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Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,7th Edition




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Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,7th Edition




2011-10-30 (by bigbluesea)


This time honoured classic has not just had a new coat of paint, it has been re-built completeley. After six editions, the editor has decided that a radical revision is necessary. This plan has been developed as a result of intensive consulation with trainees in ob/gyn as to what they want, what they need and how they learn.In short, this postgraduate textbook has been developed as if it were a student text.The book has been organised into two halves; obsterics and gynaecology. Within each half the chapters have been structured into sections. Within each chapter there is still more structure with the use of pedagogic features such as boxes, highlights and key points for the first time. This reflects the way that doctors now learn from the first year student upwards."Dewhurst" is on the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology recommended reading list for the MRCOG examination21 New Chapters:- Anatomy of the Pelvis and Reproductive Tract- Placenta and Fetal Membranes- Antenatal Care- Anaesthesia and Analgesia- Recurrent Miscarriage- Ectopic Pregnancy- Trophoblastic Disease- Genetics and Prenatal DIagnosis- Drugs and Pregnancy- Obstetric Emergencies- Prolonged Pregnancy- Renal Disease- Termination of Pregnancy- Imaging in Gynaecology - essential as everyone gats a scan these days.- PMS- Assisted Reproduction- Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy- Sexual Dysfunction- Psychological Aspects of Pregnancy- Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault - now on MRCOG curriculum- Ethical DilemmasRationale for New Edition by DK EdmondsThere are a number of reasons why I believe we have to change the way in which Dewhurst is presented.Firstly, the type of learning that medical students now have is not that same as it used to be. They use short note systems, boxes and texts that are not particularly verbose. The idea is, as I understand it from talking to medical students, just to learn the facts. This is fine as an undergraduate but it is simething that has evolved and on questioning my own junior staff, have realised that they go on using that type of information text in their early years. I think, therefore, that the short notes series for that MRCOG have become quite popular, although again talking to the College, the quality of many of the presentations falls down on the fact taht they are not able to argue the facts but merely present them without any thought.I think Dewhurst therefore needs to cross over between this annotated type of text and the more verbose volumes that are also recommended for the MRCOG, i.e. Turnbull''s Obstetrics and Gynaecology, by Stanton, Soutter and Shaw. Using the Model of Davidson''s Principles and Practice of Medicine, which has been an extremely sucessful volume and is now in it''s19th edition, first published in 1952, it has changed towards a presentation that involves colour drawing and information boxes. Each chapter follows a similar format and again I think reflects the new learning systems.Obviously we need to have evidence-based medicine when it exists and evidence-based boxes or panels would be very sensible. The use of simple drawings and colour I think makes the presentation also extremely attractive. I would also like to include as many algorithms as we possibly can and go to different types of protocol approaches also which are very much part of normal medical practice these days. By using this approach, I would hope that we can cut down the amount of writing and rely on the descriptions of parts of chapters to be easier to read.Innovations- Edmonds will insist that authors will add boxes. They could even start with the boxes and use them as a template for the chapter.- He will add some ANZ authors to emphasise commonwealth feel. Also because of growing numbers of foreign ob/gyn trainees coming to the UK, a more pedagogic page will help trainees whose first language is not English (most of them come from Poland and the Czech Republic).- the age of author team is now much reduced!- Introduced sections in to See all Editorial Reviews Product Details * Hardcover: 736 pages * Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 7 edition (May 22, 2007) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 1405133554 * ISBN-13: 978-1405133555


  1. Obstetrics and Gynaecolog
  2. Dewhurst\'s
  3. OB/GYN
  4. Gynaecology
  5. Medical
  6. Pdf

Files count:



13.22 Mb




bot337 (2011-10-30)

my career in gynecology beings today!

ilovemyaunt (2014-03-26)

Gynecology is for pussies! :P


1. Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 7th ed - D. Edmonds (Blackwell, 2007) BBS.pdf 13.22 Mb