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Classic-On-Intel v 4.0.1 ?chubby-bunny?






Classic-On-Intel v 4.0.1 ?chubby-bunny?




2007-06-30 (by gwalkabout)


Classic-On-Intel v 4.0.1: ?chubby-bunny? What ?s this?: COI is a application that gives Mac Intel owners the ability to run Classic (OS-9) programs. The environment has networking, quicktime, a OSX mountable 400/800/1200 Meg HDs for your applications and access from the OS-9 desktop to your boot volume. Unzip and place the application anywhere. This release overcomes the following limitations of Sheepshaver (in general) and previous versions of COI: 1) No installer necessary, 2) The Application can be placed anywhere (the ?Utilities? folder is a nice place). 3) Blank HD?s for your old applications and data 4) Drag & Drop access to OSX 5) Includes the ?NewOS? application so that you can replace OS9 with another OS (7 or 8) (Any or all of the extra HDs must be put in ?/Users/Shared? to automount in OS-9. Your /Users/Shared folder shows up on the OS9 desktop as ?Unix?) Stop reading here, click, install and enjoy ? or ? if you really need to know.. read below or the other readmes from previous versions. Feel free to distribute this to other mac users as you see fit, I read the top ?COI classic on intel? hits in google so if you have questions or wishlists, post them on one of those sites. If I had a way of making apple-legal happy I?d have a site and give this freely to the mac community, but for now? ? gwalkabout Notes: 1. COI will mount all of the following named volumes in ?/Users/Shared/? automatically: 400Meg.dmg, 800Meg.dmg, 1200Meg.dmg, MyOldHD.dmg, COIHD.dmg. 2. COI is essentially Sheepshaver pre-configured and pre-installed with the highest version of os9 that it will run. Its main advantage is that it is a move-anywhere, zero-install, no-configure, ?works out-of-the-box? version for people who have been using Macs because of their ease of use (but may not have the patience or ability to do a fairly complex install and configure procedure). 3. I love macs and have had them since 1984. My intent is/was not to violate any apple copyrights (see Rant below), so unless you are in the realm of ?hacker? you will not be able to see, use or extract the any apple roms etc from this distro. Future versions will possibly have more extreme protection measures such as encrypting apple?s stuff and checking the machine gestalts to make sure you own apple hardware, check for an os9 instal CD, but for now? 4. Known problems/limitations: the network/appleshare functionality is limited by 9.04. I?ve removed printing and many/most of the features in os9 that are already available in os X ? you can put these back in when you install your own os9 from your old mac (see below) ? but remember, you should only use this for those few legacy apps in classic that have not osX equivalent (I had web-browsers, office apps, multimedia, etc. in previous demonstration versions but what?s here is stable and small). 5. The ?NewOS? drag-and-drop application is needed to install your own os9 on COI ?Follow the directions below carfully. If you screw up it lets you undo and , of course, you can always unzip the whole thing again without screwing up your HDs in /Users/Shared. Rant: I?ll agree with others (many, it seems) that are disappointed that Apple didn?t see fit to include OS9 ?Classic? environment capabilities in their Universal Binary OS for the new Intel macs. At best you can say that OS8 and 9 are actively-unsupported and restricted by copyright. I do have a nice collection of G5, G4, G3 and lower (PPC) macs in my house, lab and classroom some of which have software I paid big bucks for that don?t run on OSX (educational and scientific mostly). Bottom line: it?s a pain in the okole to dig one out, fire it up, copy screen-captures or files to my current mac and then print. Tested on macbook, iMac, mac mini, and macbook pro.

Files count:



36.36 Mb




gwalkabout (2007-06-30)

As always, I'm on an extremely slow connection at the end of a very long road, so, any help seeding will be much appreciated.
Mahalo, Hossfromhon

chattanooga (2007-06-30)

Get it airborn and you 'll get all the assistance you need!

Dragon.76 (2007-07-01)

So is this a ported version of Sheepshaver?

alteregg (2007-07-02)

Thanks for great work, gwalkabout!!
A question:
What do you mean by "Drag & Drop access to OSX" ? (First I thought you could move FILES from OSX desktop to OS9 desktop...but that doesn't work for me)
What's the easiest way to move stuff between OS's ?
Once again, Thanks for a nice job!

jason2bourne (2007-10-28)

can anyone seed this please?
it is quite urgent
thank you

Luffar-Antastarn (2007-12-30)

So, do I need an old mac os installer disc for this?

alexeiisma (2008-03-18)

can anyone seed this please?
thank you

rayboat (2008-04-07)

How do i read cd roms for OS9 in the COI application. When i insert the disk i Get the Leopard X over the application.

SwBear (2008-04-21)

alteregg: open 'Preferences' in SS, choose a suitable folder in 'Unix Root'. This will become your shared folder between X and 9. Don´t work with files in this folder under OS 9. Move them onto a 'Harddisk' before opening them.
rayboat: mount the Cd before starting SS, a bit awkward. If u need to change disks in SS, install 'Joliet Volume Access' in your emulated system. It´s an extension which supports other formats and some manipulation of diskmounting.
Both: more info in this

HTH 8)

killercatfish (2008-05-02)

Can anyone tell me how to get a game to work on this? I desperately want to play that Pheta Spacestation game again!
When I get it into the applications folder it says could not find the program that created it!

Grom1 (2008-07-27)

Hey. This little program is great. I'm running OS9 on my MacBook pro.
The only thing is I love Deus Ex and wanted to play it again...I can;t get it to shuts down the entire OS9 window just before it starts...somethihng to do with the graphics I guess since the Sheepshaver OS9 doesn't recognize my graphics card as a 3D card.
Any suggestions ?

MrOmari (2008-12-28)

Everything i was looking for was right here all along. Screw you gwalkabout for making me feel foolish

killerzip (2008-12-29)

Thanks! So much easier than Sheepshaver!

ddrach (2009-01-13)

I'm also having trouble trying to play a game on here. I Installed HOMM 3, after toying around for awhile I figured out how to create a volume with about 800 MB's on it so I finally got the game installed. But when I go to run it I hear sound for like 2 seconds then get a blank screen. I don't know if I have it in the wrong spot or if something is config wrong

xtraa (2009-10-09)

plz seed anyone? =)

john1221 (2011-04-06)

I want to play x-files game which comes on 7 cd's and can be installed on a hard drive. How can I create a disk image large enough? At least 4 gig.

VyseL (2014-10-25)

Sup guys, please seed! I will do so if I get the file… thanks!

VyseL (2014-10-25)

Plz seed!!


1. COI 4.0.1/COI (Classic-On-Intel) V4.0.1 "Chubby Bunny ".zip 36.22 Mb
2. COI 4.0.1/ReadMe COI 4.0.1.pdf 135.86 Kb