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Diskwarrior 4.3 Revision 1107 Official Boot DVD (09.2011) [MULTi
Software Mac
Diskwarrior 4.3 Revision 1107 Official Boot DVD (09.2011) [MULTi
2011-10-01 (by webchella )
Diskwarrior 4.3 Revision 1107 Official Boot DVD (09.2011) [MULTi]
Technical Data:
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7 - MacOSX
Language: Multi and / or English / Spanish
Format: ISO and / or Installer | Pack
Everything is gone after your PC / Mac went haywire. All your work documents. The music you like. The film of the first steps of your child. Is your life is gone. Do not panic! DiskWarrior will find your documents, photos, music and other disaster and things go missing.
Maybe you've tried to open a document and everything that happens is a color wheel that spins and spins and spins ... Or when your PC / Mac starts up, all you get is a flashing question mark ... Or were you in the middle of editing a movie and now the external hard drive is not on the desktop ... or your MP3 player will not play ... Or every time you look through your photos, your Mac crashes. DiskWarrior makes running again quickly!.
DiskWarrior repairs disks no other utility program can repair.
DiskWarrior can find the missing documents and files.
Using a patent-pending, award-winning method of rebuilding directories.
DiskWarrior cure cryptic errors reported by Disk Utility.
Posts its like "invalid node structure" and "Keys of the order" Mac may seem mysterious or even scary, but DiskWarrior fixes these problems and many, many more.
One click is all that is broken or missing.
With a single click, DiskWarrior finds all recoverable files and folders and builds a new error-free, optimized directory for use.
You can check if your missing documents and objects have been recovered.
Patented preview feature lets you see how DiskWarrior disk will appear after it is repaired, but before changes are made. You can even compare your disk in its damaged state to its state of repair.
DiskWarrior is incredibly safe to use.
DiskWarrior verifies the repair directory to ensure it is free of errors. It then uses a
Safe method of replacing the damaged directory to ensure that interruptions such as power outages will not harm your data.
DiskWarrior is the highest rating and win more prizes.
The first reviews are in! See what the press is saying about the new DiskWarrior 4.
Can you afford to lose their hard earned money on any other utility?
You can try other utilities, but you'll probably end up needing DiskWarrior to recover your data. You can save money by buying DiskWarrior first.
This DVD is a dual boot both Intel and PPC Macs older Macs too. It contains two different boot partitions.
DiskWarrior-Intel OS X 10.6.7 release contains build 10J4136
DiskWarrior-release contains PowerPC OS X 10.5.8 Build 9L35
Datos Tecnicos:
Sistema Operativo: Windows XP/Vista/7 - MacOSX
Idioma: Multi y/o Ingles/Español
Formato: ISO y/o Instalador | Pack
Todo desapareció después de que su Pc/Mac se volvió loco. Todos sus documentos de trabajo. La música que más te gusta. La pelÃcula de los primeros pasos de su hijo. Es su vida y se ha ido. No se asuste! DiskWarrior se encuentran sus documentos, fotos, música y otros archivos en caso de desastre y las cosas van a faltar.
Tal vez usted ha tratado de abrir un documento y todo lo que sucede es una rueda de color que gira y gira y gira ... O cuando tu Pc/Mac se inicia, lo único que consigue es un signo de interrogación intermitente ... ¿O estabas en medio de la edición de una pelÃcula y ahora el disco duro externo no está en el escritorio ... o tu MP3 no se puede reproducir ... O cada vez que miras a través de tus fotos, tu Mac se bloquea. DiskWarrior hace que vuelva a funcionar rápidamente!.
Reparaciones discos DiskWarrior No Programa de otra utilidad puede reparar.
DiskWarrior puede encontrar los documentos que faltan y los archivos.
El uso de un pendiente de patente, el premiado método de reconstrucción de los directorios.
DiskWarrior cura los errores crÃpticos reportados por la Utilidad de Discos.
Mensajes de su como "estructura de nodo no válido" y "Llaves de la orden" Mac puede parecer misteriosa o incluso miedo, pero DiskWarrior corrige estos problemas y muchos, muchos más.
Con un solo clic se encuentra todo lo que está roto o desaparecido.
Con un solo clic, DiskWarrior encuentra todos los archivos y carpetas recuperables y construye un nuevo libre de errores, el directorio optimizado para su uso.
Usted puede comprobar si su falta de documentos y objetos han sido recuperados.
Función de vista previa patentado DiskWarrior le permite ver cómo el disco aparecerá después de que se repare, pero antes de que se realizarán cambios. Incluso puede comparar su disco en su estado dañado a su estado de reparación.
DiskWarrior es increÃblemente seguro de usar.
DiskWarrior verifica el directorio de reparación para asegurar que está libre de errores. A continuación, utiliza un
a prueba de fallos método para reemplazar el directorio de daños para asegurarse de que las interrupciones, tales como cortes de luz no dañará sus datos.
DiskWarrior es el más alto rating y gana más premios.
Las primeras revisiones están de moda! Vea lo que la prensa ya está diciendo acerca de la nueva DiskWarrior 4.
¿Puede permitirse el lujo de perder su dinero duramente ganado en cualquier otra utilidad?
Usted puede tratar de otros servicios públicos, pero que probablemente va a terminar necesitando DiskWarrior para recuperar sus datos. Usted puede ahorrar dinero comprando DiskWarrior en primer lugar.
Este es un DVD de arranque dual tanto para Macs Intel y PPC Macs más antiguos también. Que contiene dos particiones de arranque diferente.
Intel DiskWarrior-lanzamiento contiene OS X 10.6.7 Construir 10J4136
PowerPC DiskWarrior-lanzamiento contiene OS X 10.5.8 Construir 9L35
Files count:
2837.48 Mb
wtxx (2011-10-03)
Where is serial number?Cachorro (2011-10-03)
Use these:SK220334
Cachorro (2011-10-03)
I have tried everything to start up from this Boot DVD.I burned to a disk and all that....It will not start up. It does not even appear as a startup disk when I start my computer while holding "D".
Any tips??
I am missing something or is your Boot DVD altered or missing something Mr webchella? (2011-10-03)
i think u should press c and not d while booting it up also try 'option' or 'alt' key. d is for hardware test. i downloaded dw 4.3 with sn. the uploader clearly mentioned it wont work on a sl mac and yet i downloaded it (thinking it will work on mine.. hehe). i ve seen a lotta ppl asking if it works on sl bt they get vague answers.. if anyone has been successful in making a bootable dvd which works on sl do let us know how you did it.Mel39 (2011-10-04)
Thanks 'chella.Works fine on Lion.
Used one of the SK numbers as SN
Cachorro (2011-10-04)
Thank you "virus app" but I know all the key combinations on Mac. I wrote before "I tried everything" and it did not work as bootable.Please explain what you mean with "sl" ? I have a Mac pro intel 2 years old with 10.6.8 system. I installed it in other HD and it works alright, only I can not make it to boot my computer after I burn it to a DVD.
illegalmexcn87 (2011-10-05)
By "sl" he is referring to Snow Leopard (10.6-10.6.8)subnet_mask (2011-10-07)
@CachorroI haven't tested this file here, but the same release from another source boots well on both PPC and Intel Macs. But I noticed it now has hidden partitions for booting. So I only can guess that maybe you burned it with Toast which doesn't handle hidden partitions since few versions back. Burn it with Disk Utility. Drag the image on it and press Burn.
I hope the volume partitions isn't damaged on this image file. It's recommended to not mount this kind of disk images. If you want to you make a copy of it and lock the image file from Finder's Get Info window before mounting.
subnet_mask (2011-10-07)
@virus.appIf you boot from the DVD then it doesn't matter which version of Mac OS is installed on the hard drive that you are going to repair.
Standalone DiskWarrior app running from the hard drive is very compatible with Snow Leopard. Just tested.
Cachorro (2011-10-08)
@subnet_maskThank you for writing the right advice. I burned it with Disk Utility this time instead Toast as before and now it is bootable. It takes about 3-4 minutes to startup the computer but start up it does.
It did not work with key C or D it works only with Opcion key and the reason maybe that I have installed MacOS 10.6.8 and in this Warrior is System 10.6.7.
Total the disk has 3 partitions so it have to work in many old systems as well.
Thanks again @subnet_mask, you was really helpful.
subnet_mask (2011-10-09)
@CachorroGood it was sorted out. It may take even longer to start up from external media, because especially CD/DVD is much slower than internal hard drive.
Again I can only guess that you have wireless keyboard and that's why the C key doesn't work. It's normal and you should always use Option key. Use D key only for Apple Hardware Test. It resides on the Mac OS X Install Disk 1 which came with your Mac if it's from past few years. Don't use install disks for other Mac models. Good luck!
Perhaps you read somewhere that DiskWarrior 4.3 doesn't boot in Snow Leopard. It means that it uses some other OS for booting from DVD. The previous revision of DiskWarrior 4.3 DVD have 10.5.8 on it, but as I mentioned there is no difference which Mac OS is installed on the target hard drive. If the DVD doesn't work even if burned with Disk Utility it is possible that you have so new Mac. I don't know if it boots the latest Mac models, however, I expect it should be. But note that the previous revision 1001 does not.
Cachorro (2011-10-10)
@subnet_maskThanks again for your help.
And I can confirm that it works in Snow Leopard, it starts with the partition that has 10.6.7 as in my case.
Yes, I have wireless keyboard that is why I use Option key.
Have a nice winter (coming here soon, snow today).
subnet_mask (2011-10-13)
@CachorroYes this revision 1107 boots in 10.6.7, the previous one 1001 boots in 10.5.8
Thanks and have a nice winter you too! They promise snow soon here as well. (2011-10-13)
this torrent is too big for me so didnt try this.. if it works then.. well and good. i burned dw 4.3 on a dvd with disk utility. the uploader (polisdavid) had mentioned it didnt boot in sl. i used drive genius instead.. backd up, erased my internal hdd, partitioned it, loaded sl and lion, defragged the disk. it still has got some problems that causes my apr 2010 to get stuck every now and then.. bad sectors in the hdd.. dg cannot fix that. i am glad this torrent fixed your problem (2011-10-13)
apr 2010 mbp 2.26ghz* (2011-10-13)
guys help me with this.. i have an external hdd. i want to boot sl off it. how do i go about doing it. whats a guid partiton. i patitioned the drive into two. 1)a time machine partition and the second an ordinary mac os extended(journaled) partition... when i try to load a bootable file using the restore tab in disk utility. i get an error saying mine is not a guid partition.. is there a way to further divide one of the above mentioned partitions and make it boot friendly? i tried this with an 8 gb micro sd card too but (2011-10-15)
ok i got it. it was very easy. open disk utility.. select the disk you want to partition.. click the partitions tab.. select the no of partitions you want to make.. click options.. choose guid partition.. the resultant disk will be bootable.. use the restore tab to copy any bootable dmg file to the disk you just made. tried doing this with diskwarrior 4.3 (not this one) onto an 8 gb memory card and it worked.subnet_mask (2011-10-18)
@virus.appYou may also need to check if your HDD is working properly. It's possible it has electrical or mechanical problems, so replacing the drive may be the only solution. Insert the Mac OS install DVD and check your drive with Apple Hardware Test (hold down the D key while staring up). Use the extended option for test.
iDontbreak (2012-09-01)
@subnet_mask Thats bullshit. I threw my macbook of the ground because of rageQuit and this program extracted all my files to my external.To use this just burn it using Disk Utility. Then reStart the macbook pressing "C". You will get booted into the DiskWarrior setup after 5-10 minutes and there on you can start rebuilding the computer. Only problem is that you need to do it twice, first time DW wont let you replace the directory.