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Smallville Seasons 1-5 + 601, 602, 603, 604
Smallville Seasons 1-5 + 601, 602, 603, 604
Video/TV shows
2006-10-21 (by X4N4X)
Every Episode of Smallville as of 20/10 2006
LOL.. You're REALLY FUCKING STUPID to upload this. It will be obsolete in a week... Just wait for the sixth season if you really want to have it all in one torrent...
__j0cke (2006-11-15)
c'mon seed!
Zettez (2006-12-14)
PLZ SEED! Almost done! I'll seed when im done! Please! I got 200 kb/s yeh that owns, but no Seeders, everyone is stuck at 92.7%! PLEASE SEED AND I WILL LOVE U FOREEVER!
TheCaynine (2007-01-08)
Please seed I am stuck on 97,9 % Please seed it wont take long
stiffpower (2007-01-11)
Some seeding would be great here. Perhaps i can help seeding, depending on how fast i can download it:)
DimitriX (2007-03-11)
il help seed as mush as i can hwen im finishd!
hyg71886 (2007-03-20)
Look for all u people that leeched ur A@#Wholes because now everyone is stuck at freakin 97.9%. For the one person that dad seed, X4N4X we would all appriciate if you let some of use finish the file. Then we can seed it so this doesnt happen again. I have Le Femme Nikita 1-5 n i at the end of season 4, so hopefully we can get this rit before im done watchin it. Come on people, Seed! They should have a rule up here where u cant download unless ur a member n if u dont keep a certain ration ur ass gets banned.
hyg71886 (2007-03-20)
these are the episodes missing, Season 5 episodes 9,10,11,19,20. I will seed if i can finish downloading the file but someones gonna have to figure out how to add those 5 episodes n upload it