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Star Trek-The Next Generation Movies(4 Movies)
Star Trek-The Next Generation Movies(4 Movies)
2008-11-19 (by SCash)

Files count:
2313.95 Mb
SCash (2008-11-19)
Please Seed!Keep sharing...Keep Seeding
nerd707 (2008-11-25)
two of these movies are TERRIBLE quality, and sadly they're the two most watchable films, they're also foldered and named oddly.SCash (2008-11-25)
Which two are you writing that are terrible quality?I've watched them all and had no quality issues.
bburwood (2008-11-27)
Which 2? I think I can tell even without having downloaded and watching them. Let's put it this way, assuming they are all encoded with DivX or XviD with all the nice quality options turned on, 431MB and 480MB for a *full* movie is going to give bad quality no matter how you look at it. Period!If you have used a decent resolution (say around 640 pixels wide ... still not DVD quality) then with a file size like that you are going to have some serious blockiness issues for a 2 hour (or even 1hr 45min) movie. Guaranteed! If you dropped the resolution to reduce the blockiness then you will have a low quality blurry movie with no crispness to the picture. Also guaranteed!
The *ONLY* mainstream way (currently) you could get close to a good quality movie (and I'm talking around 640pixels wide or better ... and no *major* compression artifacts) in that file size (430 - 480MB) is if h264 was used for the video compression. Generally though if someone uses h264 they don't put it in a ".avi" file - it'll be far more likely to be in either a ".mkv" or a ".mp4" and would likely get mentioned in the comments about the torrent.
Trust me I've seen a 650MB encode of Saving Private Ryan (~2hrs 45min) in DivX (admittedly an earlier version - 3 or 4 I think) and there were so many blocky artifacts it was rediculous! If the resolution had been dropped to 512 pixels wide those artifacts would have been reduced, but not eliminated, but that then also puts it squarely into low res blurry territory.
The simple truth is that DivX and XviD just can't compress that much data into that small a file without a major impact on visual quality - either resolution or blocky artifacts, take your pick but you won't get high res *and* few artifacts at such low bitrates.
SCash (2008-11-28)
"431MB and 480MB for a *full* movie is going to give bad quality no matter how you look at it. Period!"I've watched them all and even those two are good quality.
Additionally, I didn't Rip the originals. I downloaded these movies as individual torrents and then put them in one file and uploaded them back to Pirate Bay.
I've read no complaints from anyone that has actually watched them.
Finally, the great thing is...if you don't want the torrent download because you feel it may not be up to your standards...then move on...Go to Walmart and buy the damn movies!...LOL!!!
From the looks of things, the torrent has been up since 11/19/08 and it is still going strong.
24 Seeders, 44 Leechers.
Have a great day!
Keep Pirate Bay alive...Keep Seeding...
SCash (2008-11-28)
If you have downloaded and actually watched these Star Trek movies, please leave some feedback as to the quality of the movies.Thanks.
bburwood (2008-11-29)
OK fair comment. I haven't actually downloaded these particular files (I have other versions). Let's see, Nemesis, 700MB, 640x272, XviD 729kbps, 1hr 51min audio 128k mp3. Bitrate-wise that's about as low as you really want with Xvid / DivX. It's ok quality, but certainly not DVD, even though the res is not too far from it (horizontally at least, dvd would put a little more in vertically because of aspect ratio considerations which would improve the quality at full screen a decent amount).To chop that down to 481MB you need a total bitrate of about 600kbps. That leaves around 500k for the video, give or take, depending on how much you give to the audio. That's only two thirds of the video bitrate in the larger version that already has some small signs of low bitrate artifacts. That kind of squeeze will show up in the final video - either in action scenes if an average bitrate mode is used, or in the overall clarity if a constant quality mode is used. That's just the way it is with digital video - some compromise has to be made to fit it into such small file sizes. XviD and DivX are good at it, but they have their limitations. h264 has it's limitations as well, but at this kind of low bitrate the final video will be far better than with XviD or DivX.
I found a low bitrate SG1 and SGA episode in h264. They are about 530kbps *total* bitrate including audio. The video however is full 540p quality (ie., 960 x 540, higher than NTSC dvd). There are obvious artifacts in action scenes but the overall quality is quite amazing given the file size of only 164MB for a full 44 minute ep - I only downloaded it (ages ago) out of curiosity to see just how well h264 could do at extremely low bitrates, and I have seen *NOTHING* that even comes close.
But, I guess I'm picky when it comes to video quality. I see a big difference between DVD or almost DVD quality (let alone anything less than DVD quality) and 720p HD quality. There are many people who apparently don't, which just plain amazes me - since there's a huge difference, even on my little 17" LCD monitor (which, of course, can handle full 720p without shrinking it to fit).
I could go on ... but there's not much point really. Each to his/her own I guess, and if you (or anyone else) are satisfied with the visual quality (or like many places, including my own country, have data limits on internet connections) then go for the smaller files. My only suggestion to anyone who can't pick the difference between standard and high def is to get your eyes checked - you might be surprised by what you are missing (even in normal everyday life). (and yes, I wear glasses full time, otherwise I'd miss little details everywhere. I can legally drive without them, but I would only do that if they were broken.)
D'oh, this has become yet another really long post ... I'll stop now!
SCash (2008-11-29)
"I could go on ... but there's not much point really."Exactly!
What are you?
The guru of torrents?
This isn't a classroom and you're not the teacher.
Here is the long and short of it...
I am a Trekkie fan. The movies are not the best quality that they could be. I took what I could get from torrents due to the fact that I wanted to watch the movies. And the quality of these movies was good enough to provide that service.
Additionally, I suspected there were many other Trekkie fans that would appreciate the ability to get all four movies in one download.
It's that simple.
LOL...In closing, I've got an idea that you are scaring people away from this torrent with all of your brow beating about the quality.
But, as long as others are leeching and seeding, I'll keep it on Pirate Bay.
Thanks for all of the input.
You have an excellent day.
Keep Pirate Bay alive...Keep Seeding!!!
bburwood (2008-12-01)
"This isn't a classroom and you're not the teacher."Got that right, hehe. Me ... a teacher ... nooooo no no no! But I do try to inform about the possibilities ... perhaps a little too verbosely at times.
Guru? Not that either.
"I am a Trekkie" Me too.
"I've got an idea that you are scaring people away from this torrent with all of your brow beating about the quality."
Not trying to scare people, but if anyone reading is lucky enough to have an unlimited (or very large) data allowance then I'd recommend a 720p or 1080p Blu-Ray rip, but since most people (myself included) don't have that luxury then go for whatever falls within your data allowances, just check any info about resolution and quality if available and then decide which one to get.
A few years ago I did see an XviD 80MB Voyager ep and it was slightly better quality than I had thought it would be, given the tiny file size, but it was still low res and had no fine detail - it had all been shrunk, smoothed and compressed out - but that was well before h264 came on the scene. (can you tell I think h264 rules in the quality stakes at present? hehe)
"What are you? "
Just your regular everyday scifi lovin' tech geek. ;-)
"You have an excellent day."
You too. :-)
BrysonC (2009-04-02)
I originally downloaded the torrent for Perfect Disk 10 at The Pirate Bay, but it was a crappy download. Luckily the one file I was able to extract was the Perfect Disk 10 Key Gen.So, I just went to the website And downloaded the free trial version and then used the key gen, and BAM...Success! I still have the Key-Gen open if anyone needs a new key...Email me at the addy listed below. I've already generated four numbers each for the files below.
Perfect Disk 10
Stop by my blog when you have time.
Today is another great day to be alive and an American!
Perfect Disk 10
Home Edition
Virtual Enterprise Edition