? :(
Any suggestions? :D
snagacaba (2011-07-06)
Flawless Torrent!Works absolutely perfect on Windows 7 64 bit computer! Simply let the file extract itself. Find the folder. Play.
Thank You Arebokert!...Also working and tested with XP!
craz4cats (2011-07-14)
Very good torrent. Downloaded quickly, and installed quickly. Works perfectly. W7 x86.wnh5001 (2011-07-17)
while playing multi-player mode(lan/gameranger), it doesn't display this version as cd1.0c. but just cd1.0. anyone know how to make it into cd1.0c.I've also tried d/l some update but since this ver. is an no install ver. it will not udpate.
CarlesNeo (2011-07-20)
Hey ! When I try to install the update for the Conqueros it says "this is not the retail version".Any one who can help with this ?
Please Help !
Rimmer7 (2011-07-24)
The reason there's no background music is because the background music is played through the CD. The only way to get background music in a pirated version of this game is to download the ISO and either burn it to a CD or mount it on a virtual drive and disable your real drives since it plays the music from the first disc drive it detects. Kinda funny if you have some kind of music cd in the drive.ojanzi (2011-08-14)
Awesome DL,so simple, just click and play,even my 70 year old mother in law can use this one,why are'nt all game dl' like thissittinginabunker (2011-08-19)
U fking retards, this game works perfectly, for those of u whos cpu says they have a retail version, get this crack
it worked for me XD
patches666 (2011-09-15)
Indeed an amazing torrent! works great with XP pro on a computer running slow from too much techno xDdrevil1 (2011-09-27)
It says I need to insert a disc for the Conquerors expansion. Any help?massivetempah (2011-09-30)
fast download (less than 1min) works fine (like other torrents the audio does't work on the cutscenes/scenario intros for some reason) 8/10FunCherry (2011-10-02)
has anyone been able to update the 1.0c or 1.0e patch? The game works great but when I try to install the latest patches it says the game is not installed :( I can still play online but have to do 1.0 with a bunch of noobs...Callannx (2011-10-14)
Very good torrent! Downloaded fast, game-play is flawless and install was easy too! Good job! (seeding now)LAGRUEJ (2011-10-21)
I don't get it... it runs and plays, but it's just Age of Kings, no I missing something or what? Because the game starts up... but I know Conquerors is missing because I'm missing terrains like ice and snow...LAGRUEJ (2011-10-21)
Anybody got a working crack for The Conquerors? I tried using the one posted by karlsbahs and the problem still persists, still asking me to insert a CD and restart... but I replaced the .exe with the crack, and restarted the game...the game starts up, but I can't do anything still....LAGRUEJ (2011-10-21)
Wooooo, 3rd comment in a row... well I give up, I deleted this shit, obviously it's not the uploaders fault, but for some reason this shit won't work, using ISOs is much easier at this point
This is the torrent I've always used, if you really can't get this torrent to work, like me, then I highly recommend it..
arebokert (2011-10-22)
Guys, i just figured out what the problem is that you are all having. Atleast i think it know.You did start the cracked file inside of the Age2_x1 folder, right?
I may sound stupid now, and most of you will probably tell me i'm a dumb fuck for asking, but the file age2_x1.exe is supposed to be started inside of the folder age2_x1!
Please give me feedback on this. And yeah, i can not change the torrent description for some reason, it says i get a database error.
Kroicher (2011-10-29)
Map Edit requires CD though I've cracked both the expansion and the original game.wily_pete (2011-11-10)
i must be doing something very wrong considering it's worked for everyone else.I'm having trouble opening the file, I'm not sure if it's extracted itself or what. when i try to open it the file type is 'file', its 177mb but it won't open with anything. any ideas on how to actually open it? i don't even have a "Age2_x1 folder" like arebokert is talking about.
donburak (2011-11-25)
KARLSBAHS U ARE THE BOM!i have windows vista basic 32x
because of that crack my single player works.
Rblas (2011-12-10)
thanks man! seeding nowDavidy2011 (2011-12-19)
Can´t update it, I NEED HELP!arebokert (2011-12-25)
It has been confirmed, if you have any problems with the expansion, please download this crack. Thank you karlsbahs:
us01 (2012-01-11)
trval vommentdaisy181 (2012-02-08)
Downloaded easily and both games work fine individually. However when I open AOE2 to play a death match I'm unable to do this with the addon (for instance I can't be the Aztecs, Mayans, Spanish, Koreans or Huns and I can't do any of the new technologies etc). Can someone help pleasefatherded (2012-02-10)
yep, it extracted itself to chosen folder and is there in full glory. i needed the crack that you linked to for the expansion, replaced the existing .exe and it has worked perfectly. looking forward to a lan tourney in a few weeks with some other aoe fiends. respect arebokert, keep up the good workarebokert (2012-02-11)
daisy181Did you run Conquerors or Age of kings? If you can't run Conquerors or if it is not working correctly, please download the crack i linked to in a comment above.
Masterdrain (2012-02-18)
I have windows 7 and had problems with the colures in this game, but i found an solution. If you have same problem do this: Go in to
and click on "Faça o download do arquivo aqui". Unzip to your Age directory and launch the AoC.exe to run.Masterdrain (2012-02-18)
This make the game run in a WINDOWarebokert (2012-02-19)
@MasterdrainYou can also turn off explorer.exe when you are in-game, then turn it on afterwards.
arebokert (2012-02-19)
@MasterdrainForgot the link. Here is a link that tells you how to do it to:
tsarkhan (2012-03-11)
no solution for patching to 1.0e?Edgland (2012-03-28)
great, thanksanon775 (2012-03-30)
"Just click it and it will extract itself into the folder of your choice and you can start playing instantly, no install needed."Bullshit as there is no crack included. Still thanks for the upload
arebokert (2012-04-04)
anon775For some people it works instantaneously, and some needs a crack. One thing is for certain though, and that is that you do not need a crack for age of kings, only for conquerors, and that does not apply for all.
ricardo.pt95 (2012-04-06)
I'm having some problems with the graphics, help please?astarael415 (2012-04-06)
I am running this in 2012! A classic game! I will say I had the problem with the expansion asking me to insert disk, but the link posted by Arebokert will fix it 100%.Just copy the .exe (after you extract the crack) and replace the .exe in this self-extracting game.
Boom, done, 5 second fix! Thanx Arebokert!
arebokert (2012-04-10)
Thats a fix for your issue!
weirdguy86 (2012-05-11)
Thanks for the torrent. Couldnt find my old cds anymore so this came in handy.One problem though. I'm trying to get conquerors patched with the unofficial UserPatch 1.1. This requires the latest official version 1.0c of the game. I downloaded the 1.0c from microsofts page but it won't work. It says "retail version of the game is not installed on this system".
What is the conquerors version in this torrent anyway? Is there some way in-game to check what version it is. There is a 1.0b readme in the folder but I dont think the game actually has this installed. For example the changelog on the 1.0e readme says the aztecs now get loom for free, but when I started a random game with them, you still have to research loom at the town center.
Any help?
arebokert (2012-05-12)
@Weirdguy86One way of checking what version you are running is to startup a multiplayer game. Before actually starting the game, you can check your version number in the lobby by your name.
The reason for the patch not working is that the game is not installed. You only get the files and so the patch can't find an installation. You could try extracting the exe file for the patch and see if it is possible to copy the files directly into the AoE folder.
samp127 (2012-05-29)
one of the greatest games of my childhood, thank you for the uploadstonerdan (2012-06-07)
any1 know wy changing resolutions ingame results in impossible to see?arebokert (2012-06-08)
@StonerdanYou can change the resolution in-game in the options.
honestgypsy (2012-06-28)
Works great, i've downloaded this on 3 computers, easy for people just startingYodaDaCod (2012-07-04)
Love the torrent. Conquerors wouldn't run in single player mode but by applying userpatch v1.1, I was able to run a multiplayer game with myself as the only human player.xenobar (2012-07-18)
Please someone :( I live in Jamaica and cannot complete the offer thing could I possibly have the password???xenobar (2012-07-18)
Help with password, please?gocheed90 (2012-07-20)
works perfect thanks!trazzdi (2012-07-27)
installing the Userpatch is simple as it then put it in the same directory as the game files. Voila.
if you try and run it while it is in a different directory, prepare for error city.
arebokert (2012-07-28)
@XenobarThere is no password nor any kind of survey.
I didn't know that actually, thank you for informing us. I thought you had to extract the patch-files but it appears i was wrong.
tnt333 (2012-07-29)
Very good download highly recommended! the uploaded is very considerate :) great job!bazz991 (2012-07-31)
Awesome, all works, one click, haven't noticed any problems yet. Thanks a bunch!feliperisada (2012-08-27)
to fix the issue with colors in windows 7 disabling the explorer.exe automatically, do as follow:1. create a new notepad file inside the "age2_x1" folder
2. copy and save the following text inside it:
taskkill /F /IM Explorer.exe
Start explorer.exe
4. Rename the file to "age2x1e.bat"
5. Play the through this file
Daedom (2012-08-28)
Love it. it's so simple but my friend when he downloaded it somehow got 1.0c and I didn't so now I have to download a different torrent If someone could tell me how to patch this one up that would be great! again I love it it takes like 5 seconds.RaggleFraggle (2012-08-31)
Great file, works perfectly.Also, thanks feliperisada for the windows 7 fix.
gelatodealer (2012-09-05)
Lol guys some help plz....Downloaded,extracted,went to the file and pressed EMPIRE2..nothing happened.When installed and mounted says insert correct CD....win7 64bit
Jarwain (2012-09-09)
When I host, they can join and everything. However, when the game starts, both of their AOEs crash. I'm using a different crack and install which worked for me, but not for my brother.Jarwain (2012-09-09)
When my brother hosts, I don't see the game, and when his friend joined (both are using this one-click install), the friend crashed after game start.skulldragon (2012-09-12)
Works, You need a proper crack from:
And Userpatch is made by amateurs, meaning, it doesn't even start installing.
Visadio (2012-09-23)
I agree with LAGRUEJ:"Wooooo, 3rd comment in a row... well I give up, I deleted this shit, obviously it's not the uploaders fault, but for some reason this shit won't work, using ISOs is much easier at this point
This is the torrent I've always used, if you really can't get this torrent to work, like me, then I highly recommend it.. "
arebokert (2012-09-23)
Visadio, please read ALL the comments before complaining. It has already been states that you might need the crack that has been linked in the comments several times.defenc3 (2012-09-27)
Wow INSANE torrent ! very easy to install and a lot of seeders. I was downloading it a 3.6 mb/sarebokert (2012-09-28)
If anyone can't get the game working, read through the comment section here and you will probably find an answer to any question you might have.adnartion (2012-10-15)
hey i seem to have a problem... when i try to run the game it says that my graphiccard have do be compatible with directdraw... so now i must ask how do i make my 660 compatible with directdrawarebokert (2012-10-26)
XspicyX (2012-11-04)
Why does it not self extract, It has downloaded as 1 file but none of my programs will open it? has there been an error in my download or is it something simple i need to do?UnknownAlly (2012-11-06)
Extracted to desktop, then cut and pasted into Program Files on Windows 7. Then had to allow access from the Microsoft firewall. Works great! THANKS!Vidar_97 (2012-11-10)
I can't get the patches to work, i managed to crack the game with the file from greatcracks but when i try to run a patch it says : You don't have the retail version. Do anybody know how to fix this?arebokert (2012-11-29)
@Vidar_97Have you run the patch when placed inside the game folder itself? The patch can't detect an installation as there are no registry entries. This means that it can't find the gamefiles unless the patch is placed directly in the aoe folder.
arebokert (2012-11-29)
@XspicyXIt's an exe created in 7zip. It should self-extract when you run it. If it doesn't, you can try downloading 7zip, right-clicking the file and then choose 7zip -> extract here
Timehack (2012-11-29)
Just wondering if anyone else had a problem with a race build not working properly?The Hun race required me to build houses when it is not meant to.
ForCom5 (2012-12-07)
Works fine!Just grab this if you're on a 32xBit!
You're welcome. Prepare to Nostalgia so hard. XD
braebie113 (2012-12-08)
Downloaded in 2 minutes, this torrent is working great for me no problems at all and I am running windows 7. Thank youbraebie113 (2012-12-08)
I was playing it for an hour then all of a sudden my coloring got messed up, what do I do? I tried to close it and restart it but the color is still messed up??braebie113 (2012-12-08)
I just figured it out how to fix the coloring if your using windows 7:there is a bug in Age of Empires 2, that makes the ground all red, also the water it totaly red, there is a very easy way to fix this!
I will explain it in this step by step guide, if you do as the steps says, you will be able to play without any color bug, and it's just awesome!
Step 1.
Right click on your desktop, create a new file with notepad.
Step 2.
In this notepad you will write the following one of these things listed bellow, note that if you have Age of Empires 2, Age of kings, you will take the first part, and if you play the expansion use the second part.
-Do not use both-
Age of Kings - AGE II :
taskkill /F /IM Explorer.exe
Start explorer.exe
The Conquerors Expansion:
taskkill /F /IM Explorer.exe
Start explorer.exe
Step 3.
After you have pasted 1 of the codes above in to notepad, click "save as", also put in "All files" this option is under the blank spot where you will enter the name of your new file, the new file could be named anything, as long as you include ".bat" at the end, for example "Agefix.bat".
Step 4.
You're almost done now, the only thing you need to do is to put this file in to your game folder, mostly in C:/Program/Microsoft Games/Age of Empires 2.
braebie113 (2012-12-10)
Once you have placed it in the folder/file just click on the saved file and that's how you start your game now (it should look black with commands on the screen. It starts the game automatically so no need to click on the normal start up. The bug is all fixed.I hope this helps
Wankbot31 (2012-12-12)
i need no cd fixJorrellian (2012-12-19)
Excellent torrent, even though i was waiting for an hour for it to finish torrenting i was still patient.Using windows 7 and i tried to color bug fixing thing but it doesn't work or i may have done it wrong but i don't care, i can put up with it. :)
keski_ (2012-12-24)
Repeating what's already been said. If you experience problems with colors in windows 7 you must stop explorer.exe, run the game, and afterwards restart explorer.Simple fix:
Open notepad and enter the following:
taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe
Save the file as .bat (e.g. AgeOfEmpires.bat). Now, just use this as your shortcut to start the game. (Tip: If the new file opens as a text document make sure that file endngs are really visible ;) )
While the game is running windows wil not work perfectly (e.g your start menu will not be visible) but don't panic. When you quit the game things will return to normal. If things don't return to normal open task manager and start a new process, just type: explorer.exe
bdenns (2013-01-03)
I'm having a problem with the game after it is launched. It plays the first graphic then goes straight to a static screen (a frozen static). I have tried using the notepad tricks (stopping explorer.exe) but to no avail even though I knew it didnt really have anything to do with the colour issue as I am running windows 7- 64 bit. Any help? I've read through all the comments but none have this issueclw2147 (2013-01-12)
just downloaded and i can play aoe II just fine, but when i try to play the expansion it sais i need to insert a disk. how can i fix this?clw2147 (2013-01-12)
never mind, found a crack that fixed itinraged (2013-01-18)
hey i dowwloaded the game it work fine the frist time but now everytime i start a game the screen gets stuck at the left top and i cant make it stop i cant command my people someone help plz i want this gamepompozo (2013-02-23)
works perfect on w7 64!! and just fix the color problem with the .bat fileNostradanus (2013-02-24)
To anyone having a problem with the colors, don't bother using a bat file killing explorer everytime.Just make a reg file and paste these lines in:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
vlad_ivx (2013-02-25)
great job! thank you very mucharebokert (2013-02-28)
If you encounter any problems related to the no-cd crack, download this cracked exe file and place it in the extracted folder:
If you have any other problems, please take a look at other comments on this torrent, as the answer you're seeking is probably around there.
Alello18 (2013-03-10)
@Braebie113I used your steps, steps by steps, everything works fine but when i'm gonna start a game it tabs down to a black screen and then comes the error message : Age of empires has stopped working and the game quits.
Any thoughts?
Leapchild (2013-03-12)
For color problems just apply a direct draw fix, no need to disable explorer.exe
frumpypanda (2013-03-19)
now you're mine.
YohoPirateBboy (2013-03-26)
I can't run Conquerors single player mode!pahavanja (2013-03-30)
No disc??? Are you fucking serious???VisagePT (2013-06-25)
Thank you, works just fine, even on windows 7No color issues, working 100%
brando_slc (2013-06-26)
Thanks, works in Windowed mode with vegmod
nz77788 (2013-12-23)
Many thanks for this arebokert! Works 100% on this piece of shit Vista and I'm having no problems with the colour. Expansion pack works too. It's really good to find a version of this that is so straight forward when it comes to installing. No need to mount the ISO. Cheeeerznz77788 (2013-12-24)
Got a bit ahead of myself....the conquerors expansion doesn't work for asks for the CD once loaded the main menu. I have downloaded that crack linked many times in the comments but it won't install for some reason....probably my piece of shit computer. no worries....aoe2 is still fun!nz77788 (2013-12-24)
Ok nevermind my comment flooding lol I got it to work.....for some reason the crack in the links posted didn't work but the exact same crack (same name anyway) worked with a different website. If this happens for you just google "Age Of Empires 2 v2.1 - The Conquerors crack by FHCF" and you'll find it. Again many thanks arebokert!MauValmont (2014-04-28)
Hey all!A friend and me downloaded this torrent and we wanted to play multiplayer (we downloaded gameranger too). However, when we are about to start the match, we get a "No CD installed" notice. Has anybody else encountered this problem?
Help please?
1. Aoe2AokC 2,0.exe 177.21 Mb