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Lego Star Wars 1 and Lego Star Wars 2 (StarWars) (Full Rips)




Games PC


Lego Star Wars 1 and Lego Star Wars 2 (StarWars) (Full Rips)




2010-09-22 (by FuCtUpPuNk )


-----------------------------INSTALLATION----------------------------------- LEGO STAR WARS 1: Extract mount install copy over crack to installation directory play LEGO STAR WARS 2: extract then you will have a list of 6 .rars select them all and extract together then find and run "ToeD.exe" let it install Launch Game with LegoStarWarsII.exe (folder\PC_Lego Star Wars 2) INSTALLING LEGO STAR WARS 2 MUSIC ADDON: Install Game First Unrar to your game folder and double click on music.exe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGO STAR WARS 1: Gameplay in Lego Star Wars is geared towards family play, and as such does not feature a game over scenario. Given a specific set of characters in each scenario, based on a scene from each of the movies, up to two players can control them, using their different abilities. By walking up to another friendly character, the player can switch control over to that character, which is necessary for using some of their abilities to complete puzzles. Studs can be found by finding them, smashing or using the force on certain objects, or defeating enemies. Players will lose studs however if their character is destroyed (as opposed to losing lives). These studs can be spent on unlocking new characters for Free Play mode. Certain segments of the game feature players controlling spaceships flying on a flat plane. There are also several minikit canisters hidden throughout each level that, when collected, come together to form a vechile. Completing certain requirements, such as collecting enough studs in a level, earns Golden Bricks that can be traded for cheats. When the player first starts the game, he/she must first complete Chapter I of The Phantom Menace. However, once that chapter is completed, the player may choose to play levels from the other two movies, able to play any unlocked levels in their desired order. Completing all the game's levels with full stud bars will unlock an additional chapter based on the opening scene of A New Hope. Characters Lego Star Wars contains a total of 56 playable characters. The playable characters are modeled like actual Lego parts and on death, they fall to pieces and also lose studs. There are a wide variety of characters included in the game, all of which are unlocked by completing levels or by purchasing them at Dexter's Diner. Characters are divided into groups according to certain skills. For instance, Jedi and Sith can double-jump, use lightsabers, and have control of the force, which they can use to activate or lift Lego objects or defeat certain enemies. Darth Maul has a double-ended lightsaber which improves his defense from laser fire. Jar Jar Binks, General Grievous and his bodyguard have the super jump, which allows them to reach obstacles that the Jedi and Sith can't jump to. Characters like Padmé Amidala and clone troopers who carry blasters have the ability to grapple to reach higher places. Droids, while not being armed, can travel through the game without being intentionally attacked by enemy characters also, protocol droids and astromech droids can open special doors, then there are players like Boba Fett and Young Anakin that can fit in tight places. Every character, other than the PK Droid and Gonk Droid (whose only ability is that they are never attacked by enemies) have a special ability. However, an almost unknown Chancellor Palpatine can use the dark force.[3] Unlocked characters can be imported into the game's sequel, Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, as an extra called "use old save", which costs 250,000 Lego Studs, and be used in its character creator function. Because Lego Star Wars is based on the Prequel Trilogy (Episodes I, II and III), Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian and other characters from the original Star Wars trilogy are not shown, appearing in Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. However, if you unlock the last level (an episode 4 preview), Darth Vader, a stormtrooper, a rebel trooper and Princess Leia become available. Free Play Once a level has been cleared in Story Mode, the player may play through that level again in Free Play Mode. In this mode, players can choose to play through the level with their choice of unlocked characters (with the computer randomly selecting other characters based on their abilities.) At any point, the player can rotate between each of the chosen characters instantly, in order to access areas not accessible during the Story Mode in order to obtain hidden extras. No story cutscenes appear during this mode. Dexter's Diner Dexter's Diner is the area from which the player chooses what level to enter, or can enter the Parking Lot to view any vehicles whose parts they have found. The parts to these vehicles are contained in 10 mini-kit canisters which are hidden throughout each level. Battles often take place between canon-good and canon-evil characters, such as Jedi and Sith, respectively, in the Parking Lot as well. At the diner counter, the player may purchase, or enter codes to unlock extras in exchange for Lego studs they have collected by playing through the levels. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGO STAR WARS 2 Gameplay The player, playing as Han Solo, is using his blaster to defeat Stormtroopers, a common enemy in the game. Most of the game's setting and objects are made out of Lego bricks. Like its predecessor, this game presents a humorous view of the Star Wars universe, and retells some of the original trilogy's most famous moments through cut-scenes that feature no dialogue. For example, the famous "I am your father" scene now has Darth Vader pointing at a photograph of Anakin and Padme before pointing at Luke.[1] "Lego Studs" are the currency of the game. They are small objects shaped somewhat like discs, and come in four colors—silver, gold, blue, and purple. Silver studs are worth 10, gold are worth 100, blue are worth 1,000, and purple are worth 10,000; no studs are worth 1. Many are found in each level, usually by breaking objects made of Lego bricks, such as canisters and flowers. Studs can be used at the Mos Eisley Cantina to purchase characters, some vehicles, gameplay hints, and 8 of the 99 gold bricks in the game. (The rest are found in levels.) Obtaining certain numbers of the gold bricks unlocks certain rewards, such as access to a "spigot" that spews out studs. Blaster-wielding characters now have a number of new techniques, as because of a reduction in the number of Jedi and Sith characters, more emphasis was placed on them. They can now dodge incoming blaster fire, use melee attacks, automatically aim and fire on the nearest enemy, and use a diving technique. This is performed by jumping, and pressing the jump button in midair. If the player presses the attack button during the dive, when the character lands, they will fire off a volley of blasts. Players can jump into vehicles and explore with them. Unlike Lego Star Wars, in which vehicles were on rails, vehicles are able to move freely wherever the player wants.[2] The player's health hearts are replaced with metallic hearts, representing the health of the vehicle. If the vehicle's health is depleted when not in a vehicle-only stage, the character driving it will lose studs and be ejected; however, no matter how much damage a vehicle sustains, it will survive. Once a mini-kit set is completed, the player can drive that vehicle and use it in the "Minikit Bonus" level unlocked after finishing an episode's story.[2] Levels in Lego Star Wars II are accessed through doorways in the Mos Eisley Cantina, like they were accessed through doorways in Dexter's Diner in Lego Star Wars. Many locations from episodes IV – VI have been adapted into levels, including Hoth, Bespin, Dagobah, Tatooine, the forest moon of Endor, and both Death Stars. Characters Playable characters are based from the Original Trilogy of the Star Wars films (Episodes IV, V, and VI), including Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Ben Kenobi, Yoda, Chewbacca, Boba Fett, Princess Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2, Darth Vader, ghost Anakin and Emperor Palpatine. The player can also unlock more characters by buying them at the Mos Eisley Cantina. When a player unlocks a character from the standard game, they also unlock its Lego Bricks which can be used to make custom characters. According to LucasArts, this adds up to 1,000,000 character combinations. During E3 2006, it was confirmed that 50 characters can be unlocked by playing through story mode; the rest have to be purchased using Lego studs. All of these characters can be used to create a custom character which is made up of a combination of nine pieces: hat, head, body, cape, arms, hands, weapon, hip and legs. Some characters have a limited amount of pieces usable in Customization Mode, such as those with an irregularly-shaped head. In those cases, the character cannot wear a hat or helmet. The only humanoid character whose parts cannot be used in the game is Lando Calrissian. "Use Old Save" is an unlockable feature which enables the player to import all of the characters from Lego Star Wars and use them in free play. In order to use this feature, there must also be a Lego Star Wars saved game on the same memory card as the player's saved game of Lego Star Wars II. Custom Characters The last two characters in the character selection screen are custom characters that can be assembled in the Mos Eisley Cantina. Parts from some standard characters, as well as pieces not otherwise seen, can be used to customize two player-built minifigures. Head, weapon and headgear parts dictate the custom character's abilities, and may affect posture as well. Giving a custom character one ability will often shut them off from another- for example, a character with a lightsaber can manipulate the force, but are unable to use a blaster-wielding character's zipline ability. The customisable categories are headgear, head, cape, torso, arms, hands, weapon, hips, and legs. The Nintendo DS version of the game is the only one to deviate from these rules, featuring nearly every single character's pieces. Torso, arm and hand pieces are all combined into one category, as are hips and legs. Furthermore, every weapon used by every character appearing is usable, including some completely original ones such as black- and rainbow-colored lightsabers. Jet packs, short legs, and other functional extras not included in the console versions also appear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENJOY AND SEED!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to snag a copy of my Land of the Dead torrent (you can play it online). DOWNLOAD ALL MY TORRENTS HERE (at any of the links below):


  1. star wars
  2. starwars
  3. lego
  4. action
  5. rip
  6. full rip

Files count:



739.98 Mb




Antiquado (2010-09-26)

Trojan found in TOED.EXE

 FuCtUpPuNk (2010-09-28)

@Antiquado that would be a false positive! look it up on google.

RC_Ebooks (2010-10-27)

Let's get around his
bullshit though by doing the following:
In both games, delete 1eyed.exe & 2eyed.exe UNLESS you like being flipped the bird. This prog. does NOTHING for the install.
Next, edit ALL of his batch files and CHANGE THE ORDER of called .uha files to be Unarc'd.
Start with the largest one first, tectec.uha because you want that one DELETED first to free disk space.
Now why the HELL this masturbating little VIRGIN jerkoff needs to "DUPE" Gigs of files
with _install.bat, I have NO clue but I think you do not need to be doing that, save a couple gigs right there! I will check this.
Yous should also REM out all lines in his batch files which call for .uha file deletion, otherwise you'll be right back here like I am now D/L'ing the shit AGAIN!
I don't even know if this turkey will run on my box yet.
RC_Ebooks at 2010-10-26 21:55 CET:
These 2 games are POORLY put together: It should be in a separate directory and the batch files should call to that area during build, instead he DELETES the source files as the batch goes on. So if the 1st load fails, you're fucked w/o the source files! FUCKING IDIOT!

RC_Ebooks (2010-10-27)

You also need a Gfx card which supports Pixel Shader 1.1 and the software fix for it doesn't work on my box... so lots of time wasted regardless.

ivanhoe68 (2010-11-18)

This one has multiple viruses, Lego star wars 1 crack= Trojan Lego star wars 2 Multiple threats att packup. Im using avg free edition. Download at own risk, LSW1 can be runned if you download a new crack. I didnt try LGS II Because of the multiple threats.. Download at own risk!

 FuCtUpPuNk (2011-01-08)

@RC_Ebooks get a life retard. trying to toss pointless insults at someone providing you with free games is just plain dumb and makes you the "virgin jerkoff" you are mad cause you can't get any.
@ivanhoe68 avg is the worst anti virus there is out. and you need to look up false positive. why? because this torrent contains no viruses, or any other harmful files to a pc. LEARN IT, LIVE IT, LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

jcmgamer (2011-03-28)

I have downloaded many a torrent with avast running and this is the first to set it off with a trojan. gg on saying its a false positive.

jcmgamer (2011-03-28)

Forgot to mention that it caught it while downloading and not when unzipping.

tigerscar56 (2011-07-07)

is this little animatio suppose to pop up when i click on toed?

eng442 (2011-08-29)

Downloaded only Lego Star Wars 1
Worked smoothly on Windows 7 with a Joypad
Nice torrent.

H6imdall (2012-02-19)

It's working perfectly for me, good job !

Akddka (2012-05-02)

Area 5 in Retake the palace(chapter 5), Episode 1. There is a door i cannot get through. Once i step in, i cant move when i'm on the other side.
How do i fix this?

jaojow (2013-02-17)

For a trusted this is out of character. so there technically isnt a virus on this but avast deleted the toed.exe on download .. so thats a bust. and for the second one... well its just fine.... Except the audio. As soon as the audio file starts it restarts... so imagine the star wars theme song starting for like the first 5 or 10 seconds and then restarting...never really getting past the crescendo.


1. Lego Star Wars 1 and 2/Lego Star Wars 2/Lego Star Wars 2.rar 190.01 Mb
2. Lego Star Wars 1 and 2/Lego Star Wars 2/Lego Star Wars 2 - music addon.7z 114.38 Mb
3. Lego Star Wars 1 and 2/torrent downloaded from/Torrent downloaded from 59 bytes
4. Lego Star Wars 1 and 2/torrent downloaded from/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
5. Lego Star Wars 1 and 2/lego star wars.7z 435.59 Mb
6. Lego Star Wars 1 and 2/INSTALLATION.txt 429 bytes
7. Lego Star Wars 1 and 2/contacting me.txt 367 bytes