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[PC] Halo 2 XP + VISTA [RIP] [dopeman]




Games PC


[PC] Halo 2 XP + VISTA [RIP] [dopeman]




2007-07-01 (by 420dopeman)


################################################################################## #### #### ## ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ## ## ## ################################################################################## GAME: - Halo 2 - THe ShaFt(c) Release Date: DFC Game Genre: Shooter Game Type: COMPLETE RIP |.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NOTES: NO INSTALL / UNRAR & PLAY / Optimized for the advanced gaming features in Windows Vista, Halo 2 promises to revolutionize the first-person shooter experience for Windows gamers, as it did for consoles. With its classic story, enhanced visual presentation, multiplayer excitement and all-new Map Editor, Halo 2 for Windows Vista offers more game customization and new content than ever before. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # # # RiPPED ----> CreDits <----- # # # 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 DESIGNED, TESTED, AND WORKING ON BOTH XP AND VISTA. After unraring, simply install XLiveRedist1.0.6027.msi , then vcredist.msi Both files are locatated in the 'INSTALL THESE FIRST' folder. INSTALL or re-install DX9 APRIL 07 VERSION on both XP or VISTA. -No, you aint be playing this online. Dont ask- unrar H2.7z with latest winrar Install XLiveRedist1.0.6027.msi , then vcredist.msi found inside the 'INSTALL THESE FIRST' folder. Start on XP by double-clicking 'XP PLAY HALO 2.bat' Start on Vista: remove the file 'dwmapi.dll' from the game folder and start with halo2.exe Enjoy. InFo: Ascii by: GMSi 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # "Install Nothing, Play Everything." # 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Files count:



2574.36 Mb




crebban (2007-07-01)

Awesome rip. Hail dopeman.

battle_station (2007-07-01)

ty dopeman =)

PerfectSin (2007-07-01)

Hey guys, I forged a guide for installing Halo 2 on XP and used various comments on the web to try and create a troubleshooting section.
Visit the guide:

And tell me what you all think.

techmannie (2007-07-01)

^^Thankx again dopeman.^^

halo37253 (2007-07-01)

this works great, make sure your pc can run it first. Im using a Geforce fx5800 works fine, recomend to have a 6 series, from what i see a 6200 can run this game fine. Looks just like the xbox version, really nice when you have a 360 and can use your controller or just use the good old mouse.

zomgkittylazerz (2007-07-01)

Am I turning crazy? I could have swore I downloaded this yesterday, but it says it was submitted today?

Dupont60 (2007-07-01)

Thanks again Dopeman.
You're the best. Keep up the good work!
BTW; do you have any games with a more "adult" touch to it?
Would be awsome if you could find a nice version of Artificial Girl or something like that...
Take care and best regards!

halo37253 (2007-07-01)

what is the point to reinstall directX 9 if you already have it?

theRequester (2007-07-01)

hey dopeman, can i make a request? or is there a site or email i go to to request? since you crack everything :D

Dupont60 (2007-07-01)

Maybe a nice RIP of Lula 3D or Artificial girl or some other adult game?
You are the best!

beniz (2007-07-01)

Hey. I have Vista and how should I activate the game?

TeRmS (2007-07-01)

Can'r get it too work on vista, done what it says in the .nfo file, even tried the xp fix, but that totaly fucked it up, crashes when the halo 2 loading screen opens.

TeRmS (2007-07-01)

Everything is up to date when it comes to drivers.
But, when i started halo 2 i created a new online account, thats what we are suppose to do right?=)

TeRmS (2007-07-01)

I'll see what i can find

cc//Spike (2007-07-02)

i get an error saying tht the current steam server isnt running? Xp user

cc//Spike (2007-07-02)

oops it should be "the local steam server is not running"

cc//Spike (2007-07-02)

lol i cant read :P "steam service"

cc//Spike (2007-07-02)

WTF!? i started steam and when i click "XP PLAY HALO 2" half-life 2 starts?!?!?!?!?!!?

cc//Spike (2007-07-02)

anyone? plz heeeeelp me ffs

Stainless_b2 (2007-07-02)

Dopy... i don't know if it is just me but i have installed the "xp fix"/ "patch" and it works fine. but now i am working my way to the end of the game and it says i should insert my halo 2 cd.
?=! was the "patch" only for the first part of the game ?

Stainless_b2 (2007-07-02)

by the way you are the best : )

Swedensimon (2007-07-02)

dopeman plz can you do a rip version of just cause, its a very great game ! :)

WasteMyTime (2007-07-02)

Hey Dopy
The game works, but there is one problem.
In the middel of the game, it says "inset halo 2 cd". If you know what is wrong, tell me.
(PS. You're the best)

FlorreSnorre (2007-07-02)

Omg i was done with the first level and then i come to outrkist but it said: u need to activate the product key or somthing like that plz help

theRequester (2007-07-02)

hey, asked 1 time, might not have seen it tho, im tryin to get a game for friend so we can play online, but still have yet to find a multiplayer torrent for it, was wondering if you could crack titan quest to play online? would be greatly appreciated, besides, might be your great challenge :D (jk)

arxidia (2007-07-02)

Can anyone tell me what are the requirements to play this game?(processor etc.)

cc//Spike (2007-07-02)

WTF!? when i got steam running and when i click "XP PLAY HALO 2" half-life 2 starts? and when i dont got it running it says tht the local steamservice isnt running?!?!?!?!?!!?

Irishman909121 (2007-07-03)

At the top it says there are 129 seeders but uTorrent says there only 7. PLEASE SEED

Riggan (2007-07-03)

Holy crap this cant be halo 2 the graphics are crappy, like half-life 1! omg this game should be baned!!

gordonfreeman797 (2007-07-04)

dopeman great job on this for XP, thnx. However, (not ur fault) the game is a complete crock. Just my opinion - others - suck it & see. Thnx again to dopeman.

jollan71 (2007-07-04)

All that comes up for me when i click on play halo on xp is " initialization faild. either insufflicent system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged. "
sry for my spelling :p

dafin0 (2007-07-05)

159 seeders right now but because there are 1027 leechers thats why we are getting such a slow speed, i would help by uploading more then 1kb/s but it would use up my 12gb limit to quick so sorry about that.

Xar0n (2007-07-05)

Cant sombody make a crack or something so we can play LAN on Halo 2, i remember how fun it was when we played LAN on Halo 1. PLZ come with an crack soon:)

kennethkkkk (2007-07-05)

Um.. why cant i get singleplayer to work? only online seems to work but i dont have a cdkey so.. help.. how do i play singleplayer?!

imandrewhoran (2007-07-05)

when i double click the "XP PLAY HALO 2" i get the black command prompt thing, then it dissapears, and nothing happens. what's wrong!? :/

benati (2007-07-05)

thx for the up, everything works fine.
I have a question in the menu what is the different between Live and Network because Live doesn-t work for me but the Network form me so waht is the different between them??

benati (2007-07-05)

Network works for me

nahoj5 (2007-07-06)

is this really halo 2!?
Really bad graphics

kingsofa (2007-07-06)

nahoj, remember its not like halo 2 is next gen or anything that is halo 3 =)
benati, I an very curious how you got network to work, can you create a game? and diff between network and live is that network is obviously not online.

warwinter (2007-07-06)

big ups to dopeman on this release, we all appreciate his efforts and his contributions, but this game friggin sucks, the mouse feels very buggy and non responsive even when you max the sensitivity out, and the graphics are horrible on pc, even with every option maxed it looks more like perfect dark for 64 than halo 2 for xbox ::slight exaggeration:: while playable, in comparison to the release for consoles tis pathetic. though it's nice to see ppl making workarounds for microsoft's stupid "vista only" crap. to hell with microsoft's marketing scheme.

jordanfitz9 (2007-07-06)

please help this is the error im getting the d3dx9_31.dll was not found
help please

jordanfitz9 (2007-07-06)

hey arxdia heres the minimum requirementt 4 it
Processor: modern at least 800 MHz (Intel, AMD, Via)
System memory: 512 MB
Graphics processor: SVGA (800x600)
Graphics memory: suggested 128 MB
Hard drive space: 20 GB
Hard drive free space: 15 GB
Optical Drive: CD-ROM

xxmattxx27 (2007-07-06)

In order to play online i think you would need ether a client to connect to xbox live for the pc(if possible) or your own server where you could host games.

blake2 (2007-07-06)


rowborough (2007-07-06)

this has to have the worst graphics of any game released in the last 3 years what a piece of shit !!!
and the gameplay sux !!
Dont waste your harddrive youl only end up deleating...........

benati (2007-07-06)

kingsofa, yes i can create a new game then game setup and i choose the weapon and the number of the player and everything, game type...etc. then start game connect to the network please wait.... then it works but threre is a problem: i am alone in the game and there aren' any enemies :)

rowborough (2007-07-06)

then the network game dosnt work you twat !
But from your comments your probably very used to playing with yourself LOL
Some people, the games shit anywat so why inflict it on others....

kingsofa (2007-07-07)

jordanfitz9, download the latest directx duh.....

cliffne (2007-07-07)

Dopeman - any chance you could rip World Racing 2 for the PC please? I'm having probs with the protection on it.

dafin0 (2007-07-07)

"this has to have the worst graphics of any game released in the last 3 years what a piece of shit "
that because it was made 3 years ago and for a very on powerd system :P

BenMorte (2007-07-07)

This i a good rip but i've got a problem, after "return to sender" the game stops and a signs says: You need to activate this product to continue playing the game. Whats the problem...did i miss a crack?

Xar0n (2007-07-08)

when i try to play lvl 15 it says "insert your original halo 2 cd", i use the batch files i got and ive triyed all the other lvls and batch files. Why do i need the cd if your batch files should fix it? plz help med! anyone!:=)

dafin0 (2007-07-08)

ok i did somthing really dumb, i put the grafics to high but that ended up frezing my computer now everytime i try and get into the game it frezes. i just want to know how i can edit the settings with out being in the game it seam
by the way im on windows xp if that help u out

jebachjebacha (2007-07-08)

When im trying to start the game as desribed i get a warnin´from kaspersky that the apliccation is a riskware an invader.

barabusignasius (2007-07-09)

Im always amazed that these idiots are able to figure out to post comments...yet they dont read them. In terms of graphics all that really sucks is the facial animations. When you turn up the graphic options the graphics are quite beautiful. However you need a fast rig to play that way. And If you read a little...not too much or your heads might explode...youll find that you need to download the activation fix for this game. If you cannot figure out how to get it than you shouldnt be installing ripped games such as these to your machine. I gave you a hint on how to find it earlier in the post.....oh I cant read.

novadragon17 (2007-07-09)

Do achievements work on XP? i havent seen this mentioned anywhere

markoramius (2007-07-10)

This is crap! The game works, but there's no sound whatsoever! Download another one!

hablestop (2007-07-10)

Some people are so ungrateful! Thank you dope-ster

Gwaaarrrrrrrggghhhh (2007-07-11)

i cant get it to stop asking for the original disk when i get to gravemind and ive tryed all the "fixes" i can find...anybody??

patrickt (2007-07-12)

The only thing is that you can't get past level 3 without LIVE ENABLED Account.
So bad rip, give better desc.

SinBin_Squeakz (2007-07-12)

How bad are the graphs? On Xbox they were great, cant see why the are so bad on PC. Is it worth downloading?

Hannio (2007-07-12)

Why is the game asking for the CD when I get to the 12th map? Has anyone else had this problem? Can anyone else finish the game?

goderian (2007-07-13)

well,, i did everything that said in the info.. but i didn't work.. i'm not surprised.

deoxx (2007-07-14)

omg! it's to XP! i love the halo games, and now i don't need to install vista to play it! thanks!!!!!

toco123 (2007-07-14)

hw do you patch the actual game to play on XP?

dunclap (2007-07-14)


Check out this site. Its for network Gaming,supports Halo 2

The Dark Slay3r (2007-07-15)

Does this work with my Gamertag? so can I get achievements?

blake2 (2007-07-15)

to continue playing past level 3 on halo 2 you must download the halo 2 dopeman workaround to play without activation

Levangos (2007-07-15)

How are you unraring this game?
Witch program are you using?

beedatopytia (2007-07-16)

I couldn't get past the first part where the guy tells me how to look and stuff - my computer keeps freezing up.
I'm running a legit Windows XP Pro SP 2. I have AM2 5600+, 2 GB Gskill Ram, Radeon 1950x Pro with 512 MB... I don't need an upgrade.
I downloaded Shadowrunner, and it runs fine, except for when it starts up, which is really slow. I'm pretty sure it's because I'm running Vista games in XP. I'll try it on Vista soon.

prince_lukus (2007-07-19)

when i try and open 'XLiveRedist1.0.6027' i get "this installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installation package"
Please help!

Blue_3 (2007-07-19)

Wow I'm Getting Like Bad Speed, But No Complain, When I Finally Get It, This Game Will Become Easy To Get ; ).

GrifterGrifts (2007-07-19)

Thanks! :)
REQUEST: M1 Tank Platoon 2. (It's IMPOSSIBLE to find)
If upped, I will seed for 2 months.

halo37253 (2007-07-20)

this works great and sound works. Make sure your pc doesnt suck, use atleast a 6200 or higher

TyFuZ (2007-07-20)

Well I got the Game working but now when i try creating a game over Network nothing happens just a click sound. Anyone knows what the problem is?

noobsofwar (2007-07-21)

when i open one of the install these first files it says some bullcrap about windows safe is on or something plz help

Lolnooblet (2007-07-21)

It didnt work with Directx 9.0 (June 2007) nor (April 2007), I open the XP PLAY HALO file and it opens and says 'Echo is off' and closes.
Would appreciate any help.

Lolnooblet (2007-07-21)


Blue_3 (2007-07-21)

This Should Help To Pass Out The Game.

lalala1 (2007-07-22)

This does work, if you have the correct directx per instructions. In addition, if you are having problems with level 12 asking for the DVD, download and run microsofts Process Monitor while the level is loading. Somehow this causes the level to load correctly on most machines--perhaps due to the overhead lagging the DVD check until it times out.

And don't forget to download dopeman's other fix for the activation.

kevson36 (2007-07-23)

Works Great for me! good game.. have it to xbox and pc now rofl. thanks again Dope! =D

gtr2 (2007-07-23)


sgt_solo (2007-07-24)

does this run online or has ms blacklisted it?

sgt_solo (2007-07-24)

lol and plz seed i aint waiting 16 days for this to download

sgt_solo (2007-07-24)

and when its done i will seed at unlimited speed which is upto 8mb

sgt_solo (2007-07-24)

is this torrent fucked it sems to b stopping and strting all the time oh is it just noobs that cant b bothered to share!!!! :()

BitGod (2007-07-24)

This is a great up by dopeman!
Download this AND the activation fix and when you eventually get to level 12 Gravemind use the workaround as suggested by lalala1.
If your grafix are shit get a better card because mine are fine and you're the one with the problem.

aslanov (2007-07-25)

Great torrent dopeman, but i ran into a snag that im surprised no1 else has, or i havent found someone that has.
I run vista, i downloaded the torrent, ran those 2 .msi files, installed the game, played 3/4 of the first stage, and then it tells me to insert the DVD or soemthing like that. wat do id o?

sgt_solo (2007-07-25)

sed lol its only 21kbps

Shotgu_Ninja (2007-07-25)

Not working for me. Whenever i run the "XP Play Halo 2" file it opens a command prompt and then closes a second later. Can someone please help?

Shotgu_Ninja (2007-07-25)

Also if I start the file again it says that Halo 2 is already running on the computer. Yet nothing else is showing up about it.

sgt_solo (2007-07-25)

can u play online with this?

Shotgu_Ninja (2007-07-25)

it says so right there in the description you cant play online

sgt_solo (2007-07-25)

fuck pointless installing this then

sgt_solo (2007-07-25)

will the halo 2 online keygen work with this

mercyboy420 (2007-07-25)

this works for me!!

cooldanne99 (2007-07-29)

please dont complaine on dopeman.. he almost never get it wrong on his games.. belive me.. peace out dopeman:)

GraMPoy (2007-07-30)

works perfect =) thanks!

seedbitchimnotgonna (2007-07-30)

Thank you for uploading. First i got the dx..error but now after following every single step mentioned for vista i get an error message: "The ordinal 100 could not be located in the dynamic link library dwmapi.dll" im on vista 64bit btw. Its the first time i download from dopeman so thx for any help.

Turmion__ (2007-07-31)

Dopman is the best on pirate bay

havguf (2007-08-01)

Maybe Im just slow today, but can anyone tell me how to get the freakin game started? The sigleplayer part ofcause... Should i make a profile online?? :S Hihi

mehmet6 (2007-08-01)

Dopeman, we cant send PM's to u on piratebay so i have to write here. Hope ure seeing this. Can u rip Uefa champions League 06-07??? Please ive downloaded Razor but it doesnt work on my computer, its something about directx but i dont get it. Anyway, if u could post it here on piratebay im sure that we will appreaciteaty(?) Anyway, hope youre hearing my voice. Its important for me, or my little brother, hes jelling at m. I reallly need this game Please

nabolzi (2007-08-02)

5 kb/s oh joy of joys...................

HaLo2fn123 (2007-08-03)

Umm... could someone tell me if you need a disk to burn this to, or is it the whole game and you could just install it, thanks!

shasam (2007-08-04)

Jag får ett error medelande som det står "d3dx9_31.dll inte kunde hittas" vad e det för fel? har instalerat DirectX 9 om och om igen :S

worriahbach (2007-08-04)

Awsome release Dopeman !! But seed guys, want this !

LordOfMidnightz (2007-08-06)

dopeman, great upload..again:)
you are amazing m8, keep up the good work, peace

Slaxer (2007-08-06)

Thank you for uploading Dopeman!
But i have a problem. For some reason, my game lags alot. It feels like my FPS is around 5-10.
I doubt its my computer, since i have 1GB ram, 3ghz processor, and Nvidia Geforce 7600GT.
I would appreciate if someone would help me.
Thanks in advance.

jygi-.- (2007-08-06)


robert266 (2007-08-08)

seed please!
10 kb/ ..

LoveMeTender (2007-08-08)

I am having an issue. i when I try and play it says
"this application has failed to start because d3dx9_31.dll was not found. Re0installing the application may fix this."
what is that, and how do I fix it

arskis93 (2007-08-08)

can u guys SEED going only 35 kb/s

arskis93 (2007-08-08)

plzzzzz SEND... 91%!!

arskis93 (2007-08-08)


Mc.Cock (2007-08-08)

Dopeman - you rock! U the best in Piratebay

elementality (2007-08-09)

When I open the game on Vista, it says I have to install an update, but when I click yes it starts installing then the game closes. Anyone know how to fix it?

Anonymous-Alcoholic (2007-08-09)

seed please

Anonymous-Alcoholic (2007-08-09)

seed please omeone

Anonymous-Alcoholic (2007-08-09)

seed pleaseeeeee

Ianp (2007-08-10)

I thought I was quite good at burning and mounting games, but I followed all instructions here and game starts and runs movie intro for a while then crashes ,with send a problem screen?
Using XP with 7900GS Also put the "full" DX9 (450mb) but made no difference to this problem.

sashy (2007-08-10)

Thank you Dopeman wery wery mutch! I freaking love this game and i freaking love people who does this conversions! DOPEMAN YOU OWN! You got my trust on you

sashy (2007-08-11)

*********** I got a problem !!! Ive played Halo 2 the entire day today and I come to the 12:th level, suddently the game brings me back to the meny and a pop up comes "insert the original halo 2 disc" wtf ? What should I do? I have alredy installed the registration fix.

the godfaza (2007-08-11)

This game runs on vista. The only problem is that I don't have the activation code to play the game. So I get to sign into Xbox Live over and over and it tells me the code is not valid.

the godfaza (2007-08-11)

Also I tried the activation fix and it just gives me "The procedure entry point MFGetAdaptersAddresses could not be located in the dynamic link library MFPlat.dll".

elementality (2007-08-11)

Someone help me fix my problem, on Vista the game closes whenever I try to install the update.

wang (2007-08-11)

i have a problem.. every time i try to start the game it shuts down again after the "halo 2 text intro".... help apriciated thanks in advance

wang (2007-08-11)

im a XP user btw

gamepsyched (2007-08-11)

if i enter my actual gamertag can i get banned ??? will they know?

Slaxer (2007-08-11)

You guys keep asking the exact same questions all the time.
Instead of asking all the time, you can try to solve the problem yourself by looking if someone has already answered your question before.
I'm positive the most questions you people have asked, have already been answered.

Stemb0 (2007-08-11)

SeEd please, only 20 kb/s

Antipodean (2007-08-12)

UNLESS U ARE OK WITH SPEEDS OF 10-25 kb/s, DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS TORRENT... (believe me, at those speeds a 2 & a half gig file takes a while).
leeching PRICKS are bloody KILLING torrents.
I'm uploading TWICE as fast as I'm downloading at the moment on this torrent and keeping a VERY good ratio. BUT AT THESE STUPID ARSE DOWNLOAD SPEEDS... its clear as crystal that you bastards are NOT doing the same in return, u selfish greedy fucks.
This is the last time I use a public tracker.

pubis (2007-08-12)

Thx, started working great after i installed directX :)

dogge92 (2007-08-13)

Hello, this is my first time i comment anithing in PB. thing is that i have locket at all the comments but i still cant find a way to make halo 2 work..
"this application has failed to start because d3dx9_31.dll was not found. Re0installing the application may fix this." sama as LoveMeTender.
is there a way to fix this? btw i have reinstalled Dx9 many times..

dogge92 (2007-08-13)

Oh, and thx alot dopeman for the effort you put in!

dogge92 (2007-08-13)

after the 8 time i instaled dx9 it worked :P
lots of RESPECT to you dopeman!
and thx alot again :)

ThaMaSTAR (2007-08-14)

How To Uninstall dx9 please help me

Ritsume (2007-08-14)

Ok heres my problem and I really hope that somebody will be able to help my ok, When I try to install the game by going to Startup it says: The ordinal 100 Could not be located in the dynamic link library dwmapi.dll.
Does anybody know what this is about please I would really aprreciate your help thanks in advance.

RobbazJESUS (2007-08-15)

This dosent work, got the newest build of Xp Pro Sp2 and have installed XLiveRedist and vcredist and downloaded and installed directx9 April 07.
The only thing that happens is that the dos windows qickly closes after like 0.2 seconds.
This rip have to much buggs.

RobbazJESUS (2007-08-15)

Nope it dosent start, dont download it if you got a newest xp.

janaka (2007-08-15)

dude me installed halo an the other stuff after dat.... XLiveRedist1.0.6027.msi , then vcredist.msi
but me cant get past the first level says i got to register or activate smthin like dat.... do i need DX9 APRIL 07 ????? is that the prob??? can yamail me back an let me know will really appriciateit.. [email protected]

janaka (2007-08-15)

awesome sorry guys..
did the job... didnt have to reinstall dx.. thanks dope... u rule.. if u were a gurl i would kiss u.. but i wont..(for obvios resons :))

ThaMaSTAR (2007-08-15)

i used the activaction fix and i didnt even uninstall dx9 and it worked and now the game works like a charm Thx Dopeman

123123ofno (2007-08-16)

when i try to to start the game it just goes black and everything freezes and my screen resolution is set to 800x600 :S how do I fix this? win XP 32-bit if you need to know

123123ofno (2007-08-16)

nevermind i innstaled dx9 april from another place and it worked :D
GJ dopeman!

Herman^ (2007-08-17)

Hello is work on XP??

MGBx88 (2007-08-17)

I looked at all 8 pages, and see no error like mine, maybe someone can help me though.
I can start up the game, and go to campaign, after selecting the 1st level and any difficulty, the HALO 2 loading screen starts up..... and goes.... and goes.... and goes... it never loads.. what could be the problem?
when i bring up the task panel, it says it isnt responding :[
vista, 4.7 rating.

ef0p (2007-08-18)

Please seed! I´m stuck at 99,6%
Just want to play game soon! :)

cpktnwt (2007-08-18)


cpktnwt (2007-08-18)

Can u plz seed!

stevenkain (2007-08-19)

ACHTUNG! This game works on VISTA, if you INSTALL DirectX 9 instead of the bundled, already installed DirectX 10. That's a HUGE step back and I don't recomend it. If you have XP it's a good download, otherwise.... try other HALO2 torrents.

mexenox (2007-08-19)

hello guys i cannot play halo because i've got the same problem as dogge92. What can i do to get d3dx9_31??
plz help!

jumio (2007-08-20)

The problem with this torrent is that even if you get a product key, you cant play online still. Since this rip took out the parts that allow you to play online you'll be stuck to playing campaign. I got a product key and i couldn't play live.

pygmyshrew (2007-08-21)

i cant get past a certain level, its level 12, called gravemind, i played to that level and when that level starts to load it says "Sorry" "Please insert original Halo 2 Disc", help any1?

2799 (2007-08-21)

Well, this game would work a bit better if the freakin' DX9 file would exist.
Now it doesnt, so fuck this.

dysphunktion (2007-08-21)

2799, would help if you opened up the folder named "INSTALL THESE FIRST". Learn to read instructions.

pygmyshrew (2007-08-21)

so no1 else has this problem that i have? getting to lvl 12, gravemind, and not being able to continue because it says i have to insert the original halo 2 disc? i mean comeon?

Azagedon (2007-08-21)

mexenox at 2007-08-19 15:04 CET:
hello guys i cannot play halo because i've got the same problem as dogge92. What can i do to get d3dx9_31??
plz help!
Google the Dll and you will be able to download and it will say where to install it then it will work!

2799 (2007-08-21)

Well, dysphunktion, Ive installed those files a couple of times. It still won't work.

chris196 (2007-08-22)

HElp guyz I installed XLiveRedist1.0.6027., then vcredist, inside the 'INSTALL THESE FIRST' folder. Then when I double click XP play halo 2 bat it doesn't work . It says dd3dx9_31.dll was not found??
HELP me PLeaze =[

chris196 (2007-08-22)

oh could sumone tell me wha a Dx9 is i think that would help me get halo 2 working.

fooner (2007-08-22)


remcoo (2007-08-22)

i have problems with the sound in the movies, the sounds are all going trough eachother and it really messes up the movies.
movies=intros etc

chris196 (2007-08-23)

could sum one send me 'XP PLAY HALO 2.bat' pleaze

jasperelk (2007-08-23)

i couldn't install xliveredist1.0.6027 its being blocked..pls help am using Vista.

lolisaiahlol (2007-08-24)











ziptorrent: -
ziptorrent: -[










kostas545 (2007-08-25)

what is the requirements to play this game in windows XP?

mariusca7273 (2007-08-25)

thank you:)

mariusca7273 (2007-08-25)

cool thankx:)

||G|| (2007-08-26)

does online work for xp? if so can you play with vista and xbox 360 users aswell?

Erikssonjocke (2007-08-26)

DX9 Mirrors:

Erikssonjocke (2007-08-27)

It work perfect for me... but i can't play on the internet.. :(

Erikssonjocke (2007-08-27)

men orka spela detta... För det första går det inte att spela på internet och fördet andra kan man bara spela fyra uppdrags banor... sen sår det att det saknas en bana så for man inte köra mer... :( kan man fixa det ?? HUR!??

Erikssonjocke (2007-08-27)

Eller skrev lite fel..... det stog att man måste "aktivera spelet" för att fortsätta.... Hur gör man för att fortsätta ??

Erikssonjocke (2007-08-28)

Nu vet jag,, har fixat det.. måste ha domma här grejerna :[PC]_Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_WORKAROUND_[dopeman]

Apothesis (2007-08-28)

Someone has already stated that there is no sound in this because it is a rip, I was just wondering if I can add the sound back to it somehow. I cannot play my games without sound, any help is appreciated.

duckordie (2007-08-29)

Någon som samma problem som jag?
När jag ska spela en bana och man ser "HALO 2" Sedan när banan startas blir skärmen vit och spelet dör/Laggar,
Det mystika är att den använder bara 1 av mina 2 cpuer... Har ominstalerat Dx9 4 gånger
Har XP

simbatore (2007-08-29)

it says im missing a .dll file when i click on the xp play halo 2.bat file. anyone know where to find it?
the file is d3dx9_31.dll

aarsaap (2007-08-29)

first i instal xliveredist1.0.6027.msi but when i try installing vredist.msi i get a message -error 1311 file not found
control if the file excists en if you have exit to it
translated from dutch
anyone help? thx

gamer2008 (2007-08-29)

i play on xp and i ended 1 misiion and now the game tells me that i need to activate game if i whant to play farther. what i need to do?

forcex (2007-08-30)

Hey Dopeman! how about taking a look at Bioshock..? or is that water over your head?

light_yagami (2007-08-30)

Seed guys.

GOBig (2007-08-30)

Plz seed

tec3910 (2007-08-31)

can any1 upload a torrent 4 this game?
"Armed and Dangerous"
i can upload any game torrent u wan(if i hav it)
just remember2 leave a message

suitman (2007-09-01)

hey simbatore, what your missing is DirectX9. download and install directX april 2007 from this link:

suitman (2007-09-01)


Gump919 (2007-09-01)

Help. i can't see any of the text when i enter Halo. i see all the text in the xbox live thingy. but when i enter the game i just see empty boxes :P so i cant load, save, adjust sens ect. please help me with this problem :)

nitsuki (2007-09-01)

plz seed me I really want this game soo plz seed :o)

thedarklion (2007-09-02)

This application has failed to start because d3dx9_31.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

Gump919 (2007-09-02)

You need to get the lastest DirectX. look in comments for links ;)
Good luck.

kisso65 (2007-09-03)

when i double click the "XP PLAY HALO 2" i get the black command prompt thing, then it dissapears, and nothing happens. what's wrong!? :/

Arrowstream (2007-09-03)

A huge load of thanks dopeman.

Arrowstream (2007-09-05)

Here is one for all of those who seem to know half of nothing.
If you are missing the d3dx9_31. something file, reinstall DX9 until you get it.
After playing the first level(you can do it before as well) download dopeman's PERMANENT ACTIVATION FIX and follow the EASY instructions. You're good to go. Once you reach lvl 12 (Gravemind) do as lalala1 suggests and get Process Monitor from the link provided by lalala1 on the fifth page of comments.
Install ProcessMon and run it. Then enter Halo 2, go Campaing, select level and select Gravemind.
If you have process monitor running now it WILL WORK. Just did ot myself. However, expect a VERY long loading time. And by VERY LONG I mean like ten minutes(that what it was for me. Centrion Duo 1.8GHz, 1GB RAM, 256 MB graphics)
After the level has loaded, if you want to see the intro before it, just enter the menu by pressing 'Esc' and click 'restart level'. Don't worry, you will start at the beginning of the movie at will not have to reload the whole thing.
Enjoy Gravemind, IMO the best level on the whole game.
After completeing it, re-enter Windows and shut down ProcessMon, since it takes un necessary space. Once you have, the thirteenth level should load like usual. After that you're good to go.

light_yagami (2007-09-06)

FFS. Seed you selfish gits.
Also, can anyone confirm sound not working?
80% complete, someone seed...

Hewlst (2007-09-08)

when i try to start the game it says it could not find d3dx9_31.dll, but i have the latest DirectX, how can i make things work?

Jindohexxer (2007-09-09) f.ex

Footballer4 (2007-09-09)

when i try to start the game it says
Initialization failed. Either insufficient system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged. So how can i fix this problem or can i fix it at all?

dorkysss (2007-09-09)

im having the same problem as footballer4 im running vista eith 1g ram a dual core pc with a 256gc

Blubba6 (2007-09-09)

Do you have the latest direct x? Maybe that is the problem =S

dorkysss (2007-09-10)

direct x 10

Footballer4 (2007-09-10)

I have dx9 and i have updated them several times

dorkysss (2007-09-11)

me too

carr_mig (2007-09-11)

I'm using Windows XP. I downloaded this. I installed the two things listed in the instructions that were in the INSTALL FIRST folder, I reinstalled the dx3d9 thing, but I'm getting the same message as those above me:
"Either insufficient system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged."
Is there anything I missed, that I need to download or something like that? Any help would be appreciated. :)

nofornike (2007-09-11)

could not find XINPUT1_3.dll. Reinstalation can solve the problem....
it appears when i click on XP play halo 2.bat...
what should i do?
help plz...!!

gbbuzinezzman1 (2007-09-12)

thanx for the upload i love halo so im glad u did this service for the people maybe i did something wrong but like 2 others in thiz forum i did everything n got this message when i start start the game it says
Initialization failed. Either insufficient system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged.i recenet bought thiz labtop so im wonder if all da requirements r met maybe itz my faault itz not working but help please

QwertyNoob (2007-09-13)

I get a createprocesswithtokenw could not be located in the dynamic libabry ADVAPI32.dll =( i got all the dlls in there and i still get it

WHEEEE (2007-09-13)

Im having trouble all I get is the black loading window then it turns off and nothing happens. Please help me.

Valle9 (2007-09-13)

coul anyone tell me how do i turn of this duble check in vista, every time i am to open any program it asks me twise if it is me who started program and if i trust it, i can't ad program to my trusted program list as i could in XP, so i need advice..thanks

-karamitros- (2007-09-13)

ABOUT the d3dx9_31.dll and the other dll problem.
Ok guys look when you are installing Dirext x sometimes it doesnt update the file d3dx9_31.dll. Now in order to solve this either reinstall till u get it or google the file name go to a link where u can download the dll and after u do extcract it at the following location. C:\windows\system 32 after u do so u should be able by going to this file to find the file allong with the d3dx9_29.dll and d3dx9_32.dll 9 ( they arent placed in a folder ). After this u might have problem with the Winxput1_dll or something like that file do the same actions that u did for d3dx9_31.dll.
Those actions worked fine for me but now after loading the HALO 2 icon the game stops and nothing happens. At task manager it says that it doesnt responding, can someone help me? i didnt find an answer for this problem :(

didgy (2007-09-13)

when i tryclick on that XP play halo 2.bat it says cant find start. what should i do to get this work?
i hate files wh dont work....why do they set it on the web at all?

frogsquad (2007-09-14)

Thanks man, I love it.
works almost perfectly.

taehX (2007-09-14)

why is it so slow...
i have got a geforce fx5800 and a amd 1.2 GHz
1gb of ram... what else i need?

-karamitros- (2007-09-14)

ttaehX isnt just your fault microsoft realy F**** the PC version althought your PC ir is prety old it should be able to play with ease a 3 years old game but u see they had to make it work for Vista and dirextx 10 ( althout it doesnt support graphics for direst 10x OMG) so it's a bit slow as a result it was never mend to work on XP.
Guys anyone found a solution for my problem? It is the one where the game strats and after the halo 2 ebtry icon just stops and at task manager says that it doesnt respond plz anyone?

-karamitros- (2007-09-14)

taehX it's not just your fault althought u ve a pretty old PC it should run a 3 years old game but microsoft F***** the PC version casue they wanted to run fpor vist only and be compatible with Direct 10x ( alhtought it doesnt support graphics of the quality OMG) in order to make both vista and direct x10 more popular.
Guys does anyone have any sollution for my problem?. When the game starts after loading the HALO 2 entry icon it stops working and task maganer it says that ot doesnt respond help plz

thomas.garnier (2007-09-14)

dOpeMaN craps ET STINKT! maarten weet er wel meer van

sandersb14 (2007-09-15)

How much GB unpacked?

dematter (2007-09-15)

I have a problem I haven't seen yet, I installed dx9 april 2007 as well as XLiveRedist1.0.6027.msi and vcredist.msi. the game starts fine I start a campaign and the opening video runs no problem but when I get to where I start to play in the armory, it freezes.

sandersb14 (2007-09-16)

Dopeman, when I finish the first mission and want to play the second ( The Outskirts) Then it gives an error in-game: You need to activate this product, re-insert the cd and try again, or somethin like that, plz help me,

matttyger (2007-09-16)

Unpacked a bit more than 4 Gb
After lvl it asks to register... help?

matttyger (2007-09-16)

Sorry =P
the fix worked GR8! Thnx
URtheBEST Dopeman!

insane_bubble (2007-09-17)

dopeman pwns

jbaev (2007-09-18)

unpacked it but it can't start the install it says
"this application has failed to start"

Odace (2007-09-18)

Alrighty, i know others have had the same problem as me and so far i have no solution.
1) i needed d3dx9_25.dll so i got that
2) then i needed XINPUT1_3 so i got that
3) and finially i needed d3dx9_31.dll so i got that
and after all this... it doesnt work. command prompt pops up for about a second and then nothing, zip, nada. Any help?!?!

kajlin (2007-09-19)

All those files you mentioned are part of ditectX
Make sure u have the latest directX
To check
XP: go to run type dxdiag it will tell you
Vista: just use search dxdiag
u need 9.0c for this to work, maybe 9.0 im not sure

kajlin (2007-09-19)

Ohh yes and a pixel shader compiant video card
if u dont have this..... then your poor and should go get a job

kgerry69 (2007-09-19)

Oh my god!!!! You are the man! Just restored my faith in the p2p, fileshareing,and all things nice. Excellent rip, bloody brilliant. Thanks again.

freakshow17 (2007-09-21)

Hey, dopeman, thanks for all the great progs. I have a quick question. I had a great time playing Halo Combat Evolved on my HP DV6000. Can you tell me, by checking my laptop, if Halo 2 is compatible with my laptop? BTW It's running Vista. Prelaoded. HATE'n it!

reemster (2007-09-21)

DOPEMAN, Got a question.. I've played Halo 2 now for a few days and it works great! One problem: in the level called "that old familiair feeling after the moviescene that the arbiter is pushed with the hammer of tantarus and HALO 2 comes in the screen to load to the next level it pops back to the menu and says: "SORRY, INSERT YOUR ORIGINAL HALO 2 DISC" What now? Please some help anyone! ;)

Wild_Thing (2007-09-22)

Dunno if its a bug, bad console-PC conversion or just bad hardware on my part but i just couldn't get enough sensitivity on my mouse. I set it to ten (ingame) and still i had problems with targeting :/

stanleyman (2007-09-22)

ya hey im having a problem with playing ok i install all that in the first file then i go to halo 2 and click on the xp play then its comes up hit any key then sign in for windows live i made a file but i need a cd key any way to help plz?

stanleyman (2007-09-22)

nvm what i said after first lvl i get i need to actavate

saladxead (2007-09-22)

So is this just the first level or is their a way to register im missing?

kryckan13 (2007-09-22)

To "reemster":
Get this file:
You can find it here on The Pirate Bay. It worked for me, though making it work was a bit tricky. Read the instructions to make sure you do it right.
Good luck!

the boy (2007-09-22)

seed now!!!! i seed more than i dl at 1% -.-

NatAngier8675309 (2007-09-23)

*At the time of this post:
There are no seeds working. If someone would please seed this I would be grateful.

NatAngier8675309 (2007-09-23)

About my last comment:
It seems my torrent program takes forever (maybe its my connection) to locate seeds

ameritus (2007-09-24)

First off, hats off to Dopeman for the games! Second, I am having an unusual issue not posted yet. After following the installation instructions I can launch the game, create a player, go through the heretic cut scene, and then the initial scene of the armory stage when the guy complains about you beating up the armor.
When it fades to white where the actual game is supposed to start (and you adjust targeting) my screen just stays white, never moves on. I have reinstalled many times, tried the directX from april and from June 07 and even the automated installer someone else posted, always the same. I have a decent computer, AMD 64 3200, 1 gig ram, 6800GT Ultra which was playable with Oblivion.
Any ideas what it might be?

deezeejoey (2007-09-24)

it asks me to register as soon as i start the game :/

adrian81gr (2007-09-25)

1.FORCE V-SYNC in your graphics card controll panel
2.Play in WINDOWED mode.
Strange lag/lack of sensitivity occurs if the game renders more frames per second than your monitor's refresh rate, usually 85hz.
Forcing VSYNC caps your fps at yor refresh rate level. Windowed mode is displayed in sync with the refresh rate by default.

tankfreak3 (2007-09-25)

guys if u wane fix the activation just copy the MF.ddl to your installation folder then u can play all the lvls and maybe online u need hamachi!
well hope it work it works for me :)

altar543 (2007-09-26)

HOLY &!$% 1400 LEECHERS!!1!1!!!1!1

Espionage724 (2007-09-26)

what are the miin requirements for this game video card wise? (Pixel Shader, DX10?, ATi or nvidia? Memory?)

Dekorad (2007-09-26)

Processor: 2 Ghz Pentium 4 class processor (or x64)
Hard Drive: 7 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA 6100, ATI X700, or above

Dtmech (2007-09-26)

It doesn't launch for me.

toooord (2007-09-26)

seed please :)

Sturticles1 (2007-09-28)

Hey guys, i know most of you are really annoyed at all the guys complaining because they can't get it to work.
My halo 2 works, but very badly. I've seen this in a few comments but it has not been fully answered.
I am running it on XP with a ATI Radeon x1950 PRO 3.2 GHZ 2 Gig ram and i feel like the frame rate is like 5-10 at the best of times.
It is SO Choppy. . I've changed the mouse sensitivity to 10 (INSANE) just to be able to move a bit to shoot someone. I have halo 1 downloaded on my computer, and even that looks atleast 100 times better.
I'm not sure if it's an obvious reason for the lack of windows vista.
But if i can get it to run well on xp, can someone please tell me?
Or maybe a good Vista torrent?

Chaos_Seer (2007-09-29)

Hey guys,
I've installed the XP fix that's advertised here (and correctly).
Here's the thing:
I've got the option to connect to Live
I've got the option to play on the Network.
The problem is when I get to The Gravemind level, I'm told to put in the Halo 2 CD (which I obviously don't have :P)
If I have the correct file in the System32 folder, but not in the Halo 2 folder, I can't play at all because it asks for the CD and doesn't allow Live/Network options. If I do it vice-verca, I get an illegal error. This basically means that the fix isn't working right.
Anyone have this problem?

hate_crazy_frog (2007-09-29)

about halfway in the game its asks me to insert my Halo 2 disk.
i have the fix and it still doesnt work.

thatguy009 (2007-09-29)

here's the deal with gravemind.
1. download process monitor
2. unzip it
3. run halo 2
4. press windows key and run process monitor
5. campaign>select level> gravemind
6. once the intro finishes, pause
7. hit windows key, close process monitor
8. get back to playing

Chaos_Seer (2007-09-30)

That totally worked... But how?

Geruthon (2007-10-01)

Does playing through lan work in this version?

thatguy009 (2007-10-01)

don't know how it works. i found it on another site when i was looking for a fix for gravemind.

Pierotech (2007-10-02)

Dopeman you are the legend of ripping, thank you!
So what, the graphics aint that good, but ull get over it.
Also for those people that had the black dos window pop up for a split second then try extracting the files again and if that doesnt work then sadly you may have to download the game again (sorry).
For those that keep complaining about the cd key message or activation READ THE PREVIOUS POSTS! get the activation files.
For people who are complaing about the mouse not being sensitive enough, mines works fine.
And if your wondering my computer has an 8800gts 640mb with 2gigs of ram and a dual 2.4 gig cpu.
Thanks again dopeman

DamienHell (2007-10-02)

I have a vista. I tried to open halo.exe and it says "The ordinal 100 could not be located in the dynamic link library dwmapi.dll" How do I remove a file? All I can do is drag it out and it just makes a copy.

Pierotech (2007-10-02)

@ zzcool
heres an activation file so you can play all the levels. just download it and follow the simple instructions.
the resons for your freezes could be your graphics card but could also the game itself due to the cracked nature.
@ Damienhell
Have you tryed cuting. right click on the file and cut then right click where u want the file to go then click paste.

DamienHell (2007-10-03)

How do you cut in winRAR? Theres no Cut or copy option and if I've selected it and hit CTRL + X nothing happens

spiffern (2007-10-03)

hi! THX for this fantastic upload. but the speed so low. If you would upload it at a site named the speed would be much higher. Becuse everybody seed there and they seed good! if 2 people seed, the speed would be at 150-200kbps. So please upload there;)

19imperial88 (2007-10-03)

u guys think halo 3 also will be made for XP by hackerz??
i hope so :D

kiptanoi (2007-10-05)

Jag har windows XP
Efter att ha gjort det som står i .nfo filen, och klickat på "XP PLAY HALO 2.bat" så kommer en svart ruta upp och försvinner, sen ändras upplösningen till 800*600, sen kommer denna ruta upp....

LIVE Gaming on windows failed to initialize. This may be because another LIVE Gaming on Windows application (sush as the Halo 2 dedicated server) is running on the same machine. Otherwise, reinstalling the game may fix the problem

Så, hur löser man detta?
Någon glad själ som har en ide?

hrnk (2007-10-05)

I read through the comments, and it doesn't look like anyone else has the same problem I do.
The game downloads, installs, and boots up just fine. But after that, it's almost as if there's a memory leak. It maxes out my processor resources and has horrible frame rate, even when there's no action on screen. Even during the opening scenes it was jerky, as was the dialogue, making it nearly impossible to understand what was going on. It's weird, because it was alright for the first minute or two before that started.
Anyone have any advice?

Christianboy (2007-10-05)

Thx Dopeman!Great Rip And Working!!! ;)

wil32 (2007-10-05)

I have done everything but when i launch it for XP, it brings me to the LIVE network automaticly. what can I do.

tantan92 (2007-10-05)

i am having a problem when trying to star game, i get this error message:
the procedure entry point IsThreadDesktopComposited could not be
located in the dynamic link library USER32.DLL
please help me i really need help i wanna play this good game :D

tantan92 (2007-10-06)

ok so i downloaded it again and it worked but now i get another error saying something like,
initialization failed, either insufficient system resources was found to run this game, or game data is missing or damaged. reinstalling the game might fix this.
when i had vista it worked but then i reverted back to xp cause vista suxx0r and now it doesnt work... HELP ;S

tantan92 (2007-10-06)

oh and i have 1gb ram and all other things i need

tonyloch (2007-10-06)

Alright. I'm at 98.2% now and I'm getting "Problem connecting to tracker". the 10061 error. Any Ideas?

MurderClowN (2007-10-06)

Ive got a problem with the game, its that the game file is a 7Z file and i dont know what to do with it and i cant burn it with img burn either so plz help me.

tonyloch (2007-10-06)

Necermind, I just used a different client.

Yoohoohh (2007-10-07)

Does some one knows where to find a Halo 2 serial ?, because i need to enter it. Or did i made a mistake somewhere?

tantan92 (2007-10-07)


freak627 (2007-10-07)

Seeding with 1---- 1,5Mb/s :) hope that helps abit

Nargathos (2007-10-07)

great games the Halo serie.

donaldrinho (2007-10-07)

When i try to download this torrent,it automaticly goes to Limewire,but i want to use Bitlord. Can someone tell me how i can change this so i can use Bitlord?? Thx

Diozakrod (2007-10-07)

Hmm, trying to get this to run on my brothers computer. I try to launch using the MS-DOS Batch file, but when I click it, the cmd prompt appears for 3 seconds, flashes "ECHO IS OFF" or something along those lines, then closes.
Could it be because his system is subpar? And it's refusing to run because it knows it won't be able to play? So weird, ran fine, first try on my system.
Any help appreciated.

dj_qazz (2007-10-07)

I love it:) Love love!!

NiXotruX (2007-10-08)

FFS.. mine wont work! it says i miss a file when i try to open it.. d3dx9_31.dll.. somebody knows what ive done wrong? pls msg me.. i have vista btw.

NiXotruX (2007-10-08)

how do i install / re-install DX9? where shall i put files.. when i download 9.c it says i have to put all files somewhere.. xP

jeesper_6 (2007-10-08)

after i finished the first level it pops up a window and it says"put in the cd to continue playing"
hoow do i do to make it work?

NiXotruX (2007-10-09)

PLZ i need help ! it says i miss a file when i try to start it! i use vista, i did all the readme says to do, exept for re-installing DX9c cuz i dont know how to :p

SBones (2007-10-09)

yea why's only the first level work and why so shaky/flickering on my hott azz radeon extacy 1900,it should be smoother i dont get it

roryos (2007-10-09)

I love this it's awesome, but I ghave a problem, when I get to that level where the index is and the brute guy pushes you off the side then it goes tot he Halo 2 loading screen, about half way through loading it stops and a "please insert halo 2 disc" message comes up, any ideas?

x37v (2007-10-10)

i can get this to work says i have something missing from the advpad132.dll file ???? GGGGGrrrrr thats twice now

xeroy (2007-10-10)

Dopeman uploaded the file above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ its direct x9 the directx9 that u need to play all of dopeman's games.. if ur having directx problems just download this version of directx

xeroy (2007-10-10)

SBones its not always bout ur graphics card to make games run faster.. its also about the processor speed and how much RAM u got.

overtiger (2007-10-10)

i have one error. when I run the .bat file for XP, it changes resolution like its going to load the game, but then crashes and says "LIVE Gaming on Windows failed to Initialize. This may be because another LIVE Gaming on Windows Application (such as Halo 2 dedicated server) is running on the same machine. Otherwise, reinstalling the game may fix this problem".
Anybody can help me to fix this????!!!

Ragewarp (2007-10-11)

Eh, ive got everything downloaded and running but i think i might have messed something up when applying the mf.dll crack. I am still prompted to enter a product key, help would be much appreciated

Kyfus (2007-10-11)

I downloaded and everything, all works good. I even played the game and finished like .. first tests or something-
then i as like done and it came "You need another CD to activate this part of game .. bla bla activiation.."
Whats that? Is is online? I dont get it? Is it possible to activate? Or is cracked Halo only limited to soo little?o .O

RePlay_5 (2007-10-11)

Works great on XP with Gravemind fix + Activation by crejbi. But how can I activate it on Vista? (I want to localize the release, and test it, so don't say: "then play it on xp". This isn't my problem, because I can play this, but I want to know how can I activate this release under Vista.

RePlay_5 (2007-10-11)

I don't have Vista, so I can't test it, but pls tell me, that if I had Vista, I only have to remove dwmapi.dll and I can play all the levels?

RePlay_5 (2007-10-11)

If you playing on XP:
You have to download this:

Read NFO carefully!

Kiweed (2007-10-12)

Can anyone help me with this problem, when i try to run the game a message pops up saying it cant start because the d3dx9_31.dll is missing, any help would be awsome. Cheers

Viianixis (2007-10-12)

Everyone gives credit to this activation fix...
I have tried it - following the directions exactly - and it does not work at all...
Am I missing something or doing something wrong? Anyone else have this problem?
I also read somewhere that the activation fix works but you have to play the first level over and over as you progress each new level - but that sounds retarded to me...
Okay - anyone have better instructions on how to beat the activation for me?

^^Kasipallo^^ (2007-10-12)

i know how it work's : stick your middle finger in your ass and put it in your mouth and try a gen ;D

Kiweed (2007-10-12)

Look here ill seed this for a month at no limit on a 6 mbit upload if some one can tell me how to get or fix the missing d3dx9_31.dll, ill seed anyway but not as fast, i just want to play this wicked game, please help me. Cheers

asdffghjk (2007-10-12)

when i double-click the xp play halo 2.bat it keep sayin that my ECHO is off. what should i do?

cpskadad (2007-10-12)

ja hatar verkligen er för att ni har fått mig att tro att detta kuk spel ska funka..tack...TACK SOM FAN

downloader2755 (2007-10-12)

does this work or not??

roryos (2007-10-13)

urrrr you know you say can't play online, can it be played on a LAN?

downloader2755 (2007-10-14)

when i push the button xp play halo 2
it changes screen and a message cames up

something with live on the same machine ,,somthing like that it says..
realy screw up,,,

downloader2755 (2007-10-15)

i only get the 1,2,3 levels how do i activate they others????
plzzzz help...

gravis86 (2007-10-15)

That's a dll for DirectX 9. Download and install the latest version of DirectX and that should fix it.

selo38 (2007-10-15)

hey works.................but at start it says:HALO 2.
but then i see nothing anymore and it goes back to windows!!!!!
why is that so?????
plz help me!

Dainho (2007-10-16)

Please upload some cool games.. some old good games like commandos..
the first one.. i havent played it for like 2 years now :(

Kiweed (2007-10-16)

gravis86, cheers for the help, but my pc cant run it anyway, lol, all good tho ill stll seed so you can and anyone else can play this sweet game, good to know that bro cheers mate!! :)

Gn2me (2007-10-17)

Why is this so popular when you can't play online.

erickcool15 (2007-10-17)

what is the product key?

UFOelectric (2007-10-17)

420dopeman help me out. I never had a prob with dx9 before.
I downloaded the directx arp07 file from one of the mirrors you provided. The file asked me to browse where to extract the files. I chose a folder and it unpacked around 20-30 RAR/ZIP files from all different dates. What exactly is all of this and what do I do to install the april 2007 version of directx. There is a DXSETUP but it doesn't do anything to let me run an april 2007 version.

kebabman211 (2007-10-17)

hey dopeman thx for the game. but i just dont understand why u dont have all the fixes in the rar folder allready?
and also some animations are missing like the MAC gun shots at cairo and most of the water and in some cutscenes some objects and characters are just grey silhuetes why is that and can i fix it?

kmmn93 (2007-10-18)

Mine dos not work.
When i click "play xp halo 2.dat"or something it come with a loading screen and this pop up:
Microsoft visual C++ Runtime library
Tuntime error
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
please contact the applications support team to.... ARGH HELP It took me 4-5 days to download and i finely get a chance to play it. But this pointless thing happened. HELP *crying like a baby*

fredrikhh (2007-10-18)

Hello, I got a problem, after the first map its says:
You have to activate the game to play the other maps..
What must I do ?
I got Windows Vista ...

NotMyUsualid (2007-10-18)

Guys, I got it to work, both under my Vista and XP Pro partitions....
BUT, its a demo.....
However, its so dam good, that if you have a good connection - download and play the 1st are amamzing.
This is one of those rare times piraracy works - I'll be buying this one right away!

[Maga]Zine (2007-10-19)

is a gr8 torrent release blog
for this kind if thing!

Anakid (2007-10-19)

Halo 2 isn't working for me. I installed everything u said but the game just crashes on the Halo 2 logo.Can somebody help me?

wehoo93 (2007-10-20)

come on PLZ SEEED

wehoo93 (2007-10-20)

.......('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
.........''...\.......... _.·´

wehoo93 (2007-10-20)

.......('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
.........''...\.......... _.·´

wehoo93 (2007-10-20)

vad är det för vista

tyson_eng (2007-10-20)

seed plz=)

tyson_eng (2007-10-20)

I download the game in 10 kb/s,
plz seed

tyson_eng (2007-10-20)

I download in 10 kb/s, plz seed

tyson_eng (2007-10-20)

seed ffs!

Xenoformen (2007-10-20)

So... what's the serial+

Naichen (2007-10-22)

WTF ?! i Just can play the first level and then it says "you need to activate you product, do this by insert your instalation cd ...... " what is this?! cant you play past the firs level or what?!?!?!?! or is this just for play LAN???:O:O:O:O:O

halo37253 (2007-10-22)

you use the cd key crack so you can play the whole game. its not that hard. just search for halo 2 key or something and get the cracked key for xp. vary simple process for playing the whole game.
BTW. Plays great at full detail with 1680x1050

krankyz (2007-10-22)

played the game to the end worked fine. had to instal the
also had trouble with gravemind. had to do this.
1. download process monitor
2. unzip it
3. run halo 2
4. press windows key and run process monitor
5. campaign>select level> gravemind
6. once the intro finishes, pause
7. hit windows key, close process monitor
8. get back to playing . aprt from that worked like i bought it.
thanks people

bubbles6.1 (2007-10-27)

hey does any one know how to install .iso files

XenoPenguin (2007-10-27)

I get the black box thing and nobody has a way to solve it, so I was wondering what I should do... I was downloading this for about 1 week or so and now it doesn't work!!!!
I use the regular "Home" (I think) XP and a command prompt just opens, then closes immediately, then I try it about 50 times, and it doesn't open!!!! Could you help me?

XenoPenguin (2007-10-27)

Oh yeah, it says "ECHO is off". I saw this somewhere...

wiggerr (2007-10-27)

I can't figure out how you guys are able to play the game. I got it to get past the Halo 2 loading screen for starters, then is the start screen, but when I press any button it opens up a LIVE thinger which makes you creat a new account or log in with your old one, and then it requires you to enter a SERIAL.
This is where I'm stuck, I haven't seen anything about any serials anywhere.... I'm really tired, I probably missed something obvious, but does anybody mind filling me in?
I'd appreciate it

paul_1980 (2007-10-27)

first time dl a game. im a complete noobie to this. coping cracked exe. files to a game directory is new to me. i have no idea what im doing. any info to installing this game would be a great help. i kinda need a step by step guide. like i said "first timer"please understand,just like anyone of you........i really, really want to play this f**kin' game. so any info will help thanx
you can email me if theirs alot of sh!t to do
[email protected]
the piratebay f**kin rules!!!!!!!

paul_1980 (2007-10-27)

@ wiggerr: im kinda new but try doing a google search for the serial key. ive read it in other game coments ill try and look for you!

alex_the_pirater (2007-10-27)

ok so i followed the instruction but my vcredist.msi installer wouldnt work, and when i start XP PLAY HALO 2 BATCH file it does nothing but when i run startup launcher it says "The Procedure entry point CreateProcessWithTokenW could not be located in the dynamic link library ADVAPI32.dll" i think these two problems are link together...
plz help and i will try to return the favor

bubbles6.1 (2007-10-27)

does any one know how to install .iso files

alex_the_pirater (2007-10-28)

use alcohol 120%

wiggerr (2007-10-29)

@paul_1980: I'd rather not google it, a bunch of wierd sites usually pop up containing nothing but viruses.... I'd rather have someone post serials in some thread on some forum or just post them here in a comment. I appreciate the help though =) Let me know if you find anything useable ;)

EDYSTERi (2007-10-29)

could you upload vista activation fix also?
thank you already!

ShadowOfAvarice (2007-10-30)

Works great. Big ups to Dopeman.

Sjuns (2007-10-30)

DirectX 9.0c April version:

should fix dx related errors

lens200 (2007-10-30)

Hi worked great, half way through its now asking to insert second CD, im addicted please help.

lens200 (2007-10-30)

Oh yeah, thats half way thorough playing the game not installation, how do I get past it, many thanks to all those who help.

drakojan (2007-10-31)

Has anybody installed vcredist succesfully? If that is whats causing the vista activation problem because dompeman said if you use vista you shouldn´t have to activate...

drakojan (2007-10-31)

Hey, wait. All Vista users who has got activation problem, download this:

drakojan (2007-10-31)

Hey wait. All Vista users who has got the activation problem, download this: Works for me.

RetroMushroom (2007-10-31)

I do everything the nfo file says, but when i click on the XP PLAY HALO 2.bat a black window comes up and then nothing happends.
Please help me!!

Robztah (2007-10-31)

What is the product key ?

gerifr (2007-11-01)

Thanks for this great Torrent, and game. Works 100%... I'v tried to play it on my old pc,but it's to slow.So i have ordered a new one. Anyone knows where my savegames get stored, and is it possible to copy them over to Halo 2 on my new pc? By the way,on my new pc i got vista. And xp on my old??

blackwell66 (2007-11-02)

ok here's the lowdown-
i have seen this problem asked before on the comments but it hasn't been answered.
when i try to launch halo 2 on windows vista, i get a message saying "Initialization Failed. Either inssuficiant system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged. Reinstalling the game may fix this problem"
this is my second attempt at downloading halo 2. is this a dx9 problem or wat? i really want to play this game

blackwell66 (2007-11-02)

btw my email is [email protected] if u want to send me a helping email- u spam u will die.

bubbles6.1 (2007-11-02)

hey does any one know how to un rar a file. or what program u need to un rar it. it would be lots of help thanks

Feletoch (2007-11-02)

The Game have no WORDS!!!!!! just blank!!!! does
anyone know why?

Helvetestosk (2007-11-03)

yeah... i heave an teory:" you can't always make it perfect, its a shame really. but i don't heave the problem my self.... yet...."

blueprints (2007-11-04)

where can i download the process monitor?

Assassin 4D (2007-11-05)

well hi there folks.......
I' ve got a bit of a problem, this game needs a dll file named "ADVAPI32" to start.......
there is no problem couse i've downloaded it, but it still requests it (dammit).......
so would someone be so kind and send this fucking dll file to [email protected] I woul aprischiate that .....

UndeadOverlord (2007-11-05)

Hey does the LAN multiplayer work on this?

bubbles6.1 (2007-11-05)

what program do u use to open .rar files. it would be lots of help if someone told me. THANKS.

UndeadOverlord (2007-11-05)

Use WinRar

Assassin 4D (2007-11-05)

Hi there again!!!!!
dll problems fixed but it shoes only the sign "HALO 2" and than quits...... the question is:

caboose521 (2007-11-06)

man its not working!!!!!!! i folowed all the directions exactly and still it didn't work, i would redownload it agin but it took over 3 days!!! when i try to rune the halo2 shortcut or the startup shortcut a window pops up saying "the ordinal 100 could not be found in the dynamic link libray dwmapi.dll." can someone (preferibly dopeman) please help?

alex_the_pirater (2007-11-06)

++==++PLEASE SOME ONE HELP ME!!!++==++
ok so i followed the instruction but my vcredist.msi installer wouldnt work, and when i start XP PLAY HALO 2 BATCH file it does nothing but when i run startup launcher it says "The Procedure entry point CreateProcessWithTokenW could not be located in the dynamic link library ADVAPI32.dll" i think these two problems are link together...
plz help and i will try to return the favor

Grodasg (2007-11-06)

I have the same problem as alex_the_pirater

snurrehif (2007-11-07)

here's the deal with gravemind.
.download process monitor here:

1:unzip it
2:run halo 2
3:press windows key and run process monitor
4:go back to halo2
5:start gravemind level
It works for me!

snurrehif (2007-11-07)

If the link dont work google on process monitor

yted (2007-11-07)

i cant get it to work man tried it all (xp)

billbob422 (2007-11-08)

does this work with online play?...or only campaign?

Lithium5 (2007-11-09)

I downloaded this file, burned it on a cd, deleted the file on my computer. first i install xliveredist1.0.6027.msi but when i try installing vredist.msi i get a message -error 1311 file not found
control if the file excists en if you have exit to it . Plz I don't know what I have to do...
Can someone help plzz????

alex_the_pirater (2007-11-09)

PLEASE help us with the vredist.msi error....please!

chubz90 (2007-11-09)

thanks dopeman
-hay guys it works with me, on XP but LAGGGGSS like hell in campaign mode, why? anyone else with that prob? i have an xp home edition (genuine version), 3.2 Ghz Dual core, nvidia GeForce Fx5500 which i believe is 256mb dedicated graphics, so i dont understand why it lags. The thing is i can run other games like americas army on high and it works like a charm.

Erikssonjocke (2007-11-09)

To play on Internet you need to download the
and you can download it from here:[PC]_Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_WORKAROUND_[dopeman]

Anakid (2007-11-10)

Why this Halo 2 runs slow? I'm using Intel Core 2 duo 1.8 gb,1gb Kingston Ram,Asus X1300.Operating system,Windows XP Professional.

chubz90 (2007-11-10)

i dont know what do do with the lag thing, hell even my mouse lags with halo2. Camon' guys any advice? i personaly think its a software thing not hardware. All i want to do is play it on campaign mode :(

demonwx (2007-11-11)

umm i did everything it said to do and i also have directx 9 but when i click XP PLAY HALO 2.bat the normal black page comes up and then an error appears saying "initialization failed. either insufficient system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged. reinstalling the game may fix this problem". i tried deleting everything and re extracting the file but same dam error appeared. help????

dukekid5647 (2007-11-12)

hey i downloaded it i did all instruction for vista because i have vista it runs perfect but i signed up for my live account and it asked for product key wat do i do plz help

furyjonte (2007-11-13)

I Dont Uunderstand The Acitivation Fix. They write " Simply put the "mf.dll" thats in the "SYSTEM32-folder" into your windows/system32-folder". I dont have a System32 folder, only a Windows/system32-folder. and when i doubble-klick om XP PLAY HALO 2 it came up a black window how shutts down and nothigt hapend

furyjonte (2007-11-13)

If Some1 can help me whit the black window you can get me on" [email protected]

lens200 (2007-11-14)

Thanks fo all the advice It all runs smooth now, and the process monitor helped get pass gravemind.

Charger512 (2007-11-14)

I need help, Need a SERIAL CODE for HALO 2, I got everything done. Xbox Live is asking me for a serial code? Plz HELP
Email me:
[email protected]

tarkkuin (2007-11-15)

Running XP: Installed the install first files. Installed the activation fix.
I click on the "XP Play halo 2.bat" and it brings up the cmd prompt and closed after 5 seconds.
Others have had this problem but no answers yet. I am familiar with DOS, so I ran it in cmd prompt and yes my echo is on. When I run the .bat file it says echo is off.
Please someone help.

thchucky (2007-11-16)

hallo all if steal hva problem with the game to get it to work opdate your driver*S i hva radeon if hva that u hva to opdate

KayGirard (2007-11-17)

Downloaded , Installed as Instructed , All works perfect . After i finish 1st Level Game says I need to register this game to keep playing. Can anyone help me?

pistupher (2007-11-17)

if you run halo 2 and it says you're missing something, welli had the same problem
all ya gotta do is TYPE THAT MISSING FILE UP on google
google will then direct you to a downloading site. dowload, extract, and put the file in the halo 2 folder and you're all set =]
this is all i pretty much know, i'm a HUGE noob at this...

pistupher (2007-11-17)

OHHH and one more thing....
please...i can't really play when its skippy like this, and much thanks to people that actually try to help us noobies out >.

alex_the_pirater (2007-11-19)

Please!!! many of us need support with the CreateProcessWithToken crap and the fact that the "XP PLAY HALO 2" startup wont work on some ppl like me....i use xp

dukekid5647 (2007-11-20)

i still need to no an activation code for vista plz help

meganoggin (2007-11-21)

ok, i have had the same problem with the .bat file not working
I found the XP activation fix (the one designed for people who bought the game and have XP) and compared that to what the .bat file said.
Seeing that they were exactly the same (but with different directions of course), i did the following:
Using 'cmd.exe' (the command window) i navigated to the directory where "loader.exe" was.
Then i typed in "loader.exe halo2.exe", which is what the .bat does anyway ran for like 1 millionth of a second and then said "access denied"
WTF!!!!! what the hell does that mean and how does that make sense at all?!?!?!
..any help would be appreciated

meganoggin (2007-11-21)

and why can i not delete, edit, or move the launch.exe file? thats a little suspicious

sotsotsot (2007-11-21)


Rudicoolous (2007-11-21)

Same Problem here as kaygirad's. Tells to activaye it. Fuck HOW???

MyMemory (2007-11-21)

Plz SEED! My computer has been on 3 days without turn off, and its just 37 % 1-2 Kb/s Plz seed :)

donchy (2007-11-22)

The rip works flawless I had no problems running the game but the game it's self SUX.The graphics are very poor and I just can't have fun playing it it's so ugly.My advice is download Crysis and have a fun time.Good work dopeman thanks for the great upload

naruto64 (2007-11-23)

i have halo run installed and i works great but with ahlo 2 it slows and sometimes stops for awhile what should i do

naruto64 (2007-11-23)

i have halo run installed and i works great but with halo 2 it slows and sometimes stops for awhile what should i do

hotfart (2007-11-24)

i have vista with a 3 ghz prosesor 1 gb ram
i downloaded the game and directx 9
after i installed those 2 things in the "install these first" i clicked halo2, and i got this error
"initialization failed, either insufficient system resources was found to run this game, or game data is missing or damaged. reinstalling the game might fix this."
if anyone could help that would be great
aim: hottfart69

chimpakawanzelu (2007-11-24)

I'm a Vista 32 bit guy as well. Vista 32 recommends that you run the op. sys. with at least 2gb of ram. My computer came with 2gb and I went and bought and installed another 2gb of ram ($84 on sale), which the op. sys. can utilize 3.5gb total - you can never have too much ram. Think about buying and installing more; it's easy. However, 1gb is sufficient for this game (check out It could be your graphics card or something else - that website will find what you need. Whenever I have problems I read the prior comments (all of them) for insight - they usually heip. Reextracting and reinstalling often works too. I'm only 2 weeks old to the torrent, Azureus, etc. world and equally as new to gaming, but I hope this helps.
Nice name by the way.
I'll be of greater help once I get it download.
Speaking of that - - - there's 250 possible seeds and none, zero, zip are connected!! C'mon guys pay it forward - help out the bro's. SEED!!!!

donaldrinho (2007-11-24)

Great game,thx Dopeman.
Are there only 15 lvls? Because the ending seems... weird :-S
*********** STOP READING IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW THE END !!!!!!! ************
Master Chief is on the ship heading towards earth "to finish this fight" as he says himself.
Is that it? Is "finishing this fight" Halo 3 or what?

Adde_2 (2007-11-24)

Hi, I have the same problem as KayGirard. Anyone PLEASE HELP! Love this game ;P

Adde_2 (2007-11-24)

Hi i have the same problem as KayGirard. PLEASE HELP! Love this game ;P

kevin66 (2007-11-25)

dows this work work on xp too?

Stevo24 (2007-11-26)


chimpakawanzelu (2007-11-26)

I mean Stevo. I'm seeding 9 different games at the moment - just 3 at a time due to my slow upload speed. I choose those 3 based on the Seed2Peer Ratio. Currently Halo2 has a higher ratio than some of the other games that I have, but to stop your crying I've started seeding it again. Here's a phrase you should learn: Please seed. Did you know that you can block and ban specific IP addresses??? Think about it.

CrackelNL (2007-11-26)


jonmacd (2007-11-26)

could someone please help seed this? im 99.7% and its slowed down to 10KB/s!

jonmacd (2007-11-26)

k it sped up just after i posted that.. im at a 2:1 seeding ratio but will keep seeding to get a 6:1 ratio.. hopefully this will work for me

Carlpb (2007-11-27)

Worked great for me on XP, Many Thanks

loler (2007-11-27)

hi, i downloaded this game and the fix **mf.dll. i instaled everything even the directx 9.0c november if i am not wrong. then when i gona play the Xp.bat gives me an error like this> the aplication failed because d3dx9 31.dll was not found. re/installing the aplication may fix the problem.... please help.

xhammerx (2007-11-28)

well i can't even seem to connect. I use azureus any better suggestions.

mcdaddy111 (2007-11-28)

SEED FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rinny (2007-11-29)

Is there anyway to play this online? Serial keygen or an existing key that works?

xXDrifterXx (2007-12-01)

hello. I downloaded the game, and tryed to innstall XLiveRedist1.0.6027. when i click innstall an error pop up, it says:
"A newer version of this innstall exists on your system. Please remove that version before innstalling this one.
I have halo 1, is that the problem?? I can't find oder version! Please help

asdcid (2007-12-02)

whenever i start the game, i get a message asking me to log into live and enter a cd key. i followed all the intructions, installed both msi's, and downloaded both the dopeman fix and the workaround. can someone please help, i am not a noob and i have been seeding for 3 days.

chimpakawanzelu (2007-12-02)

Dopeman: you rule!! - thank you
Vista users: this works great on Vista 32bit. Be sure to download the HALO 2 ACTIVATION WORKAROUND. Don't mess with the ACTIVATION FIX - didn't work for me. Also be sure to disable your firewall and user account control before unraring the ACT WORKAROUND. Those two things are usually the problem in Vista Cheers!!

markxing (2007-12-02)

Dopeman's DX9.0C

Jelle999 (2007-12-03)

After I played a while, i got "please insert the Halo 2 CD"
How do I fix that? :)
Please help :)

markxing (2007-12-03)


Mota77 (2007-12-03)

wow, more than 500 leechers, and only 270 seeders... this is gonna take a while. but please, anyone out there please seed... i will too xd

Mota77 (2007-12-03)

hey at least some of you are actually getting it to dl, im stuck at 34.1% with 0kb/s

shadowsinper (2007-12-04)

thx u

fscorpion (2007-12-04)

eu instalei tudo,
o jogo começou bem, mas nao xeguei a jogar por que ele encrava.
xegua á parte ke eles estao a falar e encrava, e nao da mais.

henksoft (2007-12-06)

I want to thank you for this beautiful game.

berggren_bers (2007-12-08)

hello Dopeman, I love your Rips, its so easy to open and play the games. But can you please RIP GEARS OF WAR? PLZ

rd3981 (2007-12-08)

when i try to download vcredist.msi it says something like "please verify it exists" someone pleeaassseee help me!!!

greendrake (2007-12-08)

I have seriously tried everything. With this one, i could start the game, but it kept asking me for an activation key, i downloaded the permanent activation fix, and it still didn't change anything. I have tried the razor1911 one and i cant get it to install. If anyone would be kind enough to help me out, it would be greatly appreciated, i have never needed help before with torrents, it makes me angry. GRrrr

rd3981 (2007-12-09)

you no how it syas install DX9 what if you already have DX10 do you need to downgrade or something?

tjabbaallasvenskar (2007-12-09)

thx good seeding but how to play live?

Lolnooblet (2007-12-10)

go here for complete installation guide;

Lolnooblet (2007-12-10)

heres a complete halo 2 XP installation guide

Vellor.91 (2007-12-10)

Thanks for the Guide, And it is quiet low download speed.. anybody that can seed for me plz. :)

addnan34 (2007-12-10)

can u plz rip assassins creed when it is released

Deathstrik3 (2007-12-11)

Dopeman - you rule! Had the activation message, but this
solved it!

rd3981 (2007-12-12)

yo someone plz help me i got the game and started playing campiege mode but it says i csnt get any progress done because a need the prodoct key
i have the key but i dont no where to enter

rgoadamas (2007-12-14)

thankz dopeman, works great!!!!

bvsbutthd101 (2007-12-15)

this shit sucks is doesn't install it says that it failed to open application can anybody help

Adde_2 (2007-12-15)

Please answer! I have asked this before, but just as a reminder: When i have played level one (On the ship), the game tells me to "Activate" Halo 2 or something. after that i can't continue playing. Plz help xD

Adde_2 (2007-12-15)

Help! mail me at [email protected] or [email protected]
Help :P

lekasi (2007-12-15)

help me! when i start it the cmd menu comes and disappears then nothing happens!! help me plz

jamal182 (2007-12-16)


gl1n89 (2007-12-16)

i cant get past the gravemind in the game
the game ask for the cd

Adde_2 (2007-12-16)


persiansoul (2007-12-17)

If you need any help installing halo 2 please watch my guide:


Jopi34 (2007-12-21)

I've (re)installed DirectX 9, and I tried to install the Visual C++ Library. I'm not sure if it installed it, because every time I run the corresponding .msi file, it just loads something, and then shuts down. I don't know if it does anything.
If I try to play the game, the loading screen (with the Halo 2 text) comes up, then the screen goes black, and the game crashes? Anyone know how to deal with that?

saab112 (2007-12-21)

Can i play it in XP ? :)

Sephiroth_89 (2007-12-23)

awsome, i will dl this.
hey Dopeman! You have a tip about a diablo2 cind of game but with modern weapons and what not.
i´ve played Alien Shooter 1-2 and loved them.
Dopeman Rules all, he is our king!

warriorkid1 (2007-12-23)

If I were to purchase this game could I still get it to work on XP with multi player and single player working in there full glory.
I hate having to deal with the damn batch files.

ashishpatel (2007-12-24)

visit for complete download

Umsterz (2007-12-30)

My Superantispyware did finde a trojan horse in the [PC] Halo 2 XP + VISTA [RIP] [dopeman] file so evry1 know

eurohunk2 (2008-01-01)

can somebody please tell me the product key I can't find it anywhere and I really want to play this game.

fermu (2008-01-01)

thats coll:) thx

jjfan (2008-01-01)

I'm on a XP, and when i go to open the batch file, it opens and immediately closes.
Help please

Crazyman5000 (2008-01-02)

heres a new one. SEED!!!!!!

hydro4life (2008-01-02)

fuck you dopeman!! ive downloaded a trojan from him in the passed!! and i always thought you were a part of spynova??
im not saying this torrent is bad im just saying hes upload a trojan in the passed!!

Xrick (2008-01-03)

Please dopeman, can you make the Halo 2 Patches? The only bad things with reinstalled games is that you can't patch 'em.

Encore911 (2008-01-03)

real good download, i realy like it.
Saw ur download on that other download thing, realy love it :)

Estonio (2008-01-03)

help me please!I'm on a XP, and when i open the batch file, it opens and shows "HALO 2" and then closes
Help please

LeftBehind (2008-01-07)

I don't get how I am suppose to get the game working so that I can play it.
I'm just so confused :P

Danny_boy900 (2008-01-08)

Thanks for a great relese. I wonder if you can get a rip of Hellgate it would be nice./Thanks

fnandango (2008-01-08)

hey i can't install the msi's and exe's in the INSTALL THIS FIRST folder. it gets to like the last stage and then comes up with an error

Subnovadragon (2008-01-11)

online play???

FixieRider (2008-01-11)

First of all, can anyone tell me if this download even works? I've been reading all your comments and it seems as though for some of you, the game works, but for almost all of you, it doesn't. I don't want to spend hours downloading this for it not to work. I have an XP 2004 and I meet all the game's requirements.

djaitley (2008-01-14)

I am getting Error on VISTA
The application has failed to start because d3dx9_31.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

Danne9200 (2008-01-18)

come on now guys seed...

metal_head81 (2008-01-19)

actually the d3dx9_31.dll error means you need to install direct x.just thought id correct you on that.though it would be funny if he asked how to install a .dll file

Gitechi (2008-01-19)

Hey, campaining works like a dream :)
But one problem, why i cant play multiplayer maps alone? Like in halo 2 xbox version there is a split screen thingy and there i can play 2 player with my friend, or just hang out alone. Is it because i have xp, or is it just not possible to play mp maps without that microsoft/xbox live thingy?

Ron-ton (2008-01-20)

hey i downloade the game and it workes. but !
after the first level it wants the cd and i can´t
go to level 2. pleas help

Source2007 (2008-01-20)

initialization failed. either insufflicent system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged.
That is what it said when I press the XP PLAY HALO 2 but all my system requirements are high enough for halo 2.

eqliptic (2008-01-21)

Hey dopeman: When I double click on XP PLAY HALO 2.bat nothing happens. for a split second I see a DOS black screen box come then disappear. But nothing happens after that. Any ideas?

hdinh2694 (2008-01-21)

Can some one help me install this for me at [email protected]!

Crazyman5000 (2008-01-22)

has anyone done a virus scan.
i gotta make sure

Gibah (2008-01-22)

Anyone knows how to play this on LAN (when you have used the activation fix for XP you are able to go into the LAN menu but nothing happens when you press Host game.)

dchiou (2008-01-22)

thanks dopeman, this worked perfectly, both XP and the activation. LAWLLLLL G

jinx_333 (2008-01-22)

maybe a stuped question, but can i play this online?

klantot (2008-01-22)

Seed plz!

Viianixis (2008-01-23)

You know - this doesn't actually work... I have tried to use the crack by Dopeman and bypass the activation and it doesn't work... You ALWAYS start on the first level to replay over and over and over... I have followed all the instructions exactly - and nothing.
It doesn't work so don't waste your time downloading it UNLESS you can find another activation fix that actually works or just go out and buy the game...

Potatodude (2008-01-24)

plz help me is coming only with 2 kb/sec at some time:(

Potatodude (2008-01-24)

oh is that not work?? FUCK!

boksholm (2008-01-25)

When I finnished Level 1 it says that I have to activate the game. .how do I do that?

DeBeuker (2008-01-26)

Halo 2 works perfectly fine and is virus free!! i instaled it with the crack (on XP) and i'm playing level 13 at the moment!! Love it!
thank you DOPEMAN

wiifannr1 (2008-01-28)

please seed:D

jinx_333 (2008-01-28)

Can i play this online?

Kazuhiro9000 (2008-01-30)

Well together with the permanent xp activation fix the game "almost" worked perfectly. However the permanent fix obviously wasn't completed before its release. With it you can play 2/3 of the game. However after that it will request the original disk to continue. Sad. Hopefully they will finish the fix.

snipe_dis (2008-01-30)

after first level it ask you to insert the dvd, this one sucks

muriator (2008-02-01)

Fucking useless!! I tried this on XP AND Vista and still it doesnt work, lots of .dll are missing!!

stanleyman (2008-02-02)

works fine just need to dl the work around retards who havent figured that out yet just cant play lvl 12

Source2007 (2008-02-02)

initialization failed. either insufflicent system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged.
That is what it said when I press the XP PLAY HALO 2 but all my system requirements are high enough for halo 2.
I know I said this before but I still can't get it to work. Help please?

loki_doki (2008-02-02)

People having that Insert Disc 2 crap when you reach level 12, gravemind here is the fix follow the instructions it will unlock the whole game, no renaming of files just READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!!

This has been done on Win XP, havent tried on Vista btw...

Ridwan52 (2008-02-05)

ok could someone just give me a straight answer and tell me if halo 2 works on vista ? and if it does but you need to fix some technical things please write them down too...thanks ;)

Loganroemers (2008-02-05)

downloaded and seeding... but
This game sucks!!!
omg what shit

yongxi (2008-02-05)

Does anyone know why i don't have words in my game? Maybe I screwed something or so, but HELP!

yongxi (2008-02-06)

yong xi

Tferr00 (2008-02-06)

Quote: "Optimized for the advanced gaming features in Windows Vista"... This made me laugh! XD

DowTheFish (2008-02-08)

Vista is all about gaming >.

DowTheFish (2008-02-08)

>.< *

DowTheFish (2008-02-08)

NO you cant play this online. And YES indeed it is a stupid question. Specally since if you read the info it say "-No, you aint be playing this online. Dont ask-" But hey, we all got to learn somewhere. =)

Ender305 (2008-02-08)

LAN games work with this, right?

Shadobass (2008-02-11)

Ok, so i downloaded everything, and unrared everything and installed everything in the "INSTALL THESE FIRST" folder. so I try to open the batch and, the black cmd thing pops up and quickly closes again, and the game doesn't start. someone help please!!

Shadobass (2008-02-11)

no but seriously, this is really pissing me off, i spent 3 days downloading this damn thing and all i get is the damn cmd thing appear and disappear almost instantly. This SUCKS

Ender305 (2008-02-12)

does anyone know where to get the right directx version, I searcher and all I found was dx 9 november 07 redistributable

seles (2008-02-13)

PLz seed.. After 100% i will seed with 100mb internet connection for a week or two

joshduarte6 (2008-02-13)

when i try to start the gme i get this message that says the ordinal 100 couldnot be locatedin the dynamic link libary dwmapi.dll?
help me please ive been dying to play this game

joshduarte6 (2008-02-13)

how do i activate on vista?

kanonkas (2008-02-16)

joshduarte6, you smartass, read the info of this torrent and you'll see whats the darn problem, it's you not taking the time to read before asking, the problem is, u haven't removed 'dwmapi.dll' from the game folder, when u done that u can start the game, click on halo2.exe happy gaming but next time keep in mind READING the nfo.

joshduarte6 (2008-02-17)

hey dick fuck:) i fixed the dll shit problem thats why i asked how to activate you know? i beat the first level and so now i want to play the second so i have have to activate it and i click the cute activate icon and it gives me the little approve or deny thing and i approve it then after that nothing happens
so why dont you take the time to think smart shit

Undead505 (2008-02-21)

Ho do I get this to work on XP

pepka (2008-02-24)

seed seed seed seed

amd851 (2008-02-24)

this shit duzn't work, DON'T download it, waste of 3 weeks, i have vista, i deleted that file, and it still don't work...

crazy1992 (2008-02-25)

ahhhh i get the damn cmd to show and then nothin

Pure-NRG (2008-02-27)

which files do i run first? I installed the first two "install these first" files, but none seem to work in the Halo 2 folder.. I get an error saying that it's missing one of it's .dll files..
Anyone got a few pointers for me? :?

mxkey (2008-02-27)

Didnt work for me, judging from the comments I dont think it has worked for anybody

Suicider1981 (2008-02-28)

Worked great! Thanx! Just found the patch also...not that far in the game yet, but downloaded that too.

buffboi (2008-03-04)

people you dont install the game you just play it with the icon that he gives you read the details it does say no install /unrar & play every one le3arn to read for god sake you are so sad you would not have to get the arse on if you read most of the details to the games.

ben_high (2008-03-05)

Before I download this can someone tell me how this game gets past the Gravemind cutscene. The last version I DL'd always crashed at that scene and i heard that was a problem for all XP users.

dan1the2man (2008-03-05)

how do i make it download?..when i try to download i have to open file but it only starts over again

Validuz (2008-03-06)

Is the game supposed to look really, REALLY crappy on Windows XP? It feels NONE of the shaders are working.
I can't remap the movement keys to ESDF.
I can't create a LAN Co-Op game, I can get to Multiplayer screen via the MF.dlls but I can't actually create a game.
Any help is appreciated.

maverin2 (2008-03-07)

i guess Microsoft pc games will always be crap on XP no matter what you do, it shoudl be able to work fine but they will do whatever they can to get your money, other wise it should run fine for me cuz i have a great computer and teh game still runs choppy on low detail...or am i missing something???

Adde_2 (2008-03-09)


Adde_2 (2008-03-09)

Im not saying it's your fault DOPEMAN, but there's a pretty damn big chance it is.

Luciferijaner (2008-03-09)

adde, you noob, it isnt a trojan, its your antivirus panicking.
One more thing, writing in caps doesnt make you smarter....

BloodRain212 (2008-03-09)

hey, would u like to help me with this? it keep saing that i dont have d3dx9_31.dll

ben_high (2008-03-11)

I also have the problem where it asks you to insert the disc and validate the game after the first level. Has anyone found a way around that problem yet?

ben_high (2008-03-11)

Here is the fix for the activation request after level 1. Someone be kind enough to copy and paste this info to the next page of comments when it rolls around.[PC]_Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_FIX_[crejbi]_[dopeman]

Very easy to fix the activation problem but I don't know if Gravemind level is going to work as the 2 have nothing to do with each other. Will report back after I get to gravemind.

magicseeder (2008-03-11)

1st: It definitely does not contain Trojan, Virus of anything different (even if, thats what anti virus progs are for)
2nd: If it doesn't work with you, read the .nfo if you have problems opening it, right click it, open with, editor or note pad
If you have got any other problems, I don't know them!

kudosa (2008-03-12)

For those who dont know: Dopeman torrents >
You dont need to "install" just run from the game folder.
You cant patch unless there is a specific dopeman patch.
You cant play online unless you use a private server.
You will need to install directx and /or ageis phsyx which will be included.
Files sizes are smaller because the game has been specially hacked to reduce size. (movies etc re-encoded)
Doctors dont use leeches anymore, Seed your torrents.
Respect to Dopeman/Fairlight/Crystal

ben_high (2008-03-12)

I had to download another fix to get gravemind to load. But this version works perfectly after you install both fixes.
I'm really busy right now but later I will post a links to both fixes and a thorough step-by-step walkthrough for how to install this game, install both fixes, and configure this game to work almost perfectly on xp.
Fair warning to anyone who has played either the xbox or Vista version of H2, the XP version has no bloom lighting for some reason.

xirod (2008-03-13)

Seed ffs!

duncanbmcg (2008-03-13)

I've gone through all the comments.. I have XP. I load the XP PLAY HALO 2.bat file and the cmd comes up for a split second and then closes. I have the latest DirectX.. Someone please answer this question.. hundreds of people are asking it. What's the problem.

ben_high (2008-03-14)

Alright, here's how to get this version working 100% on windowsXP without activation problems or problems with the gravemind level loading. Any DirectX problems you have are between you and your DirectX, you'll have to fix that yourself.

Download this copy of Halo2 of course.
Step 1.) No need to install dopemans games. Just Create a folder named Halo 2 anywhere you want the game then use winrar to unrar the Halo 2 file to that folder.
Step 2.) Go to the folder that you unrared the Halo 2 file to and find the folder that says "INSTALL THESE FIRST". Install XLiveRedist1.0.6027.msi, then vcredist.msi.
Step 3.) Dopemans readme says to use "XP PLAY HALO.bat to start Halo 2. Don't use it. If you use his you wont be able to get past gravemind. We will make a replacement with download #3
DOWNLOAD #2[PC]_Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_FIX_[crejbi]_[dopeman]

Step 1.) Inside of this download are 2 folders, Halo 2 and System 32, open System 32 first and minimize the folder.
Step 2.) Navigate to and open your sytem 32 folder in your windows directory. Drag and drop the file from activation fix system 32 folder into your windows system 32 folder.
Step 3.) Do the same with the file in the activation fix Halo 2 folder. Drag and drop the file into your Halo 2 folder.


Step 1.) Unrar the downloaded file and move both the loaderplus.exe and WowMon.Dll files to your Halo 2 folder.
Step 2.) Open a new text file in Notepad. Copy this into it.
@echo off
title HALO 2
Loaderplus.exe halo2.exe
Step 3.) Close and save the text file. Now rename it Halo 2.bat This is the file you double-click to start Halo 2 now, so go ahead and "send to desktop" (create a desktop shortcut) if you want.
Game should now work perfectly when launched from Halo 2.bat
Step 4 is skippable. just a heads up for those that don't know.
Step 4.) If you dont like that ugly batch file icon on your desktop then you can replace it. Right-click on your desktop icon then click on properties. Click on "choose icon". It will give you some message about not having an icon but just click ok. Click on browse and navigate to your Halo 2 folder and use either the startup.exe or the halo2.exe icons. Doesnt matter which as they are both identical.
I re-read this post 3 times and I don't see where I missed any steps so outside of DirectX problems this game should work perfectly for all Windows XP users.

Nord92 (2008-03-14)

Working fine and i have vista and

Diffitz (2008-03-16)

search for your missing dll file on google and download it

ben_high (2008-03-18)

Did you read dopemans read-me that came with this download Neoncillo? The readme says Vista users only need to remove 1 file from the Halo 2 folder then start with halo2.exe instead of a .bat file. I don't have the readme on hand but i think that's what it says.

Also if anyone has followed my instructions for installing on XP and it worked for you please speak up. Also let me know if any steps were difficult to follow so I know what to fix so I can repost it on the next page.

patarstar (2008-03-19)

OKAY WTF...i cant get past lvl 1 on vista!! do i download the activation thingy?

patarstar (2008-03-19)

this fucking blows....EIGHTH FUCKING GAME THAT DOESNT FUCKIGN QWORK FOR ME im so fucking pissed right now!!!

I Spel Good (2008-03-19)

anyone having the product key problem? FIXED!

startrek74 (2008-03-21)

I have Vista and I cant get it to work, I have tried all of the tips here.......arrgghh

11fingers (2008-03-21)

When I finish uploading the 3.51 GB it is still uploading! Why? And when I try to extract it using 7-zip file manager, it says unable to open this file. I need HELP!!!!

11fingers (2008-03-21)

Please help me! It says this everytime I try to extract the files: This file could not be opened, No archives found. What do I do! Help!!!

milanc (2008-03-22)

can't get past the first level in Vista too :(

r_dreamwalker (2008-03-25)

Thanks Dopeman
Ive followed all the instructions but am still stuck.
Ive installed the xlive & the redists from the install first folder and also installed the dx9 april update.
When i run the xp.bat file i get the dos screen flash up and disappear and you can see it says 'echo is off'.
Ive noticed other ppl hav had this problem but not advised how they resolved this.
I am running this on xp pro with sp2 and have 25gig free hdd space.
Thanks in advance

Jaxxx1111 (2008-03-25)

Hey! Nice torrent. :) I have a little problem... After the first stage the game requests a registration. I have tried to copy the mf.dll file to my windows/system32, but my computer wont allow it. I have tried to restart and use safe mode but nothing has worked. I´am about to throw my computer out of the window(s)... please help! What should I do???

Gordon_freeman (2008-03-26)


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stokeMonkey (2008-03-26)

ok, so 264 ppl seeding. yet im getting about 4-50 kbit/s. this is crazy talk! put a lil more ummph in it

bowseroffun (2008-03-26)

HEY PPLS downloading this i HAVE VERY GOOD UPLOAD i cannot seed for long amouts of time though like 12 hours .. But i will Restart downloadinfg this TOMORROW around 3-5PM K has me my self have Upload almost 4GB to who ever is downloading WITH me around that time hopefully got a BOOST from me.. sadely me only downloading around 70 to 100KB NEED MORE PEERS and seederS!!but for me ive only got 1.40GB to download left so ya..O and im in EDT time EASTERN STANDARD Just SO you know Halo 2 PWNS AND THE TUTORIAL ON YOUTUBE PWNS i cant wait to record playing halo 2 CUS OF HACKS AND MODS i might be able to do with it :)!

andersst (2008-03-26)

315 seeds and in my bittorent it says 0.. help?

MaLaL (2008-03-27)

plz help when im gonna start halo then it says that they cant find ordernumber 100 in DLL file dwmapi.dll.

11fingers (2008-03-28)

I need help! Everytime I press XP play halo 2, it says d3dxp_31.dll was not found. Any ideas?

Gordon_freeman (2008-03-28)

not working :/

dead_man93 (2008-03-28)

dos it work online???

Gordon_freeman (2008-03-29)


g25racer (2008-03-29)

Thanks for the up dopeman. It's running good on vista home premium 32bit. Burning to a dvd as backup right now. Now all i need is a decent gamepad!

Denoel (2008-03-29)

Problem: after the End of the Level were you for the second time as the Arbiter plays, after he is shot down by the Chief of the Brutes, and the loading screen show up, the game dosn't load the next level, it goes to the main menu and there than comes a small window were you can read
"please place the original Halo 2 DVD in your drive".
Does somebody knows the how I can correct this .

tarek.a (2008-03-30)

Hy!!! How r u? When i clicked on XP PLAY HALO.BAT nothing happened.. There(s just a small MS DOS screen which quickly closed. what's wrong?

bowseroffun (2008-03-30)

anderss it might be because certain ppl are part of the SEEDERS of upading... like 73 right now piratebay says but theres liek 1000 right now and ONLY HALF ARE HELPING SSSEEED PPL SEED i only got 800 mB to GO PPLS SEED ! im uploading about 300KB!

Gordon_freeman (2008-03-30)

anyone know why this shit laggs like hell?

niklashbg (2008-03-30)

Very nice!! Works perfectly fine on my XP Professional. Creds to u man! ^^

Statsevich (2008-03-31)

seed plz

Lost_and_High (2008-04-01)


needhalo2now (2008-04-01)

says NTDVV.DLL is not found how do i make it work?

Oskarkemi (2008-04-01)

I get this problem!
Initialization failed. Either insufficient system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged. Reinstalling the game may fix this problem.
How cna i fix this i have good videocard?

traakon4 (2008-04-01)

i have a big problem and i want to play the game so the problem is When i clicked on XP PLAY HALO.BAT nothing happened.. There's just a small MS DOS screen which quickly closed. what's wrong?

Dyang310 (2008-04-02)

when i click xp play halo 2 a message pops up it says "d3dx9_31.dll was not found"

AuToMaToN (2008-04-02)

google the missing .dll and then place it in the folders not that hard
i get the same problems ms dos screen opens and then closes and nothing opens =[

needhalo2now (2008-04-02)

google doesn't have ntdvv.dll
if u have it, please send it to:
[email protected]

Statsevich (2008-04-02)

Holy shit my limewire wanna download this 4 42 days plz seed!

chikit134 (2008-04-04)

yeah hi i got an issue with the game, i run it play a couple of levels and then it says that i have to activate the game to play any further can anyone solve this one?

TboneMendez (2008-04-04)

yo Dopeman..thanx a lot...took me over 2 weeks to download...nevertheless...was worth the wait...thanx a lot again...
aint runnin that smooth as Halo ... but feels great...lookin forward to HALO 3....yeah!!! :-)

niklashbg (2008-04-05)

Works perfectly fine... BUT when I come to chapter 12: Gravemind, Halo 2 tells me: "Sorry, insert your original game disc."
Does anyone else get this problem?
What do I do?

oharaandrewlp (2008-04-05)

Maybe your crack isn't working anymore... Find a new one, or re-apply your old one. Make sure it's for XP, (or vista if you have it)

Statsevich (2008-04-06)

270 seeders but only 15 online lolz
my download speed is 30kt/s

andyhorton (2008-04-06)

why is it after i install the XLiveRedist1.0.6027.msi and the vcredist.msi, i click on the XP PLAY HALO 2.bat, the command prompt appears but it closes and nothing else appears?

bradfantin2 (2008-04-06)

lol works fine on my imac bootcamp.. if only i could get network play or live to work. halo 2 was great on the xbox back in the day, but i would not put down 30 - 50 bucks for this on pc. i like how it is now, nice and free :)
anyone got any ideas how to get online play enabled. i dont care about achievments, and machmaking shit or wutever it has, just simple online play, pick a server and play. i thought u could still do this in halo2... a working serial would be nice too :)

Statsevich (2008-04-08)

Works perfectly fine... BUT when I come to chapter 12: Gravemind, Halo 2 tells me: "Sorry, insert your original game disc."
Yeh i got same problem but halo 2 says it when i get to chapter 2 LOL!!!

Statsevich (2008-04-08)

can someone giv link of the new xp crack plz`??

Statsevich (2008-04-08)

c'mon guyz plz help!

Statsevich (2008-04-08)

How i can activate this game? when i reach level 4 outskirts halo 2 says: You need active this product to continue playing the game. Please close the game and re-insert the disc to reach your activation menu.
Please help i wanna play this game!!!

vb_777 (2008-04-11)

thnx a lot dopeman... d game works 100%...n 4 all those ppl having sme problem like insert original cd or gravemind fix plz read ben_high's comment on page 24...its vry simple...!!!

CJF-117 (2008-04-12)

""""Alright, here's how to get this version working 100% on windowsXP without activation problems or problems with the gravemind level loading. Any DirectX problems you have are between you and your DirectX, you'll have to fix that yourself.
Download this copy of Halo2 of course.
Step 1.) No need to install dopemans games. Just Create a folder named Halo 2 anywhere you want the game then use winrar to unrar the Halo 2 file to that folder.
Step 2.) Go to the folder that you unrared the Halo 2 file to and find the folder that says "INSTALL THESE FIRST". Install XLiveRedist1.0.6027.msi, then vcredist.msi.
Step 3.) Dopemans readme says to use "XP PLAY HALO.bat to start Halo 2. Don't use it. If you use his you wont be able to get past gravemind. We will make a replacement with download #3
DOWNLOAD #2[PC]_Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_FIX_[crejbi]_[dopeman]

Step 1.) Inside of this download are 2 folders, Halo 2 and System 32, open System 32 first and minimize the folder.
Step 2.) Navigate to and open your sytem 32 folder in your windows directory. Drag and drop the file from activation fix system 32 folder into your windows system 32 folder.
Step 3.) Do the same with the file in the activation fix Halo 2 folder. Drag and drop the file into your Halo 2 folder.

Step 1.) Unrar the downloaded file and move both the loaderplus.exe and WowMon.Dll files to your Halo 2 folder.
Step 2.) Open a new text file in Notepad. Copy this into it.
@echo off
title HALO 2
Loaderplus.exe halo2.exe
Step 3.) Close and save the text file. Now rename it Halo 2.bat This is the file you double-click to start Halo 2 now, so go ahead and "send to desktop" (create a desktop shortcut) if you want.
Game should now work perfectly when launched from Halo 2.bat
Step 4 is skippable. just a heads up for those that don't know.
Step 4.) If you dont like that ugly batch file icon on your desktop then you can replace it. Right-click on your desktop icon then click on properties. Click on "choose icon". It will give you some message about not having an icon but just click ok. Click on browse and navigate to your Halo 2 folder and use either the startup.exe or the halo2.exe icons. Doesnt matter which as they are both identical. """"
So I followed ben's instructions exactly, and it still doesnt work? what am i doing wrong? ben, if u see this post, plz contact me at: [email protected]

sp3tan (2008-04-15)

piece of shet torrent lol .. even if it fuckin is 251 seeders i only get 0-42 kb per sec ... this really really REALLY sucks!

KINDERKILLER (2008-04-17)


sp3tan (2008-04-18)

hah yea after 21 fucking hours of fucking waiting ( -.- ) it finished downloading

sp3tan (2008-04-18)

um i really have to say '' wat the fuck kind of crappy halo 2 torrent n stuff in the files is it? '' i mean in google i google the FUCKING missing DDL'S then when i putem on my halo 2 map it fucks up by that first it loads wowmon.dll then it fucks up n closes and then nthing happens .. wtf is the problem?

Sirjeff (2008-04-19)

Hey, don't know if it may just be my computer, but I downloaded this(after a couple days) and installed some missing dlls but I go tthem all in and when I click the "xp run halo" The game starts I get the intro screen but then after a few seconds it quits. suggestions?

sp3tan (2008-04-19)

dude heres something for ya .. DELETE this halo 2 shit .. and instead BUY the game TO NOT get problems -.

oPiN37 (2008-04-21)

hahaha, sp3tan, are you complayning about you´ve spent 24 hours on downloading? haha, I´ve spent almost 3 days!!! THAT, sucks... hahaha!!!

juanfye (2008-04-22)

anyone with the problem 'insert disc 2'?

cpktnwt (2008-04-23)

When i´ve started the game, i can play the first level. Then the game says that I have to activate it by put the CD in. But there is no ISO file or something, or is it? Can someone help me? Good torrent anyway ^^ thx

Sirjeff (2008-04-23)

Thanks to dope man and ben_high.
Here is the fix for the activation request after level 1. Someone be kind enough to copy and paste this info to the next page of comments when it rolls around.[PC]_Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_FIX_[crejbi]_[dopeman]

Very easy to fix the activation problem but I don't know if Gravemind level is going to work as the 2 have nothing to do with each other. Will report back after I get to gravemind.

cpktnwt (2008-04-23)

Thx :D

cpktnwt (2008-04-23)

It did not work.... i can´t put the file in "system32" because i need authorization... i have got vista, could it be that?

cpktnwt (2008-04-23)

This crap does´nt work, do not download it.........

oPiN37 (2008-04-24)

I´ve spent... 4 days and 11 hours on this damm thing!! Havn´t you guys ever heard of seeding?!?! I have 10 out 223 that are giving out!! Seed, got dammit!!!

sp3tan (2008-04-25)

hahahah xD lol oPiN37 ... i tell you for mother fucking cock sake .. ur maybe gonna spend 5 more days on this shit and later the fucking pussy shit wont work so ...dont download it

oPiN37 (2008-04-25)

Okej, jag har ett riktigt problem... Jag försöker instalera spelet - men när jag dubbelcklickar på halo2.exe filen, så är det inget problem, utan det är något man bara kan trycka "OK" på!! Hjälp!!! Jag vill instalera spelet! Jag har spenderat 4 dagar på att få hem det!! Hjälp!!

oPiN37 (2008-04-25)

no shit, sp3tan - I´ve starting regreting downloading this shit... It took me four days - and for what?! it just takes up a lot of space, and I can´t do shit with it!!

masterprado (2008-04-27)

it works I can get to the menu and crap but it says I need product key DAM IT

agathecosta (2008-04-29)

no use downloading this @ 1.2 k/s for 7 weeks. How can i seed it if i can't download it. Dopeman's hard work rendered useless...

grov_snusen1 (2008-05-05)

Thanks Dopeman:) Everything works for me :D
Downloaded this in less than an hour :P
Thanks again :)

Aaditotjo (2008-05-06)

WHAT???? IVE SPENT WEEKS DOWNLOADING THIS< AND IT SAYS: "the ordinal 100 could not be located in the dynamic link library dwmapi.dll."
Can someone PLEASE help?!

matthewp240 (2008-05-07)

I can't install vcredist.msi. It says that it's gathering required information and then it stops once the loading bar is complete. I've allowed permission to install the program too. If that is the whole installation process than I have another problem and that is that when I click on the Halo2.exe it says that "The ordinal 100 could not be located in the dynamic link library dwmapi.dll." I'm pretty new to this and could use any help available

Ojohnsew (2008-05-09)

I don't the DX is the 07 version... Here is the 07 version:

god_nikko (2008-05-10)

im running on vista and i did what i am suppose to do, now i get to the main menu, and it says press any key, so i push a key and i get
a place to enter a 25 letter product key
i do not know if i should use one of those XP patches because i am on vista
and my text is like backwards on my screen and i dont not know whats going on.

Hostel-1 (2008-05-11)

Jesus Christ... Ok you fucking n00bs. First install the files that read install first. I ignored thr zip its not needed then regishter it. Then open up the file that reads "XP PLAY HALO 2" and presto!

KillerCB (2008-05-11)

Fucking sucks....doesn't work. I had to download 2 other dll files and when i click to run the batch to play, it takes forever to bring up the halo 2 logo with the light scrolling across it. then closes itself out. Best bet people. BUY THE FUCKING THING!!!!!

Cybergangsta (2008-05-12)

It works.
Your the best dopeman!

nebsterboy (2008-05-14)

go to and find the same torrent and then load the trackers from it, it should speed up ur dl.

zack_ATTACK (2008-05-14)

i just want this game so that i can try it out with my 360 controller, and if i like it, im gonna buy it

jisumy (2008-05-15)

is the multiplayer cracked??? do we have to do somthing to play multiplayer??? or we just PLAY!??(I mean directly)

Tony85_23061 (2008-05-16)

This Game works great!!! Thx dopeman... Now seeding

Shados (2008-05-17)

Whenever I open the "XP Run Halo 2" file, the game, just shows a black screen, then closes saying something like "ECHO is off". I've installed the necessary components and I have the April version of DirectX, so what the heck am I supposed to do???

disc_man (2008-05-17)

Copy paste from sirjeffs post
Here is the fix for the activation request after level 1. Someone be kind enough to copy and paste this info to the next page of comments when it rolls around.[PC]_Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_FIX_[crejbi]_[dopeman]

Very easy to fix the activation problem but I don't know if Gravemind level is going to work as the 2 have nothing to do with each other. Will report back after I get to gravemind.

Shados (2008-05-17)

So do you know how to fix the problem I have?

sergio95 (2008-05-17)

hiii i have a problem and i hop that u cna help me with it the problem is when i open the file xp play halo2 it give a error and it say this application has failed to start because d3dx9_31.dll was not found re installing the application may fix this problem??? plzz answer me back i really want to play this game ?

-Wilz- (2008-05-18)

Thanks dopeman!
I had to download one .dll and install newer DirectX, but now its working :)

m1n3rv4 (2008-05-18)

hey, sergio95, i had this problem too... googled the d3dx9_31.dll file that was missing and found it at

it then told me that XINPUT1_3.dll was missng found that on the same site

i put both of them in C:\Windows\system
and tryed the halo2.exe again and it worked first time :)
but it then asked me for a product code when i clicked use my existing gamertag/profile. :(

gbdude (2008-05-19)

Yo man, thanks for the game :D
But do you know how or where I can get the Editing Map kit? Cuz I really wanna make my custom maps. thanks

Pure-NRG (2008-05-21)

Says that I need a valid CD key to continue.. any suggestions?

Pure-NRG (2008-05-21)

nvm. Figured it out. Sorry everyone haha :)

halomies (2008-05-21)

I cant play gravemind level it says: SORRY insert your original Halo 2 game disc. Any ideas what i should do?

csesze (2008-05-21)

The same here as yours. What is the problem. I did everything as written.

halomies (2008-05-21)

SORRY insert your original Halo 2 game disc.

grande654 (2008-05-22)

when i beat the first lvl, it says that i need to put in my cd key in the activation thing when i put in the cd. what do i do??? anyone??

(L)Alucard(L) (2008-05-23)

Great game dopeman! thx aloooooot! But however it worked fine until i was going to advance from lvl 11 ( Quarantine Zone ) to lvl 12 ( Grave Mind ). Then it says that i need to put in halo 2 cd... If anyone can help me please do so xD im getting desperate here :P

Rixxz (2008-05-23)

For fuck's sake people! over 250 seeders and 1,5 kbp/s. This is fucking ridicolous. Seed goddamnit!

__-xXx-__ (2008-05-24)

plz cmon Dopeman seed! I want this game :)

__-xXx-__ (2008-05-24)

PLZ! Fuc* help me, when I start the game this comes up:
Initialization failed. Either insufficient system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged.
add me on MSN if you are cool and wana help me:
[email protected]

mastertwink (2008-05-26)

god damnit
i am getting 15Kbps on a fucking 3 mbps connection!
i need to get halo 2 by 8:00 AM tomorrow.
if i dont i have to go back to my house and d/l it @ 5Kbps...
please seed! if you all pitch in i can seed @ ~200Kbps.

M3phisto666 (2008-05-28)

Hey Dopeman, what's up with this shittie graphics quality? Even if I turn everything to high it looks worse than HALO Combat Evolved... So how do I get better graphics?

Skullman555626 (2008-05-29)

*sigh* Where's the product key? Its probably somewhere and I'm just not seeing it but....yeah some help would be nice.

Beatrice5 (2008-05-29)

If you are a Vista user DO NOT DOWNLOAD. It does NOT work. It is CRAP!

Beatrice5 (2008-05-30)

I'm sorry Dopeman this does work in Vista if you remove the file dwapi.dll and run halo2.exe
Thank you.
The graphics look very dated and blocky but I like the humor.

r_dreamwalker (2008-05-31)

When i run the xp.bat file i get the dos screen flash up and disappear and you can see it says 'echo is off'.
How do you resolve this??
Thanks in advance

Halogamer (2008-06-02)

After you extract then install the other stuff after that wat do you do?

Halogamer (2008-06-02)

I have Xp and on the label its say capable with vista programs. NICE!!!!!!!!

Fubar22 (2008-06-02)

For all of those who get the install screen or the load screen and then it suddenly exits, this is the reason why it does this. Open up the DirectX winrar and extract it to wherever you extract. It should ask you for a location in which I usually use my desktop. The locate the dxsetup and install this. then run the game again and boom!'re game! This is assuming you have already understood how the XP patch works.

Full guide for installation people. I found my resolution here

tavener (2008-06-02)

yeah it does not work for vista =(

Tiger_Zip (2008-06-03)

lol. dont download it!!! look at all commentary, now its like 707 how cant get this to work, dont waste your time download it, and dont ever use vista it suxx so hard.!

ubercrap (2008-06-03)

Does not work for Vista

tapja62 (2008-06-03)

plz it lettedmy to play the first lvl and then said it needs right cd plz someone HELP

tuanduong (2008-06-04)

For dumb vista users who says it doesn't work.
Just delete the f**king dwmapi.dll file from the game folder and start it. Its easy.

HorrorFuckShitass (2008-06-04)

What the fuck. Does anything you put up work? Appearently not.

bm5k (2008-06-05)

i have vista and there are 2 halo.exe files.
neither of them run.
one is a list of certificates and the other ask me to find a program to open it.
so help me out here.

Diffitz (2008-06-06)

It works on VISTA but i only get one level and then the game finishes...
kan some one help me?

montypi (2008-06-06)

Ok now that's retarded... My torrent program is saying there's 435 leechers (and I'm getting speeds to match) but here it says there's only 5. Any ideas? Also, we're with Telstra (trying to switch ASAP) and uploads are counted. Will my download speeds go down if I don't seed enough? I've currently got it set to stop seeding at 0.1, and I feel guilty for not helping out the community more. :-(

ecalfudge (2008-06-07)

how do i find out what the validation code for online play is
+ everything else is excellent I've just completed its a gr8 game tyvm ;)

ToreThePirate (2008-06-07)

Woot .. Cant wait to begin playing this !

montypi (2008-06-07)

@00-WOLF-00 and ecalfudge
Works fine BTW, I had to use the activation fix and the Gravemind fix (loaderplus.exe) but apart from that, it is AWESOME. They're not big at all, I recommend you get them anyway just in case.
QUESTION: Can two of these Halo 2's play multiplayer over a LAN/network?

halofreak666 (2008-06-08)

nicely done, but, its not working
i have xp and DX9 i reinstalled it, from one of your mirrors, i installed the "install these first" and i go to the XP PLAY HALO 2.bat, the screen turns black like its about to come up, but then it comes up with a "thing" saying "Initialization failed. Either insufficient system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged. Reinstalling the game may fix this problem." well, idk wat to do
thanks in advanced

halofreak666 (2008-06-08)

i tried CJF-117's method, but still it dosent work... it says the same thing

montypi (2008-06-09)

@ halofreak666
What's your computer like? There's a chance that you have a PC that's not good enough to run Halo 2.

Liger314194 (2008-06-10)

Ok i know im a retard for asking this and i know that it has been explain like a bazillion times but can someone explain to me what to do once i finished downloading the game???please anyone?

bijan588 (2008-06-14)

Seeded 10 gb
my job is done

disc_man (2008-06-14)

Copy paste from sirjeffs post a while back
Here is the fix for the activation request after level 1. Someone be kind enough to copy and paste this info to the next page of comments when it rolls around.[PC]_Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_FIX_[crejbi]_[dopeman]

Very easy to fix the activation problem but I don't know if Gravemind level is going to work as the 2 have nothing to do with each other. Will report back after I get to gravemind.
Please copy and paste onto the next page of comments

Team_eli (2008-06-14)

Fungerar inte på min laptop,Fastnar i instalatonen :S

vontrolle (2008-06-14)

Men apa, du ska inte installera xD
Titta på beskrivning hehe

bijan588 (2008-06-14)

I have seeded 40 gb want more?

dcpc10 (2008-06-15)

i might download this later....
does anyone noe if this works well?

k5josh (2008-06-18)

To all who have problems (copied from ben_high's post):
Alright, here's how to get this version working 100% on windowsXP without activation problems or problems with the gravemind level loading. Any DirectX problems you have are between you and your DirectX, you'll have to fix that yourself.
Download this copy of Halo2 of course.
Step 1.) No need to install dopemans games. Just Create a folder named Halo 2 anywhere you want the game then use winrar to unrar the Halo 2 file to that folder.
Step 2.) Go to the folder that you unrared the Halo 2 file to and find the folder that says "INSTALL THESE FIRST". Install XLiveRedist1.0.6027.msi, then vcredist.msi.
Step 3.) Dopemans readme says to use "XP PLAY HALO.bat to start Halo 2. Don't use it. If you use his you wont be able to get past gravemind. We will make a replacement with download #3
DOWNLOAD #2[PC]_Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_FIX_[crejbi]_[dopeman]

Step 1.) Inside of this download are 2 folders, Halo 2 and System 32, open System 32 first and minimize the folder.
Step 2.) Navigate to and open your sytem 32 folder in your windows directory. Drag and drop the file from activation fix system 32 folder into your windows system 32 folder.
Step 3.) Do the same with the file in the activation fix Halo 2 folder. Drag and drop the file into your Halo 2 folder.

Step 1.) Unrar the downloaded file and move both the loaderplus.exe and WowMon.Dll files to your Halo 2 folder.
Step 2.) Open a new text file in Notepad. Copy this into it.
@echo off
title HALO 2
Loaderplus.exe halo2.exe
Step 3.) Close and save the text file. Now rename it Halo 2.bat This is the file you double-click to start Halo 2 now, so go ahead and "send to desktop" (create a desktop shortcut) if you want.
Game should now work perfectly when launched from Halo 2.bat
Step 4 is skippable. just a heads up for those that don't know.
Step 4.) If you dont like that ugly batch file icon on your desktop then you can replace it. Right-click on your desktop icon then click on properties. Click on "choose icon". It will give you some message about not having an icon but just click ok. Click on browse and navigate to your Halo 2 folder and use either the startup.exe or the halo2.exe icons. Doesnt matter which as they are both identical.

itzmichael114 (2008-06-18)

i cant install vcredist
it says its gonna install and it'll go up like 98% then it'll crash and nothing will happen

itzmichael114 (2008-06-18)

i cant install vcredist.msi

karolyzaz (2008-06-22)

biggest speed ever seen even 1kb/s

dadaniel (2008-06-30)

OMG JUST THE SAME AS THAT OTHER TORRENT (...) error i run the game i play for a few seconds and it crash!!!!!!!!! i hate that windows made halo 2 for vista only i want to play it!!!!! (and many torrents i downloaded yet doesnt work so plz upload a working)

aarssappenlikker (2008-06-30)

does it work on a virtual machine

JCKillaaa (2008-07-02)

yeah.... I read over some comments and saw that some ppl are having the same trouble as me. I did every thing untill when I open the Halo 2. bat shortcut. It says it couldn't be intialized. Something about LIVE Gaming. I rly wanna play this game too. Someone pls help.
Thanks in advance

JCKillaaa (2008-07-02)

btw my computer consists of 1gib ram, gforce 6600 (2), intel core duel, Directx 10, 200 gib space hard drive.
why the hell isnt it working....

jdock1 (2008-07-03)

somebody please help me, i installed it and did everything i was told to you and even applyed the patch from dopeman and now windoes is blocking it from the DEP , so obviously microsoft knows about it and is denying me access to the game!! god damnit microsoft! is this happening to anybody else?

neirfane (2008-07-04)

did all the steps from k5josh. when i launch the halo 2.bat i made i get 'This application has failed to start because d3dx9_31.dd was not found. is that me direct x? i have dx 9.0c

XtReMe15 (2008-07-04)

in k5josh's comment thaty with how to run the game at that...make a new text doc write .....rename it to halo 2.bat ....i rename it like that but didnt happen anythig...i double click it but it opens it with me!!!!

Ac1d3 (2008-07-04)

will u be able to play online with this?

mhc7791 (2008-07-05)

Of course you can play this online. All you need to do is call Microsoft up and tell them you want to play online. Easy as that.

cjohns299 (2008-07-07)

ehh i'll just buy it, i'd like to play multiplayer.. it'll prbly be like 20$ at the store

Fyler (2008-07-07)

If someone can find the directory to the update when you try to sign on XBL then I could get everyone online, someone needs to just post the most recent updated needed to play.
Before I get on it says I need to update. So hurry and upload it and post a link... I got this!

JOESCIENTIST (2008-07-08)

How can I activate this on vista?It Works fine and then...........Sorry you have to activete these production before continue and bla bla bla...please can someone tell me how to activate>>? Please Answer

neirfane (2008-07-08)

works fine. followed teh steps from posts. now i'm wondering if ripped means not a full version?
so, is this a full version?

rafyortiz (2008-07-08)

how do u install dis on vista plz help???

jorgomen (2008-07-10)

i cant install vcredist help me please...I click on and it appears me a bar and when it gets full it starts loading something, and i wait a while and then it stops....

windowsman.01 (2008-07-12)

if you want halo 2 then just buy it at pretty much any store and play on vista sure it would cost about 300 bucks

jkshoem (2008-07-13)

I downloaded and followed directions and it works great thankx Dopeman.... got any kush?

Kick-On-Foo (2008-07-14)

is it possible to play on lan?

zenitram80 (2008-07-16)

Or you can download Vista at no cost cause nobody should pay for a product that sucks

bennybennyenny (2008-07-16)

Did you crack the actual map files? If so that kinda sucks because that then disables modding abilities I believe.

js1438 (2008-07-17)

Somebody please seed some more. My download is staying at %3 and isn't kicking off! I promise to seed back if some just seeds for me

jennysalala (2008-07-17)

I got somewhat of exciting news. I just bought the game, and installed it on XP using the loader_plus (to get past gravemind level). As many other, I wanted to get it to work with online on XP, so I tried a few things.
After a while of minimal tampering, I was able to boot into LIVE and see my acc preferences and other stuff. In other words, I logged online in Halo 2 on XP!
There is major issue though. You can't play online! When I entered the server browser, the servers came up but I was unable to join. The error message "You are unable to join. Please try again in a few moments". Though you still can't join after a "few moments". I'm pretty sure that single player achievements work though.
Oh and by the way, you need to buy the game to get online at all! You'll get no where without a valid cd-key.

KiLLer_ (2008-07-18)

Hi, where do the saved games get saved to?
I need to reinstall this game but not sure where the saved games are?
pls help

KiLLer_ (2008-07-18)

Hi, where do the saved games get saved to?
I need to reinstall this game but not sure where the saved games are?
pls help

RayUltimate (2008-07-18)

It's asking for a product key. Nothing about a key in the installation instructions bro.

wiskeyinthejar (2008-07-20)

please seed! thanks :)

woody4good (2008-07-20)


trevorpsucks (2008-07-22)

For the love of god, someone please seed this. I always seed my files, why can't you all do the same!? I have been stuck at 0% for 3 hours.

js1438 (2008-07-22)

You are simply amazing dopeman! Oh and a word to everyone who has got this torrent be sure to have direct x 9 on your computer if you want it to work!

duopperi (2008-07-23)

Can somebody please help me? I downloaded this and followed instructions several times, but every time I click the XP PLAY HALO 2 batch file, it pops up the cmd window for a second or two, disappears, and then nothing happens.

R.A.D.U. (2008-07-24)

guys i downloaded this game ages ago and it worked after i downloaded some fixes and processmonitor to play gravemind read the older comments for more detailled instructions

R.A.D.U. (2008-07-24)

read the last comment on page 4 for instructions how to get and use processmonitor and for the activation fix read page 1
thnx dopeman & lalala1

jamie99889988 (2008-07-27)

please seed :)

jamie99889988 (2008-07-27)

please seed it is goin so slow 2 days to download
please seed

jamie99889988 (2008-07-28)

dopeman will u get fucking people to seed wats the point on having a file up if it takes over 3 days

Tomstorrents99 (2008-07-29)

Please seed guys, I always seed, and I will seed when I'm done for a couple weeks, or months.
But I'm never going to get there at 0.2 kb/s.

Toolive (2008-07-29)

The download was pretty quick, but the game is great. Playing it on XP as we speak, i just wanted to thank dopeman for this. Great Job!!!
I'll seed for a bit as well.

SuperSonic_ht (2008-07-31)

"Initialization failed. Either insufficient system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged. Reinstalling the game may fix this problem."
What is the problem? I installed Direct X Jun 08, and followed all instructions but this comes up. What do I do? Is it something with my graphics card?

Jopeyy (2008-08-04)

it doesnt work theres no d3dx9_31.dll

Echofish (2008-08-05)

I got it working but after I finished the first mission, I got a message saying I need to activate the game! Help anyone?

blackbanjo (2008-08-06)

i had a problem that the game needed activation after 1st level and i downloaded that crejb torrent that should had help BUT NO!!!!

blackbanjo (2008-08-06)

im runnig on vista and i readed all comments and it still wont work

xXCoNrAd117Xx (2008-08-06)

i'm running windows vista ultimate x64 bit,
my computer is FINE with double recomended settings. I installed the DirectX apr. 07 version, ran the XLiveRedist, but when i ran vcredist, it said it was gathering required information, then died out. I have given it full premissions, but it won't run for me. now when i start the game it asks me for a cd key as soon as i (press any key to start). Help- anybody?

xXCoNrAd117Xx (2008-08-06)

nevermind, i'm sorry dopeman.
all i needed to do was create a new profile, not sign in with my windows live ID.
game works great

Jesse_Kessu (2008-08-07)

I cant install vcredist cos the installer wont start. Im using xp what could be the problem?

Jesse_Kessu (2008-08-07)

Ok ive already fixed that and the game is running perfect. Thanks a bunch m8.

CsNWoWPlayers (2008-08-10)

does this work with NETWORK server?

CsNWoWPlayers (2008-08-11)

this doesnt work i got a black screen then boom my computer crash

typor (2008-08-14)

dont do the hit n run thats just gay

Anbumedic (2008-08-16)

i need some kind of activation code, otherwise this worked perfectly. nice upload

xIxAMxKING (2008-08-18)

oklast time i tried to download the other halo 2 torrent that said u created, the vcredis said it was broken

Anbumedic (2008-08-19)

If you're stuck with level 3 cause of the activation problem, go here:

it has the small file needed to get past the activation annoyance, it'll pop up a little error but it'll work fine after that, and there is another file in the comments of that one, with another file that may or may not have to be replaced.
hope this helps...

nobks (2008-08-20)

i'm having a problem nobody seems to have posted yet...
The game runs and everything, but the menu is invisible. AHHH

nobks (2008-08-21)

okay so there seems to be a lot of people with this problem. There are NO WORDS in the game. Main menu is invisible, grenade # and ammo doesnt show.

OkkiNoNo (2008-08-21)

It Worked Perfect for me, I Didn't Even Skip Gravemind level!

nobks (2008-08-22)

okay, fixed the "invisible menu/letters/numbers" in-game problem. Dl'ed the proper fonts listed in the font table for halo 2, and now it works great.

lordspanky (2008-08-23)

All you nubs need to rly share... lmao... i just hit my record of upload speed due to lack of seeders lol
10.5 mb second NOT MBITS MB.... so in other words 105 mbits upload speed wow... thats even insane for me... ive uploaded crap loads tonight lol...
totaly ive uploaded 3 000 gb.. but i am not hard core sharer... i got my game servers to run lol =)
here is screen shot
swedish fiber lan internet f.t.w
if ur itnressted in joining my halo servers send me a PM (i dont know if its possible but do that =) if it is)
my halo 1 server name is called
this is called seeding !
(look at the bottom right hand corner lol)

lordspanky (2008-08-23)

yes this is my new computer i purcashed 3 -4 days ago.. thats why i dont have many files beeing uploaded =(

Wormicle (2008-08-23)

Anybody actually give a fuck about Lordspanky and his upload speed? I ask merely for information.

kimmiboy92 (2008-08-25)

thank you for the game! and well done on the user manual on how to play the game! this is how you should make a user manual!!

11fingers (2008-08-26)

Can you play online in Vista using Dopeman's version?

kimmiboy92 (2008-08-26)

no you cant... if you have read dopemans text you should knowe it.. but one question dope.. How can i activate the game.. because i could only play the first mission?

koentjuh (2008-08-28)

ok I got this problem Dopeman, that all the maps are damaged...
I just unrar it with Winrar but when it gets to the maps it totally fails and says the files are damaged or invalid..
what to do :/

lordspanky (2008-08-29)

get news winzip.. u got old winzip thats the problem

onthespot64 (2008-08-29)

I have a problem and I cant find a way to fix it. It happens at THE ARBITER level.
When that level is loading, the screen changes to all-black and the hard disk heads park. No further activity occurs. The system (Windows Vista Home Premium) then freezes and must be manually powered off.
Once, and only once, was I able to get the level intro video to play (where the Arbiter gets his armor). After the video finishes, the same black screen and freezing described above occurs.
Further attempts to load the level have resulted in only the black screen -- the video has not played since it showed that one time.

Blochsen (2008-08-30)

Seed please

Blochsen (2008-08-31)

Help please, i cant instal the XLIVEREDIST program ??
Please help

AR5T7 (2008-08-31)

another working torrent XDDED cool man, ty

nicodk (2008-08-31)

seed for fucks sake, i got 12mbits but i dl with 4 kb/s...

karolyzaz (2008-09-01)

seed for the fucking motherland torrent shows me i'm uploading 78kb/s and i'm downloading only 20kb/s so seed!!! or i make my upload limit to 10 kb/s

lordspanky (2008-09-01)

Well i was uploading in 105 mbits till i got this replay...
now i closed my uploading on halo 2... i rather upload where people appreciate me =)
lordspanky at 2008-08-23 15:14 CET:
All you nubs need to rly share... lmao... i just hit my record of upload speed due to lack of seeders lol
10.5 mb second NOT MBITS MB.... so in other words 105 mbits upload speed wow... thats even insane for me... ive uploaded crap loads tonight lol...
totaly ive uploaded 3 000 gb.. but i am not hard core sharer... i got my game servers to run lol =)
here is screen shot
swedish fiber lan internet f.t.w
if ur itnressted in joining my halo servers send me a PM (i dont know if its possible but do that =) if it is)
my halo 1 server name is called
this is called seeding !
(look at the bottom right hand corner lol)

lordspanky at 2008-08-23 15:15 CET:
yes this is my new computer i purcashed 3 -4 days ago.. thats why i dont have many files beeing uploaded =(
Wormicle at 2008-08-23 19:57 CET:
Anybody actually give a fuck about Lordspanky and his upload speed? I ask merely for information.

DaCohenator (2008-09-04)

currently downloading at an average of 350kb/s thanx to all seeders and of course dopeman you fuckin rule!!!!
i will seed when ive finished downloading

truedesire (2008-09-07)

thanks for the d/l.I now get how to seed a d/l so I am going to do that!

daz648 (2008-09-09)

this didnt work for me,, followed it to the letter and game didnt run...unusual for dopemans stuff 1st time one of your games hasnt worked for me and ive downloaded most of yours..thanks anyway mate..

genti33 (2008-09-09)

Shit game... poor graffs for a number 2

dwworw (2008-09-10)

Well i had no prblems with the game when seeding is in the question!!!!!!!!! but when i stated it it was fine until i passed the first lvl (15 min max) then it requiers the product to be activated !!!!!!!!!

IRathI (2008-09-13)

Could anyone tell me how to set the keyboard settings? It keeps telling me I can't, because the key is already binded, and I have to clear it, But I cant' seem to clear it.... Any help?

willzors (2008-09-14)

this is lagging as hell for me i can barely play, and the game freezes at the level Armory and i have to either restart the comp or wait for like 10-15 min and then close down Halo, anyone knows what it could be? every other dopeman games i've downloaded works fine

Robz1995 (2008-09-14)

i dont think i will download, the comments say its preety laggy... sorry dopeman

Robz1995 (2008-09-14)

i hv to download.. i reli want this game + i cant find any more torrents i trust.. i will give it a go

Robz1995 (2008-09-14)

Seed 19/170 around 20kb/s

Robz1995 (2008-09-14)

Whats the Product Key???

TheGamingBay (2008-09-15)

TO EVRYONE.. Its looks like dopeman forgots to tell how the fuck to fix that Activation piss.. If anyone knowz how to fix this please email me at : [email protected]... PLEASE it would been so kindly

Dead1881 (2008-09-17)

I ask that you please read this article.

angloth (2008-09-20)

hey dopeman! how do i get th vresdict installer to start?

DkIn112 (2008-09-22)

Can anyone help me with this?
Everything SEEMS to work fine, and my machine has XP, but when I run Halo 2 for it using the .bat, it STARTS the game, and I see the initial load screen and Gregorian chanting, but then it flashes, turns black, music stops, and the game quits (While making my resolution the SMALLEST it will go.)
I also put in the Permanent Activation Fix, but that did nothing (not that I expected it to.)
Possible problems?
-My machine fits all the requirements EXCEPT that it requires 1gb RAM and I have 960gb RAM- But I figured since the "Minimum Requirements" are also the "Recommended Requirements" according to windows, the accepted range kind of fits into my range. Would the game really end itself if I'm short just a few MB?

DkIn112 (2008-09-28)

No takers?

Wiiaddict (2008-09-29)

downloading as we speak
or have been downloading, since like 945 tis morning, and i ask u, if ur downloading h2, u must have one BIG ASS internet connection, so plz, when ur done, do unlimited seeding, its doesn't hut you any ore than not seeding @ full capacity would the downloader!
i mean come on!
i can seed @ over 250 kbps, but i don't wanna, if Im downloading h2 as we speak!
i will, upload @ infinite because im nice that way, so plz do the same, really want to play this sometime 2nite ok?

Wiiaddict (2008-09-29)

woops, 4got 2 post mah record speed, lesse, 295.7 kbps...
yeah, its pretty fuxing fast.... XD
it held for aboot 10 seconds, and then fell o 150 kbps and stayed for another hour like that, then went back 2 the 50 area... :)
beat dat!

witten19 (2008-09-29)

Hi, I have the same problem as 'onthespot64' and 'heypete' (on another page). I can play the game up to the point were the Arbiter level is loading and then my screen turns black and I need to close the pc off manually. Does anyone have a solution for this problem? Or can someone load that level up so I can merge it in the game dir? I don't even know if this will cure the problem, but any kind of help will be much appriciated. I've googled it but didn't find a way to resolve this, maybe the two guys I mentioned above can provide me some clues. I have a xp pro sp3 machine and I want to finish this magnificent game to the end... PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN !!! Thanks in advance...

kora04 (2008-10-09)

it keeps telling me that there is a dll error and the setup closes after that happens!!!
and what do i do w/ the other zip file in the INSTALL FIRST folder???

kora04 (2008-10-09)

mine was 350K/s
beat dat!!!

kora04 (2008-10-09)

never mind, it didnt work for me

nealongreene15 (2008-10-10)

Dude Lol u need a crack for this othewise u cant even play past lvl 2 or get online...

bobakkenlives (2008-10-11)

My Biggesst speed was 489 kB/s!!! look in ur peer list for me when u find me it will say BoBakkenDies as the IP addres or whatever

1ploppy1 (2008-10-13)

great game !
anybody got a link to halo 3 ??

afgboy (2008-10-14)

Heey guys.. does it work ??

webzi91 (2008-10-15)

It works, but after level 1, I can not move forward, and I've tried with the activation file [PC] _Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_FIX_ [crejbi], [dopeman] I can not get it to work ... is there anyone who can help me ... PLZ

Contrabanana (2008-10-21)

I would really apriciate someone telling me how to continue playing after "Cairo Station". The game want an activation code but there is no solution on that on vista, at least not tat i have found. If anyone could be kind to tell me how to fix this on Vista it would be great!

Oblivion_cool (2008-10-22)

Please Dopeman can you please send your activation code...all it will do is get your torrent way more downloads and let people enjoy online play as you do... Again what harm will it do jus letting people go online. Lastly please consider my comment. You can send it to my email ([email protected] my spam email account..) or you can send it to the whole thepiratebay .org and share it with every one so they can enjoy on line expericence
Andyman259 please..

xRIGIDx (2008-10-24)

Tested on Vista and XP works fine thnx Dopeman ^^

HALO2DUDE (2008-10-27)

Email me at [email protected]
put the subject as CD KEY uppercase okcya!

HMz785 (2008-11-07)

Seed Please, I'm downloading at 0.7 KBs.

HMz785 (2008-11-09)

SEED!! seed please down speed at 5.0 KB/s. :(

Jax828 (2008-11-11)

Dude Hes Not Giving You His Activation Code Because You Cant Use 1 Code At The Same Time Same Goes With Anyone That Gets One High Chance Someone Or Like 500 Other People Are Using It Unless You Buy The Game

ineedcrysis (2008-11-11)

Dopeman thnx
I managed to play online!HAHA suck ppls!
U CANNOT use the default key because its already used by dopeman so theres no point trying to get online
I got the default key from my key revealer and i used a key changer to change the key that i found online and it WORKS ONLINE!!!XD!!!THNX AGIAN DOPEMAN!!!

payeurp (2008-11-14)

Please seed everyone!

chaoticwar10 (2008-11-17)

plzzz seed only at 2 kb/sec

cold_trojan (2008-11-17)

it doesnt work on xp it says loads of dll files are missing please help!!

bubbykins (2008-11-18)

hey cold_trojan i help you it does work on xp u just making a common mistake. heres how to do it:
1. search for "dopeman directx" and download
the "YOU NEED THIS TO GAME" one. abt 40MB
2.unRAR it and whenever you need a .dll for a
game, just find it in wherever you put the
directx stuff and drag/drop to game folder.
3.thats it! game freely.

cold_trojan (2008-11-19)

sorry but it still doesnt work this time it comes up with that live thing and it says Live gameing on windows failed to intalize i will try and get that live thing agian and reinstall it

chaoticwar10 (2008-11-20)

alright i got a problem and this is wat it says: "Initialization failed. Either insufficient system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged.Reinstalling the game may fix the problem"
Any help here? or do i need to get a whole new computer to play 1 game?

sagem16 (2008-11-20)

whenever i try to run "XP PLAY HALO 2" the cmd prompt opens with no words and i cant type anything, and after a few seconds it disappears, plz help

cold_trojan (2008-11-22)

Please help im gettin realy annoyed can somone give me a link where i can get the live thing from

Meh_Me_Meh (2008-11-27)

How can i get a key just so i can carry on playing i dont care much about online play i just want to play past "Cairo Station"!!!
Can anyone help me please? (Im on vista)

crazybud (2008-12-02)

hey thanks again dopeman your always my go to guy for games and this explains it ive gotten 2 tom clancy's rainbow 6 from you they worked till i beat them then deleted them and then got sniper elite (fun game) played that till i beat it then deleted it got ralisport playing that and not a lick of issues so far and then now halo 2 for vista and it works great so far had to add some missing .dll files and after that worked like a charm mean time this is all on vista holly shit
just wanted to say thanks i am now going to go look for a new game from you hoping you got a ghost recon i like to keep myself in a variety and i seed them till i beat them thinks that fair enough to everybody

damian74 (2008-12-06)

hey please how to activate the game?? pelase help

laptoplee (2008-12-06)

Seed People im stuck on 75% and downloading a 3kb/s

damian74 (2008-12-07)

please help im need to activate the game ... but how?? answer on [email protected] pelase help

Sebe4 (2008-12-07)

Come on guyz plz seed lol i will luv you for ever and will seed after i am done lol

phoenix514 (2008-12-09)

every one seed you want more people to play online right???? soo seed

SuperSonic_ht (2008-12-12)

Getting same stupid error again- "Live gaming on Windows failed to initialize"
Whats the solution to this?- many people have been getting this error.

satpirate (2008-12-14)

The same problem... "Live gaming on Windows failed to initialize" when i doubleclicked 'XP PLAY HALO 2.bat'
Pls help dopeman or someone who got this solved... many thanks...

satpirate (2008-12-14)

Dopeman, pls help to troubleshoot the problem i am facing.... "Live gaming on Windows failed to initialize" I am having XP, 512MB RAM, Intel GMA ... pls throw some light whether is it a problem with system minimum requirement or what???

swgeek10056 (2008-12-20)

FOR ANYONE WHO HAS PROBLEMS LIKE THE PEOPLE BEFORE ME WITH "Live gaming on Windows failed to initialize" ITS BECAUSE YOU NEED TO PATCH ONLINE GAME PLAY. its not because of your system or anything, its because it was not included in the files given. i read about this from another person, i forgot his name, but he was on tpb. anyway go to this site and upload the patch and it SHOULD help.

if it doesnt then i will have no clue as to how to help you further, nor will i because i seldom visit the same torrent download url twice. if it doesnt work, then as far as i know, you're screwed.

SnipeDown1991 (2008-12-25)

Everything has worked finee untill it asks for a product key? can any one tell me where to find it plzz. :D thanks guys x

vdrug (2008-12-31)

hello mr.dopeman i installed the items in "install these first" folder and i tryed to lanch the game with xp play halo2 as i am using xp it is showing "this application has failed to start because d3dx9_31.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." Pleas sir help me to get out of this problem. Thank you sir....

dbehgus (2009-01-04)

i downloaded this game and followed the instructions. but when i click xp play halo thingy a black screen comes up and just disappears and it says something like missing something blah blah blah. so i tried the patch the one swgeek mentioned, when click halo patch it says 'HALO is not installed on your computer please help. MR>DOPEMAN PLEASE HELP SIR!

ChishioAme (2009-01-04)

Excuse me, I seem to be having a bit of an unknown problem here. I've installed XLiveRedsit1.0.6027, but when I tried to install vcredit, it got about half way through the installation it came up with an error message saying "Error 1311. Source file not found:
Verify that the file exists and that you can access it." It happens every time I attempt to install it, but I can't find the file, let alone the folder it's supposed to be in. Could you advise me as to what I'm doing wrong?

erasared (2009-01-08)

uhm were is the ''instal this first'' folder??
Ican't find it plz anyone help me

erasared (2009-01-08)

and i got a 7z fil named h2 that i can't open unless i have a program to open it with what program should i open it with??

JoeWalls (2009-01-09)

vdrug at 2008-12-31 09:53 CET:
"hello mr.dopeman i installed the items in "install these first" folder and i tryed to lanch the game with xp play halo2 as i am using xp it is showing "this application has failed to start because d3dx9_31.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." Pleas sir help me to get out of this problem. Thank you sir...."
I am having the same problem, please help.

JoeWalls (2009-01-09)

Probelm solved for me! vdrug, download the .dll file form this site and save it to C:/Windows/System 32/

JoeWalls (2009-01-09)

erasared, use WinRar to extract everthing into a folder.

xxxcounter12 (2009-01-13)

I don't have winrar yet right now but i have daemon tool i wish to mount the H2,7z

Shungbat69 (2009-01-15)

Where Do I extract these files? This is so fucked up, that vcredist.msi doesn't even do anything, it says sum stupid shit when it opens but doesn't install anything. And what do I do with the Rar file called vcredis1?

Shungbat69 (2009-01-15)

Wtf, I started playing the campaign and it says I need to activate the product somehow, wtf do I do? This torrent is gay.

HHHSSS24 (2009-01-18)

how do you install

zimsmoke (2009-01-20)

There is no install.
Extract. Play.
for the activation crap...
move the mf.dll in this to windows\system
and get the razor cracked mf.dll and put that into the game folder.
all works good.
Kind of lame game tho. if you dual wield a weapon you can no longer swap weapons.
the control setup is real sad.
and the storyline is kind of empty this time around.

EaglesGod5 (2009-01-23)

Pfffft, can't even play this online. What's the point of downloading this shit then when I have Halo 2 for Xbox?

darkmarksman (2009-01-26)

vdrug your problem is probably a directx problem. Try to reinstall directx

Shungbat69 (2009-01-27)

umm, what razor cracked mf.dll file? Where the fuck do u get that from?

whitey898 (2009-02-06)

I only have 7 seedsers out of 71 lol

halotorentsftw (2009-02-12)

Listen up guys for everyone with problems on runing it u need to do a few things:
1.There is a activation workaround Link just browse the comment pages copy all folders(i only copied the game and it worked fine(im using XP))
3.once u reach level 12 gravemind download proces monitor just google it and voila ure set to play Halo 2.... note u dont need to do anything with proces monitor just have it runing before u load gravemind level

Shungbat69 (2009-02-19)


Shungbat69 (2009-02-19)

affirmative, wow, getting this game to work has been a big waste of time.

supernovahh (2009-02-24)

When i try to get this to work, i have everything set up right, i did it the exact way but i get a black box and then it dissapears when i try to run the game. nothing shows up just the black command prompt box and then its gone.

xxxcounter12 (2009-03-03)

i bought the game halo 2 and i want to share my product key TRY IT! here BRT6D-XFXG8-DDXV9-4RPVV-P686Q

xxxcounter12 (2009-03-03)

if you have a message says, " Live Gaming on Windows failed to initialize. This may be because another
LIVE Gaming on Windows application (such as the Halo 2 dedicated server) is
running on the same machine. Otherwise, reinstalling the game may fix this
i have 3 solutions on that first go to control panel
uninstall livegaming and go to this link and download it

place it to halo2 folder...and ur done

ToBadForYou (2009-03-10)

my window turn black the it close then it says instalizing failed

ChilZ_ (2009-03-18)

im trying to "remove the file 'dwmapi.dll' from the game folder and start
with halo2.exe" but it wont let me, little help?

Pezz92 (2009-03-20)

hey, guys how do i activate this on vista?

Shadowsken (2009-03-22)

I use vista, but when i try to open the game after doing evrything i get a message saying - This application has failed to start because d3dx9_31.dll is missing.
Any help because that makes no sense to me

pn00s (2009-03-22)

Hi Dopeman, got your H2 and the relevant patches..has been playing fine for many levels, but I've completed a level with the Arbiter, it plays an FMV with the Index being taken from him by the Brutes, and the "Sorry - Insert original Disc" message comes up, preventing me from continuing...any ideas on getting past this error? Cheers

Shadowsken (2009-03-22)

Could somebody somehow get that .dll file to me?

Shadowsken (2009-03-22)

I seem to be the only person with this problem too ... :S

Shadowsken (2009-03-22)

Sorry for the tonne of comments but every time i try to f***ing start the game it tells me i have some kind of .dll file missing.
Why does god hate me

pn00s (2009-03-24)

Looks like I'm in need of the Gravemind fix. Only one I could download was TheBabeLover's one, which doesn't unRAR properly (has an error) and then refuses to start when put inthe right place. Is there a Dopeman version of the Gravemind Fix?

Alexander163 (2009-03-30)

Waht the fuck is this shit!, It dosen't work!!!! Everytime i try to play it but i get a black box and then it dissapears when i try to run the game!!

Airmaniac506 (2009-04-03)

I got a problem with my one of this. i unzipped all and did install firsts. xlive thingy then other one. then i run the run on xp.bat file and it still doesnt work. i open it and nothing runs please help me

mrprez2033 (2009-04-12)

hey uh i get the game to start but right after startup I have to "create my own live account" i tried my username and clicking submit but then the game just crashes, any help on how to work around creating a live account?

mrprez2033 (2009-04-12)

OK, now the game doesn't crash, had to put a windows LIVE update thingy so it doesn't crash after like 2 seconds, BUT now I have to use a registration code that hasn't been used excessively can anyone help me out?

Nostro333 (2009-04-12)

C'mon guys please seed for as long as you can. :(

Barbarus1 (2009-04-13)

There isn't enough seeding right now, only getting a tenth of my downlaod . Please improve your seeding

yosimba2000 (2009-04-14)

Hey for those of you guys with .DLL extension problems. (eg) blah blach culdnt find blah.dll. When this happens, just copy down what .dll extension is missing in that eroor message, go to, and type in the missing .DLL. then DOWNLOAD once you find it(save to desktop so its easy to find later on), THEN COPY THE FILE INTO YOUR SYSTEM32 FOLDER!!!!!
*system32 folder can be found with this file path:
if this helped, plz rep me up plz. :D and srry for the caps.

Barbarus1 (2009-04-19)

I got the .dll fix from crejbi and the game worked fine untill the end of an arbiter level (the one were he gets the T-shaped key thing and is betrayed by his own).
right then i get the message again for inserting the halo cd. I saw some comments with the same problem but no solution yet. Havent read all 36 pages with comments though.
anyone know how to fix this? thx

S53 (2009-04-30)

342 KB down? AMAZING!

slamer2000 (2009-05-01)

Hey, can you play it with xp?

GH3TTFAF (2009-05-03)

Did you even fucking read the description you fucking retard?

zuhairi1994 (2009-05-08)

jeez... why are there so many comments?

PX173 (2009-05-16)

Alright, I applied the xp patch(the 1st comment), installed the stuff in the [obvious] folder, downloaded DX9, filled in the missing dll files, but when I launched it(it got no errors) nothing happened. halo2.exe has an error, along with startup.exe. I ran XP ON HALO 2, nothing works.
I waited 3 days for this torrent, so please help. As of now I'm typing at 2:18 AM in my timezone.

Halodude_tg (2009-05-16)

As of now, seeders wanted, there are no peers available!!! :(

PX173 (2009-05-16)

XP PLAY HALO 2 isn't working.

PX173 (2009-05-16)

Alright, this SUCKS.

PX173 (2009-05-16)

When I finally got startup.exe to launch, it says "Files either damaged or missing."
Very stupid.

teamsamson888 (2009-05-24)

doesnt work ask for cd key pretty weak.

ZackyBear (2009-05-27)

Hmm that's weird... It worked before the crejbi activation fix. But after doing what he said in the read me, it started getting errors.

Andrewb94 (2009-05-31)

Dopeman, I love you for uploading this, but there's a problem. whenever I start the halo 2.exe file it says "this application has failed to start because d3dx9_31.dll was not found. Re installing the application may fix this problem."

timranger (2009-06-07)

I am having trouble, how can i play online?? i know, it is a noob question, deal with it

S53 (2009-06-13)

Reinstall DX9 for any "d3dx9_....." problems.

megas_xlm (2009-06-20)

Thanks, dopeman. Excellent torrent. The only problem I have is none of the text is showing up. I can play the game until the first level on Earth, but after that an error message shows up and I don't know WTF it says.
Anyone know a solution?

John79416 (2009-06-22)

If I get a legit CD key will this work online?

andicro (2009-06-22)

I'm very disapointed with this game becouse it JERK!!!
I try to play on low and default,try to lover resolution but nothing helps!
I have:
---Xp Professional
Service Pack 3 RTM Build 5512
Directx 10
Gamer Edition
---AMD Athlon X2 Dual Core 5400+,3.01GHz
2.00GB of RAM
---ATI Radeon HD 3870,512MB-GDDR3
My PC easy plays all newest game with no problem but this HALO 2 for XP and Vista JERK!!!

Pro_Downloader (2009-06-23)

sorry dopeman but doesnt work on vista, well not on mine, i can play the first 3 level (which r the training levels but after tht it says i need a activation code thing or something like tht =(

John79416 (2009-06-25)

Funny thing is I have the same JERK problem. But another question If I get a legit CD key will this work online?

John79416 (2009-06-25)

Everytime I try to change the resolution my pc crashes

dewil619 (2009-06-25)

hey dopeman halo 2 worked perfectly in the beginning but when I got to the Gravemind level it asked me to insert original halo 2 game disc.what should I do?

John79416 (2009-06-28)

This is pretty much useless. Even if you own a legit cd key you can't update the game and play online. Also has a jerk problem and screen resolution. You also can't play it on lan over hamachi due to the fact that you cant update it for some dumb reason.

ruukasa (2009-06-29)

after the first couple levels when master chief heads to earth a thing pops up and says something like "activate to continue playing" or something and exits to main screen, anyone have any idea what to do?
also sorry to everyone out there asking for help (seems like majority of ppl posting) but i dont think dopeman looks at this torrent anymore so hopefully there are other ppl out there with technical knowledge and time to help.

p0tat0eboy (2009-07-03)

Hi, I was just wondering if I should sign in with my actual LIVE Gamertag?

John79416 (2009-07-06)

No you shouldn't after you do that it will ask you for a valid cd key meaning legit purchased one.

John79416 (2009-07-06)

I went ahead and bought the game instead for online play.

Shadow2D (2009-07-08)

When loading the fourth level ("Outskirts") the game asks for the original CD and to activate the game. I realize that this has probably been answered somewhere within 900+ comments, but I REALLY dont want to read through that.
So what do I do? Is there a patch or crack or something?

Shadow2D (2009-07-09)

Nevermind that last comment.
When loading gravemind, it asks for the original disk. I'll look around for what I should do, but if I cant find it, someone kindly help me.

ruukasa (2009-07-10)

the thing on the first page that says it fixes xp also fixes vista problems, although i did have to fight my computer for control of system 32 folder.

Avendesora (2009-07-11)

#2 To declare myself being very much finished with all work concerning this game. An outrageous number of hours went in to this game, and to be honest, I dont play it, nor ever will. All my playing hours were only to test. Its not my preferred genre of games and was simply a conquest of sorts for all of you. Hence, I will not be replying to any comments or answering any more questions. So please try to help each other out.
I want to thank crejbi again for discovering an activation fix that works with my rip. Thank you.
420Dopeman wrote this in 2007. has nobody noticed he isnt answering questions anymore?

penguin23 (2009-07-17)

I put in the files from the xp activation fix into the correct places and it would let me play further levels but it would ask for the halo 2 game disk once i reached to the level called Gravemind. Can someone help me fix this?

godware (2009-07-17)

works great but it has a slight jerking problem for me. not my computer as I can see that other people have the same problem.
and people should stop asking about online stuff. It even says so in the instructions. "No, you aint be playing this online. Dont ask"
so there. otherwise, the torrent actually works anyway.

moneymadman398 (2009-07-17)

oh nevermind. it doesn't jerk for me now and it seems to work perfectly but my menu still jerks a little
the game itself working fine.
cheers to tha dope

godware (2009-07-26)

whoops logged into the wrong account. that's me.

OCbeta (2009-08-10)


iMoviesGalore (2009-08-17)

Go fuck yourself.
Great torrent dopeman. Keep up the good work.

taha116 (2009-08-18)

Can some1 verify that the campaign mode works perfectly with now wierd stuff? i know theres no online but thats ok its the game itself that matters 2 me is it all good?

scoper156 (2009-08-24)

hey dopeman i followed EVERY instruction u said for vista and the xlive thing when i start game it doesnt let me pass to 2nd mission... it askes for product key

Pro_Downloader (2009-08-28)

ive tried everything to get tht activation thing to work, but nothing for vista has worked for me!!! the first 3 training lvls or first 3 thingys u do works, but right after tht u need a bloody activation code or something??? its either the crack wont read or work for vista or this perfectly good torrent from "dopeman" isnt complatible for vista or something like tht!!!!!!!??!?!?!?!?!?!? well thts wat i think!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

joshfb (2009-08-30)

DUDE WTF DOPEMAN ive downloaded a shit load of games of ya but this one sucks im sorry man i got a LEGIT FUCKING cd key and it still tells me to insert a fuckin disk after i put the legit cd if some on can help me out that would be great till then this shit is CRRRAAAAPPP!!!

joshfb (2009-08-30)


nasageek (2009-09-10)

Gravemind fix

Laendir (2009-09-16)

I've done what Dopeman said, but it won't get past the intro. The "light" touches the "A" in "HALO", then shuts down. I've downloaded the correct DirectX and installed the "install these first"-files. I didn't find any answers in the comments - please answer.

tyross (2009-09-21)

this game not work on me!!!!! i installed this like its says, and still not work, i get some errors and im using XP!!!! JUST FKING HELP ME THIS SHIT TORRENT!!!!

rattydog1 (2009-10-04)

@joshfb yo dumbass u need the key from da game it came from thats the point of a cd key..

hazziemo (2009-10-10)

where can u find a valid keycode

thegreatApe (2009-10-14)

this dont work XP save yourself the time and bandwidth i followed instructions to the letter and it wont even start.CRAP.

icmruggs (2009-10-23)

Thanks! I had to use your XP Activation workaround @

in order to get past the 3rd level (Level 1: The Hertic, Level 2: The Armory, Level 3: Ciaro Station played flawlessly with this torrent.) Both torrents had clear and easy to understand instructions.
You delivered the goods.

Ron-007 (2009-11-06)

need seeders pplz, plz would be muchly appreciated

bird4mspace (2009-11-17)

Game works perfectly on Vista! For those getting dx errors, update your dx files from M$ webshit.

avi_benny (2009-11-17)

This file is corrupt, after loading the image it just kept saying that it was corrupt.

dagen0 (2009-11-22)

I got no clue at first when i opened the XP PLAY HALO 2 file it said missing dxdx9 or wutever then i downloaded the april 07 version and everything then it opened but like 2 seconds after it closes

dagen0 (2009-11-22)

and im not sure why but for some reason i cant read any of the comments ill change pages and its just blank

saare (2009-11-29)

i have a question if i going toclick on the startup then it says createprocesswithtokenW COULD NOT BE LOCATED IN THE DYNAMIC LINK LIBARY ADVAPI32.DLL BUT I HAVE ADVAPI32.DLL

.BlackIce (2009-12-05)

Fucking Dopeman has the worst torrents ever. All of his uploads are stupid as fuck, most of them where he removes multiplayer. Halo 2 is boring as fuck in single player, so unless your playing online or with a friend in coop then what's the fucking point in even downloading this?

RaLe626 (2009-12-11)

Works on both Win XP SP2 and Win7 64 bit.
Thanks a lot :)

PatrickManning (2009-12-11)

How do I "activate" so that I can play past The Armory. This upload is SHIT. I lost all my save data when it stopped me from progressing the first time.

Hakazuki (2009-12-19)

need it a windows xp sp?

PatrickManning (2009-12-21)

keeps crashing in the part where im supposed to take the scarab or something. this sucks

battle21 (2009-12-21)

if you need to activate it, find the crack in gamecopyworld and replace the .exe file with the crack and play!

barker279 (2009-12-23)

Is this version ripped or is it the full version?

snakku (2009-12-23)

i managed to get halo to run only to run into the windows live activation prob ... as soon as halo loads , a windows live message pops up and i have to input my email , password and then the cd key .. i tried using the activation workaround cause i dont have a product key .. but i couldnt get it to work ..anyone knows how to help? lol

battle21 (2009-12-24)

dopeman help i registered at windows live and i have windwos live but when i click run on xp halo 2 because im using xp the game freezes at the halo 2 loading screen. Help!!!when i first ran it an xbox live screen appears and it says it needs an xbox controller.

battle21 (2009-12-24)

dopeman next time please upload the full version not the rip!!!!upload the full version as an iso file because i hate rips!!!!

Taught (2009-12-30)

Is this the full rip/complete version of the game?

RAND0L (2010-01-13)

Damn! people who keep asking if its a rip or full! ITS A FUCKN RIP IT SAYS IN THE TITLE

Metaldevil666 (2010-01-20)

I did what the discription sayd... couldnt find some files but they didnt seem to matter.
point is, I can play.. but only for 3 lvls before I have to enter a product key.. wtf???
where can I get a friggn product key???

EagleDig (2010-01-25)

When I run Halo2, he start in 640x480px and after 10 sec, He crash !!

jake12061 (2010-01-28)

Wait... why do windoes live pop up when starting the game asking for a key?

drivven51 (2010-02-02)

ok this torrent seems to be the most dificult torrent ive ever come across to..anyone agree?
well id much appreciate it if someone would email me at [email protected],
so i can get the detailed imfo on how to get this to work!
ive read through all of the comments, but they dont enough time to make them easier..

abdulwadoodfaiz (2010-02-06)

Help needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guys, the create-online-ID screen is the only thing promoted after I started the game. I followed all the steps. Any suggestions please? Thanks.

Robot23456 (2010-02-06)

How do you get this to work under Windows 7 64-bit? It demands activation.

ltcmdrData (2010-02-07)

doesn't work under xp, there is no way to install it.

jackeyda (2010-02-08)

is this working with my 32-BIt on my window 7

harper9393 (2010-02-08)

dont work at all if you have got it to work tell me how plz

DTHSECA (2010-02-10)

hi guy i have been waiting here for this DL to finish ya but you guy are not seeding that much i want you guy to seed more my DL speed is 101.25kb thats shit !!!!

Reversd (2010-02-13)

do you guys even force the download and set the bandwith to high?

Reversd (2010-02-13)

since windows vista is similar as windows 7, does it run on it?

Reversd (2010-02-13)

damnit, cant play the game with my stupid intel gma 3100... even tried 3D analyze but nope downed me on that too..

GodIsTheWay2012 (2010-02-17)

PLZ :) today plz!!!!!!
If u do i will seed for 2 months
:) PLZ !!SEED!!

GodIsTheWay2012 (2010-02-17)

I'm at 93.9% PLZ seed more today so I can play. :)
!!!PLZ SEED!!!

GodIsTheWay2012 (2010-02-17)

Dose this work on win 7????????????

GodIsTheWay2012 (2010-02-18)

Thx !!!!!! It works great on win 7!!!! :)

superman101 (2010-02-19)

Installation went fine but just like others I've reached the point where it asks me to activate my game... interestingly enough it was after the first mission, not the Gravemind one. I haven't tried the various fixes yet but I'll report back after I do. Thanks 420dopeman for the upload.

Brian1454 (2010-02-19)

Most versions of windows 7 have a 'compatibility mode'.
using this mode makes you run the game in windows vista,xp or even windows 95 mode!
so most old games just work on windows 7!
downloading now

GodIsTheWay2012 (2010-02-19)

Look download the activation fix and do what it say but for win 7 and vista u have to have the permission to delet tha mf.dll file so this site will help u

then u Copy mf.dll file from SYSMTE32 folder and paste in ur windows system32 folder.
Again copy mf.dll from FOR HALO 2 FOLDER and paste that in your halo 2 installation folder.
and then u remove the MFPlat.dll file from the main directory called Halo 2 but this is for win 7 and vista only
have fun win 7 and vista users
If it worked PLz thank me. ;)

superman101 (2010-02-20)


The very first comment for this torrent links you to a permanent fix for the activation error. I downloaded it and that solved my problem...XP users should do the same. It might not work for Vista and Win 7 users but it's still worth a shot.
You're right, and although I knew that before your statement I'll thank you anyway. Thanks.

superman101 (2010-02-20)

Along with my first two comments, I found a solution for all XP users. If you're having the activation error, get the permanent fix via the first comment for this torrent. If you're having issues with the game asking you for the disk, check this out:

This will fix that problem but you'll need to make a batch file for it to work. Follow markxing and his instructions in the comment section after following the instructions in the torrent. That will solve the 'insert disk' problem.
I can't thank dopeman and everyone else enough for making this game possible on XP. It's a headache every now n then but in my opinion it's worth it. THANKS!!!

GodIsTheWay2012 (2010-02-22)

HELP!!!!! When the big alien plane finished teleporting ,in the beginning, my computer FREEZES.

superman101 (2010-02-22)

I'd guess it's your hardware. Are you sure you meet the requirements and if so, is everything updated (drivers etc)??

dopeless (2010-02-22)

Im getting this error "This application has failed to start becasue d3dx9_31.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
when i try to run the halo2 application in the halo 2 file. Can some one help me resolve this?

Hyfax001 (2010-02-23)

Thank you, Dopeman. Ive been waiting for a good version of Halo 2 SP, and i definately found it. btw people i am running Vista and was not able to activate. The way i fixed it was using the batch files that let you play the maps. Look for the alternate way to play the maps in the comment from 420dopeman on the second page of comments. Use that if you have been having troubles with activation on Vista ^^ enjoy

markveekie (2010-02-25)

does it works on windows 7

Ov3rK1LL3000 (2010-02-26)


daddy101 (2010-02-26)

ok i am having trouble may have missed something if anyone know why i am getting the insert disc after the first level please let me know and how to fix it

dopeless (2010-02-27)

It keeps asking for a product key and i cant find a keygen for it

zennyboyz (2010-02-28)

i keep getting "This application has failed to start becasue d3dx9_31.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." and im working on windows 7. how can i solve this?

fjk2s (2010-03-02)

ya, quick download...but how do I use it for XP, I already have the xlive (better version) and when i click on the vcredit.msi file, it just gathers information then quits. Am I suppose to do something with the zip file? Because when I click on the haloxp.bat, a cmd window pops up then goes away

GodIsTheWay2012 (2010-03-04)

But i even played Call Of Duty 4 on it and it worked great.
So I don't think it's my hardware

nobody960814 (2010-03-05)

After the cutscene when I drop the bomb into a ship, the game quits to the main menu and says that I can only play that far. Does anyone know what's wrong?

totlmstr (2010-03-07)

Is it just me, or is this the worst waste of time I had on downloading a torrent? There are too many problems, and the files need to be updated badly.
Besides, I can't get mine to work on Vista, even though pages 37-39 are very helpful.

mauch129Eiffel (2010-03-09)

all mine does is show a cmd box that says hao 2 play xp

mauch129Eiffel (2010-03-11)

xbox 360 2 day gold code:

Gotenks0906 (2010-03-17)

To Make this Work for Vista read Below:
1. Download Dopemans Halo 2 activation fix.
2. Follow the instructions on it and it WILL work for vista
3. Most of the time, you will recieve the message "You need permission to perform this action" when you try to put the mf.dll into the System 32 folder, to bypass this just follow instructions on

Worked for me when I did both of them, just to be safe.
Didnt work on my Vista 64 bit version, but succesfully runs on my Vista 32 bit.
Try it out and reply, Good Luck

IceHunter (2010-03-17)

Hi Dopeman! I downloaded the game and i did everythig like you wrote in the notes. But when i start with halo2.exe it says that the file d3dx9_31.dll is missing..... PLs help me :)

IceHunter (2010-03-17)

hey! it's me again. I fixed that problem. and when it's starting a screen says:
" Initialization failed. Either insufficient system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged. Reinstalling the game may fix this problem."
I'm realy confused. Can someone help me? My email ( also msn) is [email protected]
I'm italian so i'm sorry if my english is bad. hope answers, please.

tg170889 (2010-04-04)

Works perfect on XP. Thanks

Pwnzorz (2010-04-05)

All you guys who say it can't work or bla bla bla about Dopeman......
Your all simply Dumbasses or have never done shit like this before.
Go figure, if it doesn't work for you.

paver (2010-04-06)

I have windows 7 64 bit, will this game work for me nd can you play multiplayer???? help would be appreciated

CopyGamer (2010-04-06)

I think that you can't play muliplayer coz its a ripped version but maybye it has some muliplayer

paver (2010-04-06)

Thanks man! didnt think i would get a reply

CopyGamer (2010-04-07)

I don't know whats wrong with those guys that are saying that Dompeman is a faggot or whatever. BE happy that he put this game on TPB and have a little respect then, if you would be a pro in Halo you would have the original game and not a ripped one so calm down.

ollarb (2010-04-09)

This fucking sucks... I get to open it and it opens for like 2 seconds and then not responding.. FUCKING SHIT TORRENT DO NOT DOWNLOAD!

ollarb (2010-04-09)

No never mind, ITS EVEN A SHITTIER TORRENT! I got to the game I was like OMG SO AWESOME.. changed my settings... campaighn.. the heretic.. normal.. yay i saw the video for some time.. NOT RESPONDING WHAT THE FUCK!?

narutoninja7 (2010-04-10)

I get this when i start it up on my XP " Initialization failed. Either insufficient system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged. Reinstalling the game may fix this problem. HOW DO I FIX THIS?? Email me [email protected]

Aboydebeat12 (2010-04-12)

where is the set-up exe.?
pleas help:
[email protected]

Aboydebeat12 (2010-04-12)

| I use windows 7 Home prem. 74 bit

SocRcks13 (2010-04-17)

Iv briefly searched the comments, but as there are 40 pages I did not search extensively. I keep getting this error whenever I try and run this...I havnt even installed it yet.
"The procedure entry point RegGetValueA could not be located in the dynamic link library ADVAPI32.dll"
might any1 be able to direct me in the correct direction?

hellowww (2010-04-17)

mr douche (DOPEMAN) has not provided this to have the ability to play through anything higher than vista, do not download anyway, Iso files are the best and cleanist way to install games :D

gkidcj (2010-04-22)

does someone knows if the bought version will work on xp? coz i wanna play online... im gonna download this to see if the online works..

ryunax14 (2010-04-24)


mrvain32 (2010-04-25)

Initially had doubts but it works beautifully without a glitch. I have Vista Ultimate 64-bit.
For those who have problem. Just follow what dopeman has instructed.
1) Unrar Halo2
2) Install "XLive redist.." & "vcredist.."
3) Delete "dwmapi.dll" & run "halo2.exe"
For dumb ones who couldn't see halo2.exe : pls go into folder options & uncheck hide extensions for known file type !
Thanks a lot dopeman.

caustic49 (2010-04-26)

can i run in 96 mb video card please reply

oriam12 (2010-04-26)

can i play multiplayer online with this?

baxter500 (2010-05-02)

Well it really depends on what graphics card your talking about, but considering it's only a 96mb card, my answer is no, probably not. And if it does, not very well.

treto (2010-05-06)

dude its asking for a product key what the hell am i suppose to do if anyone can tell me what to do it would be very helpfull and dont tell me to just type 11111111111111111111111111 in the box it doesnt work

vrockx25 (2010-05-06)

when u create an online account with "games for windows live" it asks for a key (first it tells that it will minimize game, then asks key ,etc.).
but when u create an offline or local account in games for windows live, it doesn't ask for anything except what name you want for urself
I suggest u don't use the provided xliveredist
and download latest "games for windows live"
from microsoft. install it after installing halo
Then run halo, sign out if u have an existing account(profile). then create a new profile
but this time just scroll below of the documentation it shows u and there should be a "Create local profile"(written in BLUE). just click on that, enter your name ,click ok
ur offline account shud be done . you can now save games, it wont ask for key.
But after 3rd level it will ask for activation
.then u shud use the crack this torrent provides
and then u can play all the levels.

sentientphil (2010-05-08)

Dl'd.. worked perfectly after uninstalling newer live redist, and installing the one provided....
fast DL...
played about 30 seconds and was bored, so deleted it... so apart from the game itself, all was 100%!! will continue to upload for a while as a thankyou!
anti-v Kaspersky, no triggers... all clean...

sonic222333 (2010-05-08)

At the chapter 12 the game ask me to have the original disk for coutinue DX

biggi098 (2010-05-10)

i have the same problem as sonic222333, after playing on the covenant side in chapter 2, the game asks me for the disc 2, please help

biggi098 (2010-05-10)

chapter 12 sorry

rzask (2010-05-13)

hey can i play this on LAN.....if yes hw ??
thnx alot in advance
btw gr8 torrent

g4gerrard (2010-05-14)

is it my computer or this game crashed after 10 minutes of play...

g4gerrard (2010-05-14)

anyone know Halo 3 for pc??

TorrentChecker (2010-05-22)

Good Torrent Worked Great Thanks For upload

TorrentChecker (2010-05-22)

@oriam12 Read Thr Damn Description It Says NO

RavenZeal (2010-05-24)

i cant play couse the windows live thing
i tried to install xlive but cant couse i got newer version omewhere i cant find and the other file just do quick load then nothing happens

zacker150 (2010-06-01)

it has 203 seeds not 79

Angelslayer91 (2010-06-03)

Some one write a PROPER guide for WINDOWS 7.
I can't get it to work, help appreciated.
vrockx025's guide doesn't make any sense.

haderpants (2010-06-08)

he says "Start on Vista: remove the file 'dwmapi.dll' from the game folder and start
with halo2.exe" umm can somebody tell me how to remove this? winrar won't let me.. HELP

kn0itall (2010-06-11)

Keygen?? for live??

kn0itall (2010-06-11)

where can i get a keygen for live??

disneytech951 (2010-06-18)

Awesome torrent!!!

kurruptog (2010-06-19)

after i pass the 1st mission the game asks me for activation
plz help with this activation thing for vista

kurruptog (2010-06-19)

i played the first misson and then it tells me to actiavte it and im playing it on vista plz help

Shivi_darling (2010-06-20)

Hey thnks dopeman.............working awesome............i registered specially to thank u.........

Shippou120 (2010-06-20)

Does anyone at all have a fix for the Vista activation error after the first mission? I'd like to be able to play the entire game.

ckrules23 (2010-06-24)

does it run on windows 7 64bit

fynriz (2010-07-01)

hey guess fine just fine on windows 7. you might have to tinker a bit, but if you can't do that you're in the wrong place.

piratedamian (2010-07-02)

If it works on Vista, it will work on 7 people.

ruben7076 (2010-07-04)

This works with windows 7 64bit, you only have to remove dwmapi.dll and install the files in the 'INSTALL THESE FIRST' folder. THIS DO WORK WITH WINDOWS 7 64BIT.

louisye (2010-07-04)

i followed the instruction and it still doesn't work. it says i need to activate something... help! xp!

OwNeR_oF_ShiT (2010-07-05)

To all the dumpshits that dont know a thing this works for Windows 7 100%. Just run the game as Windows Vista on Properties and it will start installing with no problem. Thank you.

OwNeR_oF_ShiT (2010-07-05)

Or you can use
which helps also... and people must chill a bit...

bibo116 (2010-07-30)

Hi IceHunter
you can download d3dx9_31.dll here
and extract it in your c:\windows\system32 folder.

wtflolz (2010-08-02)

Cant download d3dx9_31.dll!!! pleasehelp! I have windows vista

Whit3_Addict (2010-08-03)

dosent work for win 7 don with ur act torrent risky sad:(

FXG_Team1 (2010-08-04)

this really works with
cuz i have Halo 2 i bought it and i dont have windows vista or higher so im gonna try from here :)

xhizorx (2010-08-05)

@FXG_Team1 is you bought it just try to install it and see if it works

Toumbid (2010-08-05)

There's is a problem thought with mine. I installed the game properly and etc but after in the 7th stage where you're betrayed by Tartarus, at the next level when it loads it says that it needs a #1 or #2 disk. What's wrong? I had Halo 2 on my Xbox and I know that it isn't the last level and it seems that some files are missing. Please help!!

yuvanz (2010-08-07)

dude what contry are you form?(no offence)
Because when i stared downloading it was 300kb/s after 50% it was 30kb/s what the hell is wrong

Toumbid (2010-08-10)

well, it actually says "please insert original Halo CD" so if anyone can help me or at least knows a thing about it, be my guest.

abdulwadoodfaiz (2010-08-10)

Works perfect on both Vista and XP. All hail. Thanks a bunch.

celtic66 (2010-08-15)

Oh gosh works like a charm.. i didnt even need any fixes... But lets see how it will go when i progress in the game.
Cool so far.

harrierjeeva (2010-08-17)

hi friends...well i ve played many of "his" rips but this ain't working for me just brutally exits while loading the campaign....i ve an
XP3,hd 4850 1gb,1gb ram, i need a patch??

corby1909 (2010-08-17)

hey everyone can you help me with the install i did what he said but... i have a later version of that windows gameing application and it wont let me do anything with the other thing in the install these file i click it it extracts and then it come up with this thing and green bar goes accrose and then it does nothing and it closes ???? HELP...SOS

corby1909 (2010-08-17)

it is saying that ordinal is not found ???? i dont understand can you plz help me

phnxme7 (2010-08-19)

Click on create account.
Don't click continue
but scroll down instead,
and then find a link that says
"create local profile"
and you can Play!
Happy Gaming :)

MaxMouseG (2010-08-21)

Oh lord another retarded torrent from dopeman.
God dude you suck. Stop uploading torrents. Doesn't work worth of shit.
" tirthraaj at 2010-07-13 00:47 CET:
buy the game you poor noobs"
Why are you on pirate bay?

songking (2010-08-27)

i got halo 2 for pc. I have xp so it didnt work. When i tried to install this it told me that i have a newer version of the install on my system and to remove it before i can continue.
I have no idea where that install is. I have deleted everything that looks like halo 2. What do i do?

Halorocker92 (2010-09-06)

I don't know why people are saying it won't work with Windows 7, works fine with my version. If it's compatible with Vista, it's most likely compatible with Windows 7.

ravinaust (2010-09-06)

this is ravin i am new to downloading games in pirate.
I have win 7 64 bit. i have downloaded d3dx9_31.dll and extracted in system 32 folder as said but still it says ' d3dx9_31.dll is missing reinstalling may fix this problem'
please help me cant wait to play this game. please

siddharthshinde (2010-09-09)

Amazing as usual! Thanks a lot :D

siddharthshinde (2010-09-09)

amazing as usual, thanks a lot :D

EmilWick (2010-09-12)

I got this game workin charms! BUT.. after reachin like the third level of gamin it suddenly wanted a cdkey from me if I wanted to continue playing the rest of the game. Any1 got any good answers how to solve that?

B0rNP1rAt3 (2010-09-13)

I followed all instructions, and I start the game up, play the first level and I'm all hyped up to finally play the story of Halo 2 and it says "Please register your game to continue" and brings me back to the main menu. Can someone tell me how to get past this??

h0wen (2010-09-13)

para todos los usuarios de windows 7: yo lo baje, y despues de batallar todo el dia, encontre la solucion. sigan las instrucciones que vienen en el torrent (instalen primero las 2 actualizaciones)
luego quiten el archivo MFPlatt.dll que viene dentro de la carpeta "Halo 2" y luego ejecuten el archivo "halo 2.exe" como administrador. eso me funciono a mi. suerte!

AznAssassin (2010-09-15)

thnx for this torrent. more seeds would be nice tho.

oGGu (2010-09-15)

Does NOT work on 32 bit vista home prerium (Aspire7720ZG).... It stop working at first mission's cutscene. What i need to do?

AznAssassin (2010-09-16)

ok Ive just wasted 3 Gb of my dl quota on this. The activation cracks dont work at all (because Ive tried everything in teh book to put the dll file into system32 and NO it does let me at all). Ive tried 2 cracks made by 2 different ppl. All dont work unless u have xp. VERY DISAPPOINTED. GREAT TORRENT...if u still have XP. (I finished the starting mission before the game cut me out due to no product key. And now I cant even activate an authentic product key because this is a directplay version with no registry!!!! GRRRRRRR)

AznAssassin (2010-09-16)

btw thnx dopeman! Great torrent but sadly its for xp users only :(

h0wen (2010-09-19)

like I said, this game DOES WORK WITH WINDOWS 7, you just need to calm down and try this first:
1) uninstall all LIVE applications (msn messenger, etc)
2) install both vcredist.msi and xliveredist.msi
3) remove MFPlat.dll from halo2 folder
4) double click on halo2.exe (NOT xp play halo.bat)
that's how I did make it work. I also tried 2 different cracks and didnt work. It didnt ask for any key or anything else. believe me, it worked.

west1n (2010-09-19)


west1n (2010-09-19)

since I have all of the halo games(halo 2 xbox disc broke) I am going to play them all in order for old times sake. That is if it ever finishes downloading!

bobkillingtim (2010-09-20)

Along with my first two comments, I found a solution for all XP users. If you're having the activation error, get the permanent fix via the first comment for this torrent. If you're having issues with the game asking you for the disk, check this out:

This will fix that problem but you'll need to make a batch file for it to work. Follow markxing and his instructions in the comment section after following the instructions in the torrent. That will solve the 'insert disk' problem.
I can't thank dopeman and everyone else enough for making this game possible on XP. It's a headache every now n then but in my opinion it's worth it. THANKS!!!

magneonx (2010-09-21)

Excuse me I can admit this is a great download, it finished within a minutes.
This game doesnt work for me...
Alright this what happens,
The BAT file exe tells me that a specific DirectX9 program shit is missing, I've scanned on of the comments and find the cure. It works, not it finds for this BULLSHIT CRAP XINPUT1_3.dll I need it to run this game, what should I need tot do?
Need help... Pls thanks alot.
And next time anyways, I always have been not impressed with RIPS, really I am not a fanatic of that. Next time don't rip games. Just a suggestion peace. Great upload anyway, the only Halo 2 torrent I found so far that downloads fast, Thanks for the upload Dope!!! one thumbs up though...

tinygiant (2010-09-21)

Running Win 7 - followed all the directions, uninstalled all my LIVE stuff, got the installers from the torrent to run.
But when I run the game the Live Login screen (old version) comes up and asks for a serial key. Won't let me get past the live screen to actually play the game without a valid serial.

sudhiraju (2010-09-23)

hey ..after i finisht the lvl in the library... and the brute pushes me in the hole ... i start loading for the next level.. and then it stops and sayes " please insert halo2 in you'r cdrom" or something like that.... can anyone help pls ?? pleez reply

spartan22 (2010-09-25)

works on windows 7 64 bit!!!
1) remove MFPlat.dll and dwmapi.dll from halo2 folder
2) uninstall all LIVE applications (msn messenger, etc)
3) install both vcredist.msi and xliveredist.msi
4) click on halo2.exe (run as admin) (NOT xp play halo.bat)
5) create a new live profile, then go back and click on campaign

SITttt (2010-10-09)

Hey, GREAT TORRENT! worked for me perfectly. if you can't get it to work here a quick intruction guide
1. download it
2.extract the files to your desktop the crack that is in the first comment of this torrent.
4. do what intsructions of the crack say but past the Halo 2 crack in the Halo 2 folder that you extracted.
5. scroll tot he bottom of the Halo 2 folder and click on the "XP PLAY HALO 2.bat" icon
6. play Halo 2!
ps. online is not supported as there is no cd key in this torrent. if you find a good working key, then comment with a link :D
Thank you,

janaka (2010-10-10)

hi need to know if there a way to get the LAN goin (without keys).. cuz me heard you can co-op in halo 2.. (note this is to play within a paticular LAN)

br33br33 (2010-10-11)

Ok so I finally managed to play this after a LOT of messing about, finished the first level and it told me to activate. Help please, Windows 7

RadeonShadow (2010-10-13)

u need to download d3dx9_31.dll and put it in the Halo directory if it dosnt work Update ur DirectX

GeriBoss (2010-10-20)

STILL NOT WORKING ON XP? Here is the solution: I've downloaded this and used the files within it, no luck, but i've downloaded then
used it, and then

Bran2Cool (2010-10-23)

the .7z file is corrupt and i used utorrent to download and used winrar to open it. am i doing something wrong? please help me!!

failxpos (2010-10-30)

For all those who apply dopeman / crebji fix and they still get an activation key request, you need to update Gaming Live. Just download the gaming live app from microshit (the messenger looking one)

handofnod (2010-10-30)

dude what the hell is this :

explain please , i will give you kiss hahaha LOL

handofnod (2010-10-30)

what the hell is this ?

anubhav.bindlish (2010-11-03)

Hey guys! It runs extremely slowl on my machine...
I have a Windows 7,
32 bit, with 2 GB ram,
160 GB HD,
and an ATI RAedon X-series Graphics card...
Halo combat eveloved ran just gr8 on my PC...!!
Any Help Would Be Highly Appreciated!!

stinkomiko (2010-11-08)

will this have multiplayer?

janaka (2010-11-15)

hi guys small issue... "that old feeling again" where the arbiter gets pushed over the edge.. it requests to insert the disk.. helpppp

Wackycrashbandicoot922 (2010-11-22)

I'd love to search through 44 pages of Comments, but my problem is when I try to start it, after I execute XP PLAY HALO 2.bat, I get this error message: "Initialization failed. Either incufficient system resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged. Reinstalling the game mat fix this problem." My DX is up to date, I have used both the MF.dll's, xlive redist is installed. any suggestions will help big time, thanks guys.

Wackycrashbandicoot922 (2010-11-22)

I'd love to go through 44 pages of comments, but it's tiring. My game has an error after excecuting XP PLAY HALO 2.bat. "Initialization failed. you might have insufficiant system resources to run the game" or something close to that, all the required programs are up to date.

Wackycrashbandicoot922 (2010-11-22)

Oops, sorry. Disregard that last comment, it is the same, but I couldn't be bothered to retype the whole thing when I thought it didn't submit. Sorry.

CardingtonLZF (2010-11-27)

GUYS, I created this blog to walk you through this torrent, as well as additional features you need and all steps you need to perform. I tell you how to work utorrent, WinRAR, and walk you through absolutely every single step as fully and clearly as I can: h-t-t-p-:-/-/-downloadhalo2forxp

Batmanfan202 (2010-11-27)

Very good speeds, 900KB/s.

Keithuk (2010-12-07)

Halo 2 XP + VISTA
I download it a while back and it wouldn't install on XP but it played on my Vista.

Ghunter43 (2010-12-26)

dude, the game works perfectly, but when i finish the 1st lvl it says i need to activate the game, but i dont know how, if some1 could help, it would REALLY appreaciated...
btw my computer is a Vista Home Premium.
and yes, i erased the dwmapi.dll

bobby667788 (2011-01-06)

pleasee i really need help i have done everything right i have xp sp2 when i start HALO 2 XP BAT it says "either insufficiant system resources were found to run the game or the game data is either damaged or missing" pleasee tell me the solution i really need this game please help

Gotzz (2011-01-09)

For assistance with 'crashes' or error messages/screen u can send to [email protected] - please attach the following. 1: a screen shot/print screen of the folder the game is located in (and all contents) 2: screen shot/print screen of the error message. 3: your OS (xp, xp64, vista, vista 64, 7, or 7 64) 4: What services pack you have.

bobby667788 (2011-01-09)

Gotzz on youtube type halo 2 xp error message in one of the video you will found a error of this message "either insufficiant system resources were found to run the game or the game data is either damaged or missing" that is my problem and many of us are having same problem pleasee man help us out

Gotzz (2011-01-10)

ok first off with the error message u are getting ive come across it befor - tho i am a windows 7 user. a question that i get every time i read what you say - xp with sp2? are you useing xp x64bit? if you are that may be the issue and needs to be run in compatability mode.

bobby667788 (2011-01-10)

Gotzz i have pentium 4 xp sp2 128mb intel graphics
1gb of ram dx9.0c please tell me the steps of
compatability mode i will understand better that way thank you

Gotzz (2011-01-10)

did a bit of reasearch with other people having the same problem - most of the people who they cant run have a 128mb or less intergated card (witch u have). I think this more your computer cant run it. try
this will tell your if you can play or not. If you DO NOT have the shader 2.0 try this
Fare warning on this I HAVE NOT USED/TRYED this software use at your own risk.

bobby667788 (2011-01-10)

Gotzz it doesnt work my computer dont support it either way thank you for your help you really help me out man thanks

Kaospojkenx (2011-01-16)

Worst copy ever...i've had only problems with this shit... do not download!

gaiaman554 (2011-01-17)

ill download it if it works for my Lenovo Thinkpad Windows XP laptop, i will thank u

petercha92 (2011-01-17)

the game runs well, except that i'm missing in game text. i cant see any words, although the buttons are there. could anyone help?

gaiaman554 (2011-01-17)

im doing the file extraction for the folder named "INSTALL THESE FIRST" so far so good

Nicksta94 (2011-01-25)

First off, thanks for the download. The first two levels ran flawlessly but I have stumbled into a problem. When I try and load the next level "Outskirts" It comes up with the error message "Sorry, You have to activate this product before continuing the game. Please close the game and re-insert the disc to reach the activation menu." Help please? I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Sw33tVengeanz (2011-01-28)

"Here is the fix for the activation request after level 1. Someone be kind enough to copy and paste this info to the next page of comments when it rolls around.[PC]_Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_FIX_[crejbi]_[dopeman]

Thanks to ben_high for finding this, and to dopeman for uploading. Yes, i know this is fix for xp but i'm running windows 7 and it fixed the request for activation after the 3rd level and probably the rest of the game.
To fix, it says you have to copy two .dll files to Halo 2 install directory and to System 32. However, Windows 7 did not let me replace the .dll in system 32, only keep both files and have one with (2) in front. I ran Halo2.exe as administrator. for the first time it did the Bungie intro animation and let me advance past the 3rd level perfectly.
Great torrent!

pesari (2011-01-29)

People who has problems with: "LIVE Gaming on Windows failed to initialize":
Try to download newer version of XLiveRedist (Games for Windows – LIVE Support & Updates v1.02.0241.00 December 2007):

After that Halo 2 worked. I'm running on XP SP3.

slasher27 (2011-01-31)

i need instructions pls im new to doing this

slasher27 (2011-01-31)

i need realy detaled instructions for this on gravemind and activation thing too so pls help me

rajeevrn (2011-02-01)

great fine...all the games ive commented on works...!!!!!

tamiee (2011-02-06)

im using win 7 64bit.. interested in playing online only.. will this work download? please anyone tell me

shinchyan (2011-02-11)

hi dopeman, i download halo 2..but i cannt play it in my machine(windows 7 home premium) please help me...

swim21 (2011-02-25)

uhhh yea how do u remove that dwmap.dll file from the game file??

CrazyAaron84 (2011-02-25)

@swim21 um... did you right click? lmao
anyways lol
that work around worked good, i noticed it actually ran smoother too[PC]_Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_FIX_[crejbi]_[dopeman

works for xp and vista also
just make sure you take ownershop of the mf.dll file in system32 and remember to set it so you have full control over the file :)
also want to mention that the file is needed for windows media player, so if you use that program or use the firefox plugin for it, you might want to make sure you back up that file beforehand :)

yoshey (2011-03-02)


Youma (2011-03-05)

Got a weird bug, most of the game functions run about 20 times too fast, anyone know what's wrong?

tacklebox666 (2011-03-09)

dude its a good download it works but it asks for some product key shit :/. n for you morons with a windows 7 thats running a 64 it runs maybe you type of people shouldnt have a laptop haha

Huntsman247 (2011-03-11)

seed people more pls

megaforce12 (2011-03-13)

hey guys. just a question, i instaled it.. it works.. but i have to enter an product key to advance... cant get past it and cant vind one in the folders... the keys that i did found didnt work... any ideas?

KoNvIkTeD (2011-03-17)

Woah! There are 1115 comments already written

KoNvIkTeD (2011-03-17)

I've been seeding for days and FINALLY finished the game :P

Huntsman247 (2011-03-18)

Has anyone had any luck playing it on Win7 coz it keeps on coming up with an error about the dll not being were there supposed to be. Suggestions anyone?

lukeee117 (2011-03-20)

work for windows 7?

meeniemuffin (2011-03-20)

Ok so i start the game and it still asks me for a product number thingy...i type in random bullshit and go to the sign in thing...i sign in, and that bitch tells me my product key is wrong and i cant get passed it, what do i do??? plz help, imma die if i dont play it :( i have Win XP Pro Service pack 3

candel26 (2011-03-25)

Does not work on my machine, problems with advapi32-dll

chase6342 (2011-03-26)

it wont let me click libe, i followed the instructions exactly

chase6342 (2011-03-26)

i downloaded the fix and it will let me select live now but when i click it it has me make an account and i push done, nothing happens i push live again and it wants me to make another account, its a big loop hole

pberry (2011-03-31)

So if I have 64 bit that means I have a laptop fucking retarded idiot>?

abbaa (2011-04-07)

working on windows 7 home premium... but how do i get past the windows live profile...

Gnollface (2011-04-11)

Does anybody have any idea how to uninstall this game? It's not showing up in add/remove programs (or Windows Installer Clean up) and I can't find an uninstall file.

Hokrollo (2011-04-16)

Works for Windows 7?

Hokrollo (2011-04-16)

This sucks - like any other Dopeman uploads..

css2010a (2011-04-17)

Delete MFPlat.dll
For Vista and 7 users.
Worked for me.

FuRrY321 (2011-04-19)

Should be able to just delete the unRAR'd folder. Judging by the instructions, and Dopeman's motto, "Install Nothing, Play Everything", it shouldn't be in Add or Remove Programs anyway.

trentBurton (2011-04-19)

this sucks!!!! There are a lot of who wrote delete this, delete that, but still want product key!!!
I don´t have any!! So stop fucking me about that product key!!
I´ll try another torrent

cookiefapper1337 (2011-04-19) i don't know what i'm doing wrong but, when i play the game (on the map outskirts Or something) it says you have to register you're product enter CD-Key or something....Help
Windows 7 home premium 64-bit

FuRrY321 (2011-04-20)

So far so good, downloaded and seeding. Haven't actually gotten past the first map yet, so nothing about a product key. Want to finish Halo: CE again first before playing this, though, so I'll let you guys know how it goes.
Windows 7 Home Premium, 32-bit.

didu114 (2011-04-23)

I cant install vcredist.msi... it gives an error saying "System admin has set policies to prevent this installation"
Any suggestion to get around this??
Ive changed the Software restriction policies but still no luck!! :((

didu114 (2011-04-23)

When I try to install vcredist.msi it say "system admin has set policies to prevent this installation"
I am the bloody admin!!
and ive set enforcement in software restriction policy to All users except local administrators...
and still no luck.. :(((
Pls help...!!!! dying to play this!!!!!

FuRrY321 (2011-04-24)

Nope, no dice. Damn. After the first mission, right after the cutscene of them going down to Earth, boom, message saying I need to activate it.
You know, I may just end up buying it for the multiplayer and lack of frustration getting cracks 'n' such to work.

bruky123 (2011-05-02)

yEaH bAbE, tHa GaMe WoRkS PeRfEcTlY!!!
TNX!!!! (TnX!!!!)

BADDD (2011-05-03)

Good game, torrent, and soundtrack. Windows 7 users have to just do the same thing as Vista users: delete dwmapi.dll
After that the game works fine!

samer080 (2011-05-07)

hey anyone plzz help me i cant get off of the login thing i need a serial number or what i do plzz help me iam on windows 7 ultime 32 bit :(

pokehax0009 (2011-05-12)

dont worry, im gonna post a bunch of serials:

samer080 (2011-05-13)

pokehax0009 thnx man but didnt work man this is not a full serial number :( plzzz help me ell me what i do :(

JJackrabbit (2011-05-13)

has this file got malware?

JJackrabbit (2011-05-13)

Just tried to play the game and it keep's throwing the LOADER file into my virus vault saying it contains Malware is there a way to stop this?

derkevevin (2011-05-14)

Doesnt work 4 me
im on win7 64bit
this is the error i get:
The ordinal 126 could not be located in the dynamic link library dwmapi.dll.
sounds like bullshit 4 me but anyways, i dont think its dopemans fault, maybe it is, but i have no idea whats wrong, ima just try another one for now.

f4ll3n4ng3l (2011-05-17)

first of all tyvm to dopeman and tyvm to seeders :)
a lot of people seem to be runnin into problems, i just wanna know pre-emptively is there an activation problem for windows vista/7? if so how can it be fixed?

anaximandro (2011-05-19)

Does anybody knows if that is the full version or if it request the 2nd CD???
Answer please!!

f4ll3n4ng3l (2011-05-25)
for vista/windows 7

spartin5 (2011-06-04)

For those who are using vista and problem with registration follow these steps and you will get it work :
--->download the activation crack provided by dopeman.
---->copy the MF.dll file from crack folder to halo 2 installation folder and replace it.
----->Remove "dwmapi.dll" and "MFPlat.dll" from
installation folder.
This will work 100% .

ppezpez2 (2011-06-05)

I have it running perfectly! Startup is smooth except when I get to the Games for Windows Live Login, then I need a product key. What do I do?

 ua3 (2011-06-08)

Works Perfect , Thanks.

xvongolaboss (2011-06-15)

hi, this torrent of dopeman is great with the use of the this fix i have already played this game halfway on the part where i was the covenant and when Keyes (woman captain) was abducted by the covenant. after that it ask to insert DISC2 and now im lost. if dopeman or crejbi can read this, please help we realy want to play this game and you are the only ones were counting on. tnx.

389aaa (2011-06-16)

how do you activate it on windows 7?

brandon57521987 (2011-06-24)

what is the cd code for this game

RiggadoN (2011-06-28)

need a product key?

RiggadoN (2011-06-28)

anyone got a key?

4966 (2011-06-29)


Kurogane35 (2011-07-02)

How do i reach the activation page?

thetenfold (2011-07-09)

Not working for me on xp... I tried the crack and all but I get this screen every time.
"Can't sign in because your product key is not valid. Please enter a valid product key."
I tried a few different keys listed in the comments but I still get this. How can I play??

thetenfold (2011-07-09)

Ok I figured it out.
1) Create a new live profile
2) A window will pop up. Scroll to the bottom, and click a blue link called Create an offline profile (can't remember exact text).
3) Follow instructions. No product key needed.

zimsmoke (2011-07-14)

Does not work. Asks for activation after the first chapter of the game.
Which you might be able to fix somehow. But honestly at this point. I tasted the game. it's a crap dumbed down slower feeling sluggish fps than the last halo. And my desire to see the halo story movie isn't enough to continue trying to make this PIECE OF SHIT work.
I could just buy it. But really. fuck halo 2. fuck microsoft as well.

GigaOrion (2011-07-20)

Fuck you for uploading shit you can't even play. all you can do is play the first chapter, nothing else and there is no way to do so. Don't waste your time downloading this.

SpoOkkkkk (2011-07-26)

works on windows 7..?

xXUndoneTripodXx (2011-07-27)

seed please :D

volkitheman (2011-08-09)

who have problem with The ordinal 126 could not be located in the dynamic link library dwmapi.dll u have a dwmapi in your halo 2 folder but u just need add this. dwmapi.dll (add the (.dll) and it will start but u will have a other problem u only able to play this first chapter..

NekroFreq (2011-08-15)

tried it on windows 7 couldn't get it to start

xlucajx (2011-08-18)

its works win windows 7
1. use win rar to extract program
2. down the files in INSTALL FIRST
3. delete the program dwmapi.dll
4. start game
i cant find a keygen so you cant play

loopole2 (2011-08-19)

Trying this on windows 7, downloaded everything, extracted, intalled all the install first files, deleted the dwmapi file and ran halo2.exe,
System error, d3dx9_31.dll is missing from your computer.
So close :( Help?

Snipmen (2011-08-24)

wow how nice just plaid the 1st chapter this should be called [PC] Halo 2 XP+ VISTA [DEMO] [dopeman]

nielsoja (2011-08-28)

you just need to update your direct x. then it should work

enduro5678 (2011-08-28)

If the key does not work use an offline profile

chiragz007 (2011-08-29)

heyaa friend, i hav downloaded the game, done the step as stated but stiil its showing error, wat i have to do, m havin OS windows xp home edition.!! PLS help..:(

chiragz007 (2011-08-29)

ma pc config is:-
1gb ram
160gb HDD
945 gigabyte m/b
cor 2 duo processor
can i play the game on this config?? pls help..!!

torrentreview (2011-09-05)

I'm here to try out torrents and feedback on them.
For me & from some that commented, the first stage could only be completed & the activation nag would come in.
You can try[PC]_Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_FIX_[crejbi]_[dopeman],
it would be more direct, but won't work for some, as Vista & 7 would not allow the file to be overwritten.
You can then try[PC]_Halo_2_XP_ACTIVATION_WORKAROUND_[dopeman],
it would be more complicated, but should be able to work.
This is a good torrent, thanks dopeman for making the effort.

TyMod (2011-09-10)

Download my version. No it will not work on XP. Why? Because this one will. But it works great on Windows 7. Please read the comments though if you have a 32 bit computer. It will save you and me ALOT of time.

crisvincent (2011-09-12)

@loopole2, d3dx9_31.dll, is a DirectX error.. install DirectX 9.0 here:

@chiragz007, here's the system requirements:
Minimum System Requirements
Processor: 2.0 GHz
Video Memory: 128 MB ATI X700, Nvidia 6100 or better.
Only supplied on DVD?: Yes
Hard Drive Space: 7 GB
Operating System: Windows 7 or Windows Vista
DirectX Version: 9.0c
this show that it is playable in your system..
but if you're still not sure, try this link:

Devourler (2011-09-14)

OMG ! Fuck! Bullshit! it won't work on xp cause after
install everythings i run XP play halo 2 and screen black then it CTD! Fuck you@

treebill (2011-10-02)

0.3-9 kb's download speed epic!

aussieANON (2011-10-05)

has anyone AT ALL got this to work on Windows 7? I can't be bothered to make a profile then find it doesn't work.

Sudipto (2011-10-07)

i have windows xp 32 bit, i follow the instructions and it's start. bt, when i have completed 1st level it says, "..u need to activate this product to continue playing the game and re insert the disc to reach ur activation menu.."
please tell me how doe's it works.. i am used dial up connection and i have download this game in 2 week. i am big fan of halo.. please please please tell me bro how its work ? .... please...i am wating for ur reply...

dirtyha (2011-10-09)

hey dopeman
i m win 7 32 bit user
whenever i started halo.exe
it failed due to some
plz help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dirtyha (2011-10-09)

it shows that some file is missing
i removed that dwmapi.dll
n try to lauch but it shows some file is missing

TyMod (2011-10-17)

just get my torrent. The reason his doesnt work it a crack needed to play the game is missing... thats why it only works on XP.

Tecness2 (2011-10-28)

For all of you who complain about it not working on windows 7. IT SAYS IT WORKS ON WINDOWS XP AND WINDOWS VISTA. In that list, I do NOT see windows 7. So I doubt it will work on windows 7, unless you aren't a total noob (which most of you are) and can actually modify a few things to get it to work on windows 7. Thank you and have a nice day.

gznster (2011-10-29)

Tecness2 you douche, window 7 wasn't even out yet when this game was released. Of course he didn't place window 7 there of coz. =_=

yonigga123 (2011-11-05)

PLS SEE THIS halo 2 should work on xp FULLY
1)Download this torrent.If Halo 2 works till the level "Quarantine Zone",skip step 2.
2)Go to the following site and follow instructions.Halo 2 SHOULD work till the level "Quarantine Zone".
3)1st and foremost, I want to say that follow MY instructions in this step.DO NOT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN ON THE SITE AS DOPEMAN'S TORRENT IS SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT. :
1)Go to the following site and download torrent.

2)copy WowMon.dll and Loaderplus.exe into your Halo 2 directory (same place
as wow.dll and loader.exe)
3)Right click "XP PLAY HALO 2" and click "Edit".You should see notepad in which things like "echo off" are written.
4)In the notepad,replace the words "Loader.exe" with the words "loaderplus.exe".

yonigga123 (2011-11-05)


MoHaWk35 (2011-11-22)

when i click xp play halo 2 it says the application has failed to start because d3dx9_31.dll was not found wat dose this mean

MoHaWk35 (2011-11-22)

somebody help....!!!! i wanna play it badly.....!!! :(

estenaoha (2011-12-05)

Thank´s a lot

MoHaWk35 (2011-12-06)

nw a new prob it says the procedure entry point RegGetValueA could not be located in the dynamic link library ADVAPI32

[PoD] (2012-02-06)

Thanks dopeman for this great torrent! I like that you give the files so I don't have to install it.

LucazSwe (2012-03-10)

Pff.This is shit.

Zyo117 (2012-03-10)

So yeah. This works up to the first Arbiter level, then it just freezes. Won't work after, and have to restart computer to close it. Any help here?
Running Windows 7 Ultimate Edition x64, AMD Athlon 64 X2 at 2.4 GHz, and with 3GB of RAM.
It works perfectly up to this point, with virtually no lag.

naz934 (2012-03-28)

Yeah so i'm currently downloading but i'm also running Windows 7 so wanting to know of any issues/bugs and how to fix?

Zerohakku (2012-04-01)

i am having a problem, i have win xp, but when i click on the Xp bat file, it comes up with a command prompt looking window then it says halo 2, then goes away, and it keeps doing that, i did everything the instructions said, but i don't know. help please!

Veraster_x94 (2012-04-03)

Hey this is a great torrent but I need the editor and all the files like how it comes on the real disk. Where can I get this?

virtualmatrix258 (2012-04-09)

Worst excuse for a torrent on tpb. I can't actually believe that anyone spent time on this.

codehpr0 (2012-04-18)

Want a key for the game so you can paly online ?
go to CodeHp Remove space AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

TTGHalo4 (2012-06-07)

If you guys are wanting Halo 2 Vista (For Windows Vista/Windows 7) Watch this Youtube Channel - FBWalshyFTW then search for his Halo 2 Vista video on how to get it for Free.. it was uploaded May 26, 2012..
It wasn't made by me, but it actually works.. Take a look at the comments/likes..

jbernie (2012-07-13)

works perfectly fine in XP and Vista.

Halo4fan (2012-07-27)

Wouldnt get this if i had a Win&. Get Tymod's. It works perfectly

clogdawg9217 (2012-07-30)

when i click to open the startup.exe, a window pops up that says " the CreateProcessWithTokenW could not be located in the dynamic link library ADVAPI32.dll. Plz HELP!

luis092997 (2012-08-14)

Works at my windows 7 64bit....

SH9921 (2012-08-14)

What is CreateProcessWithTokenW???

Lad1890 (2012-09-15)

Hey great torrent, small and works great besides the fact that i can't get the sound to work :(
im using xp so if anyone could help me that would be great thanks

XRedVelocityX (2012-09-15)

All of your downloads are good!!!!

kmedwin1 (2012-09-17)

Thank You..Lolz

kmedwin1 (2012-09-17)

Is This The Installer?

Lad1890 (2012-09-18)

i have no sound except for the 'ooooo' in the loading screen i am using xp so please help i really want this game

kmedwin1 (2012-09-21)

Halo 2 Is Only Available In Windows XP64bit,Windows 7 And Windows Vista

Lad1890 (2012-09-21)

But dopeman modded it to work on xp and it runs fine except for sound..

kmedwin1 (2012-09-22)

How Do I Activate It?

esb019 (2012-11-02)

Hi mates. I'm having a weird problem. I can't play further than the first mission, after that it tells me ''you need to activate this product in order to play this game, please exit the game and reinsert the cd in''. crazy thing, and yo, sick game dopman, big up to you. and thanks for the people who are gona help me try to solve the problem.

dakyle123454321 (2012-11-09)

How do I get it to work on windows 7 64bit??

tylrgamster14 (2012-11-10)

How do you change the res? which file do i need to edit because my screen does not support the standered res since im on HDMI

tylrgamster14 (2012-11-10)

Never mind i got it working after a few, but now the game stops working after a minute.The farthest i've gotten is when they test you on the first level, anyway to fix this?
Windows 7 ultimate 32bit

NiceSwan (2012-12-12)

The procedure entry point RegGetValueA could not be located in the dynamic library ADVAP32.DLL
Please help. I'm using Window XP.

NiceSwan (2012-12-12)

I can play now. I just need to use "XP PLAY HALO 2" instead of Halo 2 launcher. But there is a problem. I hang and I need to restart computer. I tried again and it hanged while I'm playing.

alliw98 (2013-02-24)


joisaa (2013-07-29)

Fucking piece of shit! Doesn't work! I tried everything in the instructions, and everything mentioned in the comments. Nothing works!