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The Battle for Barrels - Peak Oil Myths & World Oil Futures (Malestrom)
The Battle for Barrels - Peak Oil Myths & World Oil Futures (Mal
2009-04-27 (by malestrom_HH )
The Battle for Barrels: Peak Oil Myths & World Oil Futures
Publisher: Profile Books | ISBN: 1846680123 | edition 2009 | PDF | 224 pages
“The Battle for Barrels demonstrates that the doom and gloom of the peak oil theory is mistaken. Duncan Clarke rebuts the arguments of peak oil's adherents and discusses the issues they ignore-rising prices, new or future technologies, potential improved exploration, access to restricted world oil zones, changes in government policies, new corporate strategies, and more.
Files count:
1.08 Mb
fan666inhell (2010-05-08)
...i recommend the lecture "peak oil" by ian crane --->
fan666inhell (2010-05-08)
By Ken Adachi
October 22, 2004
This is a big story. It's an attempt by the Illuminati, working through their number one propaganda production factory, the Tavistock Institute in the City of London, to create the illusion that the world is rapidly running out of oil and within a few short years, we will experience unemployemnt, wars, famine, and all manner of horrendous strife as a result of the fallout from the now "rapdily vanishing" oil supplies. It's a scam from top to bottom. If you've noticed that gasoline prices are beginning to rise at gas pumps across America, you can thank this deception for that jump in gas prices and you can also expect those gasoline prices to continue to rise over time and possibly remain at unprecedented high levels from here on out, UNLESS enough Americans wake up to this deceit and demand an end to it.
There are large numbers of people out there trying to promote this scam through books, articles, lectures, films, television and talk radio. In America, Michael Ruppert of From the Wilderness is apparently the lead disinformation meister of this flimflam. Amy Goodman of Democracy Now is a Ford Foundation & Rockefeller Foundation funded Left Gatekeeper who, with her brother, have joined with Ruppert to not only promote the Peak Oil scam, but is a regular propagandist for the Global Warming hoax fronted by Illuminatus Al Gore.
KPFK radio, a 100,000 kilowatt FM radio station out of Los Angeles, is one of the five national radio outlets owned by the Pacifica Foundation and has been unrelentingly hammering out the Peak Oil and Global Warming propagnada mantras since Ruppert kicked off this Tavistock-hatched disinformation campaing in 2004.
The only two people, that I am aware of, with any sizeable readership who have been trying to expose these outrageous lies and monstrous distortions of the facts are Dave McGowan through his newsletters and Joe Vialls in articles published at this web site. I'll use this page to post articles from writers and researchers who are trying to expose this pretense, starting with Dave McGowan and Joe Vialls. (Update: Jan 21, 2004. Found a good article exposing Ruppert from Patrick Mooney of