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Might and Magic Heroes VI-SKIDROW






Might and Magic Heroes VI-SKIDROW




2011-10-12 (by extremezone)

Description: Screens: Alternative: Might and Magic Heroes VI-SKIDROW aka Might and Magic Heroes 6 Might and Magic Heroes VI (c) UbiSoft 12-10-2011........Release Date - Protection.........UbiSoft DRM RPG..................Game Type - Disk(s)..................1 DVD RELEASE NOTES Might & Magic Heroes VI will take place in 564 YSD, roughly some 400 years before Might & Magic Heroes V, at the time of the second Blood Moon Eclipse, and the Rise of Kha Beleth, the Demon Sovereign. A legendary Archangel General, killed during the war of the Elder races, is resurrected. Under the cover of preparations for the upcoming Demon invasion, he plots to recover his powers and take control of Ashan while eradicating his ancient enemies. He underestimates, however, the power of the all-too-human Griffin dynasty... Heroes VI tells the story of the Griffin dynasty, when they were still Dukes of the Holy Empire, and not yet sitting on the Imperial throne (like in Heroes 5 and Clash of Heroes). The Griffin Duchy is east of the Empire, a region that would correspond to the Slavic nations in our own world. At the dynastys origins, The Griffin Duke Pavel was a zealous servant of the Light and a trusted lieutenant of the Falcon Emperor. He met his demise defending his own duchy from a Demon host summoned by the dying wish of a desperate enemy. Pavel's heroic last stand would ensure the survival of his son, Slava, who was only a boy at the time of these events. Pavel's sister Sveltana, who had left her homeland to become a prominent Necromancer in the Seven Cities, was called back to act as regent to Slava and educate him in the ways of the Griffin. Fifteen years and a war have past. Duke Slava of Griffin is now the father of five promising children. These are the main Heroes of the Heroes 6 campaign, and they will lead different factions to battle. INSTALL NOTES 2. Mount or burn image 3. Install 4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder to the game installation 5. Play the game 6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy Uploader Note: Please don't mind inside jpeg file included by one of our preseeding supporting uploader Note:If you have something to offer as early releases,seedboxes,links,accounts,etc please contact us on piratepedia[@]msn/ or our website torentz 3xforum ro Seed Stats: 20-400 GiB at aprox 10 MiB/sec/20 slots per torrent Might and Magic Heroes VI-SKIDROW Torrent Free Download How To Get Your Maxspeed (uTorrent) Torrent Client - Preferences - Bandwidth - Number of connections - Set aprox. 500 for each Torrent Client - Preferences - BiTorrent - Protocol Encryption - Forced Bandwidth Allocation - High (Set download/upload limit - Unlimited) Stop Other Active Torrents - Start downloading and wait for connections. Enjoy and Seed for at least 1:1 ratio. Don't forget to say thanks/leave reviews. For more info,crack only,PATCH,serial,keygen,trainers,CRACKFIX,UPDATES, system requirements,cheats,NFO,gameplay trailers,free downloads, pc iso,demos,screenshots,visit some RELEASE SITES or official web pages. Search here for any future updates/working status/etc or any other quality PreDatabase, Scene Release & Dupecheck sites. Stop using stupid av's as AVG reporting false positive viruses-disable or use Nod32


  1. Might and Magic
  2. Heroes VI

Files count:



6631.23 Mb




reebart (2011-10-12)

thanks for the upload. downloading it now :D

 .Dude. (2011-10-12)

Awww...u saddened me :(
gr8 up tho :)

mellowclown (2011-10-12)

thanks, but whats with the self hate? why do you have a jpg file in the torrent saying your a piece of shit? weird

donstavros (2011-10-12)

Downloading Tnx :)

hateproject (2011-10-12)

been waiting for this all week, thank you EZ

 .Dude. (2011-10-12)

Uploader Note: Please don't mind inside jpeg file included by one of our preseeding supporting uploader

Vvornth (2011-10-12)

"stopped working" upon start.
Only me who get's it?

maleghost (2011-10-12)


sorena620 (2011-10-12)

thank you extremezone , at last this awsome Game , really thanks , gr8 work u r doing

jotojoto8 (2011-10-12)

been waiting for this few years, thank you EZ

druhklam_orbowetsch (2011-10-12)

You rule and you know it!!!

kindred3006 (2011-10-12)

I'm getting "stopped working" right after double-click. Any suggestions? And don't tell me to copy over crack files...

waldurify (2011-10-12)

Thx for this awesome game extremezone! Fast download as well but why the sounds the jpeg image so hateful? I mean you are the best one on tph and you always give us working stuffs without problem or virus! All hail extremezone, may you live for an eternity!

marco699 (2011-10-12)

@ anyone who cant get this working do this :
when you apply the crack etc make a shortcut of the might n magic heroes exe. on the shortcut go into properties and at end of the target box add a space then type /offline hit apply and your’e good to go.
Tested and working fine

waldurify (2011-10-12)

I get an error code 2 when i pres the exe even if i run it as adminstrator.

atriodes (2011-10-12)

Thx for the upload! but iam going to buy the game tomorow. Because thats my favorite game and i want to support them. Can i connect to conflux with this torrent or this download just for offline games?

SunDaysKid (2011-10-12)

Can I play HoM&M VI on LAN??? a pirated version ;)

antarsan (2011-10-12)

SunDaysKid - if there is a LAN option, you should be able to play by Hamachi or, of course, LAN ;p

jongaros (2011-10-12)

Thanks for great upload. does anyone check this release need Ubisoft launcher shit,thanks.

Malikze (2011-10-12)

English version right ?

rocco_sifredi (2011-10-12)

I got over the first mission, campaign whatever without needing to reload any save. But when I tried to reload a save in the second mission ...the keyboard (keys for movement) stopped working. I can't move the map etc WTF is that ? Did you reload a save to check this ? I have Win XP 64bit.

vinit5191 (2011-10-12)

Very slow as of now...anyone finished downloading it yet?

vinit5191 (2011-10-12)

I just saw a jpeg.
What's that all about ?

cinderella79 (2011-10-12)

download dudes version instead. I'm seeding his torrent @ ~100Mb/s. And to all noobs - never install games in their default location.

rocco_sifredi (2011-10-12)

what the fuck are you all talking about ? I downloaded this game in 1 hour and that was this afternoon and I already played 3 missions. I managed to avoid that saving bug (you have to get out the game completly, to the desktop and restart the game). The game is a let-down, I didn't expected, It looks ugly, it has no heroes feeling at all, all creatures have retaliations, those stupid saint woman character are useless with all their resurrection perk; the spells are utterly useless, 90% of them are not spells at all, they are just stupid powers for the stacks; the enemy heroes can cast spells and resurect in the same time, your heroe can't...It a IDIOT game made by IDIOTS that have no idea what a HEROES game means for fans. That is no surprise, it's UBISOFT again after all, aren't they ? I really liked those russina guys game , Heroes V, I was so fond of that new interface...I won't buy this game, it's a shit and has no feeling connection to the Heroes be warned.

call_me_nobody (2011-10-12)

the game looks like it sucks

ActionWaction (2011-10-13)

Piratepedia aka extremezone is a piece of shit ??? lol

elessarGObonzo (2011-10-13)

everything i ever dloaded from extremezone is quality. not like sonofayoso toejam116 and all the other losers uploading untested, incomplete garbage from asia/eastern europe over and over again.

NeHoMaR (2011-10-13)

That JPG "joke" make me think someone stole extremezone account or something, and put some uber virus inside ISO. I am downloading anyway.

sp3nny (2011-10-13)

I always usually get the games working, but this one is just giving me an error when I start the game. Tried running as admin etc, anyone aware of a fix ? :D

sp3nny (2011-10-13)

Found a fix for the crash, create a shortcut for the launcher and add /offline to the end of the target. Now working perfectly :)

cenotaphium (2011-10-13)

I too had the error at startup, sp3nny's suggestion worked. Nice and easy fix.

GenT17 (2011-10-13)

can someone post exactly how they typed out the target to get it to work, i cant figure it out

g0dsize (2011-10-13)

First, thanks for the upload, extreme. Quality as always!
Second -- for people with the blinking cursor problem, this is not a problem with the torrent, it's a problem with the game itself. The game's forums has post after post about it & Ubisoft is working on a fix. The best way I've found to *minimize* the blinking is this -- in the video options menu, lower your refresh rate from 60Hz to 59Hz and make sure that vsync is *off*. This doesn't get rid of the problem, but it does help it a great deal.
Happy gaming, everyone.

Saplus (2011-10-13)

Astrologists announce the Week of HOMM VI.
Twice increased downloading of HOMM III on all trackers...

tan0shii (2011-10-13)

thank for the upload and big thank to skidrow,never let you perfectly

anuzbitt (2011-10-13)

jesus scratch my last comments ... this game is horried :O they changed ½ of the game for the worse :O removed 3 types of resources . the graphisc shit lol i went straigt back to playing homm v ..... what a joke lol .... say thanks to the american dickheads for ruining another game >:

karonte88 (2011-10-13)

How do i get past the username / password ? I just wanna test it before I (If its good) buy it. I just wanna play offline mode obviously...

karonte88 (2011-10-13)

Cant play it due to username / password requirement, any way to bypass this?

Midgetbuster (2011-10-13)

For the target thingy most people are asking for and solve any errors.
1. Make a shortcut by A. going to install location and right clicking the application and sending it to desktop as shortcut. or B. doing it via desktop and locating application.
2. Now on the desktop locate your shortcut and goto properties
3. in properties under "Shortcut" tab goto "target" field
4. Enter this as your target
5. Set your game to run as admin (if error2 appears)
And voolah should solve any errors.

Hokrollo (2011-10-13)

RPG? Isn't it a strategy game?

karonte88 (2011-10-13)

thanks alot, /offline in the shortcut worked, now i got the blinking cursor problem but whatevz

 .Dude. (2011-10-13)

You can download the update v1.1 from here:

mvri0028 (2011-10-13)

Opinion coming from a guy that is not a heroes 3 fanatic:Game is ok,the story seems to be the best in the series so far,graphics are good,but could have been alot better(see disciples3),then there is the town screens,nr of resources,and spell system,some people will hate those others will like,it's just a matter of taste.

kicka_89 (2011-10-13)

I cant play, only get
"ubisoftgamelauncher: error 2 code".
What shall i do? Have tried everything.

alex_costin89 (2011-10-13)

i get a black screen whit cursor and i followed all the steps, any suggestions?

frozenkex (2011-10-13)

Plenty of game features (Dynasty items and traits) do not work in offline mode.

zirow (2011-10-13)

When I run the launcher the game doesnt start and when I run the Might and magic heroes VI i get an error code 2 any help?

zirow (2011-10-13)

I read some comments and Fixed it thx

j-d-u-k (2011-10-13)

.Dudes fix can be found here:

Fully Works.

zielarzPL (2011-10-13)

Is that the multilanguage version or eng only?

zielarzPL (2011-10-13)

Is that multilanguage or eng only?

olabero (2011-10-13)

So, i´ve just downloaded the game. I´ve tried to install it but I allways get the message. The version of this file is not compatible with your windows version....
Any help? Thankful for all help.

mike_1337 (2011-10-13)

done download and install in 30 mins, uninstalled after 3 mins, works great but the game sucks

Trancelover (2011-10-13)

Boring game... waste of my time

IQ98 (2011-10-13)

Its work really good whit 1,1 patch and crack

toshineon (2011-10-13)

Am I the only one having really bad lag whenever I move the cursor. I have a good overall framerate, but when I move the mouse cursor the game lags horribly or even just stops until I stop moving it again. Problems during gameplay and even in menus. Any solutions? I am on Windows 7 32-bit.

zlic_yo (2011-10-14)

I played every Heroes game so far and this one is quite different. Some things are a lot better than in Heroes V for example, some things could've been better but in overall I like it so far. Thanks for the up, works great! For those who troll about the bad crack: Review for this game isn't out yet and you complain?! Seriously :D

AnteFjjante (2011-10-14)

I will say it again, this is NOT a fucking RPG.
This is a turn-based strategy game.

dynh9boy (2011-10-14)

How do u get the keygen for this game?

mejky (2011-10-14)

WTF 12kb/s -.-

Nounread (2011-10-14)

what are the Dynasty features people say don't work? does it matter for single player anyway?

mejky (2011-10-14)

I have the same problem. Game works fine but when moving on travel map using cursor... it can even stuck for 2 seconds -.-

atreyu64 (2011-10-14)

Yeah there's a cursor bug, trying to enable or disable vertical synch may fix it.
For those who asked : YES it is MULTI LANG !! X-D
I installed it in French, and it works great with PROPHET patch.
Thanks guys, really needed to see if it is worth buying, as a HOMM fan !

Dimmis80 (2011-10-14)

@extremezone thanks a lot dude.Great upload as always mate..Keep up the good work.:-)

baucchus (2011-10-14)

So when I try to put /offline on the end it tells me the address is not valid. Something I'm missing here?

Xodiac (2011-10-14)

Getting flickering graphics/details, the mountains etc in campaign all flickers no idea how to fix that error, using radeon 6950 HD gfx card

Napwnleon (2011-10-14)

Cinematic made this look like a pretty cool game. Hell even the main screen. Until I got into combat...

Southpark0075 (2011-10-14)

For they who get's error "2" or something Uninstall and reinstall the game and not let the Ubisoft launcher Update just hit exit. then the game will Start

mrvica984 (2011-10-14)

SKIDROW you SUCK!!!Always problems with your uploads.TBTF and KaOs are the best

esbenblume (2011-10-14)

Hellow good guys..
After installing the game I got "Error Code 2" and can´t play the game... Can someone please help me?

w00te2k (2011-10-14)

IS there a way to play this on LAN?

imseifer (2011-10-14)

I have a problem that never happened before.
I mount my image and nothing happens after...i tried with deamon tools or alcohol 120% and both wont work...Anyone has that same problem? Am i doing something wrong? I doesn't autoload or anything.
Help would be more than welcomed please.

surinen (2011-10-14)

does any1 know how to make DYNASTY WEAPONS and DYNASTY TRAITS work ? really, it changes a lot in gameplay ans I think it's neccessary to fully experience the game. if you know how to make it works, please, post a solution

OakieDoakie (2011-10-14)

"Failed to register into Game Explorer" when installing..?

czolgista (2011-10-14)

Pity that these cursor problems makes the game fairly unplayable, each movement of the cursor drops the FPS from 60 to almost 0, hope SKIDROW will find a workaround soon!

UberVerz (2011-10-15)

to the person above
try turning V-sync off

Kasseopea (2011-10-15)

Need the traits and custom Heroes, pls Skidrow-team, make a patch for it.

ljilja86 (2011-10-15)

to bad I need to register in order to start the game because when I start looking for me to sign up if I play offlane We regret that?

Narzul (2011-10-15)

Everyone who owns a ATI-card and have blinking/flikkering/laggin/clipping or whatever you call it problems: Go to your Catalyst Control Center and turn off Anti-Alliasing and Antisotropic Filtering, this should fix the blinking cursor as well, at least this worked for me. I really hope someone fix the Destiny weapons/trates thingy btw!!

kocakola89 (2011-10-15)

berkelium.dll is missing?

Codykon (2011-10-15)

When attempting to install on Vista 64, i get an error: Failed to register into Game Explorer. Any ideas?

LostAngel169 (2011-10-15)

won't start on windows x64... anyone using it and working?

LostAngel169 (2011-10-15)

windows 8 x64 I mean

druidmv (2011-10-15)

anyone else encountered serious bug in necropolis campaign ?? It´s in 2nd level "dream" mission - I click on Jorgen and nothing happens. - those who play should know what I am talking about ..

wowme (2011-10-15)

Didn't reach 2nd level cause i am stuck in the first...Why?
Cause my creature groth is -90325 skeletons, -32506 ghouls and -50256 ghosts, and won't change.
Now i have to go back 30min before to my last save and try again...and i don't even know if it's because of the patch or just a bug.
Game is full of bags, i am glad i didn't buy it.

MeanHuggin (2011-10-15)

Anyone having the issue where they cant recruit more men because when you go into town it doesnt show your hero or your army ?

mvri0028 (2011-10-15)

wowme-I've encountered the same bug until I patched the game to 1.1,but even with that patch the game is full of other major bugs...I have never encountered a game with so many bugs until now,and I've played hundreds of other games...

dividi77 (2011-10-15)

thanks for games but game is not good , i played early games too but worst HEROES game ever ! :S

asder111 (2011-10-15)

I would like to fine tune the games settings, does anyone know where the ini file is hidden?

CrespoAndre (2011-10-15)

When i start the game it asks me to put a code to play online but when i click to play offline it says that i have to play online at least once to play offline. Does anybody know what to do?? Please help!

Raschas (2011-10-15)

Okey so i've read every singel comment now and none is about the game suddenly crashing and says "Program stoped to work" im I the only one with this problem really? everytime i try pass specific points the game crash, i've tryed max and minimum graphics, i've run it as an Admin and Without that, i've tryed everything i can think of you make it works, but keeps reapting the same thing, and now im stuck since i MUST pass this portal to get futher, i've had the same problems on the Demo that this happens but not this often and not on specific points that i must pass, Please anyone PLEASE reply on what can cause these kinda problems im a insane HOMM fan and i've w8ed over a year for this game and now this happens..

Raschas (2011-10-15)

Okey so i've read every singel comment now and none is about the game suddenly crashing and says "Program stoped to work" im I the only one with this problem really? everytime i try pass specific points the game crash, i've tryed max and minimum graphics, i've run it as an Admin and Without that, i've tryed everything i can think of you make it works, but keeps reapting the same thing, and now im stuck since i MUST pass this portal to get futher, i've had the same problems on the Demo that this happens but not this often and not on specific points that i must pass, Please anyone PLEASE reply on what can cause these kinda problems

trag123 (2011-10-15)

My game ends when I finish second mission, I have no option to continue further.
Is this the same for you guys???

MoviemMRZ (2011-10-16)

The first is the tutorial and its 2 missions only.

MoviemMRZ (2011-10-16)

First two missions are tutorial only!

notistpbg (2011-10-16)

extreme u suggest to use or not to use NOD32 either.P-L-Z smb HELP ME even i use esetss new i didnt can install 3 games! H-E-L-P SBD!

notistpbg (2011-10-16)

exz u r g guru

baga4 (2011-10-16)

dont work
1 moun
2 install
3 update game
4 copy everything from the skidrow folder to the game installation
f*ck f*ck
plz help

Ogorek- (2011-10-16)

create shortcut and add /offline in the target section.

acidfnord (2011-10-16)

Mission 2 keeps repeating! Have played it 3 times now!
Same problem as trag123. So can't start main campaign.
Any solution?

greenollle (2011-10-16)

@ Raschas I have the very exact problem. The games breaks down at the same point over and over and for no apperent reason. I hear that annyoing Windows *bing* and then the game becomes unresponsive and I have to terminate it.
Have you solved it Raschas, or someoneelse?

money-monkey (2011-10-16)

I have written space, then /offline in the right place, ( I am sure) and that worked, but when i open the game, the screen turns black, and then it stop working.
Someone know what i should do?

money-monkey (2011-10-16)

I have written space, then /offline in the right place, ( I am sure) and that worked, but when i open the game, the screen turns black, and then it stop working.
Someone know what i should do?
plz help me!

money-monkey (2011-10-16)

I have written space, then /offline in the right place, ( I am sure) and that worked, but when i open the game, the screen turns black, and then it stop working.
Someone know what i should do?
plz help me

money-monkey (2011-10-16)

Plz come on
Help me
I love this game!

a3sir (2011-10-16)

Yup me too after i put /offline ,it worked for a while den i closed the game ,next day I wanna play but its all black.

Alexis911 (2011-10-16)

My game keep crashing after I double click on the shortcut (I already did the /offline thing)... The game is not starting at all ... pleas help!

acidfnord (2011-10-16)

Campaign just stops on last level of tutorial. All other race campaigns remain locked, despite multiple completes of final tutorial mission.
Any thoughts?

whistler84 (2011-10-16)

Basically no one has cracked this game yet. Most of the content (dynasty items etc) and the whole Conflux system requires online mode. This more or less makes the offline mode like a useless demo version.

Virtualizer (2011-10-16)

@kicka_89 READ the effin comment 5 steps above you...
"omg cant get this to work.. i tried everything.. i googled everything.. I still get the problem.. my game wont work.. Would a neard be so kind and please provide me the exact instructions on how to get this game to work so i can continue on to be the lazy ass that i am please??..."

synthiele (2011-10-16)

It works for me, using PRHOPHET crack. I had to however do a clean install of the game and ubisoft launcher along with removing the files from My Documents and the game folder left over by the first SKIDROW crack, because they messed up with Ubisoft launcher files and saving of campaign progression.

SpyNT (2011-10-16)

This installed and launched for my fine. Windows 7 64bit. Some comments:
-Shortcut should look something like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Might & Magic Heroes VI\Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe" /offline
-This isn't really necessary, you can just hit "Quit" during the patch download and it'll still launch the game in offline mode.
-The game seems very buggy at the moment and not very optimized. Even with a powerful computer, there is a long wait in black screen before the game launches. If your computer is older than a year or is not a gaming laptop, move on to the next game for now or find a patch with a crack (haven't tried Skidrow crack on this patch so I'm not sure).
I'll report more as I play through the game.

Virtualizer (2011-10-17)

Not nesseserily.. One of my pc´s is 7 years old with a dual core at 3 ghz and it runs smooth as a babys butt.. Its all about the graph-card on this one.. i popped a gtx285 in it and like i said.. runs smooth.. rest of the specs is like i said dual core 3.0, 2 gb ram on 400mhz.. fuck the specs.. its a crap-pc with a good graphcard..

dreikano (2011-10-17)

Ok well the game runs good but i get a lot of lag from the cursor flashing. I turned off V-sync but it helps little. dose and one have and idea how to fix this problem!!!

dreikano (2011-10-17)

Hello i Installed and can run the game fine Thx Skidrow awesome!!! But there as a problem with the cursor flashing, I turned off the V-Sync but it helped very little! Any one know any fix??

saturneye (2011-10-17)

For those who are having problems. Download the Skidrow Final + update torrent which includes prophet crack.
First remove the game completely and do a clean install. This removes all bugs.
This aside though...

CrespoAndre (2011-10-17)

I have written space, then /offline in the right place, ( I am sure) and that worked, but when i open the game, the screen turns black, and then it stop working.
Someone know what i should do?

jashke (2011-10-17)

besides that cursor bug game works fine, all campaigns work as well only thing i am disappointed about is dynasty not working (but i guess it will be fixed soon with some crack) and irinas armor which i found funny considering other main chars

w00te2k (2011-10-17)

come on lads.. how to get this game working on LAN?

sima75 (2011-10-17)

!! if you play not work, fix this!!
When you apply the crack etc make a shortcut of the might n magic heroes exe. on the shortcut go into properties and at end of the target box add a space then type /offline hit apply.

MeH88 (2011-10-17)

Does the prophet update unlocks heretige weapon/traits ??

2si3 (2011-10-17)


jashke (2011-10-17)

just want to add my previous comment, i just realized that you can choose afinity at campaign screen

khan31 (2011-10-17)

My game ends when I finish second mission, I have no option to continue further.
I tried several times
Any solution?
Pls help

ffscrap (2011-10-17)

Cant finish installation on x64 Vista ...

leoshik (2011-10-17)

Ok you dolts. Everyone who keeps saying that you can't play past the second mission - that's right you can't.
Want to know why? Because ...
The main character of those 2 missions dies and the story continues as another campaign. So at the campaign screen, when you say you can't continue, just check the top left of the screen where you have all the faction icons. Click on one of the other faction icons and continue the story with another character.

leoshik (2011-10-17)

You beat me to it as I was typing :D

khan31 (2011-10-17)

thanks guys

PyroCylla (2011-10-17)

Ok... Im sure Im not the first one... Blinking cursor? Anyone? Fix? Ok... :)

Swythern (2011-10-17)

Hey i have a prob with the serial code it asks for, any help?

Kasseopea (2011-10-17)

Ok, can anyone make finally a proper version, so we have a bestiary, custom heroes and dynasty stuff pls?

Flexinn (2011-10-18)

Is anyone else getting trouble with the graphics ? My mouse pointer is blinking and the bacround is blinking also. It's not playable like this :/ Any solution for that ?

leoshik (2011-10-18)

Yes pretty much every one is getting the blinking cursor problem. Some people report that having vsync off makes it more bearable (mine was already off so I guess my cursor blink isn't as bad as it could be). Also some said that setting refresh rate to 59 helps. Other than that, wait for a patch.
I'm more concerned with a Dynasty crack. Seems that the items and bonuses you get from that are pretty overpowered. I'm playing the game on Normal and it's kicking my ass - but I might just suck at Homm 6.

s3rv0 (2011-10-18)

I'm play on hardest diffuclty. I find it hard if you get useless skills for your hero without a dynasty support lol. But steal beatable. Had to start some missions from the begining a few times to get it going well. And seting up the strategy.

arctype (2011-10-18)

Game is flawless.
To fix all problems type /offline at the end of target directory in a short cut from the main exe file.
To stop cursor issue do all the updates from the gu.exe file. You may have to do it 3 or 4 times. make sure ur up to date.

radelrym (2011-10-18)

sorry to be user # a billion to ask why its not working, but I have no option to change the target line. its shaded out in the properties of the shortcut.

radelrym (2011-10-18)

nevermind, got it.

whisler_84 (2011-10-18)

I have the same problem as you radelrym.
Please tell me how you solved it. The game just simply wont start after i cracked it...

FiReCRoW (2011-10-18)

great torrent .. too bad the game wont work for me .. i think game programmers are just getting lazier with every game that is released :/ no way im gonna be buying a new comp or gpu every freaking year to play a simple game like this .. i dont even need all those fancy graphics on a game like might and magic :/
"your video card does not meet the minimum requirements"
even though the card in my laptop has 512Mb of memory its still not working even with the latest patch .. buuuhuuuu :(
ah well .. good thing i didnt pay for this one : )

matthew_rs7 (2011-10-18)

V-RAM has nothing to do with it for the most part. Your using a laptop chipset which own it's own usually indicates an issue.
It's all about the chipset that determines if your GPU meets the minimum or recommended requirements.

FiReCRoW (2011-10-18)

ok but its still stupid to tell a game not to even run based on such specs .. i am sure the game could run on my laptop based on the required specs .. and if a game like civilization 5 runs then heroes shouldnt be a problem either... i dont have to run it at max settings or anything... just disappointed that game devs dont seem to be putting in much effort anymore .. and then they wonder why people dont buy games...

CrespoAndre (2011-10-19)

I have written space, then /offline in the right place, ( I am sure) and that worked, but when i open the game, the screen turns black, and then it stop working.
Anyone know what i should do???? Please help!!!

Xarri (2011-10-19)

anyone else unable to find a review of this game?

ouste5 (2011-10-19)

How do i do to pass the registration key of the game in the login...and it say's that when i click on play offline it's say ''cannot find the game and lauch it'' plz help

websmith (2011-10-19)

I can't even install the game.
First I try to install on my 1TB D: and the game says it cannot be installed on a removable drive.
Then I try to install on my 2 TB E: and the game says that there is not enough space on the drive, even though I have 1.5TB free :-) Good thing I did not buy this game.

VladimirStajic (2011-10-19)

anyone help me ?? ...i have started game once,ok cursour problem not big....and played...and when i quit game,about 3h later was going to play again, but then always say HMM VI stoped working... and cant start game-.- pls help me -.-

Shockenawe (2011-10-19)

Haven't seen this one....At the end of the install I get [INTERNAL] Failed to Register into GameExplorer...
I ran the install as Administrator
Any Ideas? Thx

molderfox (2011-10-19)

Cant use dinasty traits while offline???!!! this is written after first map. does anyone have solution for this?

Cybdex (2011-10-19)

Worked fine for me will continue to seed at a 1.5mbs for another day

AThardy (2011-10-19)

its not working.... :S

tobe123 (2011-10-19)

How the fuck do I get this fucking game to work!!!! I've been installing and uninstalling it for the last few fuckng days and I'm so pissd off at it!
I have installed the patches and typed "offline" everyfuckingwhere possible. It says "error code 2" all the time! please someone tell me what that means for crying out !

IgotNoPatience (2011-10-19)

Install is easy and all works well until i try to visit any town, game encounters error and it crashes. Also the fix P0nutz provided did not work for me, i can still play it, but its really annoying having to load the game every 15 minutes. Other then that all works well, no blinking cursor etc. and of course, no dynasty traits.

darklordsithis (2011-10-19)

I have a problem. When i want to load a game i saved in any of the campaigns other then the tutorial campaign. My game gets stuck during the loading screen and crashes.
Any help or advice on how to solve this problem would be welcome :-)

darklordsithis (2011-10-19)

I have a small problem. If i try to load a game, i saved in the necro campaign. My game gets stuck during the loading screen.
If anyone could tell me how to solve this problem it would be highly appreciated.

molderfox (2011-10-19)

ATTENTION to all players! not worth playing in offline mod, it so striped of every cool stuff like dynasty traits,not able to choose custom hero, etc. Need to wait proper crack for that, otherwise game is poor.(i hate those smart asses in Ubisoft who thins that striping the offline mod will make gamers to use online , fucking asshols)

ez100 (2011-10-20)

Install+crack this torrent.
then patch to 1.1

copy the crack from that torrent.
then patch again

and copy its crack and replace.

Nehrim (2011-10-20)

i'm stuck at 99,9% LOL :(

N.T.G. (2011-10-20)

Did everything both patches but still won't play after crushing the tutorial.
DONT DOWNLOAD wait for a good rip.

vianiznice (2011-10-20)

The torrent works great, you guys just suck at everything.

manu_rvd (2011-10-20)

Bro tried ur way made a fresh installations still no luck...
all im getting from just this version and even after applying the patches is..
game runs black screen cursor changes to armor hand and game crashes to desktop..
Any help advice ppl?

manu_rvd (2011-10-20)

P.S. ive also tried adding /offline to target path still nothing...

whisler_84 (2011-10-20)

Only 39 buck on amazon.. It´s totally worth it..

adymisk (2011-10-20)

worst game ever.

Undo334 (2011-10-20)

I have one small question. Why does the game crash after every mission map (except for the first tutorial map) in the game section where you choose either continue or quit. If anyone got a solution I would be pleased to hear it :)
Got both updates 1.1 and 1.1.1
Otherwise the game works perfectly :)

urbanv (2011-10-20)


jdemonify (2011-10-20)

I got problem... help me! how i fix ubisoft error 2??

ffscrap (2011-10-20)

(X)[INTERNAL] Cant register to gamelauncher or Ubisoft something..
Game cant complete install.
Copy'ed the SKIDROW content to whatever is left in the game directory..
Try start game then **this application has failed because berkelium.exe not found**
I give up, dont think game is worth all the trouble.

ejstout (2011-10-21)

I don't really agree how the developers made it so that the game requires you to be logged in for the dynasty function of the game.
The game itself isn't worth buying.

sebyplaya1 (2011-10-21)

@Spherex253 Your instructions helped me. Thanks a bunch man!

Andymandy2 (2011-10-21)

When i try to add "-offline" to the target its always saying wrong path and i can't change it.
Plz help.

mrvica984 (2011-10-21)

I have Win7 64bit,i tried everything but every time i start a game it crashes-"UbisoftGameLauncher.exe stopped working.I really need some working solution!!!!

Amaximus (2011-10-21)

Avira detects a virus on Virustotal. Now they are the only ones, but that actually makes me more nervous as they tend to be the only ones catching a real one rather than the only false positive normally? Comments?
AntiVir 2011.10.21 TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen3

bailey_bat (2011-10-21)

Without the whole CONFLUX crap, this game is completely useless. The only point I (and probably most) people would get this POS is to play with other people.
Can you guys research and list MULTIPLAYER options for your torrent releases please? Online not working is a given in most cases, but CONFLUX even blocks LAN thus making this game a Single Player Brick.
User Note: Don't bother with this game, by any torrenter.
Thanks for the upload anyways, Skidrow

golhol2 (2011-10-21)

this game sucks the one before that is much better.

Denarion (2011-10-21)

On campaign second map I cant get through the gate ... seems I must login to Conflux.. so is there an solution to this, I've tried some updates and such but didnt work very well...

yaemhay (2011-10-21)

was searchin all day how to open and play homm6 with ubisoft luncher, and find 2si3 comment and it work,for all those who have trouble with game....

2si3 (2011-10-21)

@Denarion, mate go down through water, thats the path u need.

warmager (2011-10-21)

Hi Guys,
my game keeps crashing at the loading screen after the 2nd UBISOFT animation.
I have installed the Prophet and .v1.1.1.Update-SKIDROW [ALEX] but it does not seem to work
I have also tried other suggestions posted earlier such as registry fix:
but it does not seem to work, neither does updating my graphic card driver
can anyone help around here?

warmager (2011-10-21)

Hi Guys,
my game keeps crashing at the loading screen after the 2nd UBISOFT animation.
I have installed the Prophet and .v1.1.1.Update-SKIDROW [ALEX] but it does not seem to work
I have also tried other suggestions posted earlier such as registry fix:
but it does not seem to work, neither does updating my graphic card driver

warmager (2011-10-21)

Hi Guys,
my game keeps crashing at the loading screen after the 2nd UBISOFT animation.
I have installed the Prophet and .v1.1.1.Update-SKIDROW [ALEX] but it does not seem to work
I have also tried other suggestions posted earlier such as registry fix:
but it does not seem to work, neither does updating my graphic card driver

money-monkey (2011-10-21)

Thanks POnuts! it worked perfectly fine, and now I have played the game all night!!!
sorry its a little late...

money-monkey (2011-10-21)

By the way. Warmager, you only need to press once.

Amaximus (2011-10-21)

Well I sent that sample to Avira and it did come back as a false positive - they will update shortly.

Denarion (2011-10-21)

2si3: Thanks, now I have completed the second map.. but the next one wont load.. cant get passed tutorial...

2si3 (2011-10-21)

@Denarion, at the end of second map when u win final battle, u will se the button is restart (other button i forgot) and last is END GAME, since DUKE SLAVA ur character is only a tutorial with 2 maps, if u hit "end game" with u should, u will be returned to main meny, and if u go to campaign u will see it got unlocked
first is the tutorial u just finished, second the FIRST campaign, that is necromance path (the main character is the doughter of ur character from tutorial.. if u read description u will see that she killed her father (duke slava) and now seek revenge.. just read, no more spilers).. second is HEAVEN campaign, and so on. Thats why u cant continue with duke slava, he was only 2 map tutorial.

Demon_Gate (2011-10-21)

@Beli00 Download revo and uninstall the fucking thing.... ONCE done reinstall don't be a dumbfuck and update. be a pirate be perfectly hidden.. be.... the King of pirates..

gabriel.angelfire (2011-10-22)

Thanks Skidrow, nice upload.
Now, how do I change the player's name? It's always SKIDROW.

 Skymocker (2011-10-22)


keijin (2011-10-22)

For all those having problems to run the game.
There are two ways to make the game work.
Don't forget to make backups of all files you replace.
1. Install the game
2. Run Game.exe and let it update to 1.1
3. Download

4. Update the game to 1.1.1
5. Crack the game
6. If your game still crashes while opening it, try to run as admin. Using the crack you don't need to type /offline after, but you can if you want to.
Second one (opening by the Ubisoft Game Launcher):
1. Install the game
2. Run gu.exe
3. Update both game and ubisoft launcher
4. When the login screen appears, close the launcher.
5. Download

6. Go to your ubisoft launcher folder (default is C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher) and replace the game launcher.
7. Run gu.exe. Register an account and login.
Please note that both ways don't let you play online (the first one says Invalid Password, and the second says Invalid Validation key).
Some people said that you don't need the skidrow crack to play it. Only type /offline after updating and it works, but I never tested.
If your game still not work after following these steps, maybe your pc doesn't have minimum requirements.

Denarion (2011-10-22)

2si3: I dont get end game, I get next map when I finnish the last battle.. And then on next screen I get Quit or Continue.. Continue button does not work, it used to work before but then it only did restart the same map.. Seems I'm getting nowhere, also tried offline mode and login mode.. and updated the game... Nothing works..

pejo87 (2011-10-22)

i like heroes V and now I m plaing 6 i think its a good game and for now i love it.... for me everitink works just fine thenks for upload
greate game

Laddergoat (2011-10-22)

Hello fellow padowans!
I have a tricky thing here, when i start the game it asks me for cd key, what too do?

Laddergoat (2011-10-22)


teredo (2011-10-22)

what about that virus?? antivir wants to delete it. Can anyone tell me?

teredo (2011-10-22)

ehm why is my first comment gone? what about that virus? antivir wants to delete it. can anyone tell me?

SeuBonecoGamesDoBrasil (2011-10-22)

I couldn't continue the game after the first stage of the Necropolis campaign. In the world map, the game simply crashed after I selected continue.
Reinstalled following the steps given by Spherex253, and the game works like a charm. Too bad no one found a way to play with the Dinasty items in offline mode yet.

mortuuse (2011-10-22)

So, I've done everything to get this to work, copied all cracks and everything, but every time I run the game, I still get asked for a cd key. Watdo D:

teredo (2011-10-22)

sorry to bother you again, but do you also get a virus warning?and btw please seed.

tata_ludi (2011-10-23)

I did everything you wrote but when you start the game throw me to do some update I interrupt him and we start the game and pr entry into the game window to throw me my password is wrong, but can play the run campaign and yarn 2 level when you finish the second level have the option to click on next, but I restarted 2 folder in turtorialu I need help what to do

TamponDude (2011-10-23)

1. Install the game
2. Run Game.exe and let it update to 1.1
3. Download

4. Update the game to 1.1.1
5. Crack the game
6. If your game still crashes while opening it, try to run as admin. Using the crack you don't need to type /offline after, but you can if you want to.
"The system cannot open the specified file"
what have i done wrong or what is the problem?

ZOMBIE91 (2011-10-23)

Works great! :) Thanks Skidrow you rock!

haryk96 (2011-10-23)

I have problem with the game. When i start cracked game.exe, there is a black screen and a cursor that looks like that in the game. The one with the glove. Please help me how to fix this. Thx...

tata_ludi (2011-10-23)

i got problem i can make only 2 maps in turtorial pls any hellp

PHAIIANX (2011-10-23)

Hi Everyone. Skidrow you have given us some great titles but I'm having a problem I can't solve.
When installing the game I get a CRC error when it tries to write "data5.orc", a pretty big chunk of the game. This happened 3 times. The game starts but a lot of textures are just black. Any help would be appreciated

TamponDude (2011-10-23)

1. Install the game
2. Run Game.exe and let it update to 1.1
3. Download

4. Update the game to 1.1.1
5. Crack the game
6. If your game still crashes while opening it, try to run as admin. Using the crack you don't need to type /offline after, but you can if you want to.
"The system cannot open the specified file"
what have i done wrong or what is the problem?
* Model: Acer Aspire 8943G
* OS: Windows 7 x64
* CPU: Intel Core i5-430M 2.26GHz, 3MB L3 cache
* RAM: 4 GB
* Graphics: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5850 3GB HyberMemory, DX11

kevinaas (2011-10-23)

I have the same CRC error. But it starts sooner. It wont even install : (.

GleaveX09 (2011-10-23)

Kept trying different ways of installation, but, keeps asking for a bind key to account code. Please help.

squidlike (2011-10-24)

When I install, it gets right to the end, then I get a message similar to "couldn't add to games explorer", then it just cleans out the entire install folder. I swear, I haven't had an extremezone release work in bob knows how long.

parker.270 (2011-10-24)

installed it, extracted crack and copied it over, when i go to run it i get an error message saying " the version of this file is not compatible with the version of windows you're running. check your computers system information to see whether you need an x86 (32bit) or x64 (64bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher." anyone know what to do to get it running?

imperio8 (2011-10-24)

avira says ubiorbitapi_r2.dll is a virus. I can not copy this file. what should I do?

Svefn-g-englar (2011-10-24)

Installed, updated and cracked. Works like a charm, no viruses, no issues.
Win 7 SP1 x64
AMD 6950 1GB with 11.9 drivers

TamponDude (2011-10-24)

1. Install the game
2. Run Game.exe and let it update to 1.1
3. Download

4. Update the game to 1.1.1
5. Crack the game
6. If your game still crashes while opening it, try to run as admin. Using the crack you don't need to type /offline after, but you can if you want to.
"The system cannot open the specified file"
what have i done wrong or what is the problem?
* Model: Acer Aspire 8943G
* OS: Windows 7 x64 Home Premium Edition SP1 7601
* CPU: Intel Core i5-430M 2.26GHz, 4GB Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD
* RAM: 4 GB
* Graphics: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5850 3GB HyberMemory, DX11

amiga1 (2011-10-24)

can someone plz put upp a game called:

amiga1 (2011-10-24)

can someone plz put upp a game called:

zeddstar (2011-10-24)

Hi guys.
I really don't understand how to get this game working. I've tried several times. But always get the "error code 2".
In the crack there is a folder named "orbit", what's the point of this? This shoould be copy and pasted into the game also?

nicouze (2011-10-25)

- I install game
- I patch 1.1
-I patch 1.1.1
-I crack the game
-I click on the launcher:nothing, no windows
why not working? thanks?

LucianCanad (2011-10-25)

Did everything TamponDude said, but as I run the game, that small window with the game title appears and then it crashes (that W7 message: "Program has stopped working")
What did I do wrong?
I swear it, ubisoft has it in for me. Hasn't been able to crack a game from them since ACII >_>

Sloba07 (2011-10-25)

When i tried to install this patch:

I got a message that says that the patch has been already installed.
And the game crashes when i run it (as an administraror).
What should i do?

Deathtrip2k (2011-10-25)

Loading saved games only works in the tutorial campaign. On the other campaigns it crash on loading screen. Anyone got the same problem?
And yes, i have installed it correctly, and i have installed it several times using different techniques and graphic card drivers.

Sloba07 (2011-10-25)

Thanks, i will try that way.

Sloba07 (2011-10-25)

Thanks, i will try that way.

strong55 (2011-10-25)

tnx SKIDROW im your BIG fan you made my commoner-life more enjoyable and i will seed as much as i can every torrent i download from you...keep up the great work :D

Russell229 (2011-10-26)

I know that some solutions have been posted but i really can't seem to get past second tutorial mission. I take the castle/fight duke, watch Cutscene, go to Stats page, press next map and now i'm on the map screen with only the second tutorial available. If I press continue I just repeat the map. If I press quit I go to main menu. From there if I go to campain menu I can still only get the first missions with it saying that I need to complete the prologue to play faction missions. Help please!

OljeOla (2011-10-26)

This works fine with TheDudes update to 1.1.
But today as a salute to Ubisoft, I bought the game.
Hopefully some % is shared with the original makers:)

OljeOla (2011-10-26)

Russel and others that complains about not getting further than the second campaign; Click another banner when in the map screen, upper part of the screen:)

Sloba07 (2011-10-26)

I have followed your instructions, and it worked.

Bamboos7 (2011-10-26)

could someone help me with cd key? i must write it but i don't have it.

Tomi904 (2011-10-26)

hello I opened the file and gu.exe tried to update the game but I wrote to the Heroes Might and Magic VI and is not installed! HELP pls

Marces90 (2011-10-26)

Hy guys!
I downloaded the game, and pache it up till 1.1.1 but I'm facing a constant problem. I'm playing and the game quits saying "There is not enough video memory" or nothing. The video memory is enough for sure 512 Mb. Any tips?

DarKK.KKnight (2011-10-26)

Where is the game installation folder? I copy all the files into programfiles/Ubisoft/mightandmagic/ and it says replace files?? I clicked yes and now windows says the game won't work. HELP!

DarKK.KKnight (2011-10-26)

how do you crack the game? in detail please.

Russell229 (2011-10-27)

If you're not being let past the second mission you have to restart the campain fully, not just the mission. And yes there was an actual problem with it not recogising you had completed the prologue for some people rather than them just not noticing the faction tabs.

cjvosh (2011-10-27)

it is not very thought out. the boss of the first map is strong enough to where you need significantly more units, including some ranged units when you first encounter him. you can run back to your city to build units, but first of all you can only build 9 units at a time, and second of all you can only build one kind of unit, which is a melee unit. they give you some ranged units in the beginning, but all through out the map, everytime you encounter enemies and fight them, they ALL attack your ranged you units, so half way before you get to the boss, their all dead! when you get to the boss, it specifically tells you you need to have ranged units to win this battle. but of course the game gives you no way of obtaining ranged units in the first map! Very stupid. I uninstalled immidiately!!!

molderfox (2011-10-27)

Is this final or beta version ? i ask because i can not build tear of asha because it need town rank 4 but there is no option to build town rank 4, just to rank 3 ?!

DarKK.KKnight (2011-10-27)

TO ALL DOWNLOADERS! The installation is made super easy by 'CrackThatGame'. I just followed his YouTube video and it worked perfect. Here's the link!

DarKK.KKnight (2011-10-27)

www youtube com/user/CrackThoseGames
Thanks CTG! Keep it up man!

lionfw (2011-10-27)

your problem lies between keyboard and chair.

bajerjwr (2011-10-27)

anyone know how to get serial number other way to buy it? is there any keygen or something?

JlM1337 (2011-10-27)

Thanks for the upload and seeding but the game sucks. Don't waste your time on this one!

_musiclover (2011-10-28)

@Russel229 - Hey I am having the problem of not getting past the 2nd mission, how do I restart the entire campaign? Or must I reinstall

_musiclover (2011-10-28)

scratch that last comment, you must go play the other campaigns. Not very well streamlined, but the game is ok, pretty similar to the earlier ones with a few changes some for good some for worse, if you like turn based gameplay this is ok

nicouze (2011-10-28)

sometimes i launch game and appear : "error code 2" so i cant launch heroes
sometimes no problem....
How can i fix it?

nrb2 (2011-10-28)

For anyone experiencing the issue that says can't install game explorer or something like that. I was having this issue and resolved it by changing the install directory. Not sure how this could be the problem but from what I can find this seems to fix the issue for alot of people.

forceunleashed12 (2011-10-28)

i did what you suggested in the shortcut with "exe" /offline and it doesnt work when i open the just shows again the register menu..plz help

Archonin (2011-10-28)

Thanks for the laugh, you're the biggest n00b ever ;)

EzraCrack (2011-10-28)

Ok , i got a problem ; When i try to install the game , an error pop up ERROR CRC blablabla so someone got this ?
So help would be apreciated :) Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EzraCrack (2011-10-28)

Error CRC ... I cant even install ... someone know this ? THX

laldupata (2011-10-29)

Avira picks up a virus from the crack..

glid_ (2011-10-29)


8082justin (2011-10-29)

Do you know if I can play LAN with this download or do I need to buy the game?

Cytheria (2011-10-29)

Stupid Ubisoft and most of all stupid uploader!!
I downloaded the game, i installed all the updates but the game was asking me to log in!
Anyway i went to the official website and i registered but after that the game was asking me for a cd-key!!
WTF?? In the folder that i downloaded i didn't find any cd-key generator or anything else to help me deal with it!

chinz1337 (2011-10-30)

"Stupid Ubisoft and most of all stupid uploader!!" Works fine for me, you're the one who's stupid here.

twistedr33 (2011-10-31)

I downloaded the game and it works fine but the only thing I have a question about is, if there is a patch or something I need to do in order to LAN or play Online. Please MSG me if there is a way aside from tunngle

Azzzzzap (2011-10-31)

Anyone knows a good and working trainer for this :) ?

bastarts (2011-11-01)

ok, trying to install and I get a message that this game is not compatible with 64bit version of Windows?!?!?! seriously, wtf?

p4nth3r (2011-11-01)

SKIDROW perfect is ready to play very famous ;)

p4nth3r (2011-11-01)

when you problem with error meesage..uninstall ubisoft and game work any problem ;)

smoke_nl (2011-11-01)

dont really need to uninstall just go ctrl+alt+del and end the ubisoft game launcher proces and then start the game
the crack needs to launch without it ore that 2error acurs
and for me uninstalling ubi game launch is not an option when i do next boot up its back:P
so my way is good and the launcher not always boots up just sometimes and only then i need end that process

Mr.LiM (2011-11-01)

Yo! Mate! Do You Happen To Know How To Unlock The Dynasty Stuff In Offline Mode?

Livy.the.pixie (2011-11-02)

What the fuck does the crack do? It is not needed. You do not need to copy anything from the SKIDROW folder to the game installation folder.
If you DO NOT apply the crack, you need to create a shortcut of "Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe" and and " /offline" in the Target textfield.
If you DO apply the crack, you still need to create the shortcut and add the offline parameter.
In short, the crack does nothing.

StarPhishPrime (2011-11-03)

This has to be the worst game I've ever played. I'd rather fondle mine own anus than play with this shit.

ProPirateBayer (2011-11-06)

I really like the game but:
I can't freaking get pass 2nd mission.
Ive read past comments and I checked I dont see any "banners in top of the screen" that I shoulc click and non of the new campagns are unlocked.
I completed this stupid tutorial 4 times already with still no positive results.
I tried restarting map and deleting all save files and restarting campagn all over again, it still didn't work.
Please if some can help, answer in details if you can, I really wanna play this campaign.
Thank you.

molderfox (2011-11-06)

I finished all campaigns.But i cant start final ??!! does any one know why??

valve99 (2011-11-09)

Hello, this will unlock all singelplayer after 2nd mission tutorial!!___________________________Go to my documents\Might & Magic Heroes VI\"your user"s name and find file named profiledata open it in notepad , find line "cheat all mision and change from false to true.

valve99 (2011-11-09)

ProPirateBayer ---- look above for my post! solving issue with campagin missions

szuruburu78 (2011-11-09)

Hello. I downloaded game without any problems. But in game when Im moving the cursor Heroes losing fps and i cant play fluently.. It happens in menu and in game, I dont know what is it? Can somebody help me?

szuruburu78 (2011-11-09)

Hello. I downloaded game without any problems but in game when Im moving the cursor Heroes losing fps and i cant play fluently... It happens in menu and in game.. Can somebody help me?

szuruburu78 (2011-11-09)

Im losing fps in game when im moving the cursor. Does somebody know what is wrong with game?

ProPirateBayer (2011-11-12)

valve99 you're AWESOME
It worked so Ima finally go play campaigns now!!!!

exmanoski (2011-11-13)

I finished all campaigns .But i cant start final ??!! does any one know why??

jeka7 (2011-11-15)

I did everything BUT: application failed to start GameOrbit.dll was not foud. What to do?

twyztedroze (2011-11-16)

It still says I need a CD key, what should I do?

Ralllu333 (2011-11-16)

hy! can somebody give us the cd key pls?

Ralllu333 (2011-11-16)

hy! can somebody give us the CD key pls?

Ralllu333 (2011-11-16)

hy! can somebody give us the CD key pls?

abir123 (2011-11-18)

why when i install is asks me for CD 2 ???

7Le7els (2011-11-22)

Why is there a file that says

SrdjanRadojevic (2011-11-24)

I have a problem. First when I instaled the game it worked just fine but now when I started it the pop-up window showed UBISOFT GAME LANCHER: ERROR CODE 2.

Furious1964 (2011-11-25)

Is there a FULL crack that allows the Dynasty Weapons and Attributes to be used.? This is just another Ubi$oft DRM that can be crack to its fullest.

lyze12 (2011-11-25)

been tryin to get this game working frm past 2 days. Encountered many errors including "UBISOFT GAME LANCHER: ERROR CODE 2". Finally got it working. Perseverance pays.
1. After dllin n installin this torrent, update the game frm 1.0v to 1.1v and then 1.1.1v (auto updates)
2. Get the crack for 1.1.1v.(game exe will be of 1.1.1version)
3. Create a short cut on ur desktop of game exe and rename the target to
"Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe /offline".
To unlock all missions, after tutorial, open "ProfileData" in 'C:\Documents and Settings\'Install Directory'\My Documents\Might & Magic Heroes VI\'USER' in notepad and change 'cheat_allMissions' to "true" from "false".
Dont knw hw to unlock the last mission. hvnt gone till ther yet.

Ninetou (2011-11-26)

Perfect upload worked like a charm. The games tho is crap imo

brka911 (2011-11-27)

Skidrow & extremezone thank You. Good torrent as always. Cheers!!!

maradona77 (2011-11-30)

Hey, can anybody help with that ISO files? It seems they are too huge to be burned in a CD or a DVD...any ideas??

Xenus333 (2011-11-30)

Upload is great as usual, extremezone in da house, but the game is a true let down and kinda boring and i played it since the first of the series, my opinion though, some might like it

mrmak11 (2011-12-07)

I finished the first two campaign and was not able to go to the next map only option was to end game and third level would not start ? anyone has this problem?
great game tho

ProjectXI (2011-12-11)

To all those having problems getting game to run, follow this:
Thanks to lyze12 i got it running doing this
1. After dllin n installin this torrent, update the game frm 1.0v to 1.1v and then 1.1.1v (auto updates)
2. Get the crack for 1.1.1v.(game exe will be of 1.1.1version)
3. Create a short cut on ur desktop of game exe and rename the target to
"Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe /offline".
To unlock all missions, after tutorial, open "ProfileData" in 'C:\Documents and Settings\'Install Directory'\My Documents\Might & Magic Heroes VI\'USER' in notepad and change 'cheat_allMissions' to "true" from "false".

homiczekk (2011-12-16)

at the end of the download it pops "fail to registered"?????I want to play this game!

charlene17 (2011-12-16)

Is there anyone else experiencing wrong 3d objects placement like screwed Z-order of objects, basement of mountains not underground and hidden but on top of the land ??

charlene17 (2011-12-17)

Many many thanks, for ATI graphic card, as the anisotropic and anti aliasing off thing in Ati control center did it : no more bugs in displaying objects !!!

charlene17 (2011-12-17)

Many many thanks as the anisotropic and anti aliasing off in ATI control center thing did it : no more bugs in the objects display.
ATI graphic cards owners here's your solution !

Fuckinek (2011-12-22)

I have a problem with game. I downloaded and installed it. Then patched it to version 1.2. Now, when I start the game I see this error: There is a problem with starting the game. Check if are not running other games that use the startup program Ubisfot Game. If the problem persists, try to reinstall the game.

Fuckinek (2011-12-22)

Problem solved. Now I started the game, but it want product key :/

emanuel_2011 (2011-12-23)

Can anyone tell me how to unlock final campaign?I reached final campaign and it seems i can't play.....

yang2012 (2011-12-29)

is not working for me :( like assasin's creed revelation who can help me please contact me at

babis95 (2012-01-03)

HI I need help. I have downloaded this file from here and after instaling a ubisoft windows pops-up and i need to login in after thats done I also need to type in a CD KEY Help PLEASE
Write to

miasilna (2012-01-07)

ok I have a big problem. I cant play my game because i dont have product key! so, can someone please healp me. i am adicted to this game and I want to play it! tnx

homiczekk (2012-01-09)

can i get a registration key number please, please :-)

JunkyVirus (2012-01-10)

I installed the game and copied the crack, everything as you should and I always do, but is there a workaround for the product key or is it somewhere I can't find it ?

lon3wolf999 (2012-01-16)

anyone have trainers working with this version? v.v

bljuv2404982 (2012-01-16)

1. After dllin n installin this torrent, update the game frm 1.0v to 1.1v and then 1.1.1v (auto updates)
2. Get the crack for 1.1.1v.(game exe will be of 1.1.1version)
3. Create a short cut on ur desktop of game exe and rename the target to
"Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe /offline".
I DID ALL THIS AS YOU SAID BUT I GET POP-UP WINDOW WITH MESSAGE: the name "Might and magic heroes VI. exe / offline" specified in the Target box is not valid.Make sure the path and file name are correct.

Somix (2012-01-16)


xXIAnonXx (2012-01-18)

Attention everyone if you get something that says something like:
the name "Might and magic heroes VI. exe / offline" specified in the Target box is not valid.Make sure the path and file name are correct.
Then to fix it you put /offline AFTER the entire test like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Might & Magic Heroes VI\Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe" /offline
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Might & Magic Heroes VI\Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe /offline"

xXIAnonXx (2012-01-18)

@xXIAnonXx text*

a1979 (2012-01-19)

works for me, thnx, although it was not so easy for me at the begining with instalation but it is lovely game, Skidrow Rulz, Greetz & Thnx once again.

bljuv2404982 (2012-01-19)

thx now it works BUT after i finished 1st mission, 2nd mission don't want to start i got only black screen and i have to restart computer.

Piddyx (2012-01-20)

I cannot get the crack to work.

requiemgirl (2012-01-20)

no speed, please seed!!

jtomi92 (2012-01-21)

How to run? Steps that worked for me:
- Download, install the game
- Run game.exe, patch it to 1.1
- Use the Skidrow folder, copy everything, paste them to the correct folder
- Run the game.exe again to download 1.1.1 and install it.
- Create a short cut on ur desktop of game exe and rename the target to
"Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe" /offline

Have fun!

helpme1234 (2012-01-22)

i just cant make it work.
can someone who knows to install it, make it for me with teamviewer please!!!
my skype is giotaras1991 from Greece
add me please.

gimpian (2012-01-23)

GameOrbit.dll is missing problem
can anyone help me solve this?

DutchSpecOps (2012-01-28)

deleated, this is the very first skidrow and/or extremezone upload ever that disapointed me, same errors every and every time i try to instal, to patch, to start. this just aint working.

haveaquestion (2012-01-30)

yeah fuck this game...

helpme1234 (2012-01-31)

10 days now and none add me on skype or tell something... you gonna fail install and make the game work. You will manage to play ONLY if you really know MANY MANY things about computers.

marek478 (2012-02-16)

help need cd key pleass:) be my friend:)

ShMiXeR (2012-02-18)

I got it working quick and easy
Mount image, Install game
Copy the contents of the skidrow folder to the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Might & Magic Heroes VI\
also to C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher (may not be needed)
Create a short cut (on the desktop) and edit it.
Enter target as "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Might & Magic Heroes VI\Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe"
then added /offline to the end, it should look like:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Might & Magic Heroes VI\Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe" /offline
Enjoy! (Don't update!)

Lexiar (2012-02-18)

To all who had the crashing at startup screen, i solved it in that way:
1. Clean installation from here

2. Download and install the update using gu.exe in game folder
3. Again download the second update (v.1.1.1 I suppose) using gu.exe in game folder (with first update it just doesn't work)
4. Replace the "Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe" with one cracked by PROPHET

5. Made a shortcut of this *exe, go to shortcut properties and add to the end of it's target line " /offline" (without quotation marks)
It seems that in my case the problem was solved by the second update, which was meant to solve the starting problems on some laptops.

vutrash (2012-02-23)

Is there any way to play online? I got it to work perfectly offline, but can you play multiplayer LAN? Pls reply fast ty :)

rescape31337 (2012-02-24)

1. Download and install the game using this torrent.
2. Go to the installation directory (default is C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Might & Magic Heroes VI\)
3. Run the update program from Ubisoft (gu.exe)
4. You have to run it three times and let it complete 100% each time, it's not hard, just don't even bother with torrent patches and cracks yet.
5. After the game has been updated to 1.2 by gu.exe, download this torrent:

6. Copy the cracked .exe from the 1.2 torrent into the Might and Magic directory, replace existing .exe - Voila. Works perfectly, except obviously you cannot access the online features of the game without actually buying it - so don't whine to us about not being able to get Dynasty weapons - you are getting a free game here illegally - go out and buy it if you enjoy it.

exicee (2012-02-28)

100% working ..nice upload.. homm 4 is better

Jenenji (2012-02-29)

Easy install & the game is 100% working.
The game it's self is lacking.

micci98 (2012-03-09)

I cant get it to work. I have done it all right. First i downloaded the iso file. Then i runned the game.exe file. After that i copied the skidrow file to the folder. Then when i try to run it the launcher crashes. Somebody please tell me what i'm doing wrong :(

Helperasd123 (2012-03-09)

ADD Helperasd123 to skype if wanna play this game.. ;)

skaza86 (2012-03-11)

Dziala w 100% wystarczy przed instalacja usunac z kompa Ubisoft Game Launcher (jesli ktos ma) i potem zainstalowac scrakowac i dziala

SBonesE8 (2012-03-17)

yes but nibel 2 writes:Game crashes at the Orc Campaign on Day 5, Week 2, Month 2, during the AI's turn. Always reproducible under any conditions.
This is the last one before the Final campaign. As such, the Final Campaign is inaccesible. on the comments section of the 1.2 i need to update to play? will it crash at that point?i really want this game to work havent so far but ill try latest tips from comments

SBonesE8 (2012-03-17)

dam its updated from 1.2 to 1.2.1 so is the craqck going to work on newest version? or any 1.2 crack out there?

SBonesE8 (2012-03-17)

i also got it to work after other things failed.(use regedit an delete ubisoft registry files under software if previous demo or game installed an trying again like i had to is always good idea) install gu in installed directory folder.update 4 times,always clicking gu after it finishes until it updates all the way to version 1.2.1(4th update) now get teh version 1.2 update an crack an copy just the crack an it seems to work ok for me! no more signin screen or bs that wouldent work.the 1.2 update an crack is

H_i_T_m_A_n (2012-03-19)

Thanks dude !! got it working that way :D

lyze12 (2012-03-24)

Any1 came to knw hw to unlock the final campaign??

Jax3T (2012-04-13)

just go and search this torent
`Might and Magic Heroes VI Update v1.2-RELOADED`
if you want total ofline game, its working 100%, tryed it and any1 that is telling you it isnt working is A FUCKING LIER!!!!

Kid_Carter (2012-04-14)

If you use the 1.2 crack, you can update to 1.2.1 & the crack still works fin. I haven't played the orc campaign yet, but it shouldn't matter because you don't need 2 finish all campaigns to unlock the final 2. You only have to finish 1 on the tears path and 1 on the blood path. If you have unlocked them but can't get them working, try changing from "custom" to "normal" settings. There is no way to access dynasty content. If you want that $#!+ that bad, buy the game.

ttuhttuh (2012-04-21)

any 1 can give me a cd key so i can play or add me on skype so we can talk - thomashutt.ttuhttuh

axelhacker94 (2012-04-22)

I downloaded this torrent works fine, but i cant find the MAP EDITOR. Can somebody help me to locate it? it would be great if somebody could help me :)

magister19 (2012-05-03)

i did every step right....uploaded patch 4 times from gu.exe and downloaded patch 1.2 and copied crack....placed a shortcut too but its still not just dont open up....i just see a startup screen

hack_sparrow (2012-05-06)

getting an error ""your video card does not meet the requirements "" : any way around it ?

SlayerAndTool (2012-05-19)

Skidrow isnt a folder for me but rather a .nfo extension type file. So i tried to copy and paste it anyway but it didn't work. It keeps asking me for CD key and i can't play offline version because i need to log in online at least once. So, what now? please help. possesed_by_evil is skype if you have it. Pretty sad :

SlayerAndTool (2012-05-19)

ignore my last comment. i did this
"when you apply the crack etc make a shortcut of the might n magic heroes exe. on the shortcut go into properties and at end of the target box add a space then type /offline hit apply and your’e good to go. " and it worked. thank you

Iseewhatyoudidthere (2012-05-20)

Your videocard is not powerful enough to run the game. You can tell if the screen turns black for a second then boots back to the desktop and the load panal just hangs indef.

Maikl21 (2012-05-21)

same problem like hack_sparrow ... any way around this?

Levy_NR (2012-05-30)

Everythink works perfectly, but YOU HAVE TO install three patches (1.1, 1.1.1 and 1.2). You can find them on thepiratebay with included cracks. Enjoy!

magister19 (2012-06-05)

my system is powerful enough...i got a 2gb graphic card i5 processor and 6 gb ram windows 7

magister19 (2012-06-07)

i have all the requirements to play....but it still dont work!

babis_gr (2012-06-16)

guys can anyone plz tell me if there is anyway to use the dynasty weapons and traits offline? or the only way is to buy the game with its product key?also is there any key generator for that?

babis_gr (2012-06-16)

also how can i play the last missions in the last chapter?

OpenGLVK (2012-06-16)

If you get black screen or you get error video card doesn't meet requirements, that means you have a shitty graphics card. The only way around is getting new one. @magister19 u can't just write 2 gb graphics card... we need exact name, otherwise it can be a 2 gb integrated card/integrated cards can't run anything, pure shit)

darkdodge (2012-06-17)

!!!!!!!FINAL SOLUTION!!!!!!!

newonlyone (2012-07-12)


LaNGY101 (2012-07-13)

@ SlayerAndTool
I encountered the same problem you did where it wants me to login online. I did what you said in regards to making a link on desktop and added in /offline in the target box and it works fine now.
Thanks for your help

Presk (2012-07-13)

Is this crack confirmed to b able to play with patch 1.5? cos for me, it aint working, i did like the instructions says, i let it patched up to 1.5 and then cracked over, but it wont load up the game, it shows ike its trying to start the game but it wont, so can someone else confirm that this crack works for/with patch 1.5?

majdtegnap (2012-07-25)

I can't update the game. I started the patch and it is say "install the game before install the patch " ...

daniellarry13 (2012-07-27)

@Presk i don't think it is, because it didn't work for me either..

HAAHWAAW (2012-07-28)

Ok, looks we're fucked, no crack for 1.5 nor 1.5.1, I guess we have to reinstall and then when the 1.4 patch is installed, and the game launches, close it, then apply the 1.4 crack, now disconnect from the internet, this way the launcher won't check for furhter updates, seems to be the only way to play for now.

cickavi01 (2012-08-04)

where exactly do I copy a file ORBIT?

kaszas1994 (2012-08-15)


seby183 (2012-08-17)

when trying to start the game i keep getting this message: The procedure entry point Skidrow could not be located in the dynamic link library skidrow.dll. i've downloaded skidrow.dll many times and put in the game folder but i have no idea how to fix this plz help!

nuqqi (2012-08-17)

Hey bro, at the end of the installer I get an error message saying it failed to register, and nothing gets installed. Whats up with that?

ayekillu (2012-08-28)

The game finally ran for me after updating to 1.2 and using the 1.2 crack. Thnx for the upload and I hope the rest of you find success at running this game

ayekillu (2012-08-28)

All this.. and now Im uninstalling it. The game really sucks. Good lord just stick with III and IV

goodkat.1 (2012-08-29)

Normally I would suggest people to buy the games they like. I bought this game, but I really regret I did that. I mean it's a really good game, but Ubisoft just f*cks it up with their Uplay "service". So don't buy Ubisoft games, because Your gaming experience will be ruined if You pay for their games.

conanfarrell (2012-08-31)

I installed everything correctly. but when i tried to run it, there's an ubisoft game launcher error 2. Please help me.

dilyan_93 (2012-09-13)

Same to me, After install and crack, the launcher says: Ubisoft Error 2

edi2000 (2012-10-05)

Multi linguage?"Espanhol"?
update 1.7.1 reloaded?skidrow? thanks.enjoy

molderfox (2012-10-06)

I have update repack v 1.7.1 ...and i cant use Dynasty weapons?! there a way??

Calvin192 (2012-10-10)

I wonder why you don't like it? It looks very cool

Skarsh (2012-10-23)

It says that I need an activation key. Where/what is it?

Poldozzz (2012-11-18)

Hi guys
I can't install the game, when i mount the image, i start setup but then when i click "install" it says: "error during setup initiation" and then it says that mi windows version is no compatible.. i have windows 7 x64bits..
Please any help, thanks.

Fiiiify (2012-11-19)

I can't even install the game
setup.exe error
The version of this file is not compatible with version of win you're running .
I'm on win 64 bit and I cant understand what the f*** is problem

SMS420 (2012-12-10)

im having problems installing as well... i get to the end of the install process and then an error message says [INTERNAL] Failed to register into GameExplorer! anyone know what im doing wrong?

LaNzE345 (2012-12-17)

hey Extremezone!please help me!there is no data3..tnx

dalil86 (2012-12-28)

ok how the hell do you place a / in the file name...?! windows doesnt allow me to do that..?!

Sint69 (2013-01-23)

works 100% on WIN 7 x64
just needs 3 patches
it all here just look the game name XD
it easy just read :)
than block program exe (executable)
with win firewall (will YA well your choice)
thnx again 4 all good in life

cvetanoski (2013-02-17)

It works BUT after i finished 1st mission, 2nd mission don't want to start i got only black screen and i have to restart computer, this haapand afetr every 5-10min playing game it stuck... i donwload 3-4 different torrents and alweys same PLS HELP!!!?

cvetanoski (2013-02-17)

it works BUT after i finished 1st mission, 2nd mission don't want to start i got only black screen and i have to restart computer pls help!?

Azorel2013 (2013-02-22)

My dear gamin friends, the game works perfectly!
Here is my PC:
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8300 @ 2.50GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.5GHz
Memory: 4096MB RAM
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
Sound Tab 1: The file dfx11_1x64
Card name: ATI Radeon HD 5670
Display Memory: 2805 MB
Monitor Model: W2242
Native Mode: 1680 x 1050(p) (59.883Hz)
So, what I did to work? Simple, do what it say:
2. Mount or burn image
3. Install
4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder to the game installation
5. Play the game
6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy"
After that you will get the:
"Ubisoft Error 2"
So far so good, now all you need to do is run the game update what is"
Let it finish the update, will ask to install some things, accept it, and have lots of patience cos it takes some time, after it finish the update will automatically launch the game, you can't skipp the movies so stay back and relax!
Thanks SKIDROW for this beautiful game and his crack and thanks for extremezone to share with us!

Azorel2013 (2013-02-24)

Ok, does somebody know why this game stops at second step in campaign after I defeat Gerthart (or what was his name)?
Also this game doesn't have custom map only skirmish, what is just insane, my enemy kill me like not even in 1 week with an insane army? (I'm talking about +200 stack /1 mob, all his army is above 700 mobs of all kind).
Also, how can I unlock maps? Only if I pay for them? Is this what heroes become?
Thx for any feedbacks.

KuraiNight (2013-03-08)

Works like a charm~

lizard321 (2013-03-12)

I finally got this to work. It took a little bit of time but IT DOES WORK! The instructions given do work but it seems some people are still having problems and may need an extra step or two (esp. win 7 64-bit machines). I have tried updating with and without the crack and still had problems.
Im using Win7 ultimatate 64-bit
Heres the problems I am having;
-I download the updates but when I tried to install the first update(v1.1) manually it says HOMM 6 wasnt installed.
-when I ran the automatic updater or gu.exe it would update and then i would get a runtime error that made the program stop in an "unusual way"
-every time I would try to start the program it would freeze.
Ok, so do everything that is instructed and update the program using gu.exe. IF the updater does not work, go to c:users(user name)appdatalocaltemp
In the temp folder, look for a zipped folder named UBIDBD1.tmp (it may be slightly different. just look for UBI----.tmp). The file should be about 1.4gb in size and the date and time should be very recent). Double click on that file and it should automatically unzip(i have winrar). After that it will ask you if you want to update from V1.0-V1.8. Click yes. It updated to v1.8 with no problems.
As suggested. I also blocked the program with my firewall as well as type /offline after the last " in the target (make a shortcut on the desktop, right click on properties)
That was it. I have been playing for an hour and no problems. Running smooth even though my CPU doesnt meet the requirements)
Thank you for this torrent!

lizard321 (2013-03-12)

IF the updater does not work, go to c:users(user name)appdatalocaltemp
Look for a zipped folder named UBIDBD1.tmp (it may be slightly different. just look for UBI----.tmp). ~1.4gb. Double click on that file and it should automatically unzip(i have winrar). After that it will ask you if you want to update from V1.0-V1.8. Click yes. It updated to v1.8 with no problems.
As suggested. I also blocked the program with my firewall as well as type /offline after the last " in the target (make a shortcut on the desktop, right click on properties)
That was it. I have been playing for an hour and no problems. Running smooth even though my CPU doesnt meet the requirements)
Thank you for this torrent!

DatrixTSW (2013-03-31)

It's probably because it may not work for laptops also they integrated some sort of software into the game so that it may conflict with CD/DVD RW and Virtual Drives or so I've read

murdalion (2013-04-18)

tbh i have never had anny problems instaling games until now...
win 7 64 bit
i used tpb along time and i was forced to make acc just to say that this is not worth downloading...
until now i had no problems with your torrents extremezone but this one is just not worth downloading at all

ganjabanshee (2013-05-05)

Thanx a lotta :)

IQ98 (2013-05-07)

Is the game Bugged. How to you in the nacroman campain build buildings in the starting castle?

tyrael_plpl (2013-05-11)

Just wanted to say that version 2.1 of homm VI works nearly flawlessly. Not like 1.8 with constant crashes every 15min or so. Although the cumulative weight of all the patches i downloaded (v1.1 -> v2.1) is a staggering ~4gb with patch 2.1 alone weighing 2.2gb.
Anyway, everything works fine!

tyrael_plpl (2013-05-11)

Nearly forgot... thx a lot for the upload.

vansa11 (2013-05-12)

Hello ! Guys I need help ... I installed the game and automatically downloaded uplay . Now the game is lunching through uplay and need a CD key! How can i find it ?? (sry for the bad eng)

alluton (2013-05-17)

I got a problem of running it. I managed to mount image and run (very long) pathing process. However clicking game icon makes games starting screen appear on screen for few seconds but then it goes away. It doesn't start for some reason.

alluton (2013-05-17)

I can do it trough uplay but it asks for cd key. How to pass?

smallstate (2013-05-21)

seed please

GamerEpic (2013-05-25)

Hey guys PLZ!! help me every time i run the game install it and copy the crack and it updates to 1.8 idk if its supposed to but when its done the game never launches PLZ help me thank you

GamerEpic (2013-05-25)

Well i got to Uplay but it asks me for a key can someone help me?

RespectNZ (2013-05-26)

Works great thanks! for those of you getting the uplay error after updating to 1.8, search up a heroes vi 1.8 crack and move that into the install folder. cheers :)

GamerEpic (2013-05-26)

@RespectNZ thanks i just downloaded the 1.8 crack and i can play now thanks

Oxygoblin (2013-06-04)

Hey guys I made a tutorial on installing this successfully. Search "How to
How to Download (Torrent) and Install Heroes of Might and Magic 6 (PC)" on YouTube. Its the one by "Lin Min Htoo" It works fine for me.

hyyde88 (2013-06-04)

Hi, what about this whole Conflux system ? It is neede for Dynasty items and quest but is it still disabled in cracked version of game ?

PirateSantana (2013-06-09)

Game works very well.
Easy install, too.

Nemo-1337 (2013-06-19)

Doesn't work for me, Done what is said in the earliest comments by "Azorel2013". had the same issues he discribed but after when I started the game it just "game has stopped working"

SirUndead (2013-06-23)

Working great for me on Windows 8 x64, thank you uploader.
For those having trouble, follow the instructions, put the SKIDROW folder data into the game root, then use 'Game.exe' to install update 1.8.
Once update 1.8 is installed you should block 'Game.exe', 'gu.exe' and 'Might and Magic Heroes VI.exe' in Windows firewall.
Make a shortcut to 'Might and Magic Heroes VI.exe' on your desktop and add '/offline' in the target field.

akali95 (2013-06-28)

Hey, does anybody have an idea how to use any dynasty functions offline or bypass Conflux? I've been trying to find a solution forever but no luck. It will really enhance my gameplay experience!

ZeroGK (2013-07-10)

Thanks Uploader!

sherryry (2013-07-24)

yeah ! merci !! !

king_kvothe (2013-08-01)

I'm trying to install update, I clicked game exe, but autopatch download has permanently stopped at 24%

giertych97 (2013-08-08)

game crash (win 7 x64)

thepirateghey (2013-08-21)

Known Features Missing from Offline Mode:
- Conflux Orbs
- Dynasty Weapons [You can still claim them in the Campaign but they're disabled in the inventory screen]
- Dynasty Traits [Option appears at the beginning of the game]
- Hero Choices [When playing skirmish you get a very limited pool for hero choices (1 might hero, 1 magic hero per race)]
- Daily/Weekly Autosaves [It still autosaves on occassion (before a hero fight), but you lose the regular interval autosaves]
Hope this clear everyone's query about conflux orbs & dynasty weapons.

flackstar (2013-08-31)

I have tried adding '/offline' to the target field when creating the shortcut to the game but it says it cant be found can you copy and past what the full link would look like ie: "D:Heros of might and MagicMight & Magic Heroes VI.exe"'/offline
PS: that was an example of what it said it did not like I tried flipping the slash but it does not work either way. ty for the help

martin_z94 (2013-09-11)

This earlier post worked PERFECTLY for me, I had everything working, got stuck in asking for cd key phase. The solution is as follows:
I got it working quick and easy
Mount image, Install game
Copy the contents of the skidrow folder to the "C:Program Files (x86)UbisoftMight & Magic Heroes VI
also to C:Program Files (x86)UbisoftUbisoft Game Launcher (may not be needed)
Create a short cut (on the desktop) and edit it.
Enter target as "C:Program Files (x86)UbisoftMight & Magic Heroes VIMight & Magic Heroes VI.exe"
then added /offline to the end, it should look like:
"C:Program Files (x86)UbisoftMight & Magic Heroes VIMight & Magic Heroes VI.exe" /offline
Enjoy! (Don't update!)

hue319 (2013-09-19)

So I don't have a Skidrow folder. I have a .nfo file, the disk image, and the jpeg. Can anyone help? plz! thank you. If I could get it working I'd say thanks!

evilen (2013-09-29)

Skidrow folder is located in the .iso image.
BTW, you can patch the game to 1.8 and play without need to download anything else.
Look at @SirUndead comment. I used -offline instead /offline though.
Worked for me, Win7 x64, thanks.

tehnoboy (2013-10-07)

i done with demon tolls>install but cant play without laucher update somebody can help me plz :( ? skype:adis.hasanovic3

hue319 (2013-10-09)

Thanks for the upload! And thank you to SirUndead, martin_z94, and evilen (for coming to my rescue with your comment especially, without I'd never get it working).

Wlll24 (2013-10-26)

Guys , having a problem with activation code. Can someone provide me one code or teach how to get it ? i will very appreciate

rotted84 (2013-11-23)

Can someone tell me if it is MULTILANGUAGE ???

vladaker (2013-12-05)

Not working for me :(
i get crc error while installing game.... missing some files like orcdata.. etc... :(

kuske93 (2014-02-11)

Thanks a lot EZ! :)

kuske93 (2014-02-12)

It works.Thanks a lot! :)

ICEMAM (2014-04-10)

Not work for me,cause error in end of instalation:
(INTERNAL)Failed to register into Game Explorer.
Any idea how fix?

Tygrychu (2014-04-13)

WORKS like a charm on Win7/64bit
Install, copy skidrow content into folder, start game, let the autoupdater download 1.8 and install it, PLAY ! Only problem (with some nvidia cards) is the freezing of the screen in cities, you would have to download the 2.1 version, digital edition, here is the link to the update:


Tont19 (2014-04-14)

What version is this?

phaneron (2014-04-26)

Mounted the game, installed it, updated to 2.1(offered in the comments (by Tygrychu)) , created a shortcut to desktop and added /offline...but, when i lunch the game it says ''Error code 1''... pls tell me what to do...

weltall2 (2014-06-22)

Thank you very much!

emink1 (2014-06-25)

There is always going to be someone who complains about any number of things. I played HOMM V and it was ok, but too hard in some spots that made me stop playing it. I played this version's demo from Steam and loved it! I downloaded this with no issues. I copied everything from the Skidrow, updated first to 1.8, and then used the update link to 2.1 because I have an NVidia card. Some of you people must be hardcore or something to even over-analyze everything. This is a lot of fun and I do not have ANY of the issues reported in the 400 plus comments. Usually the consumer and the end user is to blame.

Saint0Vicious (2014-07-13)

I got it working quick and easy
Mount image, Install game
Copy the contents of the skidrow folder to the "C:Program Files (x86)UbisoftMight & Magic Heroes VI
also to C:Program Files (x86)UbisoftUbisoft Game Launcher (may not be needed)
Create a short cut (on the desktop) and edit it.
Enter target as "C:Program Files (x86)UbisoftMight & Magic Heroes VIMight & Magic Heroes VI.exe"
then added /offline to the end, it should look like:
"C:Program Files (x86)UbisoftMight & Magic Heroes VIMight & Magic Heroes VI.exe" /offline
Enjoy! (Don't update!)

Tesliukas (2014-07-16)

Writing a comment

Tesliukas (2014-07-17)


nerub (2014-07-18)

Not as good as M&M V, it sucks.
Buuuuut the game works like a charm.

colormestupid (2014-08-01)

Alrighty.. Going to be honest, I never did actually install this (hadn't the time)... About a week or two later, I received an email from my ISP, giving a warning about downloading a pirated version of M&M 6. I believe this is the one I downloaded. If anyone wants to know, I use Charter.
I strongly recommend NOT downloading without something like a VPN.
I use SafeIP and since, I've never received another warning. Be safe, torrenters!

a1aska (2014-11-24)

i just get a notification saying 'ubisoft launcher has stopped working' bla bla
what do I do?

ninjatakedown (2015-06-14)

Delete ubisoft game launcher.


1. Might.and.Magic.Heroes.VI-SKIDROW/ 124.03 Kb
2. Might.and.Magic.Heroes.VI-SKIDROW/skidrow.nfo 12.17 Kb
3. Might.and.Magic.Heroes.VI-SKIDROW/sr-mmhvi.iso 6631.09 Mb