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911 NEWS: The Explosive Reality - 2 hours POWERFUL footage






911 NEWS: The Explosive Reality - 2 hours POWERFUL footage




2007-06-03 (by kongdvd)


"9/11 documentary outlining the events of september 11 using broadcast tv footage. World Trade Center 1 and 2, WTC7, Pentagon, Flight 93, government, terrorism, conspiracy, mysteries, controlled demolition. New DivX rip redo, BREAKING NEWS." This must-see video was uploaded to YouTube a few days ago but is now taken down and the user "poliunsaturated" is deleted. We are by now well used to censorship at GoogleVideo, YouTube, Digg and other web sites. But the torrents live as always. Spread this important video - and speak truth to power. LOUD! PS! Please ignore the last 20 seconds of this video. The reason for the red flashes is a bug in the editing software used to make the video. These red flashes was not in the original footage shown on 9/11/2001. You can get the original footage at More info about "The Explosive Reality" here: My other uploads:

Files count:



1248.96 Mb




sondela (2007-06-03)

you stupid morons....

kongdvd (2007-06-03)

A moron is a person who watch this video and still will not question the official conspiracy theory. The towers came down in about 10 seconds, that is about the same as free-fall speed. Why did they come down that fast? You can clearly see it in this video: EXPLOSIVES
Sondela, what is your explanation? Paaaaancaaaake collappppppse..? In 10 seconds! That is about 10 floors per second. Think about it: 110 floors in 10 seconds.
FREE-FALL SPEED means NO resistance.
The floors below where blown away in sequence, obviously you see it in this video.
Why do you kind of people even bother making these stupid comments? Corrupt or just bored?

Slackalice (2007-06-03)

mmm . . and i wonder indeed why its not just the folks in the east who want to blow up the usa, its our world too, you arrogant greedy bastards, you have no culture, no common sense and certainly no sense of awareness, that much is obvious, i hate most religeons, its all a pile of crap to me,but . . . you ever actually looked further than the end of your selfish vision and asked why these things happen ?, whats wrong, no one left in the playground to beat up !! and all because you fat slobs do'nt want to walk to work (work it out dumbo ?) so hooray for anyone concerned with the truth. good upload,

kongdvd (2007-06-03)

Muzlumkillah, you warmongering crazy nut. You a member of PNAC? A loyal watcher of FOX TV?
Just a bored ignorant kid? Grow up!
Learn something about false flag ops and state sponsored terror - watch TerrorStorm, here:
I will seed the torrent just for you "muslimkiller".

flimsoft1 (2007-06-03)

Also available here:

This movie is a collection of newsreports, that's pretty much the deal here. So all You "morons" who critizes this upload don't know what the fuck You are talking about. What are You really afraid of? The truth?
"Al Qaida" was NOT behind 9/11, they simple can't pull such an operation off. It's impossible to coordinate without military intelligence and top level knowledge and power. Period!

flimsoft1 (2007-06-03)

...and another fact that should be mentioned here: among the several hundreds of hours of newsreports, documentaries and other information regarding 9/11, there is not as much as ONE proof that the official story is true.
There is a lot of CLAIMS that it's true, but 99,9% of all information tells the opposite.
So who's the real morons here?!

bacon_kalonji (2007-06-04)

america WILL fall and all you idiot "patriots" will go fucking crazy by wasting you lives beliving in this fucked up government that will be a far worse shame in the future than Hitler was.
NEW WORLD ORDER!!!??? Fuck off you fucking nazis!!

kongdvd (2007-06-04)

You call yourself MUSLIM KILLER and write about people who want truth, justice and peace in the world HATERS. You are a joke.
Who made NORAD stand down on 9/11? The 19 arabs and Osama?

PspLoverX (2007-06-11)

Truth is stronger than Lies.

pops87pl (2007-06-30)

Muzlumkillah UR right, but it's US government who prepair something worse... to chip UR ass, dumbass...

Hiero101 (2007-07-01)

You wrote it yourself Muzlumk.. dont believe in everything you see, everything can be faked right..? So dont believe all you see and hear man.. Thats freedom of speech and thought for the individual. You should never trust blindly..
USA is far far (far) from innocent in this war, and who started it I wonder

duhprane (2007-10-06)

I hate to tell you but the 9/11 tv fakery is disinformation....

komprezzor (2009-05-22)

People can believe whatever they want. At the very least I'm curious what people are thinking.