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mount and blade 0.903 crack






mount and blade 0.903 crack




2008-05-04 (by dcoutput)


thank u plasmafox2038 This crack works correctly with no errors on Windows XP pro, with versions 0.903, 0.950,0.951,0.952, and the most recent 0.953. Step one: copy everything in the zip into the main mount&blade folder. Click yes when it asks you to overwrite the DLL's. Step two: run uniloader.exe. You will receive the message "CRC check failed." Click OK. It will now say "This is a Search&replace loader, click OK to start search." Click OK Step three: After this window closes, a short delay will pass and then the usual mount&blade nag screen comes up. Click "enter activation key". The program will immediately exit, and you will get "address found. please restart loader. four: restart the loader. it will start mount&blade in cracked mode. YOU MUST USE THE LOADER TO START MOUNT&BLADE. REPLACE YOUR SHORTCUTS WITH ONE TO THE LOADER.

Files count:



1.42 Mb




Ranjil (2008-05-07)

and how is this supposed to work?i run the "mount&blade uniloader" program and it says "This is a search&replace OK to start the search"..when i press "OK" it says "cant create process". what should i do?thx

kratoc (2008-05-07)

works, rock on

Ranjil (2008-05-07)

yeah,how do you get it to work -_-

Ranjil (2008-05-07)

and my mount&blade keeps erroring when i try to manual activate.what should i do : |

Karras (2008-05-09)

Can you please give some advise on how to use these files??

Blommangoestpb (2008-05-10)

i have installed and overwritten the old files in the folder as i guessed u were supposed to do but it still plays in trail
plz help me

Sclorch (2008-05-11)

Ok guys copy all the files into your mount and blade folder, it should replace the old ones. Now run the uni-loader. It should give an error the first time (or other weird message, I can't remember) then you double click it again and it should start up mount and blade and work

TheFag (2008-05-11)

I have done all that Sclorch says to do but and when i start the uniloader it opens mount and blade.. buts its still in trail mode and i cant get any further the level 8. so could someone please tell me how to make it work

dcoutput (2008-05-11)


zollid (2008-05-11)

I Copied the files to the Mount&Blade folder and ran the Iniloader just as you wrote but i still stops when i am lvl 8.

Markuze (2008-05-12)

I did all and there is no eny error mesages but still it starts in trial mode...... Whats wrong?

erredaman (2008-05-12)

OK heres exaclty what to do.
1. Copy the file in to the folder where your mount&blade.exe is.
2. Dont change name or anything on the uniloader, just start it.
3. Wait some time until it says some things about that he found the, uhm forgot whatever it is called but when he says that, just quit the M&B window
4. Launch the uniloader again and Mount&Blade is now at fullversion.
P.S. This crack also work on M&B 0.951, i have tested it. Just that you will have to wait a pretty long time. To get 0.951, download this:;10138986;/fileinfo.html

Markuze (2008-05-13)

Well... I did load this crak, then i unpack it to the Mount&Blade file and i press the uniloader and it starts the Mount&Blade but still in trial mode... Whats wrong?

Hrorlf (2008-05-14)

Well, seems to work only on few PCs, I tried on version 0.903 and 0.951 for the same result : always in trial version.

Markuze (2008-05-14)

You are right.

PapaBones (2008-05-17)

Did you write allot of A's in the Manual Code boxes?

jimmiegrunde (2008-05-18)

Is anyone here running Vista Ultimate 32bit as their OS?
The "Manual Activation" button doesn't seem to work on my comp. M&B always freezes when I click that button. :(

dcoutput (2008-05-18)

....i have ms xp sp2 and i also cant use the manual activation link ........ but this i am happy that this crack doesnt req.

jaboosa (2008-05-19)

copy it to the mount and blade folder and run uni-loader twice, ande the 2. time go to "Manual Activation" and write "A" and run uni-loader to play the game and unly uni-loader.
and the problem with it freeze just run a 0,951 versionm, download it here;10138986;/fileinfo.html

Kamikaza34 (2008-05-19)

You must put it in directory ot the game.
does anyone have a keygen or serial for this game?
it saes its in trial mode :S

rocketbaby (2008-05-24)

Thanks dcoutput for the crack.
This does work, just follow anon's instructions, i'm using a fresh install of 0.951

MrNutjob (2008-05-27)

Ot at least didn't for me, but with 0.951 it did!
So just get that version and follow anon775's steps. :)

MrNutjob (2008-05-27)

It will still say it's trial after the manual activation, so just close the uniloader and start it again, then the're will be no trial/activation window anymore. :)

MrNutjob (2008-05-28)

Works with 0.952b version too.

TheWierd86 (2008-05-29)

As some ppl have said already.... Do not work with 0.903 for me, only work for 0.951.
Heads up "dcoutput", thanks for crack but write a note of what to do next time.

LightecroF (2008-05-29)

i get a "get_object;" error when i try to use this with 0.951/0.952 version, only the 0.903 version works, any help?

1337ch47 (2008-05-30)

Ok, i have a few questions.
1. is the torrent supposed to be a notepad document?
2. where can i find the Mount&blade.exe file?
3. where can i find the uniloader

plasmafox2038 (2008-06-02)

This crack works correctly with no errors on Windows XP pro, with versions 0.903, 0.950,0.951,0.952, and the most recent 0.953.
Step one: copy everything in the zip into the main mount&blade folder. Click yes when it asks you to overwrite the DLL's.
Step two: run uniloader.exe. You will receive the message "CRC check failed." Click OK. It will now say "This is a Search&replace loader, click OK to start search." Click OK
Step three: After this window closes, a short delay will pass and then the usual mount&blade nag screen comes up. Click "enter activation key". The program will immediately exit, and you will get "address found. please restart loader.
four: restart the loader. it will start mount&blade in cracked mode.

1337ch47 (2008-06-03)

I don't get a zip file when I download the torrent. Is it possible that the torrent doesn't work on Windows 2000?

lord1027 (2008-06-03)

i have two computers, and on one of them the crack works, on the other one, it doesn't so I can say that this crack doesn't work everytime .... i did no mistake when i Installed it on the second computer

Killackey (2008-06-03)

Does this work with Vista cos ive done it about 10 times and with no results.....and im following Plasmafoxes advice.
Oh yeah and thanks dcoutpout

Edi_CJ (2008-06-04)

are u sure this crack works on 903???here is my problem i copy everything to m&B folder(it works)i start the uniloader(works too)i select enter serial and manual activation(works(it exits me as normal to put that file i dont remember))then how do i restart uniloader??i thought and did like this:i entered in it again(works)and when i select manual activation(GUESS closes everything :( )

Hellman109 (2008-06-04)

OK I finally got it to work! Using .951 in a link above
Copy in the crack, overwrite the files.
Run the uniloader, get CRC error, get search box, get the program to start.
Press activate, get search success and program restart.
** I still had trial notice come up here like most people***
THEN activate again, go into manual activation (on .903 it crashed, with .951 it worked) and type in ANYTHING into the manual actiuvation boxes at the bottom, mine were all D's.
It will then say success! and now it loads with uniloader as the full version!
Hope this helps, PS to cracker: include these instructions next release!

1337ch47 (2008-06-05)

I have yet to hear what a uniloader is and any ideas on why i get a notepad file instead of a zip file.

figg123 (2008-06-06)

when i run the uniloader i dont get the crc error and wat do u mean be activate i need some help and fast.

Tryingtohelp (2008-06-09)

It works on me, version 0.903 doesnt work of some reason, download;10138986;/fileinfo.html
, install it then follow plasmafoxe's guide.

lord1027 (2008-06-09)

IT works as Hellman says, thx a lot u guys :P

1337ch47 (2008-06-11)

Ok. I copied the NotePad file that i got from downloading this torrent, into the mountandblade folder. It did not ask me to overwrite anything. I then run the uniloader and no error comes up. Does anybody know if it might be because im running Windows 2000 that the crack does not work?

woohookid (2008-06-15)

I got it to work with Vista for .953. I followed Hellman's comments, however he doesn't mention that you need to fill in both the regular serial, and the manual activation serial. Also, be sure to run the uniloader as an administrator (right click, properties, run as admin)

Tryingtohelp (2008-06-17)

Don't care about the 2nd serial..just type in D's all the time and you'll be ifne :P

Bill_the_Greeker (2008-06-23)

it doesnt work to me !
can someone help me plz !

DarkLight7 (2008-06-25)

Well this thing worked for me but i got 1 question do mods work with this uniloader?

CaptBauer24 (2008-06-27)

It won't work. I don't even get that error message, it just tells me its a search and watever loader then it finds an offset and adds it to my folder and tells me to reload. Then afterwards, clicking the uniloader just loads the game with the trial activation thing, when I try to manually activate, it just tells me incorrect serial number. Nothing gets exited at all. Help please? Oh, and this is on version .951 and I run XP SP2.

Scullyy (2008-06-28)

Does it work with 0.960?

Scullyy (2008-06-28)

Okay. This works perfectly with 0.960 the last and final beta version.

Marzak (2008-06-30)

It works perfectly for me!
Very nice game BTW, extremely addictive. It hink I will buy it when it comes out of BETA

Drilllago (2008-07-08)

I finally found out how this thingy works with 0.903, cause I really wanted to play some great mods... anyways, here's what I did:
1. Get an .exe file from another version of mount n blade... I did it with the exe of 0.951v, so i don't know if others will do.
2. Ok, the .exe of 0.903 won't let you activate it manually (it will always crash) so backup it and keep it in a safe place :)
3. Overwrite the 0.903v .exe with the 0.951v .exe and run the uniloader.
4. Run it again...
5. Now, the trial screen appears... go to insert code and activate manually. Just write a lot of 'A's or whatever and click activate. You should receive an "Activation successful" or so
6. Exit the uniloader.
7. Remember the 0.903v backup? ok, now re-overwrite the 0.951v .exe with that one, cause if not, a screen pops up saying that you might have probs playing cause i don't remember what and it will just kick you out.
8. Run the uniloader... it will say something, just click ok. When it closes, run it again and the game should be fully activated.
Enjoy! :D

Zalgroth (2008-07-12)

Arggh. Because TaleWorlds lost my key and won't give me another, i've come to here. I got the game, and it worked for about a month, but then, BAM. I've done exactly what plasmafox said, but now, whenever I open it up, it says free trial. Ok. I go into register, manual registration... BAM! It dies. So..., any ideas?

SnoboarderTPOH (2008-07-14)

this doesn't work with .952
No CRC error. Just found offsets. Run again.. M & B starts in Trial Mode. FUCK THIS SHIT.. YOUR ALL GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!

Hankaster1 (2008-07-24)

I've tried as Anon, PlasmaFox, and Hellman have posted, yet I still get the problem as others have said; After typing in all the AAAAA's, it says 'Incorrect Activation Code'
I've searched other torrents and their comments as well, and there seems to be a mix of working, and non-working.
I think this torrent is fake. The uniloader goes through the steps mentioned mainly by those that have commented, but when it comes to activation, typing AAAAA's, or anything at all does not work.
Torrent bugged.

VanderseXXX (2008-10-18)

Seed!! This looks like a good torrent. thx

For_The_Horde (2008-11-01)

How to Download this?This crack of 1.42 mib?

Edi_CJ (2008-12-12)

hey guys...esspecyally u who know the serial is more easily to tell us the serial key than making crakcs and something like that isnt it?

Edi_CJ (2008-12-12)

what matters if it doesnt works for 903?cause if it works for 951 ITS MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER!!!