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VM Ware Workstation 6.0 ACE Edition with Keygen






VM Ware Workstation 6.0 ACE Edition with Keygen


Applications/Other OS


2008-07-21 (by Zinedin)


This is a repackaged release of following torrent: This is basically the same software, same version and with no viruses or any other shit added. So what's the difference then? 1. I have converted the original .DAA (Power ISO) file format to a .ISO (Standard ISO format). I don't think anyone really needs the shitty .DAA file format, because the software needed to open it is Power ISO and Power ISO is as we know proprietary software. So you would need to first download Power ISO and crack it which is just waste of time. And then the shitty Power ISO software is the only software on the market that can handle .DAA file format. Why do we need that? On the other hand, Daemon Tools is another software of the same type as Power ISO, and Daemon Tools is completely free. Daemon Tools handles the most popular Image file formats like ISO, BIN/CUE, NRG (the Nero image format) and many more (except the shitty DAA). You can download Daemon Tools at 2. I have added the VM Ware keygen as part of the ISO file. So all you need to carry with you is one single file. When you mount the ISO into Daemon Tools you get access to both the setup program and the Keygen. 3. I have deleted the Serial.txt file from the original .DAA image because it contained a serial number for VM Ware Workstation 6 that is no longer valid. So there is no need to keep it. 4. Well, obviously the file size differs also since this is a ISO file and the original one is DAA file. But the difference is only like 3 - 10 MB, not more. So it's almost no difference. And the difference is not due to any added virus or anything like that. I hope that you will find this torrent more clean and more portable so that you can use it in basically any CD/DVD-ROM emulator like Daemon Tools or what so ever. Enjoy!

Files count:



276.13 Mb




Zinedin (2008-10-18)

Did I mention that you can also burn this ISO file directly to a CD or DVD?... if you want to, of course.
If you don't have any empty CD or DVD discs at the time, or you prefer to open image-files in CD/DVD emulators like Daemon Tools, that's fine too. But if you decide you want it on a CD or DVD (and you may want that since it's over 270 MB big program) and you don't have any software for CD/DVD burning like Nero or you have one that doesn't support ISO images or one that doesn't have a virtual image burner at all, then you can download and install ImgBurn which is also a free software just like Daemon Tools.
Brief info on ImgBurn:
Official website:
Never download free software like Daemon Tools and ImgBurn from web sites like torrent trackers such as this one - The Pirate Bay. Since it's a free software there is no need to. They are freely available from their respective web site. And if you do download it from a tracker like TPB, you may get yourself some extra viruses and other shit.
So that's a general recommendation that applies to what ever the free software you download. But the links I've provided above are safe, so just go ahead and use those links. If you like to you can always just go to and search for "daemon tools" and "imgburn" respectively.
I have personally recently discovered ImgBurn and I just love it. It's very simple to use, and has a graphical interface almost identical to DVD Decrypter. Since I have discovered ImgBurn I never cared about downloading and cracking proprietary software like Nero just to burn a Image file to a CD/DVD. I just use ImgBurn now. The first image-file I burned with it was actually a Ubuntu Linux distribution. :)
In short;
Guide: how to burn image file with BurnImg

Daemon Tools
Guide: how to install and use Daemon Tools

Disk image and emulation
(DVD Decrypter:

I hope that this will help you discover some cool software and eventually learn some new things.
Ps. I will be seeding this torrent at least until the next year.

hammer8763 (2009-01-30)

very well written and informative.
thank you

Zinedin (2009-02-21)

Thanks for your feedback Hammer!
Initially I planned on seeding this software untill the next year. That year is now, but I am still seeding this software. It's a pretty good and a very useful piece of software.
I have to make one note on my previous message about the CD/DVD emulation software Daemon Tools.
"Since version 4.00, four editions of the product exist: Lite [Commercial], Pro Basic, Pro Standard and Pro Advanced." For a feature comparison see

The Lite and Pro Basic editions are still free software, while the remaining two are charged for. However, since the team behind Daemon Tools made the decision to make the move to a payed-for version and a free version of the software, you may find the free version (Lite, and Pro Basic) of it to be a "bloatware" unless you buy the pay-for edition. The free editions are just too annoying with adds and the user interface is a mess and haven't been changed for ages. So you may find it that way even if you buy the full edition of it.
For that reason, I have sought for a better solution. May I present to you my new companion for all my CD, DVD, and even HD-DVD, and BLU-RAY disc emulation needs?!... Virtual CloneDrive!
Virtual CloneDrive is a light-weight, resource-effective, simple and easy to install and use software freely available from the Elaborate Bytes a.k.a. Sly Soft company better known for their popular AnyDVD and CloneDVD software.
Note this one more time, Virtual CloneDrive is a proprietary software, but it comes free of charge for all your personal needs!
Go ahead and download it from their Web site at

Virtual CloneDrive does not support as many disk image file formats as Daemon Tools. It's mostly because of legal restrictions since there are so many proprietary disk image file formats that are created and copyrighted by different software companies who are the only ones who are allowed to use these formats. I've already mentioned two of them in my previous message. I'll mention them again.
DAA is a proprietary disk image file format created by PowerISO Computing company who have all the rights on that format.
NRG is another proprietary disk image file format created by Ahead Software AG (now known as NERO AG). Same here, only NERO AG have all the rights on that format.
ISO (formally "ISO 9660") and BIN on the other hand are open standards. (BIN is not a standard thou but it is readable on virtually any personal computer regardless of platform.)
Virtual CloneDrive supports these common disk image file formats, both ISO and BIN/CUE, as well as SlySofts own CCD (Clone CD) file format. I personally don't need anything else.
Just make sure not to create any DAA, NRG, or other proprietary file format disk images and you're safe.
You should make that a rule of thumb - never use proprietary file formats for any of your computing needs! If you do you will surely end up with files that you can't open on your computer or on another computer if it doesn't have that special software needed for it, and those softwares are almost certainly commercial and they aren't cheap either.
Microsoft files like DOC, XLS, PPT and so on are only readable with associated Microsoft software or compatible third-party commercial software. And how much does a Microsoft Office suite cost these days? $400 - $500? That's probably the main reason why these get ripped and pirated and uploaded on Web sites such as these.
However, the new binary file formats which are used as default in Microsoft Office 2007 are more "open standard" because they are based on Office Open XML.
But still, remember to make it a rule of thumb not to use proprietary file formats for any of your computing needs. Whenever possible, avoid them and use open standard file formats instead. That's a good guarantee that the files you create are readable on other computers even several decades after they were created. If not, it will still be much easie

Knackboy (2010-03-11)

100% Clean and 100% Working, THANKS!!!

e-Tunes (2011-02-16)

hi, can anyone write som keys here?
thx alot!

CallMeD (2012-07-19)

This website needs more "teachers" like you Zinedin, and less trolls, spammers...etc
Thanks for the info. Good stuff.

CallMeD (2012-07-19)

That being said, lol....
How come this file wasn't zipped? Does it have something to do with the image (iso)? Is it possible to extract files to a cd/dvd?

CallMeD (2012-07-19)

Crap, maybe I should have kept reading before any questions...ok. Thanks again.

balgus112 (2012-08-07)

Took quiet some time to read through all that stuff, very enlightening.
just wondering when you give your own keygen with your software why you didnt get PowerISO with keygen :P

lazyboy007 (2015-07-19)

keep seeding every one my download is completed n still seeding for 10 days, because this is the best one thanks to up loader Zinedin


1. VM Ware Workstation 6.0 ACE Edition with Keygen.iso 276.13 Mb