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documentary - moon landing hoax.avi
documentary - moon landing hoax.avi
Video/TV shows
2008-11-19 (by piracypro)
documentry nasa's moon landing conspiracy
please watch and then comment ..dont go for the negative comments on this video
Files count:
120.16 Mb
sistromo (2008-11-19)
Probably coming from the same kind of people who believe in things like Sasquatch, UFOs and your garden variety religion. Get over it, people: There is no conspiracy. We've been there several times to boot.DeltaPan (2008-11-20)
Hoax?!?Yep, this must be some rubbish from narrowband nut-nuts of the 'A. Jones' ilk.
Ain't gonna bother.
About hoax, i mean wtf
I suppose extraterrestrial life isn't possible on higher evolutionary parallels to hominidae, either.
piracypro (2008-11-20)
hey nerds .....u'v all been one ever went to the moon in was a bluff ....prob the biggest one ever....see this video made by americans them selves....includes ppl from NASA aswell.piracypro (2008-11-20)
watch the video and then comment.....DeltaPan (2008-11-20)
Ain't fooled by anything.I just know when a conspiricy exists and when they don't.
The landings hoax theory is utter piffle.
If you understood the sciences involved properly you'd understand the bullshit.
But as you appear to think a rational scientific knowledge means i am fooled, you cannot possibly know as much as you think you know.
You merely get informed of things through media you prefer to believe because they are presented as credible but moreover, the conspiratorial intregue appeals to your nature.
You think you know the truth merely because of the manner these media are composed to influence.
You don't actually know that much about science, do you.
You have a weak mind, not i who is fooled!
Kindly be a good Ostrich and find a sandpit, there's a big chap.
piracypro (2008-11-20)
ok tell u what deltapan u need a big dick to satisfy ur ass ..probably nasa's rocket that went to moon.if u believe they went to the moon ..then its fine cuz u only talk bullshit..n not science ever wondered y there is wind on the moon in the video..fuck u if u hav a pea size brain dont force others to believe in ur fuking theory..u fagpiracypro (2008-11-20)
if u think u know science ..then make a video urself explaining the questions raised in this video..if u cant then keep ur ass shut for a whileeParadigm (2008-11-20)
Really good piece of work by uploader.......ignore negative comments by FAGS....
Must WATCH....
questiones are raised by NASA personel themselves...
See for urselves and do research..ull know
eParadigm (2008-11-20)
as for *DeltaPan* sure the NASA rocket went no where near the moon....Infact it went straight up sure ur an american thts why u keep dening it , just like NASA themseles who fail to give answers and ....have UNFORTUNATLY LOST the original Moon landing video .....hahaha...wat FAGS!trollfeed (2008-11-22)
Fake.R-key-typE (2008-11-23)
How peculiar to see that neither can know for sure what the truth is, but both sides claim they do.It is all about what you (want to) believe and what not. Loads of people don't want to believe the USA nowadays (after Iraq and Bush), so there will be more people who question their claims in the present and their claims from the past.
This documentary is bias, because of the very limited time the 'other side' gets to be heard. About 90/95% of the people you see and hear in this so called documentary (more propaganda than anything else) are pro conspiracy, so it won't be very wise to base your opinion solely on this video.
Thanks for the upload though, I love questioning 'certainties'!
Have a good one!
chunkyboy (2008-11-24)
too many things dont add up with this moon conspiracy. ive been 50./50 on it. but then i saw the myth busters programme on the subject i am now convinced its a hoax. talk about one sided. they proberly suckered in a lot of people who didnt have an open mind, people dont take the time to look between the lines and prefere to have their minds made up for them.....R-key-typE (2008-11-30)
Well chunkyboy, you talk about being openminded, and call everyone who believe it's a hoax, closedminded. That just seems a contradiction to me, specially when you say: 'then i saw the myth busters programme on the subject i am now convinced its a hoax' (meaning the conspiracy is a hoax). If a program was ever bias, it's this one, because most evidence came from NASA itself and they didn't address a couple of key issues (like the same backgrounds in different moonlanding photo's). Furthermore, I wasn't impressed by the footprint or the photo's they've recreated, so it seems to me that you are a bit closedminded yourself when you say this is evidence enough for you to believe they really went to the moon and back.Me myself am still not convinced either way...
piracypro (2008-12-01)
i also saw the program its totally made for and by nasa. mythbusters ate not saints evrything they saw is not necessarily true specially hey didn't answer most questions like same background, no crater below the ship which landed on the moon and thier recreation waspathetic i mean its nearly impossible to create moon like atmosphere here lot of things need to be (2008-12-01)
The photos from the soviet rover shows stars, none of nasas pics show any stars at all.The russians didn't send people to the moon 'cause they believed the radiation would be to dangerous.
zombino (2009-07-18)
Ppl who don't believe in god - ATHEISTSPpl who don't believe in moon landing - IDIOTS
kiwitoad (2009-07-21)
people that believe everything they are told - AMERICANSsnake1122 (2010-06-07)
Please seed stuck on 97%...ThanksBohr999 (2011-01-25)
SEED MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!alexsanders128 (2014-05-27)
Interesting that you ASK for comments, but then proceed to add that you're only interested in positive comments.What a shit-for-brains attitude.
1. documentary - moon landing hoax.avi 120.16 Mb