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Half Life 2 Episode One-PROViSiON [www accessroms com]
2006-06-03 (by Garkan)
Û Û²° Û²° ÛÛ²° ÛÛ²° Û²° Û²° ÛÛÛÛÛ²° Û²° ÛÛ²° Û° Û²° Û
Û²° Üß Presents ßÜ Û²°
Û²° Û Half-Life 2 - Episode One Û Û²°
Û²° ÜÛ (c) ValveSoftware ÛÜ Û²°
Û²° ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ Û²°
Û²° Û Release Date : 01-06-2006 Protection : Steam Û Û²°
Û²° Û File Count : 30x50 MB Game Genre : ActionÛ Û²°
Û²° Û º GAME INFO º ³ Û Û²°
Û²° Û º The story continues.... ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º Half-Life 2: Episode One is the first in a series ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º of new adventures created by Valve that extend the³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º Half-Life 2 single player experience. ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º It details the aftermath of Half Life 2 and ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º launches a journey beyond City 17. ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º Stepping into the hazard suit of Dr.Gordon Freeman³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º you face the immediate repercussions of your ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º actions in City 17 and the Citadel. Rejoin Alyx ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º Vance and her robot, Dog, to once again aid the ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º human resistance in their desperate battle against³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º the totalitarian alien menace of the Combine. ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º Episode One exposes Alyx\'s combat skills and ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º knowledge of City 17. Battle side-by-side with ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º her through Valve\'s first episodic game, a ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º four-to-six hour adventure of greater density and ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º detail than non-episodic releases. ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º For more info visit ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º This release is full version, but we couldn\'t get ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º the cd, because the game is getting release on cd ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º in some days,weeks or even months, who knows?... ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º so enjoy it anyway even if it isn\'t bin/cue/iso ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º PS. Even if we had our hands on the CD\'s whatever ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º it wouldnt be playable cuz the files are encrypted³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º ENJOY PLAYING :) ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º 1. Unpack the release with WinRar or anything else³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º 2. Run start.bat ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û º 3. Enjoy! ³º Û Û²°
Û²° Û ³ Guns don\'t kill people, Chuck Norris kills people! Û Û²°
ÛßßßÛ ³ Greetz fly out to the flies! ÛßßÛ°
ßÜ ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛÜß
ßÛÜ Wanna be my friend? Contact me! :\') ÜÛ
Files count:
1403.92 Mb
Garkan (2006-06-03)
Min första upload här på Pirat Bay, tänkte att det vore bra att stötta denna tracker såhär efter alla omständigheter.Hoppas det fungerar att seeda, har lite problem att skapa torrent.
PS. Denna release (tros) vara nukad, men fungerar!
This release (maybe) is nuked, but it works!
Garkan (2006-06-03)
*hadeDasBot (2006-06-03)
Yeap, it is nuked because it is homemade.Garkan (2006-06-03)
From their latest update (fix) which maybe need for those use lower dirextx drivers:"Idiots: The release we made is RETAIL and can't be
homemade since Steam doesn't give you the DVD.
And even if there is a DVD, you won't be
able to play it because the files are encrypted on
the DVD."
Sorry DasBot, but looks like you have wrong.
mcnil (2006-06-03)
Not home made real thing works great with the updatemcnil (2006-06-03)
Nice speed by the way 300 kbsRenaldo (2006-06-03)
Tack Garkan, länge leve TPB!lordsearry (2006-06-03)
Remember to seedDasBot (2006-06-03)
Then is wrong."And even if there is a DVD, you won't be
able to play it because the files are encrypted on
the DVD."
Have they ever heard of decryption???
jjurvanen (2006-06-04)
decrypting.. I suppose you need key to do that and I think Valve won't be keen to give one out.Decrypting without key takes like.. years?
Fighter_92 (2006-06-04)
Thank you! Got it down on 3h and it´s running fine.DasBot (2006-06-04)
I don't think Valve gave out keys to HL2 either, but it was cracked very soon by some grp I cannot remember the name of.SicKn3sS (2006-06-04)
It is nuked, but it works perfect. If you dont have a good video card then you need the update 1.CarlWallin (2006-06-04)
spelet stängdes ner efter ett tag när jag spelade första gången, sedan när jag försökte ladda senaste sparade så laddar den ca. 70%. sedan stängs spelet ner och det står: " Internal driver error in IDirect3DDevice9::Present() "Någon som vet vad jag kan göra?
rozzamd (2006-06-04)
Whatever it is.. juzt a BIG thank you to GARKAN for uploading this...For anyone out there that had played HL2, juz download this and try..if you are happy with your money now and ready to pay for real stuff when its release in mid July on
GARKAN is cool...
Jottle (2006-06-04)
Anyone else have texture problems? The surfaces aren't rendering correctly..all dots and lines in pink and purpletomazahlin (2006-06-04)
hl2.exe encounters a problem and needs to close. WTF did you upload this shit ?!? It doesnt work on any computer in my LAN. DONT DOWNLOAD THIS SHIT...bammeu (2006-06-04)
THIS works perfecrtly IF YOU JUST READ THE FUCKING INFO FILE ! , you would have noticed that it says 2. Run start.bat , do that and it will worktomazahlin (2006-06-04)
start.bat --->doesnt worktomazahlin (2006-06-04)
i didnt manage to start it on 3 computers here. maybe it works on your comp...Knaster (2006-06-04)
lol rozzamd spelet är ju redan ute!lol rozzamd the game is already released!
DasBot (2006-06-04)
Spelet funkar bra (för mig). Tack!Greg_dog (2006-06-04)
works just fine,but the health and amonition bar dont appears and cant change the weapons,please help GarkanGreg_dog (2006-06-04)
ok i am not sure how but everything appears just fine :),just start the game for the second time and voalaalving (2006-06-04)
Funkar fint! Works great!Nu ska jag bara ordna problemen jag fått med klockningen av någon anledning... Har börjat få frysningar och bluescreens titt som tätt helt plötsligt. :/
Thug187 (2006-06-05)
works great!!! just read info and you should get it!!funkar fint!! läs infon!!! skit enkelt o starta!!
SicKn3sS (2006-06-06)
This release will not work without update 1 unless you have a DX9 card.rikzter7674 (2006-06-06)
This game actually works. Thanks!Metal_Micke (2006-06-06)
How do I activate the console in this game?Ludde93 (2006-06-06)
hur startar man de? vilken fil ska man öppna?How do you start it?
Greg_dog (2006-06-06)
WORKS JUST PERFECT!!!Greg_dog (2006-06-06)
when we can expecting Episode Two???Ludde93 (2006-06-06)
how do you start it? wich file ?baloo131 (2006-06-06)
i cant see some objectsMetal_Micke (2006-06-06)
@Ludde: Du startar det genom att dubbelklicka på filen som heter start.ROBOVIGILANTE (2006-06-06)
Great fucking game!ROBOVIGILANTE (2006-06-06)
Great fucking game! Oops, did I say that already? Oh well, great fucking game and great fucking weed!floyd2 (2006-06-06)
seed pleasefloyd2 (2006-06-06)
keep on seeding 25kbit/sekArchetype (2006-06-07)
internal driver error in IDirect3Ddevice9: presents.cp spel hakar upp sig hela tiden.. nån som vet vad det är för fel?
rikzter7674 (2006-06-07)
For people who don't have DirectX9 cards, get the update here on thepiratebay.tomazahlin (2006-06-07)
now it works with that update ;) thanks manphort99 (2006-06-07)
The teaser at the very end for episode 2 crashes my compy, it only gets past the part about Alyx before it gives me a critical system error and matching blue screen of death. It's happened twice, too. Any fixes?raggatip (2006-06-07)
Jag får mega grafik buggar varför pls hjälphebbelille (2006-06-08)
i cant understand this,im trying to start the game whit the start.bat file,and the only thing does happend are that the game is crashing totally........eany idea why? anyone?strove (2006-06-08)
nån som kan länka till en update 1 me många seedare?:Px-z3r0 (2006-06-09)
This update don't work for me. I have the same bugg in the game. In the first mission/capital. It hack up the whole game, so I can't get out to the windows. I need to rebot the computer... ???I have the update one and that don't help me :S:S:S
Rowena (2006-06-11)
ouch nice 600 kb/s xDPandaForce (2006-06-12)
U must have half life 2 to play this??rikzter7674 (2006-06-12)
PandaForce you don't need Half Life 2 to play this. This is just a continuation of the Half Life 2 story but you don't need the original Half Life 2.kazopu (2006-06-13)
What is this for some kind of shit!!! It doesent work, even with Update 1,,, I still get an error message when I start a new game and the game quits... fuckin piece of shit release!!!!kazopu (2006-06-14)
Oh and the error says: Egine Error: Internal driver error in IDirect3DDevice9::Present()Stupid shit!
rikzter7674 (2006-06-16)
Kazopu, go to
that might help you.Sandjå (2006-06-23)
Please seed=)sille87 (2006-06-27)
jag tror detta funkar , men ni som har problem har antagligen problem med grafik-kortet ellr directx ...the living hell (2006-07-03)
kan jag inte ha console på denna version:( men om jag kan hur gör jag??FilureN_FFS (2006-07-08)
Please seed i'm stuck on 78%richardlucky (2006-07-10)
just a question, the game works great, every texture it´s there, but in the intro secuence i can just here voices and noise, and read the subtitles. The secuence before the game start, it don´t show anything, it´s this normal? i ask because i have the same problem with the demo of half life 2, but with the full game was no problem. Maybe its my steam account?Ludde93 (2006-07-12)
kan ingen lägga ut en version av de här i vanlig iso. fil. såna här skit saker funkar ju inteGarkan (2006-07-13)
Ludde93: Test this fix update to this release.
rounder (2006-07-17)
thx for sharing this high quality torrent! (have just escorted the groups of citizens to the train station and the game works perfect so far)blake_ (2006-07-17)
Excellent Release.. I just have one question.. The intro is just blank with noises.. Is this due to my video card because my video card is like 2000 and just wondering if it is me or the release.. But still, great release everything works. Thank you.franzzi (2006-07-18)
i have done all to install and play but nothing happend ,, i innstalled hl2.exe ,, and then after that the game started but it shutted down automaticly ,, then after that i ran the start.bat and it completed self , then nothing happend !!..please more informaition !
andy666 (2006-07-21)
Does this work with original HL2? I've heard that this is expansion to the original, not stand alone? I'm too lazy to read all the other comments so I'll take all the bitching with open arms...Thanks and sorry.Sandels (2006-07-23)
@andy666: This IS a standalone version, and it will work fine without the "whole" HL2...Spijk (2006-07-26)
I get a Bluescreen a after a while... Anyone know amything about this? I got te update and that fixed the texture problems...Rune_ (2006-07-27)
Så, nu har jag seedat 8016% så nu är det dax att seeda något annat ett tag. Spelet funkar mycket bra och är kul. Tack för det.Synkedam (2006-08-02)
GREAT seeding! Love you guys.wille123 (2006-08-08)
Tack Punx för att någon seedar iaf =p..Lite dålig hastighet 6,0kB/s, denna får stå på ett par nätter..
Thai-N!sse (2006-08-13)
dl 1200 kb/s!!!1mullhippiar (2006-09-14)
Thx Fate, but none of your links work...:(boggiman (2006-09-21)
JAG har laddat ner spelet men när jag kommer till "laddnings bilden" så krachar datorn och jag måste starta om datorn..Hjälper uppdateringen?
JAg har NVIDIA GEForce 6200 LE, är det problemet?:P
boggiman (2006-09-21)
I uppdateringen står det att man kan försöka låta spelet ha tillgång till internet, hur gör man det?Shobub (2006-10-06)
Seed!Garkan (2006-12-10)
People that cant get this to work maybe need this FIX:
Alpha-32 (2007-01-07)
seeda plzAlpha-32 (2007-01-14)
seeda ffsAlpha-32 (2007-01-22)
FFS!Garkan (2007-04-08)
Relax! Do you think people will seed cuz you are saying so and being rude?However, I guess you have finished leeching this and wont seed. Dont blame you, some people are rational in a irrational way, like you.
Garkan (2007-04-08)
*anThis is my only upload here on pirate bay so its no prb for me to seed it from time to time. Just be patience if no one is seeding, I will be there sooner or later ;)
Bender12 (2007-04-13)
seed plzBender12 (2007-04-14)
need more seed plzBender12 (2007-04-15)
im at 92% plz some one seedivar____ (2007-06-24)
i font work for me i copy the game to C:\Program\Steam\steamapps\Half-Life 2 Episode One\platforman d the i pres start and after the intro it say
platform error: module failed to initialize
wat can i do
kiwijeff (2007-06-30)
Trying to unpack but get errorvolume(file) #10 in set.
File name hl2ep1-dma.r08
What does it meAN?
blanklikeahell (2007-07-03)
The game crashes after the loading and says "Platform Error: module failed to initialize"what should I do? ><
please help!
blanklikeahell (2007-07-05)
Can someone please give me a torrent with the platform file from Half Life 2? The platform file in Episode one is fu**ed up. and there are NO ONE that are seeding the half life 2 games!please!
_din_mamma_ (2007-07-05)
Är de bara för mej som de TOK buggar? Ser inte vissa saker å sen precis i början så är massa av grafiken schackrutigt??ortorio (2007-08-08)
asså va fan kan någon hjälpa mig fann när jag startar spelet så kommer den där gubben sen texten sen slocknar spelet!joachim2464 (2007-10-22)
for those who get the message errordirect3d something. Change the video setting in the game to 1024*. Worked for me. Did the same thing on episode 2.mrComviq (2007-10-26)
WTF i got the same error as blanklikehell, it says failed to load the launcher DLL: module failed to initialize. GIVE US SOME ASSISTANCE Plzvincentvangogo (2007-11-07)
someone please seed.. i really want to play this episode!thx
resonator (2008-01-12)
Do I need the steam (account) shit to play this game ?Safebuz (2008-01-19)
Seeda PLZ!!bobothemunkey (2008-01-26)
()wrongworld (2008-01-29)
please help, i got same problem as tOnash.wrongworld (2008-01-29)
someone please help me here, aftergettin half life 2 EP 1 to work i got the update to work but it didnt fix the problem in the start, at the bridge where the men come running and explotion happens, then game crashed and say that, please help someone, outta ideas,thx on forehand.
wrongworld (2008-01-30)
please hlep someone, really love the hl game, hl 2 and ep 1 and 2 are just the best! so please help mewrongworld (2008-01-31)
dead in here? please help, it says something with, hl2.exe made an unusual action, and have to close, please please please help someonehehawbuggeraw (2008-02-04)
after running the set up bat the game goes all the way through the loading screens and gets to the loading bar with the blocks running along it and i get the message. internal driver error in Idirect3d device9::present() If any of you out there can help?thanks in advance.i hope you have the answer hl2 is a great game and i would like to see hl2e1 has to offerNassugy (2008-02-26)
too many missing graphicsPaPPy_87 (2008-02-29)
when i hit start.bat i get this errorSteamStartup() failed: SteamStartup(0xf,0x13e11c) failed with error 108: The local Steam Service is not running
oharaandrewlp (2008-04-07)
Nassugy,you may need a new graphics card. I was running this game with a 125 Mb card, and I was having the same problems as you. Now that i have a new one, I do not get any missing patches or textures.
HookerWithAPenis (2008-05-12)
When I run the start.bat it plays the valve vid and starts loading the menu, but then it says: "Platform error: module failed to initialize" what do I have to do?Please help
Kunne godt bruge noget hjælp, tak 8D
cyberkin4 (2008-05-21)
I know you've probably heard it a lot, but please seed. It would be very appreciated. I'll start sharing it when downloads for me if you want.xxgunnerxx (2008-07-26)
add the following line to the .bat file:-applaunch 22 +mat_forcehardwaresync 0 +snd_async_prefetch_priority 1
this should stop it from crashing, or it did for me :)
wargodx7 (2009-01-03)
hey i see alot of bitching, can someone tell me if it's even worth tryingdiminacator (2009-03-24)
i run start bat but itll open for a second than closewhat do i do?
Psych0FTW (2009-04-16)
I cant find the .batIve downloaded with the update and its not showing.
Where is it located?
Cjlox (2009-06-01)
SEEEEED-ET PLZ Köszike Tankyou:D!!!!!!!!444tspancer (2009-06-25)
PLEASE SEED THIS!!!!This is saying that is gona last at least 5 DAYS!!!!
{Reingold} (2009-07-14)
For a quick way to make your system fast to play games at their best click my name and download the torrent "Make Your Windows XP Clean And Fast"EarlessRob (2009-07-21)
More Seeders and Leechers Pleaseparipcina (2009-08-14)
i cant start this game. i clicked start.bat and nothing happens after that.Does anyone know how to solve this problem???
OjoeO (2009-08-28)
Chuck Norris doesn't kill people, GORDON FREEMAN KILLS PEOPLE!!!!dominater237 (2009-08-30)
PLZ HELP!!!K whenever i start it it says just when i start installing it says "it has encountered a problem sorry for any inconvenience but were really stupid and we cant do anythin bout it *duh*"
HELP!!! [i changed the words a bit]
jarman5 (2009-10-05)
im also having a problem. at the very start when your jumping on those cliff ledges i get to a part when i cant move forward when the pat keeps going and theres nothing in front of me. if i jump i go over the edge. any hel would be gr8. thanx.nandor78 (2009-10-05)
lot of missing textures,anybody know how to fix this?
At the beginning there is an invisible
car which is stopping you.
And after the dog drop the car
to the other side all walls squared
i tried every resoultion and high and low
settings but no help.
jarman5 (2009-10-07)
@nandor78i had the same problem but this is what i did and now everything works fine.
1. i had the original half-life 2. (crack)
2. i copied the half-life 2 (original) (which should probably be in ur program files) to somewhere else. MAKE SURE YOU COPY OR U WONT B ABLE TO PLAY THE ORIGINAL HALF-LIFE 2 ANYMORE.
3. Then copy all the files from inside the Half-Life 2 episode 1 folder and paste them in the copied Half-Life 2 (original) folder. When it asks to replace stuff click yes and when its finished click start MS-DOS Batch File and it should work. hope this helped =)
nandor78 (2009-10-08)
Thank you very much jarman5 you had righti copied the missing files from the original h2 materials and models folder and it works :)
ar15colt (2009-10-28)
i keep getting an error just before the menu can start that says that HL2 ask runtime to end in an unusual way so the game shuts down before even the menu can do i fix this.
HLmaniac (2009-12-07)
Its safe or not???? from virus of courseAND SEEEEEDDDDD PPPPLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE!!!!!!
valdezjoao (2010-01-07)
how do i do all the extracting stuf i dont know how please help meHLmaniac (2010-01-12)
There's no virus in this torrent and the game was working fine.......I'm seeding now
toxicswe (2010-01-27)
Did as jarman5 said, then i click the "start.bat", The main menu is about to show, you can see the tower and it's a logo where it says "loading" just like hl2. This is how far i get then it crashes... Help?Huggybaby (2010-02-04)
Works great, thank you. No viruses, no missing anything so far.jaisingh (2010-02-05)
this is half life 2 asshole it was released in 2004 half life2ep1 was release in june1,2006 mother fucker got it now delete this torrents .i have played this earlier waste of my time .guys dont download this if you r looking for hl2ep1jaisingh (2010-02-05)
sry dude i was pissed ealier when i saw the starting it was like half life 2the game crashes as it shows valve logo in starting.
you can fix this by You can play Episode one with sound, like this: First, drag a shortcut from hl2.exe (the one in EP1 folder) onto the desktop; right-click on the shortcut and select Properties; at "Target", after the quotes, type "-game episodic -appid 380 -novid" (WITHOUT quotes and leave one space between the adress and this) then hit OK. Rename it HL2_Episode_One_WITH_SOUND. Drag another shortcut, but now type "-game episodic -appid 380 -novid -nosound" at "Target", and rename it HL2_Episode_One_NO SOUND. Now play with sound as long as you don't encounter a crash, and REMEMBER to SAVE THE GAME often
jaisingh (2010-02-05)
by the way thanks dude ?zxkb4s29 (2010-02-22)
this is WORKING.rickerd928 (2010-03-02)
I get this: Failed to load the launcher DLL. when i start the gamedrivven51 (2010-03-08) did it work for all of you?!.....theres comments on here where you people have gotten past all the errors......well? the frickin hell did u do it?!....when i run the setup batch i get "Failed to get the launcher DLL" Can someone PLEASE help!
Damn thx.
Dumitrescu (2010-04-02)
I love it.All the best,and Happy Easter
ixianda (2010-04-27)
Texture and model files are missing, making the game unplayable. Please update and fix this.tg170889 (2010-05-09)
Works perfect!! No missing models or textures for me.erlik15 (2010-05-15)
Everything in the tower is purple and black and half of the textures are gone aswell like switches and weapons.... Anyone knows how to fix it ?Amin47 (2010-05-22)
People PLEASE believe me: THIS IS A SCREWED UP AND BULLSHIT VERSION OF THIS GAME!!!! do not waste your valuable time on downloading this and even if you DID, After downloading do what jarman5 says and you MIGHT be able to fix it. The problems are: you wont be able to see many objects 2)characters will do stupid things and wont do what they are supposed to do!! But what Jarman5 says might work and fix the problemsbalu_99 (2010-06-19)
can anyone please help me.... I'm getting run time C++ error at end of Undue alarm... even if i play from previous save point... i get the same error... i searched everywhere but i didn't get solution.... :( please help me :(cpt.dzil (2010-06-21)
works gr8!!! simply followed the instructions on vista basic, dual core.FreePlayerRR (2010-06-26)
This is the Best THXSir_Mark (2010-07-02)
To everyone who have "Platform Error module falied to intialize" problem:Just delete "steam" directory in "platform" folder. This works.
MaxMouseG (2010-08-01)
Whats with all these damn problems I don't think I want to download this Garkan why you uploaded this without testing it?MaxMouseG (2010-08-03)
I decide to download and its just as some people said graphics are missing. As soon as Alyx told me to get my gravity gun from Dog and I didn't see it in his robot hands I stopped playing.Not sure if jarman5 explained it right and thats why people are having problems but I did what he said sort of Actually I done this kind of copying before from Halflife 2 to a Portal RIP game. Luckily I still had the original Halflife 2 downloaded. I copyed the original Halflife 2 folder called "hl2" to the Halflife Episode 1 "hl2" folder looks like it worked fine. Now I was able to see the gravity gun in Dog's hand. I'll come in here to let you guys know if I run into any problems during gameplay cause I plan to beat this game so I can go to Episode 2.
But dude seriously don't upload games that don't work for shit. Please test them out on your computer and multiple computers if you can.
MaxMouseG (2010-08-03)
Played up to chapter 4 so far no problems..MaxMouseG (2010-08-03)
Damn beaten the game had no problems...Damn this game was short. :( I guess this is why they called it episode 1.
Grove4Life (2010-08-10)
omg! the game is so shortGuy1488 (2010-08-12)
wtf how do i use this. there's like 30 winrar files and it says they all the same.....? helpGuy1488 (2010-08-12)
hey wtf with this all of those .rar files have the exact same thing in themmr.knowledge (2010-08-20)
to guy 1488 you have to just extract the main zip file it should be the only one with the zip iconBulletNRG (2010-08-26)
However stupid this sounds, i only need this for my gmod mdl compilierNicksta94 (2010-09-10)
Hey thanks for the d/l. I have got the menu up so the game works but some of the textures are missing (I just put the original hl2 folder in with the new one so then textures are fixed but I swear there is like a whole extra gb of pointless files that I didn't need to start the game. Wtf are these for?Jaikovaporizer (2010-09-11)
Can some1 help me?I didn't lose 2 hours for nothing...
Phantom_Gold (2010-09-24)
It crashes every few minutes but I eventually finished the campaign successfullyPhantom_Gold (2010-09-28)
After having all the problems listed here, I thought I would try just one to more time to extract it and just play it without doing anything to it.It works. Perfectly. This time...
2bitscrazy (2010-10-24)
played through whole thing and works beautifully...downloads and installs fasti was blowing combine away in less than 30 minutes
deffjam555 (2011-05-19)
Thanks manAnimus120 (2011-05-27)
umm... i cant run the game. INstead, i play Half-Life 2, not the episode. can any1 tell me the right configuration i.e -game -ep 1?navy5465 (2011-06-06)
great torrent no bugs no problems easy to install just finished the game today and gonna play the episode 2 +1 for thisAssassin2009 (2011-07-24)
I hope my saves will go in this version... The previos version of ep1 throwed me out in one and the same place (when Alyx's climbed up and taked a sniper rifle, and I looked behind that wooden wall...gintuse3 (2011-08-17)
cool torrent it works ! thx dude no textures missing it ty ty ty!Dafter93 (2011-08-30)
thanks ! the game works :)Devourler (2011-09-04)
don't be stupid! Choose one of them and press extract.tom282f3 (2011-11-23)
1. Massive amount of texture, models lost.2. The update link is failed.
Soo sad :(
the_fuckist_upist (2012-01-03)
for anyone having difficulties with missing textures I found copying across the 'materials' and 'models' files from the original hl2 folder fixed thisSeckzy (2012-01-25)
works great on my end. thanks a ton provision.i did have the common q crosshair bug found in the initial release, but i just reinstalled and it ironed itself out.
dundun12 (2012-03-23)
Great torrent!bitchndog (2012-05-26)
hey guys, does this really work? cause all of the hlf life games that I played with setup.bat file format works, so, would this work? and also, the link for the update is DEADgengenkila (2012-06-03)
works if you run the start icon above hlf2.exe but textures are all missing , (jermain found it ! ) = i m waiting for the complet download of half life 2 to copy its files and paste them to episode one folder for having the real experience of half life .also i think that we are all crazy don't you ? ;)
angelo_hernaez (2012-06-07)
My game loads up pretty good up until theyre supposed to dig me out of the rubble and give me the gravity gun. all I can see is black except for my health display. Can someone please explain whats wrong and if there are any possible solutions?mavrix (2012-08-06)
ThanksUnrared to a folder and fired it up straight away with no problems. Halfway through with no glitches/errors/crashes on win7 64.
Didn't have to do anything extra, not sure if that's just because I own a legit steam copy of HL2 or what, but just stuck the extract in a folder and off I went.
Much appreciated
kolschena (2012-08-18)
On the first level, "Into the White Forest," the texture is missing when you look up from underwater. Then, after going through a tunnel and into the shack with the power cords and screens, Alyx won't follow me, no matter what I do. I got a different torrent after that, because it was impossible for me to get past the first five minutes of the game.kolschena (2012-08-18)
^FUCK nevermind, wrong torrent. This is for Dopeman's Episode 2 torrentdjrox3 (2012-09-03)
Great torrent, good speed and got the menu up and set my video setting's. will post back if anything goes wrong but looks great thanks a bunch Garkan.ivansraba (2012-09-13)
How do I seed??FlashyVox (2012-09-17)
kolschena I nearly crapped myself when you wrote that, because i just finished downloading and thought oh fuck here we go errors and trouble ((((p4nd4k1ng (2012-09-20)
Game works great! Thanks!onixer1 (2012-09-25)
ok after some tests for the ppls that have textures issues and missing items etc ,if u have half life 2 go to "models copy all and go to the torrent and paste them in models olsonotice dont copy the file models from hl2 enter in folder and copy all the content that have inside
same for materials
ps: if u dont have hl2 here in bay is 1 torrent near 1 gig it sould do the trick coz this what i do
tnx the uploader ofc
lord_werath (2012-09-28)
Löste problemet med Console. Högerklicka på start filen och öppna den med en text editor. sen lägger du till -console på slutet. hl2.exe -steam -game episodic -consoleDrascus (2012-11-19)
great torrent, only crashed once due to a visual glitch, but other than that no problemsmandarp (2012-12-10)
the graphics are coming out unnaturally smokish on level 1 while playing, my rig is AMD Athlon X2 260, 4GB DDR 4, Radeon 7750 1GB, windows 7 ult 64 bit. other games work finemandarp (2012-12-10)
same problem on level 2, objects and characters appear whiter than usual. ruins the game, can anyone suggest a fixmandarp (2012-12-10)
to be precise everything is appearing as if surrounded by mist.RakeshP94 (2013-01-05)
Great Torrent, everything working great..faizi1997 (2013-01-11)
This game is......Incredible.......Made me speechless , No wonder HL2 revolutionized PC Gaming, One of the best games that were released on PC.Besharps (2013-01-12)
Guys, how do I install this? There's like 30 winrar files and there's NO instructions to install. Please help, thanks. Also, all the files are the same?DrBacon (2013-02-02)
Two things:1) @Besharps
Ok wow...for idiots like Besharps who don't know what to do with multiple .rar files, just double click on one...seriously people, the whole game was just too big to fit into one archive so he split it up into multiple parts. Open one of the archive and drag and drop the file...simple as that...retard...
"Failed to load the launcher DLL: module failed to initialize."
I had this same problem for days and I couldn't find any help on it. BUT! I figured it out.
All you need to do is make sure you extract the folder "Half-Life 2 Episode One" BY ITSELF! Do NOT go into the folder and extract its contents into a different folder. That's what's causing this error. After you extract the "Half-Life 2 Episode One" folder, you can move it around all you want.
Also, for anyone who gets a crash right on start up after the valve logo thing, you're probably running the hl2.exe file. In order to run this game, you need to use the start.bat file, NOT the hl2.exe with the half life icon.
Hope that helps.
Evegeny (2013-02-15)
Alyx won't cross the second bridge in the citadel. This is very annoying. Can anyone help?Davemon1 (2013-03-06)
@DrBacon No need to be rude, we all had to figure this out at some point. No worries, Besharps, all you have to do is use Winrar to unzip any one of the rarred files, I'd suggest the one that's .rar instead of numbered ones, but that's up to you. Then simply run and enjoy.Davemon1 (2013-03-07)
Great torrent, but there is one texture missing (as far as I can tell). In the last mission, when the strider shoots its laser, you can see a quickly opening and closing no texture (purple/black checkerboard) mesh. Does anybody know what it is?moatib123 (2013-03-13)
Does someone could please re-upload the update 1 that everyone speak in the very first comment?I can't play this episode one on a DirectX 8 video card without this update!
I think it is named:
But I can't find it anywhere!
MooseWillRule (2013-03-25)
After running the .bat i get to the title select chapter one it loads halfway and stops plz help!!MooseWillRule (2013-03-25)
NVM i extracted it for the third time and it worked perfectlynomadfox (2013-04-12)
Worked perfectly, no elevator problem on an HP Probook 4510s (intel graphics)Abatedor (2013-04-27)
the game crash at the start. no error msgs only a error sound. someone with this same problem?GlycerinZ (2013-07-08)
Extracted folder, ran start.bat (I created a shortcut with the command flags), runs great.Run on Win7 x64 with i7 2600K, GTX 465, 8GB RAM
Thanks Garkan
ACE-ECA- (2013-07-29)
I ran the "start.bat", it crashed back to the desktop for many times. To fix it, I created a shortcut to the "hl2.exe", also need to add this command to the shortcut's target: -steam -game episodic ... ... Example: "C:new gamesHalf-Life 2 Episode Onehl2.exe" -steam -game episodic ... ... Then I ran the shortcut to play and it works fine. After that, running the "start.bat" in the future works fine as well. I'm using WinXP Pro SP2, this may occur to my rig only. BTW, I downloaded HL2 last year and has never bother to play it, too many other games I can get a "lick" on. This is a puzzle game, hell ... not shoot as you run type! Worser than the Tomb Raider series!ACE-ECA- (2013-07-29)
The cause of the crash can be that I've already installed HL2 in the PC ... ripped & cracked HL2 from another author. Strange that the HL2 works fine in the same PC a year ago & still is now, but the start.bat of this HL2 Ep1 is buggy!ACE-ECA- (2013-07-29)
HL2 and the HL2 Ep1 are both using the same "hl2.exe" (though they're installed in 2 different game directories). I think the "start.bat" has no specific destination to which "hl2.exe" to launch. That's why a direct shortcut to the right "hl2.exe" in the HL2 Ep1 game directory is required.ACE-ECA- (2013-07-29)
About those missing texture(s), 1 refer to as "purple/black checkerboard". It might not be missing textures, it can be another game bug, it can be fixed by disabling the COLOR CORRECTION in the in-game option menu. Go to your VGA card graphic settings, turn ON 'triple buffering'. Make 'Texture Filtering - negative LOD bias' to CLAMP. Set 'Texture Trilinear optimzation' to ON. 'Texture Filtering - quality' to High Quality. All others set to off or low. Do not overclock your VGA card too high or to mid-high, as it can cause the game's menu to freeze/pause for seconds before resuming, also causing artifacts.ACE-ECA- (2013-07-30)
I tried this download on 2 different rigs. Result: the no missing texture(s) problem has to do with the hardwares. If you see "purple/black checkerboard" textures, then it's your rig's power supply is not giving powers to the CPU or VGA card, or else this game is buggy. I've tried merging both the HL2 and it's Ep1 all in a single game dir, I still get to see "purple/black checkerboard" textures when the CPU is too overclocked and the VGA is also overclocked. Not overclocking either part fixed the missing texture issue. Another way is to disabling the COLOR CORRECTION in the in-game option menu. But on another rig with the similar hardwares and OS, with both the CPU and VGA overclocked, same problem DID NOT happens, it has older VGA drivers, and it's PSU is about the same. (Rig #1: Sempron 3400+, Geforce 6800GT 256MB. Rig #2:Ahtlon 3400+, Geforce 6800GS 256MB)ACE-ECA- (2013-07-31)
Another buggy issues: the flashlight (handheld torch) has no effects on Alyx and other bots in this game, it brighten up only the walls and floor, so if Alyx stands in a very dark spot, she looks all black even if the flashlight is pointed at her. This trouble only happens to my rig #1, but works all perfect on my rig #2.elumtdef (2013-10-18)
boxcarracer944 (2013-10-24)
Why are their 20 files of the same exact thing? I don't understand. I unzip them all their all the same exact files. Makes no sense. Unzipped 1, works. Wasted 15 hours downloading nonsense duplicates.pmblacdoo (2013-10-31)
Lol @ boxcarracer944 .. they are not duplicates. They are all needed,. Ever heard of partitioning? Have u ever partitioned your hard drive? It's the same. It's like placing ur grocery on separate bags. They all look the same, but the contents are not. And you need them all.Sappa1507 (2013-11-06)
Thnxx... Garkan..It's working and not a waste of time...
But one doubt...
I have low free space remaining in the hard disc. So, I wanna delete something. I extracted one folder and it's working.
Now, Should I need the other folders or not?
Pls reply fast. Thanks
VGVee (2013-11-12)
Let me review this torrent. The installation process is easy and I didn't find any trouble with it. All you have to do is extract every file into one folder. The files are clean, the game itself is incredibly awesome like everybody should've guess. It's recommended to download the update of this torrent right here to avoid problems:
because that's what I did and it works fine. No crashes, lags or whatsoever. The download is really fast thanks to the seeders. But there is one minor problem with this version of the game. When you finished the game, it just closes the game and re-open itself instead of showing the "preview" of the next episode. But everything else works fine. This is a pretty good torrent (including the update) for an amazing game.-VGVee
t666k (2013-12-28)
While unpacking I get an error. Gonna try to Dl again and see.gipro1 (2014-01-08)
Been playing the game for a couple hours. Haven't found any issues yet. During the extraction there were a LOT of duplicate files, and also it stopped at 99%. Sup with this?CarAlm (2014-02-06)
OK oKWTF this is Bullshit, it doesn't work fine,
1. the gravity gun doesn't Work
2. The textures and Props don't load.
I can't see the fucking bridges or the goddamm walls
Is it me or is this torrent BULLSHIT!?
redfury91 (2014-03-07)
is the game included, or just the mod files? ive been through that merry-go-round before. not fun. it would be nice to get these kind of necessary details in the description. dont think that would be asking too much.J.Constantine (2014-07-01)
tJ.Constantine (2014-07-01)
This isn't Half Life 2 Episode 1. This is Half Life 2.For those who are not aware, Half Life 2 series goes like this :
Half Life 2 (2004)
Half life 2 Episode 1 (2006)
Half Life 2 Episode 2 (2007)
*******Spoilers******* !!!
Half Life 2 (2004) : At the end you kill Wallace Breen
Half life 2 Episode 1 (2006): I haven't played, so don't know what happens
Half Life 2 Episode 2 (2007): Eli Vance (Alyx's father) get's killed
railgun1 (2014-08-12)
Worked great with the update!Sabbath92 (2014-08-17)
Does it require you to have installed the usual half life 2?Files:
1. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.nfo 5.94 Kb
2. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r00 47.68 Mb
3. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r01 47.68 Mb
4. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r02 47.68 Mb
5. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r03 47.68 Mb
6. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r04 47.68 Mb
7. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r05 47.68 Mb
8. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r06 47.68 Mb
9. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r07 47.68 Mb
10. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r08 47.68 Mb
11. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r09 47.68 Mb
12. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r10 47.68 Mb
13. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r11 47.68 Mb
14. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r12 47.68 Mb
15. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r13 47.68 Mb
16. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r14 47.68 Mb
17. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r15 47.68 Mb
18. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r16 47.68 Mb
19. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r17 47.68 Mb
20. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r18 47.68 Mb
21. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r19 47.68 Mb
22. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r20 47.68 Mb
23. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r21 47.68 Mb
24. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r22 47.68 Mb
25. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r23 47.68 Mb
26. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r24 47.68 Mb
27. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r25 47.68 Mb
28. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r26 47.68 Mb
29. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r27 47.68 Mb
30. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.r28 21.08 Mb
31. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.rar 47.68 Mb
32. Half.Life.2.Episode.One-PROViSiON/hl2ep1-pvn.sfv 750 bytes