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Age of Empires III Mac OS X-GALAPP
Age of Empires III Mac OS X-GALAPP
2008-10-11 (by Nadav_Peretz)
Age Of Empires III (c) Microsoft
10/2008 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: SmartE/Serial
1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Simulation
In this highly anticipated next installment in the Age of Empires franchise
from Ensemble Studios, Age of Empires III places players in the time period
of roughly 1500�1850, picking up where Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
left off. As players work to establish their empire, they take on the role
of a European power struggling to explore, colonize, and conquer North and
South America.
Age of Empires III introduces exciting new gameplay elements, including the
all-new Home City and an incredible combat system. Players have new
civilizations to discover, random maps to conquer, and a single-player
campaign unlike any other. Players also find stunning graphics as a result
of a revolutionary graphics engine that pushes the limits of PC graphics
technology in an entirely new way.
1. Unrar using your favorite RAR app for Mac.
2. Mount the .toast file
3. Drag the AoE III icon to the applications folder
4. enjoy and seed
Files count:
1411.82 Mb
Nadav_Peretz (2008-10-11)
well.. it shouldlol
thepirate44 (2008-10-13)
It won't expand when trying to open it... has anyone confirmed that this works?bishop1j (2008-10-16)
Pass code to unrar?Nadav_Peretz (2008-10-16)
@bishop1jthere is no pass.. lol
MDS0LDI3R (2008-10-20)
Can anyone post the expansions for this game?Zlatin23 (2008-10-21)
I'm being asked for encryption passphrase.. anyone?steve_mac (2008-10-21)
Thanks dude, great torrent - works 100% on my Leopard iMac.Zlatin23 (2008-10-22)
Won't Unrar.. says error with part 2.. any suggestions?th3ris (2008-10-23)
when i extract the file it says it is corrupted, but i can extract the file, but it is 0 kb and therefore i can't mount it. Do i need to re-download?Tempt91 (2008-10-24)
i installed as you described, starts up great and works perfect, exept that some time after i have started a new game suddenly my game freezes and crashes. do anyone have any idea how i can fix this problem?RoMacNow (2008-10-26)
Problems for me too. I can't unrar the 15 files. It gives me a CRC error. I have tried unrar with 3programs, but none work. Does anyone have an idea?Tempt91 (2008-10-26)
i did not need to unrar all the files, only the first one and then it worked for metourist7 (2008-10-28)
Hey People..!I also had problems, when i tried to open the first rar file... But open your eyes...! It´s the second folder... This is (at least it was the folder, where everything went ok with me) the folder with rar files that open: AGE.OF.EMPIRES.III.MAC.OSX.GALAPP
tourist7 (2008-10-28)
.. and by the way: It works...Thank you...! :-)
Mariamc (2008-10-29)
Hi. i am not that into computers, so it's probably a stupid question, but which program do I open the files with? When the files are downloaded what do i do next?clint99 (2008-10-30)
try rarexpander for me
TBDR (2008-11-01)
Works well for me so far. I only unrared the 1st file, mounted the .toast, and dragged the file into the app folder (hmm just like the directions say). I've only played the tutorial so far and no freezes, so hopefully a full game will work as well.krimpy (2008-11-02)
clint99 mac computers normally come with the program stuffitexpander wich is great for rar-filessalfanar (2008-11-02)
there is this programm called UnRarX. you can download ir for free via the i-net and it works great. prob the best the game. aoe3 works sooo good. love it.
got a new imac 20" and that stuff.
salfanar (2008-11-03)
finished with the campaignany1 got the asian-expansion?
fatyzeusboy (2008-11-03)
Seed Please! Thanks.krimpy (2008-11-05)
People stuffitexpander doesn't workso i'm going to try rarexpander and if it works i'l seed for years!!!!
parangaitok (2008-11-12)
Works great. Used Stuffit and Toast. I'm having the same problem where once in a blue moon it freezes and crashes. I'm not too bothered though.One thing I am bothered about is the font size in the actual game. It's so tiny, I can't even read it. Any Suggestions on how to fix this? I'm using Leopard 10.5.5 on a MAC Mini 2GHZ / 2GB Ram attached to my 42" Philips LCD TV.
Opalius (2008-11-16)
It works perfectly on my macbook! Thanks for the sharefireaway0201 (2008-11-19)
My Xtorrent finished downloading Age of Empires this morning, I tried to drag the files into the App Unrarx but it says that the parts are not rar archives? and that there is nothing to be extracted? Please help!! and I have a program called mount me but what is the toast file?fireaway0201 (2008-11-19)
Ok I found out what the toast is... this is the result of un rar- ing the files that i downloaded... but my unrar apps are still saying that the files i downloaded are not rar files? have I put them in the wrong location?rockandrolla (2008-11-22)
some one help when i unrared i got the AoE3.toastyet when i try to mount it with toast 9.0.4 i says
"Toast could not contain the format of Age of Empires3.0.toast.Clock continue if you are certain that it is a valid disk image
rockandrolla (2008-11-22)
ok i figured it out my unarchiver didn't work so i used rar expender and it did the jobgreat torrent
antman872 (2008-11-24)
What Client do u guys usethewallis1992 (2008-11-25)
Another great game by Nadav_Peretz:]By the way, you only need to un-archive the first file. The Unarchiver doesn't work, use Unrarx, it came with my mac but I've heard you can get it for free online.
haste1990 (2008-11-25)
WITH UNRARX OR RAR EXPANDERadter that u get a file called Age of Empires 3.0.toast and u just used that with a program called toast (use google to search for it and download) not hard
Minker147 (2008-11-30)
how do you mount with toast?esbye (2008-12-04)
The archive 'AGE.OF.EMPIRES.III.MAC.OSX.GALAPP' could not be expanded, the file 'Age of Empires 3.0.toast' it contains seems to be brokenHelp wanted! I get this message when i try to expand with rar expander.
zexxer (2008-12-08)
What file are you guys mounting? I don't show a .toast file after expanding all the rar files.sirrobin1 (2008-12-14)
Works perfectly using UnRarX on Intel Macbook. You only need to drop the first rar (part 1) into UnRarX. Thanks!hoogee (2008-12-14)
a lot of the problems with the .toast file refusing to mount and the rar's not expanding with any program may be due to a corrupted file. My game works, and here is the md5 i got: 30e87f63a5bae89e265b99c33ee0a2b9Note: to find the md5 of a file you need a program. Use this program:
and compare the above to the one you generateOR
the md5 program in terminal (md5 "file1" "file2" for usage)
voidqc (2008-12-17)
Probably one of the best game torrent for mac out there! It works and is very easy to use.I used 7zip to extract, then toast titanium to install. It works jut fine on my macbook!
strawberryfields57 (2008-12-20)
great torrentamazing game!
sekiguy (2008-12-23)
How do you upgrade it to 1.0.4. I tried and it asks for the original DVD. I updated the app on the image and it still doesn't work. Any ideas/suggestions?Great game by the way!! Thanks Nadav!
wilyki (2008-12-24)
great torrent, thanks alot nadav, im on a macbook and i just unrared the first file and iv been playing since :) merry christmasvinc117 (2008-12-28)
MORE SEED PLEASE!!!!saucywaif (2008-12-31)
Please seed...callmesuraly (2009-01-03)
for the love of god SEED!!!!!!please.
Pillon (2009-01-03)
GR8 Game!Newblit (2009-01-05)
Can someone post a link for the toast software I have googled it over and over and over again and have only come up with titanium toast but that software by roxio is 90 dollars.Newblit (2009-01-10)
Lol wow do I feel retarded ignore my last commentRocking.Robot (2009-01-15)
Wicked torrent, works 100% finethepumer (2009-01-16)
Someone please help!I cant download the Toast program :[!
Its just giving me random links to buying it
capncrunch9233 (2009-01-18)
awesome torrent. simple and works perfectly. thanks man =)skarbel (2009-01-19)
that was a really fast download.everything works just great.many thnxSkullFX (2009-01-20)
The game installed but when I'm playing, the game crashes during the cutscenes. Can anybody help?ren8 (2009-01-21)
SEEDBustinJay (2009-01-22)
hiI installed the game but when I wanna start it it asks me to put the original cd-rom in my disk drive..
any help?
mreriik (2009-01-23)
bustinJay, ist probably because you deleted the downloading file from here? at least that was the case for me. i installed it and everything worked fine, then when i daleted the original file it kept asking the same question. So now i have to download it all again, which took me 3 days last time.....Please seeed!!!!
deathraz0r666 (2009-01-24)
Thanks alot man! Worked perfectly! :DRecommended.
clotter (2009-01-25)
OS X LeopardUse UnRarX (free on-line); drop the first
rar file in the UnRarX window.
It will generate a .toast file
Drag the Toast file to the "COPY" "Image File" section (Toast 8), then mount the image, and then copy it to your hard drive.
If you like the game then GO BUY IT. I like using torrents to try games out but if I play them I pay for them.
Have fun.
gosox5555 (2009-01-25)
Keep seeding!!Don_Karleone08 (2009-01-27)
seed please im only getting 4 kbs its guna take 5 days!!!!! Please seed,i always do.Don_Karleone08 (2009-01-27)
thanks for seeding,its down to 10 hours now which aint that badmateo09 (2009-02-07)
im a n00b to all of this and can someone please tell me how i 1) mount a disk image using toast2) also how the dmg files work i have a no cd crack for a game and i dont know what to do with it lol sad but hey got to start somewhere aye, well if someone could be a champ and help me how to get these games to work on my i-mac that would be tops...
ps... i seed lol
rj-300zx (2009-02-12)
seedrj-300zx (2009-02-14)
Seed and I will seed back!snypro (2009-02-20)
fantastic torrent, downloaded in about 4-5 hours, so easy to install ! runs like a charm =Dthank you so much !
mikaek (2009-02-24)
great torrent. just installed it and it works 100% fineThanks!
barrist (2009-03-12)
is this the latest version (1.0.4)?corvidus (2009-03-16)
Seed please!corvidus (2009-03-16)
seedseedseed comeoncorvidus (2009-03-16)
Seed god damit! :PTakes forevah
corvidus (2009-03-16)
7/209 seeds...Sighethel_va (2009-03-18)
SEED PLIIIIZ!!!ethel_va (2009-03-19)
Ive been downloadig for a day now:SSeeeeed please!!!
ssweetcore (2009-03-24)
Would ANYONE please be so kind and give EXACT instructions about how to mount the toast file. I just don't get it, but I really would like to get the game working, so I'd appreciate your help. Gossssh I've been trying to do it for like hours and I feel like a total idiot. Please help!gliosca (2009-03-26)
just do a search on here for toast titanium. i recommend toast 9 instead 10, it give you the divx choice which makes things easier for movies but whatever.latohn (2009-04-04)
need seeders pleeeeeeeeeassssssssseeeeeeeee!!!!!!i've been downloading for ever!!
please help`
miggypoo (2009-04-10)
PLays great will seed. thanks for the uploadmacbookftw (2009-04-12)
seed ploxgueyway (2009-04-17)
PLEASE SEED!!! thankS!gueyway (2009-04-17)
come on guys seed! i was downloading a 350 kbs plseaseee seed.... :Dxaviourte (2009-04-21)
it took me 4 cd and now on first cd there a folder with expansion is spanned what do i dob410 (2009-04-21)
perfect, thank youxaviourte (2009-04-21)
ok i got it it work perfectlyl3viathan (2009-04-28)
Works like a champ.1. Un-RAR the .toast file and mount it with Toast.
2. Copy the application to your Applications directory, or wherever.
3. Go to
and download the 1.04 upgrade patch and install it.4. Download the No-CD crack from
.5. To apply the crack patch, right-click on the AOE application and select "Show Package Contents." You can then navigate to the file that the crack directs you to drag onto the patch application.
6. "Eject" the mounted .toast file.
7. Launch the AOE app without a CD check.
juansthebest (2009-05-03)
un rar it with UnRarX
Mount with toast titanium and copy to applications
rizzo41999 (2009-06-30)
I'm downloading right now...very fast. I'll continue to seed for a whilewmark17 (2009-07-12)
Could someone help me please? Here's what I did:I used UnRarX, then I mounted the .dmg file with Toast and it appeared on my desktop with a disc image. When I copy it to my App folder, it opens and has the "Asian Dynasties Installer (US)." But when I double click that, it appears on my dock really fast and then disappears, and if I click it on the desktop it says "You can't open 'Asian Dynasties Installer (US) because it is not supported on this architecture."
Please help!
conexionz (2009-07-13)
im new to this, what does it mean "to mount"?BrysonMarshall (2009-07-24)
seed, pleaseHypn0s1s (2009-07-25)
ehm, macs come with a built in dmg mounter?just double click the .dmg ad it will mount itself
then follow 13vithian's instructions and it will wok good
i am only having trouble with the last step.. the crack lol
i put the AOE3 terminal file into the patch and it gives me and error... ill tr a restart
andresaic (2009-07-27)
i don't get it????this is like a way to confuise your computer and make it believe that you have the original age of emmpires III cd?
Hypn0s1s (2009-08-05)
anyone know if this game works online?just wondering
MACinized (2009-08-10)
tnx for the share Nadav_Peretz.blackjak231 (2009-08-16)
Thanks for sharing! i've put together a file with the cracks included!
skaushik92 (2009-08-27)
Great torrent! Thanks a mil!skaushik92 (2009-09-09)
Thanks for the wonderful download speeds! I will for sure keep seeding this! (I Got 600 kB/s for a short while)MPuppets (2009-09-17)
What I'm downloading is 15 .rar files? How do I have to make that run?Jibdud (2009-09-27)
Seed im at 2.1 kb/s!skyman74 (2009-10-12)
please seed!!!shmily1995 (2009-11-11)
i got it working on single player but when i enter multiplayer it asks me to open game ranger so i install it and when i try to open it it says that game ranger is a read only disk how do i make game ranger work?cybae0804 (2009-11-26)
hey folks,, it seems like there's the new 1.05 update, and i can't open the game anymore. does anyone kno the link to the crack site?mezzanaccio (2009-12-02)
do you guys know how to run version 1.0.4?i installed it and it says i need to insert dvd...
Domaraq (2009-12-06)
The .rar file 1, 2, and 3 all had errors.AOE3BESTEVER (2009-12-07)
Although i didnt download Age of Empires 3 for Mac from this particular torrent i got mine working with 2 simple steps.Step 1: Install AOE3
Step 2: Update AOE3 to the latest patch (1.05) heres the link
Its that easy!
Now Age of Empire 3 should even work online, no crack needed because the 1.05 update removes the cd check, just download Gameranger create a free account and your good to go.
Hope this helps. If you still cant get Age of Empires III to work then its because you failed to follow my simple steps. These same steps work for the expansion packs aswell, all you have to do if find the torrent for them, download them and install all the updates found it the link above.
alexortega2003 (2009-12-12)
Does anyone know if a MAC user can play against someone that is playing on windows?rames1 (2009-12-12)
works just great.... really interesting gamenik.a.1994 (2009-12-15)
Really good torrent, both single player and multiplayer works perfectly, I will keep seeding.umbral (2009-12-20)
e of empires III : 1.13 (1.0.4 on Mac OS X)The Warchif's Expansion: 1.05
The Asian Dynasty : Official: 1.02/June 10, 2009
Fan patch: 1.1a/June 17, 2009
chibichrist89 (2009-12-27)
Can anybody SEED please.Thanks!
theleah (2010-01-05)
The game downloaded fine, but when I try to unrar it I get an error message saying that an error occurred attempting to expand the files because 'the structure of the archive is damaged'. Anyone know what's going on and how I can fix it?SPO90 (2010-01-09)
This was my first time downloading a game torrent. So far so good; it was relatively quick and very easy to do! Cheers!bERTUZ_69 (2010-01-12)
It works very good. Extraction is the only little problem, try to do it with UnRarX (is free), open the first .001.rar and the program automatically unrar the rest of files.The game works! THANKS! =)
showbah (2010-01-20)
tanks!it's OK!
utron11 (2010-01-30)
Game seems to be good graphics, but I still prefer Age of Empire II. Anyway, thank for the torrentLAPARA (2010-02-14)
diarrhea_jones (2010-05-01)
Literally, all you do is drag it to your Applications and then open it.THIS IS EXACTLY HOW VIDEO GAMES SHOULD BE.
paulomatiz1 (2010-07-04)
Does this work on Mac Os X Snow Leopard version 10.6.3???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
elliotm (2010-07-31)
Great torrent works as easily as if you bought it. A+iMacZoid (2010-07-31)
@ AOE3BESTEVER - Big THANKS!I also d/l'd this and the 2 expansions from another torrent but couldn't open any of them.
I got all patches from:
All 3 now work great without needing a disk.
Again - Thanks Dude!
@ paulomatiz1 - I'm using 10.6.4 - No problems at all.
KTAMAX (2010-08-21)
hmm after I installed and launch AOE3, my imac crashes like 5 secs into the game.The error is EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
vivalabamf (2010-09-06)
i need a good download for a "toast" any suggestions?didii (2010-10-01)
Very good torrent!But why can't I play with 1.05 on OSX against 1.14 Windows?
qutaiba1 (2010-10-12)
oki guys so this is how you install it.---
1-after downloading the game just unzip the file using BETTERZIP.
2-then drag the game to any folder.
and then the game will work right away.
if you wana play online:
1- download an application called GAME RANGER
2- then you create an account for your online ID
3- then you should update your game to play it online.
to update the game.
1- click on this link
2-then scroll down and you will find written
"Age of Empires III 1.0.5 Software Update" click on it and it will automatically download the link
after downloading the link
1- it will ask you to locate your Age of empires 3 game so just locate it and it will download it , then you will be free to play the game easily.
sorry if it looks complicated but trust me its an really easy step
thapheon1 (2010-10-30)
Works great. though i havent been able to play online after one try.pushpop84 (2010-11-14)
I am finished. But, it has so many .rar files and I don't know which one to open! Also, it happens to ask me for a cd! Somebody answer one of my questions please?- -pushpop lollypop delicious :)
DrThunder15 (2010-11-16)
Ok So anyone stuck after they have downloaded here is how I managed it and it is working fine.1. Use Unrarx to unzip the first .rar file. ( Free download
2. There will appear a file named "Age Of Empires 3.0.toast"
3.Replace .toast with .dmg
4. Confirm this change
5.Double click the .dmg file and it should open the folder
6. Place the Application Icon in your applications folder and let it copy.
This should work. Although I haven't played it after a restart so I'll post if there are any problems.
margitmayer (2010-11-20)
Thank you a lot. Working fine. Followed DR.Thunder's instruction. My rar pogram was crappy, couldnt unrar the files.Absolutely now porblem. Have a new iMac, runs like a charm.
I keep it seeding.
Thanks to Nadav-Peretz for this great torrent!
mrQuick (2010-12-04)
Works beautifully!margitmayer (2010-12-06)
@ DrThunder15. when i replace .toast with .dmg and i click on it, nothing happens..anyone knows what could be the problem ?
ParkwayDrive (2010-12-13)
oh never mind, stupid perfect, great torrent
NickBolland (2010-12-14)
Nevermind, managed to extract the toast file and everythings fine. Game works. Thanks! Awesome torrent.eraktik (2010-12-16)
Got a very weird message when i have copied the file to my apps and try to open it:That the directory application Age of Empires III contains a backslash, / or period (.)
It also says to remove it and try again.
Anyone knows how to remove that????? Anyone experience with this?
besaw (2010-12-17)
DrThunder15, i followed your directions to the key, however...I keep getting a message that there is a period (.) or blackslash (/) on the way to the application folder and to remove it and try again, any suggestions?sevenos (2010-12-18)
all follow DrThunder15 's instructions,not working otherwise..
AZ54 (2010-12-19)
works perfectlytucotuti (2010-12-23)
it works perfectly! thx seedingweasle369 (2011-01-23)
Amazing upload! downloaded at 1.4 MB the whole time :) thanks to the seederscaptainbootymcplunder (2011-01-30)
I can get the main game to work, but if I install the addons it keeps asking me for the game disc...alfrgp (2011-02-09)
Works beautifullyemesz (2011-02-24)
Hey. The game works perfectly but I dont get to see intro not the videos between missions. I just get black screen and if I click I got to the game menu. On the Mac of my friend it works perfectly. My Mac is Mac Book Pro 13 with NVIDIA GeForce 320M met 256 MB DDR3 SDRAM. Can anyone help me?mschlam (2011-03-04)
works great so easy thanks for the upload :)Kellyvl (2011-03-14)
It works perfect!I didn't have any problems.
It's a super fun game! :-)
babis200sx (2011-03-17)
Works excellent on my new MacBook Pro 13.3", thank you for sharing this!speedreed663 (2011-03-28)
Awesome so far, i'm downloading at 2.0mb/s so it should be done downloading in 10 minutes. Will update as soon as I install, thanks a lot!!gchenfc (2011-04-25)
wow, i havent finished download yet, but so far its been going really fast, thanks so much 2 all the seeders!gchenfc (2011-04-25)
works great, what happened 2 the ppl who said error /,\, or . u have one of those in the name of the file or the enclosing folders, so if u put it in applications and u renamed it applications/games, u have to take out the /. and i cant see the animations either, idk yhoyogo (2011-06-14)
I unrared with It is a great program. BTW thanks for this! I can't play lan with windows though...:(Ghett0boy (2011-07-01)
OOOOHHMYYGGOOOOD download sppeeeed: 1.8mb/s DAMMN THATS FAST Thank YOU ! :DDerfbro (2011-08-03)
Excellent!!!Lucr0 (2011-08-04)
I have a problem, I got the game working only it shuts down after a while for some reason. The screen just freezes and the game shuts down. I am using a Mac Mini with Mac OS X version 10.7.Any Ideas?
gurami265 (2011-09-18)
rabotait?bfohh (2011-10-18)
Great download!!! Can I request a WarChiefs expansion for Mac?archij (2011-10-24)
Great torrent. Game works fine if you follow DrThunder15's instructions. Although it did just crash on me then, hopefully it's nothing though. Otherwise, been playing for 3 days and all seems to work perfectly.Nanne00000 (2011-12-05)
@DrThunder15 Hello. I did what you described. But when i click on the .dmg file nothing happens.What did/do i do wrong? Plz help !
Nanne00000 (2011-12-05)
@DrThunderking12 whoops. just found it. never mind. Thanks ! Great torrent ! (-:ghostkernel (2011-12-14)
Game works like a charm on my late 2006 mac mini with a 1.66mhz intel processor,1GB of RAM running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 ..Thanks uploader!ohirome (2011-12-16)
To those on Lion who are having issues with it closing, download this patch;
skull1502 (2011-12-18)
There is no toast file for me, I just have 13 .rar files which, when extracted, produce 13 .dmg files. What should I do???skull1502 (2011-12-18)
@gurami265 da rabotaitskull1502 (2011-12-18)
Nevermind, got it to install. I played it for an hour and quit, but when i tried to reopen it, it said i needed a CD!jimmyjamesbob (2012-01-24)
Any chance on getting the proper online working?tarboy (2012-04-05)
Does this work on MAC OS.X 10.7.3 (Macbook pro)?Etmanskie (2012-04-09)
Did all the steps. Then when I go to play the game, it says tells me to drag the game to HD again. Help? Im new to this stuff.steph899 (2012-05-21)
is it working on 10,7,3 ?nagu1111 (2012-06-07)
Great torrent, working perfectly on my early mac 2011 13".apb5166 (2012-06-26)
yeah, same with me... the first time it worked perfectly, and now it keeps freezing and shutting down after less than 10 mins playing... any ideas?TheEysenck (2012-06-26)
I get 15 separate .rar files. Any idea?tablewax (2012-07-07)
Seems to work well... I'm surprised at all the "how to" comments and questions. Cmon people, learn how to use your pretty lil mac lol.Unzip first RAR, it should do the rest and create a dmg... when you click that it mounts it and you can install the game. If you're lost, you should pay a nerd.
jesusshockwave (2012-07-15)
*Want some HD Motion Background Loops?Check out these awesome torrents!:
rugal2401 (2012-07-30)
HiI got a black screen at startup but i can hear the music do you have any idea ?
ASAP95 (2012-08-22)
HELP PLEASE! i downloaded everything without a problem and the game works perfectly for the first 10 minutes or so but then it suddenly freezes and closes. anybody know what the problem is or how to fix this??! any help would be appreciated thanksThebunkofthebrave (2012-09-15)
Gus, seeed!!!mfeahr (2012-10-17)
I downloaded, but can't work the expansions... It says the disk image couldn't be opened because it is not recognized. Could someone help with this? I realllly wanna try the expansion out. Other than that, best game torrent yet!! Thanks so much, super appreciative.bas15 (2012-10-29)
worked fine for me with RAR expender beta on my MacBook pro 10.8.2 Thank you!crlee3 (2012-10-31)
Decent d/l speed thanks guys for seeding. Will comment again once installed.KidTerse (2013-01-12)
Worked fine for me. It will take some getting used to because I don't play these type of games much, but it seems pretty fun!Thanks!
SenorMikey (2013-02-20)
I made a video to help people download this game and be playing it in a couple minutes.SenorMikey (2013-02-20)
I made a video on youtube Search "Downloading Age of Empires 3 (Mac)" ask any questions in the description.sanseb99 (2013-03-14)
great torrent, but one thing, what age of empires version is this so i can apply the french patch?lollakas (2013-04-08)
This torrent works well on my late 2009 13 inches MacBook Pro 10.8.3, BUT when I play singleplayer skirmish, the computer enemies litterally stand in one place. They don nothing, they don't even build. Only shoot enemies that come nearby. Can someone PLEASE tell me how to fix this or lead me to a patch? Playing without active enemies is BORING.And btw, I'm going to seed it for at least a month or so.