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The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium






The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium.




2011-03-30 (by Grandmind)


Follow the amazing journey of MMS, “Master Mineral Solution”, formerly known as “Miracle Mineral Supplement”. This new book of Jim’s is the continuing story of how MMS is changing the World. The Master Mineral solution of the 3rd Millennium picks up where Jim’s first book ended, until the present. Recently, Jim has returned from Africa where he successfully treated more than 800 HIV/AIDS cases. Last year he conducted 9 lectures in Europe, a 5-day seminar in Germany and six 10-day seminars in the Dominican Republic, all teaching the MMS protocols for healing most of mankind’s diseases. The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing now uses the MMS solution as its Cleansing Water in the Church Sacraments. This new MMS book can save your life or that of a loved one and will most likely do so sometime within the next 5 years. This book has 268 pages and 30 chapters. Jim has updated all the MMS topics that were in the first book. Here are some of the topics covered in this new book: · Safety precautions; · What MMS is; · Many new protocols for using MMS correctly; · Protocols for many diseases; · How to tell if MMS is working; · MMS2; MMS3; · Healing animals with MMS; · Making MMS in your kitchen; · A chemical explanation for laymen and scientists; · Oxidizers and how oxidation destroys pathogens; · MMS, ARVs, and vaccines; · Methods of using MMS other than oral; · The Mexican story, South African story, and Malawi story; · The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing and our 180 Ministers of Health in 47 countries; · MMS and drugs; · And buying, using and teaching others to use MMS. Note: If you know the information in this book, you can treat more diseases successfully than any medical doctor, and more importantly you can save lives, perhaps your own! Go to: to purchase the EBook, “Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium”. Tell your family and friends! This book contains a lot of VERY important information that the world needs. Please, help us get this EBook to as many people as possible!!! Note: The hard back copy of Jim’s new book will be available in a few months. “I’m really excited above the information in this book getting into the WHOLE world! There are so many important findings, testimonies, new protocols etc. The MMS movement is growing daily worldwide. We now have 180 Health Ministers in 46 countries worldwide teaching others to teach others!” Now you’re talking!!!! As always with love, Jim Humble P.S. My next MMS Seminars are March 28th - April 6th, May 9th-18th, June 20th-29th, (Dominican Republic). For more info., please contact us at: [email protected] /* */ Take the MMS Video course taught by me personally now at home and become a “Health Minister”. (For more info about MMS Home Video Course, contact us at: [email protected] /* */ Please check out the Genesis II Church membership cards at: [email protected] /* */ (For more info. about joining the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, contact us at: [email protected] /* */ All other questions, please contact at: [email protected] /* */


  1. Jim Humble; mms; mms book; The

Files count:



1.59 Mb




bluesky00 (2011-03-30)

hahahaha. bullshit for the weak-minded.

rubicon7 (2011-03-30)

If you believe this crap, I've got this great bridge I'd like to sell you.

sebblewich (2011-06-08)

Get your heads out of your ass!!!!

kiwi33 (2012-09-10)

I can only muse at how some people feel so full of themselves as to start being abusive to people who have different interests from their own.
To Grandmind... Thanks for uploading this. It may prove useful for people doing research on MMS (for whatever reason; for or against it).

sebblewich (2013-09-06)

kiwi33, couldn't agree with you more. These morons that make these negative remarks are simply showing how brainwashed they are not to mention their low IQs


1. The_Master_Mineral_of_the_Third_Millennium.pdf 1.59 Mb