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Steam Crack Pack [Installer+Patch+GCF+NCF]






Steam Crack Pack [Installer+Patch+GCF+NCF]




2007-09-21 (by DJRavine)


+-[ABOUT]-------------------------------------------- | This torrent was uploaded by... | DJRavine from | Come visit us, join our community... | +-[ABOUT]-------------------------------------------- hey guys, DJRavine here... This torrent is a complete steam cracking package... Its a simple way to get the majority of the games from steam... And the 2nd part of the installation is to play with ur mates online... I have also included a small FAQ at the bottom to help you out... If you would like sum help... Find my 1st complete post here... ORIGINAL THREAD: So... This is what to do.. ;) +-[INSTALLATION]------------------------------------- | | 1. Run Steam_Installer.msi and install STEAM... | | 2. Open STEAM, Create a NEW ACCOUNT, then login... | [NEVER USE YOUR OFFICIAL ACCOUNT!!!] | | 3. Get all the updates for the latest version of STEAM... | [This is done by just being logged into STEAM...] | | 4. Once all the updates are complete... Exit STEAM... | Make sure it is not loaded in the taskbar... | | 5. Run OpenVALVe.exe and follow the prompts... | [Credits & Kudos to my mate F3n1x for the patch...] | [He may be including VAC2 support very soon... <3] | | 6. Copy the steamapps folder from this torrent... | [The folder has been compressed in to steamapps.rar...] | Into the directory where you installed STEAM... | | 7. Load up and login to STEAM... | Check out how many games you now have... | +-[PLAY VIA VPN LAN]--------------------------------- | | 1. Install HAMACHI and create a new account... | | | 2. Click Create or Join Network and make a network... | Give this network name and password to you mates... | This is so they can join ur online LAN... | | 3. Start up a game server on one of the systems connected via HAMACHI... | Make sure each client that wants to connect to the game server... | Manually add the game servers HAMACHI IP and the server should show up... | Most commonly HAMACHI IPs they are around 5.1##.###.###... | | 4. Have fun playing online... | +-[INSTALLATION]------------------------------------- and there you have it... have fun and enjoy guys.. ;) - DJRavine @ !! ADD ME TO YOU XFIRE -> theDJRavine !! +-[FAQ]---------------------------------------------- | | Please note: This FAQ is compiled from those very... | helpful guys @ | | FAQ LINK: | +-[FAQ]---------------------------------------------- | | Can I play on legit Steam Servers? | - Sometimes, only if the Auth-Server is down you can play | on all servers. But most of the time you cant play on legit | servers with any crack, you need to find cracked servers. | | How can I fix the -Steam Busy Error-? | - There is NO fix for that. The -Steam Busy Error- is normal. | | How can I fix the -This Steam account does not own this game. | Please login to the correct Steam account- error? | - There is NO fix for that. | | Are Cracked Steam Clients safe? | - No crack is 100% safe. So dont use your legit account on | Cracked Steam, create a blank Steam account for your cracked | Steam games. Your account can and probably WILL be disabled for this. | +-[FAQ]---------------------------------------------- +-[ABOUT]-------------------------------------------- | This torrent was uploaded by... | DJRavine from | Come visit us, join our community... | +-[ABOUT]--------------------------------------------

Files count:



29081.99 Mb




deadpekinese (2007-09-21)

hmm 28.4 gigabtye huh? I think i give this a miss

BalleKnalle (2007-09-21)

I gona not try this. Maybe this hack your acc

DJRavine (2007-09-21)

lol.. u bunch of nubs...
the reason its 28 gb is the steamapps.rar folder contains all the cache files for the games in steam...
if you think there is a hack in here or a virus.. ur are either to young to realize what you are doing... or u are too stupid too read the readme and to understand hacks...
i have said NEVER use ur official account...
due to it might be banned on the steam network..
so how the hell does it hack ur acct... u nub..
it merely unlocks the dll's to access a local steam service.. rather than to the official servers... i hate ppl that comment on things b4 testing or even knowing what they are looking it...

raxik (2007-09-23)

holy shit... sounds awesome... but 28.4 gigs wit 1 seed will take forever

DJRavine (2007-09-24)

true.. but thats only the gcf's...
and thats for the games only..
tho the actually installer + crack is a total of like 3 mb... easy to get...

Osterhus (2007-09-29)

looks nice but plz every 1 seed !
dont wanna wait 17 weeks!!!

Osterhus (2007-09-29)

fucking hell seed!!!!!

raxik (2007-09-30)

o and host.. cant steam ban my ip or something?

raxik (2007-09-30)

openVALVe.exe unable to locate component msvbvm60.dll was not found .. help?

DJRavine (2007-09-30)

if u ever have a missing dll..
not that i understand why its missing ins this repack..
as i triple checked everything.. :/
use google and search...

Iwers (2007-10-10)

could you play online?? like you do whit the real account??

koskn (2007-10-13)

thx alot.

voodoo 1 (2007-10-31)

It keeps tell me the servers are busy how do i get around this. I'm trying to install portal.

renegadeoftrance (2007-11-16)

Please seed!

s20dan (2007-11-18)

WOW nice share DJRavine. D/Ling now :)

djdeez (2007-11-29)

Works beautifully, but I'm at 96% with a gig to go on the GCFs, and steam servers are always busy!
I will seed this for a long time if I can get it finished!

sheff_world (2007-11-29)

seed plz, this great upload))

Yarkz (2007-12-10)

Wow this torrent is unbeleivable but the speed, it's less than .01% an hour, therefore it will take way over a year. Doing the math if it jumps too .01% an hour it will be 416 days which is just wow.
Atleast after I get it I will seed this torrent the most of all my others.

Yarkz (2007-12-10)

Sped up now lol so ignore other comment

mr_virus_maker (2007-12-22)

looks nice real nice. tried this once with another one and it ended up not working at all.
btw, does anyone know how to hide files when you dont have a cd. WHen you download a game and then you need to hide the file to play instead of using a cd, does anyone know name of that program ?

akarawwar (2008-01-02)

This sounds too awesome to pass up thanks guys for all your hard work and KUDOS!!! Once i complete this i will seed it for as long as i can.

ogge. (2008-01-14)

XD, you guys are all noobs, the reason it's 28,4 gig is beacsuse it coantaines about 6 or 7 games!

unrealt3_93 (2008-02-24)

download pacsteam instead of this!!!!!!!

CaMzOrZ (2008-03-31)

Can you please create a compressed portal gfc/ncf file? thanx

TIGERFEAR (2008-06-16)

I think this is Bullshit a STeam is not 28gB it cant be possible I'm not biting this........

light24bulbs (2008-08-08)

hmmm.. could a similar effect be achived by using someone else's crack and then downloading GCFs individually for JUST the games i want? Will the GCFs make the "server busy" error leave for any given game?

H.Bit (2008-08-20)


BludyBlinx (2008-10-13)

Guys...don't get this file its crap get Pacsteam...its the SAME thing but faster to DL and takes a lot less disk space for shitty hard disks like mine :D

Crisis06 (2008-11-27)

WE NEED SEEDERS !!! please help us !

Hunny_87 (2008-11-27)

lol, i still see noobs here complaining about the 28gb size, damnit, its not just the crack, it has the steam games too!

DevinBedari (2009-03-27)

are these all the steam games?

nonnicus (2011-04-02)

with my comp itll take two days hehe

king_shrimp (2011-06-23)

Please seed people.

king_shrimp (2011-06-25)

dont bother wasting your time with this, file will download for a few hours whilst you d/l from other leechers with more than you. once you have caught up with them d/l will stop. Been stuck at 17.6% for the last 2 days as no seeders have been online with the file. AVOID!!

iFrogzx (2012-05-06)

does it have all the games(1600+) GCF and NCF in it? :0

CandYYen (2012-05-29)

SEED! atleast seed your own dang torrent!!!

aliceaje (2013-02-20)

Hey DJRavine, I was bothered by this, but can I get fined from downloading from The Pirate Bay?

Skiller-Brian (2013-06-28)

I can not download the inactive part in and I do not know how I got that down. Can you help me? . Please answer quickly! ...

FatboiOwnz (2013-08-19)

please seed why cant you seed your own torrent?