Torrent Hash - Hash of all existing torrents
Please, pay attention to the fact that you are about to download the torrent NOT from is just a torrent search engine, no torrents are hosted here. is just a torrent search engine, no torrents are hosted here.
2008-03-01 (by amfpc)
Didn\'t test them all, but the ones I did are OK! (for 10.4.11 anyway)
If any have Passwords on them it will be \"msjstw\"
No CDs
!!!!!!NO CD index+readme.txt
8th Wonder of the World SN.rtf
[Keygen] Quickbooks Pro
Age of Empires III No CD-No CPU [k].sitx
Age of Mythology No CD.dmg
Alice 1.1.1 No CD.sit
Alice No CD [k].sit
Alice No CD.sit
Aliens vs Predator 1.0.1 [k].sit
Alpha Centauri No CD.sit
AVP2 No CD.sit
Big Bang Chess 2.02 [P].app.sit
Big Race USA patch.sit
BigBang Checkers 2.0.2 [P].app.sit
Billy Frontiera�����¬���¬�¢ 1.0 [k\'d].sit
Bionicle 1.0 [k\'ed].dmg
Black & White 1.1.9 No CD.img.sit
Black & White CI No CD.img.sit
Black & White Data No CD.sit
Board Game Trio NoCDs.sitx
Board Game Trio Risk II 1.0.2 [k\'ed].dmg
Board Game Trio Scrabble 1.1 [k\'ed].dmg
C&C Generals 1.0.3 [k\'ed].dmg
C&C Generals No DVD.dmg
C&CG 1.0.2 No DVD [k\'ed].dmg
C&CG Zero Hour No DVD light.toast
Call of Duty - Bypass CD-Key check.txt
Call of Duty - Steps to run a [k\'ed] server.txt
Call Of Duty 1.3 [k\'ed].dmg
Call of Duty Cheats Mode.txt
Call of Duty II v1.3 No CD [k].dmg
Call of Duty online without valid CD Key.rtfd.sit
Call of Duty Servers cracked full list to play online.txt
Call of Duty SN by keygen.txt
Call of Duty, Bi-Proc optimisation.txt
Call to Power No CD.dmg
Carmageddon 1.0 [P].sit
Carmageddon 2 [P].sit
Ceasar 3[k].sit
Celtic Kings Install [k] + SN.rtf
Championship Manager 4 [k].sit
Chessmaster 9000 1.0 EN [P].app.sit
Chessmaster 9000 1.0.1 En [P].zip
Civ III No CD.img.sit
Close Combat - First to Fight 1.0.1 [P] R2.dmg
Cobalt 564
CoD & UO Patcher 1.1 (1.3 to 1.51c).sit
CoD 2 Serial.txt
CoD Cracker
CoD Patcher
CoD Private Server.dmg
CoD readme.txt
Command & Conquer Generals 1.04 NoDVD.dmg
Commandos 3 1.0.2 [k\'ed].dmg
Dark Forces 1.2 No CD.sit
Delta Force Black Hawk Down no DVD.toast
Delta Force Black Hawk Down No DVD.toast.sit
Deus Ex - Virtual CD [k].smi
Deus Ex No CD.img.sit
DFBHD [k\'ed] v1.dmg
Dominions II - Playing version 2.02 - Instructions + SN.rtf
Doom 3 1.1b2488 [k\'ed] + [k].dmg
Doom v1.3 b2847 UB
Doom3 Fake Image plus [k].dmg
DopeWars 5.3.8 [k].zip
Dungeon Siege No CD + 1.2 NoCD Crack.sit
Dungeon Siege No CD.sit
Elite Force II (Fake CD) CD1.toast.sitx
Enemy Engaged 1.0 [k\'ed].dmg
Enigmo 2 Patch
Enigmo 2
Europa Universalis II No CD.dmg
EV-Nova [k].txt
F-A-18 Korea no CD.img.sit
F1 CS 2000 1.0 [k\'ed].sit
Finding Nemo No CD.dmg
Ford Racing 2 [k\'ed].dmg
Freedom Force No CD.toast.sit
Galactic Battleground 1.1 NO CD.sit
Ghost Master 1.0.1 No CD Patched.sit
Ghost Recon No CD.img.sit
Giants No CD.img.sit
Halo 1.05.3 No CD.toast.sit
Halo Universal No CD +
Harry Potter II No CD.dmg
Harry Potter No CD Patcher.sit
Hearts Of Iron No CD.dmg
Heavy Metal Fakk 2 No CD.sit
Heavy Metal FAKK 2v1.02c [k\'ed].dmg
Heroes III No CD.img.sit
Heroes IV Might & Magic 2.2 [k\'ed].img
Homeworld 2 1.1.1 [k\'ed].dmg
Homeworld 2 No CD.toast.sit
Indiana Jones [P].sit
Indiana Jones ET [K] v2.sit
Indiana Jones ET No CD.image.sit
Islands Mini-Golf 1.0.1 SN.rtf
James Bond 007 NightFire No CD.dmg
James Bond 007 Nightfire SN.txt
Jedi Academy 1.0.1e [k]\'
Jedi Academy NoCD.toast.sitx
Jeopardy 2 v1.0 [k\'ed].dmg
Knights of the old Republic No DVD.toast.sit
KotoR 1.03c v.2115 [k\'ed].dmg
Mahjong Solitarus 1.1 SN.rtf
Master of Orion 3 [P]-1.sit
Master of Orion 3 [P].sit
Max Payne [P].sit
Max Payne No
Maximum Pool No CD.toast.sit
Medal of Honor 1.14 [P].sit
MindRover No CD.sit
MoH - Spearhead No CD.toast.sit
MoH Spearhead 2.15 [P].sit
MoHAA 1.1.2 No CD Patch.sit
MoHAA Breakthrough SN (online).txt
Mohaa spearhead PC cd keys .rtf
Monsters Jr No CD.dmg
MTX MotoTrax F08 [k\'ed].dmg
MTX Mototrax No CD.toast
Myst 4 No DVD.cdr.sit
Myth II No CD.img.sit
Nanosaur 2 v 1.0.1 [k].sit
NASCAR 2002 No CD.dmg
NASCAR Racing 2003 Season No CD.dmg
Never Winter Nights No CD.dmg
No Limit Texas Holdem Poker SN.txt
NOLF2 No CD (open with Toast).img.sit
Northland 1.04 No SN Patched.sit
NWN - Hordes Of The Underdark No CD.dmg
NWN - SoU No CD.toast
Onyx 2.5 [k].dmg
Pro-Pinball Big Race USA (latest version) [no cd].sit
Quake 3 Team Arena Key.txt
Railroad Tycoon 3 No CD.toast.sit
Raven Shield 1.0.2 [k\'ed].dmg
Raven Shield No CD.dmg
Rayman 3 1.0.2 [k\'ed].dmg
Red Faction No CD.img.sit
Rise of Nations Gold No CD.dmg
Risk II No CD.dmg
RTCW 1.33 connect with PC.sit
Rune 1.0 CD [k].sit
Scrabble No CD.smi
Sheep - No CD.dmg
Sheep 1.0.1 No CD Patcher.sit
Shrek 2 (v1.1) no CD [k].zip
Sim City 4a�����¬���¬�¢NoCD.dmg
SimCity 3000 No CD.img.sit
SimCity 4 No CD.dmg
SimsCity 4 Rush Hour 1.1 No CD.dmg
SOF II SP 1.03 [k\'ed].dmg
Space Colony No CD.dmg
Spartan SN.txt
Spider-Man 2 1.0.0 [P].dmg
Spider-Man 2 1.1 [k].zip
Spider-Man No CD.img.sit
Splinter Cell 1.0 [k\'ed].dmg
Splinter Cell No DVD.toast
Splinter Cell No DVD.toast.sit
Spy Kids Mega Mission No CD.dmg
Star Trek Elite Force II [k\'ed].dmg
Star Trek Elite Force II No CD.toast.sit
Star Wars - KotoR 1.03 [k\'ed].dmg
Star Wars Battlefront No DVD.toast
Star Wars BattleFront SN.txt
Star Wars GB No CD.toast
Star Wars Racer No CD.smi
Starcraft [k].sit
StarWars - KotoR 1.03b v.1639 [k\'ed].dmg
Stronghold No CD.smi
The Incredibles No CD.dmg
The Return Of The King - No CD.toast.sitx
The Return Of The King No CD.toast.sit
The Sims
Think Tanks Serial [I�����¬�©].rtf
THPS 3 No CD.img.sit
Tomb Raider - IV Chronicles NoCD [P].sit
Tomb Raider 6 AdT Fr SN.rtf
Tony Hawk OSX [P].sit
Tony Hawk\'s Pro Skater 2 No CD.sit
Total Immersion Racing 1.0 [k].dmg
Total Immersion Racing 1.0.1 [k].sitx
Total Immersion Racing 1.0.2 [k\'ed].dmg
Toy Story 2 No CD.smi
Tron 2.0 Keygen.exe.sit
Tropico 2 Install on all machines Instructions.rtfd.sit
Tropico 2 No CD.dmg
Tropico Mucho Macho 1.0.3.[k\'ed].dmg
Tropico No CD Patch.sit
True Crime - Streets of LA 1.0 [k\'ed].dmg
Undying No CD.img.sit
Unreal Tournament 2004 No DVD.toast.sit
Unreal Tournament 4.0 [P].sit
ut2k4 adrenaline combos.rtf
UT2K4 No CD.toast.sit
Victoria No CD.dmg
Visage Login 1.1 [K]
Wakeboard Unleashed Install [k].sit
Warcraft III [NoCD] Pack.dmg
Warrior Kings 1.0 No CD Patched.sit
WarriorKings 1.02.sit
Wheel of Fortune 2_NoCD.dmg
Wipeout 2097 No CD.sit
WipeOut 2097 v1.3 [k] App only.sit
Worms 3D 1.0.1 [k\'ed].dmg
Worms 3D [k].app.sit
Wormsblast No CD.img.sit
X-Plane 6.xx No CD.sit
X-Plane 7 (ISO9660) No CD.dmg
X-Plane 8 No CD.dmg
X2 Wolverine No CD.dmg
X3 Reunion Mac - Crack
XIII 1.0.1 [k\'ed].dmg
XPlane 7.5 No CD.img
Zoo Tycoon - Marine Mania No CD.dmg
Zoo Tycoon 2 No CD.toast
Files count:
285.20 Mb
Nitride (2008-03-02)
Are these no CD Cracks?It may seem obvious but im thick :]
kellym14 (2008-03-07)
Hey ..I'm new to this and I recently finished downloading this torrent .. is there anything special I need to do in order to run the programs or should they all just work on their own? Thanks.
Ekan44 (2008-03-13)
Watch out its a trojan horse in it!!!!!ewuard (2008-03-14)
empire at war, k for leopardsomebody has it?????
Nikebk (2008-03-15)
Seed!IndrekK (2008-03-16)
I try to DL this and it wont, why?IndrekK (2008-03-16)
I mean I want to dl ONLY Carmageton 2...hereticgod (2008-03-17)
ok firstly Gamecrack piss off you spammer done waste peoples time.secondly eekan theres no trojans ive downloaded and checked the whole file myself its clean. please dont cause unnecessary panic. you will scare the noobs lol.
thirdly kellym14
some of these (the .toast and .dmg) need to be opened with toast 8 using the copy tab and selecting the image and hitting mount. this tricks your mac into thinking its a real cd as the normal double click of a .dmg tells your os that its just an image file. Others need to be uncompressed with stuffit or similar because they are archived and may just require you to copy some files to the game folder. hope this helps.
thundermuppet (2008-03-19)
aah great, thanks amfpc!any chance the age of empire no cd works with the UB version (2.0.1)?!?
I know it an oldie but still... UB is nice
machspeed5 (2008-03-20)
this is incorrect: "If any have Passwords on them it will be \"msjstw\"I originally upped this to demonoid.
if any need it, the correct pass is "msjstw"
no slash.
tommiejohansson (2008-03-21)
The "NHL.EHM.2007.3.0.1.Crack.dmg" how do that work? is it a crack that does that you come past the 6 month period?or what is it?
NHL.EHM.2007.3.0.1.Crack.dmg, hur fungerar den? är det en crack som gör att man kommer förbi 6-månaders perioden?
eller vad är det?
dala08 (2008-03-23)
warcraft 3 doesnt wana work...qneuzidol (2008-03-23)
I have mounted de halo No CD.toast in Toast apears only to be a unreadable pdf file.
What should i do next?
Write it on a cd? the Halo app is still responding with: Halo game CD-Rom was not found
pelezz (2008-03-28)
starwarsbattlefront no dvd it dont works i download there is nothing in the file must i open it with toast or somthing??thisme (2008-04-01)
I can't open the .sitx file for AoE III. give us the real pass.typeseven (2008-04-04)
none of these are full installers.... don't bother wasting your time downloading this.axel_eklof (2008-04-12)
Password: c4mstwHe mixed the passwords up ^^
mc0025 (2008-05-01)
Halo UB no cd doesnt work. WTFfaffnir (2008-05-13)
SEED PLZ be better that way!! xDBukco (2008-05-16)
I'm having a little trouble with the Rise of Nations Gold .dmgI guess I'm supposed to mount the dmg using Toast. I have Toast 8 and I go to the utility menu and pick mount disk image then I pick the .dmg I'm trying to mount and it puts a black moon icon on my desktop. When I click on that it opens up and there's an installer, click on that and it says "couldn't open "Rise of Nations Gold Installer.pkg""
Any ideas why?
Crossaxel412 (2008-05-18)
so, what? i just drag the game file in?martmart011235 (2008-05-19)
the call of duty 2 cracks don't work on leopard. they do work on panther and tiger however. oh well :-/ thx anyways. if you happen to find one, PLEASE put it up. i love that game.TheGamingBay (2008-05-27)
WHY are you ppls so stupid?! OMFG @.@, if you only need the Call of duty 2 crack. GO TO .. WWW.GAMINGWORLD.COM then search for whatever you like, WHY THE FUCK SPEND TIME ON THIS STUPID FUCK with viruses e.t.cThanks for attention ;)
anonz (2008-05-31)
Norton finds trojan --> rld-cod2kg.exe inside of (2008-06-02)
Why worry about a virus? It's Mac OS, not Windows...VileCore (2008-06-04)
OH NO! VIRUSES! Let's all panic like a retard! Oh wait, no, no need, because Macs don't GET viruses.TheGamingBay is clearly a fuckin' idiot. No offense.
Mr. Master D. Evil (2008-06-09)
keygens isnt usually virus/trojans, just because an AV says so :\dhrocks4life (2008-06-24)
does this work for halo combat evolved?CHrocks2 (2008-06-26)
I dont understand what this download does,Do i need to have already installed the game?
Does this just stop me from needing the disk after ive installed it?
no5 (2008-07-01)
what about guitar hero III?aptrapani (2008-07-15)
having trouble with max payne crackDrLex (2008-08-06)
The Carmageddon II crack doesn't work on my version...keddyfish (2008-08-07)
How does this work?~?~?~?~??~?~coolix (2008-08-11)
o my god, these are no CD cracks, you put them in the folder with the .ExE...i think thats what you do with them.sagabmx (2008-08-19)
It says Games > Mac
bjcrunner (2008-08-25)
none of these are games, you can't install anything from them.odin835 (2008-08-31)
maybe you should start reading "bjcrunner" cause its cracks to games also called no-cd'sand "villecore" your so damn right!
mac-freak (2008-09-04)
LOOK windows fuck-tards its in GAMES/MAC for a reason so what are the fags talking about VIRUSES we are on a mac so we DO NOT get them and so why you people are saying virus virus ur on a windows and you also are a fuck-tard oh and .exe is a windows app so fuck-tard...Hawar (2008-09-06)
Fuck all the Mac PCs! The Macs ruined the PC world becos now the Computer Unit is destroyed. Now that Macs are available on the market sum ppl also buy shitty Macs and now theres difference between Mac owners and Microsoft owners. Fuck the Apple brothers. Bill Gate 4 Life!!!cameron22 (2008-09-19)
this sucks nothing workskettlemcgregor (2008-09-27)
Hey, can somebody explain exactly what you do with these? Like do I need the game files to use these? If so, where do I get them? Just wanna play Tropico!doctertorrent (2008-10-09)
OK guys, just because ur getting something illegal doesn't mean its a 100% chance its Fucked up, so fro retards who r too scared to go on the internet because of a virus [ P.S. to get a virus on the internet u have to be a great retard ] they should question themselves wither its safe to go outsidepaashaasXD (2008-10-22)
wow this is the best thing i have ever seen in my entire live O_Othepirate44 (2008-10-23)
I also tried to play Return of the King, and I have a Mac, no one is really answering why these don't work. What do you need to do? Did anyone else try Return of the King?Kholdstare (2008-11-18)
Need help. Halo Universal No CD wont mount in Toast. (i have toast 7, does it matter?)Grizom (2008-11-18)
can someone explain to me exactly what this is ... ?nDiScReEt (2008-11-28)
Thank you for the upload!jedigon (2008-12-07)
can we seed this please? thanx.Reznorblade (2008-12-15)
Im having a little bit of trouble with Generals. I'm really new at mounting games with a Mac, could some one tell me what is the best way to mount it?salpo (2008-12-19)
OMG! That ROCKS!Thank you SO much!
vssertse (2009-01-01)
hey, i'm trying to open the rayman 3but i open the file or the crack and it asks to insert a cd
what am i supposed to do??
someone explain me plese, thank's
badtrooper13 (2009-01-15)
WOW!!!! mac suks balls it has no good games what a pieced of shit company people who use macs should go hang them selfsrmcbride (2009-01-16)
Having trouble opening these. I try to mount them and some open to an install screen, but when I try to play them it either refuses to do so or crashes before it can load. Any help?Black_Rose (2009-01-16)
Good looking torrent. Will tell you all if it works when it downloads. ((Using it for WC3))Aranarth711 (2009-01-20)
^^ Latest wc3 version doesnt need cd, so no crack eitherHippieJoe (2009-01-24)
I can't seem to get Sim City 4 to work. Anyone know how i can fix it?RedMozi (2009-01-25)
Seed please. :)slicksully (2009-02-04)
This download is slow as shit. must have more seeds!ars117 (2009-02-06)
seed plz. will seed when finished.thx
lprhk (2009-02-06)
????T H I S 100% ??NOT WORK?????LinuxPirate2.6 (2009-02-11)
@badtrooper13That's because they sucked Steve Balmer's dick last quarter.
LinuxPirate2.6 (2009-02-11)
And compared it to Jobs' and liked Balm3r dick better.narekofadown (2009-02-18)
please someone help me, i'm a new with mac, and I instaled the Max payne and i can't make it work, it askin' for a original CD, but i do not knew how to use this crackcan someone tell me how can I mark it work
slipknot99099 (2009-03-28)
any1 who writes comments are gay ..... oh wait damnslipknot99099 (2009-03-28)
if you read this u ow me all the money in the world MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAiWarsDev (2009-03-30)
@badtrooper13:(give command: kill badtrooper13)
Message: Process killed
(give command: revive badtrooper13)
Message: badtrooper13 revived
(give command: rape badtrooper13)
Message: error/ badtrooper13 is a fucking Windows user and too bas to be raped
(give command: take badtrooper13's Vista Laptop
Message: Do you really wanna do that?
(give command: /yes/)
Message: Laptop taken
(give command: kill badtrooper13 with his Laptop)
(give command: say:EAT THAT, DAMN VISTA USER)
Message: ego satisfied
AcidJustice (2009-04-08)
Very confused how to mount or otherwise get these things to install, help?sminmorph (2009-04-09)
star wars battlefront dosent install, opens a window with the cover saying, double-click on the install to install or something...HippieJoe (2009-06-01)
I can't open the sims 2. Any way to open it?333def (2009-06-28)
these are not games to mount, they are essentially patches to games with bugs, fixes put out by the company or others for cracks with bugs. i don't know if they work or not, tho, but for those of you trying to play a game off of these alone, you are missing some key parts. like the game.yaknowit (2009-08-05)
theres a virus in one of the files... i think the rest work well, if you just get rid of the virus.m.joelint (2009-08-09)
Awesome, been looking for CIV4 NoCD.imnoobish (2009-10-09)
so do i just download a demo and use these as cracks to make it full versions? is this how this works?LeaT (2009-10-10)
No. Demo versions can be played without any CD inserted. These no CD versions only work for full installations of a game, so you are able to play them without owning the actual CD.imnoobish (2009-10-17)
so how would this work exactly, u jsut double click the .dmg files, and then it works? or mount then on toast?debakaputite (2009-10-26)
ever tried to read the first page?????noob!
CovertOPSDragunov (2009-11-01)
does this work on vista?JS0884 (2009-11-04)
Okay a guide for all of you idiots:First of all, these are only for MAC users. No it will not work on Vista, or XP, or 7 or whatever Windows OS you want to pick. MAC ONLY. Therefore, there are obviously no viruses in these downloads - MACs don't get viruses.
Second, THESE ARE NOT FULL GAMES. They obviously aren't because the total file size is only 285 MB.
The point of this download is to aid those WHO ALREADY OWN THE GAME. Ever play a game that requires you to install it from a cd, and yet, you have to insert the cd every time you want to play it? This download provides a solution to the problem. Install the game from the cd, then install the appropriate file from this torrent. The use the app icon you installed from the torrent to launch the game, NOT THE ORIGINAL. This allows you to play the game without having the cd inserted.
Cheapkillz (2009-11-06)
I have a legit version of Civ 4 installed on my computer. I lost the CD. Will this help me? If so what do i have to do. I've tried replacing the original civ file with the one from the download, i get an error "Civilization IV 1.61 NoCPU & NoDVD quit unexpectedly" when i try to run it. Any help?xXMastaBrXx14 (2009-11-14)
There all viruses the one that work for me is (2011-05-19)
I have a MAC 10.4.11, but it doesn't open te return of the king cracks. Why?Minimum91 (2011-10-09)
Can anyone please seed this? I'll carry on from when I get all this, so no worries.Minimum91 (2011-10-09)
North carolina is awesome an all, but dude, please seed. I know you are there.bainbrigge (2012-05-12)
Seed this please and thank youbhanya747 (2013-01-28)
seed.....plzzz seed :(FoamHands (2013-04-01)
Please seed Folks, Don't want to take weeks to downloadFiles:
1. !No_CDs/!!!NO CD index+readme.txt 7.82 Kb
2. !No_CDs/8th Wonder of the World SN.rtf 319 bytes
3. !No_CDs/AVP2 No CD.sit 19.23 Kb
4. !No_CDs/Age of Empires III No CD-No CPU [k].sitx 333.76 Kb
5. !No_CDs/Age of Mythology No CD.dmg 22.74 Kb
6. !No_CDs/Alice 1.1.1 No CD.sit 72.16 Kb
7. !No_CDs/Alice No CD [k].sit 15.53 Kb
8. !No_CDs/Alice No CD.sit 50.44 Kb
9. !No_CDs/Aliens vs Predator 1.0.1 [k].sit 22.37 Kb
10. !No_CDs/Alpha Centauri No CD.sit 104.81 Kb
11. !No_CDs/Big Bang Chess 2.02 [P].app.sit 116.99 Kb
12. !No_CDs/Big Race USA patch.sit 25.09 Kb
13. !No_CDs/BigBang Checkers 2.0.2 [P].app.sit 117.01 Kb
14. !No_CDs/BigBangBoard.2.3.4.License.dmg 161.29 Kb
15. !No_CDs/Billy Frontier⢠1.0 [k'd].sit 162.37 Kb
16. !No_CDs/Bionicle 1.0 [k'ed].dmg 2.08 Mb
17. !No_CDs/Black & White 1.1.9 No CD.img.sit 85.02 Kb
18. !No_CDs/Black & White CI No CD.img.sit 129.90 Kb
19. !No_CDs/Black & White Data No CD.sit 749.73 Kb
20. !No_CDs/Board Game Trio NoCDs.sitx 1.33 Mb
21. !No_CDs/Board Game Trio Risk II 1.0.2 [k'ed].dmg 827.99 Kb
22. !No_CDs/Board Game Trio Scrabble 1.1 [k'ed].dmg 761.05 Kb
23. !No_CDs/C&C Generals 1.0.3 [k'ed].dmg 2.79 Mb
24. !No_CDs/C&C Generals No DVD.dmg 383.07 Kb
25. !No_CDs/C&CG 1.0.2 No DVD [k'ed].dmg 2.79 Mb
26. !No_CDs/C&CG Zero Hour No DVD light.toast 50.52 Kb
27. !No_CDs/COD.2.v1.0.UBCracks.dmg 9.28 Mb
28. !No_CDs/Call Of Duty 1.3 [k'ed].dmg 3.21 Mb
29. !No_CDs/Call of Duty - Bypass CD-Key check.txt 1.05 Kb
30. !No_CDs/Call of Duty - Steps to run a [k'ed] server.txt 677 bytes
31. !No_CDs/Call of Duty Cheats Mode.txt 527 bytes
32. !No_CDs/Call of Duty II v1.3 No CD [k].dmg 5.20 Mb
33. !No_CDs/Call of Duty SN by keygen.txt 207 bytes
34. !No_CDs/Call of Duty Servers cracked full list to play online.txt 2.50 Kb
35. !No_CDs/Call of Duty online without valid CD Key.rtfd.sit 25.64 Kb
36. !No_CDs/Call of Duty, Bi-Proc optimisation.txt 682 bytes
37. !No_CDs/Call to Power No CD.dmg 55.29 Kb
38. !No_CDs/Carmageddon 1.0 [P].sit 92.00 Kb
39. !No_CDs/Carmageddon 2 [P].sit 127.15 Kb
40. !No_CDs/Ceasar 3[k].sit 24.94 Kb
41. !No_CDs/Celtic Kings Install [k] + SN.rtf 1.46 Kb
42. !No_CDs/Championship Manager 4 [k].sit 4.02 Mb
43. !No_CDs/Chessmaster 9000 1.0 EN [P].app.sit 130.72 Kb
44. !No_CDs/Chessmaster 9000 1.0.1 En [P].zip 166.98 Kb
45. !No_CDs/Civ III No CD.img.sit 1.65 Kb
46. !No_CDs/Civ3.PTW.1.27b3[4945].NoDVD.dmg 589.17 Kb
47. !No_CDs/Civ4.v1.61(9565)UBCrack.dmg 3.25 Mb
48. !No_CDs/Close Combat - First to Fight 1.0.1 [P] R2.dmg 2.90 Mb
49. !No_CDs/CoD & UO Patcher 1.1 (1.3 to 1.51c).sit 930.26 Kb
50. !No_CDs/CoD 2 Serial.txt 88 bytes
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54. !No_CDs/CoD readme.txt 205 bytes
55. !No_CDs/ 5.98 Kb
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66. !No_CDs/Doom 3 1.1b2488 [k'ed] + [k].dmg 1.99 Mb
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73. !No_CDs/Dungeon Siege No CD.sit 339.71 Kb
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78. !No_CDs/Enigmo 2 140.55 Kb
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88. !No_CDs/ 3.78 Mb
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98. !No_CDs/Heavy Metal Fakk 2 No CD.sit 24.97 Kb
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102. !No_CDs/Homeworld 2 No CD.toast.sit 266.85 Kb
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106. !No_CDs/Indiana Jones ET No CD.image.sit 62.26 Kb
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108. !No_CDs/Indiana Jones [P].sit 86.35 Kb
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110. !No_CDs/JKIIJO1.03.1NoCDPatched.sit 1.83 Mb
111. !No_CDs/JKIIJO1.03NoCDPatched.sit 1.61 Mb
112. !No_CDs/JKIIJOMP1.04.1NoCDPatched.sit 1.10 Mb
113. !No_CDs/James Bond 007 NightFire No CD.dmg 74.77 Kb
114. !No_CDs/James Bond 007 Nightfire SN.txt 117 bytes
115. !No_CDs/Jedi Academy 1.0.1e [k]' 296.50 Kb
116. !No_CDs/Jedi Academy NoCD.toast.sitx 77.04 Kb
117. !No_CDs/Jeopardy 2 v1.0 [k'ed].dmg 1.08 Mb
118. !No_CDs/KnightShift.1.2.1.NoSNCrack.dmg 6.61 Mb
119. !No_CDs/Knights of the old Republic No DVD.toast.sit 178.58 Kb
120. !No_CDs/KotoR 1.03c v.2115 [k'ed].dmg 2.80 Mb
121. !No_CDs/LEGO.SW.1.0.NoDVD.Cracked.dmg 1.32 Mb
122. !No_CDs/LotR-tRotK1.0C_PX.dmg 2.21 Mb
123. !No_CDs/MTX MotoTrax F08 [k'ed].dmg 2.37 Mb
124. !No_CDs/MTX Mototrax No CD.toast 3.60 Mb
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127. !No_CDs/Master of Orion 3 [P].sit 2.96 Mb
128. !No_CDs/Max Payne No 121.30 Kb
129. !No_CDs/Max Payne [P].sit 24.95 Kb
130. !No_CDs/Maximum Pool No CD.toast.sit 76.11 Kb
131. !No_CDs/Medal of Honor 1.14 [P].sit 24.94 Kb
132. !No_CDs/MindRover No CD.sit 1.21 Mb
133. !No_CDs/MoH - Spearhead No CD.toast.sit 1.59 Kb
134. !No_CDs/MoH Spearhead 2.15 [P].sit 24.92 Kb
135. !No_CDs/MoHAA 1.1.2 No CD Patch.sit 24.98 Kb
136. !No_CDs/MoHAA Breakthrough SN (online).txt 180 bytes
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145. !No_CDs/NOLF2 No CD (open with Toast).img.sit 796.14 Kb
146. !No_CDs/NWN - Hordes Of The Underdark No CD.dmg 265.00 Kb
147. !No_CDs/NWN - SoU No CD.toast 239.13 Kb
148. !No_CDs/Nanosaur 2 v 1.0.1 [k].sit 255.25 Kb
149. !No_CDs/Never Winter Nights No CD.dmg 13.97 Kb
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151. !No_CDs/Northland 1.04 No SN Patched.sit 817.22 Kb
152. !No_CDs/Onyx 2.5 [k].dmg 66.26 Kb
153. !No_CDs/Pandora 196.75 Kb
154. !No_CDs/Payback.1.0.0.Cracked.dmg 839.78 Kb
155. !No_CDs/Pro-Pinball Big Race USA (latest version) [no cd].sit 366.39 Kb
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158. !No_CDs/Quake4.v1.2[b2386] 5.44 Mb
159. !No_CDs/RCT3.v1.2(4619).NoDVD.Crack.dmg 3.95 Mb
160. !No_CDs/RCT3.v1.2A(11332).UBCracked.dmg 8.30 Mb
161. !No_CDs/RTCW 1.33 connect with PC.sit 1.15 Mb
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163. !No_CDs/Raven Shield 1.0.2 [k'ed].dmg 2.50 Mb
164. !No_CDs/Raven Shield No CD.dmg 54.71 Kb
165. !No_CDs/Rayman 3 1.0.2 [k'ed].dmg 2.52 Mb
166. !No_CDs/Red Faction No CD.img.sit 739.64 Kb
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168. !No_CDs/Rise of Nations Gold No CD.dmg 470.01 Kb
169. !No_CDs/Risk II No CD.dmg 600.00 Kb
170. !No_CDs/Rune 1.0 CD [k].sit 137.31 Kb
171. !No_CDs/SOF II SP 1.03 [k'ed].dmg 3.58 Mb
172. !No_CDs/Scrabble No CD.smi 243.15 Kb
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174. !No_CDs/Sheep 1.0.1 No CD Patcher.sit 25.24 Kb
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191. !No_CDs/Splinter.Cell.1.0.Crack.R2.dmg 1.65 Mb
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200. !No_CDs/StarWars - KotoR 1.03b v.1639 [k'ed].dmg 2.78 Mb
201. !No_CDs/Starcraft [k].sit 103.19 Kb
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203. !No_CDs/StubbsTheZ.1.0(418).Crack.2.dmg 1.82 Mb
204. !No_CDs/THPS 3 No CD.img.sit 529.07 Kb
205. !No_CDs/THPS3NCD_s.sit 1.06 Mb
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210. !No_CDs/The Return Of The King No CD.toast.sit 285.53 Kb
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217. !No_CDs/Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 No CD.sit 24.95 Kb
218. !No_CDs/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
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221. !No_CDs/Total Immersion Racing 1.0.2 [k'ed].dmg 2.13 Mb
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227. !No_CDs/Tropico Mucho Macho 1.0.3.[k'ed].dmg 970.85 Kb
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237. !No_CDs/Visage Login 1.1 [K] 177.66 Kb
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255. !No_CDs/X3 Reunion Mac - Crack/X3TheReunion.1.0.NoSN.Crack.dmg 304.35 Kb
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259. !No_CDs/Zoo Tycoon 2 No CD.toast 178.87 Kb
260. !No_CDs/[Keygen] Quickbooks Pro 365.52 Kb
261. !No_CDs/ 60.31 Kb
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