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Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition (eng+rus)
Games PC
Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition (eng+rus)
2008-10-13 (by vitaly73)
Nazvanie: Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition Build 6500
God vyhoda: 2008
Zhanr: Action
Vypuweno: Valve Software
Jazyk: Russkij, anglijskij
Ob igre:
Dannaja sborka predstavljaet soboj samuju polnuju i samuju kachestvennuju No-Steam kollekciju oficial'nyh igr ot Valve, kotorye tak ili inache svjazany s legendarnoj igroj Half-Life 2.
Osobennosti igry:
* Udobnyj installjator s vozmozhnost'ju vyborochnoj ustanovki igr.
* Sborka ispol'zuet original'nye GCF fajly platformy Steam. A jeto znachit vo-pervyh radikal'noe sokrawenie chisla fajlov na vinte (i kak sledstvie bolee bystruju installjaciju, deinstalljaciju i zagruzku igr), vo-vtoryh, ispol'zovanie original'nyh fajlov garantiruet otsutsvie bagov, v-tretih, takoj podhod pozvoljaet ne dublirovat' fajly obwie dlja vseh igr, chto znachitel'no jekonomit mesto na vinte.
* Vse vysheupomjanutye GCF fajly obnovleny do svezhajshih versij, t.e. soderzhat vse vyshedshie na segodnjashnij den' obnovlenija.
* Rabotaet sistema dostizhenij (Achivements) v igrah Portal, Episode Two, Team Fortress II.
* Rabotaet poisk serverov v Team Fortress II i Garry`s Mod 10.
* V komplekte idjot polnyj rusifikator, tak zhe postroennyj na GCF fajlah. Soderzhit kachestvennuju oficial'nuju ozvuchku ot firmy Buka.
V sborku vhodit 13 igr:
01. Half-Life 1 Source
02. Half-Life 1 Source DeathMatch
03. Half-Life 2
04. Half-Life 2 DeathMatch
05. Half-Life 2 Capture the Flag
06. Half-Life 2 The Lost Coast
07. Half-Life 2 Episode One
08. Half-Life 2 Episode Two
09. Counter Strike Source
10. Day of Defeat Source
11. Portal
12. Team Fortress 2
13. Garry`s Mod 10
Sistemnye trebovanija:
Operacionnaja sistema: Windows 2000 / XP
Processor: Pentium 4 1.8
Pamjat': 512 Mb
Videokarta: 128 Mb DirectX 9.0c Compartible
Audiokarta: Sovmestimaja s DirectX 9.0c
Svobodnoe mesto na HDD: 18.2 Gb (esli ustanavlivat' vse 13 igr ENG), 20.2 Gb (esli ustanavlivat' vse 13 igr RUS)
1. Smontirovat' obraz Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition (2008).iso i ustanovit' igru.
2. Smontirovat' obraz Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition (2008) rusifikator.iso - i ustanivit' rusifikator.
3. Zapustit' igru.
Files count:
9355.56 Mb
Cybernix (2008-10-22)
Spasibo bol'shoe za sborku i podrobnoe opisanie!))vitaly73 (2008-10-23)
Pozhalujsta :))alkafank (2008-11-23)
Spasibo bol'woe! ska4au poigrau :)nameknot (2008-11-24)
could not load library client? chto delat?Rovelius (2008-12-03)
RUSSIANS MUST DIEKot94 (2008-12-04)
Fuck you, Rovelius!gammy69er (2008-12-06)
Sorry Guys - Kiwi boy here.Don't know Russian, but looks like a great pack - is there any english (multi language) in here??
shivam1992 (2008-12-06)
yeah iam not russian either so can i change the language on this torrent to english ?fuwad84 (2008-12-07)
Translated by Paul Robeson:(flag/light relates to slightly different versions)
United forever in friendship and labour,
Our mighty republics will ever endure.
The great Soviet Union will live through the ages.
The dream of a people their fortress secure.
Long live our Soviet Motherland, built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our People, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.
Through days dark and stormy where Great Lenin led us
Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above
and Stalin our Leader with faith in the People,
Inspired us to build up the land that we love.
Long live our Soviet Motherland, built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our People, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.
We fought for the future, destroyed the invader,
and brought to our homeland the Laurels of Fame.
Our glory will live in the memory of nations
and all generations will honour her name.
Long live our Soviet Motherland, built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our People, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.
Another version:
Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics
Great Russia has wielded forever to stand!
Created in struggle by will of the Peoples,
United and Mighty our Soviet Land!
Sing to our Motherland, Free and Undying,
Bulwark of Peoples in Brotherhood Strong!
Flag of the Soviets, Flag of the people,
From Victory to Victory lead us on!
Through tempests the shadows of freedom have cheered us,
Along the new path where great Lenin did lead,
Be true to the people, thus Stalin has reared us,
Inspired us to labor and Valorus Deed.
Sing to our Motherland, Free and Undying,
Bulwark of Peoples in Happiness Strong!
Flag of the Soviets, Flag of the people,
From Victory to Victory lead us on!
Our army grew up in the heat of grim battle,
Barbarian invaders we'll swiftly strike down.
In combat the fate of the future we'll settle,
Our country we'll lead to eternal renown!
Sing to our Motherland, Free and Undying,
Bulwark of Peoples in Bravery Strong!
Flag of the Soviets, Flag of the people,
From Victory to Victory lead us on!
Graveclaw (2008-12-08)
Nakonec - to nashel reshenie problemy s nevozmojnostiu igry v HL i HL2 iz za otsutstvyushey biblioteki (u menya, naprimer, ne bylo "msvcr80.dll" i pri zamene na skazhannuyu iz interneta, igra vsyo ravno ne zapuskalas). Nuzno udalit ili pereimenovat file "engine.dll" v papke C:\WINDOWS\system32. Jelayu udachi!gammy69er (2008-12-09)
That "Rovelius" Guy is a prat - the russian coders do the best cracks - Cheers Mother Russia :)Well about 33% through now - will leave a message for Everyone if i can understand what's going on with this game - hope i can.
Again, Cheers Russia for all your hard work at keeping everyones money in thier own pockets - We really do appreciate it.
Translate By GOOGLE (hope it's good :s)
??? "Rovelius" ?????? ???? - ??????? ???????????? ??????? ?????? ??????? - Cheers ?????? ??????:)
?? ???????? ?? 33% ??????????? ?????? - ???????? ????????? ??? ????, ???? ? ???? ??????, ??? ?????????? ? ???? ???? - ???????, ? ????.
????? ??, Cheers ?????? ??? ???? ????? ??????????? ?????? ? ???????????? everyones ?????? ? ????? ??????????? ???????? - ?? ????????????? ????? ???.
gammy69er (2008-12-09)
Sorry Guys - looks like TPB can't take actual Russian Characters, Which google transtalte to... Well, i tried.DioSyn23 (2008-12-13)
blin...y menia problemaia skot4al vse kromi pysifikatora ia kogda ia pitaiys cmontirovat obraz ia ne mogy naiti Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition (2008).iso
pohozhe shto Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition (2008).iso y menia ne polnastiy zagryzilas, i iza etovo ono ne montiruetsa
koro4e vpapke Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition y menia est 3 veshi: Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition (2008)(WinRar)/Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition (2008).iso(uncompleted download)/Opisanie
Shto mne delat setim Iso, mne ne ho4etsa vse polnastiy opiat ska4evat
Konuzki (2009-01-02)
episode 2 isnt working here either!!! why is that???Anir551 (2009-01-10)
KonuzkiI faced the same problem, in my case when I would try to start HL 2 Episode 2, I would get an error about a missing Steam GCF file, "Half-Life 2 Episode 2 english.gcf"
The solution lies in just getting the file from somewhere and copying it to the "SteamApps" folder in the game installation directory.
The most updated version of this file that I could find was from here - When you launch the torrent file, just download the required file, its about 500 MB in size (d/l speeds are low & no seeders !!! nonetheless, the file can be downloaded)
Hope this solves your problem.......
Anir551 (2009-01-10)
.....I suppose this problem won't occur in the russian version as that version might contain the file, "half-life 2 episode 2 russian.gcf".......but I haven't tried that out..........donno why the english version file was left out.............nonetheless, this release is GREAT !!! ....hats off to the vitaly73 !!!
mikeyman29 (2009-01-10)
"could not load library client"? wtf?could someone help please?
Graveclaw (2009-01-22)
How I already said (on Russian), if you cannot play in HL1 and HL2 because of missing library, you must delete or change name of file "msvcr80.dll" in the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32. Good luck, and may be Force be with you, always, my little English-speaking friends.timmyhawky (2009-02-25)
Works awesome, thanks!You don't even have to install a crack, just install the games you want and you;re ready to play.
Dudewithstyle1001 (2009-03-13)
HelloThanks for posting this torrent
but i am in need of help as i cannot it get it to work.
It comes up with the message
"could not load library client" for every game in the torrent.
I also tried finding the "msvcr80.dll" but could not find it
Can someone help?
I would really appreciate a step by step guide on how to get this up and running
thanks :)
meccoy (2009-03-19)
the file " half life 2 episode two.gcf " is missing ...i suggest you add it. now there is som torrents but none with any seeders btw fuck yeah great load ;)
realy like it
meccoy (2009-03-19)
ups sorry there is a gcf but its russian :P and its on the small iso unfortunatly i can neither read or understand that" half life 2 episode two english.gcf "
881z1 (2009-03-24)
Rovelius,you fucken pidor ebaniy, gandon kon4enniy, sdohni suka, fucken bitch
Black_Tiger_SWE (2009-03-26)
Nazvanie: Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition Build 6500God vyhoda: 2008
Zhanr: Action
Vypuweno: Valve Software
Jazyk: Russkij, anglijskij
Ob igre:
Dannaja sborka predstavljaet soboj samuju polnuju i samuju kachestvennuju No-Steam kollekciju oficial'nyh igr ot Valve, kotorye tak ili inache svjazany s legendarnoj igroj Half-Life 2.
Osobennosti igry:
* Udobnyj installjator s vozmozhnost'ju vyborochnoj ustanovki igr.
* Sborka ispol'zuet original'nye GCF fajly platformy Steam. A jeto znachit vo-pervyh radikal'noe sokrawenie chisla fajlov na vinte (i kak sledstvie bolee bystruju installjaciju, deinstalljaciju i zagruzku igr), vo-vtoryh, ispol'zovanie original'nyh fajlov garantiruet otsutsvie bagov, v-tretih, takoj podhod pozvoljaet ne dublirovat' fajly obwie dlja vseh igr, chto znachitel'no jekonomit mesto na vinte.
* Vse vysheupomjanutye GCF fajly obnovleny do svezhajshih versij, t.e. soderzhat vse vyshedshie na segodnjashnij den' obnovlenija.
* Rabotaet sistema dostizhenij (Achivements) v igrah Portal, Episode Two, Team Fortress II.
* Rabotaet poisk serverov v Team Fortress II i Garry`s Mod 10.
* V komplekte idjot polnyj rusifikator, tak zhe postroennyj na GCF fajlah. Soderzhit kachestvennuju oficial'nuju ozvuchku ot firmy Buka.
V sborku vhodit 13 igr:
01. Half-Life 1 Source
02. Half-Life 1 Source DeathMatch
03. Half-Life 2
04. Half-Life 2 DeathMatch
05. Half-Life 2 Capture the Flag
06. Half-Life 2 The Lost Coast
07. Half-Life 2 Episode One
08. Half-Life 2 Episode Two
09. Counter Strike Source
10. Day of Defeat Source
11. Portal
12. Team Fortress 2
13. Garry`s Mod 10
Sistemnye trebovanija:
Operacionnaja sistema: Windows 2000 / XP
Processor: Pentium 4 1.8
Pamjat': 512 Mb
Videokarta: 128 Mb DirectX 9.0c Compartible
Audiokarta: Sovmestimaja s DirectX 9.0c
Svobodnoe mesto na HDD: 18.2 Gb (esli ustanavlivat' vse 13 igr ENG), 20.2 Gb (esli ustanavlivat' vse 13 igr RUS)
1. Smontirovat' obraz Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition (2008).iso i ustanovit' igru.
2. Smontirovat' obraz Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition (2008) rusifikator.iso - i ustanivit' rusifikator.
3. Zapustit' igru. Nazvanie: Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition Build 6500
God vyhoda: 2008
Zhanr: Action
Vypuweno: Valve Software
Jazyk: Russkij, anglijskij
Ob igre:
Dannaja sborka predstavljaet soboj samuju polnuju i samuju kachestvennuju No-Steam kollekciju oficial'nyh igr ot Valve, kotorye tak ili inache svjazany s legendarnoj igroj Half-Life 2.
Osobennosti igry:
* Udobnyj installjator s vozmozhnost'ju vyborochnoj ustanovki igr.
* Sborka ispol'zuet original'nye GCF fajly platformy Steam. A jeto znachit vo-pervyh radikal'noe sokrawenie chisla fajlov na vinte (i kak sledstvie bolee bystruju installjaciju, deinstalljaciju i zagruzku igr), vo-vtoryh, ispol'zovanie original'nyh fajlov garantiruet otsutsvie bagov, v-tretih, takoj podhod pozvoljaet ne dublirovat' fajly obwie dlja vseh igr, chto znachitel'no jekonomit mesto na vinte.
* Vse vysheupomjanutye GCF fajly obnovleny do svezhajshih versij, t.e. soderzhat vse vyshedshie na segodnjashnij den' obnovlenija.
* Rabotaet sistema dostizhenij (Achivements) v igrah Portal, Episode Two, Team Fortress II.
* Rabotaet poisk serverov v Team Fortress II i Garry`s Mod 10.
* V komplekte idjot polnyj rusifikator, tak zhe postroennyj na GCF fajlah. Soderzhit kachestvennuju oficial'nuju ozvuchku ot firmy Buka.
V sborku vhodit 13 igr:
01. Half-Life 1 Source
02. Half-Life 1 Source DeathMatch
03. Half-Life 2
04. Half-Life 2 DeathMatch
05. Half-Life 2 Capture the Flag
06. Half-Life 2 The Lost Coast
07. Half-Life 2 Episode One
08. Half-Life 2 Episode Two
09. Counter Strike Source
10. Day of Defeat Source
11. Portal
12. Team Fortress 2
13. Garry`s Mod 10
Sistemnye trebovanija:
Operacionnaja sistema: Windows 2000 / XP
Processor: Pentium 4 1.8
Pamjat': 512 Mb
Videokarta: 128 Mb DirectX 9.0c Compartible
Audiokarta: Sovmestimaja s DirectX 9.0c
Svobodnoe mesto na HDD: 18.2 Gb (esli ustanavlivat' vse 13 igr ENG), 20.2 Gb (esli ust
GODneedsROCK (2009-04-07)
spasiba :D ja zakachal za menche 3 chasa avg 1.2 Mb/secGODneedsROCK (2009-04-07)
how do i play online with all these games??kak mne online igrat s etimi igrami?
qwertycat (2009-04-10)
How do you connect to Garena with it? Or how can I play multiplayer?EradanIngolemo (2009-04-16)
What about the console? Is it possible to open it in these games? Because I don't see how it is to be done.Chto s konsol'yu? Ni v odnoy igre ne otkryvayetsa. Kak eye mozhno otkryt'?
NUGAT (2009-04-20)
SEEED PLSSSSSTarasikk (2009-04-27)
881z1 at 2009-03-24 21:18 CET:____
Wow, Russian high culture
BHT88 (2009-04-29)
I have legit cheap steam accounts with half life platinum packAIM BLACKBHT
jozo0511 (2009-06-06)
thank you, it works perfectly!exept episode 2 so im gonna search for that file.
hl2 rulezzzzz!
Clerk13 (2009-06-12)
This torrent downloaded and installed well, but when I tried to run it, I got a "could not load library" error. What gives? Please helpggrogin (2009-07-07)
Great torrent, looks like everything seems to work... BTW: You do not need steam to run the games.. (Single Player){Reingold} (2009-07-14)
For a quick way to make your system fast to play games at their best click my name and download the torrent "Make Your Windows XP Clean And Fast"Wise_Man (2009-08-09)
For everyone on VISTA recieving the "Could not load library client" error, just go to program files\half life 2 ultimate edition\engine one, then right click hl2.exe, and let it run as administator and that fixed the issue for metikkig0d (2009-08-09)
Icelandic....fermat. (2009-08-27)
next time do it international use english language pls so everyone can use itgembal0n (2009-09-28)
This doesn't have setti masterserver. You can see server list at (for all gametypes) or manually install setti masterserver.trampler (2009-10-04)
Doesnt work here either. The dll problem.If i do the miraculous dll fix by graveclaw, the error message just changes to that game is unable to load the msvcr80.dll (which would be only obvious).
Ah well...
ar15colt (2009-10-27)
ok i started half life 2 episode 1 and ever thing is in wire frame format. so there is no textures no shadows no nothing just wire walls wire people and wire every thing. how do i change it to regular texture?jimitridos (2009-11-27)
hey guys, do you know where can i find that 'darm'Half-Life 2 Episode 2 english.gcf file ? ? ? ?
i checked a link which was given by Anir551, but it just DOESN'T WOOOOOOOOOOOORK....
PLEASE help---i'm crazy for that game-- :(
fenexomega (2009-11-28)
i figured out a way to fix the library thing...i have windows vista and the library error comes up when itry to start any game (not gmod).
if this happen to you, go to the foulder 'source1' and click with the right mouse button on the 'hl2.exe' app, then select propeties, afterthat click compatibilies and that 'run as admin'. Do that to the others 'hl2.exe' in the foulders 'source2' and 'source3' too.
it worked for me, sorry for the bad english. :)
kigconker1 (2009-11-29)
I downloaded this on om last computer and it downloaded at ludicris speed but honestly is hl2 dieing *starts to cryDr.Weir (2009-12-19)
AWESOME!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!Battle_SlutDDD (2009-12-22)
Dude I can't mod Garry's Mod!!!help?! cause I got a shit ton of mods for Gmod and damn thing won't mod.Anyone know how to mod this bastard?
baryiga (2010-01-23)
speed pleaseJusticeL (2010-02-04)
????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ???JusticeL (2010-02-04)
please more seeders and leechers! mozshno bolshe sidov i pirovJusticeL (2010-02-04)
sdsdsdJusticeL (2010-02-04)
more seeders and leechersJusticeL (2010-02-04)
more seedsJusticeL (2010-02-04)
moreseedsJusticeL (2010-02-04)
sdasdasJusticeL (2010-02-06)
bolshe seedov i leecherov plzJusticeL (2010-02-06)
MORE SEEDERS AND LEECHERS PLZ!Itachi1991 (2010-02-14)
yea yea man this works perfectly all do except cs since they can know if it is pirated XD but this download is approvable id say thnks to the hostJusticeL (2010-03-12)
plz more seeds and leechers!!!! pzlplzplzpzpzlzpzlzplzpzlzplzplzplplzpllzplzpzplpzlpzlplplzz!!!
Rovelius (2010-08-03)
FreshRus (2010-08-10)
мне нужна только Half-Life 2,можно как-нибудь её отдельно?DjTwitchy (2010-08-22)
wish i understood russianKochuba (2010-09-16)
oooh, holy shit! tnxmadmanstoner (2011-12-01)
DjTwitchy they probably think the same for englishCase9 (2013-11-11)
DJTwitchy - he said "I need only Half-Life 2, you can somehow it separately?"Try using google translate.