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The Rush Limbaugh Show 21-Sep-09 CF mp3
The Rush Limbaugh Show 21-Sep-09 CF mp3
2009-09-21 (by jwhitt62 )
The Rush Limbaugh Show 21-Sep-09 CF mp3
Files count:
39.16 Mb
ZERO_BS (2009-09-22)
Rush treats all races equally... that's why the left hates him so much.Tainan (2009-09-22)
sistro just comes here to get his fishsticks.Thank JW
trickdaddy0024 (2009-09-22)
"Rush treats all races equally", - Z is BS said...Yeah like SHIT...A**Hole84 u still jacking off to the sounds of El Dumbo...u and Tawain should hook up...ENDtrickdaddy0024 (2009-09-22)
Dont usually attack people but its kind of fun 2 do what Rush does everyday...ENDsistromo (2009-09-22)
Glad my comments are getting through to the cave-dwellers. As for becoming a retard clown - nope, that is not in the offing. I'll leave that to the crowd lacking in any form of critical thinking and introspection capabilities. I am just reminding you guys what you really are - it stands to reason that, given you have decided stopping using your brains and listen to the drivel from the repugnant Nazi-wannabee, you do need being reminded.gibillnumber12579 (2009-09-22)
Would it be too harsh to say that when you die sistromo I vow to piss on your grave?protongeek (2009-09-22)
Hey you guys I know sistromo is annoying believe I know. This guy has got to be a redheaded stepchild with braces. His idea of enlightenment is Obamas health care plan. Unfortunately when you look at there examples of great healthe aka Canada, UK, or Cuba what your not told is the huge costs, long waits thats if you live long enough with a serious illness and the lack of accountability within govt already. But somehow we the cavedwellers are cavedwellers? Some how this reminds me of the deer whos struck by a car at night, It saw the headlights it knew it wasnt something it wanted to be near but yet the attraction was to much to pass up. It was hit and hurt badly but yet decided to stand in that very same spot again in hopes of having a different affect. This is typical with the Liberal crowd. Govt is there white night as long as the head of it is a flaming Lib but when its a Republican somehow govt is evil. When to us cavedwellers govt period is evil regardless of whos at the helm.protongeek (2009-09-22)
This one is for Trick daddy. If all your news outlets are lefties and you have but only a handful of conservative outlets and you yourself bash them what does that make you ? I think your mistaken with your analysis of Rush. Ive listnened to NPR which is funded by taxpayer dollars and based on the communist views / anti american views Im disgusted that I do not hear one complaint from you in regards to NPR. I would like to see more of an objective view point rather than negative talk. Instead of saying whats so easy to say why not offer different points of view along with questions of what you feel substance is. I can mimic you so easily that I would be bore in a millisecond. If your so hell bent on beating Rush try beating him at his own game. Because to him this is a game of annoying dimwits. And obviously hes got you guys right where he wants you. But you once again have allowed your emotions to get the better of you. I would gladly debate you and win as you could not stay on any topic including one of your choosing. If youd like we can debat issue with everyone here to watch in a chat room. Sistromo included. You two against me with 3/4rs of brain tied behind my back. : )protongeek (2009-09-22)
On another note I think our forefathers would be disgusted with people like sistromo. Im not so sure about Trickdaddy as I believe he very well maybe a true conservative and probably just doesnt know it or is surrounded by individuals that are feeding him miss information. I know our forefathers were about self reliance not govt programs. I know they were men who spoke there minds and werent afraid of political correctness like liberals. And I know they were of freedom not socialism / communism which liberals are. They also knew of tyranny at a level we have yet not seen since they. This govt was set up to fail, to be inefficient and to be ineffective. Does anyone know why ? For those that know good for you and for those of you who are confounded Ill shed some light on this. They knew men are men and can be corrupted easily regardless of party politics and ideals. They knew that because they saw it in every facet of the crown and that it would be no different in any other form of govt. It is human nature to want security and in order to have that it was necessary to attain power which obviously leads to corruption. In order to preserve the peoples rights and security it was necessary to setup enough representation to where the govt would constantly be its own worst enemy and get nothing done. The checks and balances are there to thwart overall dominance of the govt over the will of the people regardless of how good intended or ill willed there ideas maybe. For those like sissy and possibly trickdaddy I say move. Go to Europe where my cousins ( Switzerland & Germany ) live go to Canada where my friends live go there and embrace your socialism and Michael Moore propaganda films. And there you will see that even in Canada whos own health care is collapsing and giving way to privatization ( which by the way was against the law ) at the cost of taxation through NO representation. Please go and move to these supposed glimmers of light and see for yourselves how great or how not so great they are. I think, I mean I know what you see there will surprise you. Ive been to both as I have relatives who live in Europe and great freinds in Canada. Nice place but no thanks. The people are run over by there govts more so than we can possibly imagine. They are treated as children not adults. Its disgusting. My cousins have always said the smart europeans left long ago for the new world and that they were left with a majority of whiners and idiots. Based on what Ive seen Im not so sure as far as idiots go but I do know this they are a bunch of whiners. Only a very few have I met from many different countries throughout Europe where it wasnt the gimme gimme mentality. I say keep it FREE and keep it REALl but most of all force govt to be small regardless of Republican or Democrat Rule.therealduckie (2009-09-22)
Fuck this drug-addict, racist, homophobic, maccarthy-ism, maniacal liar and anyone stupid enough to follow him. You're un-American if you listen to this imbecile and take him seriously. You bring shame to the Constitution.You are all a disgrace to the fore-fathers of this country.
But hey, keep tea-bagging each other and pretending you're not racist...that's working REAL well for ya. You're making yourselves more and more fringe by the day and the rest of us normal Americans who are ral Patriots, not you, are laughing our asses off at your stupidty.
Sorry you lost the election, but all you short-haired white guys will have to deal with some liberal views for a while.
protongeek (2009-09-23)
Rubberduckie , Racism seems to be an issue that you have. I have yet to see anyone here in any posts or Rush make racist comments. You make the comment short haired white guys. Wow you are a typical lib who believes in there elitist garbage you keep shoveling but as our beloved Pres is finding out no one wants it. They got change but I doubt its what they were looking for. But the flip side to this is two very bad candidates for possible election. Either way we were screwed with Mclaim or Bobimini Obama. Both suck!Liberals are not patriots and before you give me your load of garbage why dont you try reading up on our forefathers. Theyd toss you out on your ass for being a whinney lil bitch that you are. Always looking fro handouts. Well I have one for all those that want others people hard earned money and its a fist upside there heads. You Rubberduckie are the typical racist lib that uses that as a crutch against anyone who opposes your Karl Marxist views.therealduckie (2009-09-24)
10 Racist Rush Limbaugh Quotes:1. I mean, let?s face it, we didn?t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I?m not saying we should bring it back; I?m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.
2. You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed.
3. Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?
4. Right. So you go into Darfur and you go into South Africa, you get rid of the white government there. You put sanctions on them. You stand behind Nelson Mandela ? who was bankrolled by communists for a time, had the support of certain communist leaders. You go to Ethiopia. You do the same thing.
5. Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.
6. The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.
7. Blacks are 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?
8. Take that bone out of your nose and call me back(to an African-American female caller).
9. I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. They?re interested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well. I think there?s a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he really didn?t deserve.
10. On President Obama: ?halfrican American?, 'Arab', ?affirmative action candidate?, ?Barack the Magic Negro?.
So, tell me again how Rush and his listeners who put up with this and never question his holiness aren't racist. Go ahead. Try and rationalize this idiocy. I dare you.
Also, I never said I was a 'librul' or insinuated, in ANY way, that I followed any particular party.
Finally, ANY American citizen who opposes wire-tapping, illegal wars, lies, funding religious organizations, and cares about his fellow man is MUCH more of a citizen and a patriot than any of Rush's zombie ditto-heads.