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Glenn Beck - April 26th 2010
Glenn Beck - April 26th 2010
2010-04-26 (by Quazza )
Glenn Beck Program for April 26th 2010
Be sure to read the included text file! kthxbai!
Files count:
52.41 Mb
samjoe88 (2010-04-27)
Here is a great book that was actually banned for simply quoting important figures from history. The book was so damaging to the powers that be, that they had the printing of it banned.There is no such thing as free speech, especially when you're quoting people and letting their own words do the damage.
You can now download the PDF format for free.
Basic Training for Revolutionaries.
Chapter 1 Foundations
Chapter 2 Furthering Understanding
Chapter 3 The Warrior
Chapter 4 Shell Shock
Chapter 5 The Doctrine
Chapter 6 The Plan
Chapter 7 Conclusion
PDF Book Download:
The book: "Subverted Nation's Basic Training for Revolutionaries, by author: Adam Austin, was banned from bookstore shelves, due to fears of exposing the criminal empire's Psychological wars, behavioral practices, and how people can become aware and defend themselves, against these people, whom desire to destroy and devour the planet.
The criminal empire's publishing houses, book distributors, and media outlets such as; amazon, borders, and other book publishers and distributors, immediately removed and banned this book, from ever getting to the public.
Author Adam Austin is now giving his best seller book away FREE, at his website, because the book is feared by this criminal empire.
This is the most intense book on the market. It's a heavy hitter, and a must for anyone interested in the truth, as told by some of the world's most important figures. Like many of us out there, you could spend years researching what the problems are in this world, or you could save your time and get this book.
It will challenge you in ways you never thought possible.
PDF Book Download:
Quazza (2010-04-27)
Awesome link!joeshmuck (2010-04-28)
Wow,Q-man...I hope that was sarcasm.Hitler himself would love this site. A small quote which is representative of the entirety of this web site, ". A lot of people (mostly jews) want to argue that there are some good jews who mean us no harm, but this movie is going to bring the truth to light, that even one jew can and will, cause massive problems in no time."
Yeah, I got robbed by a black man, ergo all black men are criminals, and can't be trusted....right samjoe88?
I LOVE this "comment" from the site owner, "I am not racist except against jews, and I implore others to look at it the same way."
samjoe88 (2010-04-28)
These quotes are by Jewish People.Sanhedrin 57a: Jews may rob and kill non jews. When a Jew murders a Christian
("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may
Baba Kamma 113a: Jews May Lie to Non-Jews . Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to
circumvent a gentile.
Yebamoth 98a: Non-Jewish children are sub-human. All Gentile children are animals.
Abodah Zarah 36b: Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
When only Jews are present we admit that Satan is our god. Harold Rosenthal,
former administrative aide to Sen. Jacob Javits, in a recorded interview.
Sanhedrin 55b . A Jew may marry a three year old girl. (specifically, three years, and
a day" old).
Sanhedrin 54b . A Jew may have sex with a child as long as that child is over nine
years old.
Kethuboth 11b . When a older man has intercourse with a girl it is nothing because
her virginity will grow back.
Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, who's history, grades, official appointments,
passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end. Rabbi Isaac Wise
Masonry is a Jewish institution, whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and
explanation are Jewish from
beginning to end. Quoted from Gregor Shwarz Bostunitch: die Freimaurerei, 1928;
The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, P. 101
Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic
Ritual and what is left? The Jewish Tribune of New York, October 28, 1927
What is the basis of Judaism? A practical passion and greed for profit. To what can
we reduce his (the Jew's) religious worship? To extortion. What is his real God?
Cash! Karl Marx, founder of Communism, quoted in the British Guardian, July-
August, 1924.
I hardly exaggerate. Jewish life consists of two elements: Extracting money and
protesting. Nahum Goldmann. The Jewish Paradox. 1978
I am not an American of JEWISH faith. I am a JEW. I have been a JEW for a
thousand years. Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race, and
we are a race. Rabbi Stephen Wise, N.Y. Herald-Tribune, June 13, 1938.
We Jews are going to bring war on Germany. David Brown, President of
American Hebrew, in 1934, quoted in Edmonson's I Testify, page 188.
The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of
Judaism. The Chicago Jewish Sentinel, October 8, 1942.
There is only one Power which really counts: The Power of Political Pressure. We
Jews are the most powerful people on Earth, because we have this power, and we
know how to apply it. Jewish Daily Bulletin, 7/27/1935
We are not denying and are not afraid to confess. This war is our war and that it is
waged for the liberation of Jewry. Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that
of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire
war production is based, we are not only providing our full propaganda power which
is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is
predominantly based on weakening the enemy, forces, on destroying them in their
own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan Horses in the enemy's
fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the
destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for
victory. Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, in a speech on
December 3, 1942, New York City
The world revolution which we will experience will be exclusively our affair and
will rest in our hands. This revolution will tighten the Jewish domination over all
other people. Le Peuple Juif, February 8, 1919.
The governments of the peoples included in this world republic, with the aid of the
victorious proletariat, all will fall without difficulty into Jewish hands. Private
property will then be strangled by the Jewish directors, who will administer the state
patrimony everywhere. Thus the promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled, that is,
joeshmuck (2010-04-28)
Jesus was a Jew, who condemed "man-made" practices of the Pharisees. Those who followed him were also Jews.So, were "these Jews" ok with you, or not?
Quazza (2010-04-28)
@joeschmuckAbsolute sarcasm.
But...If you want the real story go to david duke's website! It's all the jews!!!! They own the world and manipulate everything that you do!
lmfao, sorry I couldn't resist.
joeshmuck (2010-04-28)
Wow, I just started reading the pdf by samjoe, and all I can say is..."genius". Here's an example of the brilliance of the author, and I qoute from page 4,"Start with Chapter One and follow the story page by page."
Do you know how MANY books I've never finished, because they made NO SENSE!
I used to start on Chapter 19, skip every 5 pages, then when I get to the end I flip to page 4 and read every third page til I get to chapter 5.
I TRIED to start on chapeter 19 on THIS "book" but the author is SO SMART, he limited it 7 chapters. Thus FORCING me to go to page 4, were he taught me THE CORRECT WAY TO READ!!!
I'm SUCH a DOPE!!! ALL those wasted years!
I blame my public school teachers, for not training me the right way.
Mr. Goldberg, Mrs. Edelstien, Ms. Cohen, Mr. Rueben. It's almost like they were all against me......HEY! Wait a minute.........samjoe, THANK YOU for opening my eyes to the Jewish conspiracy!
joeshmuck (2010-04-28)
Hey samjoe,Can you explain a few things for me?
Supposedly George Washington hate the Jews, right?
Can you explain why he gave this address to the Hebrew Congregation of Newport Rhode Island :
" All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights. For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support."
George Washington, letter to Moses Seixas, August 17, 1790
Further, since you wrote "Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment" and George Washington was a Freemason, ummm....why would he join a group, that is run by the people he hated?
You see, your statements don't pass the smell test, do they?
The hate that you embrace, will only hurt you.
samjoe88 (2010-04-28)
George Washington said what he was supposed to when speaking to his jewish masters, but obviously had differing opinions at times."They [the Jews] work more effectively against us, than the enemy's armies. They are
a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged
in. It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as
pest to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.
George Washington, Maximz of George Washington, by A. A. Appleton & Company"
What jews say does not change the fact that they are guilty of genocide, usury, subversion, treason, espionage, pedophilia, and incest.
joeshmuck (2010-04-28)
""They [the Jews] work more effectively against us"You REALLY need to do some homework. [The Jews] isn't in the original quote, so who is "they" that Washington was speaking of? "Currency speculators" today's equivalent would be Wall Street.
"they are guilty of genocide, usury, subversion, treason, espionage, pedophilia, and incest."
I could apply those comments to EVERY race tongue and religion, and you couldn't disprove it. Care to try?
hidetanner999 (2010-04-29)
Hey, Quazza.Thanks for doing this - for those of us working when the show airs, this is a real gift.
do you think you'll get the 4/27 show up today?
joeshmuck (2010-04-29)
"George Washington said what he was supposed to when speaking to his jewish masters,"What do YOU say, when speaking to YOUR jewish masters?
You, I'm sure would bravely speak your mind (er).
As opposed to that sniveling, cowardly George Washington....that yellow bellied varmint.
If I had a dime, for every dope that posts on the Net.....
Quazza (2010-04-29)
Give up joe...not worth your time preaching to david dukethe captcha is down so I cant upload here right now in case anyone is wondering
hidetanner999 (2010-04-29)
Thanks for the update on the captcha problem, Quazza. Hope it gets squared away soon...hidetanner999 (2010-05-01)
Quazza - any chance there's a more reliable index that you can upload recent shows to until TPB un-fucks itself?joeshmuck (2010-05-01)
I highly recommend http://etorrents.orgLots of Glenn Beck goodness there.
AND it's a free PRIVATE hit and runs.