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2007-11-30 (by lumaworks)
LUMA presents:
Arma Armed Assault DVD:
Armed Assault aims to replicate the realism of combat in a highly intense, brand new campaign, all of which takes place on
islands that may measure up to 400 square kilometers (about 250 sq miles): four times larger than the islands of Everon
and Malden featured in Operation Flashpoint.
The campaign in Armed Assault takes place on the fictional Atlantic island of Sahrani, a nation which is divided into a
northern communist regime (called Democratic Republic of Sahrani - DRS) and an oil rich southern democracy called Kingdom
of South Sahrani. The narrative begins with US forces, after a few months of training in the south, leaving. The northern
leader uses this moment of weakness to attack the rest of the island. The player takes on the role of one soldier in one of the platoons not rotated off the island before the conflict began. The platoons aids the Royal Army Corps of Sahrani (RACS) in fending off the larger and more powerful neighbourâ??s offensive being spearheaded by the Sahrani Liberation Army (SLA, referred to as "slags" as slang by soldiers in the game).
The campaign follows a linear storyline. However, each level in the campaign will have a multitude of options for the player on how to progress through the mission. The playerâ??s in-game performance and choices determine how the storyline progresses and ultimately will have a bearing on the war itself. For example, a mission to seize a crucial town can have a substantial effect on the story depending on the player's level of success or failure. Failure to successfully complete an objective does not result in the game ending but merely becomes another thread in the tapestry. Hostile squads act independently of the player's actions so that they may be engaging in an activity dictated by the game AI that does not necessarily involve the player. This implies that the game has high replay value as no two games will be identical.
Online Game Queen's Gambit is going to be introduced in September as a followup to the original storyline and will add second event afterward.
The content of the original OFP game is currently being converted to ArmA format and standards, and will be released, at a yet unspecified date, as a free addon, titled "Cold War Rearmed". This addon will contain the original islands, models as well as the campaign and missions.
â?¢ Mount the image with Daemon Tools 4.08.
â?¢ Install the game.
â?¢ Use YASU.
â?¢ Use this Serial: S6C8-92G1N-28G7D-BKB47-DWJG8
â?¢ Play the game!
How to use Y.A.S.U:
â?¢ Go in to the map.
â?¢ Press on the Yasu ikon.
â?¢ It will came up a small window like say: Would you like to your virtual drive.. just press " YES "
â?¢ Then it will came up a windows to, klick on OK and enjoj the game!
Files count:
2761.92 Mb
Borat V. (2007-12-16)
Why can't I mount it as image? I also get the message from securom that it detects that I'm trying to mount an image. Says that I should insert the original game disc. Any Ideas? what is YASU anyway....? what does it do, cuz nothing happens when I double klick it.Feel so stupid with stuff like this.
Borat V. (2007-12-17)
OK, this is obviously not working with Yasu...can anyone explain on how to get this working properly?La tierra de los Muertos (2008-01-02)
Fuck is wrong same problem like this 2 here who complane the problem here.....How shoud it work with this securite or what heck it is..... Fix the problem dude!!!
lumaworks (2008-01-03)
I have tested it with yasu and it works. But sometime its not work.. You need to click on yasu icon and press ok many times, it will work!DJNoel (2008-01-06)
kan du sedda på svensson svensson boxen plzzsvenskalaxen (2008-01-07)
If you have problem Mounting the DVD. Use the sett options in ex.Deamon Tools and use the other file in the DVD map.FreeMayk (2008-01-26)
ok, I installed it, cracked it and played it.BUT when I try to install the 1.05 and 1.08 Patches I get a huge "INVALID CD KEY" sing that breaks my heart.... and really irritates me. Any suggestions? anyone, please I need those updates to play with friends online???
ogoid (2008-02-06)
To everyone who can't update to version 1.08 because of the "INVALID CD KEY" error:I successfully updated mine game by patching the patch itself. (these are the instructions only for ArmA_InternationalUpdate105_108.exe version (972.517.376 bytes)):
open the file with any HEX editor (search google if you don't have) and set the 6 bytes starting at offset 0x000369EE all to 0x90. I.E.:
they are 0F 84 EF 02 00 00, but after editing become 90 90 90 90 90 90.
this will disable the cd key check.
thisisborin9 (2008-03-14)
... when i try to start it up, there's a error message that pops up and says "insert the original cd/dvd in. you are using a backup cd" or sumthing. anyone know how to fix it???MGhannu (2008-03-29)
Unable to mount image. File not accessible. what i have do get this workingsikke92 (2008-05-02)
Download this crack to make it easy without YASU just copy -> paste and enjoy (dont pach)
dertdamb (2008-07-10)
nice speed, KEEP SEEDING!!!!robu91 (2008-07-13)
When I try to start the game I get this message:Add this page to
SecuROM? has determined that emulation tools like 'Alcohol l20%' or 'Daemon Tools' are running. Please be informed that SecuROM? protected applications will not work with such tools.
* Please unmount your image, close these emulators, and insert the original disc in order to start the application.
So what should I do?
frogmassacre (2008-08-22)
When I try 2 mount it, it just says "Unable to mount image. File not accessible". What do i have 2 do?Nub667 (2008-08-25)
Please Seed Great Game Please SeeDNub667 (2008-08-25)
What do you meanif You Are Done with the download go to Google and press this
Download "DAEMON Tools" and you can run the game With It
And the code is WHJ8-LMTSA-NLR8L-MD1DE-E1KTA
Nub667 (2008-08-25)
ArmA Install Code is.WHJ8-LMTSA-NLR8L-MD1DE-E1KTA
Muhis117 (2008-10-08)
gettin 9 kbs -.- please seed.fludblud (2008-10-22)
'Unable to mount image. File not accessible'cederrowe (2009-02-04)
'Unable to mount image. File not accessible'When I try to put it in daemon tools. Is there something else to do?
James1994 (2009-02-11)
unable to mount image. file not accessibleziamatt (2009-03-08)
For all of you having the problem with the "Unable to mount. File not accessable." error message when trying to mount the image, it seems that the .mds and .mdf need to be the same name. I had the same problem and renaming luma-AAA.mdf to luma-AAA-AAA.mdf made it work fine. However the torrent becomes unable to seed it because of the name change. So why the uploader chose to do this is far beyond me.tomislavvidakovic (2009-04-04)
can somebody help me how to patch this game to 1.05 than 1.08 and etc to 1.15??please help with instructions because when I try to install patch 1.05 it writes CD KEY INVALID and it is irritating!please helpMrButterBiscuitz (2009-04-12)
When he said change the .mds file to .mdf he was wrong... The simple way to make it mount is to change all .mdf files to .mds, Daemon will only read the .mds file... Once you have done that simply mount the 2.9gb .mds file labeled Arma.AAA and it will work :D enjoy!Capt.Jambo (2009-04-13)
Hello, Hey lumaworks, I have installed it and used the HATRED crack, all went fine untill I tried to run the it. I takes long time to load and when it does somthing very strange comes up which I suspect it does not look like it should be...Major graphical problems...PC config
Intel core 2 duo 8200
4 gigs of ram
ATI 4870 1gig
Windows Vista &4bit Ultimate
xiIix (2009-04-28)
When are you fuck-holes going to learn that YOU CAN'T PLAY PIRATED GAMES ONLINE. EVER.The only games you can pirate and play online are games without cdkeys. If you wanna play online you HAVE TO BUY IT. Period. There is no way around this, there never has been. The only thing you can do is use programs like himachi, and they suck moose cock because noone ever uses it, and it can fuck with your winsock registry entries.
Drippy89 (2009-07-07)
"For all of you having the problem with the "Unable to mount. File not accessable." error message when trying to mount the image, it seems that the .mds and .mdf need to be the same name. I had the same problem and renaming luma-AAA.mdf to luma-AAA-AAA.mdf made it work fine. However the torrent becomes unable to seed it because of the name change. So why the uploader chose to do this is far beyond me. "This worked for me.
jay543 (2009-07-22)
OPEN THE .MDF file with RAR and it workssonicofs (2009-08-05)
I did everything you said but appears a msg box with
I run yasu but it`s the same msg, any help?