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Scissor Shock - Psychic Existentialism [2010] [avant prog]






Scissor Shock - Psychic Existentialism [2010] [avant prog]




2010-07-22 (by Anonymous)


SCISSOR SHOCK PSYCHIC EXISTENTIALISM INSANE AVANT PROGRESSIVE NO WAVE ROCK IN OPPOSITION NOISE ROCK. ......... This is that strange little album you ask your friends about, like "whoa, did you hear that crazy new Scissor Shock album? It's fucking CRAZY!" ........ (note: I am not Adam but he has given his blessing to post this) (you should go support the label and stuff too though) ........ Ingredients: - Retarded drum machine - Telephone vocals - Weird taped noises - Most complex songs ever written - Awful horns - Faster than humanly possible playing - Moogs - Bass solos In a career filled with strange albums, "Psychic Existentialism" might just be the strangest -- yet most strangely MUSICAL -- album that Scissor Shock has made! Contradictory and hard to pin down as ever, the sound on this album jumps from some of the most frighteningly complex bedroom compositions this world has ever heard, to creeping jazz ambience, to tribal noise excursions, to tape loop hilarity, and back -- all without ever being predictable in the least, and even sometimes being kind of, you know, fun. This album was the result of many months -- sometimes years! (one song took over two years to write and arrange) -- of preparation, which made for a fairly smooth recording process. Hundreds of little layers of microsounds are arranged in very specific and bizarre ways. This is one complex album, but it's also got some genuinely fun moments; strange progressive half-riffs, long Beefheart-ian marimba/xylaphone/guitar single-note interplay, horns announcing the second coming of the devil, telephone vocals ranting about God knows what. Lies: Pitchforkmedia gave this a 10.0 and said it's the most important album since Kid A. Rolling Stone gave it 5 stars (out of 4). Every single person on is scrobbling it at this very second. Every user on rateyourmusic is putting it on every list ever made, good and bad. Don Van Vliet came out of retirement just to issue a statement that Captain Beefheart might be the greatest band ever but Scissor Shock is a "close 2nd". Actors Nicolas Cage, Gary Oldman, Christopher Walken and actress Ellen Page, Sasha Grey (who is genuinely a fan of this band -- not a lie!) has agreed to appear in the movie version of this album. Truths: Destined to be ignored, so check it out. Tracklisting: 1. psychic existentialist (6:00) 2. cat planet woman (1:19) 3. ghost/shit electronics (4:03) 4. codeine dream of sunset eyeball (0:34) 5. black like the father's soul (1:22) 6. for ahito anizawa (1:14) 7. psychic existentialism (9:10) 8. sunset dream of codeine eyeball (0:37) 9. knife in the head of all false abstract expressionists (1:30) 10. bring back the guillotine (2:44) 11. man of the graveyard man (2:17) 12. tearing wings off of a pigeon (0:49) 13. johnny merzbow psychic contact (0:22) all songs written, produced, edited, performed by ac (vocals, guitar, keyboard, percussion, tapes, samples, electronics, bass, trombone, trumpet, saxaphone, xylaphone, organ, broken cd's, stabbing amp with a fork, etc.) The guy who made this album is the guy who made movies and animated serieses like BLAZE THE POT SMOKING DEER and CURRENTLY UNTITLED. He is also in the band Robe. According to the myspace, this band is reccomended for fans of: +/-, .., 1.6 band, 16 bitch pile-up, 1905, 1-speed bike, 7 year rabbit cycle, derek bailey, kaoru abe, nurse with wound, 25 suaves, 31 knots, 90 day men, 400 blows, a day in black and white, a handful of dust, a luna red, a minor forest, a problem of alarming dimensions, a silver mt. zion, a spectre is haunting europe, a trillion barnacle lapse, aarktica, aaron dilloway, ac newman, accelera deck, acetone, aceyalone, acid mothers temple, aereogramme, a-frames, agitation free, agoraphobic nosebleed, AIDS wolf, air conditioning, airport girl, aislers set, aix em klemm, akarso, akimbo, alan licht, albert ayler, alec empire, amanda woodward, amber inn, american analog set, american football, amm, amp, and you will know us by the trail of dead, angel hair, angela messina, anodyne, anti-ear, antioch arrow, aphex twin, apples in stereo, appleseed cast, ar kane, arab on radar, arca, archer prewitt, armitage shanks, armpit, arovane, art ensemble of chicago, arthur doyle, as dead as dreams, ash, ash ra tempel, asha vida, ashley park, ashtray navigations, assfactor 4, asteroid .4, asterisk, at the drive-in, athletic automaton, ativin, atombombpocketknife, autechre, azita youssefi, azure ray, backstabbers inc., band of bees, bardo pond, bark psychosis, bastard noise, battles, bauhaus, beachwood sparks, bearsuit, beauty pill, beck, bedhead, behold the arctapus, belle & sebastian, bellini, bellmer dolls, berg sans nipple, biblical proof of ufos, big black, big business, big star, biosphere, birchville cat motel, bjork, black cross, black dice, black eyes, black forest/black sea, black heart procession, black moth super rainbow, black ox orkestar, black rebel motorcycle club, blackout beach, blonde redhead, blood brothers, blur, botch, bowery electric, boy's life, boyracer, braid, brainbombs, brainiac, brass knuckles for tough guys, bread and circuits, breadwinner, breather resist, brian eno, brian jonestown massacre, broadcast, broken social scene, broken spindles, bucket full of teeth, bugskull, built to spill, burning star core, burmese, burning witch, burnt by the sun, business lady, by the end of tonight, c average, cabaret voltaire, caesura, califone, calla, calvary, camping, can, can't, cannibal ox, capitol city dusters, cap'n jazz, captain beefheart, carissa's wierd, caroliner, cat on form, cat power, catherine wheel, cattle decapitation, caustic resin, cave-in, cavity, cerberus shoal, cccc, chapterhouse, charalambides, charles bronson, charles mingus, chavez, cheer-accident, cheetah chrome motherfuckers, cheval de frise, child readers, chisel, chris brokaw, christie front drive, christmas decorations, chromatics, cibo matto, circle jerks, circle of dead children, city of caterpillar, claire voyant, climax golden twins, clinic, clouddead, coachwhips, coalesce, cobra high, cobra kai, cock esp, cocorosie, cock esp, cocteau twins, codeine, colossamite, combatwoundedveteran, come, comets on fire, converge, couch, coughs, crack: we are rock, cranes, crash normal, crass, cream abdul babar, crimson curse, crispy ambulance, crossed out, cub, cul de sac, cunaxa, cupid car club, current, curse of the birthmark, curse of the golden vampire, curtains, curve, cynthia dall, d yellow swans, damon & naomi, dance disaster movement, dandy warhols, das oath, daughters, david bowie, dazzling killmen, dead c, dead guy, dead letters spell out dead words, dead machines, dead meadow, dead raven choir, dead western, death cab for cutie, death from above, death in june, death of marat, death sentence: panda!, deathprod, deathray davies, decahedron, deerhoof, deftones, del, deltron 3030, denali, depeche mode, destroy all monsters, destroyer, devendra banhart, devics, devillock, devo, dianogah, die monitr batss, die princess die, dillinger escape plan, dinosaur jr, dirt merchants, dirty three, disco inferno, discordance axis, dismemberment plan, dj krush, dj shadow, do & make & say & think, doctor nerve, doldrums, don caballero, donovan, dosage and usage, double leopards, doves, dr. doom, dr. octagon, dresden dolls, dressy bessy, drive like jehu, dropdead, drowningman, dysrhythmia, earlimart, early day miners, earth, echoboy, edith piaf, el da sensai, el guapo, elastica, electric company, electric wizard, elf power, eligh, ellen allien, elliott, elvis costello, embrace, emil beaulieau, emil hagstrom, empress, enablers, end on end, engine down, engine kid, enon, entrance, envy, erase errata, esg, esoteric, espers, euphone, even as we speak, examination of the..., ex-girl, exhaust, ex-models, experimental audio research, experimental dental school, explosions in the sky, eyehategod, f.x. randomiz, failure, faith and the muse, fall time, famous boating party, far, farmers manual, faun fables, faust, fennesz, fenn'oberg, festival of dead deer, fiend (rock), fiona apple, fin fang foom, fire show, fires were shot, fisticuffs bluff, five way mirror, floor, flowchart, fly pan am, flying saucer attack, foehn, fog, folksongs for the afterlife, for carnation, for stars, former members of alfonsin, forstella ford, four hundred years, four tet, franz ferdinand, franz schubert, freestyle fellowship, fridge, friends of dean martinez, frodus, from ashes rise, fuck, fuck...i'm dead, fudge tunnel, fuel (emo-core, not alt-rock), fugazi, funeral diner, fursaxa, fuxa, gang gang dance, gang of four, gang wizard, ganger, gas, gastr del sol, get hustle, ghost (japanese), ghosts & vodka, giddy motors, girlfrendo, girls against boys, glass candy & the shattered theatre, go betweens, go sailor, god is my co-pilot, godflesh, godheadsilo, godspeed you black emperor, godzik pink, gogogoairheart, goldfrapp, government alpha, grace period, grand unified theory, grandaddy, gravitar, green milk from the planet orange, greg davis, grey daturas, grey wolves, growing, guilty connector, guyana punch line, gravediggaz, haco, haiku d'etat, haifax pier, hair police, hala strana, halloween alaska, halo benders, hangedup, harkonen, harriet the spy, harry nilsson, hash jar tempo, heavy vegetable, hella, hepatitus youth, heroin, herr k, hewhocorrupts, hieroglyphics, high rise, higher intelligence agency, hint hint, his hero is gone, hive mind, holly golightly, holy molar, homesick for space, honeywell, honor role, hookers, hot cross, hot hot heat, hot snakes, house of low culture, hurl, hymie's basement, i am kloot, i am the world trade center, i hate myself, i love you but i've chosen darkness, infomatik, i, robot, ian dury, iceburn, icewater scandal, icy demons, ida, idle tigers, idlewild, ifihadahifi, ignition, ikara colt, ill bill, ilya, imitation electric piano, impossible shapes, indian jewelry, indian summer, interpol, isan, isis, isotope 217, ivy, jackie-o-motherfucker, jaga jazzist, jan jelinek, jandek, japanther, jedi mind tricks, jejune, jerome's dream, jeru the damaja, jessamine, jessica bailiff, jim o'rourke, joan of arc, joanna newsom, john cale, john coltrane, john henry west, john wiese, john zorn, jonathan fire*eater, joseph arthur, joshua fit for battle, joy division, joy zipper, jr ewing, juana molina, jucifer, julia, june of 44, juno, juno reactor, j-zone, kaito (uk), kaos pilot, karate, karp, kate bush, kayo dot, kc accidental, keelhaul, keith whitman fullerton & hrvatski, kerosene 454, kevin drumm, khanate, kid kilowatt, kill me tomorrow, kill sadie, killdozer, killowatthours, king biscuit time, king crimson, kingsbury manx, kinski, kiss it goodbye, kiyoshi izumi, knapsack, knut, kraftwerk, kylesa, lab partners, labradford, laddio bolocko, ladybug transistor, ladyton, lake of dracula, lali puna, landing, landspeedrecord!, lapse, lasse marhaug, lcd soundsystem, le shok, lee hazlewood, lee ranaldo, lenola, les fleur de lys, les savy fav, liars, lickgoldensky, life and times, lift to experience, light the fuse and run, lightning bolt, liquid liquid, loincloth, loop, loren mazzacane connors, loscil, lotus eaters, love and rockets, love as laughter, love like electrocution..., loveliescrushing, low, low skies, LSD-march, l'spaerow, lucero, lull, lumen, lustre king, lycia, lydia lunch, lync, lynx, macrocosmica, made in mexico, magazine, magic magicians, master musicians of bukkake, magnet, magnog, majority rule, mammal, man is the bastard, mara'akate, marissa nadler, marvin gaye, masonna, massive attack, masters of the hemisphere, mates of state, matmos, mc5, mclusky, meanwhile, back in communist russia, medicine, melt banana, melvins, men of porn, mendoza line, mens recovery project, mercury program, metalux, mf doom, mf grimm, microstoria, mikaela's fiend, mike shiflett, milemarker, miles davis, mindflayer, ministry, minor threat, minus the bear, mirah, miranda sex garden, miss bliss, missouri loves company, mk ultra, mobb deep, modest mouse, mong hang, mogwai, mohinder, mono (japanese), monolake, monster dudes, morphine, morrissey, moss icon, mouse on mars, mouthus, moving units, mr. lif, msbr, ms. john soda, mukilteo fairies, murder city devils, muse, my bloody valentine, my cat is an alien, my lai, my morning jacket, mystery girls, naked city, namelessnumberheadman, nanang tatang, nancy sinatra, nation of ulysses, navio forge, nebula, necronomitron, need new body, neil perry, neko case, nels cline, neon hunk, neon king kong, neurosis, neutral milk hotel, neutrino, new brutalism, new order, new pornographers, new wet kojak, nick cave, nick drake, nico, nine inch nails, nineironspitfire, no doctors, no knife, no rest for the dead, no-neck blues band, non-phixion, nora, north of america, noxagt, numbers, nurse with wound, oasis, ocean colour scene, ocs (orinoka crash suite), of, of montreal, of sinking ships, off minor, old 97s, old man gloom, olivia tremor control, omoide hatoba, oneida, one last wish, ooioo, ooo, opal, o'rang, orchid, organ!, orthrelm, oswego, otis redding, out hud, outkast, outrageous cherry, ova!, oval, owen (the kinsella's), oxbow, oxes, p:ano, pan american, pan sonic, panopoly academy..., panicsville, panthers, part chimp, harry partch, parts and labor, party of helicopters, pavement, paul newman, peanut butter wolf, pearls before swine, pele, pelican, pere ubu, pg. 99, philip glass, pia fraus, piano magic, pig destroyer, pinback, pinebender, pink and brown, pipes you see pipes you don't, pixies, pj harvey, planes mistaken for stars, please inform the captain this is a hijack, pleasure forever, polvo, polysics, popol vuh, popular shapes, portishead, pram, preston school of industry, primal scream, mark prindle, prodigy, prurient, psychic tv, public image limited, pullman, pulse programming, q and not u, quickspace, racebannon, radio vago, radiohead, raekwon, rainer maria, ramallah, rasputina, red eyed legends, red house painters, red krayola, red light sting, red roses for a blue lady, red stars theory, redd kross, refused, rem, replikants, reversal of man, rhys chatham, richard youngs, ride, rites of spring, roadside monument, robot ate me, rocketship, rodan, rollerskate skinny, rolling stones, rome, rothko, roxanne jean polise, ruins, ruinhorse, rumah sakit, rye coalition, saetia, sam prekop, satisfact, scissor shock, scorces, sea of tombs, seam, secret chiefs 3, secret stars, servotron, set fire to flames, sex positions, sexy prison, shack, shannon wright, shellac, shesus, shimmer kids underpop association, shipping news, shoplifting, shudder to think, sicbay, sightings, sigur ros, silver apples, singapore sling, sir richard bishop, sissy spacek, six finger satellite, six organs of admittance, sixes, skeleton key, skullflower, slant 6, slaves, sleater-kinney, sleep, sleepy time gorilla museum, sleepytime trio, sleetmute nightmute, slowdive, smart went crazy, smashing pumpkins, smegma, so, sole, solex, some girls (not the juliana hatfield one), something about vampires and sluts, sonic youth, sonora pine, spacemen 3, spanakorzo, sparklehorse, spires that in the sunset rise, spiritualized, spoon, spykes, stars of the lid, stereobate, stereolab, sterling, storm & stress, subarachnoid space, subpoena the past, subtonix, suffering and the hideous thieves, suicide, sun city girls, sun kil moon, sun ra, sunn o))), sunny day real estate, super furry animals, superchunk, surface of eceyon, swans, swarming hordes, swearing at motorists, sweep the leg johnny, swing kids, swollen members, systems officer, t rex, taiwan deth!, tan as fuck, tara jane o'neil, taurpis tula, teenage fanclub, teenage jesus and the jerks, teeth of the lions rule the divine, telescopes, television, television personalities, ten grand, tenfold, the 6ths, the advantage, the animal collective, the animals, the apes, the assistant, the beatles, the beta band, the birthday party, the blow, the boo radleys, the boredoms, the cancer conspiracy, the casionauts, the casket lottery, the casual dots, the chinese stars, the cherry point, the convocation of..., the coughs, the cows, the cure, the dead science, the doors, the dutch flat, the effigies, the epoxies, the faint, the faith healers, the fall, the field mice, the fiery furnaces, the flying uttenbachers, the fucking champs, the grouch, the hal al shedad, the hold steady, the homosexuals, the hospitals, the house of love, the intelligence, the jam, the jesus and mary chain, the jesus lizard, the kinks, the jim yoshii pile-up, the kodan armada, the lilys, the locust, the make-up, the mars volta, the microphones, the minus story, the neon philharmonic, the new year, the pAper chAse, the plot to blow up the eiffel tower, the posies, the race, the raincoats, the red scare, the replacements, the rum diary, the russian futurists, the saddest landscape, the seawhores, the secret machines, the sex pistols, the shins, the skaters, the sick lipstick, the slits, the small faces, the smiths, the sonics, the speaking canaries, the starlight mints, the state secedes, the stranglers, the strokes, the swirlies, the third eye foundation, the timeout drawer, the usaisamonster, the van pelt, the vaselines, the velvet teen, the velvet underground, the vermicious knid, the vss, the walkmen, the wannadies, the warmers, the who, the wrens, the yardbirds, thelonious monk, themselves, these arms are snakes, they came from the stars, i saw them, thinking fellers union local 282, thirstin howl iii, this heat, this moment in black history, three mile pilot, threnody ensemble, throbbing gristle, thrones, thuja, thunderbirds are now!, tiger trap, tinklepotty, tight bros from way back when, tir na nog, to rococo rot, tom waits, tomorrowland, tone language, tool, tortoise, total shutdown, tower recordings, tracy and the plastics, trans am, transient waves, transistor transistor, trespassers william, tristeza, tsunami, tullycraft, tv on the radio, twelve hour turn, u can unlearn guitar, ufofu, ugly cassanova, unicorn, union of uranus, universal indians, unrest, unsane, unwed sailor, unwound, us maple, usurp synapse, vaz, velocity girl, velvet underground, venetian snares, versus, vertonen, verve, vibracathedral orchestra, victory at sea, viki, violent femmes, virgin mega whore, virgin-whore complex, vitreous humor, volta do mar, voyager one, waifle, we ragazzi, weezer, weights and measures, weird war, wet confetti, whitehouse, white magic, white stripes, white winged moth, why?, will oldham and related projects, windsor for the derby, windy & carl, wipes, wire, witch hazel sound, witchcraft by a picture, wives, wolf eyes, wolves, woodbine, wooden wand & the vanishing voice, word salad, world's end girlfriend, wrangler brutes, xbxrx, xiu xiu, yage, yaphet kotto, yeah yeah yeahs, year future, yellow6, yes, yoko ono, yo la tengo, you & i, young and sexy, young ginns, yowie, zephyrs, zip code rapists, zoviet france but mainly just CAPTAIN BEEFHEART and THE RESIDENTS.

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44.35 Mb

